Driving Licence Examinations Center


Driving Licence Examinations Center
Etu d e d e ca s : Dr i vi n g Li ce n ce Exa m i n a ti o n s Ce n te r
S i te We b : h ttp ://www.co n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /b e l g i q u e /
Driving Licence Examinations Center
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Immeuble de bureaux
Année de co nstructio n : 20 14
Zo ne climatique : [Cfb] Océanique hiver
tempéré, été chaud, pas de saiso n sèche
Surface nette : 278 m 2
Co ût de co nstructio n : 514 6 9 0 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 2 Po ste
de travail
Co ût/m² : 1 8 51 €/m 2
Co ût/Po ste de travail : 257 345 €/Po ste de
1, Rue Mathieu de Do mbasle , 55430
Belleville sur Meuse, France
// Description
Since 20 0 5, the practical examinatio ns o f the driving license fo r mo to rcycles and trucks to o k place in precario us co nditio ns o n
a military ro ad near Verdun. In 20 0 9 , the Delegatio n fo r Safety and Ro ad Traffic has pro grammed the co nstructio n o f a new
runway and a building allo cated to theo retical tests.
Fro m the o utset o f the pro ject, the client wanted to include the co nstructio n o f this building an enviro nmental appro ach,
particularly in selecting the co ntracto r o f the o peratio n given the skills and references presented in sustainable co nstructio n.
Archit e ct ural appro ach
Set the limit o f a business park o n the edge o f the fields and o n the slo pes o f develo pments, the ECCP invo lved in building
bo th the rusticity o f an agricultural building and the mo dernity o f a ratio nal respo nse to a tertiary pro gram inco rpo rating a
requirement qualitéenviro nnementale. In a search o f accuracy and simplicity, co nstructio n is intentio nally a very simple
massing, ho llo wed by two galleries in false plafo ndsplanches larch o penwo rk, fo r a receptio n and entrance, and a so uthwest
side, co verage in cantilever, sun viso r étéfo rmant o ffices distributio n passageway.
T he pro gram insho rt
The site o f the examinatio n center, intended primarily to impro ve receptio n co nditio ns fo r candidates and wo rking co nditio ns
o f inspecto rs, has a mixed track fo r permits A & EC pro visio n fo r driving scho o ls and a building. This building is primarily
intended to :
Lo cal ERP exams fo r meetings o f co de (ETG) and o ral o r written examinatio n fo r permits A & EC (EC1), with receptio n areas,
waiting and health.
The premises o f the perso nal with the o ffices o f inspecto rs license, a space kitchen-dining, and health. The ETG large ro o m
can be used as a place o f shared meetings.
Pro je ct spe cif ics:
Beyo nd co mpliance with the functio nal pro gram, regulatio n, budget, and enhancement o f public services, a pro cess o f
enviro nmental quality, taking into acco unt the co ncept o f to tal co st, was desired by the pro ject o wner. The architectural and
technical so lutio n was available in a lo w-carbo n perspective and declined by a bio climatic design, the impo rtant use o f bio so urced materials, the implementatio n o f simple and durable devices, and the cro ss-search o ptimal energy perfo rmance.
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
Auto -déclaratio n
// Intervenants
No m : Frédéric MARION Architecte dplg
Frédéric Mario n - 7 rue St-Martin 54136 BOUXIERES AUX DAMES 0 3 8 3 22 25 28
Site Web : http://archilink.co m/~trame/scm/
Actio n : OPC + quantitative call fo r tender - witho ut Perfo rming Studies
[email protected] m
Bureau d'étude thermique
No m : Lo rr'EnR
Jo hn PINON - Tel.0 3 8 3 15 6 6 0 3 jo hn.pino n@lo rr-enr.fr
Site Web : http://www.lo rr-enr.fr/
Actio n : Thermal study - site assistance (air tightness)
Maître d'ouvrage
No m : Etat- Directio n Départementale des Territo ires de la Meuse
Site Web : http://www.meuse.go uv.fr/
No m : Do minique PETIT architecte dplg
Do minique Petit - 7 rue St-Martin 54136 BOUXIERES AUX DAMES 0 3 8 3 22 25 29
Site Web : http://archilink.co m/~trame/scm/
Actio n : OPC + quantitative call fo r tender - witho ut Perfo rming Studies
[email protected] m
No m : Anne Tho mas architecte - certifiée RFCP
AT-HOME a.tho [email protected] m 0 6 8 0 8 5 53 27
Actio n : PRO Phase - Specificatio ns straw walls expenses
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Lo ts séparés
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : Fro m the o utset o f the pro ject, the client wanted to include
the co nstructio n o f this building an enviro nmental appro ach, particularly in selecting the co ntracto r o f the o peratio n given the
skills and references presented in sustainable co nstructio n.
The state wished to be exemplary thro ugh a co mprehensive appro ach taking into acco unt the quality o f co nstructio n, energy
perfo rmance, the o peratio ns co sts, transpo rtatio n o f materials witho ut fo rgetting the impact o n climate change.
Co nsultatio n with the Inspecto rs o f the driving license and ro ad safety thro ugho ut the pro ject develo pment has o ptimized the
future users o f the framewo rk.
The bio -based building materials enhance co mfo rt, fo o d quality and sto re 46 to ns o f carbo n. In a predo minantly agricultural
and fo restry department in a lo gic o f territo rial eco lo gy, the cho ice to build the walls and the frame with wo o d has beco me
Similarly, it was agreed to experiment the use o f straw to insulate the perimeter walls.
Co ntrary to po pular belief, the straw used in insulatio n is fire resistant, but under certain co nditio ns. The bo o ts that do no t co st
very expensive (€ 2 each) are easy to implement.
The architect cho se to insulate the ro o f with cellulo se wadding and to p it o ff with a green ro o f and ventilated to impro ve
summer co mfo rt. All windo ws and siding are wo o den. The earthen plaster o f the co rrido r is o f educatio nal co nno tatio n fo r
visito rs and plantatio ns co nsist o f lo cal species such as elderberry and lime.
The Hall o f Theo retical Examinatio n General (co de), with 40 seats, lo cated no rth take fo ur skylights and leaves the so uth side
fo r o ffices benefiting thus so lar gains. Finally, the waters o f the ro o f is co llected fo r flushing to ilets.
This willingness to value the regio nal materials fo und 9 lo cal co mpanies including 8 Meuse engaged in this pro cess. The
superviso r and the co mpany respo nsible fo r implementing the straw were fo rmed in the market, the pro fessio nal rules o f
building straw.
The co mpanies are stro ngly co mmitted to respo nd po sitively to the so cial clause in the market. In this co ntext, seven perso ns
have made 6 6 6 ho urs o f wo rk fo r 59 8 initially planned.
This building, erected in just 1 year, helped train wo rkers in new techniques and must no w serve as an example:
-to educate pro fessio nals and elected o fficials as to the suitability o f bio -based materials;
-to o rganize this industry by uniting the acto rs;
-to create synergy between pro ject o wners and lo cal businesses while leveraging kno wledge.
Of co urse, the site is pre-wired fo r fiber o ptics, but especially accessible to peo ple with reduced mo bility.
De script io n archit e ct urale : Based in vo luntary simplicity limit o f a business park o n the edge o f the fields and o n the
slo pes o f develo pments, the ECCP building displays bo th the rusticity o f an agricultural building and the mo dernity o f a ratio nal
respo nse to a tertiary pro gram integrating a requirement o f enviro nmental quality.
In a search accuracy, co nstructio n is intentio nally a very simple massing, ho llo wed by two galleries in false ceilings larch
bo ards pierced, allo wing a receptio n and entrance, and a so uthwest side, fo r co verage cantilever, summer sun viso r, fo rming
distributio n o ffices passageway.
The o uter skin is the declinatio n o f different implementatio n larch natural o utdo o r siding. It can be installed siding vertically fo r
facades expo sed to the weather, the reco very lo o ked in the directio n o f the winds and rain, o r ho rizo ntal installatio n fo r
pro tected facades, but also used in laying to battens trapezo idal in ho rizo ntal installatio n o penwo rk to the right o f the building
No rth side, the parapet gable is highlighted by the ho rizo ntal pro file o f the high ventilatio n flo o r green ro o f.
The lo ngitudinal wall and pro tected fro m the adit, cut and punctuated by vertical timber battens echo ing the structural co lumns,
is co ated with a mixture o f earth gro und, straw and sand.
The o penings, the larch frame, allo w judicio us natural lighting o f interio r spaces, entrances, exits, and views o n the exterio r,
access and tracks, o r o n the landscape as to the bay windo w in the backgro und lo bby.
The interio r is co nceived as permanent, functio nal, and simple and allo ws a po ssible new uses.
Inside the structure is revealed by wo o den po les and in the examinatio n ro o m, taller by 3 glued laminated carriers farms
impact the inclinatio n reveals the ro o f slo pe.
On o ne o f the walls o f the receptio n, a small bay gives to see the inside o f the wall, straw and wo o d frame.
Wo o d widely participates in the co nstructio n o f exterio r spaces as the tracks o f lo cal sto rage with its cano py cantilever, and the
enclo sure fo r waste, made with siding falls blades o f the main building.
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire : 77,8 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard : 8 4,0 0 kWh EP/m 2 /an
Mé t ho de de calcul : PEB - Wallo nie
CEEB : 0 kWh PE / €
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 0 ,24 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : Ro o fing:
ventilated ro o f terrace vegetated with PVC membrane (Sarnafil)
Envelo pe:
larch wo o d cladding regio nal PEFC vertical siding installatio n - ho rizo ntal installatio n in pro tected fro nt (so uth gallery)
skim co ating made with earth fro m the plo t to the fro nt o f the gallery entrance.
Insulatio n (ro o f, walls, flo o rs, types, thicknesses):
ventilated ro o f insulatio n cellulo se wadding 50 kg / m³ 40 cm thick - Air tightness membrane Intello o f Pro clima - R wall =
10 .352
Straw insulatio n walls 110 kg / m³ 36 cm thick wall R = 10 .352
Finishes (facades, wall co verings, flo o rs, ceilings):
BA 13 with inner walls painted glass clo thFlo o r tiles po rcelain sto neware
Perfo rated ceiling set False ceilings BA 13 including heating
External jo inery: French larch Jo inery Do uble glazing 4/20 /4 Blade Argo n Lo w emissivity, Warm Edge Spacer: Uw ≤ 1.1W /
m²KQ4Pa surfing = 0 .18 m3 / (hm 2)Bbio : 6 1.6 / 8 4 Bbio max
co mpactness facto r: Ratio o f vo lume heated and insulated walls Surface: 0 .6 7
No te: can no t info rm the bo x co efficient o f co mpactness belo w 0 value set by default
Co e f f icie nt de co m pacit é du bât im e nt : 0
Indicat e ur : n50 (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Et anché it é à l'air : 0 ,59
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Plafo nd rayo nnant
Chauffe-eau électrique individuel
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Aucun système de climatisatio n
Ve nt ilat io n :
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
Aucun système de pro ductio n d'énergies reno uvelables
Heating system:
electric (very few intended use: 4450 kWh (EF) / year) - radiant ceilings with air diffusio n
DHW system: electric (very little use: 9 8 1 kWh (EF) / year)
Lighting system:
- Natural light thro ugh windo ws
- Skylight light-tube-type co ncealable
- Fixtures with co mpact fluo rescent so urces o utdo o r LED spo tlights
- No air co nditio ning
- Night ventilatio n
- Phase shift o f majo r insulatio n
- Green ro o f and ventilated
Stro ng inertia co ntributio n by insulated co ncrete slab so ffit.Wall materials and ro o fing hygro philo us: regulato ry effect o f
hygro -thermal co mfo rt (evapo ratio n / co ndensatio n)
No te: a study fo r a wo o d pellet heating was co nducted. The so lutio n was no t selected having regard to "Investment
management & co st / heat pro ductio n" to o high.
So lut io ns am é lio rant le s gains passif s e n é ne rgie : Bio climatic o rientatio n (o penings to the so uth and clo sed
no rthern facade to capture winter sun and stay pro tected fro m summer sun by a co vered gallery o n the so uth)
// Environnement
Emissions de GES
Used materials helped to trap abo ut 46 to ns o f CO² - (calculatio n made fro m the INIES database).
Analyse du Cycle de Vie :
Eco -m at é riaux : Limitatio n o f gray energy used fo r materials and lo cal pro ductio n
- Regio nal Straw
- Cellulo se wadding Vo sges Pro ductio n
- Larch timber cladding Vo sges
- Earth flo o r area used fo r co ating the entrance gallery - with a gro und mix + sand + straw Mo selle the site + meal
- Co rpo rate features Meuse including many o f Verdun
Limiting reso urce depletio n speak materialsUsing recyclable bio -based materials: wo o d, co tto n, straw, ...)
Cellulo se wadding fro m recycling
Limitatio n o f maintenance and servicing o f materials
materials maximum maintenance (eg natural wo o d siding, tiled flo o rs, ...)
Durability and disassembly o f the co nstructio n system
Wo o d frame / Straw / cellulo se wadding
Fully remo vable and recyclable
Eau et qualité de l'air intérieur, santé et confort
rainwater harvesting fo r to ilets, urinals and cleaning flo o rs - 5m3 tankgreen ro o f
EP hydro carbo n treatment o f ro ads
Retentio n po nd
Dry privileged secto r fo r co nstructio n
Qualit é de l'air int é rie ur : VMC do uble genero usly dimensio ned flo w co ntro lled rate depending o n the CO2
co ncentratio n.
Neutral materials witho ut emissio n (tiles, wo o d, ...)NF enviro nment / A + paintings.
Humidity: Walls perspirantes with managing the transmissio n o f water vapo r (see attached study U-Wert)? hygro philo us
insulatio nVMC 2x
Co nf o rt & sant é : Limiting the impact o n the health o f materials
- So und neutral materials and easy to maintain
- Limitatio n o f VOC- NF enviro nment painting
Fact e ur lum iè re nat ure lle :
// Produits
Straw Bales
Fabricant : univert'fo in
Co nt act f abricant : Jo seph Geltz 14 Place du Marché, 57 320 Bo uzo nville. France T 33 (0 ) 38 7 78 2 478 M 33 (0 ) 6 11 253
227 E-mail: co ntact@univertfo in.co m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : http://www.univertfo in.co m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Seco nd œuvre / Clo iso ns, iso latio n
De script io n:
Straw bales fo rming integrated insulatio n to wo o d-frame bo xes (External bracing fo r rainfiberbo ard DWD AGEPAN 16 mm - straw bale insulatio n - Indo o r Ho using OSB KRONOBOIS
by 18 mm) Co mpressed wheat straw bale fo rmed Bo o ts put o n edge, fro nt view, fibers
perpendicular to the wall, upSectio n 36 0 /49 0 mm50 to 120 cm acco rding to pro cedure and
pro ject needs Density 140 kg / m3 Density useful 120 kg / m3 Humidity 10 -12% at time o f
installatio n Laying by the interio r in pro tected site
Co m m e nt aire s:
Regio nal pro duct, manufacturing, transpo rt, sto rage and pro tectio n in acco rdance with French rules o f co nstructio n straw
(PGPR) Pro ject design straw: Anne Tho mas, certified RFCP
Traditional surf ace coating mud - sand - straw
Fabricant : Fabricatio n sur site
Co nt act f abricant : Fabricatio n sur site
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : http://www.palazzo -sarl.co m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Gro s œuvre / Structure, maço nnerie, façade
De script io n:
Land use o f the site, regio nal sand, and straw waste. Do sage, testing and o n-site testing Laying
o n wire mesh
Co m m e nt aire s:
earth-based plaster manufactured, tested and implemented acco rding to the requirements
described in the PCCN 20 12
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 514 6 9 0 €
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain : Land settlement in area o f activity limit and farmland
Develo pments o f trails fo r mo to rcycle license tests and trucks
Surf ace du t e rrain :
1420 1 m 2
Surf ace au so l co nst ruit e :
Espace s ve rt s co m m uns :
Parking : VL 20 o utdo o r lo catio ns including 2 PMR
3 o utdo o r lo catio ns PL
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
Santé, qualité air intérieur
gestio n de l\'eau
efficacité énergétique, gestio n de l\'énergie
fin de vie du bâtiment
gestio n des espaces, intégratio n dans le site
pro cédés de co nstructio n
pro duits et matériaux de co nstructio n
// Concours
Desired so brietyThe use o f bio -based co nstructio n materials fo r this lo w carbo n building impro ve its thermal efficiency in
winter and summer, co mfo rt o f use, health in the building and allo ws the sto rage o f 46 to ns o f carbo n. In this regio n,
essentially fo cused agriculture and fo restry, the cho ice fo r wo o den walls and carpentry was o bvio us, especially in the
perspective o f lo cal eco lo gy. The same lo gic applied when it was decided to use straw fo r wall insulatio n and lo cal raw earth
fo r skim co ating. The ventilated ro o f is insulated with cellulo se wadding.
The use o f regio nal materials (PEFC wo o d and cellulo se wadding fro m the Vo sges, straw fro m Mo selle...) was favo red. The
co ntracto r and the co nstructio n co mpanies are also lo cal o r regio nal. Earth fro m the land was used fo r skim co ating, as the
earth excavated fo r the archeo lo gical study, it was fully used fo r landscaping. Rain water is co llected o n the vegetalised
ro o fto p, sto red and used fo r bathro o ms and cleaning.
Co nstructio n was fully co mmitted to dry pro cess lo gic. Simple design, materials (as little mo dified as po ssible) and technics
enable a great recyclability in case o f restructuratio n, extensio n, o r deco nstructio n. Vo lume co mpacity, bio climatic design,
thermal efficiency o f walls, passive level air-tightness, dual-flo w ventilatio n were the answers pro vided to achieve ambitio us
go als in terms o f energy so briety, reduced co nsumptio ns.
An energy so lutio n with wo o d pellets was studies and discarded fo r eco no mical reaso ns - while remaining a po ssibility - fo r a
heating so lutio n thro ugh mo dular radiating reversible ceiling co upled to co ntro lled ventilatio n. The building do esn't have any
AC but features reversible co ntro lled ventilatio n fo r night co o ling. A so lutio n to bring daylight was experimented with tubular
light wells with shutters.

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