Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada


Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada
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Edited by Terrence Sullivan and Jean-Louis Denis
Building Better Health Care
Leadership for Canada
Implementing Evidence
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How to train senior managers to make better use of evidence
to transform health care
Building Better Health Care Leadership for Canada explains how the Executive Training in Research Application (EXTRA) program
works to create a culture of evidence use by health-care leaders. Its premise: superior management decisions are informed by evidence.
This highly praised part-time, two-year fellowship is designed for health-care executives with the skills to lead change in the health-care
system. EXTRA trains them to find, interpret and apply research-based evidence. At the centre of each fellowship is an intervention project
that is designed and implemented to provide improved health care at the fellow's home organization.
The authors identify the imperative for better use of evidence, outline the core elements of the curriculum, and capture the real-world experience of regional leaders and EXTRA fellows involved in managing the changes required by the intervention projects.
EXTRA is managed and funded by the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation in partnership with the Canadian Medical Association, the Canadian Nursing Association, the Canadian College of Health Leaders and a consortium of 12 Quebec partners represented by
the Institut national d'excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS).
Contributors include Jean-Louis Denis (École nationale d'administration publique), Terrence Sullivan (Cancer Care Ontario), Owen Adams
(Canadian Medical Association), Malcolm Anderson (Queen's University), Lynda Atack, Robert Bell (University Health Network), Sylvie Cantin
(Régie régionale de la santé et des services sociaux de la Montérégie), Susan Donaldson (Susan Donaldson and Associates), Ward Flemons
(Calgary Health Region), Dorothy Forbes (University of Western Ontario), Paula Goering (Centre for Addiction & Mental Health, Toronto),
Karen Golden-Biddle (Boston University School of Management), Jeffrey S. Hoch (University of Toronto), Paul Lamarche (Université de Montréal), Ann Langley (École des hautes études commerciales), John N. Lavis (McMaster University), Melanie Lavoie-Tremblay (McGill University), Manon Lemonde (University of Ontario Institute of Technology), Jonathan Lomas (Canadian Health Services Research Foundation),
Margo Orchard (Ministry of Health and Long Term Care, Ontario), Raynald Pineault (University of Montreal), Brian D. Postl (Winnipeg Regional
Health Authority), Christine Power (Capital District Health Authority, Halifax), Trish Reay (University of Alberta), Stéphane Rivard (consultant),
Jean Rochon (National Public Health Institute of Quebec), Lorna Romilly (Romilly Enterprises), Denis A. Roy (Agence de la santé et des services
sociaux de la Montérégie Longueuil), Andrea Seymour (Government of New Brunswick), Samuel B. Sheps (University of British Columbia),
Lyn Shula (Queen's University), Ingrid Sketris (Dalhousie University), Nina Stipich (Canadian Health Services Research Foundation),
David Streiner (Baycrest Centre for Geriatric Care, Toronto), Carl Taillon (Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec), Richard Thornley (Alberta
Heritage Foundation for Medical Research), Stephen Tomblin (Memorial University of Newfoundland), and Muriah Umoquit (Cancer Care
Terrence Sullivan is a senior health service leader in Canada who has led Cancer Care Ontario for much of the last decade.
Jean-Louis Denis is a professor at the École nationale d'administration publique.
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Building Better Health Care Leadership... (Cloth)
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Building Better Health Care Leadership... (Paper)
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