Educational Background - UK


Educational Background - UK
Curriculum vitae:
Educational Background:
Classical Languages, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (1973-1974)
Theology, Rijksuniversiteit Utrecht (1974-1975)
Semitic Languages and Literature, University of Amsterdam (1976-1982), BA (1982);
Yiddish, Dr Leib Fuks (1980)
Jewish and Islamic Studies, Hebrew University, Jerusalem (1982-1985); Talmud, Center for
Conservative Judaism (dr. T. Friedman, 1983)
Hebrew and Arabic Language and Literature, Free University Amsterdam (1985-1988), MA
(1985); MA Thesis: "Al-Farabi’s Al-Mahut ha-Nefesh" (On the Essence of the Soul); Ph. D.
1989; Dissertation: "The Treatise of Qusta ibn Luqa on the Regimen During the Pilgrimage
to Mecca", supervised by Professor H.J. Daiber
Professional Experience:
1976-1988: Cataloguer of Hebraica, Judaica and Arabica for Antiquariaat Spinoza in
Amsterdam (part-time)
1988-1989: Trainee Research Assistant, Department of Semitic Languages, Free University
1990-1992: Researcher, Department of Semitic Languages, Free University Amsterdam
1992-1995: Research Fellow, The Wellcome Institute of the History of Medicine, University
College London
1993-1996: Tutor Jewish Studies, Leo Baeck College, London
1996-1997: Lecturer, Department of Hebrew and Jewish Studies, University College London
Professor, Chair for Jewish Studies at the Martin Buber Institut für Judaistik,
University of Cologne, Germany
Grants and Awards:
1988-1989: Lady Davis Graduate Fellowship
1992-1995: Wellcome Research Fellowship
1995-1996: Wellcome Research Fellowship
Wellcome University Award
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
University of California, Los Angeles, Maurice Amado Foundation, Research
The Institute for the Preservation of Ancient Religious Texts, Brigham Young
University, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
British Academy, Visiting Professor
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Research Grant
Deutsche Forschungs Gemeinschaft, Research Grant
1. Advisory Board of the Graeco-Arabic Sciences and Philosophy Series (GrASP), published
by Brigham Young University Press, since September 2001
2. Editorial Advisory Board of Aleph. An annual for Historical Studies in Science and
Judaism, edited by Gad Freudenthal
3. Editorial board of GALENOS rivista di filologia dei testi medici antichi, edited by Ivan
Editorial Activities:
Editor of The Kegan Paul Library of Jewish Studies, in cooperation with Tzvi Langermann,
published by Kegan Paul International.
Published volumes:
Dan Levene, Aramaic Incantation Bowls
Carmen Caballero, The Book of Women’s Love
I. Books
1. Qusta ibn Luqa’s Medical Regimen for the Pilgrims to Mecca. Edited with Translation &
Commentary. Leiden 1992.
2. Aristotle’s De Anima. Translated into Hebrew by Zerahyah ben Isaac ben She'altiel Hen.
Edited with Introduction & Linguistic Analysis. Leiden 1993.
3. Ibn al-Jazzar’s “Risala fi al-nisyan” (Treatise on Forgetfulness); critical edition of the
Arabic text and Hebrew translations with English translation and extensive commentary,
London 1995 (The Wellcome Asian Series, published by the Royal Asiatic Society).
4. Ibn al-Jazzar on Sexual Diseases: A critical edition, English translation and introduction of
Bk. 6 of Zad al-musafir wa-qut al-hadir (Provisions for the Traveller and the Nourishment of
the Settled), London 1997 (The Wellcome Asian Series, published by Kegan Paul).
5. Ibn al-Jazzar on Fevers: Critical edition, English translation and introduction of Bk. 7 chs.
1-6 of Zad al-musafir wa-qut al-hadir, London 2000 (The Wellcome Asian Series, published
by Kegan Paul).
6. Al-Kindi on Astrometeorology: A critical edition of Iggeret ba-lahuyyot u-va-matar (Letter
on Moistures and Rain), and Iggeret ba-Isshim ha-‘Elyonim (On the Causes of the [Forces]
Ascribed to the Heavenly Bodies, Indicating Rain), together with the Latin translations and
with translation into English, in collaboration with Dr Charles Burnett, London 2000 (The
Wellcome Asian Series, published by Kegan Paul).
7. Maimonides, On Asthma: A parallel Arabic-English edition edited, translated, and
annotated. Provo 2002.
8. Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms, vol. 1. A parallel Arabic-English edition edited,
translated, and annotated. Provo 2004.
9. Hebrew Medical Astrology, David Ben Yom Tov, Kelal Qatan. Critical edition of the
Hebrew text, and of the Latin translation, next to a modern English translation (in
collaboration with Charles Burnett and Tzvi Langermann), Philadelphia 2006 (American
Philosophical Society, Monograph Series).
10. Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms. Treatises 6-9. A parallel Arabic-English edition edited,
translated, and annotated. Provo 2007.
11. Maimonides, On Asthma, vol. 2: Critical Editions of Medieval Hebrew and Latin
Translations (in collaboration with Michael McVaugh). Provo 2008.
12. Maimonides, On Poisons. Critical edition of the Arabic text, medieval Hebrew and Latin
translations, with English translation (in collaboration with Michael McVaugh). Provo 2008.
1. Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms. Treatises 10-25 (3 vols). A parallel Arabic-English
edition edited, translated, and annotated. Provo 20092. Maimonides, On Hemorrhoids. Critical edition of the Arabic text, medieval Hebrew and
Latin translations, with English translation (in collaboration with Michael McVaugh).
3. Maimonides, De Coitu. Critical edition of the Arabic text, medieval Hebrew and Latin
translations, with English translation (in collaboration with Charles Burnett).
4. Maimonides, On the Regimen of Health. Critical edition of the Arabic text, medieval
Hebrew and Latin translations, with English translation (in collaboration with M. McVaugh).
5. Maimonides, On the Elucidation of Some Symptoms and the Response to them. Critical
edition of the Arabic text and Medieval Hebrew translations.
6. Galen, On Problematic Movements. Arabic text and Latin translations (in collaboration
with Vivian Nutton).
Work in progress:
1. Maimonides, Medical Aphorisms, vol. 6: Glossary and Indices.
2. Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush. Bk. 29: Glossary of medical and botanical terms
(in collaboration with Guido Mensching).
3. Berekhiah Ben Natronai ha-Nakdan: Koach ha-Avanim (On the virtues of stones): Critical
edition of the Hebrew text and English translation (in collaboration with Gad Freudenthal).
4. Ibn al-Jazzar on Skin Diseases and Other Afflictions of the Outer Part of the Body. Critical
edition, English translation and introduction of Bk. 7 chs. 7-30 of Zad al-musafir wa-qut alhadir (Provisions for the Traveller and the Nourishment of the Settled).
5. Averroes, Sefer Ba‘alei Hayyim. Critical edition of the Hebrew text with English
translation (in collaboration with R. Fontaine and D. Wirmer).
II. Articles
1. "A recovered Fragment on the Signs of Death from Abu Yusuf al-Kindi’s 'Medical
Summaries'", in: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch islamischen Wissenschaften, VI/
1990: 189-194.
2. "The Treatise of Ahrun on Lethal Drugs", in: Zeitschrift für Geschichte der arabisch
islamischen Wissenschaften, VII/1991/92: 136-171.
3. "The miswak, an aspect of dental care in Islam", in: Medical History, 37,1/1993: 68-79.
4. "Ibn al-Jazzar on women's diseases", in: Medical History, 37,3/1993: 296-312.
5. "Maimonides on the preservation of health", in: Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society,
3,4,2/1994: 213-235.
6. "Hayyim Vital’s Kabbalah Ma‘asit we-Alkhimiyah (Practical Kabbalah and Alchemy), a
seventeenth century 'Book of Secrets'", in: Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy,
4/1994: 55-112.
7. "Ibn al-Jazzar’s Risala fi al-nisyan and Constantine’s Liber de Oblivione", in: Constantine
the African and 'Ali ibn al-'Abbas al-Majusi. The Pantegni and Related Texts, Ed. by Ch.
Burnett and D. Jacquart, Leiden 1994: 203-233.
8. "Jewish traditions on Strengthening Memory and Leone Modena's Evaluation", in: Jewish
Studies Quarterly, 2,1/1995: 39-58.
9. "R. Moshe Narboni, Philosopher and physician: A critical analysis of Sefer Orah Hayyim",
in: Medieval Encounters, 2,1/1995: 219-251.
10. "Ibn al-Jazzar on sexuality and sexual dysfunction and the mystery of 'Ubaid ibn 'Ali Ibn
Juraja ibn Hillauf solved", in: Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam, 19/1995: 250-266.
11. "Baladhur (Marking-nut): A popular medieval drug for strengthening memory", in:
Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, LIX,2/1996: 229-236.
12. "Moshe Mizrachi on popular science in 17th century Palestine-Syria", in: Jewish Studies
Quarterly, 3,3/1996: 250-279.
13. "Maimonides, K. al-fusul fi l-tibb (Medical Aphorisms): Towards a critical edition and
new translation into English", in: Qoroth 12/1996-1997: 35-79.
14. "Ibn al-Jazzar on medicine for the poor and destitute", in: Journal of the American
Oriental Society 118,3/1998: 365-375.
15. "Ma'amar R. Barzilay: Perush 'Eser Sefirot le-Rabbi Barzilay mi-Geronah" (in
cooperation with Eric Pellow), in: Sefunot, New Series,7(22)/1999: 367-377.
16. "Editing medieval Hebrew medical manuscripts: R. Barkai, A history of Jewish
gynaecological texts in the Middle Ages", Review essay; in: Jewish Quarterly Review,
LXXXIX/1998: 101-21.
17. "Medico-philosophical controversies in Nathan b. Jo'el Falaquera Sefer Zori ha-Guf" (in
collaboration with Dr R. Fontaine), in: Jewish Quarterly Review, XC/1999: 27-60.
18. "Macer Floridus, 'A Middle Hebrew Fragment with Romance Elements'" (in cooperation
with Professor Guido Mensching), in: Jewish Quarterly Review, XCI/2000: 17-51.
19. "Al-Kindi, K. fi 'ilm al-katif (The Book on the Knowledge of the Shoulderblade)" (in
collaboration with Charles Burnett), in: Corpus Christianorum, Continuatio Mediaevalis
CXLIV,C, Hermes Latinus IV,4: Hermes Trismegisti. Astrologia et Divinatoria. Cura et
Studio: Gerrit Bos, Charles Burnett, Thérése Charmasson, Paul Kunitsch, Fabrizio Lelli,
Paolo Lucentini, Turnhout 2001: 285-347.
20. "Shem Tov Ben Isaac, 'Glossary of Botanical Terms, nrs 1-18'" (in collaboration with
Guido Mensching), in: Jewish Quarterly Review, XCII/2001: 1-20.
21. "The reception of Galen in Maimonides’ Medical Aphorisms", in: The unknown Galen,
London, Institute of Classical Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London
2002: 139-152.
22. "Hebrew Medical Synonym Literature: Romance and Latin Terms and their
Identification" (in collaboration with Guido Mensching), in: Aleph. Historical Studies in
Science & Judaism, 5/2005: 11-53.
23. "Las obras médicas de Maimónides y su contribución a su biografía", in: Maimónides.
Médico. Un capítulo de la historia de la medicina española. Ed. Carlos del Valle Rodríguez.
Madrid 2005: 109-122.
24. "A 15th Century medico-botanical synonym list (Ibero-Romance-Arabic) in Hebrew
characters" (in collaboration with Guido Mensching), in: Panace@, VII,24/2006
25. "A Pseudo-Galenic Treatise on Regimen: The Hebrew and Latin Translations from
Hunayn Ibn Ishaq's Arabic Version" (in collaboration with Ivan Garofalo), Aleph 7.
Historical Studies in Science & Judaism, 7/2007: 43-95.
26. "Pseudo-Galen, 'al-Adwiya 'l-maktuma', with the commentary of Hunayn ibn Ishaq" (in
collaboration with Tzvi Langermann), Suhayl 6/2006: 81-112 .
27. “Medizinische Synonymliteratur in hebräischen Quellen zwischen Rezeption und
Innovation: Shem Tov Ben Isaac von Tortosa und seine Übersetzung des Kitab al-tasrif von
al-Zahrawi”, in: Persistenz und Rezeption. Weiterverwendung, Wiederverwendung und
Neuinterpretation antiker Werke im Mittelalter. Herausgegeben von D. Boschung und S.
Wittekind. Wiesbaden 2008: 65-83.
28. “The Creation and Innovation of Medieval Hebrew medical terminology: Shem Tov Ben
Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush”, in: Islamic Thought in the Middle Ages. Studies in Text,
Transmission and Translation, in Honour of Hans Daiber. Edited by Anna Akasoy and Wim
Raven. Leiden-Boston 2008, pp. 195-218.
29. “Maimonides’ Medical Works and their Contribution to his Medical Biography”
Maimonidean Studies. Vol. 5. Ed. by A. Hyman and A. Ivry. New York 2008, pp. 243-266.
30. "The Introduction of Sergius of Resh'aina to Galen's Commentary on Hippocrates' On
nutriment" (in collaboration with Tzvi Langermann) (submitted to: Journal of Semitic
31. Maimonides on Medicinal Measures and Weights (forthcoming: Aleph).
32. Medical terminology in the Hebrew tradition: Shem Tov Ben Isaac, Sefer ha-Shimmush,
book 30 (forthcoming: Journal of Semitic Studies).
33. Research into the Cairo Genizah and the Mastery of Ancient and Medieval Hebrew and
Arabic Medical Literature: E. Lev & Z. Amar, Practical Materia Medica of the Medieval
Eastern Mediterranean According to the Cairo Genizah, Leiden 2008 (bibliographical essay)
(forthcoming: European Journal of Jewish Studies).
34. The Black Death in Hebrew literature: Abraham Ben Solomon Ḥen’s Tractatulus de
pestilentia; Edition of the Hebrew text and English translation (with Supplement on the
Romance terminology by Guido Mensching); (forthcoming: Jewish Studies Quarterly).
35. The Black Death in Hebrew literature: Treatise on Pestilential Fever (composed by an
anonymous author). Edition of the Hebrew text with English translation and Glossary;
(forthcoming: European Journal of Jewish Studies).
36. Une liste de synonymes médico-botaniques en caractères hébraiques avec des éléments
occitans et catalans (in collaboration with Guido Mensching; forthcoming in the Proceedings
of the Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes. IXe Congrès International à Aix-laChapelle, 30 août 2008).
Work in progress:
1. "A Hebrew-Old French glossary of animal names in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14:
Edition, translation and analysis." (in cooperation with Guido Mensching and Julia Zwink)
2. "Galen, De malitia complexionis diversae. Critcal edition of the Arabic, Hebrew, and Latin
translations." (in collaboration with Michael McVaugh and Joseph Shatzmiller).
3. Book Reviews:
1. Haskell D. Isaacs, Medical and Para-medical Manuscripts in the Cambridge Genizah
Collections, Cambridge 1994, Medical History 31 (Oct. 1995).
2. Abu Ma‘shar. The Abbreviation of the Introduction to Astrology. Together with the
Medieval Latin Translation of Adelard of Bath. Edited & Translated by Ch. Burnett, K.
Yamamoto & M. Yano. Leiden, 1994, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 116.1
3. Daniel Martin Varisco, Medieval Agriculture and Islamic Science. The Almanac of a
Yemeni Sultan, Seattle and London 1994, Journal of the American Oriental Society, 116.1
4. Ron Barkai, A history of Jewish gynaecological texts in the Middle Ages, Leiden 1998,
extensive book review ( Jewish Quarterly Review LXXXIX, Nos. 1-2, 1998: 101-122).
5. Research into the Cairo Genizah and the Mastery of Ancient and Medieval Hebrew and
Arabic Medical Literature: E. Lev & Z. Amar, Practical Materia Medica of the Medieval
Eastern Mediterranean According to the Cairo Genizah, Leiden 2008 (bibliographical essay)
(see above).
Felix Hedderich | 04.08.2008