Conseil et Contribution


Conseil et Contribution
Conseil et Contribution
Remember 20
You have created your collection SharePoint, defined and developed your taxonomy, modeled and implemented your
content types with metadata, created your lists and libraries, associated with the types of content required.
You are ready to collaborate, add and offer the content to the right.
But what about this search for your employees?
How to build effective search queries?
A powerful search engine in standard:
You note that SharePoint provides standard search engine and without any.
Figure 1 public Site
Figure 2 Team Site
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Conseil et Contribution
Remember 20
Search for text or files on a team site
Looking content without knowing exactly where it is located.
Start your search on the site's highest level of the collection where you assume the information is located.
You can then refine your results to find the information.
You can search the content by entering keywords or a specific phrase in quotation marks.
1. go to the site where search. Make sure you find on the site more high level for desired search results.
2. in the search box, type the word or phrase you want to find, and then click on the search button.
Figure 3 search box
3. by default, the search results are displayed according to their degree of relevance.
To filter the results differently, click left on the refining side.
This section appears contextually next to results and allows to filter by date, file type, author.
Figure 4 search results
Build effective queries.
[email protected] L'utilisation, la copie, la reproduction des textes de la page ci-dessus, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sont autorisées après accord du
rédacteur susnommé. Merci.
Conseil et Contribution
Remember 20
The construction of an efficient query to quickly find the desired information.
You can combine free text, expressions, logical operators and restrictions based on the properties to search for
Key elements related to writing an effective query:
Separate with spaces search terms:
The search results will give the list of all content containing all the words in any order.
2. Search ignoring case:
A search for "Content Type taxonomy" will give the same results as for "content type taxonomy.
3. Use quotation marks for exact results:
When you are sure that the desired document contains the exact words in the exact order of your query, place the
query in quotation marks. Otherwise, it is better to let the phrase without quotation marks.
4. Number of characters: A query must not exceed 255 characters.
You can also enter a new keyword search to change the scope of a result. This operation allows to restrict future requests to
the first set of results.
Notes: attachments to list items do not appear in the results of research.
Add a Boolean logic to query
SharePoint allows you to use Boolean logic with keywords and properties, which means connect them with the operators
AND, OR, NOT to build a significant request.
Reserved words AND gold and NOT must be in uppercase.
Use the following examples to help you create successful queries.
Logical operator
+ (PLUS)
Description and example
Use AND to find all the words in the documents, regardless of their relationship. For example,
taxonomy AND content search all documents containing both taxonomy and content, the two
terms are not necessarily dependent documents.
Use OR to find all documents containing the word. For example, a TAXONOMY OR search
finds all documents containing either of these key words
Use not to exclude certain results. For example, taxonomy AND content NOT Panel will
return documents containing the keywords taxonomy and content, but not Panel.
The taxonomy + content query will return all documents that contain both keywords.
The taxonomy + type – content query will return all documents containing the keywords
taxonomy and type but not content.
Add relational operators in a query.
You can also use relational operators and combine with Boolean logic
Relational operator
Description and example
Use with a property to specify equal. For example,
author:Trupel means that the author is equal to Trüpel.
: Colon
[email protected] L'utilisation, la copie, la reproduction des textes de la page ci-dessus, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sont autorisées après accord du
rédacteur susnommé. Merci.
Conseil et Contribution
< Less than
Remember 20
Use with dates and integers to specify the inferiority. For
example, Write < = 13-01-2013 will return all of the
contents that have been modified before January 13, 2013
Use with dates and integers to specify the superiority. For
example, Write > = 2013/08/07 will return all of the
contents that have been modified after 07 August 2013.
Idem lower date included
Ditto above date included
For example, property: value 1.valeur 2 indicates that the
property is greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal
to 2.
Example research change between two dates
Use with dates and integers for the exclusion. For example,
write 08/07/09 return all of the contents that have not
been modified on 8 July 2009.
> Greater than
< = less than or equal to
> = greater than or equal to
.. two points
(different from)
Search by using properties.
(Documents stored in SharePoint metadata) content properties and their values are stored during indexing of sites.
If you have specific information about the properties of an item, you can use them to create a query and search on this
When you create a search by using the properties, use no spaces between the property and the value.
Possible standard values (non-exhaustive list):
Path research on the contents of the URL
Size search on the size in bytes
Write research on the modification date
FileName lookup on the name of the file Description search on the description of the file
Title search on the title of the file
Author research about the author
DocKeywords search on a keyword (different from metadata)
DocComments research on a comment
CreatedBy research created by ModifiedBy research on modified by
Value of property
Title:Taxonomie OR author:trupel
Description and example
Search all content with taxonomy in the title or author
Search all content with taxonomy in the title or having
Trüpel as author but not having the SharePoint word in the
Search all content with taxonomy in the title changes
Title:Taxonomie OR author:trupel - Title:SharePoint
Title:Taxonomie write > 2013/08/25 AND write < = 30-
[email protected] L'utilisation, la copie, la reproduction des textes de la page ci-dessus, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sont autorisées après accord du
rédacteur susnommé. Merci.
Conseil et Contribution
Title:Taxonomie write > 2013/08/25 AND write < =
2013/08/30 - Wand
Remember 20
between August 25, excluded and included August 30
Search all content with taxonomy in the title changes
between August 25, excluded and included August 30 and
not containing the word wand
Search all containing the word cabbage content whose file
type is a word containing test document in the title and the
modified date is greater than or equal to August 20, 2013
ALL (cabbage) (FileExtension = "doc" gold FileExtension
= "docx" gold FileExtension = "dot" gold FileExtension
= 'docm' gold FileExtension = 'odt') Title:test AND
Write > = 2013/08/20
[email protected] L'utilisation, la copie, la reproduction des textes de la page ci-dessus, sous quelque forme que ce soit, sont autorisées après accord du
rédacteur susnommé. Merci.