Découvrez la Newsletter numéro 2 en cliquant ici


Découvrez la Newsletter numéro 2 en cliquant ici
An Emerald Island
An Eye On
Area :
84 421 square
Coast line:
2797 km
By Cap
Cap Vision
English Collection
A land for playing Golf!
If Scotland is the home of golf, then Ireland is where golf goes
on holiday. The best vacation spots are along the sea, where
the country’s collection of seaside links are dotted in a steady
string along virtally the entire Irish costline, each more
revealed than carved in the undulating, marram-grass-covered
Capital city:
Population :
6 399 115
Largest city :
Some of the world’s best-known courses share spectacular
scenery with some lesser-known gems, and each offers the
golfer the opportunity to test their skills against the raw
materials provide by Mother Nature.
A bird named Woodcock!
Where do the majority of woodcock that migrate to Ireland
come from?
An Emerald Island !
Woodcock, which winter in the Western and Southern parts of
Europe, come from Scandinavia, Central Europe and Russia.
A small country with a big reputation, helped along by a
The migratory flyways follow a general direction from North-
timeless, age-caressed landscape and a fascinating, friendly
East to South-West. So, the majority of woodcock that
people, whose lyrical nature is expressed in the nature, is
migrate to Ireland come from Norway and Sweden. This has
expressed in the warmth of their welcome.
been proved by ring analysis.
Ireland of the Postcard
Yes, it exists. Along the peninsulas of the southwest the
brooding loneliness of Connemara and the dramatic wildness of
County Donegal. You’ll also find it in the lakelands of Counties
Leitrim and Roscommon and the undulating hills of the sunny
southest (‘sunny’ of course being a relative term).
Ireland has modernised dramatically, but some things never
change. Brave the raging Atlantic on a crossing to Skellig
Mickael or spend a summers’evening in the yard of thatchedcottage pub and you’ll experience an Ireland that has changed
little in generations, and is likely the Ireland you most came to
+ Words
Donner un coup de main
Ne change jamais, éternel
Formé par l’âge
A travers
Moins connu
CAP INTERNTIONAL by CAP VISION – [email protected]
Numéro 2
News English Collection by CAP VISION
P r a c t i c e
m a k e s
p e r f e c t
Gaeltacht :
» *
Region of Ireland who
speak Irish
What’s the craic ? = quoi
de neuf ?
Hi ye ! = Hi you !
Deadly !
(That was deadly !) =
c’était genial/mortel !
Woah ? = what ? =
comment ? (fam)
Western Way - Connemara - Mayo
* «
C ’ e s t
e n
Manifester son accord
Right ! = d’accord
Of course ! = bien entendu !
It’s a deal = marché conclu !
Quite ! = c’est certain !
f o r g e a n t
q u ’ o n
The W
d e v i e n t
f o r g e r o n »
: “doble IOU”
What Else ?
Who( qui)
What (quoi)
I insist : j’y tiens !
Make up your mind : il faudrait savoir
Just Imagine ! = pensez donc !
Make the right choice = Choissisez bien !
Where (où)
I think so ! = je pense que
oui !
When (quand)
Why (pourquoi)
I take your point ! =
Which (quel)
je comprends votre point de
Whose (de qui)
How about that !: Tiens donc !
Damn it ! : Zut !
Beware ! méfiez-vous !
Phrasal Verbs
To sort out : Ranger, régler
To break down : tomber en panne
To get over : se remettre de tout
To give back : rendre
To grow up : grandir
To look up : chercher (un mot)
CAP INTERNTIONAL by CAP VISION – [email protected]
Chut !!!!...A private joke
"- He used to take his dog to school every
day, but he finally had to stop.
- How come?
- The dog got graduated."
"- Il emmenait son chien à l'école tous les jours, mais il
a dû arrêter.
- Et pourquoi?
- Le chien a eu son diplôme."
Numéro 2
News English Collection by CAP VISION
The English crazy joke!!!!! Did you (1)……………..about the two …(2)…………………….who were Funny
(3)……………too(4)…………..? GAMES
One was a (5) ……….. (understand : one was (6)………….) (1) AEHR – (2) AENPSTU – (3) OTU – (4) AELT -­‐ (5) ADELST (6) AADELSSTU HAVE FUN!
L’une était salée… (comprenez, l’une s’est faite agresser ….)
Avez-vous entendu parler des deux cacahuètes qui sont restées dehors trop tard ?
B E E F I N K S T O V E U B O W L S R O R R I M T E S O L C O D R I A K H E G D I R F E E F N L T L U N O O P S H I C M A A R I D A I L S H B O B M B W P T O P A E T O B P I L L O W I W T N R R A L L E C R E H D E B W A R D R O B E S T V E W Y E N M I H C I R O N C U R T A I N S D O O R PRONONCIATION : TONGUE TWISTERS BATHTUB baignoire FORK fourchette BED lit FRIDGE réfrigérateur BOWL bol, cuvette HIFI Chaîne hifi BROOM balai IRON fer à repasser CELLAR cave KNIFE couteau CHAIR chaise LAMP lampe CHIMNEY cheminée LOO toilettes CLOSET placard MIRROR miroir CURTAINS rideaux OVEN four DISHWAHER lave-­‐vaisselle PILOW oreiller DOOR porte PLATE assiette TEAPOT théière RUG petit tapis WALLPAPER papier peint SINK évier, lavabo WARDDROBE penderie SPOON cuillère WINDOW STOVE poêle fenêtre TABLE table WORD :__________________________________
A “tongue twister” is a sentence with a difficulty to prononciate (phrase difficile à prononcer) Exercice : Essayez de la prononcer 10 fois de suite. Have fun ! “I shot the city Sheriff”(j’ai tiré sur le Sherif de la ville) MADE LIKE A RAT : expressions pour passer pour un veritable anglais To be the top dog : être le patron, celui qui donne les ordres When the cat is away the mice will play : quand le chat n’est pas là les souris dansent He (she) is no fool ! = pas folle la guèpe by CAp VISI0N
CAP INTERNTIONAL by CAP VISION – [email protected]

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