Bulletin 1/2004 - Association Suisse 6mJI


Bulletin 1/2004 - Association Suisse 6mJI
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Modern 6mJI racing ©Gilles Favez / Inlay: the worlds joungest 6mJI owners on Astree FRA 96
Bulletin Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Bulletin 1/2004
Official ISMA news ........................................................................................ 3
Editorial .......................................................................................................... 3
President’s message ........................................................................................ 5
Porto Rotondo ................................................................................................. 6
6 mJI European Championship .................................................................... 10
Coming International 6mJI Races ................................................................ 15
Notices from the ISMA office ...................................................................... 15
ISMA Bulletin and web-site handling .......................................................... 17
Subjects for discussion at the ISMA Annual General Meeting 2004 ...............
in Porto Rotondo ........................................................................................... 19
Commentary from Ian Howlett to the questions of exotic material ............. 21
Comments on the Sail Rule for Classics ...................................................... 22
Classic Six-Metre Newsletter ....................................................................... 27
ISMA public relation .................................................................................... 28
Another series of photographs by Gilles Favez, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland .. 29
ISAF 2004 CLASS REPORT FOR 6mJI ..................................................... 29
Actual ISMA Board: ..................................................................................... 31
6mJI Aktivitäten in der Schweiz ................................................................... 33
Spots vom Lac Léman .................................................................................. 34
Spots vom Bodensee ..................................................................................... 36
6mJI activtiées en France ............................................................................. 39
6mJI activities in Great Britain ..................................................................... 41
6mJI activities in USA .................................................................................. 42
6mJI activities in Brazil ................................................................................ 44
6mJI Aktivitäten in Deutschland .................................................................. 45
6mJI Aktivitäten im Norden ......................................................................... 48
Informationen von allgemeinem Interesse ................................................... 50
6mJI Historic Place ....................................................................................... 54
The metric rule ............................................................................................. 57
Some Thoughts for the Classics ................................................................... 60
Market Place ................................................................................................. 62
2004 Régates Internationales; régates clefs pour 6mJI ................................ 65
Closing Comments ....................................................................................... 67
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
International Six Metre Association
Official ISMA News
Bulletin 1/2004
www. Sailingsource.com/6metre
The days are getting longer, the sun is shining and the temperatures remind us of spring time. It’s time to put our yachts
into the water. The 6mJI are polished, varnished, maintained, the winches cleaned of salt water, the running rig changed,
the sails checked or a new set is bought. We are ready for the coming season which will offer us numerous wonderful
events for our crews and boats to enjoy. The Race Calendar shows the activites around Europe and other countries.
Besides numerous local races, the top event will be the 2004 European Championships in Porto Rotondo. We are sure
that the Porto Rotondo Yacht Club will do it’s best to be the perfect host and offer good racing conditions.
Even though I speak some Italian and love this part of the world, we should think about the locations where we stage our
Championships. Maintaining a 6mJI in top condition is a rather expensive adventure in itself. Staying ten days in a highlife resort such as Saint-Tropez, Sandhamn or now Porto Rotondo makes it impossible for a lot of 6mJI owners to race at
these locations. The cost for transport is high and time consuming, as are the prices of the hotels.
Doing a lot of public relation for our Class, editing an ISMA bulletin and offering an updated website does not cover the
above mentioned problem and so I hope the the national fleet captains will discuss this point at the next Annual General
Meeting which will be held in Porto Rotondo.
Sailing is a long-term activity. So we have the time to continually make things better. In this current ISMA news edition
there are plenty of thoughts on technical and rules-related aspectss. Please have a look at the numerous proposals so that
your National Fleet Captain will be able to have a clear opinion when points of interest have to be decided at the next
Annual General Meeting to be held in Porto Rotondo.
But now we will start off an excellent sailing season, have nice racing and friendship between the 6mJI crews. Some
training weekends will help us to find the right angle to the wind. Enjoy your bulletin and look forward to the coming
Die Tage werden wieder länger, die Sonne scheint, und die
Temperaturen sind schon frühlingshaft mild. Es ist Zeit,
unsere Yachten zu Wasser zu lassen. Die Sechser glänzen
frisch lackiert und sind in einwandfreiem Zustand, die
Winchen sauber geschrubbt, das Tauwerk ist gewechselt,
die Segel sind überprüft oder ganz neu gekauft. Wir sind
bereit für die kommende Saison, die unseren Mannschaften und Booten eine Menge interessanter Herausforderungen bescheren. Allerlei Aktivitäten innerhalb und
ausserhalb Europas stehen wieder auf dem Terminplan.
Neben zahlreichen lokalen Regatten wird die Europameisterschaft 2004 in Porto Rotondo den Mittelpunkt bilden.
Wir sind überzeugt, dass der Yacht Club von Porto Rotondo
alles tun wird, um uns bestens zu empfangen und uns gute
Segelbedingungen zu bescheren.
Auch wenn ich ein bisschen Italienisch kann und diesen
Teil der Welt sehr schätze, sollten wir uns gelegentlich
überlegen, wo wir unsere Meisterschaften veranstalten.
Einen 6mJI auf Top-Niveau zu halten, ist eine ziemlich
kostspielige Sache. Zehn Tage in einem Luxusort wie SaintTropez, Sandhamn oder jetzt auch Porto Rotondo zu verbringen, ist für zahlreiche 6mJI-Besitzer einfach unmöglich. Der Transport ist teuer und kostet viel Zeit, und die
Hotelpreise sind hoch.
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit für unsere Klasse zu betreiben, das
ISMA Bulletin herauszugeben und die Website auf dem
neuesten Stand zu halten, genügen nicht, um mit diesem
Les jours grandissent, le soleil brille et la température vient
nous rappeler que le printemps est déjà aux portes. Il est
donc à nouveau grand temps de mouiller nos voiliers. Les
6mJI sont maintenant polis, vernis, remis en état. Les treuils
de hissage ont été débarrassés de l’eau salée, le gréement
changé, les voiles contrôlées, voire remplacées par des
neuves. Nous sommes donc fins prêts pour la saison à venir,
qui nous propose dès à présent une série d’épreuves
intéressantes auxquelles nos voiliers et équipiers auront
beaucoup de plaisir à participer. Le Calendrier des
épreuves présente les différentes régates et activités qui se
dérouleront aussi bien en Europe que dans d’autres pays.
Outre les différentes régates locales, à noter que
l’événement numéro 1 – le Championnat d’Europe 2004 –
aura lieu cette année à Porto Rotondo. Nous sommes
convaincus que le Yacht-club Porto Rotondo saura mettre
en place les conditions pour nous accueillir parfaitement
et offrir de bonnes conditions de navigation.
Même si je parle un peu l’italien et que j’aime tout
particulièrement cette partie du monde, il nous est
nécessaire de réfléchir aux endroits où se déroulent nos
Championnats. En effet, maintenir un 6mJI à top niveau
est toute une aventure, relativement coûteuse en soi. Un
séjour de dix jours dans une localité du niveau de SaintTropez, Sandhamn ou, maintenant, Porto Rotondo interdit
à bon nombre de propriétaires de 6mJI de régater dans
ces eaux, les coûts de transport étant élevés, tant sur le
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Problem fertig zu werden. Deshalb hoffe ich, dass die
Landesflottenchefs diesen Punkt auf der kommenden
Jahresversammlung in Porto Rotondo zur Sprache bringen werden.
Zum Segeln braucht man Zeit, und diese Zeit können wir
für Verbesserungen nutzen. Dieses ISMA Bulletin enthält
zahlreiche Überlegungen zu technischen Fragen und zu
unseren Regeln. Bitte sehen Sie sich die einzelnen Vorschläge an, damit sich Ihr Landesflottenchef eine klare
Meinung bilden und auf der nächsten Jahresversammlung
in Porto Rotondo die richtige Entscheidung treffen kann.
Aber jetzt steht uns erst einmal eine Super-Segelsaison mit
interessanten Regatten und zahlreichen Gelegenheiten ins
Haus, das freundschaftliche Verhältnis unter den 6mJI
Crews noch zu stärken. Einige wenige Trainingswochenende werden uns helfen, in den Regatten den richtigen Winkel am Wind zu finden. Wir wünschen viel Spass
beim Lesen und freuen uns auf ein baldiges Wiedersehen.
plan financier que du temps nécessaire à une telle
entreprise, sans compter les prix des hôtels sur place.
Les efforts déployés par nous en matière de relations
publiques pour notre Classe, pour l’édition du Bulletin
ISMA et la mise à disposition d’un site web toujours remis
au goût du jour ne solutionnent malheureusement pas
encore ce genre de problème, raison pour laquelle j’espère
que les capitaines de flotte nationaux discuteront de ce
point à la prochaine Assemblée Générale annuelle, qui se
tiendra à Porto Rotondo.
La voile a un long passé derrière elle. Nous avons donc le
temps d’apporter les améliorations nécessaires à ce sport.
Dans cette nouvelle édition des nouvelles ISMA, différentes
réflexions sont livrées sur des problèmes techniques et des
questions réglementaires. N’oubliez pas d’examiner les
différentes propositions formulées en la matière, de façon
à ce que votre Capitaine de Flotte national puisse se faire
une opinion claire sur les points d’intérêt commun qui
demanderont une prise de décision à la prochaine
Assemblée Générale annuelle de Porto Rotondo.
Maintenant, il est grand temps d’embarquer dans cette
nouvelle saison de voile et de voir nos équipiers 6mJI non
seulement régater mais aussi nouer de solides liens
d’amitié. Il suffira de quelques week-ends d’entraînement
pour trouver de nouveau le bon angel de vent dans nos
voiles. Bonne lecture et n’oubliez pas de jeter un coup d’œil
sur le programme des manifestations à venir.
President’s message
Dear Friends of the Class,
As we launch into spring I would like to evoke some interesting topics we need to discuss and hopefully decide upon
before this year ends.
Some members are questioning the necessity of renewing the measurement certificates for our boats every second year.
The discussion is open and I invite you to express your views on this subject in writing to me.
A totally different issue concerns the financial resources of ISMA. It is a steadfast tradition in our class that membership
fees are not paid by too many owners. The blame can be attributed partly to (i) ISMA because ISMA Magazine was not
published for some years, (ii) the national associations, whose existence and organisation experiences ups and downs,
and (iii) the owners themselves, many of whom care little about ISMA. These problems are familiar to other classes but
some have designed schemes to collect revenues more or less automatically.
There would be no shame in following a good example and there is one that is worth studying. The system applied by the
5.5 class has proven to be extremely efficient and simple. You are the owner of a 5.5 and you wish to buy a sail. Your
sailmaker, in addition to manufacturing a beautiful sail, will purchase from the Class Treasurer a special button which he
affixes to the sail before having it measured. Sailmakers probably order these buttons in lots of ten per year depending on
their expected production. Buttons can easily be mailed to sailmakers in return for payment so that there is time specnt on
collection. The sail cannot be measured unless the measurer sees the button on the sail. If you assume that an average of
100 sails are manufactured yearly for Sixes, a sum of ¤ 5’000 can easily be collected that way . Of course no tax is paid
on the resale of measured sails. Any better ideas ? Please let me have your comments directly or through your national
I wish you good sailing in 2004.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Liebe Freunde,
Der Frühling steht vor der Tür, und ich möchte die Gelegenheit nutzen, um einige interessante Punkte aufzuführen, die dieses Jahr hoffentlich zur Sprache kommen und
entschieden werden können.
Einige Mitglieder haben gefragt, ob es wirklich notwendig sei, die Messbriefe unserer Boote alle zwei Jahre zu
erneuern. Hiermit erkläre ich die Diskussionsrunde als eröffnet und hoffe, dass mir möglichst viele Leser zu diesem
Thema schreiben werden.
Auf einem ganz anderen Blatt steht die Frage der Finanzen der ISMA. Es ist zur festen Gewohnheit unserer Klasse geworden, dass allzu viele Besitzer ihren Beitrag nicht
bezahlen. Schuld daran sind 1. die ISMA, weil das ISMA
Magazin ein paar Jahre lang nicht erschienen ist, 2. die
Landesverbände, deren Existenz und Organisation gute und
schlechte Zeiten erleben, und 3. die Besitzer selbst, von
denen viele die ISMA nicht für wichtig halten. Diese Probleme gibt es auch in den anderen Klassen, die teilweise
jedoch Systeme entwickelt haben, um die Beiträge mehr
oder weniger automatisch einzukassieren.
Es ist keine Schande, einem guten Beispiel zu folgen, und
nach einem solchen Beispiel sollten wir uns richten. Das
System nämlich, das die 5.5er Klasse verwendet, hat sich
als extrem effizient und einfach erwiesen. Angenommen,
Sie sind Besitzer eines 5.5 und möchten ein Segel kaufen:
Ihr Segelmacher fertigt Ihnen das gewünschte Segel und
kauft beim Kassenwart der Klasse eine Marke, die er am
Segel befestigt, ehe er es vermessen lässt. Je nach dem,
wie viele Aufträge für das Jahr zu erwarten sind, bestellen
die Segelmacher solche Marken in Zehnerpaketen. Gegen
Bezahlung können die Marken den Segelmachern auch per
Post geschickt werden. Segel, die diese Marke nicht haben, werden schlicht und einfach nicht vermessen. Wenn
man davon ausgeht, dass jährlich rund 100 Segel für die
Sechser gefertigt werden, kommt man schnell auf 5’000
Euro. Natürlich werden für den Wiederverkauf der vermessenen Segel keine Gebühren erhoben. Haben Sie noch
andere gute Ideen dieser Art? Dann lassen Sie es mich direkt wissen, oder berichten Sie ihrer nationalen Flotte
Ich wünsche Ihnen eine erfolgreiche Saison 2004.
Geneva, 22 March 2004
Bernard Haissly
ISMA President
Bulletin 1/2004
Chers amis de la Classe 6mJI,
Alors que nous entrons de bon pied dans le printemps,
je souhaiterais évoquer quelques points d’intérêt, au
sujet desquels nous devrons discuter et – je l’espère –
prendre une décision encore cette année.
Certains de nos membres se demandent s’il est
nécessaire de renouveler les certificats de jaugeage de
nos bateaux tous les deux ans. La discussion est ouverte
et je vous saurai gré de bien vouloir me transmettre par
écrit vos points de vue sur la question.
Une tout autre question touche aux ressources
financières de l’ISMA. Il est de tradition que, dans notre
classe, les propriétaires de voiliers ne soient pas trop
nombreux à verser leurs cotisations… la faute peut en
être imputée en partie (i) à l’ISMA, puisque le Magazine ISMA n’a pas été publié pendant quelques années,
(ii) aux associations nationales, dont l’existence et
l’organisation sont soumises à des aléas et (iii) aux
propriétaires de bateaux eux-mêmes, dont grand nombre
ne porte pas d’intérêt particulier à l’ISMA. Ces
problèmes sont également rencontrés pour d’autres
Classes, mais certaines d’entre elles ont mis au point
des stratégies permettant d’encaisser des recettes, de
manière plus ou moins automatique.
Il n’y aurait donc aucune honte pour nous à suivre un
bon exemple’– et il y en a un qui vaut la peine d’être
étudié. Le système appliqué par la Classe 5.5 a fait, en
effet, la preuve de son efficacité et de sa simplicité. Voici
comment il fonctionne : imaginez-vous à la place d’un
propriétaire de 5.5. Vous souhaitez acheter une voile.
Votre fournisseur, en plus de facturer une magnifique
voile, achètera auprès du Trésorier de la Classe un
marquage spécial, qu’il affixera à la voile avant de
l’avoir mesurée. Il est probable que les fabricants de
voiles commandent ces marquages en lots de 10 par
année, suivant ce qu’ils projettent au niveau de leur
production. Les marquages peuvent aisément être
envoyés par poste aux fabricants de voiles contre
remboursement, ce qui veut dire que les recettes peuvent
être encaissées sans aucun effort additionnel. Il est impossible au jaugeur de mesurer une voile sans se référer
à ce marquage sur la voile. Si on considère qu’une
moyenne de 100 voiles sont fabriquées chaque année
pour les Six, il est facile de calculer qu’un montant de
¤ 5’000 peut facilement êtr e réuni de cette manière. La
revente de voiles déjà mesurées n’est pas soumise à
taxation, nul besoin de le rappeler. Vous avez d’autres
idées ? Meilleures ?J’aurai grand plaisir à recevoir vos
commentaires directement ou par le biais de notre
association nationale.
Je vous souhaite bonne navigation en 2004.
At the lee mark © Katrin Storsberg
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Official ISMA news
To the National Associations of ISMA
Dear Friends,
I wish to advise you that both the World Cup Deed of Gift and the Rules for the European Championship have been
approved unanimously by the following countries : France, Great Britain, Sweden, Switzerland, USA, Finland
The final version of both documents are published on the website www.6metre.ch -> Rules
Thank you for your cooperation.
Bernard Haissly
The voting power of each National Association was as follows,
based on the payment of the membership dues in 2003:
No. of votes
paying members
Registred members
*18 *subject to verification
236 registred members, 40% only payed the ISMA fee !
Bulletin 1/2004
Sailing downwind ©Gilles Favez
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Presentation of Porto Rotondo
Porto Rotondo
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Voted 2004 by National 6mJI Associations
The championship
The Open European Championship of the International Six Metre Class is normally competed for every 2 years.
The Championship will rotate between such European nations in which a Six Metre fleet exists.
A yacht club wishing to host the Championship shall make a formal request at an ISMA General Meeting. Approval
for the request shall require a simple majority of the votes.
The location and date of the Championship shall be published with 6 months’ prior notice in the ISAF Events
Calendar. The Organising Authority shall be responsible for registering the Championship with ISAF.
The Championship shall be open to all yachts of the International Six Metre Class holding a valid Certificate of
Rating. If agreed by the Organising Authority and by ISMA, yachts which do not hold valid Certificates but which
have not undergone hull modification or ballast changes may be allowed to enter in order not to exclude older
yachts suffering from hull deformation or water retention. All measurement certificates shall be posted for the
duration of the regatta.
All entrants shall be members of the International Six Metre Association having paid their membership.
The Championship shall be valid if at least 12 yachts representing at least 3 European nations are entered.
The Championship shall be sailed in 2 classes – Modern and Classic – with 2 different scores and the champions
shall be the yachts with the best score. There will be 2 starts if the total number of entrants exceeds 15.
All yachts are to be weighed and flotation observed in the prescribed time, her sails measured, and further inspection
of measurement as the Jury or the measurer shall deem fit. All required hull and spar measurement marks must be
affixed to the yacht.
the rules
The championship shall be governed by :
these Championship Rules,
the ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing,
the International Six Metre Class Rating Rule,
the International Six Metre Association Class Rules,
the Organising Authority’s Notice of Race, as approved by ISMA,
the Organising Authority’s Sailing Instructions, as approved by ISMA.
the trophies
The Yacht Club Italiano offers the „Coppa Giovanelli“ as the perpetual challenge cup of the Championship for the
Modern class.
3.1.1 The Cup will be held by the current champion’s yacht club; this same yacht club shall accept responsibility for the
safe-keeping of the Cup and for its restitution.
3.1.2 The Cup shall remain the property of the Yacht Club Italiano. In the event that for any reason the Cup cannot be
awarded, it shall be returned to the Yacht Club Italiano for safe-keeping until such time as a valid Open European
Championship of the Six Metre Class can be held.
The Royal Danish Yacht Club offers the President Woodrow Wilson Trophy as the perpetual challenge cup of the
Championship for the Classic class.
3.2.1 The Trophy will be held by the current champion’s yacht club; this same yacht club shall accept responsibility for
the safe-keeping of the Trophy and for its restitution.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
3.2.2 The Trophy shall remain the property of the Royal Danish Yacht Club. In the event that for any reason the Trophy
cannot be awarded, it shall be returned to the Royal Danish Yacht Club for safe-keeping until such time as a valid
Open European Championship of the Six Metre Class can be held.
race schedule
The championship shall be sailed over 7 days according to the following schedule :
Day 1 Friday
Day 2 Saturday
Day 3 Sunday
Day 4 Monday
Day 5 Tuesday
Day 6 Wednesday
Day 7 Thursday
Day 8 Friday
Boat measurement
Boat measurement + Practice day
Boat measurement + Practice day + Opening Ceremony
Race 1 + Race 2
Race 3 + Race 4
Race 5 + Race 6
Race 7 + Race 8
Prize-giving Ceremony
A maximum of 8 races will be sailed. 5 races shall be completed to constitute a valid championship.
3 races may be sailed on Day 7 in order to achieve a minimum total of 5 races.
It will be the responsibility of the Organizing Authority to organise practice races on Day 2 and Day 3, either
directly or in cooperation with another yacht club in the vicinity.
There shall be 2 courses as follows:
Course A:
3 windward legs and 2 leeward legs of approximately 2 nautical miles each.
Course B:
2 windward legs and 2 leeward legs of approximately 2 nautical miles each, with a finish at
the leeward mark. Course B shall be used when another race is scheduled for the same day.
The Organizing Authority may, with the approval of ISMA, use modified courses to suit local conditions.
The sailing instructions shall prescribe that RR 32.1(c) is deleted and that the second sentence of RR 33 is deleted.
time limit
There shall be a time limit of 50 minutes for Modern yachts and 55 minutes for Classic yachts to complete each
leg. The time will be measured as the elapsed time between the first roundings by any yachts of the two marks
defining a leg. All yachts finishing the race within the prescribed time or within one hour after the first yacht to
finish shall be scored. All others shall be scored DNF.
Each boat shall file a crew list of maximum 6 persons prior to the first race.
Substitutions of crew shall only be allowed in special cases and subject to approval by the International Jury.
RACE COMMITTEE/international jury
The Organising Authority shall publish a notice of race and, in accordance with RRS 87.2 and 89(c), appoint a
Race Committee and an International Jury, after having consulted with ISMA.
The Class is subject to ISAF advertising code, category “C” in accordance with appendix 1, regulation 20.3.2(b)
and 20.4.5.
Revisions of these championship rules can only be made with the approval of ISMA in accordance with its
6mJI at the starting line WC 2003 ©Gilles Favez
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
As the Rules for the European Championship are now clear, we can proceed to this years Championship. We are invited
by Yacht Club Porto Rotondo. Thank you all for your engagement. ISMA and it’s sailors will be happy to stay with you
in September 2004.
6 mJI European Championship
6 mJI European Championship 10th - 17th September 2004 Porto Rotondo
Yacht Club Porto Rotondo Molo di Levante - 07020 Porto Rotondo (SS) - Sardinia - ITALY. Tel : + 39 0789 - 34145 Fax:
+ 39 0789 – 381282/381275 E-mail: [email protected] - Web site: www.ycpr.it
JURISDICTION The European Championship will be sailed under the authority of a Race Committee, an International
Jury and Measurement Committee designated by the Italian Sailing Authority (Federazione Italiana Vela) and approved
by the International Six Metre Association (ISMA).
The European Championship is open to any International 6 Metre class yacht holding a valid measurement certificate. If
agreed by the Race Committee and by the ISMA Chief Measurer, yachts built before 1933 which do not hold a valid
certificate but which have not undergone hull modification or ballast changes may be allowed to enter the race.
RULES The regatta will be governed by : - ISAF Racing Rules of Sailing 2001/2004 - Prescriptions of the Italian Sailing
Federation (F.I.V.) - The Class rules and European Championship Deed of Gift - The Notice of Race - The Sailing
Instructions and its amendments - The Marina’s Cup will be governed by the same rules to the extent appropriate.
If there are any discrepancies between the Notice of Race and the Sailing Instructions, the Notice of Race shall prevail.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
The racing area will be the Gulf of Congianus and its vicinity,
located on the north - east coast of Sardinia (Italy).
MARINA’S CUP 11th to 12th of September ( If 12 entries minimum are registered)
• Saturday 11th : Tune up regattas (2 races)
• Sunday 12th :
Tune up regattas (2 races)
EUROEPAN CHAMPIONSHIP 10th to 17th of September - 2004
• Friday 10th :
• Saturday 11th
• Sunday 12th :
Registration and measurement.
Registration, measurement and Practice day.
Registration, measurement and Practice day. European
Championship Trophy” Welcome Party and Prize-giving
Ceremony of the “Marina’s Cup”.
• Monday 13th : Skippers’ briefing - 2 Races.
• Tuesday 14th : 2 Races.
• Wednesday 15th :2 Races.
• Thursday 16th : 2 Races.
• Friday 17th :
Prize-giving Ceremony.
On each regatta day, competitors will be ready to leave the harbour at 10am
under the authority of the Race Committee.
Low Point Scoring System (A 4.1 RRS) will be applied to all yachts racing.
RACES The regatta will consist of eight (8) races. The Championship will be valid if five (5) races are sailed. If more
than five (5) races are sailed, the worst result will be discarded.
PENALTIES RRS (44.1, 44.2) penalties system will apply.
ADVERTISING Advertising on boats or sails allowed according to ISMA advertising rules. Whilst moored, all yachts
must fly the regatta logo flag on their forestay. A sponsor’s pennant is to be flown on the backstay at all times.
ENTRIES Entry fee is 450 Euros for the European Championship and 100 extra Euros for the Marina’s Cup. Cheques
should be made payable to „Yacht Club Porto Rotondo“. Money orders should be payable to :’Bank reference: Banco
di Sardegna I. B. A. N. : IT68F0101584986000000060300 Swift code: SARDIT3S540 Account n. 60300, ABI 1015,
CAB 84986 Branch of Porto Rotondo This fee includes one free launching and hauling. Entries shall be sent in writing
to the Organising Authority, on the attached entry form prior to July 2004. From July, entry fees will be increased by 30
% due to late registration. A copy of the yacht’s insurance certificate and current measurement certificate must also be
included. Registration shall be completed the day before the first race between 2pm and 5pm at the Race Office. All
entrants shall have paid directly their membership dues to ISMA for the year 2004.
TROPHIES AND PRIZES The ‚‘Marina’s Cup’’ 2004 will be presented to the overall winner of the Marina’s Cup
Event. The ‚‘Coppa Giovanelli” will be presented to the winner of the Modern class. The „President Woodrow Wilson
Trophy“ will be presented to the winner of the Classic class.
MOORINGS Free moorings with complementary services including electricity (220 v/16 A) and fresh water services
will be available for each competitor from Saturday September 11th till Monday September 20th 2004 included. Launching
and hauling facilities will be available at “Cantieri Costa Smeralda” crane in the port. Any yacht wishing to stay in Porto
Rotondo outside this period should contact the Marina Office of Porto Rotondo ( tel : + 39 - 0789 - 34203 ).
SAILING INSTRUCTIONS”Sailing Instructions will be available at the Race Office the day before the first race of
each regatta at 5pm when registration is completed.
PRESS OFFICE Journalists and photographers wishing to cover the event are requested to contact : Yacht Club Porto
Rotondo Tel. + 39
– 0789 - 34145 - Fax: + 39 – 0789 – 381282/381275 E-mail:
[email protected] - Web site: www.ycpr.it
SOCIAL EVENTS A comprehensive programme of social events will be arranged for the enjoyment of participants.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
The official Entry Form for the 6mJI European Championship 2004 may be
loaded down from www.6metre.ch -> Regatta ->
International Championships
Important notice:
March 24, 2004, only two 6mJI have presented it’s entry.
The Official Ferry Company Moby has limited space for truck / trailor
transport at each day. So please start to organise your EC 2004 entry /
logistics immediately.
- MOBY LINES from Genova and Livorno to Olbia
- Moby Italy - Milan: Tel. +39/02/72011016 - Fax +39/02/865396
- Moby Europe - Wiesbaden: Tel. 0049611/14020 - Fax 0049611/1402244
An agreement has been reached with Moby Lines in order to get a 50% discount on the cost of the trip
to Sardinia for crew members, boats, cars and trailers .
The only person to contact at MOBY LINES is:
1. Send by fax to the Yacht Club Porto Rotondo the entry form duly filled and signed (fax nr +39-0789-381282)
2. The Race Office will give a progressive number to such entry form and forward it to Moby Ferries.
3. Such progressive number will be communicated to you by email and you will then be able to contact directly
Moby Ferries and obtain your ticket with the discount.
MOBY Lines Ferry
6m SI European Championship
10-17 settembre 2004
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
(n. progr. 0001)
Il presente documento è valido per il rilascio di biglietti, con sconto del 50% sulla tariffa in vigore alla data di prenotazione,
sui collegamenti da e per la Sardegna, serviti dalle navi Moby sulle rotte: only this form permits a reservation with a
50% discount and has to be sent to:
Livorno/Olbia e/o v.v..
Lo sconto verrà applicato, sulle tariffe di passaggio ponte, veicoli al seguito e sistemazioni in cabina e poltrona, previa
conferma di disponibilità da richiedere esclusivamente:
alla Moby di Via Larga, 26
– Milano, tel. 0039 22 72011016 ; fax 0039 2 864 396
La suddetta riduzione non è cumulabile con altri sconti o tariffe speciali.
ANDATA: Trip to Sardegna:
RITORNO: Trip back to mainland:
Nome 1° passeggero
no1 passenger name
Nome 2° passeggero
no 2 passenger name
Cabina doppia interna con servizi
Cabina doppia esterna con servizi
Cabina quadrupla interna con servizi
Cabina quadrupla esterna con servizi
Auto / Car /Truck
Carrello / Trailer
double cabin, inside
double cabin, exterior
quadri cabin, inside
quadir cabin, exterior
Moby Spa
La Direzione Commerciale
Preparing down wind sailing ©Gilles Favez
MOBY S.p.A. - Via Larga, 26 – 20122 MILANO • Tel +39(0)2/72011016 - Fax +39(0)2/865396
e-mail : [email protected]
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
TRATTA / Voyage
DATA / Date
ORA / Time
The prices are as follows:
QUOTE A PERSONA PER TRATTA / price per person and journey
PASSAGGIO PONTE /journey on deck
Euro 29.00
Euro 3.20
QUOTE A CABINA PER TRATTA / price for a cabin and journey
CABINE / Cabin
PREZZO / Price
utilizzabile come: / used as
CABINA / Cabin
C2E (outside / toilet)
single / double use
C2E (esterna con servizi)
Euro 73.00
C4E (outside / toilet)
single / double use
C4E (esterna con servizi)
Euro 86.00
C2 (inside / toilet)
double/triple/quadruple use
C2 (interna con servizi)
Euro 58.00
C4 (inside / toilet)
double/triple/quadruple use
C4 (interna con servizi)
Euro 78.00
QUOTE A VEICOLO E PER TRATTA Price per vehicle and journey
TIPOLOGIA DI VEICOLO£/ type of vehicle
AUTO CAT. 1: fino / until a 4,00 m.
Euro 47.00
AUTO CAT. 2: da m. 4,01 a m.5,00
Euro 74.00
Euro 3.70
Euro 3.70
CARRELLI /truck / trailer CAT. 9: prezzo al m.
lineare fuori tutto compresi timoni, ganci di traino
o altro /at the price per m’ over all
Euro 14.00
Euro 3.70
additional cost when transport is higher than 2.2m
Euro 14.00
* Best price
Mobby will applicate one of the 4 prices. The prices are
fix until the option will fall end of April 04.
verrà applicata una delle 4 tariffe pubblicate. Al momento
in cui chiedete l’opzione, i ns booking Vi confermeranno
la tariffa in vigore, che non subirà alcuna variazione fino
alla scadenza dell’opzione.
NB: The prices above are subject of a 50% discount
(taxes excluded)
Classics downwind ©Gilles Favez
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Coming International 6mJI Races
World Championship 2005
Royal Swedish Yacht Club, Sandhamn
You will find some first and good news about the World Cup 2005 in Sandhamn at the end of this ISMA bulletin.
European Championship
pre-invitations from:
- the Finnish National 6mJI Organisation
- the Yacht Club of Kiel, Germany at the same time with the 8mJI World Championship
World Championship 2007
pre-invitation from:
- Royal Northern / Clyde Yacht Club, 100 year jubilée of the Meter Class (not at the time of the America’s Cup)
Notices from the ISMA office
ISMA Funding means paying ISMA fees
We have started to discuss ISMA funding at the AGM 2003. The discussion will go ahead. First of all please follow up the
instructions from Peter Müller, the ISMATreasury for paying the ISMA fee 2004.
Dear Six Metre Sailors,
All Six Metre yachts registered should be member of ISMA. Until today only some 100 owners from 230 6mJI registered
are pay the ISMA fee, this some 40% only. Remember that you MUST be an member to participate in international
events. And as a member you have a vote at the Annual Meetings.
Our members will profit from all our information, newsletter, publications and the www.6metre.ch website which is only
possible if every member is a paying member.
Only if our members are paying the modest fee, of Euro 100 / US$ 120 / CHF 150 that is reguested, the ISMA Board can
fullfill the obligations and work in favor of all members and for the development of our class.
Spread the word and help us build a even better class.
Peter Müller, ISMA Secretary/Treasury
ISMA fee 2004
The yearly ISMA membership fee for 2004 is Euro 100 / US$ 120 / CHF 150 as decided at the AGM 2003. The ISMA
fee has to be payed 31 May, 2004 latest to the following account:
ISMA Bank Account
P.O. Box 330
CH 8401 Winterthur
Account Number: 0553 595984-50-1
Account concerning: ISMA (International Six Meter Association)
Beneficiary: Peter Muller (ISMA Treasury), Tösstalstrasse 297, CH 8405 Winterthur
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Instructions for National Six Metre Associations
1. Please collect the ISMA fees for the running year 2004 from the registered ISMA Members in your country and then
transmit the amount, in one payment, to Credit Suisse
2. Send a list of the paying members to our Treasury Peter Muller. Fax number +41 52 232 5242.
Please state of each member:
* Sail nr
* Yacht name
* Building year
* Name of member
* Adress
* phone and fax number
* e-mail adress (if available)
3. The payments and member list should be in Switzerland no later than 31.5.2004
Instructions for Six Metre Sailors in countries where there is no National 6mJI Association
If you are unsure of how to contact your national Six Metre Association or you know there is no such local organisation
active at the moment please
1. pay your fee of US$ 120 / Euro 100 directly to the ISMA account above
2. and send a fax to Peter Muller. Fax number: +41 52 232 5242
3. Please state your:
* Sail nr
* Yacht name
* Building year
* Name of member
* Adress
* phone and fax number
* e-mail adress (if available)
Thank you for your understanding and active participation.
Peter Müller, ISMA Treasury
ISMA Budget 2004 (in EURO)
ISMA fee 2004 (hopefully 94 x EURO 100)
Advertisments (estimation, to grow...)
ISAF contribution
ISMA bulletin (2 editions per year) 2004
ISMA official site www.6metre.ch
Costs to national administrators (?)
Sponsoring (Photographs, other)
Extraordinary Cost
Budget proposition 2004
- No sail sticker credits, as this was not decided at AGM 2003.
- We expect that at least 94 fees will be payed, even when the fee is EURO 100 now.
- Do remember that the page lay-out of the ISMA bulletin, the photo series 2003, and also the one for 2004 in
Porto Rotondo is sponsored by your editor. The idea is, that the 6mJI Class produces a Class-Calendar for 2007,
the jubilée year of the meter class.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
ISMA Bulletin and web-site handling
Your editor started to get some more movement in the 6mJI class by producing the bulletin and the web-site. It is sponsor
for the Class. Each edition of the bulletin costs around 4‘400 to 4’800 Euros. This includes printing and mailing. This
does not include the costs for the editor’s work, page-layout and photo-series.
Personally I think that the reader enjoys having a printed copy. Not every reader can print a good quality version from the
web-site. Reading it in the computer-screen is not very convenient either.
However, I also think that the bulletin can not only be restricted to 6mJI owners. We have a lot of crews, yacht clubs,
sailing federations, boatbuilders, yachting magazines, sailmakers who get one of the 400 copies printed today. The ISMA
bulletin must also retain its character as a public relations tool. We want to rais the profile of our class! We want to thank
the yacht clubs for the events they organise for us and much more. Therefore I do not agree – including in view of the
never-ending administration – with sending the copies strictly only to ISMA fee paying members.
But what I want is for you to pay the ISMA fee properly, even if you are not racing this season. Having a strong Class
organisation helps you to valorise your yachts. When the 6mJI Class is not active the value of your yachts will be lower
The same thoughts apply to the web-site www.6metre.ch, for which the yearly cost of keeping it up to date is around
Euros 2’500.
So please follow up the ISMA fee report from Peter Müller, ISMA Treasury, above.
ISMA Bulletin und Pflege der Website
Bulletin ISMA et gestion du site web
Seit es das ISMA Bulletin und die Website gibt, scheint
etwas Schwung in die 6mJI Klasse gekommen zu sein. Zur
Zeit ist diese Arbeit mit viel Sponsoring verbunden. Jede
Ausgabe des Bulletin’s kostet rund 4‘400 bis 4’800 Euro,
einschliesslich Druck und Versand. Die Redaktionsarbeit,
das Seiten-Layout und die Fotos sind darin nicht einbegriffen.
Ich bin der Meinung, dass ein gedrucktes Bulletin eine gute
Sache ist. Nicht jeder Leser ist in der Lage, den Inhalt der
Website in guter Qualität auszudrucken. Und ihn vom
Computerbildschirm abzulesen, ist auch nicht gerade angenehm.
Aber ich bin auch überzeugt, dass sich die Verteilung des
Bulletins nicht auf die Eigner von 6mJI beschränken sollte. Zahlreiche Mannschaftsmitglieder, Yacht Clubs, Segelverbände, Werften, Fachzeitschriften und Segelmachen
beziehen einige der insgesamt 400 Hefte, die zurzeit gedruckt werden. Das ISMA Bulletin sollte aber auch als
Werkzeug für die Öffentlichkeitsarbeit genutzt werden. Wir
wollen, dass unsere Klasse bekannt bleibt! Wir wollen
den Yacht Club’s für die Regatten und Events danken, die
sie für uns organisieren. Deshalb bin ich nicht einverstanden – auch in Bezug auf die damit verbundene Administration –, dass das Bulletin nur an die ISMA Mitglieder
geschickt wird, die ihren Beitrag bezahlen.
Ich wünsche mir, dass Sie den ISMA Beitrag auch bezahlen, auch wenn Sie in dieser Saison nicht aktiv regattieren.
Nur wenn die 6mJI Klasse aktiv bleibt, behält Ihre Yacht
den Wert, den Sie sich vorstellen.
Das Gleiche gilt für die Website–www.6metre.ch, deren
jährliche Kosten und Pflege sich auf etwa 2‘500 Euro belaufen.
Bitte lesen Sie also den Bericht von ISMA Kassenwart Peter
Müller zum Thema Beiträge.
Votre éditeur a commencé à enregistrer davantage de
mouvement dans la Classe 6mJI en produisant le bulletin
et le site web, considérés comme un facteur de sponsoring
pour la Classe. Chaque édition du bulletin coûte entre
4‘400 et 4’800 Euros (frais d’impression et envoi inclus).
Le travail de l’éditeur, le lay-out des pages et les séries de
photos ne sont pas compris.
Je crois personnellement que le lecteur apprécie d’avoir
une copie sur papier. Certains lecteurs ne peuvent pas
imprimer depuis le site web des documents de bonne
qualité. Quant à la lecture sur écran, elle n’est pas très
Je crois aussi que le bulletin ne doit pas être restreint aux
propriétaires de 6mJ. Bon nombre d’équipages, de Yachtclubs, de Fédérations de voile, de constructeurs de bateaux,
de magazines spécialisés et de fabricants de voiles reçoivent
une des 400 copies actuellement imprimées. Il est
également important que le Bulletin garde son caractère
d’instrument de relations publiques. Nous voulons, en effet,
que notre Classe soit mieux connue ! Nous profitons de
l’occasion pour remercier les Yacht-clubs des
manifestations qu’ils organisent pour nous et bien d’autres
choses encore. C’est la raison pour laquelle, je ne suis pas
d’accord – notamment au vu des lourdeurs administratives – qu’on envoie uniquement les copies aux membres
payant la cotisation ISMA.
Cependant, je souhaite que chacun s’acquitte correctement
de sa cotisation ISMA, même s’il ne prévoit pas de régater
cette année. Une solide organisation de Classe permet, en
effet, de valoriser les bateaux au sens général. Si la Classe
6mJI n’est pas active, les Six auront également moins de
Les mêmes réflexions s’appliquent au site web
www.6metre.ch, dont le coût annuel de mise à jour s’élève
à 2’500 Euros.
Nous vous prions donc de vous référer ci-dessus au rapport
du Trésorier de l’ISMA, Peter Müller.
Heading windward ©Gilles Favez
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
To reduce the costs of all these PR activities we have opened the ISMA bulletin to advertising. The conditions are as
Um die Kosten all dieser Mittel zur Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
zu senken, können Sie jetzt auch im ISMA Bulletin inserieren. Hier die Bedingungen:
6 ISMA Bulletin
Dans une optique de réduction des coûts des activités de
relations publiques, nous avons ouvert le Bulletin ISMA
aux annonces publicitaires. Les conditions pour placer une
annonce sont les suivantes :
March 2004
Dear readers of the ISMA Bulletin
Dear friends of the 6mJI Class
It’s now the fourth year that we publish the ISMA bulletin twice per year. We do it for the 6mJI class and all the friends
of these fabulous classic and modern yachts.
We have enormous cost for layout, making translations, printing and sending out the ISMA news. The ISMA committee
has decided, that the bulletin will be open for advertisement. This is foreseen only for companies or services who stay
near the sailing world as sailmakers, boatbuliders, designers, ship-chandlers, but also for owners, crew-members who
will sponsor the bulletin by their companies.
The cost for each edition
Spring Bulletin
A4 1/2 page
Euro 350
A4 1 page
Euro 900
Autumn Bulletin
Euro 350
Euro 900
Two editions a year
Euro 300 /each
Euro 800 /each
There is no cover page available. Advertisements in coulour are preferred.
Your ISMA news editor will happily accept your documents either by mail or by post. The better your documents are, the
better the effect will be in the ISMA news.
Deadline for the ISMA Autumn Bulletin 2/2004 is October 15th, 2004.
We thank you very much for your support.
Beat Furrer
ISMA news editor
Riedweg 21
CH 3012 Bern
[email protected]
[email protected]
++41 79 301 85 30
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Subjects for discussion at the ISMA Annual General Meeting 2004
in Porto Rotondo
Please notify our President, Bernard Haissly, of all items which should be discussed at the AGM 2004. He awaits your
remarks / paper / thoughts 31th July latest.
Gesprächsthemen anlässlich der ISMA
Jahresversammung 2004 in Porto Rotondo
Sujets à discuter lors de l’Assemblée Générale
d’ISMA annuelle 2004 de Porto Rotondo
Bitte teilen Sie unserem Präsidenten Bernard Haissly bis
spätestens 31. Juli 2004 mit, welche Gesprächsthemen
anlässlich der Jahresversammlung 2004 angesprochen
werden sollten.
Prière d’informer notre Président, Bernard Haissly, de tous
les sujets qui devraient être discutés à l’Assemblée Générale
annuelle 2004. Il attend votre rapport pour le 31 juillet, au
plus tard.
Have a look at the following proposals now:
Hier einige Vorschläge:
Nous vous prions de jeter un coup d’oeil aux propositions ci-dessous:
Proposal for a change in Rule 29.(a) and 29.4 from [email protected]
I was aproached recently by an owner of a 6mR yacht requesting me to renew his measurement certificate because in
accordance with Rule 29 (a) it ceased to be valid.
He stated that the yacht has not been altered in any way which could have any effect on his rating.
A renewal of this certificate under the given circumstances makes little sense to me.
I would therefore like to make the following submission to the class and, for your consideration, to have the respective
class rules amended as follows:
To replace Class Rule 29.(a)
“Two years after the date of issue;“
With the following wording: “Change of ownership;“
To replace Class Rule 29.4 “The owner shall be responsible for seeing that the yacht, its spars, sails and equipment
comply with the scantling and racing rules at all times while racing.“
With the following wording:
„It is the resposibility of the owner to see that his yacht, spars, sails and equipment comply with the class and scantling
rules as well as relevant International Yacht Racing Rules at all times while racing and that alterations, replacements or
repairs to the yacht, spars, sails or equipment do not invalidate the certificate of rating.“
A renewal of a certificate of rating every two years does not in any way ensure control over the compliance rule for each
yacht, it is only „red tape“ and only costs the owners money.
But a renewal of the certificate after a change of ownership seems to be important and is not stated as mandatory
anywhere in these rules.
If there is a problem with rule compliance in the class, this can only be solved by increased checking at events and by
more clearly pointing out to the owners their responsibility under Rule 29.4 as proposed above, since the current wording
and RR 78.1 may not be clearly understood by or known to everybody.
Respectfully submitted
by Günter O. Ahlers
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Vorschläge zur Regelanpassung 29.(a) und 29.4 von
[email protected]
Proposition d’amendement du Règlement 29.(a) et 29.4 de
[email protected]
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
Unlängst hat mich ein Besitzer einer 6mR Yacht angesprochen und gebeten, seinen Messbrief zu verlängern, weil er
aufgrund der Regel 29 (a) nicht mehr gültig sei.
Er fügte hinzu, dass an der Yacht keinerlei Änderungen
vorgenommen wurden, die diese überprüfende Vermessung
auf irgendeine Weise beeinflussen könnten.
Eine Verlängerung seines Zertifikats unter den gegebenen
Umständen scheint mir wenig sinnvoll zu sein.
Deshalb möchte ich der Klasse folgenden Änderungsvorschlag für die jeweiligen Regeln unterbreiten:
J’ai récemment été approché par le propriétaire d’un 6mR,
qui m’a demandé de renouveler son Certificat de jaugeage,
qui n’est plus valable, vu que selon le Règlement 29 (a) il
n’est plus en vigueur.
Il a, par ailleurs, fait savoir que le bateau n’avait pas subi
de modifications risquant d’avoir un impact sur son
Le renouvellement dudit Certificat, vu les circonstances
actuelles, ne me semble donc pas être fondé. Je propose
donc à la Classe et à vous-même d’amender les Règlements
de Classe comme suit:
Ersetzen der Regel 29.(a) „Zwei Jahre nach der Ausstellung…“
durch folgenden Wortlaut: „Bei jedem Besitzerwechsel…“
Ersetzen der Regel 29.4 „Der Besitzer hat dafür zu sorgen,
dass die Yacht mitsamt ihren Spieren, Segeln und Ausrüstungen zu jedem Zeitpunkt des Segelns den Materialstärken- und Segelvorschriften entspricht.“ durch folgenden Wortlaut:
“Der Besitzer hat dafür zu sorgen, dass seine Yacht mitsamt ihren Spieren, Segeln und Ausrüstungen zu jedem
Zeitpunkt des Segelns sowohl den Klassen- und Materialstärkenvorschriften als auch den relevanten internationalen Wettsegelvorschriften entspricht, und dass allfällige
Änderungen sowie Austausch- oder Reparaturarbeiten an
der Yacht, ihren Spieren, Segeln oder Ausrüstungen den
Messbrief nicht ungültig machen.“
Règlement de Classe 29.(a) “Two years after the date of
A remplacer par : “Change of ownership;“
Remplacer le Règlement de Classe 29.4 “The owner shall
be responsible to see that the yacht, its spars, sails and
equipment comply with the scantling and racing rules at
all times while racing.“
Par l’énoncé suivant:
„It is the responsibility of the owner to see that his yacht,
spars, sails and equipment comply with the Class- and
Scantling- Rules as well as relevant International Yacht
Racing Rules at all times while racing and that alterations,
replacements or repairs to the yacht, spars, sails or
equipment do not invalidate the Certificate of Rating.“
Eine alle zwei Jahre erfolgende Verlängerung des
Messbriefs bedeutet nicht, dass die Yacht auch die Vorschriften erfüllt, sondern ist nur eine organisatorische
Massnahme, die den Besitzer Geld kostet.
Aber eine Verlängerung des Zertifikats bei Verkauf sehe
ich als sinnvoll an, obwohl sie in keiner der Vorschriften
zur Auflage gemacht wird.
Allfällige Probleme mit der Regelanpassung innerhalb der
Klasse können nur gelöst werden, wenn bei Regatten und
Championships strenger kontrolliert und den Besitzern, wie
weiter oben unter Punkt 29.4 vorgeschlagen, erklärt wird,
wo ihre Verantwortung liegt, da der aktuelle Wortlaut und
RR 78.1 vielleicht nicht allen verständlich oder bekannt
Le renouvellement d’un Certificat de jaugeage chaque deux
ans n’assure en aucune manière que les règlements
afférents seront respectés pour chaque bateau. Il ne s’agit,
au fond, que d’une formule à but dissuasif, qui ne fait que
coûter de l’argent aux propriétaires.
Cependant, le renouvellement du Certificat après
changement de propriétaire me semble fondé. Aucun alinéa
dudit Règlement ne rend toutefois la chose obligatoire.
S’il existe un problème sur le plan du respect du Règlement
dans la Classe, ce problème ne pourra être résolu qu’en
intensifiant les contrôles lors des régates et en indiquant
plus clairement aux propriétaires la teneur de leur
responsabilité en vertu du Règlement 29.4, tel que proposé
ci-dessus, étant donné que la disposition actuelle et le RR
78.1 ne peuvent pas clairement être compris par tout le
Mit freundlichen Grüssen
Günter O. Ahlers
par Günter O. Ahlers
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Commentary from Ian Howlett to the questions of exotic material
This paper has been presented at the AGM 2003 in Saint-Tropez and should be handed over to the technical committee
for eventual changes or clarifying notes in the 6mJI rules. We present the paper to all our readers:
Rule 33 „ Exotic materials etc „ was inherited from the Twelve Metre Class from the days when such was the America’s
Cup Class . In particular in 1970 the 12 Meters had been experimenting with Beryllium clad topmasts that in the memorable words of Rod Macalpine Downie „ turned deciduous „ . Spreaders were also made using Boron ....
Today materiials such as Carbon Fibre composites could not be regarded as exotic ( used in Tennis Rackets , Golf Clubs
, masts in cruising boats etc etc ) but such would add considerably to the cost of certain items should such be permitted
. By way of illustration the Rig for an Int 5.5m Class Yacht ( which is considerably smaller and lighter ) would cost some
Euro 29K .
Interestingly in 1980 prior to the America’s Cup I obtained written permission from the IYRU to make the mast and the
rigging from Carbon Fibre for Lionheart , but resources did not permit the construction of such - though we did build a
carbon boom and some battens .
I would suggest that the current Rule 33 be eliminated and that we clarify the situation by identifying the materials which
we want to be allowable for the items in question. These interpretations may then be modified in the light of experience
or changing circumstances .
I would suggest that we „ grandfather „ any masts or other spars that that do not conform to the new proposals - though
I am unaware of any such !
Regarding the Spinnaker Pole my researches provided the information that by spending an extra Euro 200 on a carbon
pole 2kg of weight would be saved ......
We already have a weight control ( 12.5Kgs ) on the rudder and the use of composites is the cost effective solution for the
construction of the same .
I propose ......
Old Rule 33 to be deleted in its entirety .
New Rule 33 .. .
The Mast shall be constructed of
1.Wood of any species
2. Normal commercially available aluminium alloys ( ie 5000 or 6000 series ) . Paints , varnishes and fillers for the same
are acceptable and may be used to bring an undersized tube up to Rule dimensions .
‚Solid ‚ shall be interpreted as as of one type of materiial only of approximately constant density .
Spreaders shall be made of timber , aluminium alloy or stainless steel .
The Boom shall be constructed of
1.Wood of any species
2. Normal commercially available aluminium alloys ( ie 5000 or 6000 series ) .
The Spinnaker Pole - may be of any normally available commercial material .
Reinforcements to repair or strenghthen an existing spar that conformed to the Rule may be of any normally commercially
available material and the same shall apply to the hull and deck .
NB ( the purpose of this clause is to allow cost effective repairs/stiffenings to a wooden or metal mast or boom )
Shrouds and Forestay shall be of normal commercially available Stainless Steel wire or rods made of materials such as
Nitronic 50 .
Any normal commercially available materials may be used for the construction of the rudder ( only constraint is the
minimum weight )
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Comments on the Sail Rule for Classics
Dear Classic Lovers,
The resurrection of the classics throughout the world is a great manifestation of the people’s sense on what is short and
what is long in the human culture: the art is one of the few long lasting things. The art and the beauty in the six-metres
lie both in their aesthetic appearance and in the way they sail.
Then, why race them at all? Racing is an excellent tool to maintain the motivation of the owners in their hard work of
keeping up the yachts. Races satisfy our needs to meet other people at an equal intellectual level, and they offer an
opportunity to play a game in the spirit of fair sportsmanship. By tradition, success in a race between these decades-old
yachts is only 5% of the joy – as long as the game is fair.
During the recent years, however, a tendency has been observed where winning has become more and more
important, even to the extent where it already fights against the values of classic sailing in general. This is understandable,
of course, because we always have brothers and sisters who cannot distinguish between good and bad taste or feel the
difference between fair and unfair competition. The alarming thing here is that such a development may threaten the
existence of entire fleets by rapidly decreasing the owners’ motivation. An identical drop of interest in the class almost
made it vanish from the Earth in the 1950ies as the six-metres ceased to be able to enter the Olympics. At that time the
origin of the motivation was purely in racing while today it is in the arts. A plenty of other classes more suitable for
racing are available for those who consider winning as No.1 and classic values as No.2.
Fortunately, two positive needs meet each others simultaneously: the wish for a fair game in racing and the desire to
maintain the cultural heritage in the classic
An armed six-metre
"s/y America's Cup Hobie"
Oil from the hydraulics
(it always leaks)
A clean arms-controlled
classic six-metre
The two figures above hopefully amuse you and give a worst case scenario on what we fear.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
in preserving the class and in making races even and interesting for everybody. The work on the definition of the classics
is one correct action in this development. The other would be the continuation of the arms control.
The metric rating rule, even in its original form, has a nature of arms controlling. It is a collection of rules limiting the
design of a yacht and its equipment. Then, we may ask: isn’t the existing rule sufficient for us?
Currently, the same set of rules applies to the modern and to the classic 6-metres. The work and cost of keeping up a
classic, however, are easily multifold compared to a modern. This added to high racing costs can easily make the classics
a boat that extremely few of us can afford. In history, such a situation has always predicted a loss in the popularity of the
class. Such a loss is a loss for everybody because none of us wants to race by himself. This risk is evident.
Now we must choose whether we want to encourage people to decrease the upkeeping costs or the racing costs. Logically,
if we struggle to preserve the class on a long term, too, the latter is the only alternative. This is calling for our immediate
action now.
We can cut our racing costs by trying to cut the regatta fees, by limiting the material costs, or racing less (e.g. only at
home waters). The last alternative, unfortunately, has already been chosen by many of us, and not many yachts travel to
international regattas. Cutting the race fees is desirable but probably unrealistic.
The only alternative left is the material costs. This means an arms control far stricter than today.
Low racing costs +
even performance
More yachts entering
High racing costs +
uneven fleet
Few yachts seen on
race courses
Increase of interest in 6-metres
Cut down racing
• already
f t t l
Loss of interest in the class
costs -how?
Lower regatta fees
• d esirable but
probably a
Lower material
new sail rule
less electronics
ban hydraulics
other …
Extra bonus:
aesthetic values are
Diagram. The logic of the discussion above: pay less and get more.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
As a first step, we have made a proposal on a new sail rule for the classic six-metres. The proposal is nothing unique in
the world but, rather, applied in one form or the other by many popular yacht classes. We wish that the proposal be
widely discussed and adopted in a form that can be supported by the majority. Probably anything will be better for the
classics than the present situation.
A discussion forum is available on-line for you at the web site of the Classic Committee http://www.classic6metre.info.
There you can also read the details of the proposal, its history and its justification.
In short, the three main points in the first version of the proposal are as follows:
„A Classic Six Metre shall use no more than the following sails during one regatta:
1. One mainsail
2. Two genoas, each with a base longer than J+0.5m
3. One jib with a base equal to or shorter than J+0.5m.
4. One light spinnaker and one heavy spinnaker.
The jury of the regatta may give a permission to replace a sail seriously damaged with another sail. „
„The sails of the Classic yachts are subject to the following limitation of materials:
- Mainsail: uniform, single ply woven polyester cloth with horizontal panels with a minimum weight of 275 gr/m2
- Genoas: woven polyester with a minimum weight of 275 gr/m2
- Jib: woven polyester with a minimum weight of 320 gr/m2
- Light spinnaker: woven nylon cloth with a minimum weight of 32 gr/m2
- Heavy spinnaker: woven nylon cloth with a minimum weight of 40 gr/m2 „
„The total width of the mainsail, including the luff rope, at half and three quarter heights shall not exceed 67%
and 39% respectively of the maximum permitted foot length B in a Modern yacht, and 60% and 33% in a Classic
yacht, respectively.“
Look forward to hearing more comments, improved proposals, etc at the forum http://www.classic6metre.info, by
e-mail or by phone.
Tapani Koskela
FIN-61 s/y Silène III, T.Holm 1950
[email protected]
tel: +358-50-5849054
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Inspired by the discussion during the past year about the proposed sail rule on the classic web site, http://
www.classic6metre.info/, I want to present some thoughts for an alternative suggestion for a new sail rule for the classics.
My emphasis is on cost reduction, let´s have cost efficient rig, hardware and sails in order to afford to keep the original
hulls in shape.
1. MATERIALS. Many arguments have been brought up in the discussion in favour of more modern materials than
dacron. Looked from the pre-war perspective, dacron would be as modern as other synthetics, even the color is
probably much brighter white than the orinal cotton sails were – so maybe the question of classic materials is
2. COSTS. The cost of sails comes firstly from the strive to keep the original shape of the sail unaltered and from
making the sail as light as possible at the same time – this leads to expensive high tech sails with often short racing
life time expectancy. Secondly the cost comes from the number of sails in the wardrobe.
3. SAIL RULE. The following aims should be included in the rule as a way to limit the costs:
- limiting the number of sails (eg. 1 mainsail, 3 foresails, 2 spinnakers) would limit the total cost of the sail wardrobe
- minimum cloth weights for different sails would make the use of the most expensive materials unnecessary and
lengthen the racing life time of them
- introducing other ways to lenghthen the life time of sails, eg. smaller roaches, longer battens in mainsails
- limiting the number of new sails acquired per season would further limit the costs (works in the Etchells class)
I hope that we can continue the discussion on both this matter and other questions regarding the classics at the classic
website and hopefully find a compromise for a new rule that the majority of the class would be willing to accept. I believe
that this way we will get bigger fleets and more fun and tighter racing at the future international 6 metre regattas.
Tapio Lehtinen
FIN 53, May Be IV
Comment to the Sail Rule proposal for the Classic’s by Ian Howlett:
Thoughts on Possible Sail Rules for Classics
There has been considerable discussion on the idea of reducing the costs of sails by only allowing woven Dacron (
polyester ) of certain defined characteristics to be used for Classic sails .
I should point out that I am not a sailmaker but have experience of a number of different Classes so hopefully these ,
which are my own personal thoughts , will be useful to those who will have to decide such things .
Perhaps the way to tackle the problem is to look at the underlying issues . Once these are identified and a strategy
developed to achieve the intended objectives , a dacron mainsail might become just as desirable ( fast ) a sail as one made
of the so called exotics - so owners could have free choice of materials
„Kirlo „ in 1982 ( European’s in Helsinki ) was probably the last modern to use an 8oz dacron main ( 1982 North
Alameda ) as her primary mainsail to win a major regatta so I do have some experience of this type . This , with its
traditional length battens ) is still a fine sail after a rest but begins to fade if the wind is up , as a Regatta goes on . This
means presumably that it is overgirth for its material and would be a more serviceable sail with the roach reduced or with
longer battens . Interestingly it is feels a better sail than its 1981 equivalent - and this is likely to be a difference in the
material - and this variability would surely be a big problem for a „ Dacron only rule „ .
As I see it the main issues are :Longevity
Cost - which is linked to longevity .
Question .. Could it be that it is a mistake to use the same Rules for Modern and Classic Boats ?
These appear to be the obvious For and Against points ..
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
For The same Rules
Sails can ne handed on / swapped between boats of different fleets .So how common is this practice now that the Classics
have appeared to become rather affluent ? Current sails do not have to be grandfathered .
Sails with the current batten lengths and girths just do not look traditional . To me this is best evidenced by many of the
12m sails in the Mediterranean - over roached they look foolish and are probably not even particularly fast . If aesthetics
is a large part of saling a Classic then surely they should have the appearance of and capture the spirit of boats of their era
not just at the dock but on the racecourse ?
To maximise the currently permitted Rule girths , sails are generally made of more expensive material than if the girths
were reduced to suit Dacron .
The helm balance of our Sixes is of course fundamental to their performance and increasing the roach adds weather helm
which will certainly not add speed in a breeze . Observing some of the Classics in St Tropez one was left with the feeling
that some would have gone faster with lower roached sails which could just as well have been of Dacron .
Classic Mainsails
The current sail girth restrictions ( 39% and 67% ) were based , I recall , on values that were recommnded as being
sensible for kevlar/mylar constructions by Angus Melrose in 1989 - then designer with North .
The intention was to make sure that the roaches so produced did not work the materials so hard that they gave reasonable
working life to these sails with the batten lengths then allowed.
Such certainly appears to have been the case for though well used , the Battlecry 1988 light/./medium mainsail is still in
fine shape - which is encouraging . For these prioportions to work such sails need a certain amount of mast prebend in
order that a significant percentage of the girth is taken up by the luff curve . In England Classic yachts have tended to set
up their rigs with less tension and prebend than the moderns for thus if girths are to be maximum under the Rule the
roaches have become very large - which presumably reduces their longevity and ability to go up and down the wind
range , I estimate that a maxed out Classic roach for a straight mast might have as much as 200mm added to the roach
profile - which must be very hard to handle and may well compromise the twisting charactersitics of the sail .
At a later stage the permitted traditional batten lengths were modified allowing a full length top batten and a bottom
batten of the same length as the mid battens . This was I believe done to make the sails look more modern ( we are and
want to be seen as a a development Class ) and also to increase longevity . In my view this has been done at the expense
of tradition , aesthetics and also operational convenience . Tacking the permanent backstay round the roach on a regular
basis does seem a rather pointless activity .
There are various other points that should be made based on both experience with the boats and the wind tunnel
In 1988/9 the St Kitts sisters tested a dacron main against a kevlar mylar and found only a almost immeasurable difference
in performance . Our experience with „ Kirlo „ would support this result .
In the Southampton wind tunnel we found that upwind 12m rigs were not very sensitive to upper girths - a gaff mainsail
on a wishbone did not outperform a modern roached mainsail .
Classic Genoas
In my mind a mylar ( sheet Dacron /polyester ) backed material is a much better choice for genoas that woven dacron . In
1981/2 we used a light medium of 2.6oz mylar dacron - crosscut . This did not seem to get hurt in up to 15 knots true so
a triradial in the same material would go up the range even further . Our heavy genoa at that time was a 2.9 oz crosscut
with a double ply in the leach - and was more than strong enough for all winds .
This implies that many of the modern genoas may be overengineered . However , what the modern materials do provide
is bulletproof sails that stow very easily and probably keep their racing life much longer than woven Dacron also .
In racing dinghies , one of the best materials is thought to be 3.8 oz Polycote ( hard finish ) and even when this is well
aged it still seems to outperform softer finished woven Dacrons , Performance aside such a sail would however be a
nightmare to stow/fold on the foredeck of a Six - quite usuitable .
Looking at my old records , I see that tmy 1980 America’s Cup Twelve Metre „ Lionheart „ had a light genoa of 3.4 oz
mylar/dacron and a medium of two ply 3.8ox woven dacron . Loads on a Twelve will be some six times ( based on weight
) that on a Six so it easy to imagine the possibility of making Six Metre sails much stronger than they need to be .
Future Availability of Racing Dacron
The Olympic and other high profile Classes whose rules insist on woven dacron sail materials experience major problems
of supply of top performing material and as dacron becomes increasingly little used , except for cruising , this problem
must increase .
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Preparing the spinnaker ©Gilles Favez
My Conclusion
By keeping material options open the Classics would surely not fall into any future pitfall on such matters Instead
expense and increase longevity could be controlled via girth restrictions . I would estimate that 34% ( reduction of some
240mm ) might be a good starting point for the Classic 3/4 height girth if of course that was the direction in which the
Classics would like to move .
What do the sailmakers to the Class think ?
Ian Howlett, Oxford, March 2004
Classic Six-Metre Newsletter
Tim Street edited a new classic 6mJI newsletter no 9. We recommend that you have a look at this interesting document.
You will find it in its entirety (31pages) in www.6metre.ch -> news.
Classic Six-Metre Newsletter
Classic Six-Metre Newsletter
Tim Street hat den neuen Classic 6mJI Newsletter Nr. 9
herausgegeben. Wir empfehlen, einen Blick in dieses interessante Dokument zu werfen. Sie finden die komplette
Fassung (31 Seiten) auf der Website www.6metre.ch ->
Tim Street a publié le neuvième numéro du Classic 6mJI
newsletter. Nous vous recommandons de jeter un coup
d’oeil sur cet intéressant document, qui peut être consulté
dans sa totalité (31 pages) à l’adresse URL www.6metre.ch
-> news.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
ISMA public relation
Official ISMA site
Have a look at the newly designed and updated official ISMA site www.6metre.ch where you will find all the latest news.
Offizielle ISMA Website
Site officiel ISMA
Auch die neu gestaltete offizielle ISMA Website
www.6metre.ch mit ihren aktuellen News lohnt einen Besuch.
Ne manquez pas de visiter le site ISMA nouveau style à
l’adresse www.6metre.ch, où vous trouverez toutes les
nouvelles d’actualité.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Another series of photographs by Gilles Favez, 1800 Vevey, Switzerland
We will have Gilles Favez once again in Porto Rotondo for a few days. This time he will document the crews arriving with
their trucks, putting their 6mJIs into the water and rigging them out as well as sailing. We think that all these professional
photographs will help us to edit a „6mJI jubilee calendar“ for 2006, the 100th anniversary of the Metre Class Rule.
The calendar could be interesting for companies as a present to their customers at the end of 2005. Please contact the
ISMA bulletin editor for more information.
Noch mehr Fotos von Gilles Favez,
1800 Vevey, Schweiz
Une autre série de photos par Gilles Favez,
1800 Vevey, Suisse
Gilles Favez wird auch in Porto Rotondo ein paar Tage
dabei sein. Diesmal wird er die Mannschaften fotografieren, wenn sie mit ihren Anhängern eintreffen und die 6mJI
zu Wasser lassen und auftakeln, aber auch beim Segeln
selbst. Vermutlich werden wir damit genug Aufnahmen für
einen „6mJI Jubilee Calendar“ 2006 anlässlich des hundertjährigen Bestehens der Meter Klassen-Regel zusammen haben.
Eine interessante Geschenkidee für Ihre Kunden! Mehr
dazu beim ISMA Bulletin Verlag.
Gilles Favez sera à nouveau avec nous à Porto Rotondo
pour quelques jours. Cette fois-ci, il fera son reportage
photo sur les équipages arrivant avec leurs camions,
lorsqu’ils mettent et gréent leur 6mJI, mais aussi sur la
partie navigation. Nous pensons que le nombre de
photographes professionnels s’intéressant à notre sport
nous aidera à éditer un Calendrier du centenaire 6mJI pour
2006, qui célèbrera les cent ans du Metre Class Rule.
Le calendrier pourrait être intéressant pour les entreprises,
qui pourraient l’offrir en cadeau à leurs clients à la fin
2005. Pour plus d’informations à ce propos, prière de
contacter l’Editeur du Bulletin ISMA.
Name of Class
Class Website Address
Contact Details
(name, address,
telephone, fax, email)
International 6 Metre 6mJI
www.6metre.ch; www.sailingsource.com/6metre ;
Bernard Haissly, Switzerland
C/o Schellenberg Wittmer
10, cours de Rive, Case postale
Tel: + 41 22 707 8000 Fax: + 41 22 707 8010 E-mail: [email protected]
Peter Müller, Switzerland
see www.6metre.ch, ISMA News 2/2003, page 32
Guy-Roland Perrin, Switzerland
see www.6metre.ch, ISMA News 2/2003, page 32
Average price of complete
Pounds Sterling
new boat without sails
130’000 £
Name three builders
(preferably one per continent)
Bootswerft Wilhelm Wagner, In der Stelle 34,
and quoted price for 2002/2003 D-78351 Bodman, Germany
[email protected]
(Pounds Sterling)
PRICE: on request
Bootswerft Torsten Dornberger, Lizard Point,
Wendenschlossstrasse, D-12557 Berlin
[email protected]
PRICE: on request
Name National Association
member countries paid in 2003
Name six Countries & number
of members that represent the
ISAF minimum criteria
(details in Appendix A).
How many new boats
were built in 2003
How many boats were
built over the past 5 years
Approximately how many
boats exist Worldwide
2003 World Championship(s)
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Finland, Sweden, UK, France, Germany, Switzerland, USA
(No.) 10
(No.) 13
(No.) 09
(No.) 03
(No.) 09
(6) GBR
(7) DEN
(8) GER
(9) NOR
(10) ITA
(11) JAP
(No.) 16
(No.) 03
(No.) 06
(No.) 02
(No.) 01
(No.) 01
0, another will be buildt in 2004
Around 300
World Championship
Example of title,
(2)VENUE: Saint-Tropez, France
2002 European Championship 34 Modern (20) and Classic (14)
Sarraquigne, President of YCST
(7)EVENT WEBSITE: www.yacht-club-st-tropez.com
If there is more than one
World Championship please
Sarraquigne, President of YCST
submit the details, copying
this section of the questionnaire. (10)NAME OF EVENT CHIEF MEASURER: Guy-Roland Perrin
Name & nationality
of World Champion(s)
C. Phiel, SWE 114, Notorious, KSSS
Kenneth Peranen / Eero Lehtinen, FinlandFIN 44, TOY
Please give a short report
of the World Championship(s) YCST made a nice organization ashore and on the water.
& send a copy of the
see www.6metre.ch,
final overall results.
ISMA News 2/2003, page 17 and following
ASHORE: Excellent
AFLOAT: Excellent
Please state any recommendations for future World Championship events The Rules World / European Championships
have been revised. See ISMA news 2/2003, page7The European Championship 2004 will be held in Italy, Porto RotondoSee
The class requirements for ISAF Status are:
Number of Countries
Number of Continents
Number of boats: per country/
Boats Worldwide
4 or 3
1 or 2
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Actual ISMA Board:
Mr Bernard Haissly ..................... 10, cours de Rive
..................................................... Tel: +41 22 707 8000
..................................................... e-mail:
CH-1211 Genève 3
Fax: +41 22 707 8010
[email protected]
Vice Presidents:
Robert Leigh Wood, UK .............. Tel: + 44 20 7588 2800
..................................................... e-mail:[email protected]
..................................................... Fax: + 44 207 374 0066 (office)
Claes Ahlin, SWE ........................ Tel: + 46 70 556 3200 (privé)
..................................................... Fax: + 46 151 30 416 (office)
Hans J. Oen, USA ........................ Tel: + 1 914 381 54 54 (office)
..................................................... Fax: + 1 914 381 2202 (office)
Peter Müller ................................. Postfach 222 CH-8405 Winterthur, Switzerland
..................................................... Tel: + 41 52 2325242
..................................................... Fax: + 41 52 2325242
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
Peter Müller ................................. Postfach 222 CH-8405 Winterthur, Switzerland
..................................................... Tel: + 41 52 2325242
..................................................... Fax: + 41 52 2325242
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
ISMA News:
Beat Furrer ................................... Riedweg 21 CH 3012 Bern
..................................................... Tel: + 41 31 357 61 11
..................................................... Fax: + 41 31 357 61 00
..................................................... Mobile: + 41 79 301 85 30
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
Technical Commitee:
Ian Howlett, UK .......................... 108 Botley Road UK– Oxford OX2 OHH
Chairman ..................................... e-mail: [email protected]
..................................................... Tel:
+ 44 1865 724 958
..................................................... Mobile: + 44 7971 816 761
Chief Class Measurer:
Guy-Roland Perrin, SUI .............. 1rte Du Lac CH-1299 Crans près Céligny
..................................................... Tel home +41 22 364 68 89
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
..................................................... Tel work +41 79 634 49 69
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
..................................................... Fax +41 22 364 68 89
..................................................... Mobile +41 79 634 49 69
Nicolas Berthoud, SUI ................ Tel: +41 22 785 6773
..................................................... e-mail: [email protected]
Classics Committee:
Leif Bockelmann ......................... Viklakuja 5 C 11 FIN – 00200 Helsinki
Chairman ..................................... Fax: + 358 9 131 552 22
..................................................... e-mail:Leif.Bö[email protected]
..................................................... Tel: + 358 40 545 0317 (work)
..................................................... Tel: +358 9 67 1667 (home)
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
6mJI Aktivitäten in der Schweiz
Meeting of the board
The results of the meeting are published in www.6metre.ch
Important to know is, that the Swiss 6mJI szene is organising a Class Championship every year from now on. 2004 it will
be at the Lake of Geneva. The Class Championship will be the result of both regattas Coupe Copponex and Coupe Kim.
Of course the Championship is open to 6mJI from other fleet. The 2005 Championship will be held at Lake of Constance.
Aktennotiz der AssSuisse6mJI in Bern vom Februar 2004
Procès verbal AssSuisse6mJI à Berne du février 2004
Farfadet SUI 67 Lake of Geneva
The documents are in the www.6metre.ch site -> Association Suisse des 6mJI
Actual board of Association Suisse des 6mJI
Beat Furrer
Riedweg 21
Tel: + 41 31 357 61 11
Fax: + 41 31 357 61 00
Mobile: + 41 79 301 85 30
President of the Lake of Geneva fleet:
Joëlle Zumoffen-Fruttero Chemin de Martavaux 8
Tel +41 22 361 75 78
President of the Lake of Constance fleet:
Rainer Suhner
Thédy Schmid
CH 3012 Beern
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
e-mail: [email protected]
CH 1260 Nyon
e-mail: [email protected]
Jüchstrasse 67
Tel + 41 52 761 21 32
CH 8267 Berlingen
e-mail: [email protected]
Zürcherstrasse 281
Tel + 41 52 721 70 49
CH 8500 Frauenfeld
e-mail: [email protected]
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Spots vom Lac Léman
8mJI World Championships on Lake Geneva
An important note for the friends of the metre class yachts. The SNG (Société Nautique de Genève) has announced the
staging of the 8mJI Yachting World Championships and expects over 30 yachts in the 8mJI class for the event on Lake
Geneva from the 4th to the 8th July 2004. This is a spectacle which we as sailors or spectatords shouldn‘t miss.
Championnat du Monde 8mJI sur le Léman
Ein wichtiger Hinweis für die Freunde von Yachten der
Meter – Klassen. Die SNG (Société Nautique de Genève)
hat die Weltmeisterschaft der 8mJI Yachten ausgeschrieben und erwartet vom 4. bis 8. Juli 2004 über 30 Yachten
der 8mJI Klasse am Genfersee. Dieses Spektakel sollten
wir uns als Segler oder als Zuschauer nicht entgehen lassen.
A ne pas manquer pour les amis de la Classe: la SNG
(Société Nautique de Genève) a officiellement annoncé la
tenue du Championnat du Monde 8mJI, qui se tiendra du 4
au 8 juillet 2004 et auquel sont attendus plus de 30 voiliers
de Classe 8mJI en eaux lémaniques. Un spectacle à ne pas
manquer, ni comme yachtmen, ni comme spectateurs.
Coupe Copponex und Coupe Kim
Coupe Copponex et Coupe Kim
Trainingswochenenden für die Europameisterschaft 2004
Der Flottenpräsidenten vom Genfersee ist es gelungen, den
Termin für die Coupe Kim in Versoix auf zwei aufeinander
folgende Regattenwochenenden Ende August zu verlegen.
Daraus erhofft sie sich die Teilnahme der Boote anderer
Seen, und dass diejenigen, die dann weiter zur Europameisterschaft in Sardinien fahren, ein paar Trainingsregatten segeln können. Die Daten lauten folgendermassen:
21.-22. August: Coupe Copponex SNGenève
28.-29. August: Coupe Kim CNVersoix
Champs d’entraînement pour le Championnat d’Europe
La Présidente de la flotte lémanique a réussi à modifier la
date de la Coupe Kim à Versoix, afin d’avoir deux weekends de régates de suite à la fin août. Elle espère ainsi attirer
des bateaux d’autres lacs et de pouvoir offrir un terrain
d’entraînement à ceux et celles qui se rendront ensuite au
Championnat d’Europe en Sardaigne. Les dates sont les
21-22 août Coupe Copponex SNGenève
29-29 août Coupe Kim CNVersoix’
Meeting Point
Meeting Point
Wir freuen uns zu vernehmen, dass die 6mJI Segler vom
Genfersee einen Stamm eingeführt haben und sich jeweils
am 2. Dienstag jeden Monats in der
Bar de La Rôtisserie, rue de la Rôtisserie 8, à Genève,
chez Yves Rozen zu einem Lunch treffen. Yves freut sich
Ihre Teilnahme rechtzeitig unter 022 311 82 98 zu erfahren. Die spontanen Teilnehmer sind aber ebenso herzlich
Nous sommes heureux d’apprendre que les propriétaires
et amateurs de 6mJI du lac Léman ont maintenant trouvé
leur « Stamm » et qu’ils se réunissent à midi tous les
deuxièmes jeudis du mois au Bar de La Rôtisserie, rue de
la Rôtisserie 8, à Genève, chez Yves Rozen. Yves attend
avec plaisir leurs réservations au (022) 311 82 98 – toute
participation spontanée est également bienvenue !
Winchala SUI 71 Lake of Geneva
8mJI Weltmeisterschaft am Genfersee
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Jahrestreffen der 6mJI vom Genfersee
Réunion annuelle des 6mJI du lac Léman
Am 17. März 2004 hat im Café Restaurant de la Passade à Perroy, Rolle der traditionelle Jahreshöck der 6mJI
Segler vom Genfersee stattgefunden. Etwa 25 Teilnehmer
haben ein Nachtessen mit waadtländer Spezialitäten genossen. Viele Gedanken wurden ausgetauscht und selbstverständlich auch die neuesten Schiffe auf dem Léman
besprochen. Die Flottenpräsidentin machte kurz auf die
vielen nicht mehr akutellen Messbriefe aufmerksam. GuyRoland Perrin unterstützte den Antrag „Ahlers“, dass 6mJI
nur noch bei Verkauf einer überprüfenden Vermessung
unterzogen werden sollen. Dafür sollen an internationalen
Regatten und nationalen Championships die 6mJI einer
strengeren Kontrollen unterzogen werden.
Bedauerlichersweise wurden mangels Teilnahme 6mJI von
Regatten am Genfersee ausgeschlossen. Der Präsident der
Association Suisse hat die Anwesenden aufgefordert ihre
schönen Regattaboote nicht verstauben zu lassen.
Hoffentlich wird das Championnat de Classe (gewertet aus
den beiden Regatten Coupe Copponex und Coupe Kim)
auch von 6mJI von anderen Regionen besucht.
C’est le 17 mars dernier, au Café Restaurant de la Passade à Perroy, à Rolle, que la traditionnelle rencontre annuelle des skippers 6mJI s’est tenue, réunissant quelque
25 participants. Des spécialités vaudoises étaient prévues
au menu de la soirée. Outre les nombreux remerciements
échangés, les tout nouveaux modèles de bateaux sur le
Léman étaient au programme des discussions. La
Présidente de Flotte a brièvement rendu l’audience
attentive à la question des critères de jaugeage, qui ne sont
plus d’actualité. Guy Roland-Perrin a pour sa part présenté
la motion « Ahlers », qui propose que les 6mJI ne soient
soumis à un jaugeage impératif que lors d’une vente ou
d’un changement de propriétaire. Pour ce faire, il faudrait
donc que les 6mJI participant à des régates internationales ou à des Championnats nationaux soient soumis à des
contrôles plus stricts.
Regrettablement, vu le manque de participants, les 6mJI
ont été exclus des régates sur le Léman. Le Président de
l’Association Suisse a instamment demandé aux
participants de ne pas laisser leurs jolis voiliers de régate
se couvrir de poussière pour autant. On espère que le
Championnat de Classe (qui compte pour les deux régates
de la Coupe Copponex et la Coupe Kim) saura également
attirer les 6mJI d’autres régions.
Joëlle Zumoffen-Fruttero, the fleet president, Lake of
Crew member of FLEAU SUI 77 Nicolas Berthoud,
sailmaiker (right), and the no 1
Two chiefs: our International Class
President, Bernard Haissly, and the Chief
Measurer, Guy-Roland Perrier (right)
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
SUI 113 Temptation II at the training of Lake of Constance
©Jürg Bollier
Spots vom Bodensee
Einladung zum Regatta-Training
am Bodensee
Invitation à la régate d’entraînement
sur le Bodensee
Wir danken Ralph und Sandra Müntener einmal mehr für
die ergriffene Initiative und hoffen, dass sich nicht nur 6mJI
aus Romanshorn, sondern auch aus Deutschland, Österreich und anderen Schweizerseen dem Training
Nous remercions encore chaleureusement Ralph et Sandra
Müntener de leur initiative et espérons que la séance
d’entraînement accueillera non seulement des 6mJI de
Romanshorn, mais aussi d’Allemagne, d’Autriche et
d’autres lacs suisses.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Rencontre annuelle des 6mJI du Bodensee sur la
rive suisse
Am 14. Februar trafen sich die 6mJI Segler vom Bodensee
in Goldach, beim SegelClub Riedtli. Ralph Müntener berichtet wie folgt:
Wir haben uns um 17:00 zum Apéro getroffen.
Anschliessend schauten wir mit Spannung die Bilderpräsentation die Jürg Bollier von der Saison 2003 zusammengestellt hat. Anschliessend genossen wir das Abendessen. ( Raclette ) Als weiteres Highlite sahen wir das Video
welches Jürg Bollier von der SM in Genf gedreht hat. Mit
Dessert und Kaffee liessen wir den Abend ausklingen und
verabschiedeten uns mit den besten Wünschen bis zur Saison 04. Der Abend war auf der ganzen Linie ein Erfolg.
Selbstverständlich waren auch die beiden Trainingswochenenden im Mai ein Gesprächsthema. Bereits haben
sich Woodoo, Mecara, MobyDick, La Difference, Courage VII, Kontrapunkt V und Temptation II zum Training eingeschrieben. Schön wäre, wenn sich noch ein oder zwei
Schiffe vom Genfersee an das Training bewegen liessen.
Les skippers de 6mJI du Bodensee se sont réunis le 14
février 2004 au Club de voile Riedtli de Goldach. Ralph
Müntener nous en dit quelques mots:
Nous avions rendez-vous à 17h00 pour l’apéro, au cours
duquel nous avons eu le plaisir de découvrir une
présentation de photos de Jürg Bollier consacrée à la Saison 2003. Le dîner a suivi (raclette au programme). Autre
moment fort : la projection d’une vidéo tournée par Jürg
Bollier et consacrée au Championnat suisse de Genève.
La soirée s’est conclue en douceur avec dessert et café à
la clé, après quoi nous avons pris congé en nous
transmettant nos bons vœux jusqu’à la saison 2004. La
soirée a été, sur toute la ligne, un succès.
Bien évidemment, les deux week-ends d’entraînement du
mois de mai ont été au nombre des thèmes abordés.
Woodoo, Mecara, MobyDick, La Différence, Courage VII,
Kontrapunkt V et Temptation II s’y sont déjà inscrits. Nous
aurions plaisir à voir encore participer un ou deux bateaux
d’origine lémanique.
Carl Boesiger departed this world
Carl Boesiger nous a quitté…–
in December 2003 at the age of 71. The funeral took place
in Horn on Lake of Constance where he lived with his
familiy. A lot of 6mJI friends were there. Carl was a good
friend to Peter (Pedro) Müller, our ISMA Secretary, as they
spent more than 17 years sailing SUI 122 6mJI Woodoo in
both local as well as international regattas.
We will ensure that Carl is well remembered and – albeit
late–– send our condolensces to his wife Claire. In memory
of our friend we are printing a nice photo of him steering
Woodoo in his favourite lee position.
au mois de décembre 2003, à l’âge de 71 ans. La cérémonie
funéraire a pris place à Horn, sur le lac de Constance, où
il vivait entouré de sa famille. Ses adieux ont réuni un grand
nombre d’amis de Classe 6mJI, au nombre desquels Peter
(Pedro) Müller, notre Secrétaire ISMA, avec qui Carl a
navigué pendant plus de 17 ans sur SUI 122 6mJI Woodoo,
aussi bien à l’occasion de régates nationales
Nous garderons un excellent souvenir de Carl et
transmettons – quoique tardivement–– nos très sincères
condoléances à Claire, son épouse. En souvenir de notre
ami, nous avons imprimé une jolie photo, où on peut le
voir dans sa position favorite, à la barre de Woodoo, côté
sous le vent.
Remembering Carl Boesiger at his favourite postition
on Woodoo SUI 122
Jahrestreffen der 6mJI vom Bodensee am
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Heinz Weinhold ist unerwartet im 78. Lebensjahr verstorben
Am 17. Februar 2004 ist unser verdientes Mitglied Prof.Dr.Heinz Weinhold unerwartet verstorben. Heinz Weinhold hat sich grosse Verdienste um den Yacht-Club Romanshorn erworben, war er doch Vorstandsmitglied, Vizepräsident, Mitorganisator der 6er Weltmeisterschaft 1981 und Regattasegler auf seinem 6er.
Als Junior trat er in den YCRo ein und war seit 1947 Aktivmitglied. Die Gneralversammlung hat ihn aus Anlass
seiner 50-jährigen Mitgliedschaft 1997 zum Freimitglied ernannt. 57 Jahre war Heinz Mitglied unseres Clubs und
damit unser „Vereinsältester“. Seine Liebe zum See entfachte in ihm ein grosses Engagement für unseren Club und
den Segelsport, wofür wir ihm herzlich danken.
Wir werden die liebenswürdige und hilfsbereite Art von Heinz Weinhold und seine beispielhafte Einstellung zur
Jahrestreffen der 6mJI vom Bodensee
am Deutschen Ufer
Réunion annuelle des 6mJI du Bodensee
sur la rive allemande
Rainer Suhner, unser Flottenchef am Bodensee berichtet:
Gestern haben Thedy und ich als Gäste an der Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Sechser Vereinigung teilgenommen. Vertreten waren 6 Boote; die Stimmung war sehr
gut und wir sind guter Hoffnung die deutschen Sechser
wieder vermehrt an unseren Regatten an den Start gehen
zu sehen.
Voici ce que Rainer Suhner, notre Chef de Flotte, nous relate
de cette réunion :
Hier, Thedy et moi avons participé comme invités à la
réunion annuelle de la sixième réunion Six allemande. 6
bateaux étaient représentés à cette occasion; l’ambiance
était très bonne et nous avons bon espoir de voir à nouveau
les Six allemands alignés plus nombreux au départ de nos
Es wurde beschlossen den Mitgliedern zu empfehlen, an
folgenden Regatten am Bodensee teilzunehmen:
Il a été décidé de recommander aux membres de participer
aux régates suivantes sur le Bodensee:
2-Hand Rundum
Silber Cup
YC Bregenz
YC Romanhorn
SC Unteruhldingen
SV Bottighofen
Kressbronner SV
Dazu wurde die Teilnahme an den beiden Trainings-Wochenenden vom 8./9. und 15./16.Mai in Romanshorn empfohlen. Am 28./29.08. wird auf Einladung der FINTRA
die Sternfahrt aller Bodensee-Sechser nachUeberlingen
stattfinden (rein gesellschaftlicher Anlass ohne Regatten).
2-Hand Rundum
Silber Cup
Sandhamn Memorial
YC Bregenz
YC Romanshorn
SC Unteruhldingen
SV Bottighofen
Kressbronner SV
C’est la raison pour laquelle il a également été
recommandé de prendre part aux deux week-ends
d’entraînement des 8/9 et 15/16 mai de Romanshorn. A
noter, aussi, que les 28/29 août la « Sternfahrt » (course
de nuit) de tous les Six du Bodensee prendra place en
direction de Ueberlingen sur invitation de la FINTRA
(purement convivial, sans régate).
Schliesslich sind wir von Niklaus Waser noch auf den
Queen Christina Cup in Helsinki aufmerksam gemacht
Anscheinend hat sich bis jetzt noch keine Schweizer Mannschaft eingeschrieben. Ich finde die Stossrichtung des neu
ins leben gerufenen Cups sehr gut und fände es schade,
wenn keine Schweizer Mannschaft teilnehmen würde.
Enfin, notre attention a également été attirée sur la Coupe
Queen Christina d’Helsinki. Il semble, en effet, qu’aucune
équipe suisse ne s’y soit encore inscrite. Je trouve pour ma
part que l’orientation de la nouvelle Coupe est très bonne
et trouverais dommage qu’aucun équipage suisse n’y
Beat, Joelle, darf ich Euch bitten, abzuklären, wer (welche
Mannschaft) Lust und Zeit hätte in Helsinki teilzunehmen.
Ich meinerseits werde am kommenden Wochenende eine
Umfrage bei den Schweizer Sechser Seglern vom Bodensee vornehmen.
Beat, Joëlle, pourrais-je vous demander de me
communiquer qui (quelle équipe) aurait le temps et l’envie
de participer à la Coupe d’Helsinki. De mon côté,
j’effectuerai un petit sondage à ce propos auprès des
équipiers Six du Bodensee.
Herzliche Grüsse
Reinhard Suhner
Cordiales salutations
Reinhard Suhner
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
The Swiss Ski Team did not very well in this winter season.
So look at the proposition of our AC Team:
L’équipe Suisse de ski n’a pas enregistré de grands exploits
cette saison. Le Team AC présente une solution:
6mJI activtiées en France
Mai - Juin 2004
Coupe de Méditérranée des 6m JI – Saint-Tropez dates à finaliser, organisée par le YCST
Parcours Cotier et Bananes en Baie de Saint-Tropez
Contact : [email protected] Jean Denis Sarraquigne 04 94 97 83 30
Les Voiles d’Antibes – Antibes–dates à venir, organisées par le YCA
Contact Associations des Voiles d’Antibes : Yann Joanon ou’[email protected]
Belle Plaisance – Benodet 25 - 27 Juin 2004, organisées par le YCO
Contact YCO : Dominique Le Page 02 98 57 26 09 ou [email protected]
Juillet - Aout 2004
Voiles de Traditions – La Trinité - 17 au 19 juillet 2004, organisé par la SNT.
Challenge Atlantique des 6m JI
Contact SNT : Henri Arribart
Voile de Légende
– La Baule - 25 au 27 juillet 2004, organisées par le YCLB
Régate ouverte aux bateaux de la jauge internationale.
Contact régate : B. de Silguy [email protected] - + 33 (0)6 14 46 46 79
Course des deux Baies – La Baule/Noirmoutier le 28 juillet 2002, organisées par le YCLB
Régate de liaison entre La Baule et Noirmoutier.
Contact régate : B. de Silguy [email protected] - + 33 (0)6 14 46 46 79
Les Voiles de Noirmoutier - Noirmoutier du 30 juillet au 1 août 2004, organisées par le CVBC.
Régate ouverte aux bateaux de la jauge métrique, requins et dragons
Contact CVBC : Jérôme Brunet-Moret
[email protected]
Régates du Bois de la Chaize - Noirmoutier du 13 au 15 août 2004, organisées par La Chaloupe
Rassemblement de voiliers de traditions et des jauges métriques requins et dragons locaux
Contact La Chaloupe : Marc Tourneu 02 51 39 00 37
Septembre Octobre 2004 :
Dates sous reserve d’approbation par la CIM
Régates Royales – Cannes du 27 septembre au 2 octobre 2004, organisées par le YCC
Challenge Méditerranée des 6m JI
Contact : 04 93 43 05 90, contact Bruno Fauroux
Voiles de Saint Tropez – Saint Tropez du 3 au 9 octobre 2004
Régates en Baie de Saint Tropez
Contact : [email protected] Jean Denis Sarraquigne 04 94 97 83 30
Union Française des 6m JI – Yacht Club de France – 41 avenue Foch 75116 Paris
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Am 16.9.2003 schrieb Gautier Brunet-Moret unter
<[email protected]>:
Bonjour Monsieur
Le bilan de cette premiére année avec notre bateau est trés
positive tant sur le point sportif que sur le point de la
convivialité avec nos concurents...
Voici mon bilan de navigation après un nouvel été avec
Astrée FRA69 : Nous avons acheté ce bateau l‚été 2002,
qui fut une mise à pied. En 2003, nous avons pris part
comme l‚été passé aux régates de la côte atlantique. Cette
fois ci avec un jeu de voiles neuf ! Quelle différence !
Jean-Yves Jaffrezic, maître voilier de la voilerie « X-Voiles
», nous a fait des voiles en Pentex Optic 2.Grace à cellesci, nous avons gagné en cap et en vitesse ! Ces voiles ont
de tres grands panneaux de visualisation qui sont tres utiles
sur les lignes de départ. Jean-Yves est venu skipper notre
bateau durant une manche de régate à La Baule et nous a
montré la différence entre amateur et professionnels. Avoir
un maître voilier de renom à bord ça aide. Nous finissons
1°, loin devant tout le monde et surtout devant May-Be
VIII à André Chaudoye, vétéran de notre classe et excellant
barreur ! Nous finirons finalement seconds des régates de
La Baule au désespoir de Jean-Yves qui nous aurait préferé
premier, mais rien à faire quand May-Be VIII est en tête, il
le reste. Après La Baule, la flotte des 6, 8, et 10 mji file
vers Pornic pour une alte déjeuner pour ralier finalement
Noirmoutier où se déroulent dans la foulée les „Voiles de
Noirmoutier“. Nous sommes très heureux de rencontrer
chaque été nos concurents qui durant l‚hiver font évoluer
leurs bateaux pour les rendre plus performants. Tous sont
là pour gagner, mais avec sympathie, la bonne humeur sur
le plan d‚eau est CAPITALE même si parfois quelques noms
d‚oiseaux volents. Mais de retour a terre chaq’un se
retrouve autour d’un verre qui fait retomber la pression.au
fur et mesure que nos verres se vident. Voilà, nous avons
27 ans de moyenne d’âge, nous les 5 propriétaires d’Astrée,
heureux d’être parmis vous, pas toujours assidus mais
toujours partants !
Amicalement Astrée FRA 69
Gautier Brunet-Moret
The new X-Voiles sails on this 6mJI
Astree FRA 69 with the
youngest owner-crew
Gautier Brunet-Moret reports about his first season of sailing Astrée with a new set of sails from X-Voiles. The group of
owners have an average age of 27 years and we suppose that they are the worlds joungest 6mJI team. They are sailing at
the French Atlantic coast and are happy with correct sailing in races and have nice contacts with other 6mJI sailors on
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
6mJI activities in Great Britain
Bulletin 1/2004
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
6mJI activities in USA
Hans J.Oen told us from the East Coast that there are not to much news from the USA. www.6mrnorthamerica.com gives
some information about the different fleet and the 6mJI sailing in the different waters.
Matt Cockburn reports:
Introduction - The Timelessness of 6 Meters and Growing the PSSMA
We all know and appreciate, to different degrees, the heritage and importance of the boats we sail and love. The development
aspect of the rule that governs our class has been responsible for many innovations in our sport, including the introduction
of the
“Genoa” headsail, the parachute style spinnaker, and many other technical details now common on many other sailboats.
These craft in general and many of ours in particular, have been involved in nearly every major international competition
held by our class at venues around the world, including the Scandinavian Gold Cup, the One Ton Cup, the Bermuda Gold
Cup, the British American Team Race, the Seawanhaka International Challenge Cup, the Olympic Games, the Australian
American Challenge, the International Six Meter World Cup, the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup, and many other races, events,
and regattas. The International Six Meter World Cup was founded by our fleet. The sixes have played an active role in the
heritage of yachting and racing in the Pacific Northwest for over 60 years and have seen ups and downs in involvement,
activity and prestige.
These are good days, my brothers (and sisters)! We are on an upward trend and enjoying a resurgence of interest from
people interested in sailing quality boats that are more satisfying, soulful and aesthetically pleasing. The six meter offers
this opportunity in excess. No longer interested in the monotony of some one designs or the frustrations of PHRF ratings
around the buoys? Buy or sail a six meter and never look back.
2003 Accomplishments
Before we move too far forward, let’s look back at an extremely successful year. We have just come from a season of
local and International events and participation that lays the groundwork for higher levels of competition and broader
interest in the welfare of the class here, and in other places, near and far. Here are some of the many accomplishments of
PSSMA in the past year:
- 5 new owners:
- Craig Downey has committed to restore US 72 Lulu
- Jim Metteer has made major progress on the long dormant Fokus III
- Roger Ivey purchased and fine-tuned US 119 Sockeye, and recently acquired US 122 Capriccio
- Andy Parker has joined us as an owner with US 123
- Eric Jespersen purchased CAN 37 Frenzy and got her back onto the race course for the first time since 1986.
- Highest participation in the Sir Thomas Lipton Cup in 20 years
- 6 Classics and 5 Moderns
- Highest participation (since 1982) and first winner from Canada in memory
- Successful PSSMA Cruise event to the Jackson Outstation on Hood Canal
- Increased participation in the PMYC Thursday Night Series
- Inaugural Queen Christina Nations Cup a resounding success!
- King Olav V Cup well attended and run
- Highest number of ISMA members since the 70’s – 13 for the USA
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
2004 Schedule of Events
For the coming season we have some regattas to sail. Without wanting to ruin the success we’ve achieved with some
important strategic ingredients, we have a great opportunity to expand the number and diversity of our events, as follows:
Early Spring regattas – April 3-4 and 17-18 in Newport Harbor, CA
May 6, 2004 - Port Madison Yacht Club Thursday racing begins
May 15 – 16, 2004 – King Olav V Cup–– Shilshole Bay, Seattle
June 18 – 20, 2004 Queen Christina Nations Cup – in Helsinki.
July 16 – 18, 2004 North American Championships –Vancouver, B.C.
September 11 – 12, 2004 – Sir Thomas Lipton Cup – Port Madison
September 17 – 19, 2004 – US Nationals – Shilshole Bay, Seattle
Opportunities and Action Plan
For the first time in over 25 years we have the opportunity for 15 or more boats to be on the line for our various events.
In addition to the 11 boats here for the Lipton Cup, and with a little luck, we have the possibility to also see:
KC 19 Saskia II (currently under restoration)
US 81 Goose (currently under restoration)
US 100 St Francis V (nearing restoration completion)
CAN 36 Courage VIII
We need to communicate early and often how
important it is for owners to keep making progress
toward the goal of floating, sailing and racing.
We applaud the efforts of those in mid-swing on
their projects. Many in ISMA and PSSMA can
attest that personal satisfaction, glory and acclaim
await you on the water. In addition to the above
boats, there are a number of craft still lying
dormant. We need to reach out to these owners as
a group - now is the time for action. There can be
no dream of
“someday” without realistic goals and measurable
steps toward them.
Buzzy II US 97 on a calm day
From Matt Cockburn, also, came some interesting
informations about
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
6mJI activities in Brazil
Text courtesy of Torben Grael, who is a multiple Olympic medallist (including Gold in the Star in 1996), Star World
Champion 1990, and Prada America’s Cup fame. He owns „Aileen II“, and his brother Lars, who won an Olympic silver
medal, owns „Marga“. Both boats are in Brazil.
Best Regards,matt
—— Original Message ——
From: „TGrael“ <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: „Ralph M. Blair Johansen“ <[email protected]>; „Lars Grael“
[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, February 11, 2004 8:02 AM
Subject: Re: Aileen II, Lars Grael
3 photos of Aileen
Dear Ralph ,
It is a great pleasure to hear from you .My grand father Preben Schmidt, left hand written the history of Aileen,
and when I got your letter I recognized your name right
away. Aileen is in great shape. She is sailing well besides
her 92 years of age. I had some pictures taken at our last
race ( in honor of my grand father ) in December 2003.
She was restored in 96/97, and had her cabin removed.
As I only managed to get her original plans after the
restoration, the work was done using old fotos, and I later
found out that the original cockpit was smaller than the
present one . Her rig is no longer gaffed and today she
displays a modern 6 metre rig, which we find to be more
competitive when racing ( she still races ) and easier to use
as well.
All the very best regards, Torben Schmidt Grael
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
6mJI Aktivitäten in Deutschland
Bereits zum 10. mal wird der Robbe & Berking 6mR Sterling Cup und das Classic Meeting organisiert.
Die Teilnahme ist ein Muss für 6mJI die vor 1970 gebaut
wurden. Als Gäste werden auch Modern 6mJI zugelassen. Der Anlass muss richtig spektakulär sein. Die Teil-
nahme steht für Temptation II SUI 113 im nächsten Jahr
auf dem Programm. Leider sind wir in diesem Jahr beruflich verhindert. Wir wünschen dem Veranstalter viel Erfolg, guten Wind und schönstes Wetter. Doch hier nun Programm und Anmeldrformular
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
In der Werft von Torsten Dornberger geht’s rund um 6mJI
We enclose a few of the latest photos of our Toogooloowoo IV. You might have already seen these on Matt‘s website as
they have been published on the site since last week.
The work on our new project is only making slow progress as the client‘s boat, i.e. a 5.5 metre yacht, a number of cruisers
and motorboats have priority in the shipyard.
Best wishes Torsten Dornberger
PS. The 5.5 metre yacht is a former Swiss boat, the Safir, which is with us for full restoration.
Liebe 6mJI Freunde
anbei einige aktuelle Bilder unserer Toogooloowoo IV.
Vielleicht haben sie diese bereits auf Matt’s Seite gesehen,
da sie dort seit letzter Woche veröffentlicht sind.
Die Arbeiten an unserem neuen Projekt gehen nur langsam voran, da in der Werft die Kundenboote, d. h. ein 5.5er,
mehrere Jollenkreuzer und Motorboote Priorität haben.
Herzliche Grüße Torsten Dornberger
PS. Bei dem 5.5 handelt sich es um ein ehemaliges Schweizer Boot, die Safir, welches zur Vollrestaurierung bei uns
Toogooloowoo IV
The pictures show Toogooloowoo IV on the way
to her new life
Cher Monsieur
Je vous joins quelques photos récentes de notre
Toogooloowoo IV. Peut-être que vous les avez déjà vues
sur la page de Matt, étant donné qu’elles peuvent y être
consultées depuis la semaine dernière.
Les travaux concernant notre nouveau projet avancent
lentement, étant donné que sur le chantier naval, les
bateaux des clients, c’est-à-dire un 5.5, ainsi que différents
voiliers de croisière et bateaux à moteur, ont la priorité.
Sincères salutations Torsten Dornberger
P.S. Pour le 5.5, il s’agit d’un vieux bateau suisse– Safir
– qui se trouve chez nous en attendant sa restauration
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
New design from Juliane Hempel
We can show you a first sketch of a new design.
Neues Design von Juliane Hempel
Mit Ausnahme der Entwurfsskizze liegen noch keine näheren Informationen vor.
Nouveau Design de Juliane Hempel
Nous n’avons pas davantage d’informations, à l’exception
de quelques projets de croquis.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
6mJI Aktivitäten im Norden
Have a look at the interesting notice on the World Cup
2005 in Sandhamn at the end of this Bulletin.
Am Ende dieses Bulletin finden sie bereits erste Informationen zum World Cup 2005 in Sandhamn.
Les premières informations concernant le World Cup 2005
se trouvent à la fin de ce bulletin.
Dear fellow Swiss 6 meter sailors
This is an early notice that the Queen Christina Nations
Cup will be held in 2004 in Finland. The date is set to be
18.-20.6.2004. The setup is the same as in Seattle in 2003.
Each country only has to nominate four interested 6mR
sailors, and there is no need to send the best. You have to
be ready to host a similar event. It is a friendly and
affordable Cup, as the host country takes care of everything
except your flight tickets to Helsinki. Your team will be
staying at a host family. The idea of the Nations Cup is as
· Build camaraderie and establish meaningful contact with
other fleets and nations
· Meet six meter sailors just as passionate about our boats
as us
· Decreased expense for all involved to sail in other
countries on different boats
· Better communication through social interaction
· Have more fun at a regatta by not having to worry about
Puget Sound Six Meter Association accomplished all of
these things at the inaugural Queen Christina Nations Cup,
and now it is Helsinki’s turn to do the same. We hope to see
Switzerland send a team. We are already sure that a US
team is coming and Canadians are planning to come as
I am the organizer of the event. An official invitation will
be sent out in January.
Best regards, Henrik Andersin, Deputy Chairman of
FINSMA, tel +358 400 406 391
HELSINKI JUNE 18.- 20. 2004
You are kindly invited to participate in the 2004 Queen
Christina Nations Cup.
The event will take place at ESF (Esbo Segelförening) outside Helsinki. Your hosts will be local six meter sailors
and yachtsmen and their families. Your team of four will
be sailing local classic 6-meter yachts in a friendly
competition with one local sailor on board each yacht.
We ask you to plan to be in Helsinki on Thursday afternoon
or evening the 17 of June. Please do not plan to leave
Helsinki before late afternoon or evening on the 20 of June.
Preliminary programme:
Thursday the 17th lodging at host families at their
summer houses in the Suvisaaristo archipelago. A gettogether in the evening.
Friday the 18th
sightseeing in Helsinki and its
surroundings. We will see Helsinki by the sea and have a
chance to see local six-meter yachts in the yacht-clubs
surrounding the town. The Suomenlinna (Sveaborg) sea
fortress will be visited. You have a chance to visit all the
racing six meter yachts. Rules and racing will be explained
at the party in the evening.
Saturday the 19th Racing will start at 10 am. We plan to
have four starts on Saturday. You will change yacht before
each start.
We will have a sailor’s party at the yacht club and
dinner in the archipelago.
Sunday the 20th
two starts and prize-giving ceremony.
Decision on the next Nation’s Cup Host Country.
Those visitors that plan to come early or leave late, please
let us know!
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
We can help you to plan your vacation. If you are
considering travelling around in Finland or its surrounding
countries we suggest you should go to the most exotic ones,
i.e. St. Petersburg, Russia or Tallinn, Estonia.
Helsinki, January 22nd 2004
Finnish Six Meter Association
Peter Dahlberg
Henrik Andersin
FINSMA Chairman Chairman of QCNC Organizing
Committee 2004
This invitation is sent to the participating countries
according to the QCNC Deed of Gift statute #3 and the
“new” participants according to rule #6. The countries that
receive this invitation at this time are Canada, Germany,
Great Britain, Sweden and the USA.
The Deed of Gift for the Queen Christina Nations Cup
is published in www.6metre.ch -> Rules
This is the Swiss answer to the invitation from Finland:
Good evening Henrik
I would like to inform you that Switzerland would love to
participate at the Queen Christian Cup 2004 in Helsinki.
As we only know about the possibility of six metre sailing
in Finland since Saturday afternoon, we first have to select
the team to go. But I think you can enter a Swiss team as
preliminary entry and we would love to host the six metre
sailors at Lake of Constance once for the Queen Christian
Kind Regards
Reinhard Suhner, 6mJI Fleet President of Lake of
Bulletin 1/2004
Réponse suisse à l’invitation finlandaise:
Bonsoir Henrik,
Je souhaitais vous informer que la Suisse aimerait
beaucoup participer à la Queen Christina Cup 2004
d’Helsinki. N’ayant été informés de la possibilité d’y
envoyer des équipiers 6mJI depuis samedi après-midi
seulement, il nous faut encore sélectionner nos participants.
Je crois néanmoins que vous pouvez déjà y inscrire une
équipe suisse à titre préliminaire et je profite de l’occasion
pour vous dire que nous serions très heureux d’accueillir
une édition de la Queen Christina Cup sur le lac de
Constance également.
Très cordiales salutations
Reinhard Suhner, Président de Flotte 6mJI du lac de
-> see Tim Street latest news in the Classic News 9a
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Informationen von allgemeinem Interesse
News from French Boatyard Hubert Stagnol, Benodet
An immatriculated road-trailer to rent (or sell) for 6mJI / 8mJI Yacht Transport
My company has developped two special road-trailers for a construction site in tunnel, where we could not turn the
trailer. So we made trailers at which both axes are on a pivot. This means that the trailer can be towed from both sides,
when the thill is changed and the actual rear axle is blocked. No problem therfore to enter narrow accesses to cranes in
Yacht Club or Yard facilities
Some specification
Weight of the trailer3‘300 kg
Total length 11‘200 mm
Total width 2‘550 mm
Total weight 18‘000 kg
Length of platform 9‘000 mm
Height of platform 1‘100 m
Air brake, ABS security brake system, air-sprung suspension (suspension lift 250mm, suspension lowering 50mm),
heavy-duty tire Michelin XTA Dimension 445/45 R 19.5.
The circle range as asked by VTS is possible with a truck having a wheel-base of 3‘800 to 4’200mm with an aft-overhang
of 1’400mm.
The trailer offers ISO fixpoints which could easily be used for the yachts specific cradle (at yacht owners charge). The
middle-beams are screwed and detachable. The yachts keel-base is therefore lower than the platform height and the deck
height at a reasonable proportion.
We rent the trailer at a rate of ¤ 80.- per day , ¤ 500.- per week, ¤ 1500.- per month (ex workyard).
The selling-price is on request.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Please contact:
the ISMA news editor, [email protected] ++41 31 357 61 11 (office) / ++41 79 301 85 30 (mobile)
Bern, January, 2004
The blocked rear-axle
The trailer
The thill
The detachable ISO beam
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
6mJI yachts in a 5/36 scale
Philippe Goetz reports about a series of scale 6mJI which are sailed mainly in UK. The hull is about 1.5m long and the
weights are around 10 -12 kg. The scale-yachts are in modern an classic style. Philippe asks if it makes sense to propose
a new model – range (1mR) as presented in the ISMA news 2/2003, page 64.
Have a look at some photos.
Sechser Modellbauserie
Série de 6mètre model réduit
Philippe Goetz, Mannschaftsmitglied des Classic Z/SUI
[email protected] berichtet:
Ich möchte Ihnen mitteilen, dass es bereits seit den 20er
Jahren eine Sechser Modellbauserie gibt, die auf der Formel der 6mJI im Massstab 5/36 basiert. Soweit ich weiss,
sind dies die einzigen Modelle, die im Massstab des echten Bootes nachgebaut wurden. Der Rumpf ist etwa 1,50
lang, und das Boot wiegt 10-12 kg.
Die Serie ist in Grossbritannien noch immer aktiv und jedes Jahr werden neue Boote gebaut. Es gibt Classics und
Schiffe modernerer Bauart. Ich besitze mehrere 6mJI-Pläne und ein Modell, mit dem ich auf dem Genfersee fahre.
Philippe fragt sich, ob eine neue Modellbauklasse (1mR)
ins Leben gerufen werden sollte, wo es doch die Sechser
Klasse gibt. Er bezieht auf die die Informationen aus dem
ISMA Bulletin 2/2003, Seite 64. Glücklicherweise braucht
sich die ISMA zu diesem Punkt nicht zu äussern.
Ausserdem möchten wir Ihnen ein paar Modelle präsentieren.
Philippe Goetz, équipier du Classic Z/SUI 40,
[email protected] nous reporte:
Je vous écris pour vous informer qu’il existe depuis les
années 1920 une série de 6mètre model réduit. Cette série
est basée sur la même formule que les 6mJI, c’est une
réduction au 5/36ème. A ma connaissance, la seule série
de modèle réduit qui est une réduction à l’échelle du
véritable bateau. La grandeur de la coque est de environ
1m50 pour un poids de 10-12 kg.
La série existe toujours et est active au Royaume-Uni.
Chaque année de nouvelles unitées sont construites. Il
existe ainsi des des classiques et des modernes. Je possède
plusieurs plans de 6mJI et une maquette avec laquelle je
navigue sur le Lac Léman.
Philippe se pose la question de savoir, s’il est nécessaire
de créer une nouvelle classe de modèle réduit (1mR), alors
qu’il existe déjà une classe des 6m. Il se refère sur les
informations dans le bulletin ISMA 2/2003, page 64.
Heureusement ISMA ne doit pas prendre position à cette
De même nous voulons vous présenter quelque maquettes.
6mJI Sirene II in scale 5/36
6mJI Tias in scale 5/36
6mJI Petrel in scale 5/36
6mJI Petrel in scale 5/36
Have a look at some photos.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Wishes for a good new year
Forming a Syndicate
We got a nice card from Yacht Club de Saint Tropez
If you intend to own your yacht with other friends, please
think about the following recommandation:
28 Ausschn.Syndicate
Sparkman&Stephens 75th anniversary
Reduced tax for
Classic Yachts
What a nice and good
idea to reduce tax on
Classic Yacht. In the life
of these yachts tax has
been payed several
times. It makes sense to
offer a reduction.
29 Ausschn.Tax
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
6mJI Historic Place
Tim was so kind to make an actualisation of his newsletter no 9. We are very happy to print it here. Even some very
interesting photo came with the report. Enjoy these news:
Classic Notes 9a
March 2004
It has been a surprisingly good winter for movement of Classic Sixes. Classic Newsletter No. 9, dated 25th November
2003, was finally published on 1st February 2004, as it was held for the latest stop press news from Norway and France.
However, since then, further research has taken place and progress made on a number of sixes.
In the last Newsletter, a draft of possible Classic Rules was included, to enable comment to me made.
The major point, which has come up, is the doubt expressed over rescuing old boats, by fastening a single layer skin of
3mm cold moulded timber over the existing planking, to hold the hull together and to strengthen it for modern rig strains.
It should be emphasised that, at present at least, it is perfectly legal to restore boats using this method, under current
International Metre-Class Rules and has been passed by the ISMA Technical Committee.
This observation has come from Finland, where many classic Sixes have been restored by undertaking total rebuilds and
much re-planking, certainly underwater. It is also known that a number of Sixes within Europe at least, have had to be
rebuilt by taking the whole of their underwater hull off and rebuilding to the original plans, due to either the wooden keel
having broken under the mast step, or the wooden keel being completely rotten. The draft Rules have therefore been
framed especially to be inclusive, at least at this stage. What the draft Rules do not condone is re-planking with plywood,
which, in one case at least, it is believed has been done.
The following exciting news of Classic Six-Metres it is hoped will be of interest to all owners.
E 31 Asti V. (Now ex K 61 Saxon; a 1930 Morgan Giles). It was reported in Newsletter No. 9 that she had been bought
by Ian Lindsey, who planned to put her back to full racing trim over this winter. Since then she has been bought by a
Spanish group, who have taken her back to Bilbao, where she was originally built by Segredo Hnos. The intention is to
return her to full racing trim, under the Spanish ensign, when it is believed and hoped that she will become the first
Spanish registered Six-Metre to race internationally, since 1934. Unfortunately, her designs and drawings have not been
found in England and it is believed that none were kept after the closure of the Morgan Giles firm.
L 2 Mosquito (ex Colibri). The Mosquito saga started when a photograph was received, from Petter Halvorsen in
Norway, asking for the identity of the boat in it. After much research and discussion, together with considerable help
from the Norwegian Maritime Museum, she was
finally identified as the
1913 Johan Anker SixMetre,
perhaps the narrowest
Six-Metre built and the
first Bermudan rigged
Six in Norway. Petter
has already begun work
on her restoration and
plans to re-rig her with
her original Bermudan
rig. He has already
selected and cut the
trees for her mast and
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
L 11 Edelweiss II. Designed by Linton Hope, built by F. Maynard at Chiswick, London in 1914, before being sent to
Belgium and Bermudan rigged, she was the last Six-Metre completed in England before the First World War. Werner
Huybrechts has carried out very considerable research on her and located photographs of her sailing prior to the war. She
won one of the two Six-Metre Gold Medals at the 1920 Olympics at Antwerp and, currently, he is exploring obtaining a
suitable wooden mast and also, possibly, a grant to assist in her restoration
H 21 Caramba (ex S 39 GKSS 1925, Lola, Caramba Senorita and Tidegate). With the help of Tapani Koskela
([email protected]), she has been definitely identified as a 1925 Tore Holm design, built by Onnereds Batvarv and
one of Tore Holm’s earliest boats; probably his second design. Frank Zomerdijk has been carrying out research and plans
to restore her to full racing condition and would welcome any information on her and especially any news of where her
original plans might be. His e-mail address is: [email protected].
G 19 Hunding VIII a 1935 German boat. I noted in the last Newsletter that she had apparently disappeared, although
she was believed to still be in Berlin. I am very pleased to announce that Torsten Dornberger has reported that he has
located her. This means that he now has five Six-Metres in Berlin, enough for a little Six-Metre Regatta.
A very recent report form Australia has informed me that KA 3 Sjo-Ro, a 1934 William Fife and Son design, built by P.G.
Coverdale at Hobart, Tasmania has been discovered and negotiations
have now been opened for her purchase for restoration to racing
condition. This now means that there could be three Australian classic
six-metres in or near Sydney. Provided it all goes according to plan,
although it is early days yet, it is possible that they may meet up for
racing. An Australian Fleet perhaps??
There is also exciting news from Denmark, where once there was a
large fleet of Sixes. Bent Aarre at the Danish Yachting Museum and
Jorgen Jensen have, individually, been researching the Danish
“Fleet” and, as a result have reported that the following boats are
known to be in Denmark:
1921 Guildenfluen.
Partly restored and lying in
Ebeltoft in Jylland, in poor condition.
D 15 1922 Oui Oui
Under restoration by the Copenhagen
Amateur Sailingklub.
D 20 1924 Star VI
In sailing condition.
D 29 1926 Fly
Recently sold to Kalmersund, Sweden,
she was originally built for cruising.
D 35 1927 Dana
(ex K 22 English Rose) The hull is owned
by the Danish Yachting Museum.
D 42 1931 Cutty
(ex KDY 1931). Also owned by the
Danish Yachting Museum.
D 48 1935 Hakahala
The subject of this year’s “classic rescue”
in Classic Newsletter No. 9 and urgently looking for a rescuer. Once upon a time a
very pretty boat. See photographs.
D 53 1936 Joker
In sailing condition.
D 58 1937 Lady Day
(ex Norna VI, King Olav of Norway’s boat).
Restored to full racing condition by Baron Neils Iuel-Brockdorff.
D 59 1939 Noreg III
(ex N 72; US 86). In sailing condition.
D 62 2001 Junie
A beautiful modern wooden boat, built by William Jensen and, currently, for sale.
The search is now on for a Class Captain/Hon. Secretary, who is keen and willing to bring the class in Denmark, back to
Finally, two Dutchman are exploring the Netherlands for a classic Six-Metre which they can restore over a number of
years as an exciting project.
Beken of Cowes Photographs of Classic 6mJI
in Christie’s Marine Auction Catalogue
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
The metric rule
We have the chance to reprint a very interesting report about the metric rule development, which has been edited by our
Chief Measurer, Guy-Roland Perrin, and published in French and UK Magazines before.
The metric rule
To write about the meter class measurement rule makes me feel a little pretentious. Of course these formulas, these
measurement instructions are familiar to me, but before starting these lines I felt necessary to go back to the basic, to go
back to the rule and the literature left back by several historians, naval architects from the beginning of the century or
even specialist of the meter rule such as the former IYRU technical chief, Tony Watts. The all story is almost a story of
mad, a continuous dispute between Great-Britain, France and USA.
Everything started at the end of the last century. Great Britain was still mastering … and ruling the sailing as a sport. In
the middle of the IX X century winning a yacht race was essentially due to the size of the yacht and the amount of sail she
was able to carry… this was not really what one could name “fair competition”. Several Yacht Clubs, you know what I
mean, these nice places on the see shore populated only by gentlemen, decided to discuss the feasibility of a rating rule
allowing yacht of different size to compete together in a fair competition. This was the beginning of the trouble.
At that period there was only one rule, a single denominator, across the different nations: the rule used by the custom to
evaluate the volume of goods arriving by sea in a country.
Tonnage =
L= Longueur de coque
B= Bau maximum
H= Profondeur de coque
The willingness to compete together for the yachtsmen (the gentlemen from the club!), as well as for the architects and
the engineers grows, and step by step the key elements characterising a sailing yacht have been included in the various
formulas. The length, the beam, the draught were the first components of the rule, ignoring totally the sail area. If the
desire to reach a single formula was shared across the oceans, the rules, even (specially!) across the Channel were
different, each of them giving advantages to the local architects. Great Britain was well known for narrow and deep yacht
(the beam , stability of hull shape, was heavily penalised), when USA was in favour of the sandbaggers, with large beam,
almost no draught and including moving ballast (that often was not anymore on the boat at the arrival of the race!)
Huge bowsprit and boom, not to mention the mast, fit these yachts, allowing them to carry impressive and free (from a
rule perspective) sail area.
That “error” led the gentlemen of the yachting of the end of the past century to think again to their respective rules, and
between 1886 and 1890 to include a factor proportional to the sail area.
In no time the architects react, and the displacement being absent of these formulas, they designed boats as light as
possible (life expectancy was about a season).
With these several experiences the ground was ready for the future linear meter rule, but the consensus among the
international yachtsmen was far to be reached, and competing (and great) classes such as the “sonderklasse” and the
6.5m were trying desperately to impose themselves. Still today one may ask itself what has allowed the meter rule to
impose itself and last so long.
L + B + 0.75 G + 0.5 SQR(SA)
Jauge linéaire =
L = Longueur de flottaison "dynamique"
B = Bau maximum
G = Périmètre de la carêne à "mid-ship"
SQR (SA) = racine carrée de la surface vélique
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
The linear rule was considering the major players defining the performances of a yacht and in addition a defined
scantling ensuring that yacht were build to last and to guarantee a minimum of security.
The rule also mention several constraint such as a minimum displacement (not anymore in the formula), and a girth
difference at mid-ship “d” to avoid light displacement and canoe body .
L + B + 0.75 G + 4d +0.5 SQR(SA)
Jauge linéaire =
d= différence de chaîne à "mid-ship" = différence entre la
longueur G mesurée le long de la carêne en suivant la
coque dans la section centrale et la longueur G' d'une
chaîne tendue dans la même section d'un bord à l'autre.
In the meantime America was not inactive and Nat. Herreshof proposed a simplified formula embedding key items in
relation with the performances of a sail boat , That formula favorising to much heavy displacement has been rapidly
Jauge Herreshof =
5 x (D)
D = Déplacement
Finally the English linear rating has been modified to become the meter rule in 1906. In addition to a strict scantling, this
new rating rule could be modified, a technical commission meeting regularly.
L + B + 1/2 G + 3 d + 1/3 SQR(SA) - F
Jauge métrique =
F = Franc bord moyen
In1919 the magic formula is updated: the maximum beam is not anymore penalised, and factors at denominator and
numerator are changed.
L + 1/2 G + 2 d + SQR(SA) - F
Jauge métrique =
In 1934 the metric formula adopted it’s final (sofar!) version, getting rid of the G measure (perimeter at mid-ship),
penalising too much the draught. To limit nevertheless the draught a maximum has been defined as a function of
thewaterlinelength LWL but not included in the formula.’
L + SQR(S) + 2d - F
Jauge métrique =
L= Flottaison dynamique
S= Surface de voile
d= Différence de chaîne a "mid-ship"
F= Franc Bord moyen
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
The metric rule is at the origin of beautiful yachts such as the J boat (23m), 19m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 9m, 8m, 7m, 6m and 5m,
but we should admit that it has not been the success planned by the conceivers at the beginning of this century. The
multiplicity of the national series slowly dropped down, and boats as Sonderklasse or 6.5m almost disappear. In term of
naval architecture the metric rule was more a step backward than forward, the meter yachts were heavy and therefore
expensive and relatively underpowered (sail area was small compared to other series). The success of the rule is due to the
selection of the 8m and 6m for the Olympics, than for the One Ton Cup and of course of the J and later the 12m for the
America’s Cup.
The evolution of the hull shape has been slow, the formula being very restrictive, and it essentially the fact of massive
investment for the America’s Cup which allowed new ideas to emerge. Olin Stephens first with Intrepid brought the
principle of the trimmer and the rudder splitted from the keel . In 1983 Ben Lexcen was successful with the wingged keel
of Australia and in 1987 USA from Tom Blackhaller innovates with a “canard” rudder ahead of the keel.
The metric rule is still well alive today, new 8m, 6m are build around the world, even if it has been abandoned for the
America’s Cup.
It is worth to mention that the new America Cup Class , is using a formula pretty close to the metric formula , but with
different limitations and specially no more““d” factor (girth difference at mid-ship), allowing now to create much faster
canoe body hull with a bulb keel .
Factors from the rule influencing the performances of the sail boat.
The factors used in the metric formula have each a specific role in the performance of the yacht. The measured length L
figures a dynamic waterline length, or more accurately the waterline length when the yacht is heeling. L is measured 1.5%
above the real waterline length (120 mm for an 8m yacht) in order to avoid overhang with a minimal slope which would
immediately increase drastically the flotation when the yacht is sailing.
In addition to the L measure girth differences at the bow and at the stern of the hull are added to take into account the
volume of the extremities. This factor is critical to evaluate the dynamic waterline length which is determinant for the
theoretical maximum boat speed
The square root of the sail area, real engine of the yacht, is part of the formula. One may question why the suare root, in fact
this compensate the fact that the displacement increase proportionally to the cube of the waterline length.
The average Freeboard F is included as a deduction (smaller it is less the yacht can carry sail area), its impact on the
yacht performance is to increase the height of the centre of gravity and therefore increase the heel what is unfavourable to
the yacht performance.
The last visible item in the formula is the d factor and is the most complex one to understand. At the origin its goal was to
control the displacement avoiding the creation of canoe body hull with low immersed volume and therefore corresponding
to light vessels.
In its last revision(!(£$) the rule has embedded as a constraint a minimum displacement function of the cube of the
waterline length LWL. From this perspective the factor d today only impede the architects to create flat (light and fast!)
hulls as can be seen in the 5.5m and America’s Cup Class series.
The numerical factor’2.37 at the denominator of the formula has only the merit to obtain results such as 6m, 8m, 12m,
Guy-Roland Perrin
ISAF measurer
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Some Thoughts for the Classics
As competition hots up in the Classics there are various issues that will need to be addressed in order that a level playing
field for the Classic Fleet can be established .
Here are some thoughts which are my personal comments ( in Italics ) on the Draft Classic Rules produced by Matt
Cockburn , Tim Street and Tim Russell .
I have interposed my thoughts into this document to set a background for my thoughts which are elaborated later .
1 A Classic Six-Metre is a boat designed and built prior to 31st December 1965.
2. All boats must conform to current International Six-Metre Class Rules, including deck equipment, mast
and rigging.
I think that it might be advisable for further Classic Rules to be introduced - see notes on sail girths and materials. Also
do all Classic Sixes have cockpit areas that conform ? if so should they not be allowed the cockpit areas with which they
were originally rated ? or indeed find themselves with - has anyone checked this ?
3. The hull shape shall be consistent with the original design intent. Classic boats are permitted only one
moving underwater appendage, which shall be a rudder mounted on the aft end of the keel, unless otherwise
designed originally. Boats built to Rule 1 and Rule 2 may be updated to a configuration consistent with a
pre-1965 interpretation of Rule 3 but, unless incorporated in the original design, are not permitted a bustle,
a spade rudder or a separate skeg and rudder configuration. (see Note 1 below).
Sounds most sensible
4. A boat whose underwater shape has been modified to a post-1965 design, may regain its’ classic status, if
the boat is returned to its’ pre-1965 underwater configuration and re-measured.
Again sounds most sensible .
5. Laminated frames using modern glues are permitted to replace broken or decayed frames. Reinforcement
of the hull by the addition of a maximum of four laminated or plywood ring frames, using modern glues, is
permitted: two in way of the mast partners and two in way of the running backstay turning blocks or
attachments only.
Why should owners not be able to repair/restore boats as they see fit - Scantling Rule constraints are intended only to
prevent advantage being gained by building lighter than the Rule . Clearly any repairs should not be lighter than the
structure that they replace but that is alraedy
6. With the exception of decking, ring frames, splash boards and minor outfitting items of a non-structural
nature such as storage lockers and floorboards, the use of plywood is not permitted in restoration. However,
this rule shall not invalidate the use of plywood to effect short-term temporary repairs.
See 5. above - also this feels a curious Rule suggestion Plywood appears to date from the 1880s and its
production was a major industry by the 1920s .
Plywood ( Its Production Uses and Properties ) of 1932 offers film bonded plywood from Siempelkamp in
Germany and phenol/formaldehyde bonding also .
7. Replacement planking shall conform to the original construction method and scantlings. An additional
single external wooden veneer skin is permitted, provided any such addition is permitted within the current
International Six-Metre Class Rules. (see Note 2).
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
As per 5. above .
8. All Classic Six-Metres shall hold a valid measurement certificate.
This surely is the major problem that confronts the Classic fleet .
My study of the subject of Deep Flotation that was circulated last year identifies the effects in terms of stability
and wetted surface .
Possession of an old Certificate and some marks does not mean that a boat rates 6.00m .
The Actual Rating has to be established with L marks at 90mm above the actual flotation . If a boat does not float
to its marks then it is very unlikely to rate 6.00 metres with its existing sail area .
Rule 29 identifies the Owners’ responsibility but I wonder just how many Classic Sixes ( which as we know put on
weight with years ) would pass a rigorous flotation check . That is why I suggested a ‚ Classic margin „ of say 2cm
but it may well be that such is not sufficient to cover the needs of the fleet . Some real data would be
useful here but as competition gets tighter it will need to be addressed .
If a Six weighs the same number that is on its certificate then there is a good chance that it will float correctly but
only an accurate flotation will properly confirm this .
For owners who want to do this I would recommend flotation sticks on stem and stern as it is notoriously difficult
to measure freeboards or sight marks hidden under counters Float the boat - mark the sticks and then when the
boat is back on dry land pick up the stick marks and the waterline etc with a theodolite . This is how a good
measurer works - and whilst this is a demanding process such rigour is likely to become essential to ensure that no
boats gain unfair advantage .
Ian Howlett, Oxford 2004
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Market Place
Swedish modern 6mR yacht SWE 134 Evelina for sale
One of the latest designs by Peter Norlin, built 1995 in Dalarö, Stockholm Sweden by Roland Palm. Mahogany on oak
frames (traditionally built), teak deck, proctor rigging.
Main, 4 genuas, 2 spinnackers -95, medium genua -98, main -2002 (hardly used).The boat is situated in Stockholm and
she is in excellent condition.
Price 45 000 ¤
Contact Roland Palm for details
[email protected]
6mJI Mandragore F88 for sale
Mon père est propriétaire d’un 6MJI du nom de „Mandragore“ portant le numéro de voile F88. Ce voilier construit en
1939 est aujourd’hui en Bretagne à LaTrinité-sur-Mer. Nous souhaitons vendre ce 6MJI. Cordialement Henri Thibault
mailto:[email protected] Jean-Pierre Thibault-contact:00 33 1 30 58 45 26
Dessiné en 1938 par l’architecte André Camatte (Fr), FOU(Mandragore) est construit au chantier Bonnin en 1939(Bordeaux). En 1949 DINGO (Mandragore) est prêt-selectionné Olympique. En 1985 Mandragore est 3éme des Chpt du
Monde des 6MJI classique à Cannes. Par ailleurs de 1939 à 1992 Mandragore a participé aux différentes régates de la
côte Atlantique en France.
La coque construite en bordées joints d’acajou et membrures d’acacia est resté d’origine. En 1981 dans un chantier
Italien de la Spécia, certaines membrures ont été doublées dans le milieu de la coque et l’intérieur est vernis epoxy, le
dessin de pont d’origine a été doublé en west system epoxy de 10mm, puis le bateau fut conduit au chantier de Philippe
Durr en Suisse où il a été équipé d’un mât moderne Favre Spar.
Aujourd’hui la coque, le gréement et l’aquastillage (moderne et récent) de Mandragore sont dans un état parfait pour la
régate par tout temps. Son seul point faible est sa garde robe: 3 grands-voiles, 6 Génoas, 4 Spinnakers (les grands-voiles,
4 Génoas et 2 Spinnakers sont inutisables pour la régate). Ce 6MJI est typé pour les vents soutenu mais sa 3éme place au
Chpt du Monde en 1985 dans les petits airs de la Méditérranée en font un voilier complet.
Le voilier est visible au chantier KERVILOR à la Trinité-sur-Mer. Les 3 photos ci-jointes représente Mandragore en
régate en 1989 dans la baie de Quiberon en France, les travaux 2002 sont les derniers réalisés où le vernis epoxy a été
entièrement rénové, Mandragore dans les sangles du chantier Kervilor avant sa mise à l’eau l’été 2002.
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
6mJI Briséis Z 102
Ce Yacht est de 1952, construit par A.Chiesa à Cannes,
un Classic, soigné au chantier, restauré fond, bien
équipe, actuellement au Lac de Constance.
Le prix: EURO 43‘000.Adresse:
Heinz Bruckmann
Riedweg 18
D - 88074 Mechenbeuren
Tel: 0049 (0) 7452 22002
Mobile: 0049 (O) 151 116 00 600
Email: [email protected]
A vendre 6 m JI „Manuae“ ex May Be XI (FRA 118)
Architecte Peter Norlin
Chantier Sailing Progress (Suède)
En excellent condition, nombresuses voiles, Visible à
Brest (France)
Prix 25 000 Euros
Contact e-mail :
[email protected]
<mailto:[email protected]>
tél. domicile (33) 02 98 43 43 17
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
The 6mJI VEGA is for sale. Designed by Camatte, she
was built in 1930 at the
Chiesa yard in Cannes. Launched under the name of Titéa,
she sailed as Illiam for two seasons. Her record is
remarkable! Twice winner and eight times second in the
Lake of Geneva’s Bol d’Or, she was the last 6-metre boat
to win the event in 1967. I have owned her since 1979. The
boat is in good state of repair and still sails regularly on
the Lake of Geneva. She can be viewed in Lausanne. The
Amiguet yard in Le Bouveret has maintained her for many
years and can supply any
information required. A
valuation/survey report is
also available. The boat
complies completely with
her class specification. All
spars are made of
aluminium, superstructure
fittings are functional and
the sails are suitable for
I am selling VEGA to
purchase a yacht easier to
handle solo in all
Selling price: Euros
Contact the owner on email: [email protected]
or call 00 41 79 418 68 81
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
2004 Régates Internationales; régates clefs pour 6mJI
2004 International regattas; key regattas for 6mJI’s
2004 Internationale Regatten; Schwerpunktregatten für 6mJI
9-12 April
Ski Yachting
YC Cannes
8-9 Mai
15-16 Mai
20-23 May
Training I
Training II
Spring Regatta
5-6 June
Silver Cup
Programm folgt
Programm folgt
Royal Lymington Yacht Club
6mJI Schwerpunktregatta
Flensburger Segelclub
www.robbeberking.de /classics2004
Informations: Andersin Henrik
<[email protected]>
Royal Fowey Yacht Club
Royal Corinthian Yacht Club
10-13 June
10.Robbe &
18-20 June
Queen Christina
26 June- 1 July
17-19 July
British Open Championships
RCYC 6 & 8 metre Regatta
Nordic Championships
British Classic Week
Household Division Regatta
21-24 July
25-30 July
31 July – 1 Aug
14-15 August
21-22 August
28-29 August
6mJI Sterling Cup
Bodensee Meister-schaft
Coupe Copponex
Coupe Kim
11-12 September
11-12 September Marina’s Cup
13-17. September European Championship 2004
Obersee Cup 6mJI
SV Bottighofen
SNG Genève
SV Kressbronn
Yacht Club
Porto Rotondo,
Yacht Club
Porto Rotondo,
Royal Corinthian Yacht
To be confirmed
Royal Yacht Squadron: Cowes
To be confirmed
Les résultats des Coupes Copponex et
Kim font un Championnat
de Classe 2004 des 6mJI
Tune up for Europ.Championship
8 Races, 5 minimum for validation of
the Championship
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
World Cup 2005
Swedish 6mR Association
March 21st 2004
Dear Friends and Six Metre Sailors,
With winter almost behind us we are all turning our thoughts to the activities of the warmer days ahead and another season of 6 metre sailing.
The Swedish sailors have not been frequent communicators or contributors to this extraordinary bulletin but we would like to take this
opportunity to make up for absent lines by introducing our summer 2004 events and next years World Championships 2005
in Sandhamn, to all our fellow sailors. We are delighted to be hosting the WC next year and we are now in full swing planning and preparing
for the event,
which we have started to promote to 6 metre sailors world-wide.
Last year was a success for our modern fleet with 1st and 3rd
in St:Tropez. Our classics have been struggling with few boats but are now on the move increasing the fleet steadily for the Worlds on home
waters. Swedish 6mR Association have big plans for the WC 2005, which is also an important event for hosting yacht club The Royal
Swedish Yacht Club (KSSS), celebrating their 175th year anniversary 2005, making the KSSS one of the oldest yacht clubs in the world.
The WC races will be organised as a joint venture between the Swedish 6mR Association and KSSS who are exceptional keen regatta
organizers. The course will be set outside the island of Sandhamn with exiting open sea racing in water famous for it’s excellent racing
conditions hosting numerous regattas each year.
The main theme of the World Championships will be “a historic event”, covered by modern techniques! In line with our theme we are
producing a hardback book featuring all participating boats, boat history and highlights from WC in Sandhamn. Only teams racing at the WC
2005 will have access to this “one off” exclusive hardback 6mR book.
Nordic Metre sailing date back as early as 1906 when the International metre rule was implemented. For almost a century the Nordics have
kept this long lived traditional type of sailing alive with Finland and Sweden in particular adding boats to classic fleets and Sweden
contributing with some of the top designers in the world using their expertise to improve designs and help developing the metre rule to it’s
present form.
We estimate to have, at least, 50-70 entrants on the start line and to meet our targets we have appointed ambassadors for each 6mR-country.
Their task is to get in contact with local teams and boat owners, supply them with information and assist in anyway they can to get each team
to the Worlds in Sweden.
A few selected people from our committee are already raising funds and speaking to sponsors. We hope, if all goes well, this will lead to a
fully sponsored WC including media, web casting, big screens at the event and a social events diary to be remembered. And there will be
something for everyone after racing… Aftersail” with big screen entertainment, the chance to compete in 2.4 metre match racing and, for the
young at heart, radio controlled sailing boat rallies at the marina. (An evening events diary will be released in the near future).
KSSS Yacht Club, Sandhamn “Tavern of the Swedish Seas”
Pre- Worlds Tune Up!
Why not join us for a pre-WC “tune up” with The Swedish Championships, Sandhamn.
An excellent opportunity to pick up local knowledge and tune your boat.
20th July, tune up International Swedish Champs (SM)
21st – 23rd Swedish Internationals (SM)
World Championship 2005 Preliminary Dates:
24 July, Measurements
25th - 29th July, World Cup
You will find all supplementary informations on the ISMA web-site www.6metre.ch later.
Happy & Safe Sailing! Swedish 6mR Association
ISMA News International 6mJI Association
Bulletin 1/2004
Closing Comments
If you find a lot of interesting comments to technical questions and proposals to rule changements it’s a natural thing. The
passed winter month gave us time to think about the future of our class. The reports about this seasons sailing and racing
6mJI will be in the autumn edition of the ISMA news. But now we will enjoy a nice sailing season, with some thrilling
races by best winds and a lot of sun. We wish our readers all the best and success.
Kind regards
Wenn diese Ausgabe der ISMA News mit viel interessanten Beiträgen zu technischen Fragen und Vorschlägen zu
Regelanpassungen vollgepackt ist, liegt das in der Natur
der Sache. Die vergangenen Wintermonate haben uns Zeit
gelassen, um über die Zukunft unserer Klasse nachzudenken.
In der kommenden Herbstausgabe werden wir vermehrt
wieder über die aktive Regattasegelei zu berichten haben.
Nun freuen wir uns auf eine spannende und lehrreiche Segel- und Regattasaison mit viel Wind und Sonne. Dazu
wünschen wir unseren Lesern viel Erfolg.
Mit besten Grüssen
Vous l’aurez constaté à la lecture des pages qui précèdent,
cette nouvelle édition du Bulletin ISMA est truffée de
contributions intéressantes concernant des questions
techniques et de propositions visant à amender certains
Règlements, qui ne semblent plus correspondre à la réalité
actuelle. La chose n’est pas étonnante, puisque les mois
d’hiver passés nous ont laissé le temps de réfléchir à
l’avenir de notre Classe.
Dans la prochaine édition d’automne, nous traiterons bien
entendu davantage de questions sportives (régates) et de
voile. Nous anticipons déjà avec plaisir une nouvelle saison
de voile et de régate venteuse et ensoleillée, qui sera, nul
n’en doute, passionnante et nous permettra d’apprendre
encore bien des choses intéressantes. Nous souhaitons donc
à nos lecteurs beaucoup de succès et de plaisir à bord de
leurs bateaux.
Meilleures salutations
Beat Furrer
ISMA news/site editor
President of Swiss 6mJI Association
Mitwirkung: Collaboration: Participation:
Bernard Haissly, Peter Müller, Thédy Schmid, Hans J.Oen, MattCockburn, Tim Street, Leif Bockelman, Tapani Koskela,
Tapio Lehtinen, Henrik Andersin, Joëlle Zumoffen-Fruttero, Ralph und Sandra Müntener, Gautier Brunet-Moret, Jérôme
Brunet-Moret, Ian Howlett, Rees Martin, Jürg Bollier, Gilles Favez, Reinhard Suhner, Jean Denis Sarraquigne, Kristoffer Öström, Guy-Roland Perrin, RicardSiewertz
Verteiler / Distribution ISMA Bulletin: Auflage ca. 400 Ex
This complete ISMA Bulletin 1/2004 is a pdf.file in www.6metre.ch -> ISMA bulletin shortly after printing
ISMA News / Association Suisse 6mJI Bulletin Spring 2004 / Heft No 6 / Jahrgang 4
Bruno Casali
Mise en page :
Druck und Versand: Furrer+Frey AG
Impression et envoi :
Redaktionsschluss March 22, 2004
Fin de rédaction:
Redaktionsschluss for ISMA bulletin 2/2004: October 15th
Fin de rédaction pour le bulletin ISMA 2/2004: 15 octobre
State: 29 March 2004
ISMA News International 6mJI Association

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