Course: French 11 Course Length: 10 months


Course: French 11 Course Length: 10 months
Course: French 11
Course Length: 10 months (approx 100 hours)
Course Description
Bienvenue à la classe de Français 11! Students who complete French
11 will earn the second language credit that many post-secondary
applications require. This senior level course represents an advanced
level of French language proficiency. Students will leave French 11
with a high level of French language skills particularly in writing and
listening. Students will be able to communicate in a variety of
situations. In order to become proficient in a language, students will
communicate in that target language as much as possible.
Learning Outcomes:
• discuss plans related to common activities
• exchange opinions on topics of interest, giving reasons and reactions
• describe or narrate events, situations, or experiences
• use a range of vocabulary and expressions in past, present, and future
• interact in a variety of meaningful, reallife situations
• retrieve, research, and use relevant information from French-language resources to
complete authentic tasks
• summarize acquired information in oral, visual, and written forms
• compare, contrast, and respond to authentic creative works from the Francophone world
• identify the contributions of Francophones to Canada and the world
• demonstrate an understanding of similarities and differences between Francophone
cultures and their own
• use language, expressions, and behaviours to suit cultural context
Click here for the BC Ministry of Education Prescribed Learning Outcomes for French
Course Content
La Révision:
Les Éléments Grammaticaux de 8e, 9e, et 10e années:
Les Salutations et expressions de base en français
Les Noms (le genre et le nombre)
Les Adjectifs (réguliers et irréguliers)
Le Comparatif et le Superlatif
Les Adverbes
Les Pronoms d’Objet Direct
Les Pronoms d’Objet Indirect
Les Verbes (Le Présent de l’Indicatif, L’Impératif, Le Futur Proche)
Les Verbes Réguliers et Irréguliers
Les Verbes Réfléchis/ Pronominaux
Les Phrases Affirmatives et Négatives
Le Contenu du Cours :
Le Passé-Composé: régulier, irrégulier, VANDERTRAMP, réfléchi
Le Participe Passé utilisé comme adjectif
L’Accord avec les pronoms objets personnels et relatif ‘que’
Le Passé Imparfait (formation et usage)
L’usage de l’Imparfait et le Passé-Composé
Le Futur Simple (formation et usage)
Le Conditionnel Présent (formation et usage)
Énonciation d’hypothèses: si+imparfait+conditionnel
Le Participe Présent (le Gérondif)- formation et usage
Le Vocabulaire général
Le Vocabulaire spécifique de chaque unité
La littérature culturelle
La littérature thématique
L’usage pratique quotidienne de la langue française
Les Dictées
Les Exercices d’Écoute (thématiques)
Les Conversations enregistreés
Les Études de la culture française mondiale
How will your mark be calculated?
Engagement Unit
Written Assignments
Grammar related assignments
Oral recordings
Dictations (aural assignments)
Students are expected to:
• contact the teacher by instant messaging, email or phone when help is needed or
questions arise
• be actively engaged and submitting work on a regular basis
• inform the teacher when they will be inactive for two or more weeks.
• be aware that if they are inactive in a course for four or more weeks they may be
removed from that course
• check their email at least twice a week
• create and submit completed solutions for all activities in the unit/chapter before
requesting a test.
• cite all sources properly
• answer in their own words
• check that their work and tests have been marked.
• make time available to come in to Burnaby Online to write tests.
• make appointments to write tests at least 2 school days in advance.