Cooking - La Plage


Cooking - La Plage
Editions La Plage
This year, La Plage celebrates its 20th birthday.
La Plage is an independent publisher that has been focusing on a wide range
of environment-related issues, with books on organic food, vegetarian and
dietetic cooking, alternative parenting, green building, non-violence, and
Our authors are cooks committed to organic food, architects and carpenters promoting
eco-housing, men and women recognized for their humanity and their competences in
alternative education... Environmentalist people willing to pass on their knowledge and
This publishing house was founded in 1994
in Paris by Laurence Auger and Jean-Luc
Ferrante. In 2001, it moved to the South
of France (in the Languedoc), to come
back to Paris in october 2012. La Plage
publishes about 30 books a year and its
catalog today counts 150 works, which
are widely distributed (France, Belgium,
Canada and Switzerland) in bookstores,
organic cooperatives, ecological fairs...
We are proud to see that the quality of our books is internationally recognized, as
many of them have been translated by foreign publishers (Germany, UnitedStates, Netherlands, United-Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Italy...) and four of them
received the World Gourmand Cookbook Award.
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Chic and natural cakes
Chic and natural cakes
Linda Louis (texts and photographs)
50 recipes by our best selling author Linda Louis,
to learn how to simply cook esthetic, gorgeous and
healthy layer cakes and french pastries.
• The recipes are naturally low in sugar and
fats, rich in fruits, with no artificial colours,
sometimes gluten free and vegan.
• 140 photographs illustrate, often step by
step, a lot of techniques accessible to all:
how to smooth a layer cake, to make a firm
whipped cream (‘‘crème Chantilly’’) or to
perfectly cut horizontal cakes?
• Original and novative techniques: homemade natural colouring, vegan ‘‘egg’’
whites, floral sugar...
Préparation : 2 h 45
Cuisson : 15 min
Repos : 1 heure
pièce montée
à La myrtiLLe
et à La vioLette
Pour changer de la pièce montée à la nougatine et aux choux garnis de
crème pâtissière, voici sa petite sœur sans gluten et sans beurre, toute de
violet et de rose vêtue ! C’est une façon différente de réaliser un beau gâteau
mais elle vous demandera un peu plus de manipulations. L’originalité de cette
recette tient dans l’ajout de sucre de violettes maison, réalisé à partir de fleurs
fraîches glanées en mars. Étonnement, elles se marient particulièrement bien
avec un fruit d’été également sauvage et empreint de mystère, la myrtille,
utilisée bien entendu ici en compote ou surgelée. Si ce tandem ne retient pas
votre attention, voici d’autres associations gourmandes : fraise-rhubarbe/
sureau, framboise/rose, abricot/lavande...
Ingrédients pour 6 à 8 personnes
600 g de pâte à choux (voir page 108).
Crème à la myrtille et à la violette : 50 g de violettes odorantes
fraîchement cueillies, 150 g de sucre blond de canne, 500 g de compote
de myrtilles non sucrée et assez épaisse, 200 ml de lait d’avoine, 1 c. à c.
d’agar-agar, 1 c. à s. bombée de fécule de maïs, le jus de 1 citron.
Fondant rose et violet : 1 c. à c. (5 ml) de jus de myrtilles (récupéré dans
la conserve ou la compote) dilué dans 20 ml d’eau (couleur rose), 25 ml de
jus de myrtilles (couleur violette), 200 g de sucre glace.
Caramel : 50 g de sucre blond de canne, 15 ml d’eau.
19 x 26 cm - hardcover
250 pages
Around 140 colour photographs and 39.900 words
Retail price: e 24,95
Date of publication in France: 24th september 2015
Préparation : 2 h 30
Préparation : 1 h 45
Cuisson : 20 min
Cuisson : 45 min
Repos : 6 h
Repos : 3 h 30
Conservation : 3 jours
Conservation : 3 jours
à La GroSeiLLe
poire et réGLiSSe
Ce n’est pas un gâteau que j’ai fait souvent, car je gardais en tête le souvenir
d’un dessert un peu écœurant avec toute cette pâte à tartiner au chocolat
sur la vingtaine de crêpes d’épaisseur ! Mais en remplaçant ce fourrage par
un coulis acidulé et fruité à la groseille, le gâteau de crêpes prend un air de
clafoutis aux griottes vraiment délicieux. La recette fonctionne très bien avec
le cassis, la myrtille ou tout autre petite baie qui pétille en bouche. Dernière
chose, la pâte à crêpes, bien que ne contenant pas de lait, est vraiment
bonne, donc ne changez ni les quantités, ni les ingrédients.
Quand j’étais au collège, je ne voyais pas l’intérêt de travailler les maths.
Plus tard, j’ai compris à quel point elles étaient importantes dans le quotidien
et surtout en cuisine. Régulièrement, la règle de trois ou les conversions
de poids s’imposent, mais il est assez rare d’utiliser le chiffre Pi ! Celui-ci
va pourtant nous être utile ici pour calculer la longueur du tour du moule à
charlotte. Comme les pros, nous allons réaliser une cartouchière, c’est-àdire, une grande bande de biscuits à la cuillère assemblés les uns à côté
des autres, que l’on va positionner ensuite de manière circulaire à l’intérieur
du moule. Très pratique, ce tour de main permet d’avoir des biscuits qui se
tiennent parfaitement. Il peut arriver, à la fin de la réalisation de cette charlotte,
qu’ils ne soient plus poudrés de sucre glace à cause de l’humidité de la
ganache et du réfrigérateur. Qu’à cela ne tienne, cerclez l’ensemble avec
du papier sulfurisé et maintenez-le avec une jolie ficelle. Voyez comme cette
charlotte est chic et élégante !
Ingrédients pour 8 personnes
Pâte à crêpes : 6 œufs, 60 g de sucre blond de canne, 2 sachets de sucre
vanillé, 80 ml d’huile de tournesol, 500 g de farine de blé type 55, 800 ml
d’eau (ou moitié eau, moitié bière), 40 ml de rhum ambré (ou de GrandMarnier).
Coulis de groseilles : 1 kg de groseilles rouges et/ou blanches (soit
900 ml de jus ou de pulpe de groseilles), 80 g de sucre de canne complet,
140 g de sucre blond de canne, 20 g de fécule de maïs, 1 c. à c. rase
Ingrédients pour 6 à 8 personnes
Biscuits à la cuillère : 5 œufs, 120 g de sucre blond de canne, 120 g de
farine de blé, 40 g de sucre glace.
Garniture à la poire : 5 poires parfumées (mûres mais fermes), 2 c. à s.
de jus de citron, 1 c. à c. de réglisse en poudre, 1 carré de chocolat.
Mousse au chocolat : 190 g de chocolat noir à pâtisser, 300 g de tofu
soyeux, 1 c. à c. de réglisse en poudre, 2 blancs d’œufs (60 g).
Édition La Plage - 22, rue de l’Odéon - 75006 Paris - FRANCE - Tél.: + 33 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Sports drinks
Sports drinks
Cécile and Christophe Berg
After the success of their cookbooks about sports,
the marathoners Cécile and Christophe Berg provide
advice and 70 recipes to make with natural products
homemade drinks and meals, fully adapted to the
needs of sportspersons.
• A large introduction about nutritional ingredients
and ‘‘superfood’’, rich in proteins, vitamins,
minerals and trace elements, to provide energy
at each moment of the day.
• 3 chapters
- Before the effort: digestible breakfasts
snacks and drinks, also rich in glucose to get
prepared before the competition.
- During the effort: isotonic beverages,
‘‘smoothie-purée’’ rich in sodium,
carbohydrates, and fibres for endurance...
- After the effort: hydrating meals to recover,
thanks to high quality vegetable proteins and
essential fatty acids.
16 x 22 cm
108 pages
Around 50 colour photographs and 19.300 words
Retail price: e 13,50
Date of publication in France: 20th august 2015
Rights sold: Germany
Édition La Plage - 22, rue de l’Odéon - 75006 Paris - FRANCE - Tél.: + 33 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Raw baking
Raw baking
Ophélie Véron (texts and photographs)
First book in France about raw baking, inspired from
the original and tasty french desserts, like tarts,
cremes and macarons!
• A large introduction about raw ingredients (like dates, avocado, coconut’s products...), their benefits and their uses.
• Large descriptions about the new bakingtechniques, easily accessible to all.
• 3 chapters
- The basis: how to make a pie, a whipped
coconuts cream, custard...
- The revisited great classic, like frozen little
tartlet, fruits clafoutis or chocolate tiramisu...
- The generous cakes: fig and rose layer
cakes, sweets macarons, chocolate tart...
16 x 22 cm
108 pages
52 colour photographs and 18 700 words
Retail price: e 13,50
Rights sold: Germany
Édition La Plage - 22, rue de l’Odéon - 75006 Paris- FRANCE - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
25 vegan ice creams
25 vegan ice creams
Marie Laforêt (texts and photographs)
Healthier, more digestible and less fatty, vegan ice
creams are also perfect for lactose intolerants, and
people who want to keep an eye on their waistline!
• Right after the succes of Vegan cheese,
Our famous vegan author Marie Laforêt
share her secrets to make smooth deserts,
without milk nor eggs.
• 3 chapters :
- Smooth creams and sorbets: from the
traditional vanilla perfume to the tomatostrawberries and basil taste, or the matchamacadamia taste.
- Popsicles and wafer cone, for a refreshing
moment alone: smoothie pops, striped
mango-orange ice, chocolate and praline
flavored ice cream...
- Frozen cakes to share, like yule log
(bûche de Noël), sweet sandwiches or layer
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
35 colour photographs and 9 100 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Wor nd
Cook ld
Awa ok
This book w
Marie Laforêt
(Text and photographs)
A very creative cookbook to cook without
eggs, meat, fish or dairy products.
• Discover the richness and the diversity of the
vegan gastronomy through a large number of
recipes, many of which are inspired by typical
french cuisine (local recipes from Provence,
blanquette, terrines, quiches, scallops with
cream sauce).
• More than 500 recipes to learn how to make
your own vegan cheese, how to cook astonishing
desserts, how to prepare a 100% vegetarian
version of the great classics.
• To go further, the book also contains information
on the main ingredients of the vegan cooking,
illustrated step by step and with the nutritional
advice of doctor Bernard-Pellet.
19 x 26 cm
324 pages
Around 260 colour photographs and 101.000 words (555.000 signs)
Retail price: e 29.95
Rights sold: Spain, Italy, UK
Édition La Plage - 22, rue de l’Odéon - 75006 Paris - FRANCE - e-mail : [email protected]
40 land art activities for kids
40 land art activities for kids
Isabelle Aubry (texts and photographs)
The author Isabelle Aubry is also an artist which
dedicates a large part of her work to teach kids
land art. This book sums up 40 workshops, stepby-step illustrated, stimulating and inspiring.
• The activities are classified by ages and
difficulties, and can be realised alone or
with several people, at school or at home,
with few resources.
• 4 planches
• 4 équerres d’assemblage
• Vis et tournevis
9-11 ans
• Éléments naturels
(feuilles, fleurs, pommes
de pin, graines, gravier…)
Voici venue la plus intéressante des quatre saisons pour jouer avec les
couleurs : l’automne. L’harmonie des teintes est un enjeu majeur pour la
réussite du jardin. Si le printemps offre une éclosion de nuances, l’automne
semble déposer des feuillages dorés et des couleurs chaudes. Ces
quelques mois de végétation colorée offrent autant de moments de bonheur,
lors de promenades en forêt où l’on récolte feuilles et fleurs dans leurs
derniers jours d’existence. Nous pouvons profiter de ces journées pour
créer un tableau au sol de composition éphémère.
1. Fabriquer (avec un
adulte) un cadre de bois
de dimensions au choix :
assembler 4 planches en
carré à l’aide d’équerres
qu’on fixera avec des vis.
2. Déposer le cadre sur le
sol, de préférence sur une
surface plane.
3. Y disposer des feuilles,
des fleurs et autres éléments naturels de façon à
former des bandes régulières. Alterner les couleurs
de rangs.
4. Doubler les côtés du
cadre en déposant un lit de
feuilles séchées tout autour.
5. Retirer délicatement le
le sais
-tu ?
Le jaune, le rouge et
l’orange sont des couleurs
chaudes ; la lumière les
rend éclatantes. C’est le
rouge qui domine en été.
Les couleurs froides sont
le bleu et le violet que l’on
retrouve dans les endroits
sombres, à l’ombre des
sous-bois. Dans les massifs,
le bleu peut prendre
une teinte argentée. Les
couleurs neutres sont
le blanc et le vert ; elles
peuvent être associées à
toutes les autres couleurs
et adoucir certaines teintes
trop vives.
• No mater where you live, land art can be
made everywhere, in the countryside or in
the city, every season.
• Seau ou cagette de bois
pour entreposer les matériaux
• Just like a pedagogical tool, this book can
be used by the parents or teachers who
are willing to share a different approach of
the games; artistic, creative an environmentfriendly.
• Feuilles, cailloux, fleurs,
1. Choisir un endroit plat et
6-8 ans
Il n’est pas rare, par temps de pluie, de rencontrer lors de nos
promenades des colimaçons en route pour une traversée lente et longue.
Les enfants sont fascinés par ces petits animaux aux yeux rétractables
avec leur maison sur le dos, image poétique de la coquille faite de spires.
Nous voici donc, accroupis, à attendre que l’escargot, de sa démarche
lente, se lance, en laissant sa trace sous son pied unique, vers une
destination que lui seul connaît. Partant de l’observation de la coquille de
notre gentil gastéropode, nous allons composer une spirale nature.
2. Rassembler les éléments
naturels collectés par types,
textures ou couleurs. Les
disposer en petits tas, assez
loin de l’endroit où l’on va
commencer la spirale.
3. Poser au sol un premier
élément, qui sera le centre
de la spirale.
4. Façonner la spirale en
ajoutant délicatement des
éléments les uns à côté
des autres, en formant
une courbe régulière qui
s’éloigne de plus en plus du
centre et qui tourne autour
(succession de spires).
1. Découper un morceau de
tissu suffisamment grand
et bien le tendre, à l’aide
de petits morceaux de bois
(cure-dents par exemple)
ou de ficelle attachée à ses
5. La spirale s’arrête là où
l’on décide de ses limites.
6. On peut façonner
plusieurs spirales si on le
souhaite. Ainsi, avec trois
spirales placées les unes à
côté des autres, on formera
la spirale triple des Celtes,
appelée « triskèle ».
Plus difficile : il est possible
de créer une spirale en
suspension entre deux
troncs d’arbres ou entre des
grosses tiges végétales,
en cousant des feuilles de
laurier-palme sur du tissu fin
laissant passer la lumière.
• Tarlatane ou tulle (pour un
effet de transparence)
• Cure-dents ou aiguilles de pin
• Feuilles de laurier-palme
• Appareil photo (facultatif)
2. « Coudre » les feuilles de
laurier-palme les unes aux
autres, comme expliqué
dans la fiche « Chaînette »
page 40, en les attachant
en même temps au tissu
dessous. Les façonner en
spirale régulière, sur tout le
3. Suspendre bien
solidement la spirale cousue
sur le tissu. Elle pourra
rester en place à l’extérieur
pendant plusieurs mois. Jour
après jour, les feuilles vont
perdre leur sève. La couleur
verte de la chlorophylle va
passer au jaune-brun, puis
au brun. Sans intervention,
la nature se charge ainsi de
déposer ses couleurs.
4. Si on laisse la spirale en
place pendant plusieurs
semaines, on peut la
photographier à intervalles
réguliers, de manière
à garder une trace de
l’évolution de la composition.
C’est un moyen d’observer
le phénomène éphémère du
land art.
19 x 26 cm
168 pages
Around 450 colour photographs and 24 500 words
Retail price: e 24,95
9. Répéter l’opération pour
former autant de fleurs
qu’on le souhaite.
10. On peut ajouter quelques
pommes de pin pour faire une
mise en scène automnale.
• Potimarron, citrouille ou
• Petit couteau à bout rond
9-11 ans
Si potimarron rime avec « rapetipeton le soleil est rond1 » et citrouille avec
« rouille » ou « trouille », c’est bien parce que ces plantes potagères nous
inspirent, autant par leur forme que par leur couleur. Comment ne pas
penser aux contes et légendes qui contribuent à la notoriété de ces beaux
légumes d’automne ? Qu’une fée ou une sorcière passe à proximité et voilà
qu’avec la magie, ils se métamorphosent. Aujourd’hui, le mois de novembre
nous invite à être magiciens en transformant notre belle courge ronde et
orange en de délicates petites fleurs pour faire un pied de nez à l’hiver. Puis,
à la fin de la journée, nous poserons notre potimarron-lumignon sur la table
du jardin pour nous éclairer et profiter de la veillée à l’extérieur.
• Cuillère à soupe
• Passoire
• Chiffon
• 2 bols
• Épluche-légumes
• Vide-pomme
• Table de jardin
• Pommes de pain
• Bougie chauffe-plat
• Miroir (facultatif)
• Feutres (facultatif)
1. Avec un adulte, percer un
potimarron sur un côté de
manière à former un carré.
2. À l’aide d’une cuillère
à soupe, gratter l’intérieur
du potimarron en passant
par le trou formé afin d’en
récupérer les graines et les
3. Déposer les graines dans
une grande passoire et les
passer sous l’eau froide
pour les nettoyer.
4. Sécher les graines avec
un chiffon. Les réserver
dans un bol.
5. À l’aide d’un épluchelégumes, peler le potimarron,
une bande sur deux.
6. Avec un vide-pomme, faire
des trous de façon régulière
dans le potimarron. Réserver
dans un bol les morceaux de
potimarron ainsi prélevés. Ils
serviront pour former le cœur
des fleurs.
7. Réserver le potimarron
dans le réfrigérateur.
11. Le soir, sortir le potimarron
du réfrigérateur et le poser
sur la table du jardin. Allumer
une bougie chauffe-plat, puis
l’insérer à l’intérieur du potimarron-lumignon. Les rayons
lumineux sortent des trous,
la flamme vacille avec l’air et
semble animer la composition.
12. On peut disposer une
petite plaque de verre ou un
miroir sous le lumignon, pour
obtenir un reflet des plus
13. Si on dispose de plusieurs
courges, on peut écrire ou
dessiner dessus. Pour cela,
essuyer la peau pour que
l’encre des feutres puisse s’y
déposer. On peut imaginer
tout un monde mystérieux :
pourquoi ne pas raconter une
belle histoire de citrouilles ?
8. Sur la table du jardin, poser
un morceau de potimarron
puis, délicatement, disposer
des graines tout autour pour
former une marguerite.
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Healthy breakfasts
Healthy breakfasts
Photography: Marie Laforêt
Having a healthy and appetizing breakfast, even in
a rush? Yes, it’s possible!
• Our well-known author Clea gives here
30 sweet and salted recipes with unrefined
products, to recharge durably the batteries
and to enjoy the first hours of the day,
alone or with several people.
• Table of contents
- Solo: raw or hot porridges, homemade
yoghurts, creams and granola for the loners.
- On the go: Parfait (layercake) in a glass,
avocado toasts, steamed coconut-bread
for people in a hurry.
- Brunch sharing: Scrambled tofu, low
glycemic index bread, vegan French toast
for the large tables.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
29 colour photographs and 12 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
25 vegan desserts
25 vegan desserts
Marie Laforêt (texts and photographs)
No eggs, no milk, no butter and yet, 25 recipes of
delicious cakes and french pastries!
Lactose-free, this books can also please a lot of
intolerant people.
• To beginn with, many explanations
about milk products and eggs substitutes
(vegetable cream and milk, starches, agaragar, bean curd…) and their uses: how to
rise or lighten a sponge cake, to thicken a
• Three collections of desserts:
- the rustic one, with raw ingredients:
brioche with dried fruit, cookies with
- the elegant one, for those days when you
want to receive people: panna cotta with
black sesame, mango and lemon semolina
- and the ‘‘decadent’’ one, for the most
regressive sweets: banoffee-French toast,
cheesecake raspberry and lemon...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs and 9 300 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Rights sold: Germany
Édition La Plage - 22, rue de l’Odéon - 75006 Paris- FRANCE - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Green smoothies and detox juices
Green smoothies and detox juices
Marie Grave
Photography: Marie Laforêt (texts and photographs)
Depurative, draining, diuretics, the green smoothies
will “clean” the liver and lead to a detox effect. They
are also to full of vitamins and antioxidants, and
strengthen the immune system.
Partez à l’aventure avec le bok choy, petit chou
asiatique aux feuilles (presque) aussi douces
que l’épinard, dans un smoothie « boosté » en
Pour 600 ml (2 grands verres)
• 260 g d’eau
• Les feuilles vertes de 3 à 4 bok choy (environ 60 g) hachées
• 25 g de framboises fraîches ou surgelées
• 170 g de mangue pelée en dés
• 1 c. à c. d’açaï en poudre
Mixer l’eau et les feuilles de bok choy.
Ajouter les framboises, la mangue et l’açaï, et mixer jusqu’à
obtention d’une texture veloutée.
• The originality of this book
- Information on the health benefits: anticell-ageing effect, good quality proteins
Focus sur le bok choy
De la famille des choux et brocolis, le bok choy ressemble à une
miniblette et se déniche dans les épiceries asiatiques. Variante
intéressante de l’épinard et de la mâche, il est choisi pour son
apport en vitamines A (bêtacarotène), C et K (primordiale pour
une bonne santé des os), en calcium et en potassium. Le blanc
restant sera délicieux sauté au wok !
Focus sur l’açaï
Cette baie d’un palmier amazonien cultivé au Brésil est une
pépite d’antioxydants au goût proche de la mûre sauvage. On
la trouve sous forme de jus, de purée surgelée, et lyophilisée en
poudre, pour « booster » facilement sa boisson. Il est préférable
de l’incorporer dans un smoothie sombre, car sa couleur pourpre
peut donner un rendu… bizarre.
- Practical advices to invent one’s own
• More than 30 recipes for beginners and
insiders, classified according to their taste
(more or less pronounced), with:
- usual ingredients (spinach, tops, fennel),
- superfoods (flaxseed, matcha, aloe vera,
maca, goji currency),
- tasty drinks (vegetable milks, aloe or
coconut water).
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 8 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- FRANCE - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Estérelle Payany
Photography: Linda Louis
Ice, nuts, seeds... Nothing can resist superblenders,
except maybe the creativity of the author, the
journalist Estérelle Payany!
• 4 times more powerful that an ordinary
blender, it’s possible to realize thanks to the
superblender tasty smoothies, smoother
soups, vegetal milk without filtration and
also homemade flours.
• Large families, homemade-fan, lovers
of fruits, vegetables and raw food will find
originality in this book, which revisits the
classic way of cooking with a blender, and
innovative recipes:
- homemade-frappucino,
- cocoa powder and spread,
- vegetal butter,
- crêpes and fruits pies...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
26 colour photographs and 10 300 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Rights sold: Germany
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
25 vegan dishes
25 vegan dishes
Marie Laforêt (texts and photographs)
After the success of her books Vegan and Vegan
cheeses, Marie Laforêt comes back with a
combination of 25 main and salted dishes, focusing
this time on the vegan food balance.
• To beginn with, many explanations for the
complementarity between leguminous
and cereals, and their best associations:
rice-lentil and ginger ; kidney bean-corn
and lime ; chickpea-bulgur wheat and
• In this book, 25 polyvalent recipes on
every occasion, often inspired by the world
- Lebanese mezze, biryani or tofish and
chips to receive people;
- Asparagus quiche, tempeh and butternut,
focaccia or couscous, to eat seasonal and
fresh all year long;
- Express meals, to cook fast but tasty
vegan dishes like galettes, soups, salads...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs and 9 600 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Buckwheat, the gluten-free alternative
Buckwheat, the gluten-free alternative
Clémence Catz
Photography Maria Angeles Torres
In France, buckwheat is most of the time synonym
of galettes and crêpes. But this strange little seed
has much more to offer, above all concerning raw
food and gluten free recipes!
• How to use buckwheat?
Raw, soufflé, roasted,sprouted... Seeds,
milk, flake or flour of buckwheat brings a lot
of original ideas and flavours in he kitchen!
• In the book
30 recipes of salty or sweet way to cook
buckwheat :
- raw food : basil-almond tartlets, porridge,
- cakes and bread : scones, oinon muffins,
- other hot dishes, like vegetarian meatballs
and soups...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs and 10 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Kale, superfood in your plate
Photography: Emma Dufraisseix
Our author Clea is the first who has written a book
about the french and glamourous way to cook the
Kale belongs to those healthy and yet forgotten
vegetables. It becomes more and more popular
thanks to its incredible nutritional quality (trace elements, vitamins, antioxidents...) and its low calorific
It pretty looks like salad and can be eaten raw,
which is perfect to enjoy the benefits of this superIn the book :
food, without the smell of cooked cabbage!
• Raw kale: salads, wraps, kale
spread, cocktail, smoothies…
• Cooked kale, like spinnach: cashewkale pasta, lemony risotto, feta-kale
And of course, the famous kale chips!
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs, 10 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Rights sold: Germany, UK
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
The big book of the raw cuisine
The big book of the raw cuisine
Christophe Berg
Photography Alexis
Christophe Berg, a European chef trained
in the United States, succeeds to combine
the French food gourmet touch with raw
food, for the pleasure of all the food
The ingredients are natural, untransformed,
gluten free, without lactose or cholesterol
and of course 100 % dairy free.
In the book
• The gestures, techniques and base
recipes to be initiated into raw cuisine.
• The daily raw cuisine (smoothies,
breakfast, desserts, snacks...)
• More than 250 recipes for a gourmet
cuisine, inspired by the international
Le grand livre de la cuisine crue
19 x 26 cm
252 pages
Retail price: e 29.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Cooking with fire
Cooking with fire
Text and photography
Linda Louis
Barbecue grill, fireplace, smokehouse,
bread oven : cooking on the outside, close
to nature has become very trendy in France.
Wood-fired cooking has evolved to become
subtler and healthier, using more and more
green ingredients.
6 chapters = 6 ways of cooking with fire
• Direct or indirect (on embers) cooking : How
to roast chestnuts, to cook a cake on a spit...
Some authentic techniques that will amaze
everyone, even the barbecue specialists.
• Plancha and cast iron cooking (plancha, pan,
wok, waffle maker).
• Steamed food (using indirect radiant heat).
How to cook stuffed pumpkin, Kohlrabi in salt
crust, bread in a cast iron pan.
• Stewed cooking (On a camp fire or in a
• Smoked cooking (hot or cold smoked food).
To smoke almonds, garlic, raclette or barbecue
• Cooking in a wood-fired oven.
The author
Linda Louis is the author of several considered
books on organic and wild cooking. As she lives
in a forest near Bourges, she is deeply inspired by
nature, which gives a very authentic aspect to her
books and pictures. Her works are translated in
several languages.
Cuisiner avec le feu
16 x 22 cm
324 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 24,82
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Quinces and rhubarb
Quinces and rhubarb
photography Linda Louis
A book on seasonal fruits (autumn for quinces
and spring for rhubarb) that abound at certain
times of the year and that we don’t know how
to cook anymore. Some original recipes to
bring up to date those vintage fruits.
In the book
• A botanical and nutritional introduction
to these two plants. Both are natural
appetite suppressants (few calories and
rich in fibers).
• 30 sweet and salty recipes to play with
the sour taste of these two fruits
With quinces : Salty recipes (pizza,
tajine,...) and many sweet recipes, from
the quince fondant to the classic quince
With rhubarb : Salty dips, sour tarts and
Coing et rhubarbe
The author
Clea is a well-known food blogger in France.
She has a diploma in social sciences applied
to food. Since the success of «Agar-agar, the
secret slimming-helper of Japaneses», about
fifteen books from her have been published by
La Plage editions, some of which have been
translated in Spanish, German, Flemish...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Raw chocolate
Raw chocolate
Laurence Alemanno
Marie Laforêt
Raw food is trendy and raw chocolate is
coming in Europe for the pleasure of all
the food lovers !
• Raw chocolate : a superfood
Raw chocolate is not roasted, that is why
it is filled with antioxidant. It makes it a
healthy food but still very gourmet !
• Raw and vegan recipes
Laurence Alemanno teaches us new
ways to cook chocolate and cocoa.
From cocoa powder, cocoa beans,
raw chocolate bars, she makes drinks,
desserts, chocolate bars, in compliance
with the rules of the « real chocolaterie ».
In the book
Recipes of raw chocolate bars,
smoothies, chocolate mousses, crisps
of spicy vegetables, ice creams...
Chocolat cru
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 12
Rights sold: Italy
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Juice extractors
Juice extractors (Cold-press juicer)
Estérelle Payany
The first book published on this
wonderful utensil, more and more
used to squeeze and blend fruits.
Different modes and paces to
preserve the ingredient’s inherent
In the book
• The basics of the juice extractor
How does it work? Why is it different from
a centrifugal juice extractor?
The main existing models and their
accessories, criteria to take into account to
chose a juice extractor, recommendations
and advices to make the most of it.
• Many varied recipes
Soups and juices (wheat germ juice, green
smoothies, pomegranate or almond juice...)
Condiments and dishes : hummus,
sesame seeds purée, fresh pasta, balls...
Desserts : cocoa-hazelnut spread, vegan
ice creams, truffles, jams...
Recipes and tricks to make the most of the
remaining pulp.
The author
Parisian food journalist, Esterelle Payany has written
a large number of cookbooks, such as Express
little breads or Veggie burgers, published by La
Plage editions.
Extracteur de jus
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Vegan cheese
Vegan cheese
Texte and photography Marie
The first book on that subject in France, “the
country of the 246 cheeses”! Grated cheese,
fresh cheese, creamy cheese, you can make it
all in a vegan version.
In the book
• How to make home-made fermented
cheeses (made with réjujelac, a fermented
wheat germ), creamy cheese spreads (made
with cashew nut, sesame or tofu) or strong
cheeses (made with miso, tempeh, malt yeast).
• Recipes that use the usual home-made dairy
techniques, adapted to vegan ingredients
: coagulation-filtration-pressing of non-dairy
milks, fermentation techniques and recipes
that use already fermented products.
• About 30 complex or every day recipes,
using a great deal of ingredients rich in
calcium and in good fatty acids (sesame,
almonds, coconut).
The author
Marie Laforêt, a specialist of vegan cooking,
shares her innovative recipes on her blog (“100%
vegan”). As she is also a photographer, she
illustrates herself her recipes. She lives in Paris
and is the author of “Vegan Gourmet desserts”,
“Coconut” and “Vegan”.
Fromages vegan
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold: Italy, Germany, Brazil
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
The World’s Grocery Collection
The United Kingdom
10 cult-products of the English grocery
in 25 recipes
10 cult-products of the Lebanese
grocery in 25 recipes
A cooking-book on 10 cult-products of the
English grocery :
Marmalade • Malt vinegar • treacle • Earl Grey
tea • English Mustard • Madras curry • Cream
crackers • lemon curd • bier • oat flakes
A cooking-book on 10 cult-products of the
Lebanese grocery :
Sesame • Lebanese legumes • Sumac and
Zaatar • Bulghur and other cereals • Pasta
Filo • Lebanese breads • Pomegranate
molasses •Mastic gum • Orange-flower water
• Mahaleb
25 recipes to make these products a delight :
Malt vinegar chips, Chocolate and orange
sponge pudding, mustard roasted nuts,
treacle backed beans, vegetable curry pie...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages - hard cover
40 colour photographs
Retail price: e 12,00
25 recipes to make these products a delight :
Falafels, pastry puffs with cheese, lebanese
tabbouleh,semolina cake with orange-flower
16 x 22 cm
72 pages - hard cover
40 colour photographs
Retail price : 12,00 euros
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
The World’s Grocery Collection
10 cult-products of the Italian grocery in
25 recipes
10 cult-products of the Indian grocery in
25 recipes
A cooking-book on 10 cult-products of the
Italian grocery :
Panettone • Polenta • Truffle cream •Dry
pasta• Capers • Tomato sauce and dried
tomatoes • Risotto rice •Balsamic vinegar •
Pistachio paste • Limoncello
A cooking-book on 10 cult-products of the
Indian grocery :
• Ghee • Indian lenses • Mustard seeds •
Indian rices • Tamarind • Masalas • Amchoor
• Coconut Oil and Milk • Jaggery Sugar •
Rose water and syrup
25 recipes to make these products a delight :
Panettone toast, Truffle cream frittata, Sicilian
Caponata with capers, Limoncello Baba...
Buon appetito !
25 recipes to make these products a delight :
Samosas with mustard seeds, Vegetables
fried in Coconut milk, Rose rice cream, a
Biryani with Basmati rice...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages - hard cover
16 x 22 cm
72 pages - hard cover
Retail price: e 12,00
Retail price: e 12,00
40 colour photographs
40 colour photographs
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Meatless balls and galettes
Meatless balls and galettes
Clémence Catz
Photography Maria Angelès Torres
In Europe, we often associate balls with
meat. But it is different in other culinary
• Rich in protein recipes
These balls and galettes cooked with
green proteins can be served as a
vegetarian dish, taken away in lunch
boxes or enjoyed as a delicious snack.
• 30 recipes of salty or sweet balls and
Crusty or soft depending on the cooking
mode : steamed, oven-baked, fried...
Boulettes et galettes sans viande
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Veggie Burger
Veggie Burger
Clea et Estérelle Payany
Photography Charlotte Brunet
Stylism Jessie Kanelos-Weiner
Today, there is a real burger mania ! Veggie
burgers combine fast food and good food
for a healthy and delicious result !
A nice illustrated book with drawings
and photographs.
In the book
• Home-made breads
How to prepare delicious little breads,
full of seeds, for an entirely home-made
veggie burger !
• Green steaks
How to prepare protein rich steaks with
kidney beans, tofu, chickpeas...or even
beetroot or roasted aubergines.
• Last but not least : side dishes
How to prepare a home-made ketchup,
green mayonnaise, coleslaw, potato
Veggie Burger
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold: Italy, Germany
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Restos Veggie
Restos Veggie
Gluten free, organic, vegan
Eating vegetarian in France ? It’s possible !
This guide book lists more than 500 restaurants,
that propose veggie menus in the big french
cities but also in the countryside.
• Veggie, vegan, gluten free and even raw
restaurants are presented in this guide.
• More than 180 restaurants in Paris, a lot in the
south of France (a gluten free restaurant in Cannes,
a vegan restaurant in Menton, a locavore restaurant
in Marseille...) and everywhere in the country.
Restos Veggie
352 pages
Retail price: e 9.50
• This guide is written in french. The paper version
is available to buy in online bookstores and an
ebook version is also available.
Included in this book: The addresses of all the
organic food shops in France.
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Photography Eric Fénot
Stylism Delphine Brunet
Regarded as a real slimming-helper in Japan
and appreciated for its antioxidant properties,
Matcha green tea invites itself unceremoniously
in our kitchens.
• This green little powder lends color to
dishes and desserts, and also turns to
be an amazing tool for culinary design.
• About thirty creative recipes, enriched
with the subtly bitter taste of matcha,
such as :
-Very green salad dressings or spreads
-Marbled cheesecakes, bi-color cakes
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
40 Techniques in Vegetarian Cuisine
The know-how of vegetarian
Eric Fénot
Stylism Delphine
40 techniques, illustrated and explained in
details :
• How to prepare your own flour, plant milks, tofu
or seitan ..
.• Learn how to use agar-agar, essential oils,
kombucha ...
• How to dehydrate, «lactofermentate», recycle ...
• How to prepare pâtés, rillettes and meat free
burgers …
• To go further, discover the secrets of the
100% dairy free cooking (pastries or mayonnaise
without milk nor eggs...) and raw cooking (raw
soups, sprouts...)
Les savoir faire de la cuisine végétarienne
16 x 22 cm
264 pages
170 colour photographs
Retail price: e 24.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Céline Mennetrier
Maria Angeles Torres
Polenta is back !
As many trendy chefs, use it in a
thousand and one different ways :
• salty : french fries, pizza dough,
• sweet : wafer, crisp biscuits...
Good news : as all the recipes in this
book are gluten free, people intolerant
to gluten can enjoy delicacies they had
abandoned, prepared with cornmeal.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Coconut milk, butter and water
Texte and photography Marie
Symbol of exoticism, the coconut has become
an essential part of our western cooking.
Grated coconut, milk, oil, water... the coconut
can be used in many ways !
Very rich in minerals, coconut milk appeals
to a lot of people: Those who are lactose
allergic, but also to all the lovers of healthy
and dietetic food. Excellent in sweet and
salty recipes.
25 original coconut-based recipes :
• Gourmet desserts (coconut-raspberry
cake, coconut-almond crisp, pumpkincoconut cake with orange...)
• Tastes from elsewhere (coconut chaï tea
latte, indian little turnovers, thaï curry of
• Raw and revitalizing recipes (bananacoconut-ginger smoothie, lemon-coconut
bars, home-made coconut butter..)
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold: German
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Express little breads
Express little breads
Clea and Estérelle Payany
Myriam Gauthier-Moreau
Around thirty quickly made little breads
from all around the world, cooked with a
pan, in the oven or with a steamer.
Wheat, rye, corn, chestnuts, sesame,
poppy...Little breads give a good deal
to these organic ingredients (with or
without gluten).
4 chapters for 4 uses :
• Side breads : Cornbread, Bannocks,
blinis or other buns...
• Breads to fill (such as the famous indian
chapati or the mexican tortillas) but also
little breads made with buttermilk or beer.
• «All-in-one» breads : for example, the
filled steamed bread or scones with
dates and nuts.
• Some experimental little breads which
will amaze the audacious connoisseurs :
breads cooked with wood fire, crackers
style unleavened bread...
Petits pains express
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Berries and small fruits
Texte and photography
Linda Louis
These little fruits rich in vitamins and full
of antioxidants have the wind in their sails.
In the book
• 22 varieties of berries, split on three big
chapters :
- Garden berries (blackcurrant, gooseberry,
ground cherry...)
- Wild berries (bilberry, rosehip, elderberry...)
- Berries from elsewhere (cranberry, Goji...)
• For each variety : An illustrated botanical
description, the nutritional properties,
specific advice for the gardening or the
picking and several gourmet recipes to
make these little fruits a delight.
The author
After the success of “l’Appel gourmand de la forêt”
(10 000 copies) and of “Châtaignes” (chestnuts),
Linda Louis continues her botanical and culinary
work with this book on 22 varieties of berries
(already translated in German).
Baies et petits fruits
16 x 22 cm
224 pages - hardcover
Approx. 250 colour photographs and 25 000 words
Retail price: e 19.95
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Organic Crêpes
Clémence Catz
Photo Maria Angeles Torres
White flour, eggs, milk... Do you have
all your ingredients ready for a crêpe
party ? Very good. Now put them back
in your cupboard and get your organic
alternative collection out : wholemeal
flour and/or glutenfree, oleaginous puree,
plant milks, natural sugars, essential
Healthy crêpes without gluten, dairy
milk nor eggs, it’s possible ! And
it’s also an opportunity to test our
overactive imagination.
• Innovative crepes and original
recipes to discover new flavors.
• Illustrated demonstration with
31 sweet or salty gourmet recipes.
• 31 recipes for big or small occasions:
-Green soy blinis with coriander
-Little quinoa flakes crepes
-Almond milk crepes and pear cream
with candied ginger
-Tiramisu-style crêpes, mille-feuilles...
Crêpes bio, c’est party!
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Naturally glutenfree
Valérie Cupillard
Photography Maria Angeles Torres
10 years of success for this very
comprehensive classic of the glutenfree food.
A recognized book prefaced and
validated by the Doctor Seignalet.
The new bound and illustrated edition of
the best-seller of Valérie Cupillard. 224
pages on her famous gluten and dairy
free recipes, illustrated with photographs.
Valérie Cupillard teaches us how to use
vegetable purées to make soufflés, lentil
flour to make blinis, almond powder to
make a pastry base...
15 chapters to learn how to use 15
ingredients (almonds, chestnuts, quinoa,
buckwheat...) as wheat substitutes. In
each chapter, sweet or salty recipes for
Sans gluten, naturellement
16 x 22 cm
224 pages - hardcover
Approx. 50 colour photographs and 25 000 words
Retail price: e 19.50
Rights sold : Brazil
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Vegan French gourmet
Text and photography
Marie Laforêt
Little and big cakes, creamy puddings, ice creams or pies... all
the pastry recipes revised without
dairy products. The author teaches
us how to use linseed, silken tofu,
agar-agar and other oleaginous
purées to recreate all the classic
sweet recipes.
On the menu of this 100% dairyfree book : custard, lemon pie,
matcha-raspberry whoopies, red
fruits cheesecake, peach-yogurt
ice cream, olive oil light brioche,
milk chocolate light mousse...
Desserts gourmands sans oeufs ni lait
16 x 22 cm
108 pages
40 colour photographs and 15 000 words
Retail price: e 13,50
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Text and photography
Linda Louis
This cookbook explores the chestnut,
naturally gluten free, in all its forms.
• Chestnut flour, chestnut purée,
chestnut flakes, all can be used to cook
sweet or salty dishes.
• Linda Louis explains how to make
chestnut milk or the famous “marron
glacé” (chestnut candied in sugar syrup
and glazed) and she doesn’t forget the
traditional know-how : peel or roast
chestnuts, can them, make jams...
The author
Wild plant specialist but also a photographer,
Linda Louis makes her own photographs to
illustrate her books. She is the author of “The
gourmet call of the wild” (already translated in
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
40 colour photographs and 10 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Rights sold : Italy
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Flavors from the sea to cook
Anne Brunner
Photography Myriam Gauthier-Moreau
Seaweed is a healthy and low calorie product,
rich in minerals, trace elements, fibers and
proteins. Moreover, seaweeds have a very
subtle taste that can be enhanced if it is well
In the book
• An illustrated presentation of the
different seaweeds that you can find
on the market (sea lettuce, nori, arame,
dulse, kombu, agar-agar...) , how they
are cultivated and harvested, what are
their benefits.
• 30 recipes to cook fresh and dried
seaweeds, fermented, in flakes or in
leaves (salad of raw seaweeds and
hazelnuts, sea beans toasts, salted
nori pop corn, dulse and potato mash,
fougasse of seaweeds, garlic and
capers, nori soufflé)
• To make it easier to cook seaweeds,
each chapter is introduced by a very
simple recipe, detailed step by step.
The author
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold : Spain
Anne Brunner lives in Tour. She is the author of “Bio
recipes for my children”, “home-made dairy free milk
and yogurts” and the co-writer of the collective book
“Organic cooking workshop, ingredients, recipes and
techniques” (Published by La Plage).
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Raw food
Dehydrated delights
Vegetable crisps, Fruit leathers,
Text and photography Linda
To make with a dehydrator or in a low
temperature oven.
The dried (and uncooked) food keeps
its nutritional properties and reveals
at the same time an amazing culinary
Linda Louis turns fruits and vegetables
into crisps, fruit leathers, crackers,
biscuits, decoration or sweets...
An indispensable illustrated book to
be initiated into food dehydration and
raw food.
Délices déshydratés
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
40 colour photographs and 10 000 words
Retail price: e 9,95
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
How to Cook Everything
Clea - Doctor Bernard Pellet
Photography Eric Fénot
Up to date and trendy.
• 500 recipes and about 100
color photographs to discover
how to use specific ingredients,
how to compose balanced
• From picnic to Christmas
feast, from hungry teenagers
to people with a low-fat diet...
Brunch, Trendy Buffet, economic
lunch, fast food, there is always
a vegetarian option.
Nutritional advices by a MD doctor
19 x 26 cm
320 pages
Approx. 100 colour photographs
Retail price: e29.90
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
The gourmet call of the wild
Texte and photo : Linda Louis
• Taking readers into the woods, this
book features wild mushrooms, plants,
and berries- from prize morels and
chanterelles to wild garlic, nettles, blackberries, and more.
• For each plant : an identity card of the
plant, seasonal recipes and very tasty
recipes (trumpets of death Tapenade, elder-
flower fritters, hazelnut liqueur ...)
«...with permanent concern respect
nature and ecosystems
A locavore and citizen book.»
Le Monde, sept. 2011
L’Appel gourmand de la forêt
16 x 22 cm
320 pages - hardcover
Approx. 500 colour photographs
Retail price: e24.50
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Receive with organic food
For an almost perfect organic dinner,
let’s go off the beaten track !
Enclosed :
12 “gourmet gifts” cards and some “shopping lists” to cut out.
• A bound fine book to discover
over seasons 10 ways to reinvent
Chrismas Eve dinner, sommer buffets
and other evenings with friends.
• For the originality, trust Clea, not
impressed by the organic challenge,
whose she gets all the specialities,
from oleaginous purée to silken tofu
and other umeboshis.
Clea is, in France, the most popular organic-vegetarian
author. She published about ten works, whose a few
titles have been translated (Spanish, Flemish…). Her previous book “Veggie” get the Gourmand World Cookbook
Recevoir en bio
Photograpy Myriam Gauthier Moreau
22 x 22 cm
208 pages
Approx. 50 colour photographs
Retail price: e24,95
Different formats recipes cards
are enclosed in this book and
highlight the “gourmet gifts”
Organic cooking Series
Home-made bars
32 receipts of bars to make at home :
• Energizing bar
• Slimming meal-bars
• Muesli bars for the snack
Healthy and nutritious food : quinoa, linen,
spirulina, fig, banana, nuts, almond, chocolate…
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs
This French couple, living at present in the
Netherlands, wan victories in extreme runnings all around the world. They are the
authors of Green Proteins (already translated
in Spanish and German) and of Smoothie
already translated in German).
Retail price: e9.90
The new yogourt cakes
A variation of the same receipt : sweet, salty,
gluten-free, without eggs...
For all the tastes !
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Nettle and dandelion
•Twenty classic or unexpected recipes: the
dandelion pesto, accommodates in sautéed
or in sun-dried tomato tatin...
The author, specialist of the wild plants is a
photographer too. She made all the photographs of the in situ book. Linda Louis is also
the author of The gourmet call of the wild
(already translated in German).
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
Fresh Home-made Cheese
• With cow’s or goat’s milk, learn how to
make your yogurt, cottage cheese, bushes
and other small-Swiss, and some unexpected as mascarpone and mozzarella ...
• Beyond the pleasure to make your own,
find the authentic flavors of organic dairy products. The recipes in this book do not need
special material.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Ancient Tomatoes
To learn about cooking and old varieties (red,
yellow, green, black, cherries ...) is the goal of
this book.
Thirty original gourmet recipes and each time
a different variety of tomatoes: canned dried
tomatoes, ketchup and tomato paste, green
tomato jam, yellow tomato pizza...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
35 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain, Italy
Silken Tofu
• The silken tofu is a great protein and fat-free
ingredient, ideal for slimming diets! Discover
the uses of this sweet or savory tofu «all soft»
withch absorbs the flavors in sauces, terrines,
quiches, clafoutis, foam fruit, chocolate ...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
20 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
I stop to salt!
• Tips and recipes without salt
• So deliciously savory preparations that you
forget at the first bite they have never been
added salt. The authors use herbs, spice
blends, marinades, concentrated natural flavors
as some vegetables and dried fruit, wholemeal
Un cornet de wedges
de patate douce au four
Voici une recette apéro complète, vite et bien faite,
pour ne pas avoir à regretter les frites baignant dans l’huile et salées :
un cornet de wedges (grosses frites) de patate douce cuites au four,
au goût sucré, accompagné de deux sauces
aux saveurs et arômes bien contrastés.
Vous pouvez également
faire des wedges avec
d’autres légumes racines
savoureux, comme des
panais, des variétés
anciennes de carottes ou
encore des pommes de
terre nouvelles avec leur
Préchauffer le four à 200 0C.
Éplucher les patates douces, les découper
dans la longueur pour former de grosses frites.
Les disposer dans un saladier. Y verser l’huile
d’olive, brasser pour en recouvrir les frites.
Étaler une feuille de papier cuisson sur une grille,
puis y disposer les frites.
Mettre les ingrédients de la sauce rouge dans
un plat à gratin. Disposer les ingrédients de
la sauce blanche dans un deuxième plat à gratin.
Enfourner la grille puis les plats à gratin et faire
cuire 15 minutes. Sortir la grille et retourner les
frites. Poursuivre la cuisson pendant 15 minutes.
Sortir les plats à gratin. Mixer les ingrédients
de la sauce rouge et verser dans un ramequin.
Mixer les ingrédients de la sauce blanche et verser
dans un deuxième ramequin. Sortir les frites
du four et les réserver dans un plat, à couvert.
Former un cornet avec le papier cuisson
et y disposer les frites. Servir avec les sauces.
16 x 22 cm
108 pages
Approx. 30 colour photographs
Retail price: e12.90
• Gluten-free, easy-to-digest... quinoa, the
sacred grain of the Incas, is appreciated for
its excellent taste and nutritional value, with
its high protein content.
• 30 healthy and creative recipes.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain
• Discover the vitality secrets of two sportsmen: fruit, vegetables, healthy ingredients
(almond puree, sprouts...) mixtures.
• Smoothies for balanced meals, moisturizers, after sports, at work, travelling ...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold : German
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
Green proteins
• Beans, peas, lentils ... have been forgotten
the better!
• It is time to take a fresh look: Caviar Lens,
Black Bean Crackers, kidney beans Steak...
delicious and inspired recipes made ​​with
dried vegetables, canned, frozen... it is easy
to adopt a diet rich in protein 100% vegetable.
16 x 22 cm - 108 pages
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e12.90
Rights sold: Spain, german
My spreads... sweet and savory
• Clea revisits healthy sweet or savory
• Caviar vegetables, purees of oilseeds, miso
paste, dried mushrooms ... to replace cheese
and butter on toasts or inside sandwiches.
16 x 22 cm - 72 pages
20 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain
Kabocha (Japanese Pumpkin)
• It is similar in texture and flavor to a pumpkin
and a sweet potato combined. It is rich in beta
carotene, with iron, vitamin C, potassium...
• 30 healthy recipes to cook Kabocha from
main courses to desserts.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Home-made Organic Candies
• How to make Marshmallows, Lollipops,
Caramel, Chocolate... at home ?
• Using 100 % Organic ingredients, good
sugars, essential oils... free of chemical additives !
16 x 22 cm - 72 pages (11,000 words)
40 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Lithuanian Langage, German
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
Secrets of Endurance
• Walking, jogging, biking ... sports fans will find
in these 33 recipes: Energy bars, Energy gels,
Greeen Smoothies, Special Breads ...
• With Superfoods that help to optimize your
Health and Performance (almond paste, buckwheat, quinoa, sprouts, ginger ...).
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (10,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Famous Desserts, No Gluten, No Milk
• Dairy-free and gluten-free desserts, naturally.
• 65 famous recipes, made healthy: mousses,
frozen desserts, meringues, crepes, cookies,
tarts and pies, cakes, chocolate, and more/ 65
16 x 22 cm
144 pages (20,000 words)
65 colour photographs
Retail price: e15.90
Right sold : Dutch langage
Cooking Curcuma (Turmeric)
• Because the many health benefits of turmeric (antioxidant and anti-cancer components)
are well known now!
• 30 healthy recipes to cook with turmeric
and other healthy ingredients (agave syrup,
ginger, flax seeds, sweet potatoes...)
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain
Gluten-free Bread
• 21 Breads and quick breads with naturally gluten-free Flours (rice...). Most of
these recipes can be made either in a bread
machine or by hand.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain
Organic cooking Series
Salted Biscuits
• Organic Salted Crackers Recipes
• Bretzels, Grissini, Shortbread... with sesame, cheese, rice flour...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Fresh Home-made Pasta
• Make your own Fresh Pasta with traditional
or original flour.
• 30 healthy recipes, many step-by-step photos.
16 x 22 cm
108 pages (20,,000 words)
35 colour photographs
Retail price: e12.90
• Cristallized, Marinated... all the ways to
cook with Ginger.
• Because the many health benefits of ginger
(antioxidant and anti-cancer components) are
well known now!
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 467 53 42 25 - Fax: +33 488 56 23 48 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
• Light, Healthy, often Raw and always
Organic : Cabbage is back!
• Recipes for Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts,
Cabbage, Cauliflower...
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Glycemix Index
• The easy, healthy way to permanent weight
• 30 healthy recipes / 30 photos
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (13,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Right sold: Spain
Organic Ice Creams and Sorbets
• Ice Creams, Sorbets, Granitas, and Sweet
Accompaniments... all made from healthy
ingrédients (less sugar, goat or vegetal milk,
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
25 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Organic Lemon Desserts
• Lemon Desserts explores lemon cakes,
pies, puddings, custards, cookies, ice
• 30 Healthy lemon recipes, made with less
butter, less sugar and more vegan ingredients.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 467 53 42 25 - Fax: +33 488 56 23 48 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
Healthy Temptations: Organic
• It is possible to have both delicious and
healthy chocolate recipes, made with less
butter, less sugar and more vegan ingredients.
• 30 recipes for chocolate addicts from organic chef Laurence Salomon (truffles, mousses, tempura, etc.)
• A creative layout for creative recipes.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain
Cooking Organic for
My Children
• Children’s favourites can be healthy and
• Baby food, after school snack, Easter
chocolates, vegetable burgers, and more, all
made with original and organic ingredients.
16 x 22 cm
108 pages (20,000 words)
40 colour photographs
Retail price: e12.90
Rights sold: Spain
Incredible Tarts
• Forget the usual shortcrust, shortbread and
pastry. Try these innovative pastry shells made
of couscous, noodles, vegetables, seeds,
agar-agar and many other incredible ingredients.
• Light, creative and beautiful.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (10,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Lituanian langage
Bread in a Casserole
• Try making your own homemade bread…
in a
• It is the definitive solution for good crust
and crumb.
16 x 22 cm - 72 pages (11,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Rights sold: Spain
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Organic cooking Series
The Japanese Slimming Secret
• Agar powder, which is also known by its
Japanese name kanten, comes from red
seaweed and is an excellent gelling agent, with
laxative properties and zero calories.
• 30 creative and light occidental recipes / 30
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (13,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: e9.90
Right sold: Spain, Dutch langage
Plant Milk, Step-by-Step
• How to make your own rice milk, soya yogurt,
cashews cream, nut cheese, and other non-dairy
milk treats.
• For vegetarians, vegans, and people with lactose intolerance or allergies.
16 x 22 cm
108 pages (20,000 words)
69 colour photographs
Retail price: e12.90
Rights sold: Spain
Organic Lunch Box
• Eat organic at work with variations on Japanese
Bento, take-away style foods, and other lunch
box ways.
• 30 healthy recipes / 30 photos
16 x 22 cm
72 pages (11,000 words)
30 colour photographs
Retail price: 9.90
Rights sold: Spain
Cooking with Japanese Ingredients
• Find out more about umebosis, miso, gomasio,
gingeroot, soba: how to use them, along with
Western and Japanese recipes
• 80 photos - 10 manga-style drawings
16 x 22 cm
108 pages (14,000 words)
80 colour photographs
Retail price: e15.90
Rights sold: Spain
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Big cookbooks Series
10 titles available
22 x 26 cm - approx.100 pages
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Big cookbooks Series
enu le
Cet ouvrage a obt
Gour mand ok
World Cook
• 45 creative recipes for 45 root
vegetables (old varieties, exotic
roots, etc.).
• Recipes by organic chef Laurence
22 x 25.5 cm
120 pages (20,000 words)
45 colour photographs of recipes
45 colour photographs of root vegetables
Retail price: e19.90
• Gluten-free, easy-to-digest quinoa, the sacred grain of the Incas,
is appreciated for its excellent taste
and nutritional value, with its high
protein content.
• 60 healthy and creative recipes.
22 x 25.5 cm
100 pages (20,000 words)
50 colour photographs
Retail price: e18.00
Right sold: Spain
enu le
Cet ouvrage a obt
Gour mand ok
World Cook
• Discover everything you need to
know about seaweeds !
• Healthy and mineral-rich,
seaweeds are also delicious and
easy to cook.
Learn how to make the best of them
through 39 recipes.
22 x 25.5 cm
100 pages (18,000 words)
50 colour photographs
Retail price: e19.90
Rights sold: Spain
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Big cookbooks Series
Jeu azille
The Little Organic Chef
• An album for children
• Easy and fun recipes children can
make with natural and healthy ingredients.
• Sour Max and Sweet Zoe give
children step-by-step instructions
on how to grate, to shape into balls,
to decorate with flowers, and many
other fun techniques.
22 x 22 cm
96 pages (11,000 words)
130 colour photographs
Retail price: e19.90
Organic Cooking Workshop
• Ingredients (grains, sprouts, tofu,
etc.) illustrated and explained, along
with 500 creative recipes.
• 220 photos; hard cover
19 x 26 cm
324 pages (78,000 words)
220 colour photographs
Retail price: e32.00
Today’s Grains
• From Quinoa to Fonio, Rice,Teff or
Millet : how to choose the best cooking mode (pilaf, steam...), how to
make your own flour or flakes, your
22 x 25.5 cm
100 pages (18,000 words)
40 colour photographs
Retail price: e19.90
Rights sold: Spain, Lithuanian Langage
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Big cookbooks Series
enu le
Cet ouvrage a obt
Gour mand ok
World Cook
• This book won the “World
Gourmand Cookbook Award”
• How to grow sprouts at home +
healthy recipes.
22 x 25.5 cm
120 pages (20,000 words)
50 colour photographs
Retail price: 18.00
Rights sold: German, English, Spain
enu le
Cet ouvrage a obt
Organic Feasts
Gour mand ok
World Cook
• This book won the “World
Gourmand Cookbook Award”
• 32 gastronomic vegetarian menus
for every season.
22 x 25.5 cm
160 pages (30,000 words)
100 colour photographs
Retail price: e25.00
Rights sold: Italy
Gluten-free, Dairy-free
Breads and Cakes
• Gluten-free and dairy-free cookbook.
You can make anything without gluten, from small biscuits to big cakes.
22 x 28 cm
144 pages (25.000 words)
100 colours photographs
Retail price: e25.00
Rights sold: English
Tofu and Soya
• Healthy, traditional Western and
Eastern recipes
• Includes step-by-step instructions
for making your own tofu and soy
22 x 25.5 cm
120 pages (20,000 words)
50 colour photographs
Retail price: e19.50
Rights sold: Spain
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Vegetarian Cooking
5 titles : Italy, India, China, Mediterranean and "Around the World"
• Each book : more than 100 traditional recipes
• Native authors with a real competence : an ayurvedic vegetarian teacher for «India», a «Tofu Master» for China...
• healthy ingredients, protein balanced, low-fat, low-sugar recipes...
14 x 21 cm
No photo inside
160 pages (37 000 words)
Retail price : 13,00 e
Dietetic Cooking
Foods to eat, foods to avoid.
100 healthy recipes to learn
how to cook healing food.
14 x 21 cm
160 pages (40 000 words)
Retail price : 16,00 e
Digestive problems
Natural recipes
Liégeois (diet.) Milovljevic (Chief)
Colitis, Flatulence, Constipation
Foods to eat, foods to avoid.
100 healthy recipes to learn how to
cook healing food.
14 x 21 cm
160 pages (40 000 words)
Retail price : 16,00 e
Rights sold: Spain
I love my hair
I love my hair
To finish with hair loss
Texte and photography Elodie-Joy
The latest book of Elodie-Joy Jaubert,
after the great success of “Layering, the
beauty secrets of Japaneses”, sold in
20000 copies.
Hair loss affects women as well as young
girls ( caused by stress, nutritional deficiency
or following the termination of birth control
pills or a pregnancy)
In the book
The author shares her solutions to fight
efficiently hair loss, caused by nutritional
deficiency, hormonal disorders, stress, the
period following a pregnancy or after the
termination of birth control pills. She also
gives advices to stimulate hair growth and
make it stronger :
• Nutritional advices to nourish the hair by
adopting a fitted diet.
• Natural and home-made hair care products.
Le gommage
Gommer son cuir chevelu vous surprend ? À première vue cela vous
fait un peu peur et vous pensez que cela va irriter votre cuir chevelu
et favoriser la chute des cheveux ?
C’est tout le contraire. La peau de notre cuir chevelu est de la peau au même titre que
la peau de notre corps ou encore de notre visage. Le gommage s’effectue toujours
avant l’étape du shampoing. Attention : Le gommage ne s’effectue qu’une fois par
mois, au risque d’irriter le cuir chevelu. Cependant à titre curatif, on le pratiquera une
fois toutes les une à deux semaines pour les cheveux gras et/ou avec des pellicules.
Ne pas réaliser de gommage si vous avez un cuir chevelu irrité ou des problèmes de
peau comme par exemple des champignons, du psoriasis, de l’eczéma...
À quoi sert un gommage du cuir chevelu ? Ce geste de soin va éliminer les
impuretées, décoller les peaux mortes, les pellicules, stimuler la circulation sanguine
et donc l’oxygénation des bulbes pour des cheveux plus forts, tout en favorisant une
meilleure pousse. Il apportera aussi plus de volume grâce au décollement des racines.
Avec quoi réaliser son gommage du cuir chevelu ? Premier ingrédient
esentiel, un élément granuleux : sel (plus abrasif), sucre, marc de café... Puis ajoutez
un ingrédient hydratant et un ingrédient nourrissant mais vous pouvez aussi opter
simplement pour de l’eau, qui sera un peu plus asséchante pour les cheveux.
Comment appliquer le gommage ? Préférez une appliquation sur cheveux
humides, raie par raie, directement sur le cuir chevelu. En appliquant correctement
votre gommage vous devez sentir que votre préparation touche la peau de votre crâne.
Puis effectuez un massage très doux avec la pulpe de vos doigts dans un mouvement
circulaire. Laissez agir 5 minutes, rincez et retirez à l’aide d’un shampoing.
J’ai fait tout ça, mais mes cheveux restent moches !
Il y a fort à parier que vos cheveux sont tellement abîmés que tous les soins
du monde resteront inefficaces. Dans ce cas, il n’y a pas d’autre solution que
de couper vos cheveux pour retrouver une longueur saine et apte à être
entretenue. Les cheveux peuvent être améliorés, soignés et préservés par des
soins et gestes adaptés, mais en aucun cas « réparés »..
Le shampoing
Le mot « shampoing » vient de l’hindi « champna », qui signifie
« pétrir » ou « masser ». Les premiers shampoings n’étaient pas
moussants. C’était davantage des massages qui, plus tard, ont été
suivis de bains de vapeur.
Different hair cares adapted to different types
of hair and many advices regarding hair’s
hygiene (drying, brushing, coloration,...)
Aujourd’hui, l’expression « se shampouiner » désigne principalement un acte
nettoyant et l’accent n’est plus mis sur le geste utile du massage auquel il se réfère à
l’origine. C’est dans les années 1930 que le premier shampoing « grand public » tel
qu’on le connaît aujourd’hui a vu le jour.
Vous l’avez compris, depuis le « champna » fondé sur des gestes et des soins simples
en accord avec la nature et dans le respect de la fibre capillaire, nous avons évolué
vers l’utilisation d’une base lavante qui, si vous lisez bien les étiquettes au dos de vos
bouteilles, est composée de tensioactifs, de colorants, de parfums… Des substances
qui endommagent à long terme la pellicule protectrice gainant le cheveu et qui, en
plus, polluent l’environnement car elles contaminent les nappes phréatiques.
Heureusement, vous êtes libre de faire vos choix en connaissance de cause. Je vous
propose donc de découvrir des façons de vous laver les cheveux d’une manière
globalement respectueuse.
3 recettes de gommages pour le cuir chevelu
Recette numéro 1 : 2 cuillerées à soupe de sucre de canne – 2 cuillerées à soupe
d’huile d’olive – 2 cuillerées à soupe de miel liquide
Recette numéro 2 : 1 cuillerée à soupe de bicarbonate de soude –
1 cuillerée à soupe de sel – 2 cuillerées à soupe de yaourt nature
Recette numéro 3 : 1 cuillerée à soupe d’huile de ricin – 1 cuillerée à soupe de lait
de coco – 2 cuillerées à soupe de marc de café
Recette numéro 4 : 2 cuillerées à soupe de lait de coco – 1 cuillerée à soupe de gel
d’Aloe vera – 3 cuillerées à soupe de sucre de canne
Pourquoi avons-nous besoin de nous laver les cheveux ?
Vous allez découvrir un sentiment de propreté intense. On peut ressentir que le cuir
chevelu est comme neuf ! Les cheveux sont plus volumineux et poussent mieux ensuite.
Le premier geste à faire, quand on passe au naturel, est de choisir un shampoing
« doux » exempt de sulfates et autres composants pétrochimiques qui usent,
Sueur, pollution, poussière, résidus de soins capillaires, bactéries, pellicules… :
les cheveux se salissent en permanence. Bien évidemment, plus on vit en milieu
urbain, plus nos cheveux se salissent rapidement. Ces impuretés mêlées au
sébum forment des couches asphyxiantes pour le cheveu. Ce sont donc toutes ces
cochonneries que le shampoing a pour but de retirer.
Bien choisir son shampoing
J’aime mes cheveux
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
25 colour photographs and 13 000 words
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold: Spain
Édition La Plage - 60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris - France - e-mail : [email protected]
Layering, Secret of beauty of the japanese women
Élodie-Joy Jaubert
Who never admired the fresh and silky colouring of
the Asian women ? This perfect skin with women,
who seem to be 10 years younger than their real age,
makes always more jealous in Europe.
Through this little book, each step of this protocol of
care is presented. For that, the author favours the
natural and organic products, that she teaches us to
make home.
16 x 22 cm
72 pages
Retail price: e 9.95
Rights sold: Spain, Russia, Italy
The layering is a double cleaning of the face,
followed by several cares to have a firm, clean,
radiant and healthy skin.
• It’s a time of cares, which brings well-being
and harmony and reinforces the feeling of love
and of self-respect.
• The layering presented in this book is focused
on the organic cosmetics. The author adds to
the different steps the home-made recipes of
products of care, whose Japanese women are
fond of. These are easy recipes, which pass
down from generation to generation :
- Lotions with vinegar, lemon...
- Serum : use of compresses, ice cubes,
aloe vera...
- Masks and creams : use of floral waters,
ground rice, vegetable oils...
- Exfoliation, lip balms, baths and massages...
In Family, otherwise
Stories for children, Ideas for parents
• The first children’s books with a resolutely «positive parenting» thematic
(strengthen ties, manage children’s emotions, set limits without violence ...)
• The author, Catherine Dumonteil-Kremer, «Pope» of the alternative education, is the author of «Raising
a child otherwise».
• In each album, a page for the parents, to put in perspective and decipher the meaning of the story.
• Agathe and small pleasures
An album for taking the time to talk about the
moments that make life more beautiful and learn to
enjoy the happiness of the moment.
24 x 16,5 cm
32 pages - hard cover
Retail price: e 12,00
• Agathe does not believe in Santa Claus
The small Agathe does not believe in Santa Claus,
who is for her just a beautiful legend. Away from
consumption and conventions, Agathe and her
family live pretty rituals all together.
24 x 16,5 cm
32 pages - hard cover
Retail price: e 12,00
• Agathe and the spanking
• Agathe is learning at every moment
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Natural therapies series
10 titres available
Natural therapies for
Common Ailments
For each problem, the authors propose :
• Natural remedies : essential oils,
herbal, homeopathy, natural vitamins,
nutritional advice...
• Natural techniques «do-it-yourself» massage, relaxation, acupressure,
• Attractive layout : easy to read text,
medical drawings, the physical exercises are illustrated...
12 x 21 cm - 96 pages each
about 20 000 words each
Full color cover - two colors inside
Retail price : 7,90 e
Rights sold: Spain and Gallego language
The essential A-Z
reference to children illnesses and
natural treatments.
Effective and
natural solutions to eczema,
psoriasis, acne
and more.
Weight problems
Nutritional helps (herbal, yoga, massage...)
to keep weight under
Preventive advices,
physical exercices and
pain relieving natural
Varicose veins
Preventive physical
excercices and pain
relieving natural therapies.
Asthma, eczema, food
allergies... preventive
and natural remedies.
Constipation Menopause
Perfect size for collectors
and bookshelves
The Art of Wearing Your Baby
• Learn about the benefits of babywearing
and how to choose and use the carrier that
is right for you.
• Easy-to-follow instructions illustrated with
step-by-step photographs to create slings
for wearing babies.
16 x 22 cm
108 pages
200 colour photographs
Retail price: e14.90
Eco-nursery Knits
20 patterns to knit and to sew
• Great green ideas and step-by-step instructions for clothes, blankets, sling, diapers,
and more
• 20 patterns.
22 x 22 cm
96 pages (13,000 words)
50 colour photographs
Retail price: e19.90
Should we spank children?
Olivier Maurel
Alice Miller (Foreword)
•The consequences of slapping or spanking childern and how we can bring
them up without resorting to violence.
14 x 21 cm (50 000 words)
144 pages
Retail price : 12,00 e
Rights sold: English
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]
Green Alternatives
Wind and solar electricity at home
• Valery Borraz is a craftsman specialized in electricity autonomy with renewable
energy. This technical book (not theoretical) is clearly oriented practical.
How to install a wind turbine? What kind of battery to choose? Which equipment for
an embedded installation (camper, boat, trailer ...)? etc..
• The author also offers five case studies of people living power autonomy in everyday life, from the family home to the the yurt.
16.5 x 24 cm
96 pages
Approx. 200 colour photographs + drawings
Retail price: 15.00
Compost in the City Vermicomposting and small gardens
Cécile Couraud - Photographs of Florence Couraud
• A very practical book which addresses:
- Vermicomposting: step by step, making your own Vermicomposter.
- Composting in a small garden : waste to be preferred, waste to avoid, community
composting, compost utilization in a city ...
16.5 x 24 cm
96 pages
Approx. 200 colour photographs
Retail price: e15.00
Green Homes: Solutions and Creativity
Yvan Saint-Jours
• Beautiful photos and descriptions of green solutions for building, renovating, heating,
insulating, and more from eco-builders and architects.
• The result of 15 years of meetings and reports from all over Europe.
• Learn and enjoy.
22 x 25.5 cm
160 pages (10,000 words)
300 colour photographs
Retail price: e24.50
Édition La Plage -60 rue Monsieur Le Prince - 75006 Paris- France - Tél.: + 33 - 143 29 56 85 - Fax: +33 172 70 50 70 - e-mail: [email protected]

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