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here - World Entrepreneurship Forum
World Entrepreneurship Forum 2012
Selection of quotes from our international media coverage
(139 articles in 30 countries)
(...) Innovative ideas have been debated at the World Entrepreneurship Forum gathering in
France around 200 people from various countries. The aim of this group is to compare and
share experiences on which ecosystems are more likely to stimulate entrepreneurship (...)
“Empreendedorismo é saída para a criação de riqueza e justiça social. Ideias inovadoras são
debatidas no Fórum Mundial de Empreendedorismo, que reuniu cerca de 200 pessoas de
diferentes países na França (...).O objetivo dos grupos reunidos nesse evento é compartilhar
experiências de criação de ecossistemas que inspirem e favoreçam a atividade
empreendedora. Para os europeus, essa é a saída para retomar o crescimento em um cenário
de recessão e desconfiança da capacidade de grandes corporações gerarem impacto
econômico e social em seus países. (...) Os americanos, por sua vez, apostam nos jovens como
motores de transformação. Em um momento de extrema cautela na oferta de capital para
novos negócios, o crowdfunding é o centro das atenções. (...)Já os africanos, asiáticos e
sulamericanos vieram mostrar exemplos de como conseguiram criar ambientes para dinamizar
e formalizar atividades empreendedoras. (...)Mercados informais também fazem parte desse
ambiente. "É um erro ignorar e querer erradicar a economia informal. Esses empreendedores
devem ser treinados e incluídos para aumentar a riqueza do país", defende camaronesa Kah
Walla, considerada pelo Banco Mundial uma das 7 mulheres mais empreendedoras da
Bruna Maria Martins Fontes 06/11/2012
(…)The World Entrepreneurship Forum is a great opportunity to catch up with ideas and best
practices coming from all over the world. So much has been achieved by this international
Forum since its very first edition (…) Celebrating its 5th anniversary, the forum looks towards
2050, a transitional period at which entrepreneurs should have become the most powerful
change-making force in the world (…)
“En plein coeur de Lyon, le World Entrepreneurship Forum représente une occasion
formidable de se mettre au diapason de pratiques et d’idées provenant des quatre coins du
monde. Que de chemin parcouru depuis la 1ère édition de ce forum international réunissant
entrepreneurs, acteurs politiques, professeurs et étudiants pour qui l’entrepreneuriat se vit,
s’enseigne, se dissémine, se rêve… Soufflant ses cinq bougies cette année, le forum jette à la
fois un regard vers le futur, en soutenant que 2050 sera l’année charnière où les entrepreneurs
seront devenus la plus grande force de changement de la planète. Une force créatrice de
prospérité économique et de justice sociale. Les entrepreneurs sont en effet, de par leur nature
intrinsèque, les seuls capables de transformer les problèmes que nous visons en
opportunités ”. Rina Marchand 26/10/2012
« Gathering 200 company heads, social entrepreneurs, experts and policy-makers from 60
countries, the 5th edition of the World Entrepreneurship Forum chose the « entrepreneurial
ecosystems” as its topic of the year. (…) As for biological ecosystems, entrepreneurial
ecosystems depend on their local environments (policy and tax frameworks, access to supply,
financial ressources, education system…) and their community (business partners, suppliers,
competition, parasites …)”.
“Réunissant 200 chefs d’entreprise, entrepreneurs sociaux, experts et décideurs politiques de
60 pays, la 5ème édition du World Entrepreneurship Forum avait pour thème, cette année,
“les écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux” et la façon dont ils peuvent servir, non seulement la
prospérité, mais aussi la justice sociale. Les expériences souvent citées en la matière sont la
Silicon Valley en Californie, les programmes mis en place par le MIT à Boston, les politiques
d’encouragement aux entreprises en démarrage en Israël ou encore à Singapour. Comme leurs
versions écologiques, ces écosystèmes sont constitués à la fois d’un environnement
(politiques, fiscalité, accès au marché, ressources financières, infrastructures, système
d’éducation, main d’œuvre disponible etc…» et d’acteurs (partenaires d’affaires, soustraitants, concurrents, parasites). » Eric Desrosiers 08/11/201
« (…)After having sold his mobile phone company Celtel for 3,4 billion dollars in 2005, the
anglo-soudanese Mo Ibrahim decided to dedicate himself to better governance in Africa. M.
Ibrahim has been honored as “Entrepreneur of the Year” during the World Entrepreneurship
Forum in Lyon late october”.
““Gardez votre aide, mais divulguez vos contrats”: après avoir vendu son entreprise de
téléphonie mobile Celtel pour 3,4 milliards de dollars en 2005, l’Anglo-Soudanais Mo
Ibrahim a décidé de se consacrer à l’amélioration de la gouvernance sur le continent africain.
M. Ibrahim a été sacré Entrepreneur de l’année lors du World Entrepreneurship Forum, tenu à
Lyon fin octobre » Marie-Claude Morin 16/11/2012
QQ News
“Mr. Feng Guoming, Vice-Secretary of Hangzhou city, gave a speech at the World
Entrepreneurship Forum and presented Hangzhou’s innovative characteristics to the world.
Further to the forum, the members of the Hangzhou city delegation met with representatives
of local companies, of the Lyon Chamber of Commerce & Industry and professors at
EMLYON Business School and established a plat-form enabling the future cooperation
between both countries, regions and cities of Lyon and Hangzhou.” 01/11/2012
Qianjiang Evening News
,以帮助建立起可持续的经济发展和社会正义 。
“Entrepreneurship and innovation spirit are the global trends that will lead the future
development of the world and at the World Economic Forum, we also exchanged our opinions
about various ways to foster innovation” said Mr. Wu Xiaobo, Dean of the School of
Management at Zhejiang University. “Nowadays the whole world is trying to establish
efficient eco-systems, especially in the developing countries, in order to create sustainable
economic development and social justice.” 01/11/2012
« The energy of the world (…) As France is losing time in fruitless debates on key issues
without giving itself the means to revive its economy, the rest of the World is full of vitality as
proved by the last edition of the World Entrepreneurship Forum organized recently by
EMLYON Business School. (…) Entrepreneurship is a philosophy of life”.
“L’énergie du monde ». « Alors que la France se perd dans des débats byzantins sur des sujets
essentiels sans se donner les moyens de rebondir, le reste du monde affiche une étonnante
vitalité, comme l’a montré la dernière édition du World Entrepreneurship Forum, organisé
récemment par EMLYON Business School. Plus de deux cents enseignants, consultants, et
entrepreneurs de 60 pays ont participé à cette manifestation dont l’équipe d’organisation est
dirigée par Caroline Le Brun. (…) L’entreprise n’est pas seulement l’art de maitriser les
chiffres. Elle est aussi une philosophie de la vie ». Yann Le Galès 12/11/2012
« In Lyon, in front of a gathering of entrepreneurs from all over the world (…) Mo Ibrahim
concludes his speech with those words: ‘my generation of entrepreneurs crudely laked moral
structure. One can now observe the consequences. I therefore count on you.”
“Mohamed Ibrahim pose son jet à Lyon pour quelques heures. Il est attendu au World
Entrepreneurship Forum qui va lui décerner le titre d’ «entrepreneur de l’année ». (…) A
Lyon, devant un parterre d’entrepreneurs du monde entier, les yeux rivés sur les officiels du
premier rang, Mo conclut son discours par ces mots : « Ma génération d’entrepreneurs et de
leaders a cruellement manqué de structure morale. On en voit les conséquences. Je compte
donc sur vous ». Flore Vasseur 12/11/2012
« This year, the World Entrepreneurship will try to better define and understand the outlines
and characteristics of entrepreneurial ecosystems so as to share their best practices. (…) It
will then publish a white book with recommendations to influence the global agenda towards
« Cette année, le World Entrepreneurship Forum aura pour enjeu de mieux cerner les contours
et les caractéristiques des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux afin d’en partager les bonnes
pratiques. Notion peu connue hors des cercles académiques, un écosystème entrepreneurial est
pour Michel Coster, Directeur de l’Incubateur EMLYON et expert en entrepreneuriat, « un
système rassemblant tous les acteurs de l’environnement économique : innovateurs,
laboratoire de recherche, jusqu’aux entrepreneurs. En bref, tout ce qui permet de passer de
l’innovation à la croissance. Alors que la culture entrepreneuriale est particulièrement
questionnée en ce moment en France, l’Hexagone propose-t-il un terreau propice au
développement de tels écosystèmes ? Pour Michel Coster, « les pôles de compétitivité sont un
bon exemple d’écosystème pertinent. Cependant, en France, nous sommes dans une culture de
la méfiance, du contrôle : ces comportements individualiste sont antinomiques avec la culture
de l’ouverture, du travail collaboratif inhérent à un bon écosystème entrepreneurial où l’idée
est de faire plus grand à plusieurs. » Le WEF tentera donc de mettre à jours les meilleurs
pratiques et publiera un Livre Blanc qui proposera des recommandations afin influencer
l'agenda global en faveur de l'entrepreneuriat ». Valérie Talmon 22/10/20
Times of India
“An entrepreneurial ecosystem is the future roadmap. Tirna Ray reports on the fifth edition
of the World Entrepreneurship Forum, which was held in Lyon, France, from October 24-
27”. “With the world changing at a radical pace, the 21century will need more entrepreneurs
than ever in all domains. While the need to create more jobs is becoming imperative against
an uncertain global economy, it is equally important to ensure that the jobs are socially,
economically and environmentally sustainable. To achieve this goal, an entrepreneurial
ecosystem is the future roadmap.” Tirna Ray, 30/10/2012
“Entrepreneurship can set the world free from poverty”. (…) “National entrepreneur Mooryati
Soedibyo, thinks that high-quality education and entrepreneurship skills can save the world
out of crisis. “Entrepreneurship spirit can bring prosperity by accustoming people to become
more positive in their way of thinking and in their work”, she stated at the 5th edition of the
World Entrepreneurship Forum in Lyon, France, October 24-27. The founder of PT Musika
Ratu Tbk, a member of the forum’s think-tank since the very beginning, said “there is a need
for tangible actions to boost and facilitate the role of entrepreneurs in every country.
Governments and private sectors must seriously be pro-active and have more courage to take
entrepreneurial measures”. 01/11/2012
“The World Entrepreneurship Forum – think of it as the ‘other WEF’ – is a global community
and think-tank of entrepreneurs, social entrepreneurs, experts and politicians chosen for their
entrepreneurial achievements and their commitment to society. It began in 2008 from
discussions between a few international decision-makers concerned by the state of the world.
“Those lessons and best practices can be adapted to one’s own country and ecosystem,” says
NAZRIN Hassan, the chief executive officer of Cradle Fund Sdn Bhd – the non-profit agency
under Malaysia’s Ministry of Finance that manages the Cradle investment fund. The World
Entrepreneurship Forum also “provides an excellent opportunity for networking and
collaboration on the international stage, between different parties in different countries. It is
very dynamic.”
“The potential is quite immense and endless – diversity and the sharing of perspectives can
unlock entirely new landscapes of ideas and business models,” he says.
Nazrin also says he sees the value of developing countries having their own branch in the
World Entrepreneurship Forum, and for ‘mini’ or regional events, activities and
collaborations to encourage more focused and tangible results. The Forum has since 2010
been holding ‘Junior Forums’ too, organized by students for students. Nazrin says he wants to
see a chapter of the Junior World Entrepreneurship Forum (JWEF) set up in Malaysia, so that
younger entrepreneurs here can have a global fraternity to belong to.” A. Asohan 05/11/ 2012
“Many countries have dreamed of having their own Silicon Valley but until now, nobody has
been able to create the perfect and winning recipe between innovation, entrepreneurs,
financial institutions and government policies. What has been missing each time ? The
analysis are plenty. One Chilean project is currently classified as one of the most successful
and innovative program in the world: we’re talking about Start-Up Chile. (…) To know more,
America Economia discussed with his founder, Nicolas Shea, during the World
Entrepreneurship Forum”.
“Muchos países han soñado con su propio Silicon Valley pero hasta ahora nadie ha logrado
dar con la fórmula perfecta entre innovación, emprendedores, capitales y políticas de
gobierno. ¿Qué ha fallado en todas las recetas?
Los análisis son diversos, pero un proyecto chileno ya lleva un tiempo cocinando
emprendimientos, y actualmente es clasificado como una de las plataformas más exitosas,
innovadoras y con futuro del mundo entero: hablamos de Start-Up Chile, que ya está entrando
en su tercer año de funcionamiento y no tienes maś que buenos augurios al frente.
Start-Up Chile se caracteriza por ofrecer US$40.000 dólares a emprendedores de todo el
mundo, que deben establecerse en Chile durante un año, forjando redes de contacto,
aportando al conocimiento local y haciendo que el país funcione como un "hub" de
emprendimiento mundial.
Para conocer en qué se encuentra el proyecto y hacia donde se dirige, AméricaEconomía
Intelligence, en el marco del World Entrepreneurship Forum, conversó con Nicolas Shea,
fundador de Start-Up Chile y una prominente figura del emprendimiento en la región.”
William Gourg 5/11/2012
VENTURES AFRICA is a monthly Pan-African business magazine
“A Member Think-Tank of the World Entrepreneurship Forum, (…) Pioneer Female Aviation
Entrepreneur Sibongile Sambo’s efforts have been rewarded over the years. In 2006 she
cleaned up the awards table, taking home the Regional Business Woman of the Year award,
the Black Women in Business award in London, the SRS Aviation Fidentia Award and the
Top Emerging Gender Empowered Company award. In 2007, she was named a Leader of
Tomorrow by the Fortune Magazine. In 2009 she was nominated for the Queen Victoria
Memorial Award (International Socrates Award) by the Europe Business Assembly in
London.” Oluwabusayo Sotunde 18/11/2012
Sri Lanka
“ Prof. Pedro Vera Castillo, Dean of Faculty of Business at Concepcion University in Chile
and the President of Entrepreneurship and Innovation Forum of South America region,
Emmanuel Hategeka, Permanent Secretary of Ministry of Trade and Industry in Republic of
Rwanda in Africa and Dr. Arosha Fernando, Director / CEO of Sierra Global and the official
representative of Sri Lanka for the World Entrepreneurship Forum 2012 had a series of
discussions on developing common strategies to promote entrepreneurship skills in
developing countries of South America, Africa and South Asia in the side line of the World
Entrepreneurship Forum 2012 held recently in Lyon, France.
Participants of the forum comprise many renowned figure heads from across the globe
including some world leaders - Presidents, Ministers, Mayors as well as intellectuals heading
up leading business schools and business ventures in the world.” 12/11/2012
“Göteborg Business Region is a role model for entrepreneurship in Europe. (…) The
conclusions of the Imageen project (Improvement of Methodologies and Governance of
European Entrepreneurship Network), a three year program to explore how to raise levels of
Entrepreneurship across the European Union have been presented at the World
Entrepreneurship Forum. (…) The purpose of the Forum is to gather entrepreneurs,
academics, researchers, politicians in a global think-tank. They discuss, in a broad point of
view, on how to generate new jobs. Social aspects and equity issues are also taken into
United Kingdom :
Monocle Radio 24. “How do you create the next Silicon Valley?” “No entrepreneur succeeds
in a vacuum without the support of customers, bankers, suppliers, workers … what
economists now call the entrepreneurial ecosystem. With governments and city halls
worldwide eager to kick-start their economies, many are trying to create their own ecosystems
for entrepreneurs, hoping to fashion the next Silicon Valley. But can these ecosystems really
be created from scratch or should governments just get out of the way? We sent Ian Wylie to
the World Entrepreneurship Forum, a global conference in Lyon, to find out more”. Ian Wylie
“The World Entrepreneurship Forum’ stated mission is to develop entrepreneurship at the
bottom of the pyramid and create innovative and high growth companies that create jobs
around the world. Examples of successful enterprises that have been produced through the
event abound. Over the last few years WEF members have created a new bank in Tanzania for
women and young entrepreneurs while in Ecuador, a new position of "Secretary of State for
Entrepreneurship" has been created after a government delegation for the country saw a
presentation on how Singapore is facilitating social entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurs are the people that can produce both wealth and social justice through their
enterprises. Socially-minded businesses can deliver profit as well as social value – but a
change of attitude amongst investors, aspiring business people, governments and budding
entrepreneurs needs to occur to make it possible.” 22/10/2012 Michel Coster
“Starting And Growing a Business - The Entrepreneur's Global Guide”, filled out by the
members of the World Entrepreneurship Forum – one of the most influential global network
of business owners, social entrepreneurs and industry experts - is a round a world tour of
entrepreneurial ecosystems highlighting, country per country, the 3 main factors that make it
a good place to set up and run a business and the 3 main challenges still to overcome. (…)
The world is not a level playing field and, whether we like it or not, it’s a fact some countries
are much better than others at helping fledgling businesses turn into the Apple, Infosys or
Facebook of the future.” Matt Symonds 19/11/2012
“I attended the annual meeting of the World Entrepreneurship Forum, a global think-tank that
stresses that not only are entrepreneurs “creators of wealth” but equally importantly (and a
fact that sometimes gets lost” that they also promote “social justice”. Entrepreneurs do that in
many ways (…): by creating organizations that use entrepreneurial ideas to further social
goals. This last idea, called social entrepreneurship is a fairly new and revolutionary idea”.
Steve Strauss 26/11/2012
« I love the fact that I am brought amongst people who want to change the world.
Representing our social enterprise ECHOstore Sustainable Lifestyle, I was invited to be
member of the World Entrepreneurship Forum’s think-tank grouping of close to 250 people
from many countries around the world. We converged in Lyon, France in a fifth forum last
month. The main direction was to bring entrepreneurs together to discuss directions for a new
humanism to arise. This is only one such forum that has been happening around the world,
and I marvel at how global convergences are bringing about discussions that focus on: the
emergence of new economic centers (…) and how all the institutions and frameworks that the
world has created are all broken. Our “think-tank” discussions were focused on identifying
the various stakeholders of entrepreneurs and how such eco-system could further help develop
and strengthen more entrepreneurs, especially among the young. Aside from all the sharing,
the big take-away of course, the networking.” Jeannie Javelosa, 27/11/2012