ordre en conseil. - Guernsey Legal Resources


ordre en conseil. - Guernsey Legal Resources
Le vingt-et-un ann'[ m£l lIeuf cent di.t'-u!pt, pardencmt
FA/ward C1Jt!pmeLI Ozwme, fr'1f;1jeJ', Bflilli)'; pre-
sents: F.J'71est Colla.'i, George Herbert Le J.l/fottie,
.Julius il'is/i.op, John Bonum!! Co Uil/lis Adolphus
John J-/ocart, John Lade, Thomas rVilHam 1.11ausell
de Oub'in, I.£onel Slade Cruey, James .Esten de
llubel'i GCM'ge de Ca?'teret Stcmms GuUle
el H/;;lliam de
!Jl'IUUZ C1'OIlS(lZ, ir'U;I}(,1'S,
Monsieur Ie Baillif ayant co jour communique a
la COUl' un Ordre de Sa Majesto en Consail en date
du 30 mars ]917, sanctionnant Ie p~iement hors des
revenus des Havres de St. Pierre-Port et de St.
Samson, en pOltions egales, des fruis qui seront desormais eneoUl'US par les Etats pour la gardc du Bateau
de Sauvctage, Ie paiement de l'equipage et Ie fonctionnement ofiectif de la Station, corn me aussi In
compcnsat,ion qui sera accord6e par les Etats aux
proprietaire de b::tteaux en cas de perte ou d'avaries
en001.11'U88 en essay ant de sauver la vie en cas de navire
naufrage ou en detrcsse, avec La compensation qui
sera accordee par Ies dits i~tats aUK pcrsonncs, ou aux
ERmilles de ceux qui, dans leu)'s efio),ts pour sauver la
vie en cas de navil'cs naufrages ou en dCt1'8SSe, aurient pu etre victimes de quelque accident. La (Jour,
apres avoir eu lecture dll dit Ordr8, oUles les conclusions du !-)rocureur du Roi, a ordonne que dit Ordre
sera enregistre sur les Records de cctte He, duquel
Ordre la teneur suit:-
(iterttd at @tt.cltinglram
The 30th day of JHarcll, IHl7.
m:lJ~ ffihttl'" ~ter"t ®~.c~ll.clJt ~taf.c"tu
~lillr.cl:'~a" there was this day read at the Board
a Report from the Righ t Honourable the Lords of
theCommit,t.ee of Council for the Affairs of Guernsey
and ,Tersey, dated the 20t.h day of yIarch, 1917, in the
wonls following, viz. :--
" meru",
&~ta!~"t!l having been pleased, by
Geneml Ordel' of Reference of the lOth day of
1Lty, 19 to, t.o refer unto this Committee the humble
Petition of the States of t,he island of Guernsey setting
forth that :--(1) By an Order 0(' Her late Majesty in
Council of the 1st Novembol', 1862, registered on the
Records of this Island on the 15th November, lR62,
Hm'late Jlajesty was graciously plG>\sed to authorize
the States of Guel'nsey to cha,rgc from time to tirne
upon the Revenues of the Harbour of St. Peter 1'Ol't
and of the Harbour of St.. Sampson n,n annual grant, not
exeeoding £30 in anyone year, in favolll' of the Roya
National Lifeboat Institution: (2) Consequent upon a
Report, made by the Chief Inspector of Life Boats
all his visit to Guernsey to consult with the Local
Commit.tee on the efficiency of the Life Boat Station
in cOllnexion with the circumstances a.t,tending the
loss of the S.S. 'St. Ylalo,' on the 13t.h November,
1915, with the loss of all h"nds, certain proposals
were submitted by the Royal National Lifeboat Institution for the consideration of the States: (3) The
above-mentioned proposals were submitted to the
States at " Meeting held on the 20th Sept.em bel',
J 916, when a Committee was appointed to enquire
into the best illeans of saving life and ships in cases
of wroe)<: or diotress, and to report thereon to t,he
States: (4) The Heport of tho Committee was submitted t,o and considered by the States on the ] ~th
December, 19]6, when a Hesolntion was adopted by
which the States took over t,he charge and custody
of the Life Boat" and of t,he whole establishment,
n,na undertook to Hppoint nnd pay the crew, and t.o
be responsible fo1' the cfficiol1t working of the Station
in every way; the Hoyal National J,ife J10ac Institution havinf( undert,aken to provide I:he Life Bm,t, the
Life Boat Carriage, and the Boathonse, with a pl'Oper
equipment of stores, and to maintn,in the same in
an efficient condition, tmdet, the supervision of its
District: Inspector of Life Boats; and I,he States
further resolved t,o compensate owners of bOAts jn
the event of loss or damage incurred in attempting
to Save life in cases of shipwreck, and request.ed their
Committee to consider t.he advisabilit.y of granting
compensation to persons 01' families of those who
may be the victims of some a.ccident in theil' a.tternpts
t.o save the lives of' persons ship\\'l"ecked 01' in dis-
tress, and t.o report to the SLat.es without delay:
(5) On t·he 31st January, 1917, the Heport of the
Committee '''rtf; present.ed to the Dtates and adopted
by that Body, ana it ,vn,s resolved to authorize the
President of the States to present a humble Petition
to Your Majesty in Council prH.'ying
Majesty to
be graciously pleased to authorize that tho expenses
which shall henceforth be incurred Ly the States for
the care of the Life Boat, the payment, of Lhe crew,
and the efficient. working of t,he Station, as well as
compensation which sh"ll be granted by the States
to owners of boats in the event of loss 01' damage
incurred in attempting to save life in the caSe of
ships wrecked 01' in dist,ress; together ,,,ith compensation which shall be granted by the States to persons
or to families of those who Ina}, have been the victims
of some accident in their attempts to Save life in the
casc of ships wrecked 01' in distress. may be chargod
ill equa.l port.iolls upon the Revenues of t.he Harbour
of St. Peter Port and the Harbour of St. SRlnpson,
the whole slIbjeet to the approval of the Bailiff and
J mats of t.he Royal Court itS regards t hc Revonuc of
the Harbour of St.. Petor Port: (6) On the 17th
February. 1017, the Royal Court passed an Act
fl.pproving of the afore-mentioned Resolution or the
States of the 31st .January, 1917. in so far as regards
tho charges upon the Revenue of the Harbour of St.
Peter Port: A 1](.1 hllmbly prayiug Y OUl' Majesl.y to be
graciously pleased to f~uthorihe that the expenses
whioh shall henceforth be incurred oy the States for
the care of the Lifo Boat, the paymeLlt of the crew,
and the eHicient working of' the Staliol1, as ·well as
compensation which shall be granted by I,he States t.o
owners of boa.ts in the event of loss or damage incurred in attempting to save life in Lhe ca~e of ships
wrecked or -in disl-1'8SS, togethor with compensation
which shall be granted by t.he States to persons 01' t.o
families of those who may have Leen the victims of
some accident in Lheir att.empts to save life in t,he
case of ships wrccked 01' in distress, may be charged
in equa.l por'lions upon tho ReveHues of !ihe Harbour
of St. Peter Port and the Harbour of St. Sampson:
"ilrtr~ ~Cl;t>-v cf ttr~ Qtcmmitt~~, in
obedience to Your }hjesty"s said Order of lleferenee,
have taken the sa.id PeliLion into consideration ,
and do t.his day agree humbly to report, as tbeir
opinion, to Your Majesty, that it way be advisable
for Your }lajesty to comply with the prayer of the
said Petition,"
!~ tv ~hti~vt)1, having taken t,he said Report
into consideration, is pleased, by and with the advice
of His Privy Council, te approve thereof, and to
order, as it is hereby ordered, that the expenses
which shall henceforth be incurred by the States of
Guernsey for the care of the Life Boat, the payment
of the crow, and the efficient working of the Station,
as well as compensation which sh"'!l be gran:od by
the said States to owners of boats in the event of loss
ot' damage incllI'red in att,empting to save life in the
case of ships wrecked 01' in dist,ress, together with
compensat,ion which shall be granted by the said
States to pel'sons, OJ.' to families of' those, who may
hfl,VC been the victims of some accident in their
attempts to save life in the case of ships wrecked 01'
in distress, may be ehal'ged in eqnal portions upon
tbe Revennes. of the Harbour of St.. Petor Port and
tne Harbolll' of St. Sampson.
d\\,nb- ®i~ :!1Ulti"'~t!l doth hereby direct that
this Ordel' be entered upon t,he Regist,er of the Island
of Guernsey and observed accordingly.
And the Lieutenant-Governor or Commander-inChief of the Islond of Guernsey, the Bailiff and
J mats, and all other His Majesty's Officers, for the
time being, in the said lsland, and all ot,hel' persons
whom it may concern, al'e to take notice ~tnd govern
themselves accordingly.
(Extrait des Registres),
uu Roi.