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October 2010
Volume 85
Who, What, Where
First Monday of October - World Habitat Day
October 1 - International Day of Older Persons
October 1 - World Smile Day
: Do an act of kindness. Help one person smile!
October 2 - International Day of Non-Violence, observed on M.K.
Gandhi's birthday
October 16 - World Food Day
October 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
October 24 - United Nations Day
October 24 - World Development Information Day
October 27 - World Day for Audiovisual Heritage
Volume 85
Who, What, Where...............................................................................................................................1
First Monday of October - World Habitat Day ......................................................................1
October 1 - International Day of Older Persons ...................................................................1
October 1 - World Smile Day ..............................................................................................1
October 2 - International Day of Non-Violence, observed on M.K. Gandhi's birthday ...........1
October 16 - World Food Day .............................................................................................1
October 17 - International Day for the Eradication of Poverty ..............................................1
October 24 - United Nations Day ........................................................................................1
October 24 - World Development Information Day ..............................................................1
October 27 - World Day for Audiovisual Heritage ................................................................1
In-house "cooking" :...........................................................................................................................4
Michelle Bachelet, new Head of UN Women, ........................................................................4
Auditoria de genéro ...........................................................................................................4
Mainstreaming gender equality: concepts and instruments ..................................................4
Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Programme -Calendar 2011 now available! ...........4
What's new on the web.......................................................................................................................5
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). ..............................................................................5
The Live & Living MDG5 Shadow Report in Asia! ..................................................................5
Women on the Web: How Women are Shaping the Internet...................................................6
What are they doing? ..........................................................................................................................6
ONU Women: parce que je le vaux bien ...............................................................................6
Peru - Quechua Indigenous Woman Leads Congress Education Committee - Self-Educated –
Champions Non-Discrimination & Rights in Education in Peru .............................................8
Off the press!................................................................................................................................... 10
CHINA COULD OVERTHROW ONE-CHILD RULE ...................................................................10
China Rescinds One-Child Policy - Don't Be Fooled! ..........................................................10
Gender Issues................................................................................................................................... 12
Calvert Women's Principles - Role of Companies for Women's Rights .................................12
FLASH!............................................................................................................................................... 13
Spain's burnt out 'babysitter grandparents' urged to strike ................................................13
Food for Thought............................................................................................................................. 15
Poets’ Corner.................................................................................................................................... 15
Je voulais être reine..........................................................................................................15
Gender Resources............................................................................................................................ 16
The PPI™ - Progress out of Poverty Index ..........................................................................16
OF SEX TRAFFICKING IN INDIA...........................................................................................18
THE POWER OF WOMEN'S LITERACY...................................................................................18
International Training Centre of the ILO
Volume 85
GRANT/FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES ................................................................................................ 19
Women Thrive Releases a Fundraising Guide for Community-Based Organizations .............19
THE BLACKBAUD INDEX OF ONLINE GIVING TO NONPROFITS ..............................................19
On-going and/or coming Gender Programmes/ Conferences / Events: ................................... 21
Du grain à moudre. Genre, développement rural et alimentation........................................21
2010 Global Domestic Violence Conference ......................................................................21
VARIOUS ........................................................................................................................................... 22
THE ITALIAN CORNER: ......................................................................................................22
Che ansia essere adolescente e ragazza! ...........................................................................22
Quote for the Day:............................................................................................................................ 23
JUST FOR FUN:.................................................................................................................................. 23
International Training Centre of the ILO
Volume 85
In-house "cooking" :
Michelle Bachelet, new Head of UN Women, to emphasize security,
equality and dignity
The incoming head of the new United Nations
agency for women says she will primarily
emphasize issues of domestic violence,
abuse of women in areas of conflict zones
and aspects of reproductive health (and
related rights). Michelle Bachelet, the former
president of Chile, says the problems
encountered by women are universal, and
that "the state cannot be neutral." The Nation
Auditoria de genéro
Auditoria de genéro de la Ofician Subregional de la OIT en San José, Costa Rica
desde el 4 al 15 de octubre de 2010.
Simonetta Cavazza, Anna Torriente, Luesette
Howell y Javier Escobar son los facilitadores
de este proceso que se pasa por primera vez
en una Oficina de la OIT de habla espanola.
Mainstreaming gender equality: concepts and instruments
A training activity on “Mainstreaming gender
equality: concepts and instruments” is taking
place at the ITC-ILO in Turin, from 4 to 15
October 2010. The programme deals with
basic concepts and approaches used in
gender mainstreaming and focuses on
specific thematic issues, related to a gender
approach to the four ILO strategic objectives
and of importance for social partners.
Participants’ specific fields of activity and
individual needs are taken under
consideration when selecting specific issues
for discussion, such as institutional
machineries, advocacy and sensitization,
gender in crisis situation.
Gender Equality and Non-Discrimination Programme -Calendar 2011
now available!
Click here to see the provisional calendar of
our residential and online activities 2011!
More details will be available soon on the
website You
International Training Centre of the ILO
can also subscribe to the Gender Campus
Alert to be automatically updated (contact
[email protected]).
Volume 85
What's new on the web
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).
Your actions have moved us closer to solving
some of the world’s biggest problems. You
are helping advance the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).
Find out more about the MDGs and how you
can help advance them on our new "MDGs in
Action" page, and share it with your friends
to increase our impact.
The Live & Living MDG5 Shadow Report in Asia!
The Live & Living MDG 5 Shadow Report is an
interactive, web-based report on the
progress of the Millennium Development
Goals 3 & 5 in twelve countries in Asia. The
countries covered include the South Asian
countries of Bangladesh, India, Nepal and
Pakistan; the Southeast Asian countries of
Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines; the
Mekong countries of Cambodia, Laos,
Thailand and Vietnam as well as the East
Asian country of China.
This report aims to present alternative
information on the progress/ lack of
progress on MDGs 3 & 5. Reporting is based
International Training Centre of the ILO
on the traditional UN indicators and
additional critical indicators around MDGs 3
& 5.This report aims to contrast and compare
national numeric reporting with local
evidence and research to show where the
gaps are.
More importantly, the space for NGOs to
participate or to voice an alternative opinion
to the reporting provided by governments is
at a shameful minimal and the Live & Living
MDG 5 Shadow Report serves as an internet
campaign to remind governments and
international agencies that women’s
organisations and feminist organisations
Volume 85
around the region are still watching them
closely to see whether they will deliver on
their promises on gender equality and
universal access to reproductive health.
Research Centre for Women (ARROW) and her
View the MDG5 Shadow Report at :
The objectives of this Live & Living MDG5
Shadow Report are:
Pass the word around – forward this email
to as many people as you can !
To use technology as a platform to bring
grassroots voices to the United Nations (UN)
Contribute stories/ research from the
ground on MDG 3 & 5 – we will publish it
on our website ! Please contact :
[email protected]
To hold governments accountable
To bring information that is rights-based,
women-centred and NGO-oriented
To comprehensively monitor MDGs 3&5 in
the 12 countries ARROW works in Asia.
This internet report-cum-campaign has been
generated by the Asian-Pacific Resource &
We are happy to work with you to help set up
an alternative shadow report on MDG 5 for
your country! Please contact :
[email protected] and [email protected]
Women on the Web: How Women are Shaping the Internet
Everyone from advertisers to content
producers to agencies to non-profits to
politicians and policy makers can benefit
from understanding Web usage through a
gender-specific lens. While some female
behaviors are somewhat obvious, others are
quite surprising. What we thought we knew
about how moms, college girls, and retirees
use the Web is constantly evolving. So if there
is even a trace of a cultural anthropologist in
you, and if you are curious about what can be
learned by passively observing how women
use the Web across the world, then read on.
What are they doing?
ONU Women: parce que je le vaux bien
Par Claire Magone (membre du Crash)
Après d’intenses négociations entre Etats et
mouvements de femmes, UN Women a vu le
jour en juillet 2010. C’est dans cette
structure qu’ont été transférés les mandats
de quatre organisations des Nations unies
jusque-là dédiées aux questions de genre
(1). A l’origine de sa création, un constat: en
dépit de l’évolution des lois et des politiques
International Training Centre of the ILO
de nombreux pays, il manque toujours un
«appui concret pour donner effet à ces
décisions et changer la vie des femmes et des
Annoncée dans tous les communiqués de
l’ONU comme une «victoire historique», UN
Women menace pourtant de desservir la
cause qu’elle est censée soutenir. Aussi
Volume 85
respectable soit-elle, l’initiative pose une
série de questions: ainsi, la diversité des
mouvements féministes survivra-t-elle dans
cette superstructure? Le militantisme peut-il
s’épanouir dans un monde de professionnels
et d’experts du genre? Enfin, de simples
ajustements ne risquent-ils pas de
supplanter une réforme profonde réclamée
par de nombreux mouvements féministes?
Telle qu’elle est présentée, UN Women
affronte surtout un adversaire dépolitisé.
«Champion énergique et dynamique» qui
saura faire entendre «la voix unie et forte des
D’une part, parce que les femmes le valent
bien, et pour ainsi dire, vaudraient même
mieux que les hommes : solidaires, ce sont
elles qui «prennent soin des malades dans le
monde» ; victimes, elles sont de plus en plus
affectées par le VIH «transmis par les
hommes» ; innocentes, «elles causent
rarement les conflits armés» ; entrepreneuses
enfin, elles savent «saisir les opportunités
pour améliorer leurs conditions de vie et
celles de leurs familles».
D’autre part, parce que les femmes seraient,
par essence, portées vers l’entraide, le souci
de l’autre, la paix et la justice. En ce sens,
elles seraient les alliées naturelles du combat
des Américains et des Nations unies «pour un
International Training Centre of the ILO
femmes de ce monde», il ne s’agira pas d’un
organe de combat à portée des mouvements
féministes en lutte contre un modèle de
domination socio-économique basé sur le
patriarcat. UN Women sera, tout simplement,
l’étendard de la cause des femmes. Et
pour Hillary Clinton qui défend l’idée de
placer les femmes au cœur des
préoccupations des Nations unies et de la
politique étrangère des États-Unis, on se doit
d’adhérer à ce nouveau modèle pour deux
types de raison.
monde meilleur et plus sûr pour nos
Faut-il rappeler ici que les hommes sont les
premières victimes des conflits armés, que le
VIH est un virus avant d’être une arme et
que, soumises au même système
d’encadrement et de formation militaire, les
femmes n’ont rien à envier aux hommes sur
un champ de bataille ou dans une salle de
Par la vision consensuelle qu’elle propose,
l’ONU réduit la femme à sa dimension d’objet
d’indignation et neutralise son pouvoir
subversif. Poussée dans les retranchements
symboliques de la victime —et de sa figure
associée, la femme courage—, la femme est
Volume 85
invitée à jouer ce rôle classiquement assigné
par les tenants d’une vision traditionnelle du
genre: la mascotte. Pour que cette mascotte
remplisse pleinement sa fonction de
ralliement, il faut qu’elle soit identifiable de
très loin, et en tous temps, donc que son
contour identitaire soit le plus net possible.
Elle peut avoir un prénom, mais on évitera
qu’elle exprime autre chose que la cause
qu’elle incarne, pour ne pas brouiller le
message en le complexifiant.
Il peut s’agir d’Aïsha, jeune Afghane dont le
visage mutilé a fait cet été la couverture du
Times Magazine titré: «Voici ce qui se
passera si nous quittons l’Afghanistan», le
journal imputant le crime aux Talibans —bien
que leur responsabilité dans ce crime semble
après examen difficile à établir.
Il peut s’agir de Sakineh, cette femme
iranienne condamnée à la lapidation, qui
suscite l’indignation et la mobilisation d’une
partie du monde, mais dont on peut douter
qu’une lettre de soutien rédigée par Carla
Bruni puisse la réconforter : «Condamnée à
être enterrée vivante, puis à être lapidée !
Votre beau visage, réduit en bouillie! (…). Vos
yeux pleins de douleur et de dignité, votre
front, votre cerveau, votre âme… transformés
en cible pour des lanceurs de pierres,
explosés, pulvérisés, en miettes!».
Visage virginal qu’encadre un voile austère,
Sakineh est, aux dires mêmes de son avocat
une «femme simple, très simple». Rien à
craindre de ce côté-là.
(1) Le Bureau de la Conseillère spéciale pour
la problématique hommes-femmes et la
promotion de la femme, la Division de la
promotion de la femme, le Fonds de
développement des Nations unies pour la
femme et l’Institut international de recherche
et de formation pour la promotion de la
Illustration © Rash Brax
Peru - Quechua Indigenous Woman Leads Congress Education
Committee - Self-Educated – Champions Non-Discrimination &
Rights in Education in Peru
By Ángel Páez
Hilaria Supa has broken down many barriers
in her life. Now she has overcome another
one, in an unprecedented achievement: this
Quechua indigenous woman who never went
to school is today chair of the congressional
education committee in Peru.
"Who criticises me? The 'doctores' (roughly,
'the PhDs') who have already presided over
the committee and did not do a thing for the
people I represent, who have historically been
International Training Centre of the ILO
marginalised," she told IPS in an interview in
the chamber where the committee meets.
"I am a social activist who fights for the rights
of poor campesinos, and you don't get that
degree at a university," she said.
The lawmaker was born 52 years ago in the
rural community of Huallococha in the
province of Anta, four hours northwest of the
highlands city of Cuzco in southeastern Peru.
Volume 85
The Commission adopted a five-year strategy
for promoting equality between women and
men in Europe. The strategy aims in
particular to make better use of women's
potential, thereby contributing to the EU's
overall economic and social goals.
It translates the principles set out in the
European Commission's Women's Charter
into specific measures, ranging from getting
more women into company boardrooms to
tackling gender-based violence. Meanwhile, a
new Eurobarometer survey shows 87% of
Europeans support EU action to tackle
domestic violence. One out of four knows
someone who has been a victim of such
employment rate of 75% overall for women
and men;
Putting forward targeted initiatives to get
more women into top jobs in economic
Promoting female entrepreneurship and self
Instituting an annual European Equal Pay Day
to raise awareness of the fact that women
continue to earn an average of nearly 18%
less than men across the EU;
Working together with all Member States in
combating violence against women,
especially eradicating female genital
mutilation in Europe and beyond.
The gender equality strategy spells out a
series of actions based around five priorities:
the economy and labour market; equal pay;
equality in senior positions; tackling gender
violence; and promoting equality beyond the
EU. They include:
The Commission will also set up a yearly toplevel Gender Equality Dialogue involving the
European Parliament, the Council
presidencies, European social partners and
civil society to assess progress in
implementing the strategy.
Getting more women into the labour market
and helping to reach the Europe 2020 target
International Training Centre of the ILO
Volume 85
Off the press!
By Allie Townsend
The Chinese government is beginning to
rethink its famed one-child limit as it begins
to lift the restriction in five provinces with
low birth rates.
The pilot projects, which are set to begin in
2011, allow for a second child per family if at
least one spouse is an only child. USA Today
reports that Beijing, Shanghai and four other
provinces will follow suit in 2012, with
nationwide adoption of the new policy
expected by 2013 or 2014. In 1979, China's
one-child policy was introduced after
decades of huge population boom followed
by mass death due to resulting food
shortages. The policy, which has prevented
400 million births, restricted the country's
ethnic Han majority to have only one child
per family (exempting most ethnic minorities)
and has remained nearly the same since,
though a few exceptions have been made.
(Some rural farm families have been allowed
to have a second child if the first is a girl.)
(More on TIME: A Brief History of China's
One-Child Policy)
China Rescinds One-Child Policy - Don't Be Fooled!
Reggie Littlejohn, President of Women's Rights Without Frontiers and One-Child Policy
Expert for Human Rights Without Frontiers and China Aid Association*
USA Today ran an article on September 9
proclaiming that "China may relax its onechild rule." UPI, ABC and dozens of other
media organs followed suit. Indeed, TIME
NewsFeed ran the headline, "China Could
Overthrow One-Child Rule."
International Training Centre of the ILO
Don't be fooled. I rejoice for the families that
may eventually be allowed a second child
under this proposed "pilot program."
Nevertheless, China has not relaxed,
rescinded or overthrown its brutal One-Child
Policy. As an initial matter, this proposed
modification is not for everyone, but only for
Volume 85
couples in which at least one spouse is an
only child. Any article proclaiming otherwise
should be regarded with skepticism for the
following three reasons.
1) The problem with the One Child Policy is
not the number of children allowed. Rather, it
is the fact that the policy is enforced through
forced abortion, forced sterilization and
infanticide. Even if some couples will
eventually be allowed to have two children
under this "pilot program," the Chinese
Communist Party has emphatically not stated
that they will cease their appalling methods
of enforcement. Women who get pregnant
without a "birth permit" will still be dragged
out of their homes, strapped down to tables
and forced to abort babies that they want,
even up to the ninth month of pregnancy. It
does not matter whether you are pro-life or
pro-choice on this issue. No one supports
forced abortion, because it is not a choice. If
you want to read a dozen expert reports on
the current, coercive implementation of
China's One Child Policy, click here.
2) The announcement of this so-called
"relaxation" of the Policy seems strategically
timed to draw attention away from the plight
of blind One Child Policy activist Chen
Guangcheng, who was released on the same
day. Chen served a four-year prison sentence
during which he endured severe torture and
deprivation of medical treatment. Chen
exposed the fact that there were 130,000
mass forced abortions and forced
sterilizations in Linyi County, Shandong
Province, China, in 2005. On April 30, 2006,
Time Magazine named him in its list of
"2006's Top 100 People Who Shape Our
World," in the category of "Heroes and
Pioneers," and he was recently nominated for
a Nobel Peace Prize. Although Chen was
released yesterday - weak and in need of
medical attention - sources inside China
International Training Centre of the ILO
report that his house is surrounded by 20
security police. As of this writing, Chen and
his family cannot leave home. Did the
Chinese Communist Party's Propaganda
Department time its announcement that it is
"loosening up" on the One Child Policy to
divert attention from what happens to
Chinese nationals who expose the brutal
truth about forced abortion in China?
3) Areas in which two children are allowed
are especially vulnerable to "gendercide," the
sex-selective abortion of females. Allowing
some couples to have two children will not
solve China's demographic problems
regarding gender disparity, caused by China's
traditional preference for boys. Indeed,
according to a study of 2005 national census
data, in nine provinces, for "second order
births" where the first child is a girl, 160 boys
are born for every 100 girls. According to the
2009 British Medical Journal study of this
data, "Sex selective abortion accounts for
almost all the excess males." Because of this
gendercide, there are an estimated 37 million
Chinese men who will never marry because
their future wives were terminated before
they were born.
This gender imbalance is a powerful, driving
force behind trafficking in women and sexual
slavery, not only in China, but in neighboring
nations as well.
So, don't be fooled. The coercive
enforcement of China's One Child Policy
causes more violence toward women and
girls than any other official policy on earth,
and any other official policy in the history of
the world. Much as the Chinese Communist
Party's Propaganda Department would like us
to, we can't cross the One Child Policy off our
mental checklist of human rights concerns.
The coercive enforcement of China's One
Child Policy constitutes a crime against
*Reggie Littlejohn is President of Women's
Rights Without Frontiers, a non-partisan,
Volume 85
international coalition to oppose forced
abortion and sexual slavery in China. As an
expert on China's One Child Policy for Human
Rights Without Frontiers and China Aid, she
has delivered an address at the European
Parliament in Brussels, briefed the White
House and testified before Congress (the
United States Congressional Tom Lantos
Human Rights Commission). She has spoken
at the Harvard Law School, Stanford Law
School, George Washington University, and
The Heritage Foundation. A graduate of Yale
Law School, Ms. Littlejohn has represented
Chinese refugees in their political asylum
cases in the United States.
Gender Issues
Calvert Women's Principles - Role of Companies for Women's Rights
The First Global Code of Corporate Conduct focused exclusively on empowering,
advancing, and investing in women worldwide.
In partnership with the United Nations
Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM),
Calvert launched the Calvert Women's
Principles (CWP) in June 2004. Since their
launch, the CWP have heightened awareness
of workplace issues affecting women and
called attention to the role of companies in
ensuring women’s rights.
As part of this process, during 2008 Calvert
again consulted with a range of stakeholders
including Verité, the San Francisco
Department on the Status of Women, the
United Nations Development Fund for Women
(UNIFEM), gender advocacy experts and
human rights, legal, and diversity
While the response to the CWP has been
strong and positive, the corporate diversity
landscape has shifted in the years since the
original text was written. Accordingly, the
CWP were extensively revised in March 2009
when Calvert recognized the need to address
salient emerging issues, and incorporate
some of the most progressive contemporary
policies and best practices.
The most significant change was adding
work-life balance to the top-line Principles.
Work-life balance was identified as essential
to the attainment of gender equality in the
workplace and the one issue most noticeably
absent from the original version.
International Training Centre of the ILO
Calvert has begun the process of translating
the Principles into practical policies,
guidelines, indicators and other performance
Volume 85
tools that companies can use to implement
these standards.
2. Work-life Balance and Career
Seven Core Principles
3. Health, Safety and Freedom from
The Women's Principles provide companies a
set of goals they can aspire to and measure
their progress against, while offering
investors a set of tools they can use to assess
corporate performance on gender equality
issues. The Principles provide a concrete set
of indicators for tracking the progress of
gender justice in the corporate community.
1. Employment and Compensation
4. Management and Governance
5. Business, Supply Chain and Marketing
6. Civic and Community Engagement
7. Transparency and Accountability
Spain's burnt out 'babysitter grandparents' urged to strike
Union tells Spanish grandparents to down tools if they're tired of caring for their
grandchildren for days on end
Photograph: Juan Medina/Reuters
Spain's grandparents have been urged to
strike if they are worn out from childcare.
Half look after their grandchildren every day.
It is the most unlikely of generational revolts,
but one that older Britons might just relate
to. A call has gone out for grandparents
around Spain to down tools and go on strike
– because they're sick to the teeth of all that
International Training Centre of the ILO
For a country where half of all grandparents
look after their grandchildren every day – one
in eight for more than nine hours a day – the
strike call threatens to disrupt the working
lives of a significant proportion of the
population and expose the extent to which
this unpaid work is propping up the
"We want grandparents to strike to prove
they are a key part of the way this country
functions," said Manuel Pastrana, leader of
Volume 85
the UGT general workers' union in the
southern region of Andalucia. "Learn to say
no" and "don't feel guilty" are the slogans,
aimed at so-called "babysitter grandparents".
The call is part of a wider attempt to bring
the country to a halt with a general strike. But
it has also struck at one of the key elements
of Spanish society – where grandparents
provide the childcare that working parents
cannot give and the state does not offer.
"It is a growing problem because
grandparents are cheaper than childminders
and they are an easy option when the
economy is as bad as it is now," said Dr Jaime
Rodríguez, of Spain's Society of Gerontology.
"That is probably fine for most of them, but
some cannot cope."
One Madrid grandmother, Manuela Martin,
73, looks after seven-year-old
granddaughter Antía all week, only giving her
back to her parents for the weekend.
"She comes back to me on Sunday night and
stays until Friday," she said. "Her parents
start work at 7am so they can't get her to
school during the week."
Spanish working hours are partly to blame.
Long lunch breaks mean office workers have
to work late. An office culture of not leaving
before the boss goes home keeps some there
even later. And with part-time or flexible
jobs a rarity, many families with two working
parents simply cannot function without a
International Training Centre of the ILO
"Here they are full-time," says María Teresa
López, a professor at the economics faculty
of Madrid's Complutense University. "They
are filling in for parents, effectively bringing
their grandchildren up and that is quite a
different role to being a grandparent."
It is not just Spain's working classes who
depend on their relatives. "We are there when
we are needed," says Juan José, 67, as he
walks his three and five-year-old grandsons
to a private nursery school in Madrid. "In the
summer we have them at our home near the
beach for almost the whole three months of
the holidays while my son and his wife work.
We love it, but our parents did not do this for
Doctors say being involved with
grandchildren keeps most grandparents
healthy and active, but those who do not
enjoy the work will not admit it. Few are
prepared to criticise either their own
children, or their grandchildren. "I don't mind
helping, but we have already brought up our
own children and now we deserve some
space of our own," said one grandmother,
who did not want to be named.
But few said they would heed the call to
strike. "What do they think we are going to
do with [our grandchildren]?" asked Martin.
"Do they want us to dump them in the
Volume 85
Food for Thought
Poets’ Corner
Je voulais être reine
Je voulais un royaume où les fleurs sont tendresses
Douces comme caresses pour câliner nos nuits
Où l'aube à son réveil accueille les promesses
Laissées sur l'oreiller de nos heures enfuies.
Il suffisait d'un rire pour chasser les nuages
Les larmes et les pluies de nos matins brumeux
Illuminer de joie nos yeux et nos visages
Et changer la grisaille en reflets amoureux.
Il suffisait d'un mot pour taire vos colères
Posé avec douceur sur vos lèvres en furie
International Training Centre of the ILO
Volume 85
Le plus beau mot du monde qui fend coeurs et pierres
Et change le courroux en gourmande folie.
Il a suffi d'un cri pour briser les espoirs
Et noyer le soleil dans les fonds ténébreux
Un cri de liberté pour fuir les désespoirs
Ces chaînes invisibles qui rendent malheureux.
Je voulais être reine égérie de vos jours
La muse de l'amour sur le drapé des cieux
Une perle de lune aux émouvants contours
Buvant la passion à la source des dieux.
Gender Resources
The PPI™ - Progress out of Poverty Index
The Progress out of Poverty IndexTM (PPI™) is
a simple and accurate tool that measures
poverty levels of groups and individuals.
Using the PPI, MFIs can better determine their
clients’ needs, which programs are most
effective, how quickly clients leave poverty,
and what helps them to move out of poverty
CGAP, Grameen Foundation and the Ford
Foundation endorse the use of rigorous
poverty assessment tools and believe the
Progress out of Poverty Index™ (PPI) is a
highly effective tool for those institutions
International Training Centre of the ILO
interested in measuring the likelihood of
client poverty.
The PPI is based on an approach developed
by Mark Schreiner of Microfinance Risk
Management, L.L.C. It is a user-friendly tool
that estimates the likelihood that clients fall
below the national poverty line, the poverty
line that defines the poorest half below the
national poverty line or the $1/Day/PPP and
$2/Day/PPP international poverty lines. While
the PPI is built on a universal methodology,
each PPI is country specific and based on that
country's best nationally representative
income and expenditure household survey.
Volume 85
For each country, the process starts with a
nationally representative income and/or
expenditure survey. The data from the survey
are analyzing to rank indicators that strongly
correlate with poverty. These indicators are
then tested and vetted with local MFIs and
their representatives. Each of these steps is
described in detail below.
Field staff match the total points from a
client’s PPI to a poverty level estimate using a
simple chart. In this way, individuals are
ranked according to the applicable poverty
line. Using this analysis, institutions can
assess the poverty likelihood of clients by
branch, by rural or urban setting and by
client history (new or current).
MFI field staff visit the homes of clients to
collect key information. Using a practical list
of ten indicators such as family size, the
number of children attending school, the
type of housing and others, staff members
interview clients while observing their
households. Each indicator receives a score
that reflects client response, and all ten
indicators receive a total score.
By tracking poverty levels against other client
demographic information, the results of the
PPI allow an MFI to make key decisions about
its mission and how to carry it out. By using
the PPI over time, MFIs can:
The indicators in each country are drawn
from either that country’s national household
survey (such as Mexico’s INEGI database or
Pakistan’s Integrated Household Survey), or
the country-specific World Bank Living
Standards Measurement Survey, depending
on which data set has the most complete
information. This index then serves as a
baseline from which client progress is
International Training Centre of the ILO
1. Better define and adhere to their
2. Increase their competitive edge,
profitability, and ability to retain
clients by responding more quickly
and effectively to changes in their
communities and by showing
documented results.
3. Provide timely and accurate
information to socially responsible
investors who may want to provide
financial resources to their programs.
Français and Español
Volume 85
Direct Link to Full 43-Page 2009 Publication:
Computer may adjust type size for easier reading.
Some 796 million adults still lack literacy
skills. About Two-thirds are women. The
International Literacy Day global celebrations
will therefore focus on the transformation
literacy can bring to women’s lives and
International Training Centre of the ILO
thosen of their families, communities and
societies. Direct Link to Full 20-Page Publication:
Volume 85
Women Thrive Releases a Fundraising Guide for Community-Based
Women Thrive Worldwide releases a new fundraising guide for grassroots women’s organizations in developing
Direct Link to 56-Page Guide:
Women Thrive Worldwide is proud to
announce the release of its Fundraising Guide
for Women’s Community-Based
Organizations. Women Thrive Worldwide
believes that the best way to fight global
poverty is by investing in local women’s
groups in the developing world. Why?
Because these groups best know their
communities’ problems and how to solve
them. This is why we work with women’s
groups around the world to make sure U.S.
assistance is reaching them and addressing
the priorities and needs of the women they
work with.
often complex world of international
assistance and fundraising. This guide was
written to help bridge that gap. Outlining the
basic concepts of professional fundraising,
the guide seeks to assist our community
partners through a collaborative process to
increase access to effective resources. From
practical advice based on years of experience
in professional fundraising in the United
States to detailed instructions on how to
write grant proposals, budgets and reports,
the principles and methods we introduce are
applicable globally and can be tailored to
local environments.
However, we frequently notice that local
organizations have difficulty navigating the
Economic conditions, natural disasters, and
market fluctuations have made it extremely
difficult for nonprofits to make fundraising
decisions informed by the latest donor
International Training Centre of the ILO
behavior. That is why we created The
Blackbaud Index of Online Giving — to
provide fundraisers with up-to-date data on
fundraising trends and to couple that
Volume 85
information with valuable analysis by leaders
in the sector.
The Blackbaud Index of Online Giving is a broadbased fundraising index that reports online
revenue trends of more than 1,710 nonprofit
organizations representing $404.9 million in
yearly revenue on a monthly basis. The Index
is based on actual revenue statistics from nonprofit
organizations of all sizes representing arts,
culture, and humanities; education; environment
and animals; healthcare; human services;
international affairs; and public and society
benefit sectors.
The Blackbaud Index of Online Giving reports
that online revenue increased by 11.6 percent for
the 3 months ending July 2010 as compared to
the same period in 2009.
» View prior 12 months
Online Giving by Size of Organization
Small Organizations
Representing 596 organizations and $27.4
million in online revenue, this subset of The
Blackbaud Index of Online Giving looks at
nonprofits with revenue of less than $1 million.
» View prior 12 months
Medium Organizations
Representing 695 organizations and $93.7
million in online revenue, this subset of The
Blackbaud Index of Online Giving looks at
nonprofits with revenue between $1 and $10
» View prior 12 months
International Training Centre of the ILO
Volume 85
Large Organizations
Representing 419 organizations and $283.7
million in online revenue, this subset of The
Blackbaud Index of Online Giving looks at
nonprofits with revenue exceeding $10 million.
» View prior 12 months
On-going and/or coming Gender Programmes/
Conferences / Events:
Du grain à moudre. Genre, développement rural et alimentation
28 to 29 October 2010 , Geneva, Switzerland
Contact name: Anaïs Bertrand-Dansereau
2-days international conference on Gender,
rural development and food. See website for
programme and speakers. Presentations in
English, French and Spanish, with
simultaneous interpretation.
Check the event website for latest details
2010 Global Domestic Violence Conference
1 to 3 November 2010
Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Contact name: Mel Callagcan
The Global Domestic Violence is set to be the
largest gathering of community groups,
government and NGOs all devoted to
International Training Centre of the ILO
highlighting and showcasing successful
programs with the aim of empowering
victims and workers of domestic violence.
Organized by: Global Coalition against
Domesic Violence (GCA-DV)
Check the event website for latest details.
Volume 85
Che ansia essere adolescente e ragazza!
Uno studio con risonanza magnetica sancisce scientificamente la propensione a una
vita emotiva più intensa da parte delle femmine
Che le ragazze siano più sensibili rispetto ai
maschi nei confronti dei giudizi dei coetanei,
soprattutto nel periodo della pubertà, è
risaputo. Ora arriva una ricerca che supporta
questa ipotesi, attribuendo per la prima volta
dignità scientifica a una semplice opinione
LO STUDIO - I ricercatori del National
Institute of Mental Health hanno effettuato
un esperimento su 34 ragazzi e ragazze tra i
9 e i 17 anni, monitorandone l'attività
cerebrale con una tecnica di risonanza
magnetica. Dai risultati è emerso che nelle
ragazze le aree del cervello deputate alle
emozioni e alle relazioni interpersonali
tendono a essere sempre più pronunciate
rispetto ai coetanei maschi, soprattutto con
l'avanzare dell'adolescenza. Il che, secondo
gli scienziati, sarebbe direttamente correlato
a una maggiore ansia da giudizio altrui.
VITA DA FEMMINE – Faticoso insomma essere
giovani e femmine, alla perenne ricerca
dell’approvazione altrui, accompagnate
dall’apprensione di non piacere o di non
essere all’altezza nei rapporti sociali. I
ragazzi se la cavano un po’ meglio, a
giudicare da come si muovono le aree del
loro cervello. E se è vero che l’adolescenza è
per definizione l’età delle insicurezze, è vero
anche che le priorità dei maschi sono altre, e
i giovani uomini riescono a distrarsi meglio
dall’ossessione del parere degli altri.
Dormendo sonni più tranquilli e vivendo con
meno tensione l’affettività.
Nell’esperimento i ricercatori, guidati da
Amanda E. Guyer, hanno osservato in
particolare l’attività di alcune zone del
cervello deputate alle emozioni (come
l’amigdala, l’ipotalamo e l’ippocampo)
durante una chat, monitorando le reazioni
dei giovani nel corso dell’attività di
comunicazione. Successivamente, sono state
mostrate ai ragazzi quaranta foto di
teenagers, chiedendo di attribuire a ciascuna
un punteggio da 0 a 100 e specificando che
anche i loro volti sarebbero stati sottoposti a
una votazione. Il dato emerso è stata una
crescita sensibile dell’attività delle zone
osservate per le rappresentanti del gentil
sesso, con un ulteriore incremento del lavoro
cerebrale nel caso delle ragazze più grandi.
UOMINI E DONNE - Le differenze di genere
esistono dunque e secondo gli studiosi
spiegherebbero anche una maggior
propensione alla depressione tra le ragazze,
che vivono con inquietudine e angoscia i
rapporti interpersonali. Il riconoscimento e
l’appartenenza sociale sono al centro dei
pensieri femminili e a una maggior
aspettativa in questa direzione corrisponde
inevitabilmente anche una maggior delusione
quando la tanto desiderata approvazione non
si verifica. Gli uomini vengono da Marte, le
donne da Venere: è il titolo di un bestseller
che parla proprio delle differenze di genere
nel vivere le emozioni e non solo. Talvolta i
vecchi luoghi comuni, pur con il rischio di
banalizzare, colgono nel segno.
Emanuela Di Pasqua Corriere della sera
International Training Centre of the ILO
Volume 85
Quote for the Day:
“History is herstory too.”
~ Author unknown ~
You are encouraged to share with us any information or material
you think may be of interest for the next issue, by writing to [email protected].
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This newsletter is not an official document of the ITC-ILO. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the views of
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International Training Centre of the ILO