Better Sleep Tips


Better Sleep Tips
Better Sleep Tips
(YouTube, 2012)
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Hi, I’m Lisa from Coffey Talk.
Are you feeling stressed out – not getting enough sleep? Well, a new study from Oklahoma State University
says that stress and sleep have a very complex relationship. While we know that stress can cause us to lose
sleep, now we know that losing sleep, the quantity and quality of sleep that we really need can cause our stress
to elevate. So what do we do about it? I’ve got some tips to help us catch up on those much needed Zs.
Let’s start in the bedroom.
This is your sleep environment, so make sure that it’s conducive for sleep. That means clear out the clutter.
Turn off the TV, turn off the cell phone and keep your laptop in the other room. And when it’s time for bed,
make sure the room is cool and dark. Darkness triggers melatonin and that helps your body to relax and get you
into that state where you can really get a good night’s sleep.
Also, take a good look at your mattress. This is where you spend a third of your life, so you wanna make sure
that it’s comfortable. If you’re waking up with achy muscles or a sore back, that might be the sign that you
need a new mattress.
The OSU study showed that people who slept on a new mattress as opposed to one that was five years old or
older got a better night’s sleep. So check your mattress for signs of wear. Also, is your mattress big enough for
you? If your honey is bumping into you at the night, in the night or tossing and turning or your pooch is
pushing you aside, you might wanna upgrade to a queen-size or king-size mattress.
What you do during the day will affect how you sleep at night, so you wanna be sure to be living a healthy life
style, and that includes watching what you eat. Include a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables and whole-grains in your
Exercise at least thirty minutes a day, and get some sunshine every day. Artificial light can interfere with sleep,
so make sure that you take some breaks during the day to walk around and get some sunshine.
Avoid caffeine and alcohol, especially three hours before bedtime because both interfere with sleep. And don’t
eat anything too heavy before bedtime either, otherwise your body will be busy digesting instead of settling
itself into slumber. Spend some time winding down before you go to bed. Instead of going directly from the
computer or TV to bed, relax by listening to some soft music or reading a good book. Maybe take a warm bath
or have a small cup of herbal tea.
Get to bed at the same time each night so that your body gets programmed into knowing that this is the routine.
Ayurveda recommends that 10 pm is the ideal bed time in keeping with the rhythms of nature. Ayurveda also
recommends that we use natural fabrics, like one-hundred percent organic cotton in our clothing and in our bed
Follow these tips and you’ll be sleeping soundly in no time. Sweet dreams!
01. stressed out
02. tips
03. to catch up on Zs
04. conducive
05. clear out the clutter
06. cell phone
07. laptop
des conseils, astuces
rattraper du sommeil
se débarrasser du désordre (de ce qui n’est pas nécessaire)
téléphone portable
PC portable
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08. make sure the room is cool and dark
09. darkness triggers
10. get you into that state
assurez vous qu’il fait frais et sombre dans la pièce
l’obscurité déclenche
vous mettre dans un état de ..
11. take a good look at your mattress
12. you spend a third of your life
13. you wanna (= want to) make sure
examinez de près votre matelas
vous passez un tiers de votre vie
vous voulez être sûr
14. achy muscles
15. sore back
16. as opposed to one
17. signs of wear
18. your honey
19. bumping into you
20. tossing and turning
21. pooch
22. pushing you aside
23. you might wanna upgrade
24. queen-size mattress
25. king-size mattress
muscles douloureux / des courbatures
mal de dos
par rapport à celui
signes d’usure
votre chéri(e)
se tourne et se retourne
(fam.) toutou
pousse vers le côté
vous voulez peut-être améliorer (en remplaçant)
un matelas XL
un matelas XXL
26. whole-grains
27. diet
28. get some sunshine
(pain, riz, etc) complet
prendre du soleil, aller au soleil
29. to take some breaks
30. otherwise
31. to settle itself into slumber
32. to wind down
33. herbal tea
faire des pauses
se préparer pour dormir (slumber = sommeil paisible)
se décontracter, se détendre
la tisane
34. get to bed
35. gets programmed
36. Ayurveda
37. fabrics
38. organic cotton
39. clothing
40. bed sheets
41. to sleep soundly
42. in no time
43. sweet dreams
aller au lit, se coucher
se ‘programme’, se conditionne
sagesse et médicine traditionnelle venant de l’Inde
coton bio
les draps
dormir profondément, ‘dormir sur ses deux oreilles’
en un rien de temps
faîtes de beaux rêves!