Estimate of aeolian dust thickness in Arabia Terra, Mars


Estimate of aeolian dust thickness in Arabia Terra, Mars
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ???
Estimate of aeolian dust thickness in Arabia Terra, Mars:
Implications of a thick mantle (>20 m) for hydrogen detection
Estimation des épaisseurs de poussières éoliennes dans la
région d’Arabia Terra, Mars : conséquences d’une couverture
épaisse (> 20 m) sur la détection d’hydrogène
Nicolas Mangold*, Véronique Ansan*, Philippe Masson** and Cédric Vincendon**
This study describes a method for estimating dust thickness on the surface of Mars using the distribution of small impact craters (< 1 km
in diameter), obtained from high resolution Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images on the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) space probe. The
distribution of actual impact craters is different from the theoretical distribution of meteoritic impact flux due to the progressive burying of impact craters by dust deposits. The rim height for the largest buried impact crater was found to provide an approximate minimum
thickness for dust blanketing the surface. This method was applied to the region of Arabia Terra, found to be covered by a dust mantle
with a minimum thickness of 20 meters. The presented results indicate that Arabia Terra was a regional sink for dust during most of the
Amazonian epoch (> 3 Ga). Results also suggest that hydrogen, detected by the Neutron Spectrometer within this region in the top
meter, is present in the dust and not in the underlying bedrock.
Keywords: Mars, eolian, dust, neutron.
Notre étude présente une méthode d’estimation de l’épaisseur de poussière à la surface de Mars en utilisant les petits cratères d’impact (< 1 km de diamètre) observés à haute résolution avec l’imagerie de l’instrument Mars Observer Camera de la sonde Mars Global
Surveyor. La distribution des petits cratères est différente de celle prédite par le flux météoritique car les cratères sont progressivement
recouverts de dépôts éoliens. La hauteur des remparts des plus gros cratères non enfouis permet d’obtenir une estimation approximative de l’épaisseur de ces dépôts éoliens. Cette méthode est appliquée à la région d’Arabia Terra. Les résultats montrent une couverture
de poussière d’environ 20 m au minimum. Ceci indique que cette région est une zone de dépôt durant la période Amazonienne (<3 Ga).
Notre étude suggère également que l’hydrogène, qui est détecté par le spectromètre Neutron de Mars Odyssey dans cette région, se
localise dans les dépôts éoliens et non pas dans le socle sous-jacent.
Mot clés : Mars, éolien, loess, neutron.
Version française abrégée
La planète Mars est le lieu d’une forte activité éolienne en
milieu périglaciaire. L’activité éolienne la plus fréquente
correspond à des tempêtes de poussières, un phénomène
connu depuis les observations astronomiques effectuées depuis la Terre. Ces tempêtes affectent parfois toute la planète en modifiant et homogénéisant son albedo. Cette activité
a pour conséquence la retombée de poussières sur toute la
planète en plus ou moins grande quantité, et, notamment
son accumulation dans des régions dépourvues de déflation
éolienne efficace. On peut assimiler ce dépôt au loess ayant
recouvert de vastes zones pendant les périodes glaciaires
sur Terre. Ces poussières progressivement indurées forment
une couverture sédimentaire plus ou moins épaisse selon les
endroits. Des estimations d’épaisseurs métriques ont été effectuées à la suite des observations des sondes Viking (Arvidson et al., 1989 ; Greeley et al., 1992).
Le dépôt progressif de poussières provoque l’effacement
des petits cratères d’impact qui criblent la surface de la planète. Des surfaces apparemment très anciennes, car couvertes de cratères importants (>20 km) et nombreux sur les
images à basse résolution, peuvent ne présenter, à haute résolution, que quelques petits cratères en raison de ce re-sur-
* LPGN, UMR6112 CNRS et université de Nantes, 2, rue de la Houssinière, 44322 NANTES. Courriel : [email protected]
** IDES, UMR8148 CNRS et université Paris Sud, Bat 509, 91405 Orsay, France
Nicolas Mangold, Véronique Ansan, Philippe Masson et Cédric Vincendon
façage progressif. Ce processus peut empêcher une datation
précise de ces terrains ainsi que l’étude de la surface rocheuse proprement dite, entièrement voilée par la couverture éolienne. L’exemple de la figure 1 montre une surface très
lisse caractéristique d’un recouvrement éolien continu. Les
cratères sont frais pour les plus petits (f) et donc très récents, et on observe une dégradation graduelle, qui augmente pour les cratères (ld), puis (sd) jusqu’au cratère (g)
qui est quasiment comblé en totalité. Cependant, nous pouvons tirer parti de cette dégradation et de cet effacement
progressif des petits cratères pour estimer l’épaisseur de la
couverture éolienne. En effet, les cratères d’impact suivent
des lois bien établies quant à leur taille (paramètres de
forme bien connus) et à la distribution de leur taille (augmentation du nombre de petits cratères suivant une loi de
puissance), qui permet de donner l’âge d’une surface. Nous
renvoyons aux publications de Hartmann (1999) pour une
explication détaillée du calcul de ces distributions et des
La méthode de datation par les cratères d’impact utilise
des isochrones dont les pentes correspondent à l’augmentation du nombre de météores dans l’espace en fonction de la
décroissance de leur taille. La distribution en diamètre des
impacts d’un terrain d’âge homogène suivra un des isochrones (fig. 2) qui nous donnera un âge précis à un facteur
trois près (Hartmann, 1999). Si la distribution des cratères
ne suit pas un isochrone, cela signifie qu’une modification
est survenue postérieurement à la formation de la surface.
Cette modification a lieu soit à cause de l’érosion des terrains, qui oblitère progressivement des cratères, soit par
l’intermédiaire d’un recouvrement sédimentaire ou volcanique qui ennoie les petits cratères. Dans les deux cas, ceuxci sont les premiers à être effacés. On utilise la morphologie
observée sur les images à haute résolution pour distinguer
un processus d’érosion ou au contraire de dépôt. Notre
étude est consacrée à la région d’Arabia fréquemment décrite comme étant recouverte d’une couverture éolienne importante (Zimbelman et Greeley, 1982 ; McEwen et al.,
1988 ; Edgett et Malin, 2000 ; Edgett, 2002).
Sur cette région, nous avons utilisé 94 images à haute résolution, et les images de contexte qui leur correspondent,
pour déterminer la courbe de distribution des cratères d’impact. L’exemple en figure 2 est typique d’un résultat de la
zone d’Arabia soumise à un recouvrement progressif de
poussières. Les gros cratères, de plus d’1 km de diamètre,
suggèrent que les terrains ont un âge supérieur à 3 Ga ; il
s’agit de l’âge du socle rocheux dont l’affleurement n’est
pas visible sur l’image haute résolution. En effet, les cratères de plusieurs kilomètres ne sont pas enfouis complètement sous la poussière. Les petits cratères, en revanche, se
regroupent autour d’isochrones de quelques millions d’années seulement, mais surtout, leur distribution ne suit pas un
isochrone en totalité, montrant qu’il s’agit d’une surface en
évolution. Nous observons qu’il existe un coude dans la distribution aux environs de 125 m. Ce changement de pente
représente les plus gros cratères affectés par le recouvrement éolien. Pour ces derniers, l’épaisseur de sédiments éoliens est au moins égale à la hauteur des remparts du cratè18
re. Or, des lois empiriques permettent de déterminer cette
hauteur. Nous en déduisons pour cette image qu’une épaisseur minimale de 26 m recouvre le socle rocheux, expliquant
l’oblitération progressive des petits cratères. L’absence de
données autour du diamètre d’un kilomètre résulte d’un saut
d’échelle fréquent dans les données. Les récentes images à
moyenne résolution acquises par HRSC de Mars Express et
THEMIS de Mars Odyssey permettent progressivement de
combler cette lacune.
En généralisant cette méthode à toutes les images étudiées, on peut réaliser une carte de distribution de cette
épaisseur sur toute la zone d’Arabia Terra (fig. 5). Bien que
l’on observe localement des variations importantes d’une
image à l’autre, la carte d’interpolation des épaisseurs de
terrain suggère un recouvrement très épais à proximité du
cratère Cassini, atteignant 80 m, ainsi qu’un recouvrement
moyen des surfaces de l’ordre de 50 m. Ces épaisseurs restent des ordres de grandeur. Des études plus détaillées
fondées sur les images les plus récentes permettront d’appliquer cette méthode de manière plus précise. Les résultats
montrent d’ores et déjà que les terrains représentant des
puits de poussières atmosphériques sont très épais, relativement aux méthodes spectrales qui ne peuvent sonder
au-delà de quelques centimètres de profondeur. Cette
méthode est applicable sur les planètes où les processus
morphologiques s’effectuent à des vitesses de même ordre
que le criblage par les impacts météoritiques. Enfin, la
région d’étude Arabia Terra a été analysée par le spectromètre neutron à bord de Mars Odyssey dont les données
suggèrent des proportions d’hydrogène non expliquées à ce
jour. En effet, des proportions équivalentes de 10-12 %
maximum d’eau (en poids) sont mesurées (Feldman et al.,
2004), avec un maximum dans les zones équatoriales, et
interprétées fréquemment comme la présence d’un socle
rocheux hydraté. La détection des neutrons se limite à une
profondeur d’environ un mètre (par ex. Feldman et al.,
2004). Nos résultats suggèrent donc que cet hydrogène se
trouve dans le dépôt éolien, en relation avec la présence
d’eau adsorbée ou de minéraux hydratés enfouis dans la
The surface of Mars is covered by aeolian dust that forms
thick and widespread deposits that are consolidated over
time by weathering and diagenesis (Kahn et al., 1992;
Christensen et al., 1992). Dust on Mars is transported by
regional and/or global dust storms. The grain size of Martian
dust, measured by photometric data, is less than 1 µ diameter (Kahn et al., 1992). Therefore, dust on Mars is a very
thin material, even thinner than the loess on Earth. At present, dust accumulates preferentially at the polar ice caps
and at high elevations where saltation is reduced, likely forming mantles up to a few meters thick (Arvidson et al.,
1989; Greeley et al., 1992). The geographic distribution of
the dust mantle for the top decimeter was mapped with thermal inertia cartography obtained by the Viking Infrared
Thermal Mapper (IRTM) and the MGS Thermal Emission
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??
Estimate of aeolian dust thickness in Arabia Terra, Mars
Spectrometer (TES) (Christensen, 1986; Jakosky et al.,
2000). Low thermal inertia regions interpreted as dust deposits were found in areas such as Tharsis Montes, Amazonis
Planitia, Elysium Mons, and Arabia Terra.
Dust often buries small impact craters and as a result
modifies their distribution. For example, the image in figure 1 displays very few craters. Among these craters only the
smallest are fresh and recent (f), whereas (ld) indicates a
low degradation, (sd) a strong degradation, and (g) a ghost
crater, i.e. a crater completely filled which is almost not
identifiable. The different stages represent the progressive
infill of craters by dust, with the smallest craters being the
quickest buried.
The study presented here aims to determine the modification of small impact crater distributions using Mars Observer
Camera (MOC) images in order to provide mapping of dust
mantle thickness. The method described in this manuscript
was applied to the region of Arabia Terra where the observed
dust mantle has been well documented since the Viking missions and later Mars Global Surveyor (e.g. Zimbelman and
Greeley, 1982; McEwen et al., 1988; Edgett and Malin,
2000; Edgett, 2002). In Arabia Terra, it seems likely that
other external phenomena did not influence the aeolian deposits during recent geological times, as no evidence of recent
volcanic or hydrologic activity is superimposed on the area
(Greeley and Guest, 1987).
The study area of Arabia Terra extends over 6.5 million km2 (0° to 30°N in latitude and 300° to 360°W in longitude, fig. 2 and fig. 3) in the Martian highlands, with elevations ranging from -2 to 4 km. Arabia Terra was mainly
shaped by thermal inertia below 250 tiu (tiu refers to the
thermal inertia unit: J m-2 K-1s-1/2). Soils with values
< 250 tiu are generally interpreted as being composed of
dust or indurated dust in the top ten centimeters (e.g. Putzig
et al., 2005). In this study, dust thickness was estimated and
mapped from crater distributions observed in MOC and Viking images for 94 sites in Arabia Terra.
Arabia Terra is also an interesting region when one considers hydrogen concentrations as revealed by the Neutron
Spectrometer onboard Mars Odyssey (e.g. Feldman et al.,
2004). These data are obtained by the orbital detection of
neutrons ejected by atomic interactions between cosmic
rays and hydrogen atoms from the Martian surface. Neutron
data provide input for a map of water-equivalent hydrogen
concentrations within approximately one meter down the
surface. Three major reservoirs can be readily distinguished
(Feldman et al., 2004). Two of the reservoirs, which have re-
latively rich deposits of water-equivalent hydrogen (>20%),
surround the poles. The third reservoir, of which Arabia
Terra is a part, is an equatorial/mid latitude reservoir with a
range of water-equivalent hydrogen reaching locally 12%.
Since free water should not exist at the Martian surface in
equatorial latitudes, questions remain regarding whether
water is present in minerals of the bedrock, in minerals
contained in aeolian deposits, or as adsorbed water originating from atmospheric deposition (e.g. Feldman et al.,
2005). Therefore, understanding aeolian material thickness
is helpful for determining hydrogen sources.
An understanding of the main sinks of Martian dust is also
an important parameter for climate models and for understanding the role of dust in the atmospheric circulation. Dust
thickness is currently only estimated from thermal infrared
data in the top ten centimeters of the regolith. Therefore,
large regions determined to be ‘dusty’ using thermal IR data
can result from the recent deposition of dust deposits less
than 1 m thick, whereas other regions with similar inertia
may be a sink for dust for billions of years with thickness
over 100 m. In the results that follow, we will show that Arabia Terra is likely a main sink for dust on a geological scale,
and plays a role in global estimates of total dust volume.
Method for dust thickness estimate
using crater distribution
Distinct Martian chronological models based on impact
crater distribution, which were obtained from Viking and
Mariner 9 imagery, were proposed by several authors including Soderblom et al. (1974), Neukum and Wise (1976),
Fig. 1 – MOC image R1100390 (26.5°E, 27.6°N) in Arabia Terra
with examples of more or less degraded craters. Crater (f) is
fresh, crater (ld) displays low degradation, crater (sd) is strongly
degraded, and crater (g) is a ghost crater almost fully obliterated.
North is up.
Fig. 1 – Image MOC R1100390 (26,5°E, 27,6°N) montrant la
région d’Arabia Terra avec quelques exemples de cratères plus
ou moins dégradés. Le cratère (f) est frais, le cratère (ld) montre
une faible dégradation, le cratère (sd) montre une forte dégradation,
et (g) est un cratère presque totalement recouvert, souvent nommé
« cratère fantôme ». Le Nord est en haut.
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??
Nicolas Mangold, Véronique Ansan, Philippe Masson et Cédric Vincendon
Fig. 2 – Location of the studied area and an example of a crater count. a: Location of the study region in Arabia Terra on a MGS MOC
Wide Angle photo mosaic map of Mars with cylindrical projection (NASA/JPL/MSSS); b: Example of crater counts in the Arabia Terra region
on a 3 m per pixel MOC image (M1000717, 23.22°N, 308.24°W, NASA/JPL/MSSS) and Viking images. Counts are plotted in an incremental logarithmic diagram containing Hartmann isochrons (1999) (dashed lines) revised by Ivanov (2001) with uncertainty in the range of a factor of two (Hartmann and Neukum, 2001). This diagram contains the distribution curve for saturated surfaces (Hartmann, 1984) (black solid
curve) with an uncertainty about plus or minus a factor of two (Hartmann and Gaskell, 1997) (gray area around black solid curve). The site
has a crater distribution shape and surface morphology representative of Arabia Terra. The counted surface is of 30 km2. Error regarding the
number of crater counts is represented by bars surrounding the plots. Craters in the 125-177m bin to the 250-350 m bin follow isochrons, but
craters smaller than 125 m show a flat distribution, a turndown typical of modification by aeolian processes. D indicates the diameter of this
turndown which is used as the critical size for craters not obliterated by dust mantle. The depletion of craters becomes more and more important for small crater diameters due to their quicker obliteration; c: Part of the counted area on the MOC image M1000717 displays a smooth surface with poor cratering typical of aeolian mantle.
Fig. 2 – Localisation de la zone d’étude et exemple de comptage de cratères. a : localisation de la zone d’étude d’Arabia Terra sur la
mosaïque grand angle MOC ; b : exemple d’un comptage de cratère dans Arabia Terra sur une image MOC (M1000717, 23.22N, 308.24W,
NASA/JPL/MSSS) et des images Viking. Les comptages sont représentés sur le diagramme des isochrones de Hartmann (1999) (lignes
pointillées) révisées par Ivanov (2001) avec une incertitude d’un facteur deux (Hartmann and Neukum, 2001). Ce diagramme contient aussi
la distribution des surfaces saturées en cratères (courbe pleine). La surface comptée est de 30 km2. Les barres d’erreur du comptage de cratères figurent autour des points de mesures et sont calculées par écart-type (racine carré de la densité de cratère divisée par la surface).
Les résultats montrent que les cratères entre les intervalles de 125-177 m et 250-350 m suivent une isochrone, tandis que la distribution des
cratères inférieurs à 125 m s’en écarte. Ce changement de pente est typique d’une modification par des processus éoliens. Le diamètre critique D indiqué par la flèche correspond à la première classe de diamètre de cratères dont la densité n’a pas été affectée par le recouvrement éolien, et donc celle qui servira pour l’estimation de son épaisseur. En effet, les cratères inférieurs à cette taille critique ont été touchés
par le recouvrement éolien : la courbe marque un déficit de ces cratères, sinon la courbe continuerait de suivre un isochrone; ce déficit croissant pour les petits cratères signifie que les petits cratères ont été oblitérés d’autant plus qu’ils sont petits ; c : zoom sur l’image MOC utilisée en b) montrant peu de cratères en surface et une surface lisse typique d’un recouvrement éolien fin et continu.
Hartmann et al. (1981), and Neukum and Hiller (1981). In
this study, we use distribution curves plotted with a logarithmic incremental diagram, as established in the last Hartmann’s chronological model (Hartmann, 1999), and revised
by Ivanov (2001). Because cumulative plots tend to hide
subtle variations in the distribution (Hartmann and Neukum,
2001), we use an incremental. Impact crater distributions
were obtained with statistical counts of visible impact craters
on MOC and Viking images. We developed a computer program to help to determine crater counts. We plotted three
points on the rim of each visible crater, and calculated and
classified the diameter of each crater. Obtained data were
then plotted with a Hartmann logarithmic incremental histogram which showed the number of impact craters per km2
versus their diameters (fig. 2b). Diameter precision was determined to be approximately one pixel for each impact crater. Below six pixels in diameter it became difficult to identify impact craters, thus explaining an impact crater deficit
for craters with diameters less than or equal to 6 pixels (e.g.,
a crater diameter of 18 m on a MOC image of 3m per pixel,
or a crater diameter of 1.5 km on a Viking image of 250 m
per pixel). Due to this limitation, craters less than or equal to
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??
Estimate of aeolian dust thickness in Arabia Terra, Mars
Fig. 3 – Thermal inertia and hydrogen map in the studied region
of Arabia Terra. a: A map of thermal inertia in the Arabia Terra region as obtained from the Putzig et al. (2005) dataset. Dark blue regions display low inertia typical of dust mantle; b: Map of the same
area of Mars with the water equivalent abundance of hydrogen in
weight percent, as published by Feldman et al. (2004) using the Neutron Spectrometer onboard Mars Odyssey.
Fig. 3 – Inertie thermique et distribution de l’hydrogène dans la
région d’étude d’Arabia Terra. a : carte de l’inertie thermique d’Arabia Terra d’après Putzig et al. (2005). Les régions en bleu sombre
correspondent à de faibles inerties typiques de recouvrement éolien ;
b : carte de la même zone de la Mars montrant la teneur d’hydrogène en proportion massique équivalent d’eau, comme publiée
dans Feldman et al. (2004) en utilisant le Spectromètre Neutron de
Mars Odyssey.
6 pixels were not taken into account in crater count curves.
The large difference in resolution between MOC and Viking
images also created a gap for craters approximately 500 m
in diameter (fig. 2b), despite the fact that high resolution Viking (typically 40-50 m per pixel) images were used when
available. In future studies, visible THEMIS (Thermal
Emission Infrared Spectrometer) images (19 m per pixel)
and HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) images (12 m
per pixel) will significantly contribute to fill this gap. Here
we focus only on MOC imagery and Viking imagery.
Hartmann (1999) proposed theoretical distribution curves
or ‘isochrons’ for Martian terrain of specified ages not modified by surface processes. A plot of a crater density with
bins of increasing diameter size can provide the age of the
surface. For a fresh surface, not influenced by erosion, deposition, or crater degradation, crater density should follow
isochrons corresponding to the age of the formation of the
terrain regardless of the range of the chosen crater diameter.
The interpretation of these curves is more complex when
surface processes occur, as is the case for most of the surface of Mars. When surface modifications do occur, the age is
referred to as the ‘crater retention age’, since the determined
age can correspond to a degradation process rather than to a
formation age. When influenced by aeolian processes, the
smallest impact craters are the first to be buried. Therefore,
the curve does not follow the isochrons for all crater diameters, and shows the turn down of small craters, which plot
cross isochrons toward younger ages. As a consequence, the
diameter of the largest completely buried craters can be obtained by comparing the distribution of measured craters
and the theoretical Hartmann isochrons (revised by Ivanov,
2001). Buried craters are also usually buried by dust, but not
by enough dust to be obliterated, whereas craters from the
diameter bin below that critical value display a small depletion, identified by the departure of the plot from the isochron
(see the example in next section).
The critical diameter allowed us to estimate the average of the minimum aeolian dust thickness covering the
surface around the crater using the geometric relationship
between the impact crater diameter (D) and the rim
height (H) (Garvin et al., 2002), as described in relationship (1) below :
H=0.07D0.52 (for D < 7km)
Rim height (H) is proposed as an appropriate measurement for the minimum dust thickness (T) needed to
completely cover and obliterate the impact crater, assuming
that the crater was not previously eroded and that aeolian
erosion did not occur in the past (fig. 4). The relationship
(1) only provides heights for diameters below 7 km. All
crater sizes obtained during this study were below 7 km,
enabling us to use this single relationship. The method pro-
Fig. 4 – Dust thickness (T) overlaying a crater of diameter (D). The
rim height (H) gives an estimate of the minimum dust thickness needed to completely cover and obliterate a crater.
Fig. 4 – Epaisseur de poussière T recouvrant un cratère de diamètre D. L’épaisseur du rempart H fournit une estimation minimale de
l’épaisseur de poussière nécessaire pour remplir et oblitérer le cratère de la surface.
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??
Nicolas Mangold, Véronique Ansan, Philippe Masson et Cédric Vincendon
vides a measurement for the minimum dust infill in the
plains. The infill inside the craters can be much higher due
to the lack of erosion. The exact thickness cannot be estimated by the method and requires a more detailed procedure
as proposed by Forsberg-Taylor et al. (2004). The described
method is also subject to a series of approximations. Error
bars, usually obtained from the root square of the crater density divided by the area (e.g. Hartmann et al., 1981), were
used for crater counts, and did not modify the critical diameter obtained. The use of the critical diameter depends
upon the bin ranges used for crater counts, which decrease
by factors of √2 (e.g. from the bin (352 m – 500 m), to the
bin (250 m – 352 m). Thus, a difference of √2 in the value
of this diameter would result from a doubt regarding the bin
diameter of this critical thickness. As an example, the difference between a critical diameter taken at 500 m, or from the
bin below at 352 m, corresponds to a final difference in
thickness of 20% using the relationship (1).Therefore, this
method should be used as a rough estimate, with error of
approximately 20 of the value of the individual thickness
extracted. The number of thickness values extracted from
individual images, however, was large enough to provide a
good statistical sampling in the studied region and allowed
us to establish a regional thickness, as well as to distinguish
regional variations.
Application to Arabia Terra region
The study area in Arabia Terra exhibits smooth morphological surface characteristics typical of an aeolian dust
mantle (fig. 1 and fig. 2c). Figure 2b shows results for crater counts on a site located at approximately 23° N and
308° W, with a close-up of the image in figure 2c. This site
is representative of Arabia Terra surface morphologies, as
well as for the shape of its crater distribution. The distribution for large craters counted on Viking images (> 1 km in
diameter) does not fit with the Hartmann isochrons. A
major surficial process seems to modify the distribution
curve for large craters, which was described and interpreted
as hydrologic and/or volcanic activity in previous works
(e.g. Hartmann, 1973). This process may have stopped or
declined approximately 3 to 1 Gy ago. Craters from 125 to
500 m in the MOC image M1000717 follow isochrons pretty well over three bin sizes, indicating that this crater size
has not been modified for ≈1 Gy. In contrast, a depletion of
small craters occurs between 22 m and 177 m (fig. 2b) implying a process of obliteration that modifies the distribution of small impact craters. This depletion of small craters
was interpreted to result from obliteration by aeolian deposits observed at the surface, since no evidence of aeolian
erosion (such as yardangs) or volcanic and hydrologic activity exists in all of the studied deposits in the last 3 Gy. Determined ages suggest a nearly continuous process between
about 1 My and 1 Gy (Amazonian epoch), confirming this
interpretation. The largest craters completely buried by dust
are in the diameter range of 125 m to 177 m wide, as indicated by the arrow in figure 2b. Taking the mean of the diameter bin at 151 m, and using the relation (Eq. 1), this me22
thod gives for this example an estimated thickness of
roughly 26 m for this location.
We estimated a minimum dust thickness using the largest
buried crater diameter for all 94 MOC images (fig. 5a). Many
images (34 from the 94) did not provide a real minimum because the largest craters at the MOC scale did not reach a
point for which the depletion of small craters begins, at the
difference of the 177 m for figure 1b, due to the resolution
gap. Therefore, for these 34 images the effective value of the
minimum thicknesses is underestimated. In order to address
this issue, crater distribution curves were extrapolated using
a linear regression between MOC and Viking counts when
necessary. Among the 94 sites, 60 distribution curves provided reasonable linear regression to obtain their diameters.
We use these 60, better constrained curves, to provide a map
of minimum thickness on Arabia Terra by interpolating the
60 data points (fig. 5b). Using this method, minimum dust
thickness varied from 10 to 60 m. In more than half of the
studied areas, the thickness was found to be 20 to 40 m. The
thickest dust accumulation is located in the Cassini crater
where it reached a height of approximately 60 m (dashed
circle in figure 5b). We observed an increasing gradient of
dust thickness from the edge of the studied region into Cassini area and slight regional variations. Aeolian mantle seems
present all over the entire study area, in contrast to previous
studies, which identified an Arabia mantle only in the northern and western sides (Greeley and Guest, 1987; Schultz
and Lutz, 1988) (dashed line, fig. 5a).
Crater counts on Viking images in different parts of Arabia Terra suggest that its mantle is one of the oldest
geological units on Mars, dating to the Noachian to Hesperian epochs (around 3 Gy) (Greeley and Guest, 1987). Those
previous studies interpreted the age of the Arabia mantle
without evaluating the difference between buried formations
and surficial ones because Mariner and Viking data did not
have sufficient resolution to study small craters (< 1 km in
diameter). Schultz and Lutz (1988) estimated that the mantle is up to 1 km thick. However, their data were determined
using Viking scale images where only large structures are
observed, and where surficial deposits are not significant.
Our study, which is based on high resolution MOC images
analysis, shows that an Amazonian dust mantle, tens of
meter thick, covers the older geologic formations previously described in Arabia Terra. This dust deposit is estimated
to be 1 Gy old at a maximum (plus or minus a factor of 2).
Dust accumulation was still active 1 My ago, and is possibly still active at present time, which explains the low
measured thermal inertia (Christensen, 1986).
Regional variations in dust thickness apparently exist. For
instance, dust accumulation between Syrtis Major, on the
eastern side of the study area, and in the center of Arabia
Terra increases westward. Such a finding may be consistent
with the observation of more aeolian erosion to the east, as
revealed by wind streaks in the Syrtis Major region. The
same gradient has been observed between the center of the
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??
Estimate of aeolian dust thickness in Arabia Terra, Mars
Fig. 5 – Maps of dust thickness throughout Arabia Terra. a: The
distribution of minimum dust thickness in meters estimated locally at
the 94 studied sites in the region of Arabia Terra. The dashed line
shows the maximum southern extent of the Arabia mantle of Schultz
and Lutz (1988); b: Interpolation map of the estimated dust thickness using the 60 best crater plots. The interpolation is based on a
local smoothing technique with polynomial regression (IDL based).
The dashed circle is the location of the Cassini crater. The strong
increase or decrease at the edges of the studied area (especially in
the northern and the southern parts) is an edge effect of the program (no measurements as seen from dots reported on the map).
Fig. 5 – Cartes de l’épaisseur de poussière dans Arabia Terra.
a : distribution de l’épaisseur minimum de poussière en mètres estimée localement en 94 endroits de la région d’Arabia Terra. La ligne
pointillée indique la délimitation antérieure de la zone de couverture éolienne établie par Schultz et Lutz (1988) ; b : interpolation des
épaisseurs estimées en utilisant les 60 données les plus fiables. L’interpolation est basée sur une technique de lissage par régression
polynomiale (dans le logiciel IDL). Le cercle pointillé est le cratère
d’impact Cassini. Les fortes valeurs en bordures sont des effets de
bord dus au programme (aucun point de mesures).
study area and the two regions of Acidalia Planitia and Terra
Meridiani, to the west and the southwest, respectively, of the
study area. Such variations are not visible in the thermal
inertia map, which is not surprising since it can not account
for thickness > 1m.
Estimates for Arabia dust thicknesses are interesting in
regards to Neutron Spectrometer data interpretation. Regions with water equivalent hydrogen abundance higher
than 8% are all contained in regions of dust mantle > 20 m
thick. We observed differences in maximum hydrogen
concentrations and dust mantle: the regional maximum of
dust is located close to the Cassini crater, whereas the maxi-
mum abundance of hydrogen is located close to the equator. Due to edge effects, we cannot know the dust mantle
thickness in this location. Nevertheless, due to the one
meter limit of penetration of the neutron spectroscopy, our
results show that the detected hydrogen is likely contained
inside the >20 m thick dust mantle for most of the Arabia
Terra region. Therefore, the presence of the hydrogen detected in hydrated minerals within the bedrock (such as hydrated sulfates or clays) is unlikely. Based on our dust
mantle thickness map, the hydrogen should be present either as hydrated minerals present in dust, or as adsorbed
water deposited with dust during last excursions of Mars’
rotational axis at high obliquity (Feldman et al., 2005). The
first hypothesis, hydrated minerals in dust, is not consistent
with near infrared spectral data, which does not reveal any
hydration in the surface of these dust deposits (e.g. Poulet
et al., 2007). Nevertheless, this does not rule out possible
hydrated minerals buried beneath the first centimeter of desiccated ground that is not accessible by near infrared imagery. One critical issue regarding the second hypothesis,
that is the presence of hydrogen as water in dust, is the high
hydrogen content south of the equator, south of the low
inertia region (fig. 3b). If hydrogen is present in the dust,
this could mean that a dust mantle is also present south of
the equator, contrary to thermal inertia values. However, a
more indurate dust mantle, as seen from thermal inertia values >200 tiu might be possible, since this region may be an
older part of the dust deposits studied in our work. For future work, this region south of Arabia may be a good test
region for this hypothesis, as well as for further investigations using the method developed in this study coupled with
THEMIS or HRSC images.
This study presents a method for obtaining estimates of
dust thickness over the Martian surface using the distribution of small impact craters (<1 km) observed in high
resolution Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) images. Using the
method, the distribution of small craters was found to be
different from the theoretical distribution due to the meteoritic impact flux since many craters are progressively
buried by dust deposits. The rim height of the largest buried
impact crater was determined to approximate the minimum
dust thickness blanketing the surface. The method was
applied to the region of Arabia Terra, which appears to be
covered by a dust mantle with a minimum thickness of 20
meters. The results show that Arabia Terra was a regional
sink for dust during most of the Amazonian epoch. The
results also show that the hydrogen present in Neutron
Spectrometer data should belong to the dust and not the
underlying bedrock. Further improvements in the mapping
of aeolian dust can be accomplished in the future with additional crater counts and new data from THEMIS imagery
and Mars Express high resolution images. Regional maps
of dust thickness will improve our knowledge of the Martian surface and aeolian dynamics controlled by climatic
changes during its evolution.
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??
Nicolas Mangold, Véronique Ansan, Philippe Masson et Cédric Vincendon
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and R. Schultz and two anonymous reviewers for helpful discussions and careful comments about the manuscript.
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Article soumis le 24 avril 2008, accepté le 6 février 2009.
Géomorphologie : relief, processus, environnement, 2009, n° 1, p. ??

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