Spanish - Naciones Unidas


Spanish - Naciones Unidas
Consejo Económico
y Social
9 de enero de 2002
Original: INGLÉS
57º período de sesiones
Tema 16 b) del programa provisional
Nota del Secretario General∗
De conformidad con las resoluciones 1334 (XLIV), de 31 de mayo de 1968, y 1986/35,
de 23 de mayo de 1986, y con las decisiones 1978/21, de 5 de mayo de 1978 y 1987/102, de 6 de
febrero de 1987, del Consejo Económico y Social, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, en
su 44º período de sesiones, eligió en votación secreta a 26 miembros de la Subcomisión de
Prevención de Discriminaciones y Protección a las Minorías (cuyo nombre se cambió en 1999
por el de Subcomisión de Promoción y Protección de los Derechos Humanos) entre los expertos
propuestos como candidatos por los Estados Miembros de las Naciones Unidas según la
siguiente distribución: a) siete miembros de Estados africanos; b) cinco miembros de Estados
asiáticos; c) tres miembros de Estados de Europa oriental; d) cinco miembros de Estados de
América Latina; y e) seis miembros de Estados de Europa occidental y otros Estados.
Habida cuenta de su extensión, el anexo I del presente documento se publica en los idiomas
originales únicamente.
GE.02-10043 (S)
página 2
De conformidad con la resolución 1986/35 del Consejo, los miembros de la Subcomisión
habían de ser elegidos por un período de cuatro años, pero la mitad de los miembros y sus
correspondientes suplentes, de haberlos, debían ser elegidos cada dos años. El Presidente
del 44º período de sesiones de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos eligió por sorteo a los
miembros y, en su caso, a sus correspondientes suplentes, cuyo mandato había de expirar en el
plazo de dos años de conformidad con el siguiente esquema: tres miembros de Estados
africanos; tres miembros de Estados asiáticos; un miembro de Estados de Europa oriental;
tres miembros de Estados de América Latina y tres miembros de Estados de Europa occidental y
otros Estados.
En 1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1998 y 2000, una vez expirado el mandato de la mitad de los
miembros de la Subcomisión, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, en sus períodos de
sesiones 46º, 48º, 50º, 52º, 54º y 56º, efectuó nuevas elecciones de miembros y suplentes de la
La lista de los actuales miembros de la Subcomisión figura en el anexo II.
Habida cuenta de que nuevamente ha expirado el mandato de la mitad de los miembros de
la Subcomisión, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, en su 58º período de sesiones, deberá
efectuar una nueva elección de miembros y suplentes con arreglo al siguiente esquema: tres
miembros de Estados africanos; tres miembros de Estados asiáticos; un miembro de Estados de
Europa oriental; tres miembros de Estados de América Latina y tres miembros de Estados de
Europa occidental y de otros Estados.
En su resolución 2001/60, de 24 de abril de 2001, la Comisión de Derechos Humanos pidió
a los Estados que:
Al proponer candidatos a miembros y miembros suplentes de la Comisión y al
elegirlos, sean conscientes de que es especialmente importante que este órgano sea
independiente y así se lo considere;
Al proponer candidatos a miembros y miembros suplentes de la Subcomisión y al
elegirlos, tengan presentes la necesidad de mantener un equilibrio entre las ventajas
de la continuidad y la importancia de la renovación;
Véanse los informes de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos sobre sus períodos de
sesiones 46º (E/1990/22-E/CN.4/1990/94, cap. XXV), 48º (E/1992/22-E/CN.4/1992/84,
cap. XXIII), 50º (E/1994/24-E/CN.4/1994/132, cap. XXIV), 52º (E/1996/23-E/CN.4/1996/177,
cap. XXII), 54º (E/1998/23-E/CN.4/1998/177, cap. XXIV) y 56º (E/2000/23-E/CN.4/2000/167,
cap. XVI).
página 3
Al proponer candidatos a la Subcomisión, presenten las candidaturas, en la medida
de lo posible, por lo menos dos meses antes de que se inicie el período de sesiones en
el que serán elegidos, a fin de permitir a los miembros de la Comisión evaluar a
fondo las calificaciones y la independencia de los candidatos propuestos.
Cabe recordar que, en su resolución 1987/32, la Subcomisión señaló especialmente a la
Comisión de Derechos Humanos la recomendación del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Formas
Contemporáneas de la Esclavitud de que la Comisión debía intentar convencer a todos los
gobiernos para que presentaran más candidaturas de mujeres con vistas a la elección de la
Con respecto a la designación de suplentes, el Consejo Económico y Social aprobó la
resolución 1983/32, en la que decidió que:
"no obstante lo dispuesto en el párrafo 2 del artículo 13 del reglamento de las comisiones
orgánicas del Consejo Económico y Social, en lo sucesivo se aplicarán los siguientes
artículos a la Subcomisión de Prevención de Discriminaciones y Protección a las Minorías:
Las propuestas a candidatos a miembros de la Subcomisión podrán ir
acompañadas de la propuesta de candidatura de un experto de la misma
nacionalidad, que será elegido simultáneamente con el candidato a miembro y
que podrá actuar temporalmente de suplente si el miembro no puede asistir;
Las calificaciones de los suplentes serán las mismas que las de los miembros
Ninguna otra persona podrá actuar de suplente de un miembro excepto el
experto elegido como suplente de conformidad con el inciso a) supra."
Hasta el 10 de diciembre de 2001, el Secretario General había recibido candidaturas para la
elección de miembros de la Subcomisión de los Gobiernos siguientes: Brasil, Chile, China,
Federación de Rusia, Francia, Grecia, India, Jamaica, Madagascar, Mauricio, México,
Mozambique, Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte y Sierra Leona.
Las comunicaciones y candidaturas que en lo sucesivo se reciban de los gobiernos se
distribuirán como adiciones al presente documento.
10. A continuación se enumeran las candidaturas recibidas hasta la fecha y en el anexo I se
incluyen los datos biográficos de los candidatos.
página 4
Estado miembro
que presenta la
Experto presentado
Suplente presentado
Estados africanos
Sierra Leona
Sr. Yeung Kam Yeung SIK YUEN
Sr. Rui Baltazar DOS SANTOS ALVES1 Sr. Cristiano DOS SANTOS1
Estados asiáticos
Sr. CHEN Shiqiu
Sr. Soli Jehangir SORABJEE
Estados de Europa oriental
Federación de Rusia Sr. Vladimir A. KARTASHKIN
Estados de América Latina
Sr. Paulo Sergio PINHEIRO
Sra. Florizelle O'CONNOR
Sra. María Guadalupe MORFÍN
Estados de Europa occidental y otros Estados
Reino Unido de
Gran Bretaña e
Irlanda del Norte
Sr. Emmanuel DECAUX
Sra. Kalliopi K. KOUFA
Sra. Michèle PICARD
Sr. Nikolaos ZAIKOS
Sra. Françoise HAMPSON
Sra. Helena COOK1
La Secretaría no ha recibido todavía el currículum vitae, que se distribuirá más adelante en una
adición al presente documento.
página 5
Annex I
(Nominated by the Government of Madagascar)
État civil
Date et lieu de naissance
Situation de famille
31 mai 1963 à Antananarivo
Logement 164, cité Ambodin Isotry
Antananarivo 101
Diplômes obtenus
Diplôme avec mention de l’Institut international d’administration publique (IIAP), Paris,
Section finances publiques (juin 1999)
Advanced First Certificate du Centre culturel américain: langue anglaise (1995)
Diplôme de droit et de technique des affaires (1989)
Diplôme de l’Institut d’études judiciaires (1989)
Maîtrise en droit privé (1987)
Expériences professionnelles
Profession : Magistrat
Date d’entrée dans la magistrature : 5 juillet 1990
Directeur des relations extérieures : juin 2001 jusqu’à ce jour
Traitement des dossiers se rapportant aux relations internationales, à la mise en application
des traités ou conventions internationales
L’humanisation et l’amélioration des conditions de détention
La vulgarisation juridique
Chef de projet de rapportant à la promotion et à la protection des droits de l’homme
Conseiller à la Cour d’appel d’Antananarivo (janvier 2000 janvier 2001)
Juge près le Tribunal de première instance d’Antananarivo (octobre 1996 à décembre 1999)
Juge des enfants à Antananarivo (1993 à septembre 1996)
Président de la Chambre correctionnelle (Flagrants délits, 1992)
Juge et juge d’instruction près la Section de Tribunal de Miarinarivo (1990-1991)
Stages effectués
Participation à la Journée d’arbitrage à l’École nationale de la magistrature malgache
(19 mars 2001)
Participation à un atelier régional sur «La prohibition des armes chimiques» au Swaziland
(novembre 2000)
página 6
Participation au cours de la session d’été sur le droit international privé à l’Académie de droit
international de La Haye (juillet 1999)
Rencontre avec les stagiaires du Collège interarmées de défense de Paris et participation aux
débats portant sur les thèmes suivants:
Les limites des actions civilo-militaires
L’engagement de la société civile dans les actions civilo-militaires, les actions de
L’action civilo-militaire et l’action humanitaire (février 1999)
Simulation de conférence internationale, conçue et animée par M. Mario Betati, professeur
à l’Université de Paris II, et portant sur des négociations globales placées sous l’égide des
Nations Unies; pays représenté: Viet Nam (mars 1999) − dans le cadre de la
formation IIAP
Stage pratique à la Chambre régionale des comptes de Besançon, France, notamment sur les
relations entre les juridictions financière et judiciaire (avril-mai 1999) − dans le cadre de la
formation IIAP
L’indépendance du judiciaire, dans le cadre du programme des Visiteurs Internationaux aux
États-Unis (juin 1998)
L’entreprise et l’investissement à l’Institut international du droit de développement, Rome
(février 1998)
Stage de perfectionnement sur la justice des mineurs à l’École nationale de la magistrature
française, suivi d’un stage pratique à la juridiction de Créteil, France (juin 1997)
Protection juridique de l’enfant à l’École internationale de Bordeaux, France (octobre 1994 et
mai 1995)
Autres activités
Codirecteur de session à la formation sur «Les droits de l’homme» à l’École nationale de la
magistrature malgache (2-6 avril 2001)
Codirecteur de session à la formation sur «La protection juridique de l’enfant» à l’École
nationale de la magistrature malgache (novembre 2000)
Président du jury au concours pour le recrutement des élèves-greffiers en chef, session
de septembre 2000
Formateur suppléant dans le cadre de la délinquance juvénile à l’École nationale de la
magistrature malgache (en 1997)
Formateur en droit civil à l’École supérieure de la gendarmerie (en 1997)
Activités paraprofessionnelles
Membre de l’Association des femmes juristes pour la primauté du droit (AFJPD)
Membre de l’Association pour la sauvegarde et la protection de l’enfance (ASPE)
Membre de la Fédération nationale pour la sauvegarde et la protection de l’enfance et de
la jeunesse (FNASPEJ)
Membre fondateur de l’Association des magistrats du Tribunal de première instance
d’Antananarivo (AMTA)
Membre de l’Association des juristes de Madagascar (AJUM)
Connaissances linguistiques
Français: bilingue
Anglais: bilingue
página 7
(Nominated by the Government of Mauritius)
Date of birth:
1 January 1947
LLB (Hons) Leeds University 1969
Call to the Bar (Lincoln’s Inn) - 1970
Certificat Préalable au Doctorat en Droit Civil Université de Paris II (1972)
English and French, (written and spoken)
Hakkha (Chinese) - spoken
Crown Counsel at Attorney-General’s Office (1972-1976)
Advising ministries, appearing for Government in civil litigation,
prosecuting criminal cases at District and Intermediate Courts and
Assizes, Member of the Law Revision Unit
Magistracy (1976-1984)
District Magistrate, Senior District Magistrate, Magistrate Intermediate
Court, Magistrate Industrial Court, Presiding Magistrate Industrial Court,
Presiding Magistrate Intermediate Court
Master and Registrar of the Supreme Court and Judge in Bankruptcy
Puisne Judge (1989-1995)
Senior Puisne Judge (1995 to date)
Member of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission, the independent
body responsible for appointing judicial and legal officers
At the University of Mauritius in Civil Law (1982-1983)
At the Council of Legal Education in Commercial Law (1989-1990)
Served as Chairman, Board of Examiners, on numerous occasions at
University of Mauritius and Council of Legal Education
De Bono:
Served as Chairman, Prisons Board “de bono” for 2-3 years
between 1976 and 1984.
página 8
In charge of the Computerization Programme of the Supreme Court
Representing judiciary of Mauritius at Commonwealth Magistrates and
Judges Conference, Halifax and Ottawa, Canada (1988)
Panellist at the World Jurist Conference at Beijing in 1990
Chairman of the Panel “Judicial Reform” at conference organized by
World Bank in Mauritius in 1996
Member of the Sub-Commission on Promotion and Protection of Human
Rights of the United Nations (1998-2001)
Member of Working Group on Minorities of the Sub-Commission
Author of working paper on human rights problems and protection of the
Roma (August 2000)
Organized and participated in first country visit for the Working Group on
Minorities in September 2001 in Mauritius and Rodrigues
Assigned to prepare working paper on human rights and weapons of mass
destruction, or with indiscriminate effect, or of a nature to cause
superfluous injury or unnecessary suffering for the fifty-fourth session of
the Sub-Commission
Commissions of
Chaired Commission of Inquiry on National Handicraft Centre
Chaired Commission of Inquiry on Police and Customs (1997-1999)
Member of Board of Governors of St. Joseph’s College, Curepipe,
Member/Director of Lions Club of Port Louis. Holder of Melvin Jones
Award, highest Lions Award.
Past Club President 1988-1989
Past Zone President 1999-2000
página 9
Mr. CHEN SHIQIU (Expert)
(Nominated by the Government of China)*
Professor CHEN Shiqiu
Date of birth:
November 1938
Place of birth:
Anhui, China
Foreign Affairs College
Hefei Industry University
1998 til now
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to Indonesia
Director-General of the Department of Treaty and Law of the
Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Permanent Representative and Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of China to the United Nations and other International
Organizations in Vienna, Permanent Representative and Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations Industrial
Development Organization, Permanent Representative and Ambassador
Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the International Atomic Energy
Councillor and then Deputy Director-General of the Department of
International Organizations and Conferences of the Ministry for
Foreign Affairs
Second Secretary, First Secretary and then Counsellor at the
Permanent Mission of China to the United Nations and other International
Organizations in Geneva
Deputy Division Chief in the Department of International Organizations
and Conferences of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Attaché at the Chinese Embassy to Ghana
The biographical data in Chinese are available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.
página 10
Other experience:
1986 till now
Associate Professor and then Professor at the Foreign Affairs College
Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Society of International Law
Member of the Chinese Ocean Mineral Resources Research and
Development Company
Chief Representative of China to the Chinese-Russian Joint Boundary
Demarcation Committee
Member of the China Disabled Persons’ Federation
Member of the Red Cross Society of China
Participation in United Nations and international conferences and negotiations:
World Conference on Human Rights, Deputy Representative
Annual Meeting of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights,
Adviser and then Deputy Representative
Annual Meeting of the United Nations General Assembly, Adviser and
then Deputy Representative and Deputy Representative and then
Representative to the Third, Fourth and Sixth Committees
Annual Meeting of the United Nations Commission on the Status of
Women, Deputy Representative
Annual Meeting of the United Nations Commission for Social
Development, Representative
World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia
and Related Intolerance, Adviser to the Chinese delegation
International Conference on Assistance to Refugees in Africa, Adviser to
the Chinese delegation
Annual Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Office of the
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Deputy Representative
Annual Meeting of the United Nations Economic and Social Council,
Deputy Representative
página 11
Participation in other international conferences and negotiations
Antarctic Treaties Consultative Meeting
Annual Meeting of International Sea Bed Authority, Representative of the
Chinese delegation
Meeting of States Parties to the Convention on the Law of the Sea,
Negotiations with the Republic of Korea, the Democratic People’s
Republic of Korea and Japan on fishery agreements and consultations on
the law of the sea
General Conference and Meeting of the Board of Governors of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, Deputy Representative
General Conference and Meeting of the Industrial Development Board of
the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, Deputy
Annual Meeting of the United Nations International Drug Control
Programme, Deputy Representative
International conferences on crime prevention, Deputy Representative
1987, 1988, 1990
Annual Meeting of the Inter-Parliamentary Union, Adviser to the
Chinese delegation
General conferences or meetings of the Board of Governors of the
World Health Organization, Universal Postal Union, the International
Telecommunications Union, the United Nations Development
Programme, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
Meeting on Refugees and Displaced Persons in South-East Asia, Geneva,
Adviser to the Chinese delegation
Chinese, English
página 12
(Nominated by the Government of India)
Date of birth 9 March 1930 in Bombay.
Professional experience
Commenced legal practice in 1953.
Enrolled as Senior Advocate, Supreme Court of India, 1971; Additional Solicitor General and
Solicitor General of India, 1977-1980; Attorney-General for India, 1989-1990 and
from 7 April 1998 till date.
President, United Lawyers’ Association; Chairman, Advisory Board, Transparency International
(India); President, Capital Jazz; Convener, Minority Rights Group (India); Vice-President,
Human Rights Committee of the International Bar Association; Vice-President, Commonwealth
Lawyers’ Association; Member, Executive Committee of the International Association of
Constitutional Lawyers; Member, Committee on Arms Control and Disarmament Law of
International Law Association; Vice-President, Indian Law Institute; Vice-President,
International Law Association (Regional Branch-India); Vice-President, India International
Centre; Member, Governing Council & Executive Committee of the Indian Law Institute;
Honorary Professor of Law, National Law School of India, Bangalore; Member, Organizing
Committee of the 70th Biennial Conference of International Law Association to be held in 2002
at New Delhi; appointed by the United Nations Commission on Human Rights as Special
Rapporteur in October 1997 to report to the General Assembly on the human rights situation in
Nigeria; elected as a member of the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and
Protection of Minorities for four years from April 1998; member, Working Group on Minorities;
appointed in May 1999 as Personal Envoy of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human
Rights for East Timor to report on the human rights situation in East Timor to the High
Commissioner; appeared and argued (in April 2000) for the Government of India in the
International Court of Justice in the Pakistani complaint regarding an aerial incident; appointed
(in June 2000) as a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague for six years.
The Law of the Press Censorship in India (1976);
The Emergency Censorship and the Press in India, 1975-1977;
Chapter on Fundamental Rights in Public Law of India (1979);
Chapter on “The Constitution and the Governor” in The Governor, Sage or Saboteur (1985),
monograph on “Protection of Human Rights in Emergencies” (1988); monograph on “Equality
in the United States and India” published in Constitutionalism and Rights, Louis Henkin &
Albert Rosenthal (eds.) Columbia University Press (1990);
“Obliging Government to Control Itself: Recent Developments in Indian Administrative Law”
published in Public Law (spring 1994);
página 13
“Freedom of Expression and Censorship: Some Aspects of the Indian Experience” published in
Northern Ireland Legal Quarterly (winter 1994);
“Freedom of Expression” published in Commonwealth Law Journal Bulletin (1994).
Delivered several lectures on different aspects of constitutional and administrative law and in
particular on press freedom, independence of the judiciary and judicial activism.
Other interests: music and literature, especially poetry.
Award: Kinloch Forbes Gold Medal in Roman Law and Jurisprudence (1952)
Present Address:
Office: Office of the Attorney General of India, Supreme Court of India, Tilak Marg,
New Delhi - 110 001 (Tel: 3383254; Fax: 378210l)
Official Residence: 10, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi - 110 011 (Tel/Fax: 3010525/3018696)
Chambers: 134, Sunder Nagar, New Delhi - 110003 (Tel: 4354003, 4357504; Fax: 4354014;
e-mail [email protected]) Private residence: A-128, Niti Bagh, New Delhi - 110049 (Tel: 6855323/6528163;
Fax: 6862957).
página 14
(Nominated by the Government of the Russian Federation)
Born 4 March 1934 in Moscow
Diploma, Moscow State University, Law School, Moscow, Russia
PhD in International law, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of
Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Diploma in Comparative law, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy
of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Professor of International Law, People’s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia
Research Officer, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Moscow, Russia
1963 - 1973
Human Rights Officer, United Nations Secretariat, Human Rights Division,
New York
Senior Research Officer, Institute of State and Law, Moscow, Russia
Special Assistant to United Nations Legal Counsel, United Nations Secretariat,
Legal Department, New York
Since 1985
Professor of Law, People’s Friendship University, Moscow, Russia
Since 1985
Principal Research Officer, Institute of State and Law of the Russian
Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Spring 1991
Visiting Professor of Law, Cornell Law School, Ithaca, NY, United States of
Spring 1992
Visiting Professor of Law, Santa Clara University, School of Law.,
Santa Clara, CA, United States of America
Since 1996
Chairman of the Presidential Commission on Human Rights
The biographical data in Russian are available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat.
página 15
Since 1986
Executive Board Member, Russian Association of International Law
Since 1986
Deputy Chief Editor, Russian Yearbook of International Law
Expert, Constitutional Assembly of the Russian Federation
Expert, Russian Parliament
Since 1997
Executive Board Member, Russian Federation for Peace and Conciliation
Since 1997
Member, Russian Inter-ministerial Commission of the Council of Europe
Since 1998
Member, Russian Inter-ministerial Commission on the Implementation by the
Russian Federation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Since 1998
Alternate, United Nations Sub-commission on the Promotion and Protection of
Human Rights
Since 1999
President, Centre for Human Rights, Democracy and Culture of Peace
Since 2000
President, Russian Fund for Support of Human Rights and Humanitarian
Publications in Russian
Human Rights and Armed Conflicts, textbook, Moscow, 2001
How to lodge a complaint with the European Court of Human Rights, Moscow, 2000
Human Rights and Normative Acts of the Subjects of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 2000
Human Rights, textbook, Moscow, 1998
International documents on human rights (collection of documents), Moscow, 1997
Human Rights in International and National Law, Moscow, 1995
Europe: Towards Common Legal Principles, Moscow, 1990
Human Rights: What We Argue About, Moscow, 1989
International Security and Human Rights, Moscow, 1988
International Protection of Human Rights, Moscow, 1976
página 16
Territorial Problems of Developing Countries, Moscow, 1965
And many others.
Publications in English
Human Rights for the 21st Century, New York, 1993
Law and Force in the New International Order, Washington, 1991
Essays in Legal Philosophy and Theory, The Hague, Netherlands, 1983
International Dimension on Human Rights, UNESCO, Paris, France, 1982
And many others.
Author of over 200 articles published in France, Israel, Austria, Russia and the United States,
Languages: Russian, English, French
página 17
Mr. OLEG S. MALGUINOV (Alternate)
(Nominated by the Government of the Russian Federation) "
Born 9 January 1957 in Ekaterinburg (former Sverdlovsk), Russia
Graduated from Moscow State Institute (University) of International
Relations - MGIMO
Posts and positions
Attaché, Third Secretary, Embassy of the USSR in India
Third, Second Secretary, Department for Cultural Relations, Ministry for
Foreign Affairs of the USSR
Second, First Secretary, Counsellor, Department for Humanitarian Affairs
and Human Rights, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the USSR
Deputy Director, Department for International Humanitarian Cooperation
and Human Rights, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Russia
Senior Counsellor (Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs), Permanent
Mission of the Russian Federation to the United Nations Office and
International Organizations in Geneva
Deputy Director, Department for Compatriots’ Affairs and Human Rights,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Participation in international events
Member, Deputy Head of Russian delegations to the forty-third to
fifty-seventh sessions of the United Nations Commission on Human
Member of the Russian delegation to the United Nations General
Assembly (third Committee)
Member of the Russian delegation to the Helsinki CSCE/OSCE summit
The biographical data in Russian are available for consultation in the files of the Secretariat
página 18
Member of the Russian delegation to the World Conference on Human
Rights (Vienna)
Participated in many United Nations, CSCE/OSCE and Council of Europe
events on human rights, protection of minorities, migration of refugees,
rights of indigenous peoples, international humanitarian law, etc.
Deputy Head of Russian delegation to the World Conference against
Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance
Several chapters in Dictionary on Human Rights, Moscow, 1993
Several articles on human rights issues
Russian, English, Hindi
Marital Status
Married, with four children
página 19
(Nominated by the Government of Brazil)
Law Degree, Law School, Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro (l966)
Licence en sociologie a 1'Université de Paris, Vincennes (1969-1970)
Assistant professor of political science (1971-1985), State University of Campinas, São Paulo
Chair of the Department of Social Sciences (1977-1978), UNICAMP
Professor of Political Science, Department of Political Science, University of São Paulo (USP)
since 1985
Adviser to the Dean of USP (1987-1988)
Director of the Centre for the Study of Violence (Núcleo de Estudos da Violência) since 1987
Chairperson of UNESCO chair on education, peace, human rights, democracy and tolerance,
Institute of Advanced Studies, USP (1998-2000)
Abroad (after 1995)
Visiting Associate Professor of International Relations, Watson Institute and Centre for Latin
American Studies, Brown University, (United States of America) (spring term 2001)
Visiting Researcher, Maison des Sciences de 1’Homme, Paris (Jan. l998; Feb. 2000)
Titulaire pro tempore de la chaire d’études en sciences socials “Sérgio Buarque de Hollanda”, la
Maison des Sciences de 1'Homme, Paris, (April-July 1999)
Senior Member at Saint Antony’s College and fellow at the Centre for Brazilian Studies, Oxford
University, (United Kingdom) (Hilary Term, Jan-March 1999)
Visiting Associate Professor of International Relations, Watson Institute and Centre for Latin
American Studies, Brown University, (USA) (Spring term 1997)
Directeur d'etudes associées Ecole des Hautes études en sciences sociales, Paris (Jan. 1998;
Jan.-March 1996)
página 20
Visiting Faculty Fellow, Kellogg Institute, University of Notre Dame,
(United States of America) (Spring term, 1995).
Fellowships and grants
During the period from 1996 to the present, several individual scholarships or grants from the
National Council for Scientific and Technological Research, Ministry of Science, Brasilia;
Comissão para o Aperfeiçoamento do Pessoal de Nível Superior Ministry of Education, Brasília
São Paulo Foundation for the Support of Research. Among these the latest was a 10-year grant
for the Centre for the Study of Violence. After a two-year process of international review, the
Centre for the Study of Violence was selected, with five other centres, from among 110 projects
(August 2000)
UNESCO (1999 - 2000);
UNDP (2000)
United Nations system in Brazil and Secretariat of State for Human Rights, Ministry of Justice,
grant for a project on Human Rights Observatories under the auspices of OHCHR, Geneva.
Rockefeller Foundation (1996-1998)
Canadian International Development Agency (1996-1999)
European Commission (1997- 1998)
The candidate submitted a list of over 50 books, articles and papers published both in Brazil and
abroad, in Portuguese, Spanish and English. The complete list is available from the Secretariat.
Mr. Pinheiro also contributes regularly to the national daily, Folha de S. Paulo. As Special
Rapporteur of the Commission on Human Rights and member of the Sub-Commission (see
below), he has submitted various reports to those bodies in the execution of his mandates and has
contributed to the reports of various expert bodies and seminars in which he has taken part.
Government positions
Special Counsel (with the status of Secretary of State) to the Governor of Sao Paulo State, Brazil
Rapporteur of the Brazilian National Human Rights Plan (1995-1996) launched by President
Cardoso in May 1996
Rapporteur of the Sao Paulo State Human Rights Plan (1997-1998)
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Membership in civil society organizations
Board of the Comunidade Solidária, a consortium of NGOs in partnership with the Brazilian
Federal Government, Brasília, chaired by Ms. Ruth Cardoso (since 1999)
Justice and Peace Commission of São Paulo (since 1984)
Teotonio Villela Commission on Human Rights, São Paul (since 1983)
Vice-President of the Board of the Sao Paulo Institute against Violence (since 1997), an
association organized by the main business federations in São Paulo.
Federal Commission on Human Rights, Brazilian Bar Association (1988)
Chair of the Human Rights Commission, Brazilian Bar Association (1985-1989).
Board of the Centre for Justice and International Law, Washington, DC (since 1990)
Board of the Human Relations Initiative, Beyond Racism, Atlanta (United States of America),
Human rights missions
Several human rights monitoring missions in several states of Brazil and to Argentina, Chile,
Peru, Paraguay, Haiti, Burundi and Togo.
Positions in international bodies
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar (since 2001)
Member of the United Nations International Commission of Inquiry on Alleged Human Rights
Violations in Togo, appointed by the United Nations Secretary-General (2000)
Consultant for the UNDP Human Development Report 2000
Member of the Civil Society Organizations Committee, UNDP, New York (2000-2002)
Vice-President of the International humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission, Bern, Switzerland
(since 1998)
Member of that Commission since 1995
Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burundi (1995-1999)
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Chairperson of the meeting of special rapporteurs, representatives, experts and chairpersons of
working groups of the Commission on Human Rights, Geneva (May 1997-May 1998)
Member of the Sub-Commission for the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights (since 1998)
Rapporteur of the fifty-first session of the Sub-Commission August 1999.
Chevalier of the Ordre National du Mérite, France (1998)
Ordem do Rio Branco, oficial, Brazilia Government (1997)
Ordem Nacional do Mérito Cientifico, comendador, Brazilian Government (1997)
American Sociological Association (distinguished Latin American Criminologist 1979)
Franz de Castro prize for human rights, Brazilian Bar Association Sao Paulo, (1986)
"Special Prize" for his work on human rights, Sociedade Brasileira para o, Progresso da Ciência
(Brazilian Society for the Advancement of Science) (1988).
Mr Pinheiro was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1944 and he lives in São Paulo, Brazil, with his wife
Ana Luiza and their children André and Marina.
página 23
(Nominated by the Government of Brazil)
Born in Curitiba. State of Paraná, Brazil
Married, one daughter, one son
Working languages
English, Spanish and French
Current position
Minister in the diplomatic service since 1997
Current position
Director-General of the Department for Scientific, Technical and Technological Cooperation in
the Ministry of External Relations, Brasília, DF, Brazil, since 1999
Educational background
Bachelor of Arts, Pontificial Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Career Diplomat, Diplomatic Academy of the Brazilian Ministry of External Relations
(Instituto Rio-Branco), 1972, Brasília, DF, Brazil
Special Training Course for Brazilian Diplomats, Instituto Rio-Branco, 1989
Masters Degree, Instituto Rio-Branco, 1995
Main professional activities
As a career diplomat, she was mostly involved with human rights activities, children’s and
women’s rights, in particular:
Alternate member of the United Nations Sub-Commission for the Promotion and Protection of
Human Rights (1990-1994; 1994-1998; 1998-2002)
Delegate to the Inter-American Commission on Women of the Organization of American States
Delegate to the Commission on Human Rights working group on the question of a convention on
the rights of the child (1988-1989)
Elected and re-elected member of the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child
(1993-1997; 1997-2001)
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Acting Chairperson (1999) and Vice-Chairperson (1995-1997; 1997-1999) of the Committee on
the Rights of the Child
Founding member of the National Council on the Rights of the Child and Adolescent
(CONANDA) in Brazil (1992-1994), and participant in the Pact for Childhood, a successful
UNICEF effort for raising awareness on children’s rights in the country
Delegate to the World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna (1993)
Delegate to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, Geneva (1988-1990)
Member of the Brazilian National Committee for Beijing+5 (1999-2000)
Delegate to the Special Session of the General Assembly on Women 2000: Gender Equality,
Development and Peace for the Twenty-first Century, New York (2000)
Delegate to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (1991; 1994)
Member of the meeting of experts to elaborate a draft inter-American convention on women and
violence (1991; 1993)
Expert for the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Working Group on Violence
against Women, Vienna (1992)
Delegate to the World Conference of the International Women’s Year, Mexico City (1975)
UNICEF Award “Child and Peace”, Brasília (1994)
Other relevant activities
As Acting Chairperson, she delivered a statement on behalf of the Committee on the Rights of
the Child at the General Assembly’s commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the adoption of
the Convention on the Rights of the Child, New York (1999). As a member of the Committee,
she has participated as a speaker at many international and regional meetings and seminars in the
field of children’s rights*
Most recent publications in the field
Child Poverty and Deprivation in Industrialised Countries: 1945-1995, Giovanni Andrea Cornia
and Sheldon Danziger (eds.): book review in The International Journal of Children’s Rights 7:
207-210, 1999
Statement by the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child in combating the most
intolerable forms of Child Labour: a global challenge (report), appendix 6,95-98, 1997
* Complete list available from the Secretariat.
página 25
Committee on the Rights of the Child: Basic Processes, in Symposium on Implementation of the
United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, in Transnational Law and Contemporary
Problems, A Journal of the University of Iowa College of Law, Volume 6, Number 2, 263-286,
Fall 1996
Grupos Vulneráveis: Aspectos relacionados com a Discriminação de Gênero e com as Crianças,
in A Incorporação das Normas Internacionais de Proteção dos Direitos Humanos no Direito
Brasileiro, Antônio Augusto Cançado Trindade (ed.), 413-421, 1996
Die Menschenrechtssituation der Kinder in der Welt, in Aktuelle gesellsftliche Entwicklungen
und ihre Einflusse auf die Polizei die Situation Jugendlicher, Internationales Seminar,
Polizei-Fuhrungsakademie, 63-75, 1996
A Criança e seus Direitos: novo tema internacional. Avaliação e perspectivas da atuação
diplomática brasileira. XXX High Studies Course, Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of
External Relations (Instituto Rio-Branco), 1995
página 26
Sr. José BENGOA (experto)
(Presentado por el Gobierno de Chile)
Es licenciado en filosofía, profesor de antropología y ciencias sociales. En la actualidad y
desde 1997 es Rector de la Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano con sede en
Santiago de Chile. Es también Presidente de la Fundación Nacional para la Superación de la
Pobreza, organismo privado que desarrolla programas con jóvenes y poblaciones pobres
de Chile.
Es miembro desde 1993 de la Subcomisión de Promoción y Protección de los Derechos
Humanos y fue Presidente del 49º período de sesiones. Ha sido reelegido como experto
independiente por un segundo período de cuatro años en marzo de 1998.
Ha participado en numerosas actividades en el ámbito de los derechos humanos y en
particular relacionadas con la discriminación a minorías y el racismo. Participó en la
Conferencia Mundial de Derechos Humanos de Viena y en la Cumbre Social de Copenhague.
En 1998 (Nueva York) y 1999 (Ginebra) ha presidido el seminario de expertos de las Naciones
Unidas que prepara el proyecto de declaración y convenio internacional sobre derechos humanos
y extrema pobreza. En octubre de 2000 fue Presidente-Relator del seminario regional de
expertos preparatorio de la Conferencia Mundial contra el Racismo, la Discriminación Racial, la
Xenofobia y las Formas Conexas de Intolerancia realizado en Santiago y participó en la
Conferencia Mundial de Durban (Sudáfrica).
Es miembro del Grupo de Trabajo sobre las Minorías de la Subcomisión de Promoción y
Protección de los Derechos Humanos y ha participado en los seminarios sobre minorías en
África realizados en Arusha (República Unida de Tanzanía), en mayo de 2000, en Kidal (Malí),
en enero de 2001 y en Port Louis (Mauricio), en septiembre de 2001. Organiza el seminario
sobre afrodescendientes que se realizará en Honduras en el inicio de 2002 como seguimiento de
la Conferencia Mundial de Durban en esta materia.
En 1995 fue elegido Relator Especial para el tema de la distribución de los ingresos y los
derechos humanos. En su informe final propuso la creación del Foro Social. La Comisión de
Derechos Humanos aprobó en 2001 la creación del Foro Social y la primera reunión preparatoria
se realizó en agosto de 2001 en Ginebra con la presencia de numerosas instituciones y
personalidades. Este nuevo cuerpo de las Naciones Unidas tendrá por principal mandato el
análisis de la globalización y su impacto sobre los derechos humanos, en general, y los derechos
económicos, sociales y culturales, en particular.
Es licenciado en filosofía (1969) con estudios de posgrado en antropología y ciencias
sociales. Sus principales campos de trabajo han sido la antropología rural, la etnografía de los
indígenas chilenos y latinoamericanos, la etnohistoria y las teorías de la cultura. Relacionado
con lo anterior, se ha especializado también en asuntos tales como el racismo, la discriminación
contra los pueblos indígenas, la pobreza y la desigualdad, la interculturalidad y el desarrollo
cultural. Por otra parte, ha escrito numerosos trabajos sobre temas economicosociales.
página 27
Dicta actualmente cursos en la Escuela de Antropología. En el primer semestre de 2001
dictó un curso de introducción a la antropología dedicado principalmente al estudio del origen y
desarrollo del racismo y las nuevas formas de xenofobia. En el segundo semestre dicta un
seminario sobre historias de vida como método de investigación en antropología y un seminario
sobre Historia de la Antropología en Chile.
Ha sido profesor de la Universidad de Chile hasta 1973 y, posteriormente, de la
Universidad Autónoma de México, de la Universidad Católica del Perú, de la Universidad
Católica del Ecuador y de varias otras universidades a las que ha sido invitado. Durante el
primer semestre de 1997 fue profesor invitado de la Universidad de Indiana en Bloomington
(Estados Unidos de América) donde dictó un curso para la carrera de antropología en pregrado y
un seminario para los estudiantes de posgrado y doctorado acerca de las identidades indígenas en
América Latina; en 1998 fue invitado por un semestre a la Universidad de Cambridge
(Reino Unido) donde participó en un seminario sobre el tema "La emergencia indígena en
América Latina" cuyo contenido ha sido publicado recientemente en un libro. El primer
semestre del año 2002 (abril-mayo) está invitado a dictar un curso de antropología de los
indígenas latinoamericanos a la Maestría en Estudios Amerindios de la Universidad
Complutense, Casa de América, Madrid.
Durante el Gobierno del Presidente Aylwin (1990) fue Director de la Comisión Especial de
Pueblos Indígenas, organismo asesor del Presidente de la República encargado de elaborar una
nueva ley indígena. Esta Ley se aprobó en 1993 y rige hasta hoy en Chile.
En el año 2000 el Presidente de la República lo ha nombrado miembro de la Comisión del
Bicentenario encargada de preparar el debate para el año 2010 en que se cumplen 200 años de la
independencia de Chile. Ha sido nombrado miembro del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones
Científicas y Tecnológicas, encargado de proponer un plan de desarrollo de las ciencias sociales
en Chile. El Presidente de la República igualmente lo ha nombrado miembro de la Comisión
sobre Verdad Histórica y Nuevo Trato, que tiene por función entregar directrices acerca de la
nueva política que el Estado chileno deberá desarrollar con los indígenas.
Ha escrito diversos libros de historia y antropología, especialmente acerca del campesinado
y los indígenas chilenos y latinoamericanos. Sus últimos libros* son:
Historia del Pueblo Mapuche (Sexta edición, 2001). Libro que reconstruye la historia de la
ocupación de la Auracania y la destrucción de la sociedad indígena del sur de Chile.
El libro se fundamenta en material de archivos y principalmente en historia oral.
La emergencia indígena en América Latina (Fondo de Cultura Económica, diciembre
de 2000). Es una visión latinoamericana de la actual situación del movimiento
indígena. Se pasa revista a la historia del indigenismo y los casos más prominentes de
"emergencia" indígena.
La lista completa puede consultarse en la Secretaría.
página 28
La Desigualdad (septiembre de 2000). Testimonios de la sociedad chilena en la última
década del siglo XX (en colaboración con F. Márquez y S. Aravena). Es un conjunto
de 64 historias de vida de personas de las más diversas situaciones sociales en Chile.
Los autores analizan las historias y proponen una lectura en torno a la desigualdad en
que vive la sociedad chilena de los años noventa. Las historias fueron recogidas durante
tres años en conjunto con estudiantes de antropología.
Tiene 56 años, es casado, dos hijos, vive en Santiago de Chile.
Habla, lee, comprende y es capaz de dictar clases en francés e inglés.
página 29
(Nominated by the Government of Jamaica)
14 Woodglen Court, Kingston 10
Telephone/Fax: (876) 926-5754
Consultant in training, criminal and social justice issues and institution-building
Currently Consultant on Human Rights to Ministry of National Security and Justice
Special skills
Advocacy, coordinating projects/tasks, writing, public speaking, mentoring, conflict resolution,
establishing procedures/rules, critiquing, learning new skills, working with theories, flexibility,
persuading, counselling
Major achievements
Jamaica Council for Human Rights
Work in the area of capital punishment has resulted in the formation of Caribbean Lifelines,
a group that lobbies against the death penalty in Jamaica while providing emotional and practical
support to inmates on Jamaican death row
Instrumental in the formation of the London Panel of Solicitors, a group of over 40 law firms in
the United Kingdom that provides pro bono legal representation for Jamaican cases to be taken
to the Privy Council in London
Established links with international NGOs, having organized missions by groups such as
Americas Watch, Caribbean Rights, Amnesty International and the 1995 follow-up fact-finding
mission of the United Nations Human Rights Committee to investigate and report on conditions
in Jamaican prisons, police abuse and extrajudicial killings
Represented the Council at conferences, seminars, etc. both locally and internationally.
Travelled to the United Nations, Africa, Holland, Sweden, Costa Rica, Spain, Canada and the
Caribbean as a guest speaker, resource person and participant
Prepared the Council’s news releases and publications for dissemination locally and
Made recommendations for legal reforms which resulted in removal of the Suppression of
Crimes Act, reorganization of the Gun Court and repeal of the Gun Court Act, and reformation
of the Legal Aid Act
Facilitated citizen education on human rights issues in a wide variety of contexts, often
networking with local NGOs
página 30
Liaised with the Commissioner of Police, Police Complaints Authority, Minister of Labour,
Minister of Justice, Chief Justice, Commissioner of Corrections, Family Court, Probation Office,
schools and other institutions
Developed a course in Human Rights for the Police Academy, Jamaica. Lectures to students of
the Academy
Conducted interviews, read and assessed every statement made at the Council’s office; provided
instruction and advice or implemented the action to be taken in each case
Provided practical assistance to persons whose rights had been violated. These were mainly
police abuses
Resource person for local NGOs on human rights and socio-political matters
Served as resource person for lawyers handling refugee cases, mainly in Canada and the
United States. Prepared statements and affidavits supporting or refuting allegations made by
refugee applicants
Acted as a resource person for Caribbean and international agencies, including the
United Nations Human Rights Committee
Functioned as resource person, liaison officer and consultant for media houses from England,
Canada and Germany in the production of films and articles on Jamaica with special reference to
social, economic and political factors
Consultant to various local and international media and groups on human rights issues. Several
BBC documentaries have been done on my work and that of the Jamaica Council of Human
Initiated, developed, supervised and coordinated an internship programme for students from
colleges, law faculties and universities in Great Britain, Canada and the United States; work
done during the 12-week period at Council earned credits for their course
Worked closely with the United Nations Council on Namibia and the United Nations Special
Committee against Apartheid; referred matters to the United Nations Human Rights Committee,
UNHCR and the OAS
Invited by the African National Congress to represent Jamaica at the Peoples of the World
Congress in the United Republic of Tanzania in recognition of work done in the anti-apartheid
Prepared funding proposals to secure international funding
Ensured that funds granted were utilized in keeping with grant agreements and prepared reports
for funding agencies
página 31
Public Relations Officer to Prime Minister Michael Manley
Developed, coordinated and monitored all aspects of the Party’s publicity programme publications and relationships with the public and private sector; wrote speeches
Travelled with the Prime Minister on international engagements, including trips to the
Non-Aligned Conference in Algeria and on State visits to Tanzania, Zambia and Cuba and to
receive the United Nations Peace Medal at the United Nations
Scholarships and awards
Awarded UNESCO scholarship to pursue diploma in Mass Communications
Awarded scholarship by Caribbean Broadcasting Union to attend certificate course in
Mass Communication, University of the West Indies, Mona
Awarded bursary to pursue studies at University of the West Indies, Mona
Awarded grants/scholarships to attend Human Rights certificate courses in the United Kingdom,
Sweden, Venezuela, Spain, Ecuador and Strasbourg
Scholarships granted by the Government of the Netherlands and the European Union to pursue
specialized studies in human rights
Received the Human Rights Monitor Award from Americas Watch
National Press Award for Outstanding National Service awarded to the JCHR during my tenure
as Coordinator by The Press Association of Jamaica
Amy Jacques Garvey Award, 1996 for service to Jamaica and to humanity
Work published by Interrights, the Caricom Secretariat and UWI - paper “Crime, Violence and
the Justice System” published in 1992
Consultancies and research
Consultant and researcher for Laurie Guntz’s Born Fi Dead, published in 1996
Consultant and research director for The United Nations Human Rights Committee and
Jamaica by Richard W. McTyson, thesis presented to the Faculty of Law, University of the
West Indies, for Degree of LL.M (Legislative Drafting), 1993 (successful)
Facilitator for Death Row by Mario Hector, published by Zed Books Ltd. and Jamaica Council
for Human Rights, 1984
página 32
Research assistant for The Search for Solutions, Selections from the Speeches and Writings
of Michael Manley, edited with notes and introductions by John Hearne, published by
Maple House Publishing Co., Canada, 1976
Research assistant, proofreader for The Politics of Change by Michael Manley, published by
Andre Deutsch, 1974
Research assistant for Mirror, Mirror - Identity, Race and Protest in Jamaica by
Professor Rex Nettleford, published by Collins Sangster (Jamaica) Ltd., 1970
Research assistant for The PNP 1937-1944, A View of the Early Nationalist Movement in
Jamaica by Dr. Trevor Munroe, thesis presented to the Department of Government, University
of the West Indies for Degree of Master of Sciences, 1966 (successful)
Film documentaries
Yardies - Observer Films, Network First, London
Black Bag - BBC
Hanging By A Thread - BBC
Rights and Homosexuals - CBC
Work experience
Member, Commonwealth Observer Mission, Guyana Elections, 2001
IRIEFM, Host, Cutting Edge, 1999-2001
KLAS FM 89, Host, Straight Talk (Temporary), 1998-1999
Commissioner, Commission of Inquiry into Prison Riots, Nov.-Dec. 1997
Coordinator, Jamaica Council for Human Rights, 1981-1997
Lecturer, Human Rights, Columbia University, 1995
International judge, Hearings held in Boston by Amnesty International on the death penalty in
the United States of America, 1994
Public Relations Officer, Prime Minister Michael Manley, 1972-1980
Jamaica Broadcasting Corporation
Producer/Researcher/Presenter, Department of Current Affairs and News, 1970-1972
Researcher and Producer, “The Verdict is Yours”, a debate programme analysing current
issues with opinion leaders
página 33
Presenter, “Roundabout”, a magazine programme aimed at exploring a broad cross-section of
life in Jamaica
Presenter, “Specials”, a programme that provided in-depth analyses on current affairs issues of
critical importance
News reporter
Worked out of Trinidad as one of two Jamaican representatives on the Caribbean Broadcasting
Union’s exchange programme
Education and training
Internship at United Nations Centre for Human Rights in Geneva, 1997
Certificate courses successfully completed
Intensive study programme for developing research and teaching in the field of human
rights; specialized study session in human rights, International Centre for University Human
Rights Teaching, Strasbourg, France, 1997
28th specialized study session in human rights, International Institute of Human Rights,
Strasbourg, 1997
Workshop in Caracas hosted by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1996
Conflict-resolution training, Jamaica, 1995
British Council - Women, Law Culture and Tradition, University of Warwick, 1995
International cooperative course, Canadian Human Rights Foundation, University of
Sherbrooke, Quebec, 1993
Diploma and degree courses successfully completed
Diploma, Mass Communications, 1975
Bachelor of Arts, Special with History (Honours), University of the West Indies, Mona, 1970
Civic activities
Chairperson, University of Technology Advisory Committee
Elected Executive Member, Strasbourg Past Students Committee
Member, Press Association of Jamaica
página 34
(Nominated by the Government of Mexico)
General information
Place and date of birth:
Guadalajara, Jalisco
10 November 1953
[email protected]
Work experience
Human rights
President of the Commission on Human Rights of the State of Jalisco (Comisión Estatal de
Derechos Humanos de Jalisco, CEDHJ) (1997 to 2001). Annual reports can be seen at
Vice-President of the Mexican Federation of Public Organizations of Protection and Defence of
Human Rights (west zone, November 1998-October 1999)
Proposal by the National Network of Civil Organizations “Todos los Derechos para Todos”
as candidate to preside over the National Commission on Human Rights in Mexico (Comisión
Nacional de los Derechos Humanos, CNDH) (1999)
Oral presentations at international forums on the following subjects
Education for life in democracy, panel within the XIX Interdisciplinary Course on Human Rights
of the Inter-American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH), San José, 28 June 2001
Economic, social and cultural rights: a value approach, at a regional seminar on
Central American Ombudsmen, San José, March 2001
The human right to justice at Festival Truth 2001 held at the Central American University
José Simeón Cañas (UCA), San Salvador and the Supreme Court of El Salvador, March 2001
Conflict mediation of citizens rights and the Ombudsman, at the International Seminar on
Ombudsmen and Public Policies in Latin America, organized by the Ibero-American Federation
of Ombudsman (FIO), the IIDH and the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences (FLACSO),
Quito, September 2000
Convention on the Rights of the Child at the FIO Seminar for the Formulation of Proposals on
Children and Adolescence to the X Latin American Summit, Barcelona, Spain, June 2000
Women, vulnerable strength at the III Annual Congress of FIO, Lima, September 1998
página 35
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary invited
by the Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights, the Chancellery of El Salvador,
NGOs and the IIDH, 10 December 1999
Other areas
As legal consultant in the City of Guadalajara, Jalisco:
Comisión de Conurbación Manzanillo-Barra de Navidad, Human Settlements and Public Works
Federal Secretariat (SAHOP) (1981-1984)
SAHOP, external adviser (1980-1982)
Office of Urban Land Management, Department of Planning and Urbanization of the State of
Jalisco (1978-1979)
Lawyer’s office, Bailón González and Bailón Cabrera (1975-1976)
Master’s degree in Twentieth Century Literature. Thesis in process. Universidad de
Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco
Law degree, Award Mariano Otero for the highest grade point average, Universidad de
Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Jalisco
Minor in Human Rights, organized by the Universidad de Guadalajara, Commission on Human
Rights of the State of Jalisco, the CNDH, the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores
de Occidente (Iteso), the State of Jalisco Congress and the Procuraduría General de Justicia
del Estado
IX Inter-American Course for Elections and Democracy, organized by the Centro de Asesoría
y Promoción Electoral (CAPEL), the IIDH, the Instituto Federal Electoral and the Tribunal
Electoral del Poder Judicial de la Federación
Course “Domestic application of international human rights law” organized by the IIDH, CNDH
página 36
Courses in Philosophy, Theology and Social Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, Rome,
Community activities
Has participated actively in diverse social organizations, such as:
Citizens’ Commission against Discrimination (Comisión Ciudadana de Estudios contra la
Discriminación) (since 27 March 2001)
Consejera del Movimiento Ciudadano Jalisciense (1998) (Citizens’ Movement)
Grupo Plural de Análisis de la Coyuntura (since 1997)
Centro de Readaptación Femenil de Puente Grande, Jalisco (1996-1997) (Women’s prison in
Jalisco State)
Convergencia de organismos civiles “Una Sola Voz” (1993-1995)
Convergencia de organismos cívicos y de ciudadanos “22 de abril” (1992-1994)
PEN Club International
Human rights
“El futuro de las comisiones públicas de derechos humanos en México”, Bien Común y
Gobierno, Rafael Preciado Hernández Foundation, June 2001
“Comentario académico” on “Sobrepoblación penal, violación a los derechos humanos de los
reclusos que obliga a impedir nuevos ingresos al centro penal, caso del sistema penitenciario,
resolución de la Sala Constitucional de la Corte Suprema de Justicia de Costa Rica”, ludicium
et Vita, Jurisprudencia en Derechos Humanos, IIDH, April 2001
Los derechos humanos y los retos del nuevo milenio, Instituto de Investigaciones Legislativas de
la Cámara de Diputados and Iteso, Mexico, 2000
“Cuadro claves para la esperanza” (Four keys for hope), in Alvarex et al., Sentimientos de la
Nación, Mexico, 2000
“Derechos humanos, una consecuencia”, Revista Mexicana de Justicia, Procuraduría General de
la República, Mexico, 1999
página 37
(Nominated by the Government of France)
54 ans (né le 9 décembre 1947 à Neuilly-sur-Seine, France)
Nationalité: française
Fonctions actuelles:
Professeur de droit public à l’Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II
Directeur du Diplôme d’études supérieures spécialisées (DESS) droits de l’homme et droit
humanitaire, Université Panthéon-Assas Paris II
Membre suppléant de la Sous-Commission de la promotion et de la protection des droits de
l’homme des Nations Unies (1994, mandat renouvelé en 1998)
Dans le cadre français
Membre de la Commission nationale consultative des droits de l’homme (depuis 1992, mandat
renouvelé en 1993, 1996, 1999), Président du groupe «Questions internationales» (depuis 1996)
Membre du Comité de liaison pour la Décennie des Nations Unies dans le domaine des droits de
l’homme 1995-2004 (Comité français pour l’éducation dans le domaine des droits de l’homme)
Membre du groupe de travail «Droit international» de la Direction des affaires juridiques
du Ministère des affaires étrangères;
Participation à la délégation française pour la présentation du deuxième rapport périodique
de la France devant le Comité des droits de l’homme (1988);
Expert pour la Direction des affaires juridiques du Ministère des affaires étrangères dans
l’arbitrage entre la France et le Canada sur le droit de filetage dans les eaux du
Saint-Laurent (1985-1986).
Nations Unies
Participation au séminaire organisé par le Comité des droits économiques, sociaux et culturels et
l’UNESCO sur les droits culturels, Manille, février 2002
Participation au séminaire organisé par le Haut-Commissariat pour les droits de l’homme sur
l’extrême pauvreté et les droits de l’homme, Genève, 2001
Participation à la quarante-sixième session (1990), à la quarante-huitième session (1992), à la
cinquante-troisième session (1997), à la cinquante-quatrième session (1998), à la
cinquante-sixième session (2000), à la cinquante-septième session (2001) de la Commission des
droits de l’homme
página 38
Participation aux rencontres internationales des institutions nationales de protection et de
promotion des droits de l’homme: Tunis (1993), Merida (1997), Rabat (2000);
aux rencontres africaines: Yaoundé (1996), Durban (1998), à la rencontre euro-méditerranéenne
de Marrakech (1998), etc.
Participation à la Conférence mondiale sur les droits de l’homme de Vienne de 1993
Expert français pour la liste des experts de la dimension humaine (Mécanisme de Moscou de
l’OSCE) (depuis 2001)
Participation aux réunions sur la mise en œuvre des engagements de la dimension humaine:
Varsovie (1993, 1995 et 2000)
Participation aux réunions de la dimension humaine de la CSCE (1989-1995)
Réunions de la Conférence sur la dimension humaine: première réunion, Paris 1989;
deuxième réunion, Copenhague, 1990; troisième réunion, Moscou, 1991
Réunions d’experts sur les minorités nationales, Genève, 1991
Séminaire sur les institutions démocratiques, Oslo, 1991
Conseil de l’Europe
Rapporteur général sur les droits culturels pour le huitième Colloque international sur la
Convention européenne des droits de l’homme, Budapest, 1996
Participation aux rencontres européennes des institutions nationales de protection et de
promotion des droits de l’homme: Rapporteur général de la première réunion de Strasbourg
(1994), Copenhague (1997), Strasbourg (2000)
Séminaire de l’OSCE et du Conseil de l’Europe sur la tolérance, Bucarest, 1995
Participation en tant qu’expert à diverses auditions sur les droits culturels: réunion du Comité de
coopération culturelle (1994), Comité ad hoc pour les minorités nationales (1994),
Sous-Commission parlementaire pour les droits de l’homme (1996)
Membre du Comité directeur des droits de l’homme du Conseil de l’Europe (1987-1989) et de
différents comités: Comité d’experts pour la procédure (1990-1992), Comité d’experts pour
l’éducation aux droits de l’homme (1992-1994), etc.
Union européenne
Participation au Comité de pilotage du réseau universitaire Union européenne-Chine sur la mise
en œuvre des deux Pactes internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme (2002-2004)
Coprésidence du Séminaire du dialogue Union européenne-Chine sur les droits de l’homme,
Paris (décembre 2000), dans le cadre de la présidence française
página 39
Participation aux séminaires informels de l’ASEM (Asian-European Meeting) sur les droits de
l’homme: Lund (1997), Hambourg (1998), keynote speaker sur le droit à l’éducation, Pékin
(1999), Paris (2000), Bali (2001)
Participation au Forum annuel des droits de l’homme de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles
(décembre 1999) et de Paris (décembre 2000)
Participation au groupe de réflexion de l’Union européenne sur l’Agenda pour le Millénaire
(Leading by Example), Institut universitaire européen de Florence (1997-1998)
Titres universitaires
Agrégation de droit public, 1988
Doctorat d’État en droit public, 1978
Diplôme de l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris (section service public), 1969
Fonctions précédentes
Professeur à l’Université de Paris II (depuis 1999)
Professeur à l’Université de Paris X (1992-1999)
Professeur à l’Université du Maine, Le Mans (1988-1992)
Maître de conférences à l’Institut d’études politiques de Paris (1979-1988)
Maître de conférences à l’Université de Paris X (1980-1988)
Autres enseignements en France
Direction de la session annuelle de formation permanente de l’École nationale de la magistrature
(Paris) sur «Le contentieux des droits de l’homme» (depuis 1994)
Cours à l’Institut international des droits de l’homme à Strasbourg, sur «Les garanties juridiques
des droits de l’homme», en 1993; sur «La protection internationale des droits de l’homme»,
en 1994 et 1995; sur «Les garanties juridiques et judiciaires des droits de l’homme» en 1999
Participations régulières à des sessions annuelles de formation, à l’Institut international
d’administration publique (IIAP) de Paris, à l’Institut des hautes études francophones (IHEF),
Enseignements à l’étranger
Cours à l’Université Galatasaray, Istanbul, avril 2002
Cours euro-méditerranéen Bancaja de droit international de Castellon (Espagne), 2001
«Complémentarité et concurrence des systèmes juridictionnels de protection des droits de
Cours au Collège universitaire français de Moscou et de Saint-Pétersbourg, 2001
Cours à l’Université Charles de Prague, 2001
Conférence (Honoursclass) à l’Université de Leyden, 2001
Cours à l’Université de Potsdam, 1999
Professeur invité à l’Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), 1997
página 40
Cours à l’Institute of International Public Law and International Relations de Thessalonique,
«Le règlement des différends en Europe», 1992; «La sécurité coopérative en Europe», 1997
Cours à l’Université Comillas de Madrid: «La nouvelle architecture de l’Europe», 1991
Cours à l’Inter-University Center de Dubrovnik, «La portée de la Déclaration française des droits
de l’homme et du citoyen», 1990
Directeur des études à l’Académie de droit international de La Haye, 1989
Nombreuses conférences ou participation à des séminaires et des tables rondes.
Principales responsabilités scientifiques
Membre du Conseil national des Universités (depuis 1999)
Membre du Conseil de la Société française pour le droit international (depuis 1990), Secrétaire
général de la SFDI (1993-2000)
Membre de l’International Law Association (depuis 1991)
Membre de la Société italienne de droit international (depuis 1998)
Membre de l’Institut international des droits de l’homme de Strasbourg (depuis 1992), membre
du Conseil d’administration (depuis 2000)
Membre de l’Advisory Board du Helsinki Monitor (depuis 1994)
Membre du conseil scientifique de la Fondation Marangopoulos pour les droits de l’homme,
Athènes (depuis 1995)
Membre de l’International Council de la Foundation on Inter-Ethnic Relations, auprès du
Haut-Commissaire de l’OSCE pour les minorités nationales, La Haye (depuis 1995)
Membre du Conseil scientifique de l’Institut des droits de l’homme du Barreau de Paris
(depuis 1998)
Membre du comité scientifique de la revue Droits de l’homme (Revue européenne des libertés
publiques et des droits sociaux), Athènes (depuis 1998)
Membre du conseil scientifique de Droit et cultures, CNRS, Nanterre (depuis 1999)
Membre du conseil scientifique de la Revue trimestrielle des droits de l’homme, Bruxelles
(depuis 2000)
Principaux ouvrages
Droit international pénal, ouvrage collectif sous la direction d’Hervé Ascensio, Emmanuel
Decaux et d’Alain Pellet, Pedone, 2000.
«Le règlement pacifique des différends» in Droit international public, sous la direction de
Denis Alland, Collection droit fondamental, PUF, 2000
Droit international public, Dalloz, 2e édition, 1999
La Convention européenne des droits de l’homme (préface de Pierre-Henri Teitgen),
commentaire article par article, sous la direction de Louis-Edmond Pettiti, Emmanuel Decaux et
Pierre-Henri Imbert, Economica, 1995 (réédition, 1999)
página 41
Sécurité et coopération en Europe, les documents officiels du processus de Helsinki
(1973-1992), collection «Retour aux textes», La documentation française, 1992
La Conférence sur la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (CSCE), PUF 1992
La réciprocité en droit international (préface de Paul Reuter), LGDJ, 1980
Le candidat a soumis une liste de plus de 100 ouvrages, rapports de colloques, préfaces,
chroniques, articles et études dont il est l’auteur. La liste complète est disponible auprès
du Secrétariat.
Langues parlées et écrites: français, anglais
Langues lues: espagnol, italien
página 42
Ms. MICHÈLE PICARD (Alternate)
(Nominated by the Government of France)
Née le 20 avril 1955 à Grenoble – France
Maîtrise en droit − Université de Paris II (1978)
École nationale de la magistrature (1980-1982)
Activités professionnelles
Depuis août 2001: Vice-Présidente au Tribunal de grande instance de Nanterre
Depuis février 1996: Membre de la Chambre des droits de l’homme de Bosnie-Herzégovine
Depuis octobre 1997: Présidente de la Chambre des droits de l’homme de Bosnie-Herzégovine
De 1995 à 2001: Juge au Tribunal de grande instance de Paris
De 1989 à 1995:Détachée à la direction des affaires juridiques du Ministère des
affaires étrangères
De 1987 à 1989: Mise à disposition du Ministère de l’économie et des finances
De 1985 à 1987: Auditeur à la Cour de cassation
De 1982 à 1984: Juge au Tribunal de grande instance de Béthune
Activités dans le domaine des droits de l’homme
Actuellement Présidente de la Chambre des droits de l’homme de Bosnie-Herzégovine
Expert auprès du Conseil de l’Europe pour les exercices de compatibilité du droit national avec
la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme
Pendant mon détachement au Ministère des affaires étrangères:
Traitement du contentieux français des droits de l’homme devant la Commission et la Cour
européenne des droits de l’homme et des communications individuelles aux comités
conventionnels des Nations Unies;
Négociation d’instruments internationaux relatifs aux droits de l’homme;
Participation à des comités du Conseil de l’Europe, à la Commission des droits de
l’homme et à des groupes de travail des Nations Unies;
Participation à de nombreuses conférences dans le cadre des Nations Unies et de la
Conférence sur la sécurité et la coopération en Europe
Langue maternelle: français
Anglais écrit et parlé
página 43
(Nominated by the Government of Greece)
Present functions:
Professor of International Law and International Organization,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Director of the Institute of International Public Law and International
Relations of Thessaloniki
Alternate, United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and
Protection of Human Rights
Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights on “Terrorism and human
“Peiramatikon School” of the University of Thessaloniki
American College of Thessaloniki, Greece
Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, University of Geneva,
Institut Universitaire de Hautes Etudes
Internationales/The Graduate Institute of International Studies.
Geneva, Switzerland
Law Faculty, Aristotle University ofThessaloniki, Greece
The Hague Academy of International Law, Netherlands (doctoral
International Law Seminar, United Nations International Law
Commission (twenty-seventh session), Geneva (scholarship)
The Salzbourg Seminar interdisciplinary course on the protection of
human rights, Salzbourg, Austria (scholarship)
“Licence ès Sciences politiques - Mention études internationales”
(University of Geneva and Graduate Institute of International Studies,
Bachelor of Laws, distinction (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
página 44
Postgraduate Diploma and Master’s Degree in Public Law, with
honours (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
Ph.D. in Public International Law, with honours (Aristotle University
of Thessaloniki)
University activities
Assistant and Senior Assistant of the Chair of Public International
Law, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Lecturer in Public International Law and European Law, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki
Senior Lecturer in Public International Law and the Law of European
Organizations, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Elected Professor (with tenure) of Public International Law and
International Organization, Department of International Studies, Law
Faculty, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Head of the Department of International Studies
of the Law Faculty, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Deputy representative of the Law Faculty to the Senate of Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki
Member of the Committee for the Administration of Research at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Coordinator and participant in a network of European universities’
educational programmes in the framework of the “Socrates/Erasmus”
academic exchange programmes of the EU
Member of the Governing Board of the Law Faculty,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Teaching assignments
Public International Law; Introduction to the Organization of
International Society; International and European Institutions; Law of
the United Nations; International Human Rights Law
Other academic activities
Research Assistant, Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations of Thessaloniki
página 45
Director of Studies and Tutor, Institute of International Public Law
and International Relations of Thessaloniki
Head of the Department of Studies and Research, Institute of
International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki
Participated in the international team of scholars and academics
engaged in the major collaboratory study and research programme of
the European Science Foundation (Strasbourg, France) on minorities
in Europe, published in a series of eight volumes under the general
title “Comparative Studies on Governments and Non-dominant Ethnic
Groups in Europe, 1850-1940”; contributed both as a writer and a
member of the editorial team of its vol. V on “Ethnic Groups in
International Relations”
Scientific Associate, Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations of Thessaloniki
Director of the Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki
Acting Director of the Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations of Thessaloniki
Director of the Institute of International Public Law and International
Relations of Thessaloniki
President of the Institute for Balkan Studies, Thessaloniki
Member of the Greek National Commission for Human Rights,
established by the Prime Minister
Organized several international courses and conferences on
international law, international relations and the international
protection of human rights, at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki,
the Institute for Balkan Studies, the Institute of International Public
Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki, and elsewhere;
participated in several international courses, conferences, seminars
etc. dealing with the international protection of human rights
Other professional activities
Member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki
Honorary Member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki
página 46
Member of and adviser to the Greek delegations to the Third and Sixth
Committees of the United Nations General Assembly and the Greek
delegations to the Commission on Human Rights
Member of and adviser to the Greek delegations to the CSCE
(Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe) Human
Dimension Meetings in Copenhagen, Moscow, and the CSCE Meeting
of Experts in National Minorities, in Geneva
Representative of Greece to the open-ended working group on the
Declaration on the Rights of Persons Belonging to National or Ethnic,
Religious and Linguistic Minorities
Member of and adviser to the Greek delegation to the Vienna World
Conference on Human Rights
Alternate, United Nations Sub-Commission on Prevention of
Discrimination and Protection of Minorities/Sub-Commission on the
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Sub-Commission on the
Promotion and Protection of Human Rights
Co-editor of the Hellenic Review of International Relations
Editor of the annual Thesaurus Acroasium (collected courses of the
Institute of International Public Law and International Relations of
Editor of Balkan Studies (periodical of the Institute for Balkan
Studies, Thessaloniki)
Editor of Contemporary Monographs of International Law and
International Relations, Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations of Thessaloniki
Editor Working Papers on International Law and Policy, Institute of
International Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki
Other functions
Member of the Governing Board of the Institute of International
Public Law and International Relations of Thessaloniki
Alternate member of the Governing Board of the University of the
Aegean, Rhodos, Greece
página 47
Member of the Governing Board of the Institute for Balkan Studies,
Member of the Interdisciplinary Commission for Peace Education
Institute of Education and Peace, Thessaloniki
Academic and professional associations
Member, Association des Anciens de l’Institut Universitaire de Hautes
Etudes Internationales
Member, The American Society of International Law
Founding member and Secretary-General, Association of Attenders
and Lecturers of the Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations of Thessaloniki
Member, Intergroup of Higher Education AAA (The Hague)
Founding member, Hellenic Society of International Law and
International Relations
Vice-President, International Law Association (Greek Branch)
Honorary Vice-Consul to the Republic of Austria
Honorary Diploma of the Hellenic Club of Writers
Titular member for life of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki
The candidate submitted a list of over 20 books, articles and
monographs of which she is the author. The full list is available from
the Secretariat. Besides these main publications, she is the author of
several shorter articles, commentaries, notes, book reviews, etc. and
the editor of numerous books, Festschrifts (miscellanies), conference
proceedings and other collective research works.
página 48
(Nominated by the Government of Greece)
Family name:
First name:
Date and place of birth:
Fax Number:
Marital status:
7 September 1966, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Joustinianou 10, 546 31 Thessaloniki, Greece
(031) 238.412, (0932) 595.839
(031) 853.427
[email protected]
Professional activities
Since 1992
Member of the Bar Association of Thessaloniki
Researcher, Institute for Balkan Studies (dealing in particular with
minority problems)
Research Assistant, Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations, Thessaloniki (dealing in particular with
questions of human rights and humanitarian law)
Since 1999
Researcher, Institute of International Public Law and International
Relations, Thessaloniki
Since 2000
Lecturer, Department (Filière), Faculty of Law, University
Paris I/Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut Français de Thessalonique
Since 2000
Assistant Professor of Political Science, Department of History and
International Relations, The American College of Thessaloniki (ACT)
Ph.D. in International Law (with honours), Faculty of Law, University
of Thessaloniki
LL.M. in International Law (with honours), Faculty of Law,
University of Thessaloniki
Bachelor of Laws, Faculty of Law, University of Thessaloniki
página 49
Further education in international studies
Academy of International Law (The Hague, The Netherlands)
Institute of International Relations, Panteion University (Corfu) Diploma of the International Seminar on Conflict Resolution
Center of International and European Economic Law (Thessaloniki) European Educational Programme for Jurists on Issues of European
European Institute (Ghent, Belgium) - European seminar on the
political and legal framework of trade relations between the European
Economic Community and Eastern European Countries
Active participant in the annual sessions of the Institute of
International Public Law and International Relations
Main publications
The Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and
International Organizations or between International Organizations
(Ph.D. thesis), Thessaloniki, Sakkoulas Publications, 1998, 265 pp.
(Monographs of International Law and International Relations 1,
Series Director: Professor Kalliopi Koufa) (in Greek)
“The views of the European Parliament relating to the cooperation
between the European Union and the Balkan countries” in:
P.N. Stangos, The Commercial and Economic Policy of the European
Union in the Balkans - Legal Aspects, Thessaloniki: Sakkoulas
Publications, 1993, pp. 229-261 (in Greek)
The International Law Commission of the United Nations Contribution to the study of the codification and progressive
development of International Law (forthcoming).
Author of numerous articles and book reviews
Conferences and seminars
Tutor, twenty-ninth session of the Institute of International Public Law
and International Relations: “The new international criminal law”
página 50
Tutor, European Union project: “Tunisie/Maroc - Juges et avocats,
acteurs de promotion de l’État de Droit” (Tunisia/Morocco - Judges
and Lawyers, Actors promoting the Rule of Law), Faculty of Law,
University of Thessaloniki
In this framework, he also contributed to the compilation of working
material related to Islam and human rights, Islam and religious liberty,
Islam and women’s rights and Human rights protection in Tunisia and
Lecturer, International Protection of Human Rights and Legal
Protection in the framework of the European Convention on Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, Robert Schumann Project, Bar
Association of Chalkidike
Tutor, twenty-eighth session of the Institute of International Public
Law and International Relations: “Protection of the environment for
the new millennium”
Tutor, twenty-seventh session of the Institute of International Public
Law and International Relations: “The law of armed conflict”
Tutor, twenty-sixth session of the Institute of International Public Law
and International Relations: “Human rights and democracy for the
twenty-first century”
Participant, North Atlantic Treaty Organization tour (Belgium,
Austria, Italy) - Issues related to the activities of NATO and the OSCE
1997 up to date
Under the tutorials at the Institute of International Public Law and
International Relations, he also supervised the preparation of
numerous papers on minority protection, the rights of indigenous
peoples, biotechnology and human rights, environmental protection as
a human right, democratic governance as a human right et al., which
have been or will be published in the collected courses of the Institute
(Thesaurus Acroasium)
Legal counsel
Participated, on behalf of the law firm “NOMOS”, in the negotiating
process leading to the headquarters agreement between Greece and the
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank through a series of advisory
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank - General directions relating to its organization and
function (Thessaloniki, 1998), 8 pp (in Greek and in English)
página 51
Black Sea Trade and Development Bank - Privileges and immunities of its staff/Entry into force
of the Headquarters Agreement prior to its ratification by Greece (Thessaloniki, 1998), 6 pp. (in
Remarks on the proposals of the Greek Government related to the Headquarters Agreement
between Greece and the Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (Thessaloniki, 1998), 3 pp (in
Teaching experience
Department of History and International Relations, The American College of Thessaloniki
2000 (Fall semester)
Introduction to International Relations
2001 (Spring semester)
International Organizations and Law, Introduction to Political Science
Department of the Faculty of Law, University Paris I/Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut
Français de Thessalonique
2000 (Spring semester)
Introduction aux relations internationales et au droit international
2000 (Fall semister)
Institutions européenes et communautaires, Intoduction historiques du
2001 (Spring semester)
Introduction aux relations internationales et au droit international
Greek, English, French, German
Other activities
Since 2000
Editorial Assistant, Working Papers on International Law and Policy,
Institute of International Public Law and International Relations
Participant, American Studies Seminar (“In pursuit of the millenium:
Greece, Europe and the USA”), University of Macedonia,
Participation in scientific associations
Since 1997
Member, Greek Association of International Law
Since 1993
Member, Greek Helsinki Committee (Thessaloniki)
Since 1993
Member, Society for Macedonian Studies
página 52
(Nominated by the Government of the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland)
British and French citizenship
Date of birth:
11 April 1951
Present post:
Professor, Department of Law and Human Rights, University of
University of Newcastle upon Tyne 1972-1975
Graduated with IIi Honours Degree in Law
Shared Sweet & Maxwell Prize 1974
1994-1997 Reader, Department of Law, University of Essex
1990-1994 Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, University of Essex
1983-1990 Lecturer, Department of Law, University of Essex
1975-1983 Lecturer, Department of Public Law,
University of Dundee
Academic Experience:
Teaching includes:
Constitutional Law/Public Law I
Public International Law
Nationality and Immigration Law
Case-law of European Convention on Human Rights: LL.M. in
International Human Rights Law, Essex
International Law of Armed Conflicts and International Humanitarian
Law: LL.M. in International Human Rights Law and M.A. in
International Peacekeeping, University of Essex
1992 - Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust - ₤400 to attend San Remo Round
Table on the former Yugoslavia
página 53
1989 - British Academy Research Grant, ₤3,500
International Committee of the Red Cross - internship (in connection
with the same research project)
Nuffield Foundation, ₤1,000 - same research project
1988 - Bursary from Friends of Israel Educational Trust for 7 weeks’
research in Israel
1982 - NATO Research Fellowship
1979 - Summer term; stagiaire with European Commission on Human
1974 - Sweet & Maxwell Law Prize
University Administration includes:
Dean of School of Law (1995-)
Senate Staffing Committee (1994-1997)
Staffing Sub-Committee of Finance Committee (1991-1997)
A variety of administrative jobs, including Deputy Head of
Department (1991-1994)
Other work includes:
1992-1993 International League of Human Rights, missions to the former
1992 Trial observation in Belgrade for Amnesty International
1991 Member of fact-finding mission to Turkey to investigate certain
killings by the State authorities
1987 Member of Independent Counsel on International Human Rights on
the human rights situation in Afghanistan
Human rights practice:
Advisory and representational work for applicants under the
European Convention on Human Rights; currently several before the
Commission and Court against Turkey, of which I am jointly
responsible for approximately 80
página 54
Human rights and humanitarian law training and consultation:
Red Cross panel of instruction, nationally and internationally
Training sessions for UNHCR delegates in human rights law and
humanitarian law, Geneva, Zagreb and Istanbul
Training session for UNHCR protection officers in international law,
Training course for military officers, International Institute for
Humanitarian Law, San Remo - sessions on human rights law
5 times)
International Society for Military Law and the Law of War, Brussels:
training seminars for lawyers with armed forces; subject - Convention
on the Safety of United Nations and Associated Personnel
Have also taught at the Staff College, Camberley and the Joint
Services Defence College, Greenwich
Ad Hoc War Crimes Tribunals - seminar for staff in the Prosecutor’s
Office, including investigators (“Yugoslavia”); consulted on
prosecution of sexual crimes
Amnesty International: training session for staff; international
humanitarian law
Turku/Abo - Advanced course on human rights law; participants
mainly from Government and NGOs; subject - European Convention
on Human Rights (ECHR)
English Bar -Training session in using the ECHR
Law Society Training Video on ECHR
1996 - Admitted to the Bar (Lincoln’s Inn), under a special scheme for
distinguished academics
1992 - Member of Overseas Advisory Committee of Save the Children Fund
(now renamed Programmes Advisory Panel)
1991 - Appointed to be a Governer of the British Institute of Human Rights
página 55
The candidate submitted a list of over 50 publications in the fields of international
human rights law, the international law of armed conflict and constitutional law, of which she
is the author. The full list is available from the Secretariat
In addition, she serves on the Editorial Boards of:
Democratic audit, a research project sponsored by the Rowntree
Foundation, edited by the Human Rights Centre, University of Essex
and Charter ‘88, and
European Human Rights Review, published by Sweet & Maxwell
She is Chairman of the Editorial Board of the World Report on the
Declaration on Religious Intolerance, based at Essex
página 56
Anexo II
El año que figura en la tercera columna es el año en que expira su mandato. El mandato
expira al elegirse a los miembros de la Subcomisión en el 58º período de sesiones
(2002) o en el 60º período de sesiones (2004) de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos.
Sr. Miguel Alfonso Martínez
*Sr. Juan Antonio Fernández Palacios
Sr. José Bengoa
*Sr. Alejandro Salinas Rivera
Sra. Erica Irene A. Daes
*Sra. Kalliopi Koufa
Sr. Asbjørn Eide
*Sr. Jan Helgesen
Sr. Fan Guoxiang
Sr. Héctor Fix Zamudio
*Sr. Alfonso Gómez Robledo Verduzco
Sr. Rajenda Kalidas Wimala Goonesekere
*Sra. Deepika Udagama
(Sri Lanka)
Sr. El-Hadji Guissé
Sra. Françoise Jane Hampson
*Sra. Helena Cook
(Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña
e Irlanda del Norte)
Sr. Fried Van Hoff
*Sra. Lammy Betten
(Países Bajos)
Sr. Louis Joinet
*Sr. Emmanuel Decaux
Sra. Iulia Antoanella Motoc
*Sra. Victoria Sandru-Popescu
Sr. Stanislav Ogurtsov
Sr. Joseph Oloka-Onyango
* Suplente.
página 57
Sr. Soo Gil Park
*Sr. Chin Sung Chung
(República de Corea)
Sr. Paulo Sérgio Pinheiro
*Sra. Marília Sardenberg Zelner Gonçalves
Sr. Godfrey Bayour Preware
*Sra. Christy Ezim Mbonu
Sr. Teimuraz O. Ramishvili
*Sr. Vladimir Kartashkin
(Federación de Rusia)
Sr. Manuel Rodríguez Cuadros
Sr. Yeung Kam Yeung Sik Yuen
Sr. Soli Jehangir Sorabjee
Sra. Halima Embarek Warzazi
Sr. David Weissbrodt
*Sra. Barbara Frey
(Estados Unidos de América)
Sr. Fisseha Yimer
Sr. Yozo Yokota
*Sra. Yoshiko Terao
Sra. Leila Zerrougui
* Suplente.