Histoire des idées - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin


Histoire des idées - Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
Année universitaire 2017/2018
sous réserve de modification
Informations générales
Langue(s) d'enseignement Anglais
Volume horaire total
Responsable(s) de l'UE
Armel Dubois-Nayt
[email protected]
Programme : Introduction à l'histoire des femmes en Grande Bretagne
An Introduction to Women's history 1500-1800
Course outline.
This course has been designed to introduce students to English women's status and conditions in the modern period. It explores how gender was
established and challenged in the Modern period. Through critical discussion of medical, theological, philosophical and legal texts, it will help students
understand what it meant to be a woman in the modern period. This course will also explore the realities of women's lives between 1500 and 1800
through students' presentations.
Topics and schedule of classes.
Week 1. What is women's history and why does it matter?
Week 2. Women through the eyes of clerics.
Week 3. Women and the practice of religion.
Week 4. Women through the eyes of physicians.
Week 5. Women and the practice of medicine.
Week 6. Women and Sex.
Week 7. Women and the Law.
Week 8. Women and crime.
Week 9. Women and education
Week 10. The Vindication of the rights of Woman by Mary Wollstonecraft.
Week 11. Female rule.
Week 12. Exam
Contrôle des connaissances (sous réserve de modification)
Formal Paper (50%) : This assignment asks you to answer 10 questions on the course content including the required readings.
Oral Presentation (25%) : You will be asked to give a presentation on one of the topics studied in the course.
Essay (25%) : You will be asked to write an essay on The Vindication of the Rights of Woman.
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Suggested textbooks for presentations.
Jacqueline Eales, Women in Early Modern England, 1500-1700, Routledge, 1998.
Cissy Fairchilds, Women in Early Modern Europe, 1500-1700, Pearson Longman, 2007.
Anne Laurence, Women in England 1500-1760 - A Social History, Phoenix Giant, 1996.
T. Laqueur, Making Sex : Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud, Cambridge, Mass., 1990.
Sara Mendelson & Patrical Crawford, Women in Early Modern England, Clarendon Press, 2003.
Required Readings.
Mary Wollstonecraft, A Vindication of the Rights of Women, Penguin Classic, 2004.
Dernière mise à jour de cette page : 23 juin 2014
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