Pg 114 - Canadian Ski Museum


Pg 114 - Canadian Ski Museum
Canadian Ski Year Book, 1936
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refinement and g
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grande part aux activites. C'est ainsi que Melle Irene
Belleau decrocha Ie championnat feminin de Quebec
apres avoir fait une magnifique course contre une
vingtaine de concurentes.
Le championnat pour les Dames du Club de Ski
Athletique Inc. fut rem porte cette annee par Melle May
DeRouin suivie de pres par Melle Phillis Carpenter.
M. Jos. Frechette champion de Quebec pour la
saison 1934-35 comme sauteur conserva son titre car,
faute de tremplin, il n'eut pas a Ie de£endre.
Enfin au cours de l'hiver un concours de popularite
fut organise pour toues les jeunes filles du club afin
d'elire une Reine des sports du club. Melle Yvonne
Ferland gagnante fut co'u ronnee Reine de Club de Ski
Athletique Inc. au cours du Bal-Masque du Mardi-Gras.
Dimanche Ie 19 avril 1936 avait lieu Ie banquet de
fermeture de la saison 1935-36. A la table d'honneur on
pouvait remarquer M. Jos. Girard, president actif du
club, M. Marcel Manseau, president de la Zone de Ski
de la Vallee du St.-Laurent, les presidents de tous les
clubs, les reporters sportifs de nos journaux locaux, les
donateurs de trophees et de coupes et enfin aux aut res
tables les membres du club ainsi que leurs nombreux
amis. Une danse apres Ie banquet fut Ie clou de la saison.
Le Bureau de Direction pour la saison 1935-36 se
compo sa it comme suit:-President, M. Jos. Girard;
1er Vice-President, M. L. P. Lepage; 2eme VicePresidenl, M. Marcel Forgues; Archivisle, M. Romeo
Paquet; Secrelaire, M. Jacques Morency; Tresorier, M.
Jacques Godin;
Pourvoyeur, M. Yves Gaboury;
Direcleurs, MM. Fernand Patry, Gaston Rosa, Sarto
Fortier, Jean Forgues, president sorant de charge.
Les nouveaux officiers elus pour la saison 1936-37
et dont les noms suivent auront la tache de garder Ie
club dans la route du progres et d'organiser les fetes du
5eme anniversaire de la fondation du Club de Ski
A,thletique Inc.:-Presidenl, M. Jos. Girard; 1er Vice-
President, M. Maurice Pouliot; 2e";e Vice-President,
M. Marcel Renaud; Secretaire-archivisle, M. Jacques
Morency; Tresorier, M. Francois Gaulin; Pourvoyeur,
M. Loyola Dion; Direcleurs, MM. Philippe Lsssard,
Camille Taillon, J.-Guy Bart, Jean Forgues.
Seigniory Ski Club
COLD but by no means hard winter was enjoyed
by the Seigniory Club in the Province of Quebec
from December to March, inclusive, last. Canadians
and Americans foregathered in large numbers at
Christmas-New Year's and again on the week-end of
Washington's Birthday, and each week-end also
throughout the season saw cheery crowds of members
and guests of the Club ski-ing, curling, sleigh driving,
skating or snow shoeing in the attractive Laurentian
property which is controlled by the Club.
Two annual meets-the women's inter-city and the
inter-scholastic ski-ing competition involving slalom,
downhill and cross-country events-were the principal
events on the Seigniory Ski Club's 1936 winter calendar.
Conditions were excellent throughout the winter.
Good ski-ing was possible from November until quite
late in March.
The Valley Farm district, some five
miles north of the Log Chateau, was again the scene of
the major ski-ing competitions ofthe season. The club's
giant ski jump was temporarily closed during 1936.
The third annual women's meet in January brought
more charming skiers and more teams to compete than
ever before. The Seigniory Club's inter-city trophy,
which is awarded the team of four registering the highest
standing in slalom, downhill and relay, went this
seaSon to the Ski Club of Montreal, who were the
winners here in 1934.
Their crack team included
Misses Alice MacFarlane, who also took individual
Canadian Ski Year Book, 1936
honours elsewhere during the season, Dorothy Michaels,
Emma Benning and Evelyn McKenna, all of Montreal.
Miss Alice MacFarlane was first in the downhill, her
time being 1 minute 6.2 seconds; in second place was
Peggy Johannsen of another number one ski-ing team,
the Penguin Ski Club of Montreal, who ran the course
in 1 minute 6.6 seconds. Ski Club of Montreal also
annexed third and fifth places in this event.
Toronto Ski Club skiers made a grand showing in
the slalom race, taking first and third places.
the strong Penguin team, who are experts at slalom,
were first in the final team standing for this event. Miss
June Merrill, a newcomer from Toronto Ski Club, ran
the stiff course in 1 minute 47.8 seconds, followed by
Francoise McNichols of the Penguins, in 1 minute
51.8 seconds.
The five:mile relay, starting at Valley Farm House,
and ending at the Log Chateau's hospitable doors, went
to the Penguin Ski Club team, who won the trophy here
last vear. Their combined times were 49.05 minutes.
Not 'far hehind were the Ski Club of Montreal team
with 49.46 minutes.
The final team standing, with point percentages,
was:-lst, Ski Club of Montreal, 297.10; 2nd, Penguin
No.1 Team, 295.77; 3rd, Toronto Ski Club, 274.25;
4th, Penguin No.2 Team, 267.10; 5th, Ottawa Ski
Club,266.03; 6th, McGill Ski Club, 240.63; 7th, Park
Toboggan & Ski Club, 177.14.
The second annual inter-scholastic competition, the
Selwyn House and the Newman House ·Meets, brought
schoolboys of all ages to ski at the Seigniory Club,
whose sports department has done much during the
past few years . to foster the sport among juniors and
also in the local village of Montebello.
The inter-scholastic event in March brought teams
representing many Ontario and Quebec high schools and
colleges. Honours went again to Glehe Collegiate of
Ottawa, who were the victors here in 1935, for their
combined standing in slalom, cross-country, and downhill events. The team included Bob Hammond, AI.
Kuhns, Francis Heggtveit and Bob Hitchman, all of
The individual honours of the meet went,
however, to a Montreal schoolboy who is already the
Dominion of Canada's chamJ?ion ski jumper and holder
of two provincial titles.
'Punch" Bott. ski-ing for
Montreal High School, placed first in the downhill and
slalom events. It was disappointing not to have the
big Seigniory Club hill available for the youthful
champion, as his jumping has improved considerably
since his last performance here.
Bob Hammond of
Ottawa, who is one of the best all-round junior sl,iers
of the district, won the cross-country event in 32
minutes 37.6 seconds, D . Bishop, a schoolma te, placing
second with 33 minutes SO seconds. D. Hall of Lisgar
Collegiate, Ottawa, placed second in the downhill,
registering a time of 1 minute 25.2 seconds to Bott's run
of 1 minute 21 seconds. AI. Kuhns of the winning team
was second in the slalom race with 1 minute 32 seconds,
Bott having run the courses in 1 minute 29.6 seconds.
The combined team standing was as follows :-l st,
Glebe Collegiate Team No.1, 296.05; 2nd, Lisgar
Collegiate, 289.07; 3rd, Montreal High Team No.1,
280.12; 4th. Glebe Collegiate Team No.2, 274.07; 5th,
Montreal High School Team No.2, 220.67; 6th,
Hawkesbury High School, 201.74.
The Common Trophy for slalom racing and the
Mackenzie Trophy for downhill running were competed for again this year by Seigniory Club members.
Tom Somerville of Montreal won the first and Edward
Deems, Jr., of Forest Hills, L.I., the downhill.
Curling is another Seigniory Club activity of first
class importance. The major bonspiels, played at the
Seigniory Club annually, brought together a record
gathering. The men' s competition for the J. I. Rankin
Trophy in Fehruary was won by Outremont Curling
Club of Montreal and the women's honspiel for the
W. B. Sewell Trophy later in the month was won by
Rideau Curling Club of Otta wa.
An innovation in
curling here was the mixed bonspiel. in which teams of
men and women players competed. I t was won by
Royal Montreal Curling Cluh.
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