Acronyms - 12Kb < 1min (2 pages)


Acronyms - 12Kb < 1min (2 pages)
AIDS ..................Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
ARVs ..................Anti-Retroviral Drugs
BEAM ................Basic Education Assistance Module (Zimbabwe)
CAMNAFAW ......Cameroon National Association for Family Welfare
CBHC ................Community Based Health Care
CBO....................Community Based Organisation
CNLS ..................National AIDS Council (Comité Nationale de Lutte contre le SIDA)
DSDSR ..............Rural Development Strategy (Document de Stratégie de Développement du Secteur Rural, Cameroon)
EMCCA ..............Economic and Monetary Committee of Central Africa
ESAP ..................Economic Structural Adjustment Programme (Zimbabwe)
ESIP....................Education Strategic Investment Plan (Uganda)
GDP ....................Gross Domestic Product
GICAM................Cameroon Employers’ Federation (Groupent des Industriels du Cameroun)
GNI ....................Gross National Income
HIPC ..................Highly Indebted Poor Countries
HIV......................Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus
HSSP ..................Health Sector Strategic Plan (Uganda)
IEC......................Information, Education and Communication
IFIs......................International Financing Institutions
ILO......................International Labour Organisation
IMF......................International Monetary Fund
IRDP ..................Integrated Rural Development Planning
LDCs ..................Least Developed Countries
LRA ....................Lord’s Resistance Army
MAAIF ................Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (Uganda)
MACA ................Multi-Sectoral Approach to Control HIV/AIDS
MDGs ................Millennium Development Goals
MERP ................Millennium Economic Recovery Programme (Zimbabwe)
MFPED ..............Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (Uganda)
MINEDUC ..........Ministry of Public Education (Ministère de l’Education Nationale, Cameroon)
MINEPAT ............Ministry of Economic Affairs, Planning and National Development
(Ministère des Affaires Economiques de la Planification et de l’Aménagement du Territoire, Cameroon)
MINESUP ..........Ministry of Higher Education (Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, Cameroon)
MINSANTE ........Ministry of Public Health (Ministère de la Santé Publique, Cameroon)
MoES..................Ministry of Education and Sports (Uganda)
MoLG..................Ministry of Local Government (Uganda)
MTCS..................Medium Term Competitive Strategy
MTEF ..................Medium Term Expenditure Framework
NAC ....................National AIDS Council
NACWOLA ........National Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS in Uganda
NERP..................National Economic Revival Programme (Zimbabwe)
NGEN+ ..............National Guidance and Empowerment Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS (Uganda)
NGO....................Non-Governmental Organisation
NPA ....................National Planning Authority
NSFA ..................National Strategic Framework on HIV/AIDS
PAF ....................Poverty Action Fund (Uganda)
PEAP ..................Poverty Eradication Action Plan (Uganda)
PDEF ..................Development Framework for Education and Training
(Plan de Développement de l’Education et de la Formation, Senegal)
PGAT ..................General Plan for National Development (Plan Général d’Aménagement du Territoire, Senegal)
PHC ....................Primary Health Care
PLWHAs ............People Living with HIV/AIDS
PMA....................Plan for Modernisation of Agriculture (Uganda)
PMTCT ..............Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission
PNAT ..................National Plan for the Development of the Territory
(Plan National d’Aménagement du Territoire, Senegal)
PNDS..................National Plan for Health Development (Plan National de Développement Sanitaire, Senegal)
PRDI ..................Regional Integrated Development Plan (Plan Régional de Développement Intégré, Senegal)
PRSP ..................Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper
PTIP....................3-year Public Investment Plan (Programme Triennal d’Investissements Publics, Senegal)
SAP ....................Structural Adjustment Programme
SMEs ..................Small and Medium Enterprises
SP ......................Sector Programme
SRAT ..................Regional Plan for National Development (Schéma Régional d’Aménagement du Territoire, Senegal)
STI ......................Sexually Transmitted Infection
SWAp ................Sector Wide Approach
UAC ....................Uganda AIDS Commission
UIS......................UNESCO Information System
UNAIDS ..............Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNCTAD ............United Nations Commission on Trade and Development
UNDP..................United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO ............United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNMHCP ............Uganda National Minimum Health Care Package
UPE ....................Universal Primary Education
UPPAP................Uganda Participatory Poverty Assessment Project
VCT ....................Voluntary Counselling and Testing
WHO ..................World Health Organization
ZIMPREST..........Zimbabwe Programme for Economic and Social Transformation

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