Volume 7 Number 2 Spring 1982 Volume 7 Numero2 Printemps 1982


Volume 7 Number 2 Spring 1982 Volume 7 Numero2 Printemps 1982
Volume 7 Number 2
Spring 1982
Volume 7 Numero2
Printemps 1982
A T L A N T I S is an interdisciplinary j o u r n a l
devoted to critical and creative w r i t i n g in English
or French on the topic of w o m e n . T h e Editorial
B o a r d welcomes manuscripts e m b o d y i n g all
viewpoints on women's studies. Submissions
should be no more than 10,000 words in length.
Book and film reviews, photography and graphic
work will also be considered for inclusion in
A T L A N T I S est l'unique revue interdisciplinaire
au C a n a d a consacree a des etudes critiques et
originales, redigees en francais ou en anglais. Sa
redaction invite ses collaborateurs eventuels a l u i
soumettre tout manuscrit illustrant leurs divers
points de vue touchant aux etudes sur la femme.
Les textes proposes doivent comprendre 10,000
mots m a x i m u m . Des critiques de livres et de
films, des photographies et des illustrations d i verses peuvent etre publiees par la Revue.
A refereed j o u r n a l , A T L A N T I S is funded by the
Social Science and H u m a n i t i e s Research C o u n c i l
and through subscriptions.
A T L A N T I S , une revue critique, recoit une subvention d u Conseil de recherches en sciences
humaines du C a n a d a . Elle est egalement financee
pas ses abonnes.
A T L A N T I S is published twice a year. Subscriptions are available at $10.00 per a n n u m for
individuals and $16.00 for institutions. F o r O v e r seas mailings please add $4.00.
A T L A N T I S parait deux fois par an. A b o n nement: $10.00 par an (particuliers) et $16.00
par an (institutions). (Priere d'ajouter $4.00 pour
tout abonnement outre-mer.)
Subscriptions and manuscript submissions should
be addressed to:
Toute correspondance concernant les abonnements ou les manuscrits doit etre adressee a:
M t . St. V i n c e n t University
166 Bedford H i g h w a y
N o v a Scotia
B 3 M 2J6
The cover painting THE GUARDIANS, is by Carol H.
Fraser of Halifax, N.S., 50 5 / 8 " x 50 5 / 8 " oil on linen
1976. The copyright remains with the artist.
I S S N N o . 0702-7818
A Women's Studies Journal
Journal d"etudes sur la femme
Larry D . Collins
The Politics of Abortion
Patricia T . Rooke and R . L . Schnell
The Rise and Decline of British North American
Protestant Orphans' Homes as Woman's Domain, 18501930
Ruth Pierson and Alison Prentice
Feminism and the Writing and Teaching of History
Alexandra Collins
The Art of Self-Perception in Virginia Woolfs Mrs.
Dalloway and Edith Wharton's The Reef
Phyllis Sternberg Perrakis
Portrait of the Artist as a Young Girl
Terrance Q . Percival and Elizabeth F. Percival
Sex Typed Identification, Male Dominance and Attitudes
Toward Social Equality for Women
Volume 7 Number 2
Volume 7 Numero 2
Spring 1982
Printemps 1982
Priscilla Galloway
Hillel Schwartz
Susan Glickman
Susan Glickman
Susan Glickman
Canadian Women's Archives
Marney Allen
Prairie Life: An Oral History of Greta Craig
Vivian Darroch
Narrative: A Range of Sense for a Verbal Vision
Ad Feminam
Reports and Review Essays
David Bevan
Andre Malraux Feministe
Andrea Nugent
Canada's Silenced Communicators
Maureen Baker
Finding Partners in the Newspaper
Elizabeth Jones
Nude on the Dartmouth Ferry (Patricia Monk)
Patricia Morley
Margaret Laurence (Joan Coldwell)
Audrey Doerr and Micheline Cormier (eds.)
Women and the Constitution (C. Beckton)
Book Reviews
Margaret Stacey and M a r i o n Price
Women, Power and Politics (Janine Brodie)
Peggy Reeves Sanday
Female Power and Male Dominance: On the Origins of
Sexual Inequality (Carole Farber)
Hilary M . Lips
Women, Men, and the Psychology of Power (Joan E.
Paula J . Caplan
Between Women: Lowering the Barriers (M. Kaye Kerr)
Elsie Gregory M a c G i l l
My Mother the Judge (Susan Jacket)
Margaret Gillet
We Walked Very Warily: A History of Women at McGill
(Irene Poelzer)
Beth Light and Alison Prentice (eds.)
Pioneer and Gentlewomen of British North America,
1713-1867. (Documents in Canadian Women's History.
Volume I).
Kay Daniels and M a r y Murnane (eds.)
Uphill all the Way. A Documentary History of Women in
Australia (Barbara Roberts)
Brigitte Jordan
Birth in Four Cultures
M y r a Leifer
Psychological Effects of Motherhood, A Study of First
A n n Oakley
Becoming a Mother
A n n Oakley
Women Confined: Towards a Sociology of Childbirth
(Jane Gordon)
Kathryn Schrotenboer and Genell J . Subak-Sharpe
Freedom From Menstrual Cramps (Macha MacKay)
Women in Islam (Jan Martin)
Susan C l a r k
Margaret C o n r a d
D o n n a E . Smyth
M a u r e e n Baker
Irene M a i l h o t - B e r n a r d
Patricia Connelly
Elizabeth Jones
Deborah Kaetz
Wendy Katz
Toni Laidlaw
Renee Ledwidge
L . Sutcliffe R o d e n
Hilary Thompson
L o i s Vallely-Fischer
Deborah Balcolm
Leonora Ellison
Julie L a n d a u
Paula Chegwidden
This issue was published with the financial
assistance of The Social Sciences a n d
Humanities Research C o u n c i l , M o u n t Saint
Vincent University a n d A c a d i a University.
Susanne M a c K a y
Valerie Burkimsher
C e numero a ete publie avec l'aide financiere
Conseil de recherches en sciences
humaines d u C a n a d a , M o u n t Saint Vincent
University et A c a d i a University.
Christine A l l e n
N a o m i Black
Janine Brodie
Muriel Duckworth
M a r g r i t Eichler
J e a n Elliott
Gabriel Fischer
Margaret Fulton
Deborah G o r h a m
Frances H e n r y
Linda Kealey
Marie Lavigne
Lorna Marsden
Thelma McCormack
Joan McFarland
M a i r i St. J o h n M a c D o n a l d
Carrie M a c M i l l a n
Lorraine M c M u l l e n
Teresa M a c N e i l
Wendy M i t c h i n s o n
Patricia M o r l e y
Joy Parr
R u t h Pierson
Irene Poelzer
Madeleine P o u l i n
A l i s o n Prentice
Susan Sherwin
Patricia Smart
Dorothy S m i t h
M a r y Sparling
M a r y l e e Stephenson
Jennifer Stoddart
V e r o n i c a Strong-Boag
Patricia T a n a b e
Jill Vickers
Patricia W a r i n g
Lorette Woolsey

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