Bruxelles, le 13 juin 2007 - Université catholique de Louvain


Bruxelles, le 13 juin 2007 - Université catholique de Louvain
UCL Université catholique de Louvain
Faculté de Pharmacie et des Sc. Biomédicales
Ecole des sciences biomédicales
Secrétariat Administratif
Information about research projects (2015-2016)
Phone: +32 2 764 94 42
E-mail : [email protected]
Name of laboratory: AIDS reference laboratory (Medical Microbiology Unit, IREC)
Address of laboratory:
Tour Claude BERNARD, 5th floor,
Avenue Hippocrate 54 B1.54.05
1200 Brussels
Title of the research theme
Functional analysis of the transmembrane glycoprotein of HIV-2.
The laboratory has clinical expertise in the HIV field and functions as a reference centre for
particularities linked to the HIV-2 infection. Various collaborations have been developed at
both national and international levels in that context.
The major research project focuses on the transmembrane glycoprotein of HIV-2: this one
plays a major role in the replicative cycle, is targeted by neutralising antibodies, and has an
antagonistic activity against a antiviral cellular factor called tetherin (BST-2). It thus exerts
functions that are not shared by its HIV-1 homologous protein. We are analysing the
functional particularities of the protein in cell culture thanks to a collection of mutants as
well as structural models.
Key words: Virology, HIV/AIDS, site-directed mutagenesis, viral culture, RNA interference
FASB 73.60 – Avenue Mounier 73, 1200 Bruxelles – Belgique
Tél. : 32(0)2/764 73 60 ou 73.62 (Secrétariat) – Fax :32( 0)2/764 73 63