
Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
L’art de la communication est important pour le succès des entreprises
MSc. Filonida Uka
Master in linguistics and communication
University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Master in Accounting and Finance
University College of International Management “Globus”, Prishtine
This paper presents the role and the importance of communication in the company. The
communication affects all the areas of the life, whether personal relationships, trade or work. In the
world of work, communication has become an important issue. It contributes to the development, the
success or the failure of the company, it structures the corporate life. The communication can be
internal or external: internal communication applies to members of the company or subcontractors
involved in the operation of the company (employees); external communication targets the
company’s environment (suppliers, customers, states, financial institutions or non-financial and
other external partners). The objective here is to show that the internal and external communication
of the company has an important role and aims the exchange of information to promote dialogue, to
make them known, to conquer the market and retain customers. In this paper we will respond to
several questions: Why communication? What is the importance? What are the strategies and
technics of communication?
Key word: communication, strategies, internal, external, media, marketing
Cet article présente le rôle et l’importance de la communication dans l’entreprise. La communication
touche tous les domaines de la vie, qu’il s’agisse des relations personnelles, des échanges
commerciaux ou du travail. Dans le monde du travail, la communication est devenue un enjeu
important. Elle contribue au développement, à la réussite ou à l’échec de l’entreprise, elle structure
la vie des entreprises. La communication de l’entreprise est interne et externe : une communication
interne vise les membres de l’entreprise ou les sous-traitants qui participent au fonctionnement de
l’organisation (employés, salariés) ; une communication externe vise l’environnement de l’entreprise
(fournisseurs, clients, Etats, institutions financières ou non financières et autres partenaires
externes). L’objectif ici est de montrer que la communication interne et externe de l’entreprise joue
un rôle important et a pour but l’échange de l’information pour favoriser le dialogue, pour se faire
connaître, pour conquérir le marché et fidéliser les clients. Dans cet article nous répondrons à
plusieurs questions : Pourquoi la communication ? Quelle est l’importance ? Quelles sont les
stratégies et techniques de la communication ?
Mots clés : communication, stratégies, interne, externe, media, marketing
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
Chapter 1
To communicate is to exchange messages, share emotions, establish social
relationships to inform, define an identity, to give an image. Individuals, businesses
and organizations could not exist without communication.
The communication of the company or business communication involves the
transmission and reception of messages, the choice of media and support,
information sharing and emotions, silence, dialogue and listening. Consistency of
messages, planned or spontaneous, formal or informal, internal or external is the
essential condition for successful communication of the firm.
All human activities (communications) in the firm aiming to share information and
emotion with individuals or groups, with the purpose of creating, hearing and
distributing messages about the firm itself, its brands and activities. Finally, BC
aims influencing target groups positively towars the firm’s products and services.
We talk about art of communication companies because it is "art of persuasion
through discourse" or speaking art.
Business communication can be defined as the production of information on the
internal and external environment and as the creation of interfaces. The difference
between the internal and the external tends to disappear in favor of a logic of
stakeholders, employees and being encompassed a range of audiences.
Internal communication
The communication focuses on employees is a particular aspect of communication
because it is essential to get the understanding and support. This use of
organizational actors used the company's image by humanizing and revealing the
individuals who compose while connoting its respect for its employees.
The internal image: in addition to an internal fact-finding mission, internal
communication also built a strong reputation among employees and members of the
organization in order to gain their trust and talk, to foster pride and motivation and
adherence. The internal image will be formed by the internal perception of
employees and by the reflection of the external image of the company.
The functions of internal communication:
• Motivate employees find meaning in their work and give value to their
contribution in the company
• Inform provide employees with the data and information necessary to
understand the company's mission
• Mobilize make each member an ambassador for the organization, which
everyone adheres to its vision and support the dissemination of its values
• Unify link building, build a community and a social body, beyond the
hierarchy, spatial distances, organizational boundaries
• Listen to achieve and maintain the involvement and confidence of reflecting
and making up their concerns
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
The basic function of internal communication is to promote the exchange of
information in order to support the business plan: to obtain certification, introduce
changes in the production process...
Internal communication is inseparable from the management of the organization. It
is the understanding of a strategy, a plan of action, procedures, methods of
operation, by the members of the company who will be the actors.
The entrepreneur: he has a fundamental role vis-à-vis internal communication. He is
the first spokesperson of the company's strategy with agents and the guarantor of the
legitimacy of the communication that accompanies it.
Executives: they are the weak link in internal communication. If everyone believes
the level of discourse on the need of it, the transition to the action is more difficult to
engage practice.
Employees: Target internal communication the employee is also the actor. This
implies to consider not only as a target or receiving the messages, but also as a relay
for global action.
Role and place of internal communication
Internal communication is the component of a comprehensive system of
organization. It is composed of:
• Financial communication: This form is designed to create and maintain
links between the organization and its current and future shareholders and
the various stakeholders in the financial community such as banks, money
managers, institutional investors, leaders of opinion, economic journalist etc.
• Commercial communication: communication is that of the company in its
markets as a producer or distributor.
• Institutional communication: it is a global communications whose nuclei
consist of public relations that create opportunities and events with specific
media and public to build and maintain a reputation and a favorable
The objectives of internal communication
The overall objective of internal communication is to optimally manage the torque
demand / supply information within the organization. The characteristics of the
application must be integrated: scalable demand over time, varying locations and
contexts and different in different populations. Faced with this, the offer must be
regular and adapted. Professionalism is required and guess the communicating is a
listening person, dialogue, synthesis, conscious functions and rationalities involved,
a person of the project, a manager and a manager.
Forms of communication
There are three forms of communication:
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
 Interpersonal communication
This is an exchange between two people. Eg a production manager discusses
business with a head circumference or an applicator. E is for emitter and R for
 Group communication
This is a discussion with several people, with a class of people. Eg the RAQT this
new legislation to production managers.
 Mass communication
This is an exchange of a person with a large audience. Eg the CEO presents the
company's strategy to the entire staff.
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
External communication
External communication is the business of the environment (suppliers, customers,
government, financial institutions or non-financial and other external partners). It
aims to exchange information with the outside, to be known, to conquer the market
and retain customers. Whatever the size of the company, external communication is
fundamental to its image.
It is communication used by a company or organization to speak or to speak for
itself, as an institution, with as heterogeneous and varied public and journalists, the
financial community, governments, leaders opinion, the public ...
The goal of public relations is to know and to understand the action of an
organization for the admission and to elicit favorable relations. Public relations is all
the means for creating special relationships with various corporate public so that
they have and that they convey a positive image of it.
Suppliers and distributors: need to be secure, because they have linked their interests
to the company and are active partners essential to the promotion of products or
services. We can offer them business newspapers, plant tours, product launches,
panel discussions and forums, the provision of promotional materials, the
association for sponsorship.
Customers: it is necessary to retain it, to thank him for the confidence he has given
to the company by buying its products. Among the possible actions, there's premises
openings, open houses, forums / debates, product launches, newsletters, magazines
and invitations to shows.
The financial community: expect the company information rather than shares. We
can associate certain personalities to prestigious events, nominally send the annual
report, organizing round tables and conferences to create a letter of financial
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
Visual communication includes all the visual identity construction techniques of a
company and its products. This is embodied in the form of his sign all elements that
make a style, a visual identity essential vector of its image. The visual
communication strategy involves a complex development of the visual identity,
which requires rigor to carry out a reflection of the personality of the company and
its communication strategy.
Digital communication: what strikes with internet, is the speed of generalization.
Where it took decades to traditional media (television, press, radio, telephone) to
establish themselves, it only took a few years to the web and social networks.
Intermediate tools allow the company to disseminate information on the web and
interact with audiences. We distinguish:
 blogs: Company informs its relevance as a drop-down logic, the latest
information the previous hunting.
 wikis: These are sites that allow the co-construction where everyone is
invited to participate in order to build a reference information
 podcasts: These are audio or downloadable video content regularly by
subscription or ad hoc basis
 applications: they allow the user to download a set of features from the
company. This can be information, service facilities, but also the content on
distant subjects of the company's business at heart, but offer him a picture of
Financial Communications: includes all advertising, informative and / or relational
techniques, implemented by a company to promote his financial picture with the
financial community (institutional investors, financial intermediaries, analysts,
journalists) and the public (small carriers).
Chapter 2
Strategy and communication plan
Establish a communication strategy is a necessity for the company to apply
consistently to all of their targets (customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers ..).
This strategy should develop consistent messages that will eventually define a
corporate identity, to give the company an image, gain market share, increase
revenue. In developing its communication strategy, the company will meet three
major steps:
 The analysis phase: this phase is to collect as much information about the
company, its business, financial, social, strengths and weaknesses, its market
position, the nature and extent of his environment, the perception of its image
internally and externally, the importance of reputation.
 The period of reflection: This step is to establish a diagnosis of the situation
and propose solutions starting from the finding in question. This is to highlight
the problem or the most troublesome gap in the knowledge of the company
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
and supply it offers: Is it a problem to solve or a gap to fill? Is the situation
salvageable or not? Will there be more on the institutional, commercial or
social? The problem he falls instead of internal or external?
 The action phase: This phase is to determine the promise that we want to make
the identified targets and steps in the implementation of the communication
The representation of a communication plan is a set of arrangements for the
implementation of a project. A plan can be made in the short term. The foundations
of a communication plan revolve around nine key questions:
• Who should be expressed in the business?
• What is the message?
• What are the target of this communication?
• How will built the message?
• By what channel does it communicate?
• What is the geographical location of the communication?
• At what point should I contact?
• For what budget available?
• Why communicate? What is the purpose of this communication? What are
the consequences of this communication?
The technics of communication
Corporate communication based on a strategy that implements a set of techniques
called "communication mix". This set includes three types of techniques:
• The media advertising
• Non-media communication (visual identity, advertising the event, direct
marketing, public relations, lobbying and word of mouth)
• Multimedia (mainly internet)
Advertising media: it is a mass communication technique that uses the mass media
(television, press, radio, billboards, cinema) by purchase of space to spread the
company's message. The mainstream media advertising objectives are the creation
and development of awareness and image of the products, services, brands and
Non-media communication: we group in this type of communication visual identity,
advertising the event, direct marketing, public relations, lobbying, and word of
Multimedia: multimedia and the Internet in particular were added to the business
communication techniques. Internet features induce a strong development of its use
by companies.
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Volume 4 | Number 4
June 2015
International Journal of Management and Business Economics
(IJMBE) ISSN 2304-0207
Risk communication in the company
The risk of technical, economic, human, social, organizational, or may affect the
business environment. The identification and assessment of risk in the company are
in the field of expertise. Since twenty years experts have stressed the crucial role of
communication in crisis situations.
Indeed, the media aspect of the crisis, especially when it reaches its climax,
interested primarily responsible communication. The crisis is usually accompanied
by an information crisis, and which does not control the information does not master
the crisis. Uncontrolled information or lack of information increases the magnitude
of the crisis so that appropriate communication can mitigate it.
Crisis communication is a special case of institutional communication. The company
is involved in crisis communication whenever it is faced with an exceptional
situation: industrial pollution, redundancy plan, financial loss, quality problems on a
product, health problem on a product.
This research aims to determine what underlies the company's communication and
its importance in the organization. Indeed, the internal and external communication
is fundamental to the image and success of the organization. The communication
strategies and techniques are the factors we need to consider to avoid risks that could
affect the company and its environment.
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