curriculum vitae - Indiana University


curriculum vitae - Indiana University
Department of Anthropology
Student Building 130
Indiana University
Bloomington, IN 47405
Tel.: O: (812) 855-1041
C. (812) 219-3871
Email: [email protected]
1981 Doctorate, Social and Cultural Anthropology, École des Hautes Études en Sciences
Sociales, Paris.
1979 Diploma, International Relations, Institut des Hautes Etudes Internationales, University of
Paris, Law School.
1977 Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies (Advanced Studies Diploma), Social and Cultural
Anthropology, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
1976 Maîtrise (Masters of Arts), Sociology, University of Paris- Sorbonne.
1976 Certificate, Political Science, University of Paris- Sorbonne.
2002 Lecturas Precarias, Mexico, DF: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
Second edition by SEP 2003
1996 The Architecture of Memory, Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press,
158 p.
1992 La maison de mémoire, Paris: Editions A.M. Métailié, 250 p.
1987 Lectures précaires: étude sociologique sur les faibles lecteurs, Paris: B.P.I. Centre
Georges Pompidou (second printing 1988).
1987 Juifs d'Algérie : Images et Textes, Paris: Editions du Scribe (co-authored), second
printing 1990.
1983 Le culte de la Table Dressée, rites et traditions de la table juive algérienne, Paris
Editions A.M. Métailié, 304 p.
1984 Parenté et ethnicité : la famille juive nord-africaine en France, Research Monograph,
Paris: Ministère de la Culture, 196p.
1979 Le risque nucléaire: une vision de dimension locale, Le Pellerin 1977-1979, Research
Monograph, Paris: Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale, 65 p.
«Migrant Pots and Westernized Palates: Sephardic Taste in the West” in Jews and
Food, Studies in Contemporary Jewry, Vol. 28, edited by Anat Helman and Hannah
Levinsky-Koevary, Oxford University Press, 30 p.
“Alger- Diar-es-Saada”, in Une enfance Juive en Méditerranée musulmane, sous la
direction de Leïla Sebbar, Paris : Editions Bleu Autour, 9 p.
«Les relations judéo-musulmanes dans le domaine alimentaire », in Histoire des
relations entre juifs et musulmans du Coran à nos jours, sous la dir. d’Abdelwahab
Meddeb et Benjamin Stora, Paris : Ed. Albin Michel
“Colonial History, the Jews and Europe”, in Anthropology News, S.A.E. column,
Vol. 51, no. 9, December, p. 44.
Response to C. Kidron’s article “In Pursuit of Jewish Paradigms of Memory:
Constituting Carriers of Jewish Memory in a Support group for Children of Holocaust
Survivors”, in Dapim: Studies on the Shoah, vol.24, pp.373-377.
2009 « Syrian Jews in New York City: Transnational Identity and Memory after
Dictatorship», in Syrian Judaism and its Diaspora in America, ed. L. Hamui de Halabi,
Mexico City.
2006 “La nouvelle diaspora sépharade”, in Le monde sépharade, ed. Sh. Trigano, Paris: Seuil,
vol. II, pp. 723-45
2004 “Gourmandise juive”, in Le Monde des Religions, Sept-Oct., no. 7, pp.38-39
2004 “Jews in France”, in Ember M., Ember C., & Skoggard I. (eds.), Encyclopedia of
Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures around the World, New York:
Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. Vol. 2, pp.944-950.
2004 “Social Memory”, in Kuper A. & Kuper J. (eds.), Social Science Encyclopedia,
Routledge: New York and London
2003 “Judaism”, in Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, ed. S.H. Katz, New York: Charles
Scribners’ Sons, vol.2, pp.327-329.
2002 “Retour à Constantine: une expérience collective de juifs maghrébins établis en France”,
in Lucette Valensi à l’oeuvre, ed. F. Pouillon, Paris: Editions Bouchène, pp. 61-71.
2000 "La `rentrée' en France des Juifs d'Algérie ou le retour en avant", in Pardes no. 28,
special issue on "Sephardic Memory" (“La mémoire sépharade”), pp.179-185.
1999 "On `Cabbages and Kings': The Politics of Jewish Identity in Post-Colonial French
Society and Cuisine", in Food in Global History, ed. Raymond Grew, Westview
Press, pp. 92-107.
1999 "The Memory House: Time and Place in Jewish Immigrant Culture in France", in
House Life: Space, Place and Family in Europe, edited by D. Birdwell-Pheasant and
S. Lawrence- Zuniga, New York: Berg Publishers, pp. 239-249.
"Gender, Colonialism, and the Representation of Middle Eastern Jews", in M. Peskowitz
and L. Levitt (eds.), Judaism Since Gender, New York and London: Routledge,
pp. 82-85.
1996 "The Sephardi Family and the Challenge of Assimilation: Family Ritual and Ethnic
Reproduction", in Sephardi and Middle Eastern Jewries: History and Culture in the
Modern Era, edited by H. Goldberg, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, pp.312324.
1996 "Sepharad dans la mémoire des judéo-espagnols de France in Mémoires juives d'Espagne
et du Portugal, ed. Esther Benbassa, Paris: Editions du Cerf, pp.335-42.
1995 "Food Practices Among Sephardic Immigrants in Contemporary France: Dietary Laws in
Urban Society” in Journal of the American Academy of Religion, LXIII (3):485-96.
1994 "The Sephardic Jew as Mediterranean? A View from Kinship and Gender", in Journal of
Mediterranean Studies, 4(2):197-207.
1993 "Home and the Remembrance of Exile among North African Sephardim", in Jewish
Folklore and Ethnology Review, vol.15, no.2, pp.89-92.
1993 "Palais d'Amérique", in La Gourmandise, délices d'un péché, ed. Catherine N'Diaye,
Autrement, série Mutations/Mangeurs, no. 140, pp. 101-105.
1993 "L'appétit vient en jeûnant" in la Gourmandise, délices d'un péché, ed. Catherine
N'Diaye, Autrement, série Mutations/Mangeurs no.140, pp. 50-53.
1993 "Ashkenazic Jews in France", in Miller Marc S. (ed.) State of the Peoples, Cultural
Survival, Boston: Beacon Press, p.194.
1993 "Sephardic Jews in France", in Miller Marc S. (ed.) State of the Peoples, Cultural
Survival, Boston: Beacon Press, p.202.
1993 "Remembering the Domestic Space: A Symbolic Return of Sephardic Jews", in Going
Home, edited by J. Kugelmass, Y.I.V.O. Annual, vol.21, Evanston: Northwestern
University Press, pp. 133-150.
1992 "Juifs et Arabes en Méditerranée: les revirements d'une histoire complexe", in
Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace, July, 2p.
1992 "La famille sépharade dans la diaspora du XXème siècle" in La Société juive à travers
l'histoire, edited by Sh. Trigano, Paris: Fayard, pp.469-495.
1991 "France-U.S.A.: Ethnographie d'une migration intellectuelle", in Ethnologie Française,
XXI (1):49-55.
1990 "Female Emancipation and Marriage Strategies: North African Jewish Women in
France", in Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review, 12(1-2):23.
1990 "Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives, A Syllabus" in Jewish Folklore and
Ethnology Review, 12(1-2):41.
1990 "What You Remember and Whose Son You Are: North African Jewish Families and
Their Past", in The Social Scientific Study of Judaism, edited by Jack Lightstone,
Montreal: Concordia University Press, pp. 217-229.
1989 "Naissance et mariage: temps forts de la reproduction familiale chez les Juifs nordafricains en France", in Lasry, J.C., Tapia, Cl. (eds.), Les Juifs du Maghreb:
diasporas contemporaines, Paris/Montréal: Presses de l'Université de Montréal/
L'Harmattan, pp.239-262.
1989 "Jewish Cooking", The Blackwell Companion to Jewish Culture, ed. Glenda Abramson,
Oxford: Basil Blackwell, pp.145-148.
"From a Muslim Banquet to a Jewish Seder", in Udovitch A., Cohen M. (eds.), Arabs
and Jews: Contacts and Boundaries, Princeton: Darwin Press, pp.85-95.
"Les faibles lecteurs: pratiques et représentations", in Pour une sociologie de la lecture,
edited by Martine Poulain, Paris: Editions du Cercle de la Librairie, pp.103-124.
"Ellis Island revisité: une ethnologue juive en Indiana”, in Les Nouveaux Cahiers, 94:
"Foodways in Contemporary Jewish Communities: Directions of Research", in Jewish
Folklore and Ethnology Review, 9(1):1-5.
"Etre Pied-Noir Une Génération Après", in L'Arche, April, 349:94-95.
"Rites domestiques et ethnicité: les repas de fête dans les familles juives nord-africaines
en France", in Dialogue, 91:32-42.
"Stratégies familiales et reproduction socio-culturelle: parentèles juives nord-africaines
en France", in Pardès, 1(1):31-61.
"Noms et prénoms juifs nord-africains", in Terrain, 4:62-69.
"Nabile Farès" and "Elissa Rhaiss", in Ecrivains Francophones du Maghreb, edited by
Albert Memmi, Paris: Editions Seghers, pp.134-141 and 275-281.
"Pour une approche ethnologique des judaicités en France" in Bulletin de l'Association
Française des Anthropologues, 12-13:46-49.
"La mimuna des juifs marocains : les gestes culinaires dans la mise en scène rituelle", in
Geste et Image, 3:67-78, co-authored by Kathleen Modrowski.
"Nourritures de l'altérité: le double langage des juifs d'Algérie", in Annales, E.S.C.,
March-April, 2:325-340.
"Current Anthropological Research on Algerian Jews", in Jewish Folklore and
Ethnology Newsletter, 15(1-2): 8-10.
"Le culte de la Table Dressée", Proceedings of the First International Congress on
Sephardic and Oriental Jewry, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, pp.517-528.
"Nourritures Juives", in Les Temps Modernes, 394bis:386-395.
Films and Radio Programs
1992 "La maison de mémoire", radio program, Radio-France, 90 mns.
1992 Presentation of La maison de mémoire, in "La tasse de thé", radio program, Radio
France, May, 60 mns.
1992 Presentation of La maison de mémoire, in "La Matinée des Autres", radio program,
Radio-France, July 28, 90 mns.
1990 "Juifs de Constantine", radio program, Radio-France, 90 mns.
1984 "Le porc", radio program on the history of the pig, Radio-France, 30 mns.
1982 "La mimuna des juifs marocains", film super 8, 19 mns, co-authored by K. Modrowski.
1981 "Teshuva : le retour sur soi des juifs nord-africains, radio program, Radio France,
Book Reviews
2012 On Arabs of the Jewish Faith: The Civilizing Mission in Colonial Algeria, by Joshua
Schreier. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 2010, reviewed in Shofar:
An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies, 2 p.
1998 On Grasping Land: Space and Place in Contemporary Israeli Discourse and Experience,
eds. Eyal Ben-Ari and Yoram Bilu, Albany: State University of New York Press,
1997, in American Anthropologist.
1998 On Sephardi Religious Responses to Modernity by Norman Stillman, Luxembourg:
Harwood Academic Publishers, 1995. in Association for Jewish Studies Review, vol.
XXIII, no.2, pp. 282-4.
1997 On Picturing Casablanca: Portraits of Power in a Modern City. Ossman, Susan.
Berkeley: Univ. of California Press, 1994. in American Ethnologist, 24(1):252.
1995 On The Lord's Table: The Meaning of Food in Early Judaism and Christianity. FeeleyHarnik, Gillian. Washington and London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1994;
Mune: La conservation alimentaire traditionnelle au Liban. Kanafani-Zahar, Aïda.
Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, 1994; Food from the Mouth
of Krishna: Feasts and Festivities in a North Indian Pilgrimage Centre. Toomey,
Paul. Delhi: Hindustan Publishing Corporation. 1994, in American Ethnologist,
1994 On New Neighbours: A Case Study of Cooperative Housing, by Matthew Cooper and
Margaret Critchlow Rodman, (Toronto: U. of Toronto Press, 1992), in American
Ethnologist, 21(4):1063.
1993 On Les complexités de l'alliance: les systèmes semi-complexes, by Françoise Héritier
and Elisabeth Copet-Rougier (Editions des Archives Contemporaines, Paris:1991),
in American Anthropologist.
1991 On The Mellah Society: Jewish Community Life in Sherifian Morocco, by Shlomo
Deshen (U. of Chicago Press, 1989), in L'Homme, XXXI(119):133-137.
1991 On Travail in an Arab Land, by Samuel Romanelli, translated from the Hebrew with an
introduction and notes by Yedida K. Stillman and Norman A. Stillman, (Tuscaloosa
and London, University of Alabama Press, 1989), in Journal of Anthropological
Research, 2p.
1990 On L'Autre et le semblable, présenté par Martine Segalen, (Paris, Presses du C.N.R.S.,
1989), in Bulletin of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe, 4(1):13.
1989 On Colonialism and After : An Algerian Jewish Community, by Elizabeth Friedman, in
Contemporary Sociology, 2p.
1988 On Le shtetl, la bourgade juive de Pologne, by R. Ertel, in L'Homme, 106-107:375-6
1988 On Judaism Viewed From Within and From Without: Anthropological Studies, edited by
Harvey Goldberg, in L'Homme, 106-107:376-378.
1986 On Les Juifs Sépharades en France, by Claude Tapia, in Cahiers Internationaux de
Sociologie, LXXXVI:371.
1983 On Une histoire du sel, by Jean-François Bergier, in Annales, E.S.C., pp.410-412.
1982 On Art et archéologie des Juifs en France médiévale, edited by Bernard Blumenkranz,
and Les Juifs d'Alsace, by Freddy Raphaël and Robert Weyl, and Les Juifs dans
l'histoire de France, edited by Myriam Yardeni, in Annales, E.S.C., pp.158-160.
On Les relations entre juifs et musulmans en Afrique du Nord, in Annales, ESC,
Fellow of American Anthropological Association
Member of American Ethnological Society
Society for Urban Anthropology
Society for the Anthropology of Europe
Association for Jewish Studies
Association for the Social Scientific Study of Jews
Association for the Sociology of Religion
2010 “After 100: The Legacy of Claude Lévi-Strauss’ Work in 21st Century’s Arts and
Humanities”, a Cross-Disciplinary Symposium, Indiana University-Bloomington,
Funded by the I.U. Office of the Vice President for Research, IU College of Arts and
Humanities Institute, the IU Office of the Vice President for International Programs
1999 International Projects and Activities Grant, Indiana University International Programs
1999 Grant-In-Aid of Research, R.U.G.S., Indiana University
1999 Faculty Research Grant, Jewish Studies, Indiana University
1998 Teaching Excellence Award, Jewish Studies Program, Indiana University
1996 Outstanding Research Award, Middle Eastern Studies Program, Indiana University, for
The Architecture of Memory.
1995 West European Studies Curriculum Development Grant, Indiana University.
1994 Summer Faculty Fellowship, Indiana University
1993 Middle Eastern Studies Program Small Grant, Indiana University, Bloomington.
1991-92 Outstanding Young Faculty Award, Indiana University
1991-92 Research Fellowship, The Maurice Amado Foundation Sephardic Education Project
1991-92 Research Fellowship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.
1988 Summer Faculty Fellowship, Indiana University
1988 Grant-in-Aid of Research, Indiana University
1983 Research Fellowship, Ministry of Culture, Paris
1983 Sacha Malo Award, B'nai Brith Association, Nice (France)
1981 Research Fellowship, Ministry of Culture, Paris
1982 Research Fellowship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.
1981 Doctoral Scholarship, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
2008Professor of Anthropology and Jewish Studies, International Studies and West
European Studies Affiliated Faculty, Indiana University, Bloomington.
1993-2008 Associate Professor of Anthropology and Jewish Studies, Indiana University,
Adjunct-Assistant Professor of Women's Studies, Indiana University,
Assistant Professor of Anthropology and Jewish Studies, Indiana University,
Lecturer, Social Sciences Section, University of Paris VIII-Saint Denis.
Lecturer, Sociology Section, Schools of Nursing, Paris Department of Health.
1984, 1985
Lecturer, Anthropology Section, School of Social Work, Paris Department of
Social Action.
1984, 1985
Lecturer, Department of Oriental Studies, University of Paris III-Sorbonne.
1983, 1984
Lecturer, Introduction to Ethnography, Central Library of Essonne (Paris Suburb)
1982, 1985
Lecturer, Seminar on North African Society, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Paris.
Courses Taught
Introduction to Ethnography (U. of Paris)
Introduction to Sociology (U. of Paris)
Culture and Society (I.U.)
Lévi-Strauss: Structuralism in Anthropology (U. of Paris, I.U.)
Migrations and Diasporas (I.U.)
French Social Thought (I.U.)
Memory and Culture (I.U.)
The Ethnography of Europe (I.U.)
Peoples and Cultures of Europe (I.U.)
Racism: Anthropology of Prejudice (I.U.)
Balandier in Social Anthropology (U. of Paris)
Intro. to North African Family (Min. of Foreign Affairs, Paris)
Introduction to the Anthropology of Judaism (U. of Paris)
Modern Jewish Society and Culture (I.U.)
Comparative Jewish Ethnicities (I.U.)
Jewish Ritual (I.U.)
Jewish Women: Anthropological Perspectives (I.U.)
Jews in Moslem Societies (I.U.)
The Jewish Family (I.U.)
The Ethnic Identity of American Jews (I.U.)
Israeli Society and Culture (I.U.)
Methods in Cultural Anthropology (I.U.)
Reproduction, Culture, and Identity (I.U.)
The City (IU)
Graduate: I have served as main advisor, or co-advisor of over two dozen graduate students at
I.U. (both MA and PhD), at the University of Nice (France), and at Laval University (Québec,
Canada). A large number of these students have positions in the academy at this point.
Undergraduate: Since 2007, I have served as the faculty thesis advisor to 7 undergraduate
students majoring in International Studies, for the completion of their senior thesis in this
department. This includes a few working meetings with the students, reading their final thesis
and commenting on it.
Since 2003, I have also served as advisor to the Hutton Honors College students’ completion of
their thesis.
Areas of specialization : ethnography of Western Europe, North Africa, modern Jewish
societies with an emphasis on modern Sephardim, social anthropology of kinship and gender,
ethnicity, religion in urban European society, collective memory and oral history, migration and
diaspora, urban semiotics, ethnosciences, anthropology of cultural practices, French social
Ethnography of Jewish immigrants from the Muslim World in New York City.
Visiting Scholar, New York University, Department of Performance Studies.
Ethnography of the "Old" Jewish quarters in metropolitan Europe, with emphasis
on Paris and Rome (partially funded by Indiana University)
1993Historical analysis of the scholarship of Salomon Reinach, a French historian of
religions of the early 20th century, with emphasis on the theoretical meaning of
the encounter between anthropology and Jewish studies in his work (partially
funded by Indiana University Middle Eastern Studies and Jewish Studies).
1979-1992 Oral historical and ethnographic study of ethnic memory resulting in a book on
The Architecture of Memory: A Jewish-Muslim House in the Algerian
Hinterland, From the 1930's to the Independence. (previously funded by Ecole des
Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, C.N.R.S., and Amado Foundation)
1981-present Anthropological study of kinship and ethnicity among North African Jews in
France, emphasis on matrimonial strategies. Resulting in a book on matrimonial
strategies among French Jews (Funded by French Ministry of Culture, Indiana
University and Memorial Foundation).
1985-present Legal anthropological study of rabbinical literature printed by North African
rabbis, on issues related to family and dietary laws. (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en
Sciences Sociales)
Anthropological study of Ethiopian families in Israel. (Centre Nat. Rech. Sc., Paris)
Ethnological study of the impact of cystic fibrosis disease on family structures in
France. (Inst.Nat.Recherche Médicale, Paris)
1984-1986 Ethnological study of the obstacles to literacy in French society. (Min. of Culture)
1983-1984 Collection of photographic data on Maghrebian society. (Ecole des Hautes Etudes
en Sciences Sociales).
1982-1985 Project of Directory of Jewish cultural heritage in France (museography, research,
iconography, audio-visual archives), (Ministry of Culture).
1975-1981 Doctoral research: anthropological study of food practices among Algerian Jews
in France (funded by Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture).
Anthropological and historical study of oral archives in Muslim families in Algeria.
(Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales).
Anthropological study of a Jewish pilgrimage in Algeria. (C.N.R.S.)
1977-1979 Anthropological study of a nuclear plant in Western French rural area. (Collège de
France, Laboratoire d'Anthropologie Sociale).
1. France 1993- present: semiotic ethnography of Jewish quarters in the European metropolis
1976-92: ethnographic research among North African Jewish and Moslem
immigrants, Paris and South Eastern urban centers.
1977-80: Le Pellerin (rural Western France), nuclear site
1986: ethnographic research among cystic fibrosis patients, Paris and Western France
1985-86: ethnographic research on practice of literacy among urbanites and rural
2. Italy 1994/1999: semiotic ethnography of the ghetto in Rome.
3. Algeria 1979-80: 4 months fieldwork trips on Jewish pilgrimages and the memory of
colonial history, Algiers, Sétif and Constantine
4. Israel 1986: 2 months ethnography of Ethiopian immigration in urban centers
5. U.S. 2006- present Ethnography of most recent Jewish immigrants from the Muslim world
in the New York City metropolitan area
1. For Indiana University
a. Campus
Participant in the IUCRG Program Reviewing committee for around 120 proposals
submitted on all IU campuses, Office of the Vice-President for Research.
2003-04 Mentoring junior female faculties under the Women’s Affairs Office Program
1999-2000 Member of the Selection Committee for the Summer Pre- Dissertation Travel
Grant, International Programs
1998 Instructor in a Division of Continuing Studies course on Paris
1996-99 Member of the Patten Lecture Series Committee
1995-96 Participant in the interdisciplinary seminar of the Kinsey Institute
1992-93 Participant in the "Diversity Workshop", Dean of the Faculties Office and Office of the
1991 Participant in the Women’s History Month with a lecture on "Women Around the
1988 Guest speaker in the interdisciplinary group on "The Social Scientific Study of
Religion", with a presentation of "The Anthropological Methods and Approaches
to Judaism".
1987 Guest speaker at the High School Honors Seminar, with a lecture on "Ethnicity in the
Modern World".
1986- Organizer of Horizons of Knowledge lectures and symposia, Indiana U., Bloomington.
b. Jewish Studies:
2007-08 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, and Prize and Awards Committee
2006-07 Member of the search committee for the Rosenfeld Chair in Jewish Studies
2006-07 Member of the Faculty Affairs Committee
2004-05 Member of the search committee for the Mervis Chair on Jewish Culture in the Arts
2003-04 Member of the graduate admissions committee
1998Member, Prize and Awards Committee
1997-98 Member, Lecture Series Committee
1996-97 Member, Prize and Awards Committee
Guest speaker, Brown Bag luncheon lecture series, JSP Student Ass., Hillel Center.
1995-96 Member, Curriculum Committee
1995-96 Member, Fellowships Committee
1994-95 Member, Bern Essay Competition Committee
1991-92 Member, Search Committee for a position in Jewish History
Chair, Faculty Colloquium Committee
1987- Member, Jerusalem Program Committee
1987-90 Co-Chair, Student Activities Committee
1987, 88 Member, Library Committee
1987, 89 Guest speaker, Adult Seminar in Jewish Studies
1987-88 Chair, Student Fellowship Committee
1986-87 Member, Committee for the planning of an international conference on The Study of
the Jews
1986- Member, Faculty Executive Committee
b. Department of Anthropology
Member, Curriculum committee
Co-organizer, Cross-Disciplinary Symposium on After 100: the Legacy of Claude
Lévi-Strauss’ Work in 21st Century’s Arts and Humanities, Indiana University –
Bloomington, Oct. 21-23.
2007-2010 Member, Undergraduate Committee
2006Member of the Committee on “The Anthropology of Food” track
2003-2004 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee
2002-03 Member, Search Committee for position in East European Ethnography
1999-2000 Member, Graduate Admissions Committee
1998-99 Member, Salary and Awards Committee
1996-97 Member, Socio-Cultural Search Committee
1995Member, Undergraduate Affairs Committee
1994-95 Member, Admission and Awards Committee
1994-95 Member, Graduate Affairs Committee
1991Member, Social Cultural Curriculum Committee
Guest speaker, lecture series on the Bible, Mathers Museum.
1990-92 Member, Admissions and Awards Committee
1990-91 Affirmative Action Officer
1987-91 Honors Adviser
1987-91 Member, Anthropological Linguistics Board
Member, Curriculum and Scheduling Committee
d. Kinsey Institute
2000-04 Associate Faculty for the PhD. Minor in Human Sexuality
e. Middle Eastern Studies Program
1991-2001 Associate Faculty
1996 Member of the Outstanding Teaching Award Committee
1991-93 Member, Faculty Advisory Board
1991-92 Member, Grants and Fellowships Committee
f. West European Studies Department
1992- Associate Faculty
1992 Member, Committee for the Planning of an International Conference
g. Russian and East European Institute
1993- Adjunct Faculty
h. Cultural Studies Program
1992- Associate Faculty
2. External Service
a. Professional
2008- Member of the Editorial Board, Contemporary Jewry
2005-09 Associate Editor of the Encyclopedia of Jews in the Islamic World,
E.J. Brill, 2010.
1992 Guest speaker, Presentation of La maison de mémoire, bookstores and Jewish
associations, Strasbourg and Nice (France).
1992 Invited speaker, Faculty Colloquia, Univ. of Chicago, Univ. of Michigan, Brown Univ.,
and Univ. of Rochester Depts. of Anthropology and Judaic Studies Programs.
1992 Invited speaker, Emory University Near Eastern Studies Dept., Conference on Sephardic
1991 Guest speaker, Lecture series of the Smithsonian Institute Residents Associates,
Washington, DC.
1990- Referee for research proposals, N.E.H., N.S.F., National Foundation for Jewish Culture,
Israel Science Foundation, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of
Canada, Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture.
1989- Referee for article manuscripts, Anthropological Quarterly, Medical Anthropology
Quarterly, Association for Jewish Studies Review, Journal of Women's History,
American Ethnologist, Cultural Anthropology, Current Anthropology, Journal of
Ritual Studies, Contemporary Jewry, American Anthropologist, Jewish Cultural
Studies, American Journal of Sociology.
1998- Referee for tenure and promotion candidacies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
Indiana University, York University, Rochester University, Ben-Gurion University,
City University of New York, Vassar College, SUNY Buffalo, University of California
1989- Consultant, Indiana University Press, University of California Press, University of
Illinois Press, Berg Publishers, University of New England Press, University of
Chicago Press, Wayne State Univ. Press, Routledge, Rutgers University Press.
Consultant, The Philadelphia Inquirer.
1984- Member of the editorial board of Pardès, a journal of Jewish studies, Paris, France.
1983- Book Reviews for Annales, E.S.C., L'Homme, S.A.E. Bulletin, American
Anthropologist, Journal of Anthropological Research, Contemporary Sociology,
Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie, American Ethnologist, Association for Jewish
Studies Review, Contemporary Jewry, Anthropological Quarterly, Jewish Folklore and
Ethnology Review, Shofar.
1981-86 Producer, Jewish radio station, Paris, France.
1981-92 Producer and Consultant, Radio France, Paris.
b. Professional Meetings
1986- Panel chair, organizer, discussant, and participant, American Anthropological
Association annual meetings, Association for Jewish Studies annual meetings, Council
for European Studies meetings, Society for Cultural Anthropology annual meetings,
American Folklore Society annual meetings, World Congress on Jewish Studies
International Conference on Sephardic Studies, the Berkshire Conference on Women’s
c. Community
2010 Keynote Speaker, Congregation Etz Chaim, 5th Anniversary Celebration, Indianapolis,
Oct. 10, 2010
2007 Guest speaker, workshop on “Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries”, Congregation
Beth Shalom, Bloomington, IN
2003 Guest speaker, workshop on “Sephardic Jews”, Congregation Beth Shalom,
Bloomington, IN
1998 Guest speaker, workshop on "Jewish Cuisine, Culture and History", Congregation Beth
Shalom, Bloomington, IN
1996 Guest Speaker, Seminar on "Jewish Identities", the Jewish Federation of San Francisco,
and the Jewish Museum San Francisco.
1991-92 Organizer and Instructor, Six-Session Seminar on "The Jewish Family", Wexner Group,
1991 Guest speaker, winter retreat on Anti-Semitism, B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation, Nashville,
1990 Guest speaker, lecture series, Temple B'nai Israel, Toledo, Ohio.
1988 Guest speaker, Lecture series of the Hadassah Association, Bloomington, IN
“Tragedies that Linger: The Aftermath of WWII on Algerian Jews until the End of
the 20th Century”, Paper given at the Symposium on “New Approaches to
Algerian Jewish Studies”, UCLA, October 23-24.
“Jewish-Muslim Exchanges in Religious Celebrations”, Plenary lecture given at
the 30th Oxford Symposium on Food and Cookery, Oxford University, St
Catherine College, July 9-10.
“The Mediterranean Identity of Sephardic Jews: Critical Reflections on
Ethnographic Experiences”, Paper given at the Conference on “Mediterranean
Identities”, University of Minnesota Institute of Advanced Study, Minneapolis,
MN, April 7-9.
“Narratives of Post-Colonial Exile: Sephardi and Mizrahi Diasporic
Consciousness”, Paper given at the Conference on “Narratives of Jewish
Life and Culture”, Jewish Studies program, University of Kansas, Lawrence,
April 2-3
“Narrating Migration around the Table: The Frenchification of North African
Jewish Palates”, Invited Lecture, the Maurice Amado Program in Sephardic
Studies, Center for Jewish Studies, U.C.L.A., March 10.
“Anthropology at the Académie Française”, Presentation at the Cross-Disciplinary
Symposium on “After 100: The Legacy of Claude Lévi-Strauss’ Work in 21st
Century Arts and Humanities”, Indiana University, Bloomington Oct. 22-23.
“Religion in the Aftermath of Migration among Sephardic Jews in New York City”,
Paper presented at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting,
Panel on “The Other American Jews”, November 21, 2010.
“Food and Migration, and Religion”, Presentation at the Anthropology of Food
Seminar, I.U. Department of Anthropology, April.
“Religion and Migration: The Religious Lives of Sephardic Jews in New York
City”, Paper presented at the Annual meeting of the Association for the
Sociology of Religion, Atlanta, in the panel on “Jews and Jewish Identity: The
Impact of Place”, August 15.
“The Social and Cultural Meaning of Reading and Books in the 21st Century”,
Opening lecture of the Seminar on “La lectura en el mundo de los jovenes”,
Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Feb. 17-21.
Participation in the panel on Memory and the Body, the Liz Lerman Dance
Exchange, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, February 23.
Respondent to E. Lehrer’s paper on “Time Travels in Jewish Ethnography”,
Conference on “Cultured Jews: The Art and Science of Jewish Ethnography”,
Brown University, Providence, RI, April 5-7.
“Jews and Muslims under the Same Roof: Remembering the Past Daily
Togetherness”, Paper given at the Annual Meeting of the American
Anthropological Association, San Francisco, Nov. 20.
Keynote Discussion of the film “Two Ladies”, Jewish Film Festival,
Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, Nov. 9
“Syrian Jews in New York City: Transnational Identity and Memory after
Dictatorship”, Paper given at the International Congress on Syrian Judaism and
Its Diaspora in America, Comunidad Maguen David, Mexico City, Sept 11.
“Soldier or Prisoner? The Colonial Dispossession of Algerian Jewish Memory of
WWII”, Paper to be given at the 2007 Annual Meeting of the Middle Eastern
Studies Association (MESA), in the panel on “Dispossessions, Claims and
Reparations against Post-Independent North African States”, Montréal,
Nov. 17-20
Discussant of the Izza Genini film “Return to Oulad Moumen”, Film Discussion
Series on “Where is Home”, Center for Jewish History, New York City, Nov.8
“The Parisian Pletzel as ‘Makom’ or the Jewish Quarter as Non-Territory”, Paper
Given at the Lehigh University conference on “No Direction Home: Reimagining
Jewish Geography”, Bethlehem, PA, March 24-26.
“On the Domestic Front: Food Production and Cultural Reproduction among North
African Jewish Women in France”, Paper given at the Vanderbilt University
Conference on “On the Lips of Miriam’s Well: Jews/Women/Cultures”, Nashville,
TN, March 18-20
“Collective Memory and Migrants’ Sense of Place”, paper given in collaboration with
Evelyn Dean at the Indiana University conference on “Putting Memory in Place”,
Bloomington, IN, Feb. 23.
“Sephardic Cuisine and the French Republic: How a Traditional Rosh-Ha-Shana Stew
Became ‘blanquette de veau’”, Paper to be presented at the Conference
on Food and Wine in Jewish Culture, University of California-Davis, May 15-18
“The Parisian Pletzel in the Souvenirs’ Gallery: Menoroth and Mezuzoth on the
Tourist’s Trail”, Paper presented at the colloquium on Material Jews,
Center for Religion and the Media, New York University, April 23.
“Jewish Memory in Daily Life: Ethnographic Examples from Food and Naming
Among Sephardic Jews in France”, a guest lecture at Rutgers University Judaic
Studies Department, April 11.
“The Ethnography of Jewish Memory: Reflections across Borders”, a guest lecture at
Rutgers University Judaic Studies Department, April 11.
“French Jews and the Republic in Crisis: Ethnographic Reflections on the Past Six
Years”, a lecture given at the Proshanski Seminar in Contemporary Jewish Studies,
City University of New York, Graduate Center, March 8.
“Les Juifs et la République” (“Jews and the Republic”), a guest lecture given in
Laval University Department of Anthropology, Seminar on “Politics of
Identity”, Québec, September 21.
“Education, Gender Emancipation and Immigration: North African Jewish Women
and the French Republic”, paper to be given at the 13th Berkshire Conference on the
History of Women, Claremont, CA, June 2005
“The Meaning of the Old Jewish Quarter”, a paper presented at the Stanford
Conference on “Jewish Conceptions of Space and Place”, Stanford University, CA,
May 19.
“Sephardic Jews Worldwide”, a lecture given at Congregation Beth Shalom,
Bloomington, IN, March 5.
“Sephardic Women in France: Gender Emancipation and the Republic”, the Yedida
Kalfon-Stillman Memorial Lecture, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, Feb.27
“The Rocky Road to the Republic: French Jews 2002”, a lecture given at the Jewish
Studies Faculty Colloquium, Indiana University, Bloomington, October.
Participant in a panel discussion of the book by David Kertzer, The Popes Against the
Jews, American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings, New Orleans, Nov.
“Questions of Collective Memory”, Three lectures given at the University of Nice
Department of Ethnology (France). March
“Indigenous Judeo-Arabic Ethnography: the Weight of French Colonialism”, co-auth.
A. Levy, paper given at the 2000 American Anthropological Association Meetings,
Panel on “Colonialism and the Jews”, San Francisco, Nov. 15.
“Religion and Migrants’ Identity in Post-Colonial Europe: the Experience of North
African Jews in France”, Paper given in the Plenary Session, Conference on “The
Pious and the Profane: Religion and Public Culture”, Western Humanities Alliance,
University of Washington, Seattle, Oct. 13.
“Espousing French Culture: the Challenge of Assimilation among North African
Jewish Women in Today’s France”, the George M. and Pearl A. Zeltzer Lecture on
Women and Judaism, the Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies, Wayne State
University, Detroit, Sept. 24.
“Romancing the Stones: Rediscovering the Old Jewish Quarters of Paris and Rome”
Lecture given at the Cohn-Haddow Center for Judaic Studies, Wayne State Univ.
Detroit, Sept. 25.
“Cultures juives maghrébines dans l’expérience coloniale: localisme et globalisation”
Paper presented at the international conference “Hommage to Clifford Geertz:
Cultures, Societies, Territories”, Municipality of Sefrou, Princeton University,
Sefrou (Morocco), May 4-6.
"Inscribing the Jews in the City: Old Jewish Quarters in Europe", paper given at the
31st Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies, Chicago, Dec.19- 21.
" L'Europe et la modernité juive: l'expérience coloniale", paper given at the colloquium
On "Les Juifs d'Algérie: une expérience originale de la modernité", Collège des
Etudes Juives, Alliance Israélite Universelle, Paris, Dec. 12.
"North African Jewish Identity in France: The Imagined Return", paper given at the
International Conference on "Constructing Cultures: Diasporas, Ethnicities,
Identities", Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva (Israel), June 21-24
"Authorship in Ethnography: The Challenge of Reading and Writing the Human",
Lecture given at the Cultural Theory Seminar, Institute for Advanced Study,
Indiana University, Bloomington, March 10
"Ethnography as Autobiography: Lévi-Strauss' Tristes Tropiques", presentation at the
Seminar on "Life-Writing", Institute for Advanced Study, Indiana University,
Bloomington, April.
"The Symbolic Meaning of Migration: The Imagined Return", paper read at the
Conference on "Europe's Invisible Migrants", Institute of French Studies, New
York University, April 9.
"On North African Jewish Women in France", paper given at the Second International
Scholarly Exchange on "Studying Jewish Women", The International Research
Institute on Jewish Women, Brandeis University, Dec. 16-18.
"Judeo-Arab Ethnography and the Colonial Experience: A Colonized Native
Ethnographer's View", paper given at the American Anthropological Association
97th Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, December.
"The Representation of the Jew in Public Urban Space: Jewish Quarters in Paris and
Rome", paper given at the XIth annual Midwest Jewish Studies Colloquium,
Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati, April 26.
"Civil Law, the Female Body, and Rabbinical Authority", paper given at the American
Anthropological Association 96th Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, Nov. 23.
"Sephardic Jews in France and Their Past: Nostalgia and Ethnic Identity in
Contemporary Western Europe", paper given at the Midwest Jewish Studies Assoc.
Ninth Annual Conference, University of Illinois, Champaign- Urbana, 9/29
"Islam in Western Europe", a presentation given at the Forum on "Islam, Russia, and
the West", Russian and East European Institute, Indiana University, Bloomington,
April 6.
"Religion and the New European Identity", paper read at the 95th Annual Meeting of
the American Anthropological Association, in the panel on "Institutions and
Identities", San Francisco, Nov. 22.
"Sephardim and Ashkenazim in the Parisian Pletzel: Memory and Identity in a
European Metropolis", paper read in the seminar "Observing Jewish Identity",
Jewish Museum, San Francisco, November 21.
"Gender and Migration in the Ethnic Ritual Menu: The Sephardic Diet in France",
paper read at the Conference on Food in Global History, Ann Arbor, University of
Michigan, October 25-27.
"Sephardic Jews and Moslems in France: Religion in the Multicultural Metropolis",
Paper read at the 94th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological
Association, Washington, D.C., November 17.
"The Architecture of Memory: Domestic Space and the Construction of Time Among
French Sephardim", paper given at the Gruss Colloquium in Judaic Studies on
"History Remembered, Recovered, Invented...” The University of
Pennsylvania, Center for Judaic Studies, May 2.
"Ethnicity, Gender, and the Family in Post-Colonial French Society: The Case of
North African Sephardic Immigrants", paper read at the International Conference on
"The Family on the Threshold of the 21st Century", Jerusalem, May 29-June 1.
"Sephardic Longing for Home: An Ethno-Proustian Approach to Collective Memory",
Paper read at the Eighth Midwest Colloquium for Judaic Studies, Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio, April 24-25.
"Marriage and Identity in Multicultural France: The Case of Sephardic Immigrants",
Paper given at the Department of Anthropology Colloquium, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, April.
"Jewish "Quarters" in Western Europe: The Urban Aesthetics of Identity", Paper read
at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association
Washington D.C., November 17-21.
"Jewish Memories of Colonial Algeria: An Anthropological View of the Notion of
"Home" Among North African Immigrants", Lecture given at the Center for Middle
Eastern Studies, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, March 12.
"Sepharad dans la mémoire des Juifs maghrébins en France", Paper given at the
International Conference on "Sepharad in Jewish Memory of Spain and Portugal",
Paris, December 13-16.
"The Memory House: Time and Place in Jewish Immigrant Culture in France", Paper
given at the 91st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association,
Panel on "Houses: the Material Dimensions of Family Formation in Europe", San
Francisco, December 2-6.
Presentation of La maison de mémoire, Librairie Internationale Kléber, Strasbourg,
June 4.
Presentation of La maison de mémoire, Cercle Wladimir Rabi and Association pour
un Dialogue entre Juifs et Arabes en Alsace, Strasbourg, June 4.
Presentation of La maison de mémoire, Association Bnai Brith, Mazel Tov Chapter,
Nice, June 29.
"The Architecture of Memory: Halbwachs Fin-de-Siècle", lecture given at the
University of Chicago department of anthropology colloquium, Chicago, April 24.
"The Architecture of Time: Remembering the Sephardic Past", given at International
Conference on Sephardic History, Emory University, Atlanta, April 20.
"Housing Memory: Contemporary Sephardic Cultures and Their Past", lecture given
at the Brown University Judaic Studies Program, March 4.
"Housing Memory: Algerian Jews and Their Past", Lecture given at the University of
Rochester Department of Anthropology Seminar, Oct. 25.
"The Architecture of Ethnic Memory", Paper read at the Society for Cultural
Anthropology Annual Meeting, Boston, May 18.
"Jewish Culture and the Bible: An Anthropologist's View", Lecture given at the
Mathers Museum, Indiana University, Bloomington, February 19.
"A Cultural Perspective on Anti-Semitism", Lecture given at B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation Winter Retreat, February 8, Nashville, Indiana.
"The Architecture of a Sephardic Memory: Rebuilding Places of the Past", Paper read
at the Second International Conference on Sephardic Studies, State University of
New York, Binghamton, April 21.
"North African Jewish Cuisine: Cultural Exchanges Between Jews and Arabs Around
the Table", Lecture given at the Lecture Series of the Smithsonian Institute
Residents Associates, Washington, D.C., January 31.
"The Sephardic Family and the Challenge of Assimilation: Family Ritual and Ethnic
Reproduction", Paper read at the Conference on the Jews of the Middle
East in Modern Times, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, Jerusalem,
January 14.
"The Architecture of Jewish Memory: Remembering the Domestic Space", Paper read
at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, New Orleans,
Dec. 2.
"Ethnic Groups, Minorities, Foreigners, Nationalities? Anthropological Approaches
to Plural Society in Europe", Paper read at the Seventh International Conference of
Europeanists, Washington, D.C., March 23-25, 17p.
"Dar-Refayil: A Jewish-Muslim House in Eastern Algeria", Lecture, Temple B'nai
Israel, Toledo, Ohio, February 11.
"The Architecture of Memory: The Epic of an Algerian Jewish Muslim House", Paper
read at the Center for Judaic Studies' colloquium, University of Michigan, Ann
Arbor, December 6.
"Genealogical Memory and Identity among North African Jews in France”, Paper read
at the Canada-Israel Conference on Social Scientific Approaches to the Study of
Judaism, May 15-17, Concordia University, Montréal.
"L'anthropologie et les étrangers: approches française et américaine", Paper read at
The international meeting "Les étrangers dans la ville"("Foreigners in the city"),
University of Rennes (France), dec.13-16.
"Practical Liminality in Contemporary Jewish Ritual", Paper read at the American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, Phoenix AZ, November.
"La famille juive nord-africaine en France", Paper read at the B'nai Brith Association
Meeting on The Jewish Family Towards the 21st Century, Paris, May.
"North African Jewish Families in France: Paradise Recaptured", Paper read at the
Annual Meeting of the Association for Jewish Studies, Boston, December.
"Kinship and Ethnicity: Matrimonial Strategies among North African Jews in France",
Paper read at the American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting,
Chicago, November.
"Matrimonial Strategies in North African Jewish Ethnicity", Paper read at the
International Conference on Sephardic Studies, S.U.N.Y., Binghamton, April.
"Family Rituals and Ethnic Boundaries: North African Jewish Weddings in Paris",
Paper read at the Annual Meeting of the American Folklore Society, Baltimore.
"From a Muslim Banquet to a Jewish Seder: North African Jewish Food ways", Paper
read at the Colloquium on Arabs and Jews: Contacts and Boundaries, Near Eastern
Studies Department, Princeton University, May.
"Kinship and Ethnicity: The North African Jewish Family in France" Lecture given at
the Jewish Studies Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, October.
"Life-cycle Rituals among North African Jews in France", IXth International Congress
on Jewish Studies, Jerusalem, August.
1983-1986 Participant in the seminar on "Génèse des pratiques alimentaires", (Culture and
Nutrition), Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, Paris.
"Fermentation et identité culturelle", Paper read in colloquium on La Fermentation et
le Goût (Fermentation and Taste), Tours (France), April, with Pr.M.Chiva.
"La mimuna des Juifs marocains : la gestuelle culinaire dans le rituel", Paper read at
the seminar Geste et Image (C.N.R.S.), Paris, March.
"Le culte de la Table Dressée : rites alimentaires des Juifs Algériens en France", Paper
read at the First International Congress on Sephardic and Oriental Jewry, Jerusalem,
"Nourritures carnées dans les rites culinaires des Juifs Algériens en France", First
Colloquium on Ethnosciences, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris.