Ten Awesome Vinagar Hacks That You Should Know (Youtube


Ten Awesome Vinagar Hacks That You Should Know (Youtube
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Ten Awesome Vinagar Hacks That You Should Know
(Youtube / HouseHold Hacker)
Welcome to the vinagar edition of Quick and Simple Life Hacks. We’ve put together a list of ten
interesting ways to make that bottle of vinagar work for you. Is your drain clogged and you don’t have
any Draino? Grab some vinagar and some baking soda. Pour about a half a cup of baking soda into the
drain and then a cup of vinager. Once it stops foaming, wash it out with hot water. No more clog!
Did a sticker or tape leave some sticky residue behind? Grab your white vinagar and saturate the area.
Let it sit for a few seconds and then scrub away the goo quickly and easily.
Does your trash can smell like something died in it even though it’s empty? Simple! Grab a piece of bread
and pour vinagar on it and let it soak up. Place it on the bottom of the can and let it sit overnight. When
you remove it the next day, the awful smell will be no more. This also works great in any smelly place.
Tired of buying all kinds of cleaning products? Make your own all-purpose cleaner. Get a spray bottle
and fill it one-third of the way with vinagar and the rest with water and few drops of dish soap and “voilà”
– a safe and highly effective cleaner for your bathrooms and kitchen.
Did the fruit flies invade your home? You can easily catch them all. Get some apple-cider vinagar and
pour it into a small bowl. Cover the top with Seran Rap and poke a few holes. The trap is set. The flies
will enter, but never leave.
Need to get some wrinkles out of your clothes in a pinch? Pick a spray bottle and add one part vinagar
and three parts water. Mist the clothing and let it hang for a few minutes. After drying, you’ll see that
most of the wrinkles have flattened out.
Is little Cuddles McCrakin clawing at the furniture again? No worries - put a little vinagar in a spray bottle
and spritz the area. Cats hate vinagar and they will avoid it like the plague. No more scratching!
Tired of those lovely flowers dying so quickly? Pour a little apple-cider vinagar in with some water and
mix it around. Add the flowers to this new mixture and they can stay alive much longer than before.
Having a problem getting your glasses clean? Grab a soft cloth and add a little white vinagar to it. It will
help remove all the dirt, smudges and stains leaving your glasses crystal-clear and shiny.
And finally, if your pots and pans have some hard-to-clean stains on them, simply place the pot on the
stove, add a cup or two of white vinagar and the same amount of water. Boil it for about five minutes
and your cookware will be as good as new.
00. Awesome
01. Hack
fantastique, génial
tuyaux, astuces
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02. We’ve put together
03. Is your drain clogged?
04. Draino
05. Grab
06. Baking soda
07. Pour
08. Once it stops foaming
09. Wash it out
10. No more clog!
11. A sticker or tape
12. Leave some sticky residue behind?
13. Let it sit
14. Scrub away
15. The goo
16. Trash can
17. Even though it’s empty
18. Let it soak up
19. Let it sit overnight
20. The awful smell will be no more
21. In any smelly place
22. Your own all-purpose cleaner
23. Fill it one-third of the way
24. Dish soap
25. Fruit flies
26. Seran Rap
27. Poke a few holes
28. The trap is set
29. Need to get some wrinkles out ?
30. In a pinch
31. Mist the clothing
32. Let it hang
33. Have flattened out
34. Clawing at the furniture
35. Spritz
36. Avoid it like the plague
37. No more scratching
38. Mix it around
39. A problem getting your glasses clean?
40. A soft cloth
41. Dirt, smudges and stains
42. Shiny
43. Pots and pans
44. Hard-to-clean stains
45. The stove
46. Your cookware
nous avons rassemblé / préparé
est-ce que votre tuyau d’évacuation est bouché?
marque de produit similaire à Destop
prenez (literalement “saisissez”)
bicarbonate de soude
quand (une fois) qu’il aura fini de mousser
plus de bouchon!
une étiquette ou bande adhésive
a laissé un résidu collant?
laissez agir
éliminez en frottant
matière visqueuse
une poubelle
même si c’est vide
laissez-le s’imprégner
toute la nuit
l’odeur terrible ne sera plus
dans tout endroit qui sent mauvais, qui pue
votre produit nettoyant à usage général
remplissez-le à un tiers
liquide vaisselle
des moucherons
marque de film alimentaire
faites quelques trous
le piège est prêt
besoin d’enlever des froissements
dans une situation difficile = « pressé » dans le
humidifiez/vaporisez les vêtements
étendez le
se sont aplatis = ont disparu
donne des coups de griffe aux meubles
évité comme la peste
plus de coups de griffe
un problème pour nettoyer vos lunettes
un chiffon doux
de la saleté, des marques et des tâches
casseroles et poêles
des tâches difficiles à enlever
la cuisinière
ustensiles de cuisine
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Ten Awesome Vinagar Hacks That You Should Know
(Youtube / HouseHold Hacker)
Exercise: fill in the blanks with the correct words
Welcome to the vinagar edition of Quick and Simple Life Hacks. We’ve put t
a list of ten interesting
ways to make that bottle of vinagar work for you. Is your drain c
and you don’t have any Draino?
some vinagar and some baking soda. P
about a half a cup of baking soda into the drain and
then a cup of vinagar. Once it stops f
, w it o
with hot water. No more c
Did a sticker or tape leave some s
residue behind? Grab your white vinagar and saturate the
Let it sit for a few seconds and then s
the goo quickly and easily.
(éliminer en frottant)
Does your t c smell like something died in it e t
it’s e ? Simple! Grab a piece of bread
(même si) (vide)
and pour vinagar on it and l it s u . Place it on the bottom of the can and let it sit o
. When
(laissez-le s’imprégner)
(toute la nuit)
you remove it the next day, the awful smell will be no more. This also works great in a
(dans tout endroit qui sent mauvais, qui pue)
Tired of buying all kinds of cleaning products? Make your o all-p
cleaner. Get a spray bottle
(votre propre produit nettoyant à usage général)
and fill it one-third of the way with vinagar and the rest with water and few drops of dish soap and
“voilà” – a safe and highly effective cleaner for your bathrooms and kitchen.
Did the fruit flies invade your home? You can easily catch them all. Get some apple-cider vinagar and
pour it into a small bowl. Cover the top with Seran Rap and p
a few holes. The t is s . The flies
(faites … trous) (le piège est prêt)
will enter, but never leave.
Need to g some w
out of your clothes in a p
? P a spray bottle and add one part vinagar and
(d’enlever des froissements) (dans une situation difficile (prenez)
= quand on est pressé)
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three parts water. M the clothing and let it h
for a few minutes. After drying, you’ll see that
most of the wrinkles have flattened o .
(se sont aplatis = disparu)
Is little Cuddles McCrakin c
a the furniture again? No worries - put a little vinager in a spray bottle
(fait des coups de griffe)
and spritz the area. Cats hate vinagar and they will a
it like the plague. No more s
(coups de griffe)
Tired of those lovely flowers dying so quickly? Pour some apple-cider in with some water and
mix it a
. Add the flowers to this mixture and they can stay alive much longer than before.
Having a problem getting your glasses clean? Grab a soft c
and add a little white vinagar to it. It
will help remove all the d , s
and s
and leaving your glasses crystal-clear and sh
(de la saleté, des marques et des tâches)
And finally, if your p
and p
have some hard-to-clean stains on them, simply place the pot on the
(casseroles et poêles)
, add a cup or two of white vinagar and the same amount of water. Boil it for about five minutes
and your
will be as good as new.
(ustensiles de cuisine)