The Coaching Square est un établissement


The Coaching Square est un établissement
DW • 45
The Coaching Square est un établissement reconnu par
la Fédération Internationale de Coaching (ICF) comme
école de formation coaching certifiante par ICF.
TCS est donc la première école de coaching
trilingue (Néerlandais/Français/Anglais) de Belgique !
The Coaching Square se veut le fer de
lance du vrai métier de Business-Coach.
En tant qu’expert en la matière, The Coaching Square forme des coachs professionnels
certifiables par ICF, coach managers, dirigeants et équipes, supervise les coachs professionnels et guide les organisations vers le
People Management, avec pour credo:
“Bottom line : it is all about
people and performance!”.
The Coaching Square s’adresse aussi bien
au manager, dirigeant et leader qu’au business, personal ou life coach.
Nous avons élaboré un trajet en trois
étapes : ROOT©, GROW© et BLOOM© sur
base des 11 compétences du coach conformément à l’ICF. Le programme ROOT© et
GROW© est un concept total qui vous permettra en tant que coach professionnel de
réaliser confortablement des interventions
« actives » sur les différents niveaux logiques
de conscience.
Business coaching is onze core business.
Wij zijn uw business partner in perceptieverruiming en ontwikkeling.
Het effect hiervan is:
• dat mensen bewuste en gewenste keuzes
• die bijdragen aan het succes van zichzelf
en het bedrijf;
• dat de juiste mensen op de juiste plaats
optimaal functioneren;
waardoor een rendabele en duurzame
prestatie mogelijk wordt;
dat medewerkers vanuit betrokkenheid
en motivatie het beste van zichzelf geven;
• zodat uw bedrijf vitaliteit en energie uitstraalt, een plaats waar het goed is om te
Stel dat het in uw bedrijf lukt
om uw mensen uit te dagen om hun
talenten ten volle te benutten binnen het
om uw mensen mee te krijgen in uw
enthousiasme voor uw doelen;
• om uw missie, visie en waarden te laten
doordringen tot op de werkvloer;
om voldoende vertrouwen te creëren
zodat mensen duidelijk met elkaar
durven communiceren, zodat mensen
fier zijn en ervan dromen om in dit bedrijf
te mogen werken.
Dan hebt u de juiste
keuze gemaakt:
The Coaching Square –
uw partner in duurzame groei!
Wij ondersteunen u bij de
implementatie van ‘strategisch
people management’.
The need for coaching in business
and its value
Many organizations have been increasing
their use of coaching as part of their growth
strategy in the past years because coaching
has shown to produce financial results and
benefits in many areas in business : coaching
impacts both work output (30%) and work
quality (40%) and creates sustainable performance and business results, enhanced time
management, a higher level of self-awareness
and self-confidence, a more balanced life,
smarter goal-setting, a lower stress level, enhanced communication, increased profitability
in business, empowered employees, increased
customer service, higher retention ratios, less
complaints, reduced turnover, higher top line
revenues and bottom line profitability, improved relationships, reduced conflicts, higher
job satisfaction, increased organizational
commitment, improved teamwork, increased
decision-making etc. The pace of change also
accelerates coaching demand as the capacity
of an executive coach to stimulate new thinking becomes even more vital in a situation
of change. Coaching accelerates the development of next generation leaders. It is a key
enabler for leadership development because
the individual can work privately and individually with his or her coach to develop specific
leadership competencies and understandings.
Business coaching is an expanding industry
because it is a cost effective means of achieving phenomenal results for teams and businesses. Today more and more organizations
are wondering: “Can we afford not to use
coaches?" Coaching is increasingly being utilized because leaders and managers welcome
support and challenge from someone outside
their immediate work environment. Coaching
provides for an individual “thought partner”
to help the executive or manager confidentially think through important decisions in an
enhanced manner. Our society is in a period
of transition. We are at the verge of a new
era - the “human age” - where it is no longer
mass production and capitalism that drives
economy but the human potential and the
knowledge economy. This requires a new kind
of leadership: Authentic Leadership. Leaders
will need to create sustainable relationships
for achieving sustainable business results.
They will need to be able to connect with
people, to coach and unlock their potential
instead of having all the answers themselves.
They will need to stimulate self-responsibility
in people. Leaders will need to acquire a coaching attitude built on authenticity, genuine
interest in people, integrity, credibility, competence and character. The program People
Focused Management prepares leaders for
this future.
Plus d’info – more information – meer informatie :
[email protected]

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