shiloah, a.: music and its virtues in islamic and judaic writings


shiloah, a.: music and its virtues in islamic and judaic writings
ÍNDICE: 1. Theories of Origins: The beginning of things: theories of origins in arabic and hebrew
sources — A passage by Immanuel ha-Romi on the science of music — Biblical references to music as
interpreted in arabic treatises — The davidic traditions concerning music — The singing birds —
Réflexions sur la danse artistique musulmane au moyen âge — 2. The Symbolic, Philosophical and Metaphorical Interpretation of Music: L’approche humaniste et métaphorique dans les premiers écrits arabes
sur la musique — La musique entre le divin et le terrestre — «Ên-kol» – commentaire hébraïque de Šem
Tov ibn Šaprût sur le canon d’Avicenne — Jewish and muslim traditions of music therapy — 3. The
Transmission of Musical Knowledge: Qalonimus ben Qalonimus: Ma’amar be-mispar ha.hokmôt —
Musical concepts in the works of Saadia Gaon — Some comments on the cantillation of the Ten
commandments – A propos d’un «petit livre arabe de musique» (with A. Berthier) — Notions
d’esthétique dans les traités arabes sur la musique — L’évolution de la vocalité et de la technique vocale
dans les traités anciens de la musique arabe — 4. The Ideological Attitude towards Music: Music and
religion in islam — Maïmonide et la musique — 5 Music in Contact: The Romaniot musical tradition
(revised version) — Development of jewish liturgical singing in Spain — Muslim and jewish musical
traditions of the middle ages — Andalusian instruments of music and instruments of entertainment.