Your Help F`.


Your Help F`.
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/ S
Sabrina Picard
Moyer, Katerine [[email protected]] on behalf of Stables, Cynthia
[Cynthia.StablesLHl NS.ON.CA]
Wednesday, November 12, 2014 1:55 PM
Your Help Please! Strengthening Northeastern Ontario’s Health Care System and Enhancing
Home and Community-Based Care I Nous avons besoin de vous! Renforcement du système
de soins de sante du Nord-Est de l’Ontario et amelioration des soins a domicile
Attachments: Home and Community Care Survey to Northerners_EN.pdf; Home and Community Care
Survey to Northerners_FR. pdf
North East LHIN
RLISS du Nord-Est
Your Help F’....
Survey Strengthening Northeastern Ontario’s Health Care
System and Enhancing Home and Community-Based Care
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Mid-way through our strategic plan, the North East LHIN wants to hear from you on how to
continue to strengthen our Northeastern Ontario health care system, with a special focus on
home and community-based care needs.
We are looking for feedback from fellow Northerners all across the region. Please take a fe
minutes to complete the survey and offer your thoughts on how to build a more peoplecentred system that helps Northerners access timely care when and where they need it.
The survey will close at midnight on Tuesday, December 9
You can offer your input in four ways:
1. On-line. Click here.
2. Print and fax or email your survey to us (See attachment).
Completed surveys can be mailed : 555 Oak Street East, 3
Floor, North Bay, ON
P1B 8E3
4. Join us for a virtual coffee break on November 18 at 10:00 am for a morning
coffee break with North East LHIN CEO Louise Paquette and Geriatrician Dr. Samir
Sinha, Ontario’s Seniors Strategy Lead and author of the report, Living Longer, Living
Well. During this telephone call, you will learn about regional and provincial
strategies to improve home and community care, as well as ideas already shared by
Northerners through the survey. To register for the virtual coffee break, click here.
Do you have a question or comment for Dr. Sinha or Louise Paquette? Email your
question/comment in advance of the Virtual Coffee Break to
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[email protected] All emails received will be forwarded to the Break’s host
and as many as possible will be answered to while “on air” on November 18.
Nous avoAs besoin de vous!
Sondage Renforcement du système de soins de sante du Nord
Est de l’Ontario et amelioration des soins a domicile et en milieu
A mi-parcours de son plan stratégique, le RLISS du Nord-Est souhaite connaltre votre opinion
sur Ia facon dont H peut continuer a renforcer notre système de soins de sante du Nord-Est
de l’Ontario, en mettant particulièrement l’accent sur les besoins en matière de soins a
domicile et en milieu communautaire.
Nous cherchons a recueillir les commentaires des residents du Nord dans l’ensemble de Ia
region. Veuillez prendre quelques minutes pour répondre au sondage et nous faire part de
votre opinion sur Ia facon dont nous pouvons établir un système de soins de sante
davantage axe sur les residents du Nord-Est de l’Ontario, qui aide ces derniers a accéder a
des soins en temps opportun, au moment et a I’endroit oü ils en ont besoin.
Vous avezjusqu’au mardi 1e9 décembre pour répondre au sondage.
Vous pouvez nous faire part de vos commentaires de trois facons:
1. Répondez au sondage en ligne. Cliquez ici.
2. lmprimez le sondage et faites-le-nous parvenir par télécopieur ou par courriel (voir
3. Les sondages remplis peuvent être envoyés par courrier : 555, rue Oak Est, North
Bay, ON P1B 8E3
4. ioignez-vous a nous dans le cadre d’une pause-café virtuelle qui aura lieu a 10 h le
18 novembre en compagnie de Louise Paquette, chef de Ia direction du RLISS du
Nord-Est, et du Dr Samir Sinha, gériatre, responsable de Ia Stratégie pour le bien
être des personnes âgées de l’Ontario et auteur du rapport intitulé Vivre bien etplus
Iongtemps. Au cours de cet appel, vous en apprendrez plus sur les strategies
régionales et provinciales d’amélioration des soins a domicile et en milieu
communautaire, ainsi que sur les idées qui ont été communiquées dans le cadre du
sondage par les residents du Nord. Pour vous inscrire a Ia pause-café virtuelle,
cliguez ici. Avez-vous une question ou un commentaire pour le Dr Sinha ou Louise
Envoyez vos questions ou vos commentaires par courriel avant Ia pause-café
virtuelle a l’adresse [email protected]. Tous les courriels recus seront
envoyés a l’animatrice de Ia pause-café, qui tentera de répondre au plus grand
nombre d’entre eux pendant l’émission du 18 novembre.
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“As part of our commitment to engage with fellow Northerners on health care, the North East LHIN sends
relevant information, both electronically and otherwise, to people living in Northeastern Ontario. The North
East LHIN welcomes your thoughts, ideas and comments on the information attached to this email, as well as
your input on how we can continue to build a stronger system of care forfellow Northerners. To offer your
comments, please click here. If you do not want to continue to receive information from the North East LHIN,
simply reply to the email you received stating your intention to opt out and we will remove you from our
engagement database.
Dans le cadre de notre engagement a consulter nos concitoyens du Nord sur les questions de soins de sante, le
RLISS du Nord-Est envoie des renseignements pertinents, par vole électronique et par d’autres moyens, aux
residents du Nord-Est de l’Ontario. Le RLISS du Nord-Est aime recevoir vos idées, vos perspectives et vos
commentaires relativement aux renseignements joints ace courriel, ainsi que vos commentaires ayant trait a
I’établissement d’un système de sante solide pour les residents du Nord. Pour nous transmettre vos
commentaires, veuillez cliquer wi Pour ne plus recevoir de renseignements du RLISS du Nord-Est, il suffit de
répondre a ce courriel et d’indiquer que vous ne voulez pas recevoir de correspondance a l’avenir. Nous
enlèverons vos coordonnées sur notre liste d’envoi.
North East LH IN
Survey Strengthening Northeastern Ontario’s Health Care
System and Enhancing Home and Community-Based Care
This short North East LHIN survey is being done to touch-base with fellow Northerners midway through
our strategic plan.
We are looking for your feedback on how to continue to strengthen our health care system generally,
with a special focus on home and community-based care needs.
Community-Based Care includes services that support people to live independently, such as meals,
transportation, home based-care and social activities.
Please take a few minutes to complete this survey and offer your input into building a more peoplecentred Northeastern Ontario health care system that helps Northerners access timely care when and
where they need it.
Completed surveys can be returned to the North East LHIN by email, fax, or mail:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 705-840-0142
Mail: North East LHIN, 555 Oak Street East, North Bay Ontario, P1B 8E3
Demographic Information
1. Name (optional):_____________________________________________________________
2. Email address (optional):___________________________________________________________
3. Organization and job title (if applicable):______________________________________________
4. Community in which you live:___________________________________________________
5. Do you identify yourself as: (please circle)
a. Aboriginal/First Nation/Métis Person
b. Francophone
c. Other
6. What age bracket do you represent? (please circle)
a. Under 25
b. 25-45
c. 46-65
d. 66-75
e. 76-85
f. 86 and over
Local Health Integration
North East [HIN
(1) What do you think are the greatest challenges facing health care in Northeastern Ontario
today? (please rate each from I to 4, with I being greatest)
Coordination of programs and services between providers
Availability of programs and services
Too many agencies providing health services
Gaps in services between communities
Knowing where to go to receive care in your community
Availability of health care supports and services in community
Other (please write in):
(2) What are the best ways to influence our health care system:
(please rate each from I to 4, with I being greatest)
Shift services to meet the needs of an aging population
Shift the focus of health care away from hospitals and more towards
community and home-based care
Have services and providers become more integrated and patient-centred
Stick to the status quo and keep things the same
Tie health care program funding to provider performance
Other (please write in):
(3) What is the single most important thing that can be done to improve home and
community care for you in Northeastern Ontario?
(4) Which of the following areas need improvement when it comes to delivering home and
community care? (please rate each from I to 4, with I being greatest)
Referral process
Knowing where to go for health care services
The criteria for qualifying for a service
Availability of services in your community
Continuity of the people providing care to you
Language and/or cultural barriers to receiving care in your home/community
Assessment processes
Local Health Integration
(5) What do you think are the greatest sources of frustration for people who need
community and home care service, as well as their familieslunpaid caregivers?
(6) What change(s) could be made to address these frustrations andlor build on these
(7) What are three ways that providers of home and community care could better meet
the needs of individuals and their families/unpaid caregivers?
Local Health Integration
(8) Are there any innovations or new approaches to care delivery that you know of that
could improve home and community care?
(9) Are there any other issues that you feel are important to strengthening Northeastern
Ontario’s health care system?
(10) In your opinion, is the North East Local Health Integration Network making a
difference in strengthening health care across the region? If yes, in what way? If no,
why not?
Local Health Integration

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