les procedes de texturation : vers une meilleure maitrise du gout des


les procedes de texturation : vers une meilleure maitrise du gout des
Formation technique " Goût­Nutrition­Santé" , mardi 22 avril 2008, Hall de Technologie Alimentaire du CRITT 2ABI " Taste­Nutrition­Health" Technical training session, Tuesday, April 22 nd 2008, CRITT 2ABI Food Pilot Plant " LES PROCEDES DE TEXTURATION : VERS UNE MEILLEURE MAITRISE DU GOUT DES ALIMENTS ALLEGES" "TEXTURIZING PROCESSES: TOWARDS A BETTER TASTE CONTROL OF LOW­FAT FOOD" ème ® Profitez de votre présence au 3 Congrès VITAGORA "Goût­Nutrition­Santé" pour participer à la formation technique s'inscrivant dans la thématique "Lipides, goût et nutrition". Saisissez l'opportunité d'aborder les problématiques liées à la réduction en matières grasses des aliments : notions scientifiques, applications concrètes et démonstrations sur équipements pilotes. Take advantage of your presence at the 3 rd ‘Taste­Nutrition­Health" VITAGORA ® international Congress to attend this technical training session on the theme of "Lipids, taste and nutrition". Seize the opportunity to treat the problems associated with a reduction of fat in food: scientific concepts, practical applications and demonstrations on pilot equipment. Public ciblé / Who should attend? Dirigeants et cadres R&D des entreprises agro­ alimentaires souhaitant maîtriser la saveur, la texture et l'arôme de leurs aliments à teneur réduite en matières grasses. Aliments plus particulièrement concernés : produits laitiers, sauces, plats cuisinés… Managers from R&D Departments of food companies who want to control the taste, texture and flavor of their low­lipid content food. Examples of food products: dairy products, sauces, convenience food… Un programme détaillé avec la liste des intervenants sera disponible prochainement sur www.vitagora­sante.com. A detailled program and a liste of speakers will soon be available on ww.vitagora­sante.com.
Des présentations alliant la théorie et la pratique / Presentations combining theory and practice des notions scientifiques par des chercheurs Ì des cas concrets par une intervention industrielle Ì des ateliers pratiques sur équipements pilotes scientific concepts by researchers Ì case studies by an ingredients supplier Ì practical demonstrations on pilot equipment Programme / Program (Présentations en anglais / English will be used for all the presentations) Horaires / Course schedules: 8:30 ­17:30. > FAT INFLUENCE ON FOOD TEXTURE • Composition, evolution, characterization, role of fat in gels… • Demonstration: use of shear forces to solidify liquid dairy products. > FAT TEXTURIZATION • Lipids structure and organization, crystallization, phase transition… • Demonstration: continuous making of low­fat/cholesterol­ free processed cheese from vegetable fat. > FAT REPLACEMENT • Fat mimetic ingredients: organoleptic and textural properties of modified starch, hydrocolloids, milk proteins… • Demonstration: formulation and processing of sauces with different fat contents. > FLAVOR/TEXTURE INTERACTIONS IN A FAT MATRIX • Influence of matrix fat content on the perception of flavor, interactions and transfers of flavor molecules in food… • Demonstration: continuous processing of vegetable cream foam: influence of foaming level on flavor perception, tasting. Qui sommes­nous ? / About us Le CRITT 2ABI, centre de transfert technologique alimentaire spécialisé dans la texture, utilise des procédés de pointe pour développer des produits innovants : produits laitiers (nouvelles technologies fromagères, fromages allégés, crèmes végétales…), produits céréaliers et d'origine végétale (snacks, céréales fourrés, fruits et légumes texturées…)… Il travaille en collaboration avec les laboratoires de l'Université de Bourgogne (ENSBANA), de l'INRA, du CNRS… CRITT 2ABI, a food technological center specialized in texture, works with state­of­the­art processes in order to develop innovative products: dairy products (new cheese technologies, low­fat cheeses, vegetable creams…), cereal­based and vegetable­based products (snacks, filled cereals, texturized fruits and vegetables…)… It works in collaboration with the laboratories from the University of Burgundy (ENSBANA), the INRA, the CNRS… Localisation / Course location Notre Hall de Technologie Alimentaire de 1000 m² se situe sur le campus universitaire de Dijon (derrière l'ENSBANA), à 20 minutes en bus de la gare ou du lieu du Congrès. Our 1000 m² Food Pilot Plant is situated on the campus of the University of Burgundy in Dijon, behind the Food Engineering School (ENSBANA), less than 20 minutes by bus from the train station or the Congress location. Le CRITT 2ABI est fortement impliqué dans VITAGORA ® et en particulier dans sa plate­forme “Développement­Process­Industrialisation”. CRITT 2ABI is involved in VITAGORA ® and in particular in its “Development­Process­Industrialisation” platform. Formation technique " Goût­Nutrition­Santé" , mardi 22 avril 2008, Hall de Technologie Alimentaire du CRITT 2ABI " Taste­Nutrition­Health" Technical training session, Tuesday, April 22 nd 2008, CRITT 2ABI Food Pilot Plant BULLETIN D’INSCRIPTION / REGISTRATION FORM "LES PROCEDES DE TEXTURATION : VERS UNE MEILLEURE MAITRISE DU GOUT DES ALIMENTS ALLEGES" "TEXTURIZING PROCESSES: TOWARD A BETTER TASTE CONTROL OF LOW­FAT FOOD"
è Please fill in this form and send it by fax (+33 (0)3 80 39 67 73) before March 21 st . Registration fee for this training session is 490 euros net of charges. It includes the documents of the session, daily lunch and coffee breaks. Mr./Ms. (First­name, NAME): ....................................................................................................... Job title: ............................................................................................. E­mail: ......................................................................................................................................... Direct tel.: .......................................................................................... Company: ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... Country: ............................................................................................. Tel.: ............................................................................................................................................. Fax: ................................................................................................... Company activity: ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ A 50% reduction will be applied on following registrations from the same company (same name and address). Registration forms must be received by fax before March 21 st . Applicants will then receive a confirmation of their registration, containing the schedule of the course, a list of hotels and an access map to the CRITT 2ABI. The registration invoice will follow after the training session. All cancellation must be confirmed by mail and are subject to a 75­euro processing fee. Applicants may cancel up to 2 weeks prior to the training session. No refunds will be issued for those who do not attend the session or cancel less than 2 weeks before it starts. Substitutions are permitted at any time. CRITT 2ABI reserves the right to change the schedules or the speaker of the session, without modifying its general content. Billing address (if same as above, please tick q): ............................................................................................................................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................... Country: ............................................................................................. Signatory: Mr./Ms. ....................................................................................................................... Signature and company seal: Job title: ...................................................................................................................................... Entreprises françaises : le CRITT 2ABI de Bourgogne Technologies étant un organisme de formation agréé (n° d’agrément : 26­21­00­293­21), ce coût est imputable sur le budget de formation continue de votre société ou via le DIF (renseignez­vous auprès de votre société). For more information, you can contact Vincent SCOURZIC (Training Manager) CRITT 2ABI ­ Bourgogne Technologies, Rue Claude Ladrey – 21000 DIJON (France) Tel. : +33 (0)3 80 39 66 17 – Fax : +33 (0)3 80 39 67 73 – [email protected] –www.btechno.com/critt2abi