
Rungis, le 7 novembre 2014
A tous les membres d’équipages, avions, hélicoptères, travaillant en France sous contrat de
travail français ou étranger…….
Voici ce que peut vous amener la négociation avec l’aide matérielle et intemporelle de votre
syndicat : le SNPNAC.
Nous remercions Guillaume pour tout le travail effectué chez Westair (compagnie cargo), en plus
de son emploi à plein temps. Rappelons qu’il n’y a pas de délégation dans les « petites »
« Ever since the establishment of the French Westair branch (with branch in Sweden,England and
Norway), a majority of pilots (90%) has joined SNPNAC, a national organization representing
pilots since 1947. SNPNAC is not affiliated to ECA - unlike SNPL - but is working in cooperation
with ECA in the interest of the European pilots’ community. SNPNAC’s approach is based on
working together with the management with a constructive attitude, trying to propose corrective
actions and solutions in order to prevent inefficiencies and play a significant role in the
development of the company.
SNPNAC has identified areas of concern regarding the terms and conditions of the Westair
branch in France. Therefore we have tried to solve the issue in a constructive manner with the
airline but unfortunately the management refused to negotiate.
We therefore took the following actions:
• Procedure in penal court (result expected for 12th Nov)
• New procedure in « Conseil des prud’hommes » (Labour arbitration) will start soon.
With the set up of the Europe-wide Westair Pilot group, pilots of the French branch have an
opportunity to broaden the effectiveness of their representation. This opportunity will also be
available to Westair pilots’ branches in other countries.
We believe that coordinating our efforts at European level will allow us to achieve better results
when negotiating with the management and to build up a common ground of rules and rights. »
Venez soutenir nos camarades lors du résultat du procès le 12 novembre au
Tribunal de grande instance 40 Boulevard Carnot à Aix en Provence à 8h30
8 Route de Fontainebleau 94579 RUNGIS CEDEX
Téléphone : + 33(0)1 45 12 99 99
Fax : +33(0)1 45 12 97 98
Courriel : [email protected]