
Année scolaire 2012-2013
Composition du 1er trimestre
Classe : TlesAB
Durée : 3h
I-Compétences à évaluer
Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : réagir de façon précise et appropriée à
des messages lus ou entendus.
Compétence disciplinaire n° 3 : Produire un texte de type particulier.
A- Réaction a un texte écrit
Contexte :
Aujourd’hui plus qu’hier, la société est confrontée à beaucoup de
problèmes dont la violence à laquelle s’adonnent les jeunes lorsqu’ils
perdent espoir. C’est encore plus grave lorsqu’ils se servent de cette
violence pour tuer des gens et leur arracher leurs biens : ‘’ on veut s’enrichir
du jour au lendemain ‘’. Le texte suivant s’intéresse à un cas de meurtre.
Lis et tu apprécieras.
Support :
Text : The missing glove
James Smith hang by his hands from the window and dropped heavily
onto the ground. He had left Mr. Brown, the owner of the house, dying with
a knife in his stomach. It was still dark but James Smith felt worried as it
would be dawn soon.
‘’everything’s all right, thank God , ‘’ he said to himself as he stepped safely
back into his own house.’’ I’ve no clue, and I ‘ve met no one. There is no
way they can catch me.
Standing inhis bedroom, Smith produced the gold coins from his pocket
and greedily gazed at them. He was his name in it. Yet, the thought of
returning to the room where his victim’s body was Iying filled him with
horror. But there was no choice.
He reached the house in no time and climbed swiftly up to the window.
Once inside, he moved cautiously around with a torch in his hand. With
the corner of his eye he could still make out the shape of the dead body in
the middle of the room.
‘’Put your hands up ! , a voice shouted. Smith looked up and saw a
policeman pointing a revolver at him.
‘’Follow me downstairs’’ another voice ordered.
On the way to the police station, Smith asked the inspector if he could
stop at his purse and get his coat.
‘’Yes, ‘’ the inspector agreed, ‘’but we’ll have to go with you, I’m afraid’’
Smith opened the front door and they went in. His foot touched something
soft on the floor. He picked it up and das he did so , the sergeant switched
on the light, Smith looked at the thing in his hand : it was his left glove.
Après avoir lu le texte ci-dessus, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en :
-reconnaissant des détails du texte,
-exprimant des appréciations sur le texte,
-traduisant un passage du texte en français ;
-montrant ta maitrise de certaines fonctions et de certaines structures de
la grammaire anglaise.
Item 1 : the following words or expressions appeared in the text. Of
the fourexplanations or options suggested, only one is correct in the
context. Copy it down.
1-He gazed at them means
a) He glanced at them
b) He stared at them
c) He laughed at them
d) He winked at them
2-cautiously means
a) Clumsily
b) Nervously
c) Noisily
d) Carefully
3-the inspector agreed means
a) The inspector refused
b) The inspector accepted
c) The inspector objected
d) The inspector defended
4-‘’His ‘’ in The thing in his hand ‘’ refers to:
a) The glove
b) Smith
c) The sergeant
d) Mr Brown
Item 2: Answer the following questions, using your own words as for as
1-Why did smith feel worried ?
2-How do you think the police managed to find out about the crime ?
3-Why did James Smith have to go back to the victim’s house?
4-Do you think that Smith would have the opportunity to spend the gold
coins? Justify your answer.
Item 3: complete the following sentences with although, provided , for
fear,therefore , whereas, till, since , otherwise , instead of, whether.
1-……..James Smith Killed the man ,he is not well at ease
2-John’s good at French ………….his brother Paul finds it difficult.
3-you will succeed in your exam ………..you listen to your teacher’s advice.
4-would you mind waiting ……………we come ?
5-The teacher wanted to know…………….. it is true or false.
6-you must rush ……………… you’ll be late.
7-………………….James Smith didn’t want to take the missing
glove…………….. the police would arrest him.
Item 4: put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or forms.
1-had they kept on demonstrating , they all ( be caught) by the police.
2-Students wish teachers (not to be) on strike weeks ago.
3-as soon as the police have come, the murder (to leave) the place
4-we don’t know when the inspector (to arrest) James Smith
5-the inspector would rather people (to come ) tomorrow for the meeting
6-Parents wish students (to pass) their exam next June.
Item 5 : rewrite these sentences
1-why didn’t you inform the police before ?
2-It was a long way, yet the police didn’t give up
No matter how………………………………..
3-if you don’t work hard you will fail
4-James Smith went back to the victim’s house , that is why the police
arrested him
5- You won’t be independent if you don’t have your own Job.
6-Porto-novo is an important town in Benin, it is also it capital city.
Item 6 : translate into French
From : ‘’yes the inspector agreed ……………………..’’
Down to: “……………….it was his left glove”
Item 7: translate into English the following sentences
1-si je l’avais rencontré hier, j’aurais pris mon argent.
2-J’organiserais une grande fête si je réussissais à mon examen.
3-bien qu’elle soit très belle elle n’a trouvé aucun mari.
4-invite tes amis dès que tout sera prêt la semaine prochaine.
II-production écrite d’un texte de type particulier
Contexte :
Le problème de la violence dépasse aujourd’hui les frontières d’un pays.
C’est une réalité dans la plupart des pays du monde. Mais que faire ? Ton
avis est attendu.
Tâche : tu montreras ta capacité à produire un texte en :
-respectant le type de texte,
-faisant usage du vocabulaire approprié,
-construisant des phrases grammaticales correctes,
-utilisant l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriées,
NB : le texte produit doit être en Anglais.
Writing :
The problem of violence has assumed international dimension. After
stating some manifestation of violence, give possible causes and suggest
some solutions to fight it.
Maximum: twenty (20 )lines.
Critères de perfectionnement
-copie proper ,lisible et sans rapture
-cohérence et logique dans le développement.