
Dr. Seyni SALACK
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Campus Alpin - Institute of Meteorology and Climate Research (IMK-IFU)
Ballengasse 19a, 82467 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Mobile: +49-(0)175-8411934, Landline: +49-(0)8821-183246
E-mails: [email protected] /[email protected], Twitter: @ssalack,
skype: sesawu
Work Language: Fluent at English and French (Bilingual)
Date and Place of Birth: 01/01/1976 at Bonkoukou/Filingue in Niger Republic.
Citizenship: Niger citizen (Niger Republic).
Driving license: 158026NY (01/07/13)
1. PhD in Climate and Climatic Impacts in 2013 (Research title: Analysis of dry spells and
evaluation of uncertainties in regional climate models' precipitation, using a crop model.)
Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal.
2. M. Sc. in Atmospheric physics in 2007 (option: Meteorology, oceanography and arid land
management) Graduate school of the Ecole Supérieure Polytéchnique , Université Cheikh
Anta Diop , Dakar, Senegal (Research title: Caractérisation de la variabilité intra-saisonnière
de la pluie dans les modèles de climat, dans une perspective d’études d’impacts en
3. B. Sc. in Meteorology in 2004. Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State,
Nigeria (Undergraduate thesis title: Climate change impacts on Millet, Maize and Sorghum
and adaptation strategies in the Sahel: Niger perspectives of A2a, B2a scenarios )
4. Certificate of Proficiency in the English language in 1999. Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ilé Ifé, Osun state, Nigeria.
 15 March 2014 to present – Senior Scientist in Climate Monitoring, IMK-IFU of
Karlsruhe institute of Technology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany (Main duty:
Climate Observations Network Set-up and analysis in the framework of the West
African Science Service on Climate Change and adapted Land-use, WASCAL project)
 11 February 2013 to 10 February 2014 – Post-doctoral fellow, Agrhymet Regional
Centre, Niamey, Niger. (Main duty: Assessing agro-meteorological risks, crop models
and Climate change impacts on agriculture over West Africa, Teaching Agrometeorology,
Climatology, Climate impacts and adaptation science and Statistical data analysis)
 January 2009 to 23 January 2013 – Research Assistant, Ecole Supérieure
Polytechnique, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal (Main duty: Part-time
lecturer of statistical data analysis at the department of Computer Science, and
research assistant in Climate and climatic Impacts assessments on water and agricultural
 01 September to 30 November 2012 – Home-based International Consultant for the
Africa Adaptation Programme of the UN Development Programme (UNDP-AAP) at
the UN office and Project Services (UNOPS) in Dakar, Senegal (Main duty: Climate
scenario generation and applications support Expert for the Inter-Regional Technical
Support Component (IRTSC) that provides Inter-regional technical expertise and
capacity development support to the 20 countries members of AAP)
 October 2012 – Training Workshop facilitator to the Africa Adaptation Programme
of the UN Development Programme (UNDP-AAP) in Congo (Workshop on Climate
Change risks on agricultural resources and adaptation strategies , Congo, Brazzaville, 9-16
October 2012).
 September
2012 – Training Workshop facilitator to the Africa Adaptation
Programme of the UN Development Programme (UNDP-AAP) in Niger (Workshop on
Climate data analysis and Building climate change scenarios for impact assessments ,
Niamey, Niger 19-26 September 2012).
 July 2012 – Training Workshop facilitator to the Africa Adaptation Programme of
the UN Development Programme (UNDP-AAP) in Congo (Workshop on Climate data
analysis and Building climate change scenarios for Congo , Brazzaville 16-20 July 2012).
 June 2012 to July 2012
- Research Associate (visiting) at the International
Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), The Earth Institute at Columbia
 May to June 2012 – Training Workshop facilitator to the Africa Adaptation
(Workshop on the use of regional climate scenarios and decision support tools for
resources management
risk reduction, Maputo
Mozambique, May 20 to June 1, 2012).
 March 2012 – Training Workshop facilitator to UNDP-AAP in Burkina-Faso,
(Workshop on Climate data analysis, Ouagadougou, Burkina-Faso, 12-16 March 2012)
 December 2011 to March 2012 – Consultant to the ARCAD project (Crop adaptation
to climate change: genetic and evolutionary processes involved in phenological responses)
on the Assessment of observed rainfall and temperature changes in Guinea Conakry at
the Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le
Développement (CIRAD), Dakar, Senegal.
 September 2006 to May 2012 – Graduate Research Assistant, Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, Siméon Fongang, Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar,
 October 2006 to June 2012 – Part time teacher at the Senegalese-American Bilingual
School (SABS), Dakar, Senegal.
 January 2005 to August 2006 – Consultant to the joint project on “Etudes et
adaptation des populations aux changements climatiques au Sahel”, a collaboration
between the Canadian International Development Agency and Agrhymet on the
assessment of climate change impacts on agriculture in the CILSS countries, Niamey,
October 2006 to December 2009 – Contributor to the Franco-European Research
Project AMMA (“Analyse Multidisciplinaire de la Mousson Africaine”) at the Laboratory
for Atmospheric and Ocean Physics, UCAD, Senegal.
First Prize of the Best Poster Presentation at Africa climate conference (ACC-2013),
15-18 October 2013, Arusha, Tanzania.
 The 2012 STARTS Partnership Enhancement Award.
 Best Poster Presentation award at the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) Open
Science Conference, 24-28 October 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.
 Best Oral Presentation award at PhD students’ research day of Ecole Doctorale Eau,
Qualité et Usage de l’Eau (EDEQUE), University Cheikh Anta Diop, 16-17 May 2011.
Scholarship of the German Exchange Service (DAAD) for in-region-scholarship PhD
studies, 2009-2012 (Awardee number A/09/04677).
 The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF) grant for research students'
mobility (France-Senegal), 2010-2011.
 The West African Economic and Monetary Union (Union Economique et monétaire de
l'Afrique de l'Ouest, UEMOA) research grant of Excellency for graduate students,
 The Canadian Agency for international Development and Agrhymet, 2004 research grant
on climate change assessments.
1. Skills
Linking climate and crop models for impact assessments.
Statistical analysis applied to climate science: management and analysis of large
Climate Modelling and Seasonal Prediction
Global/Regional Circulation Model output analysis and post-processing.
Instrumentation, field experiment design and data collection (weather observations and
crop monitoring).
Statistical downscaling and synthetic scenario building for impact assessments
Crop model parameterization and validation using experimental data (DSSAT, SARRAH,
Knowledge of agricultural vulnerability and adaptation strategies to climate variability,
climate change and extremes.
Use of GIS and Geostatistics in environmental monitoring.
Experience in multi-disciplinary collaboration at local and international level (ICRISAT,
AGRHYMET, Direction de la Météorologie Nationale-Niger, LPAOSF/UCAD, CERAAS,
Teaching experience at university (UCAD, University of Thies, WASCAL Togo,
Agrhymet), high school level (Senegalese-American Bilingual school, SABS) and in
training workshops for professionals.
2. Computing skills
Operating systems: Unix/Linux, MS-Windows
Programming Languages : Shell (bash scripting), Fortran (g95, gfortran), R and NCL
scripts, Visual Basic (macro in EXCEL)
Special Software: R, NCL, Ferret, GrADS, NCO, CDO, WRF, Surfer, Instat+, DSSAT
Salack S, Sarr B, Sangare SK, Ly M, Sanda IS (2014) Crop-Climate ensemble scenarios
to narrow uncertainty in diagnostics of agroclimatic risk on short-cycle cultivars of Pearl
millet and maize. Climate Research (Under review).
Alhassane A, Salack S, Ly M, Lona I, Traore SB, Sarr B (2013) Evolution des risques
agroclimatiques associés aux tendances récentes du régime pluviométrique en Afrique de
l’Ouest soudano-sahélienne. Sécheresse 24 : 282-93. DOI: 10.1684/sec.2013.0400.
Giannini A, Salack S, Lodoun T, Ali A, Gaye AT, Ndiaye O (2013) A unifying view of
climate change in the Sahel linking intra-seasonal, inter-annual and longer time scales.
Salack S, Giannini A, Diakhaté M, Gaye AT Gaye, Muller B (2013) Oceanic influence on
the sub-seasonal to interannual timing and frequency of extreme dry spells over the
West African Sahel. Climate Dynamics. DOI: 10.1007/s00382-013-1673-4.
Salack S, Muller B, Gaye AT, Hourdin F, Cisse N (2012a) Analyses multi-échelles des
pauses pluviométriques au Niger et au Sénégal. Sécheresse 23 : 3-13. doi :
Salack S, Sultan B, Oettli P, Muller B, Gaye AT, Hourdin F (2012b) Représentation de la
pluie dans les modèles régionaux de climat et application à l'estimation des rendements
du mil au Sénégal. Sécheresse 23 : 14-23. doi : 10.1684/sec.2012.0332.
Smith JW, Reynolds AE, Pratt AS, Salack S, Klotz B, Battle TL, Grant D, Diop A, Fall T,
Gaye A, Robertson D, DeLonge MS, and Chan S (2012) Observations of an 11 September
Sahelian Squall Line and Saharan Air Layer Outbreak during NAMMA-06. International
Journal of Geophysics, Volume 2012, 14 pages. doi :10.1155/2012/153256.
Salack S, Muller B, Gaye AT Gaye (2011) Rain-based factors of high agricultural impacts
over Senegal. Part I : integration of local to sub-regional trends and variability. Theor
Appl Climatol, 106 :122. doi 10.1007/s00704-011-0414-z.
1. Salack S, Sarr B, Sangare SK, Alhassane A, Ly M, Traoré S, Sanda IS (2013) Crop-climate
ensemble scenarios to narrow uncertainty in the evaluation of climate change impacts on
agricultural production. Africa Climate conference (2013), 15-18 October 2013, Arusha, Tanzania
(First prize winner)
2. Salack S, Gaye AT, Giannini A, Muller B, Lazar A (2012) Potential predictability and influence
of the Atlantic Ocean on seasonal occurrence of extreme dry spells over the West African
Sahel. Work presented at the 4th international African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses. 2-6
July 2012, Toulouse, France.
3. Salack S, Muller B, Gaye AT Gaye, Hourdin F (2011). Dry spells analysis : Multi-scale detection,
attribution of impacts and sources of uncertainty using an integrative approach. Work presented at
the Open Science Conference (OSC) of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP) in Denver,
Colarado, USA. 25-28 October 2011. (WCRP 2011 Prize winner).
4. Salack S, Muller, B. and Gaye, A. T. (2010) Rain-based factors of high agricultural impacts over
Senegal. Part I : Integration of local to sub-regional observed changes. Work presented at Atelier
AMMA France 2010.
5. Salack S, Muller B., Gaye T. A., Hourdin F. (2010) Implication of low frequency dry spells
in seasonal and interannual rainfall variability in Senegal. Poster presentation at the WCRP/UNESCO
(GEWEX/CLIVAR/IHP) Workshop on metrics and methodologies of estimation of extreme climate
events. UNESCO headquarters, Paris 27-29 September 2010.
http ://
6. Salack S, Muller B., Gaye T. A., Hourdin F. (2009). Multi-scale intra-seasonal characterization of
dry spells in Senegal and their implication in the rainy season attributes. Poster presentation
at the 3rd international African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses, Burkina-FAso, 20-24 July
2009. http ://
7. Salack S, Muller B., Gaye T. A., Couna S., Fall M., (2009) : Updated space-time variability of
rainfall regimes and agro-climatic features in Senegal. Poster presentation at the international
African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analyses, Burkina-FAso, 20-24 July 2009.
http ://
1) Salack S (2013) Analyse des pauses pluviométriques et évaluation des incertitudes de la pluie
des modèles régionaux de climat à l'aide d'un modèle de culture. PhD Thesis. Université Cheikh
Anta Diop, Sénégal. 140p.
2) Salack S., (2007) Caractérisation de la variabilité saisonnière de la pluie dans les modèles de
climat, dans une perspective d’études d’impacts en agriculture. Masters
Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Dakar, Senegal. 60p.
3) Salack S, Sarr B (2006) Etude d’impacts des changements climatiques sur la production du riz
pluvial et irrigué en zones soudano-sahéliennes des pays membre du CILSS. Centre Régional
Agrhymet. Technical Report. 80p.
4) Salack S, Traore B, S (2005) Synthèse sur la collecte, la mise en forme et le stockage de
données climatologiques des pays du CILSS et Etude d’impacts des changements climatiques
sur la production agricole au Sahel. Ed. Agrhymet, Niamey. Technical Report. 100p
5) Salack S (2004) Climate change impact on Millet, Maize and Sorghum and adaptation
strategies in the Sahel: Niger perpectives of A2a, B2a scenarios.
Undergraduate thesis.
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo state, Nigeria. 56p.
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