Marc McKee: Soft bones and teeth


Marc McKee: Soft bones and teeth
SÉMINAIRE Lundi 5 octobre 1212-13h
Salle 208 EA2496 UFR Odontologie Paris Descartes
Marc McKee:
McKee: Soft bones and teeth:
A tale of osteomalacia / odontomalacia
(with a happy ending)
Professor Marc D. McKee, McGill University in Montreal, Faculties of Dentistry and Medicine. He received
his B.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from McGill University in cell biology, followed by postdoctoral training at
Harvard / The Children’s Hospital Boston. He held appointments at the Forsyth Institute in Boston and then
University of Montreal, and is at McGill University since 1998.
Prof. McKee's research focuses on biomineralization in bones, teeth, otoconia and eggshells, and in
pathologic calcification. With over 200 scientific articles published in books and in journals such as Nature,
Nature Genetics, Cell, J. Exp. Medicine, J. Cell Biology, Development, Circulation, Advanced Materials,
Biomaterials, J. Bone Mineral Research and J. Dental Research, Prof. McKee has received two Distinguished
Scientist Awards from the International Association for Dental Research – the Young Investigator Award
(1996) and the Research in Biological Mineralization Award (2003). He has an h-index of 54 and >13,000
citations for his research publications, and he recently finished a 6-year term on the Scientific Advisory
Board of the Institute for Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis of the Canadian Institutes for Health
EA 2496 Orofacial Pathologies, Imaging and Biotherapies, Faculté de chirurgie dentaire Université Paris Descartes Sorbonne Paris Cité 1 rue Maurice Arnoux 92120 Montrouge, France