100x100madera house


100x100madera house
Etu d e d e ca s : 1 0 0 X1 0 0 MADERA HO US E
S i te We b : h ttp ://www.co n s tr u cti o n 2 1 .o r g /m a r o c/
Type de pro jet : Co nstructio n Neuve
Type de bâtiment : Maiso n individuelle
iso lée o u jumelée
Année de co nstructio n : 20 14
Zo ne climatique : Csa
Surface nette : 155 m 2
Co ût de co nstructio n : 16 3 6 40 €
No mbre d'unités fo nctio nnelles : 1
Lo gement
Co ût/m² : 1 0 56 €/m 2
Co ût/Lo gement : 16 3 6 40 €/Lo gement
Nunki 1 , 28 79 4 Guadalix de la Sierra,
Madrid, España
// Description
• Pro ject type: New co nstructio n
• Building type: Detached ho use
• Year o f co nstructio n: 20 14
• Year o f co mpletio n: 20 14
• Climate classificatio n: Csa
• Gro ss internal area: 155 m2
• Co nstructio n co st: 16 3 6 40 €
• Number o f units: 1 Ho me
• Co st/m2: 1 0 56 €/m2
• Co st/Ho me: 16 3 6 40 €/Ho me
http://www.platafo rma-pep.o rg/estandar/ejemplo s-ph
Fiabilit é de s do nné e s :
// Intervenants
No m : Bio Ark Arquitectura
Go rka Elo rza
Site Web : www.bio arkestudio .co m
Bureau d'études autre
No m : RC Arquitectura
Mro sa de la Iglesia Arranz y Cristina Ro mero Medina. info @rcarquitectura.co m
Site Web : www.rcarquitectura.co m
Actio n : Passivhaus adviser's o ffice
No m : 10 0 x10 0 madera
Raquel Peláez
Site Web : www.10 0 x10 0 madera.co m
Maître d'œuvre
No m : Grupo Final S.L
Jo sé Juan Ávila
Site Web : www.grupo final.co m
Mo de co nt ract ue l :
Co ntractant général
Dé m arche dé ve lo ppe m e nt durable du m aît re d'o uvrage : Enviro nmental philo so phy o f the pro mo ter: We decided to
build this building to demo nstrate that it is po ssible to
live in a healthy eco -friendly ho me, which is respectful to the enviro nment and has no co nsumptio n, and all this within a
reaso nable price. We understand that it is hard to believe that yo u can have co mfo rt and health in yo ur
ho me with a co nsumptio n o f o nly €15/mo nth. Therefo re, we wanted to pro ve it by building a ho use that also serves as a
sho wro o m and that we co uld mo nito r in o rder to sho w all these data.
De script io n archit e ct urale : The case study co nsists o f a single-family ho me that serves as a sho who me to the pro perty
develo pers who are
develo ping the pro ject. The pro perty, a catalo gue mo del, is lo cated in Guadalix de la Sierra (Madrid). Its co nceptio n
and develo pment co nverge three key features:
1_An industrialized system where dry co nstructio n prevails.
2_The use o f natural materials.
3_Seeking maximum co mfo rt and energy savings thro ugh co mpliance with the Passivhaus standard.
Part o f the wo rk that was carried o ut during the pro ject phase co nsisted o f adapting the catalo gue mo del, therefo re predesigned, to co mply with the Passivhaus standard. The industrialized system that was used co nsists o f a light frame o f wo o d
fro m the no rth o f Finland. This structure is perfectly cut and numbered fro m the facto ry. At the
co nstructio n site, the o nly wo rk to be carried o ut is the assembly. Apart fro m the fo undatio n, which is traditio nal,
the rest o f the materials that are used are that o f dry assembly. As in all industrialized systems, the co nstructio n times and
waste that is generated are reduced significantly. Fo r the mo st part, the materials that are used in the building are natural. The
frame is made o ut o f red pine wo o d, the insulatio n blankets are made o ut o f wo o d fibres and the enclo sure o f the structure is
made o ut o f wo o d shaving bo ards. The cladding plasterbo ard is fixed to the
structure via uprights, which are also made o ut o f wo o d, thus avo iding the use o f any metallic element. The pains 1that are
used in the interio r o f the ho use are eco lo gical and the primer fo r the treatment o f the wo o d is co mpletely natural.
The Passivhaus standard is a certificatio n. As far as buildings are co ncerned, Passivhaus is the mo st demanding in the wo rld
in terms o f energy efficiency. With a Passivhaus building, it is po ssible to pro vide the energy to heat
and/o r co o l the building o nly using the co mfo rt ventilatio n. Therefo re, a co nventio nal air co nditio ning system is no t required.
Et si c'é t ait à re f aire ? : Having co mpleted the wo rk fo r the adaptatio n o f a pre-designed ho me in o rder to co mply to the
Passivhaus standard, we have realized that the initial design o f a building is key if the o bjective is to co mply with the
requirements established by the Passivhaus standard. Criteria, such as bio climatic, fo rm facto r, the o rientatio n, so lar gain o r
the pro tectio n o f spaces, acco rding to every climate o r seaso n, have to be taken into acco unt. This is fundamental in o rder to
avo id excess wo rk during the pro ject phase, as well as to prevent co st o verruns during the executio n phase.
Opinio n de s o ccupant s : Ander: it wo uld be difficult to be further surprised by the behavio ur o f this building. While
everyo ne in Madrid is suffering fro m the heat wave, with almo st 40 degrees and temperatures in ho mes o f 32 o r
33 degrees, o r spending mo ney o n air co nditio ning, we are feeling incredible co mfo rt. We live iso lated fro m the
external climato lo gy. Since we are always at the same temperature bo th in summer and winter, we are indifferent.
Raquel: One thing that has surprised me is that we do no t suffer fro m dry respirato ry tracts. We have an average
o f 41% humidity. Our ho use never has any bad smells - it always smells fresh, with a wo o d scent. I never no tice
stuffy ro o ms in the mo rning when I get up fro m bed o r after a friend's gathering...ultimately, it always smells go o d.
In the mo rnings, I wake up mo re rested and witho ut headaches.
Ander: The light in o ur ho use is the best! We do no t switch o n the lights until the sun has go ne do wn co mpletely.
As 6 5% o f the ho use is made o ut o f glass and it is a bio climatic ho use, it gives us to tal jo y to see so much light
thro ugho ut the day. Yo u feel uplifted fro m the minute that yo u get up.
Raquel: The silence is o ne o f the things that sho cked me the mo st when I went to live there. Occasio nally, I wo uld
see a car o r a truck go past in fro nt o f the ho use and I literally co uld no t hear it. Additio nally, the so und between
the ro o ms is almo st zero , yo u can hardly hear anything.
// Energie
Consommation énergétique
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire : 110 ,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Be so in e n é ne rgie prim aire bât im e nt st andard : 273,0 0 kWh PE/m 2 /year
Mé t ho de de calcul : Autre
CEEB : 0 ,0 0 kWh PE / €
Co nso m m at io n d'é ne rgie f inale : 42,0 0 kWh FE/m 2 /year
Ré part it io n de la co nso m m at io n é ne rgé t ique : Primary energy co rrespo nding to ACS, heating and auxiliary po wer
_6 8 kwh/m2a
Performance énergétique de l'enveloppe
UBat de l\'e nve lo ppe : 0 ,14 W.m -2 .K-1
Plus d'inf o rm at io n sur l'e nve lo ppe : The U value: 0 .14W.m-2.K-1 Mo re info rmatio n: the to tal envelo pe thermal
transmittance values have pro ved to be the fo llo wing: Facade: U = 0 .135 W/m2K with a to tal thickness o f 39 .9 cm. Ro o f: U =
0 .138 W/m2K with a to tal thickness o f 38 .9 cm. Flo o r insulatio n: U = 0 .16 4 W/m2K with a to tal thickness o f 29 .4 cm.
Carpentry: U = 1.12 W/m2K (with thermal bridge spacer ψ = 0 .0 40 W/mK) Triple glazing 4be/20 /4/20 /4be: U = 0 .55 W/m2K
and g = 0 .55 DIN in 138 29 - n50 » (in 1/h-1) (I4) m3/H.m2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Indicat e ur : DIN EN 138 29 - n50 » (en 1/h-1) (I4) m 3 /H.m 2 n50 (Vo l/H) Q4
Et anché it é à l'air : 0 ,55
Opinio n de s ut ilisat e urs sur le s syst è m e s do m o t ique s : The system that we have installed is mo st co mfo rtable.
We do no t have to do anything to co ntro l it. Altho ugh it is auto matically do ne, we can manually set the temperature and
ventilatio n that we want. Fo r example, if o ne day, we co o k so mething and want to eliminate the smell quickly, we can
increase the ventilatio n. In additio n, the co mfo rt pro vided by the aero thermal heating system is eno rmo us. We o nly have to
wo rry abo ut raising o r lo wering the inside temperature. We are lucky that the ho use is being mo nito red - no t o nly do we feel
co mfo rtable but also , we see all the real time data fo r the temperature, humidity and co st.
Co nso m m at io n ré e lle (é ne rgie f inale ) /m 2:
// EnR & systèmes
Chauf f age :
Po mpe à chaleur
Plancher chauffant basse température
Po mpe à chaleur
Raf raîchisse m e nt :
Po mpe à chaleur réversible
Plafo nd rayo nnant
Ve nt ilat io n :
Ventillatio n no cturne
Free-co o ling
Do uble flux avec échangeur thermique
Ene rgie s re no uve lable s :
Autres énergies reno uvelables
// Environnement
Eau et qualité de l'air intérieur, santé et confort
Co nf o rt & sant é : Criteria, such as bio climatic, fo rm facto r, the o rientatio n, so lar gain o r the pro tectio n o f spaces,
acco rding to every climate o r seaso n, have to be taken into acco unt. This is fundamental in o rder to avo id excess wo rk
during the pro ject phase, as well as to prevent co st o verruns during the executio n phase.
Co nce nt rat io ns sim ulé e de CO2 e n int é rie ur : El sistema de ventilació n mecánica co ntro lada permite la co nstante
entrada de aire limpio a la vivienda. El sistema cuenta co n un medido r de CO2 que al llegar a determinado nivel, aumenta
el caudal de ventilació n
Co nf o rt t he rm ique calculé : Temperaturas o peracio nales: 25º C en verano y 20 º C en invierno
// Produits
ISONAT PLUS 55 FLEX wood f ibre insulation
Fabricant : ISONAT
Co nt act f abricant : co ntact@iso nat.co m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : www.iso nat.co m
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Seco nd œuvre / Clo iso ns, iso latio n
De script io n:
Thermal insulatio n that is co mpo sed o f wo o d fibres (fro m the remains o f pruning and cleaning o f fo rests) and hemp.
Recyclable and co mpo stable pro duct. No settlement with the pass o f time. Co nductivity value o f 0 .38 W/mK. It abso rbs
humidity and resto res it pro gressively with a healthier atmo sphere.
Co m m e nt aire s:
The pro mo ter o ften uses this material fo r its natural and eco lo gical characteristics.
RIWEGA sealing tapes
Fabricant : Riwega
Co nt act f abricant : info @riwega.co m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : http://www.riwega.co m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Gro s œuvre / Charpente, co uverture, étanchéité
De script io n:
Sealing tape to place o n the windo ws (between carpentry frame and facade wall), to tape the layer o f o sb. This serves as a
sealing line in the ho me and ensures sealing thro ugho ut the installatio n pro cess
Co m m e nt aire s:
The use o f this pro duct has helped air tightness 0 .55 ren/ho ur at 50 pascals. This value is difficult to achieve in light wo o den
frame buildings due to the numero us jo ints that it presents.
V92 Woodworks
Fabricant : Carinbisa
Co nt act f abricant : presupuesto @carinbisa.co m
Sit e Int e rne t f abricant : http://www.carinbisa.co m/
Cat é go rie de pro duit : Seco nd œuvre / Menuiseries extérieures
De script io n:
Exterio r windo ws and balco ny do o rs with wo o den frames and argo n filled triple.
Co m m e nt aire s:
The use o f type V9 2 carpentry with argo n filled triple glazing and warm edge spacers have helped us to achieve the values that
are required by the Passivhaus standard.
// Coûts
Co ût de co nstructio n : 16 3 6 40 €
Coûts de construction & exploitation
Co ût é t ude s : 12 50 0 ,0 0 €
Co ût t o t al : 18 0 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
Aide s f inanciè re s : 155 0 0 0 ,0 0 €
// Environnement urbain
Enviro nne m e nt urbain :
Guadalix de la Sierra
Surf ace du t e rrain :
Parking :
Single-family detached ho use, lo cated in a residential area in the municipality o f
6 30 m 2
Street parking, no parking limitatio ns.
// Qualité environnementale du bâti
Qualit é e nviro nne m e nt ale du bât i :
co nfo rt (o lfactif, thermique, visuel)
// Concours
Catégories du concours
Matériaux bio -so urcés et recyclés , Bâtiment zéro énergie , Santé et co nfo rt