Fiche descriptive de cours 2009-2010


Fiche descriptive de cours 2009-2010
Faculté des lettres et
sciences humaines
 Espace Louis-Agassiz 1
 CH-2000 Neuchâtel
Fiche descriptive de cours 2009-2010
Cours: UniNE, faculté des lettres et sciences humaines
 Titre du cours : Irish Writing in the Postcolonial Moment
 Filière(s) (Lic., BA, MA) : BA, MA and Lic.
 Semestre : Automne 2009
 Nombre de crédits : 5
 Nombre d’heures hebdomadaires de présence en classe : 2h
 Horaire du cours : Vendredi 10h-12h
 Lieu du cours : Alvéole d’anglais B.1.49
 Adresse du site web du cours :
Enseignant: Prof. David Spurr
 Bureau : 2.49
 Téléphone professionnel : 032 718 18 19
 Heures de disponibilité : Vendredi 12-13h
 Adresse électronique pour le courriel : [email protected]
OBJECTIFS (3-4 phrases maximum)
The “postcolonial moment” of this seminar’s title refers to the spirit of literary independence
and self-awareness that has characterized Irish writing since the early twentieth century, in
the wake of four centuries of British political and cultural domination. Modern Irish writing
thus needs to be understood in terms of the historical conditions in which it has been written:
the struggle for independence, the partition of Ireland in 1921, the repressive years of the De
Valera government, and Ireland’s accession to membership in the European Union in 1973.
Throughout this history, Irish writers have sought forms of expression in English that would
liberate them from the weight of the English literary tradition, with profound consequences for
modern literature in general. This seminar traces that history in several forms of Irish writing:
poetry, essays, short stories, the novel.
BA students will be required to do an oral presentation and to write an essay of 5-7 pages;
MA and Licence students will be required to do an oral presentation and write an essay of
15-20 pages.
Banville, John. The Book of Evidence. Picador
Bowen, Elizabeth. The Last September. Vintage
Joyce, James. Dubliners. Penguin
Yeats, W.B. Selected Poems. Penguin
Selected Essays (in polycopié)

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