Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian


Communauté électroacoustique canadienne (CEC) Canadian
Communauté électroacoustique canadienne
(CEC) Canadian Electroacoustic Community
Assemblée générale annuelle – 2008 – Annual General Meeting
Green Room, Oscar Peterson Concert Hall, Concordia University
7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, October 3, 2008, 2pm
Ordre du jour / Agenda
1. Approbation de l'ordre du jour / Adoption of the agenda.
2. Approbation du procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Adoption of
the minutes.
3. Sujets touchant le procès-verbal de la dernière assemblée générale / Business
arising from the minutes.
4. Rapport du Président / President's Report
5. Rapport du Conseil d’Administration / Reports from the Board
6. Autres / Other business
7. Levée de l'assemblée / Adjournment
Suivi de / Followed by:
Présentation des informations sur le Projet d’archivage de Concordia.
Presentation of information about the Concordia Archival Project.
Minutes – 2007
Green Room, Oscar Peterson Concert Hall, Concordia University
7141 rue Sherbrooke ouest, Saturday October 14th, 2007, 2pm
Present: Mark Corwin, Dominique Bassal, Kevin Austin (acting chair), Yves Gigon
Welcome and greetings, history, context and setting the stage – Kevin Austin.
1. Mark Corwin moved to adopt the agenda, Dominique Bassal seconded, approved
2. Adoption of the minutes from 05-06, Dominique Bassal moved, YG, approved al
3. Business arising from the minutes (none)
4. Presidents Reports. The report was presented and issues discussed. Moved MC,
seconded DB, approved al.
5. Reports from the Board. Financial report, moved DB, seconded YG, approved al.
Adjourn 4:45pm
MC, al
Rapport financier (Financial report)
31 mai 2008 (May 31 2008)
Bilan (Balance sheet)
31 mai 2008 (May 31 2008)
Actif (Assets)
Court terme (Short term)
Encaisse (Cash)
Placements (Placements)
Comptes à recevoir (Accounts due)
Subvention à recevoir (Upcoming grants payments)
Passif (Liabilities)
Court terme (Short term)
Comptes à payer (Accounts payable)
Subvention perçue d’avance (Grants received in advance)
Avoir des membres (Members’ assets)
Avoir net (Net equity)
Résultats et avoir net (Statements and net equity)
Exercice terminé le 31 mai 2008 (Fiscal year ending May 31 2008)
Revenus (Income)
Patrimoine canadien (Canadian Heritage) — Projet CAP
Fondation SOCAN (SOCAN Foundation)
Projet Workshops
Core Funding
Conseil des Arts du Canada (Canada Council for the Arts)
Cotisations (Memberships)
Projet K&D
Dons (projet JTTP)
Vente de CDs (CD sales)
Intérêts (Interest)
Dépenses (Expenses)
Projet CAP
Projet Workshops
Sous-traitance (Salaries)
Frais d’administration (Administration costs)
Projet K&D
Projet JTTP
Honoraires professionnels (Professional fees)
Frais de production/publication (Production/Publication)
Frais de banque (Bank Fees)
Équipements (Software/hardware)
Excédent des revenus sur les dépenses
Avoir net au début de l’exercice (Net equity, beginning of fiscal year)
Avoir net à la fin de l’exercice (Net equity, end of fiscal year)
Assemblée générale annuelle 2008 /
Annual General Meeting 2008
It is often the case that each new year for the CEC is busier than the one which
preceded it, as we maintain and extend an increasingly diverse array of community
efforts, old and new. 2007–08 has been no exception in this respect, and has seen the
CEC provide support and guidance to initiatives spanning the range from vital archival
work to conferences, festivals and competitions.
There are a number of changes to Board positions this year. Longtime CEC president
Ian Stewart stepped down after making many invaluable contributions in the course of
six years serving the community via the board. I wish to extend a huge personal thankyou to Ian for this — and invite you all to do the same! In happier news, Montréal’s
Eldad Tsabary (very involved with the recent Canadian 60x60 initiative, among other
things) has joined the board. Welcome Eldad!
The proposed board for the coming year is outlined below. Interestingly, at this year’s
Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2008, no less than four members of the board were
present and the event was thus a welcome chance for the board (which meets and
discusses the organization’s issues on a daily basis via email) to interact in a more
enjoyable and “personal” setting!
President: David Ogborn (Regina / Toronto) | current term 2006–09
Vice–President: Laurie Radford (Calgary) | 2008–10
Secretary: Jean Routhier (Vancouver) | 2007–09
Treasurer: Eldad Tsabary (Montréal) | 2008–10
Members at Large: Kevin Austin (Montréal) | 2006–09; Shawn Pinchbeck (Edmonton) |
The CEC’s online journal eContact! continues to gain a wider audience at the same
time as benefitting from a number of creative and editorial innovations, the work of
eContact! editor (and CEC co-Administrator) jef chippewa in collaboration with writers
from across the electroacoustic community. The journal has recently incorporated a
series of regular columns (Community Reports and Rediscovered Treasures), a
development that we will follow with great interest.
eContact! 10.2 focused on interviews with a very wide range of electroacoustic
practitioners. With over 115 interviews, it is the largest issue ever and will no doubt
quickly become an important point of reference. eContact! 10.3 featured the
proceedings of the first annual Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium 2007 (more about
the symposium below) and eContact! 10.4 features a number of video and audio
materials related to live electronics and improvisation, taking full advantage of the
potential of an entirely internet-based journal. eContact! 10.x will be a special 10th
anniversary edition featuring the Concordia Archival Project (more below) as well as
material related to electroacoustic archiving projects in general.
This year a total of 35 composers contributed their work to the CEC’s annual Jeu de
Temps / Times Play (JTTP) competition — rapidly becoming recognized as a gold
standard in the sphere of artistic competitions, with a large and international jury, the
provision of feedback to participants, the efficient use of administrative resources, as
well as the general prestige associated with the project.
Following extensive discussion prior to the competition, the CEC board decided on an
important change to the contest rules, removing the previous time limit of eight minutes
so as to ensure that diverse aesthetic approaches potentially requiring longer spans of
time for their full development were not excluded. This year also saw an important
increase in the number and breadth of JTTP partners (prize donors, radio and concert
performances of the works).
The jury commented on the overall strength of this year’s submissions and our
congratulations are owed to all of the JTTP participants. Our special congratulations are
owed to the top five placing composers: Nick Storring, Jean-François Blouin, FélixAntoine Morin, Thierry Gauthier and Mathieu Arsenault. The 2008 JTTP project is
documented (with all submissions, program notes and biographies) in eContact!
11.1 and the top works will be released in the next installment of the Cache CD series.
A new and highly successful initiative was the series of workshops on mastering in
electroacoustics that were presented by Dominique Bassal and Jean-Luc Louradour in
eight locations across Canada: Montréal (Concordia University, Université de Montréal
and McGill University), Calgary (University of Calgary), The Banff Centre, Winnipeg
(University of Manitoba), Toronto (Ontario College of Art and Design) and Halifax
(Dalhousie University). The workshops covered issues of monitoring and exportability,
the mixing process, and the qualitative analysis of audio materials.
The 2008 workshops were made possible by virtue of the generous financial support of
the SOCAN Foundation, with additional contributions from Sennheiser Canada as well as
from the host institutions. Discussions regarding a 2009 edition indicate much interest
and we are presently looking into the financial and institutional resources that could
make this happen.
The second edition of the annual Toronto Electroacoustic Symposium took place August
7–9, a co-production of the CEC, Toronto’s New Adventures in Sound Art, and the
Faculty of Music at the University of Toronto. The 2008 symposium featured keynote
lectures by Sound Travels guest artists Robert Normandeau and Ellen Waterman, as
well as presentations by electroacoustic artists from Toronto, across Canada and the
United States, and from the United Kingdom.
The proceedings from the 2008 symposium have been collected and are currently being
edited for appearance in a forthcoming issue of eContact!. A special thanks to Dennis
Patrick at the University of Toronto, and to Darren Copeland and Nadene ThériaultCopeland of New Adventures in Sound Art (NAISA) for their continued collaboration with
the CEC on this important community initative!
The Concordia Archival Project (CAP) is the largest single project ever undertaken by
the CEC and also the beneficiary of the largest single grant ever managed by the CEC (a
grant from Heritage Canada (Patrimoine Canada).
At this date, the transfer of archival tapes has been completed while final work
continues on the eLearning and eContact! elements of the project (including a special
10-year anniversary issue of eContact!). The project will have its public launch later
this Fall. There have been some delays due to the coordination of different project
elements on this most ambitious project. Heritage Canada has kindly allowed us an
extension on the project in order to bring it to the necessary level of quality. It is
commendable that a project of this size and complexity is still completely on budget.
I am pleased to report that the CEC’s funding sources continue to be healthy, with some
high profile initatives made possible by a number of significant one-time grants. Funding
from the SOCAN Foundation Core Funding program has been stable over recent years,
with a 20% increase in 2008 relative to 2007. The Canada Council’s Writing and
Publishing program provided important funding for eContact! volumes 10 (2007–08)
and 11 (2008–09). We are enthusiastic that increased financial support could be
available for volume 12.
As mentioned above, the October-November 2007 mastering workshops were made
possible by significant funding from the SOCAN Foundation through the Creator’s
Assistance grant. The Concordia Archival Project is supported entirely by a large grant
from Heritage Canada / Patrimoine Canada. The Canada Council’s Supplementary
Operating Funds Initiative (a one-time programme) allowed the CEC to undertake an
advertising campaign for eContact!, taking out ads in various Canadian and
international journals as well as in a few select concert programmes during the period
from April 2008 to May 2009.
There continues to be a slow but steady growth in membership, which (among other
things) helps to fund the CEC’s core administrative responsibilities. We intend to
dramatically increase our membership building efforts throughout this Fall-Winter and
would benefit greatly from the participation of the community in this effort: please
encourage your colleagues, collaborators and students to join and support our
Yours most truly,
David Ogborn
President of the CEC Board
Thursday, 2 October 2008.