CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre Employer Fees


CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre Employer Fees
CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre Employer Fees
Job posting
$175.00/Posting (Corporate)
$75.00/Posting (Charitable)
$75.00/Posting (U of A dept.)
Information Session
Briefing Session
$200.00/Session (This includes an
interview room for one day)
Interview rooms
$75.00/ room/day
$35.00/room/day for U of A
$35.00/room/day (Charitable)
Interview rooms booked on-campus but not a CAPS space - Saturdays
Cost of the room billed to CAPS
plus $25.00 admin fee
Contacting Students for Interview
$3.00 student
Augustana Career Fair
$375.00/booth (Corporate)
$275.00/booth (Charitable)
$275.00/booth (U of A dept.)
Careers Day
$950.00/booth (Corporate)
$475.00/booth (Charitable)
$475.00/booth (U of A dept.)
Pharmacy Career Fair
$600.00/booth (Corporate)
Education Career Fair
Foire D'Emploi en Education
$800.00/booth (Corporate)
$450.00/booth (Corporate)
Both fairs together
$1150.00 booth (Both locations)
Summer Job Fair
$800.00/booth (Corporate)
$425.00/booth (Charitable)
$425.00/booth (U of A dept.)
Foire du Campus Saint-Jean (Journée d'info sur les emplois d'été)
$150.00/booth (Corporate)
$100.00/booth (Charitable)
$100.00/booth (U of A dept.)
Aboriginal Student and
Employer Mixer
$300.00/booth (Corporate)
$150.00/booth (Charitable)
$150.00/booth(U of A dept.)
Science Student and
Employer Mixer
$300.00/booth (Corporate)
$150.00/booth (Charitable)
$150.00/booth(U of A dept.)
Arts Mixer
$300.00/booth (Corporate)
$150.00/booth (Charitable)
$150.00/booth(U of A dept.)
Extra Lunch Tickets for Fairs
On-Site Interview Space at
Select Career Fairs
CAPS: Your U of A Career Centre Banner and Side Bar Advertisements
Homepage banner 1 month
Homepage banner 2 weeks
Homepage sidebar 1 month
Homepage sidebar 2 weeks
Exhibitors page banner - Fairs: Careers Day, Summer, Pharmacy, Augustana, Education/ Foire
en Education
Exhibitors page sidebar - Fairs: Careers Day, Summer, Pharmacy, Augustana, Education/ Foire
en Education
Exhibitors page banner - mixers: Arts, Science, Aborignal, Foire du Campus Saint Jean
Exhibitors page sidebar - mixers: Arts, Science, Aborignal, Foire du Campus Saint Jean
$1000 (Corporate)
$700 (Charitable)
$500 (Corporate)
$350 (Charitable)
$800 (Corporate)
$600 (Charitable)
$400 (Corporate)
$300 (Charitable)
$350 (Corporate)
$250 (Charitable)
$250 (Corporate)
$150 (Charitable)
$250 (Corporate)
$150 (Charitable)
$200 (Corporate)
$100 (Charitable)