The dawning of a new era?


The dawning of a new era?
Page 24
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The dawning of a new era?
MELANGE DES GENRES. Derrière The Skints se cachent quatre jeunes musiciens de l’est de Londres. Part & Parcel, leur
deuxième album, est sorti le 29 janvier dernier. Depuis, le groupe de ska/reggae/punk s’est lancé dans une grande tournée française. Shelly De Vito, notre responsable des CD audio, a joint par téléphone Joshua Waters Rudge, le guitariste et
chanteur du groupe.
got two albums out. How did you come together?
A: The story of The Skints coming together is
actually an incredibly boring story; we were
just four friends from school basically...
3. Q: Were you all trained in music? A: I don’t
have any classical musical training at all, and
Marcia has lots of classical musical training,
so a lot of The Skints’ music has come together through my vision and ideas and Marcia actually making that be able to happen
as a musical arrangement.
4. Q: Ska, reggae, punk… Could you tell us about
the different genres the Skints refer to? A: Basically, the kind of music that The Skints play
is a broad range of different kinds of Jamaican music from the last forty years re-
ally, starting with ska music, which then
turned into rocksteady, which turned into
reggae and became roots and dubs, and we
play it in a style that we obviously wear our
heart on our sleeve where we’re from. We
also have a bit of a punk rock style to it... not
necessarily the punk sound but just a freethinking attitude towards it, like an independent DIY work ethic to the way we run
our band as well as how we write music.
5. Q: How have things changed from putting out
your first album to the second? A: When we did
our first album, we’d probably been touring
for about a year. We were very young and very
naive to the whole making an album process
and it was fun, and for what it was we’re very
proud of it, but, two years later, when we went
to do the second album, we’d been on tour for
another two years and had a much better understanding of what The Skints was and what
we think The Skints should sound like. Next
time we’ll probably going to come with something completely different, it’s just evolving
the whole time, and we can’t really tell where
it’s going to go! ●
Q: Can you explain the name of the band, The
Skints? A: If you’re skint, it means you have
no money, or you’re broke. We thought of
that name when we were very young, because obviously we were just simply kicking
around, too young to have jobs, and weren’t
really up to much, apart from hanging out
with friends… The Skints was relevant.
2. Q: With an average age of 23, you’ve already
The dawning of a new
La naissance d’une
nouvelle ère ?
(réf. au titre d’une chanson du groupe de musique
ska The Specials)
skint (arg.) fauché, raide / broke fauché / obviously
manifestement, évidemment / to kick around traîner, glander / we weren’t up to much on ne faisait pas grand chose / to hang, hung, hung out
traîner / relevant pertinent, adéquat, approprié.
2. average moyen / actually en réalité, en fait /
boring ennuyeux.
3. to train former / training formation.
4. ska musique populaire jamaïcaine / broad large,
vaste / range éventail, variété / rocksteady genre
musical apparu en Jamaïque au milieu des années
1960 issu du ska et dont a dérivé le reggae / roots
reggae des origines, authentique, portant les valeurs
du mouvement rastafari / dub genre musical apparu
dans les années 60 issu du reggae jamaïcain / to
wear, wore, worn one’s heart on one’s sleeve montrer ses émotions, ses sentiments / DIY= do-it-yourself bricolage, ici artisanat, improvisation.
5. proud fier.
The Skints réanime la scène du ska !
Qu'est-ce que le ska ? Ecoutez notre
interview avec Josh Rudge des
Skints sur l’Advanced pour le savoir !

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