MENU CAVE 23 _ pescada


MENU CAVE 23 _ pescada
Chef Ana Moura
In Cave 23, we aim to reach the simplicity and purity of
cooking using fresh products and combining Portuguese
culinary traditions with impulses from other cultures.
Our tasting menu is designed to offer you multiple
sensations orchestrated in a unique history.
Each dish will be a suprise and as the evening
progresses, we intend to leave you satisfied but excited
with the flavors and textures are to come next.
Most of all, we want to give an unforgettable
experience with a beautiful setting, great wines and
a lineup of lovely courses.
Immerse yourself in this adventure of flavors where
each dish will be a journey you will not forget.
Manifest no. 9
9 moments in three acts
› 61 ,00 € ‹
Wine pairing
› 38 ,00 € ‹
To maximize your gastronomic experience, the manifests
are for the enjoyment of the entire table only. Any request for
amendment to the stipulated menu may imply
an increase of the amount indicated.
VAT at the legal rate.
Na mesa ~ On the table ~ Sur la table
pão de mistura, manteigas, brandade de bacalhau
brown bread, butters, codfish brandade
pain brun, beurres, mousse de morue
› 3 ,50 € ‹
Sardinha ~ Sardine ~ Sardine
tomate, foie gras, sabugueiro, agrião
tomato, foie gras, elderberry, watercress
tomate, foie gras, le sureau, le cresson
› 11 ,00 € ‹
Ovo 65° ~ Egg 65° ~ Oeuf 65°
amêndoa, lula, presunto, azeitona, couve-flor, amaranto
almond, squid, ham, olive, cauliflower, amaranth
amande, calmar, jambon, olives, chou-fleur, amarante
› 10 ,50 € ‹
Tomate ~ Tomato ~ Tomate
figo, pepino, azeitona, hortelã, rasel hanout, harissa, iogurte, shiso, berinjela, pimento
fig, cucumber, olive, mint, rasel hanout, harissa, yogurt, shiso, eggplant, pepper
figue, concombre, olive, menthe, rasel hanout, harissa, yaourt, shiso, aubergine, poivron
› 10 ,00 € ‹
Amêijoa ~ Clam ~ Palourde
porco, batata vitelotte, vinho branco, limão, coentros, pimenta
pork, vitelotte potato, white wine, lemon, coriander, pepper
porc, pomme de terre vitelotte, vin blanc, citron, coriandre, poivre
› 11 ,00 € ‹
Carabineiro ~ Carabineer ~ Crevette rouge
tutano, manjericão, queijo da ilha, arroz vietnamita, levedura de cerveja, rúcula
marrow, basil, “ilha”cheese, vietnamese rice, brewer's yeast, rocket salad
moelle, basilic, fromage des Açores, riz vietnamien, levure de bière, roquette
› 13 ,50 € ‹
Bacalhau ~ Codfish ~ Morue
chipotle, ancho, guajillo, chocolate, amendoim, milho, pipoca, broa
chipotle, ancho, guajillo, chocolate, peanuts, corn, popcorn, bread
chipotle, ancho, guajillo, chocolat, les arachides, le maïs, pop-corn, pain
› 19 ,50 € ‹
Pescada ~ Hake ~ Merlu
spirulina, tomate, poejo, kashmiri, folha de caril, mostarda
spirulina, tomato, pennyroyal, kashmiri, curry leaf, mustard
spiruline, tomate, pouliot, kashmiri, feuille de curry, moutarde
› 20 ,00 € ‹
Pombo ~ Pigeon ~ Pigeon
bulgur, sumat, espinafres, sancho, beterraba nabo, cenoura, fígado, lúcia-lima
bulgur, sumat, spinach, sancho, turnip, carrot, liver, verbena
bulgur, sumat, épinards, sancho, betterave, navet, carotte, foie, verveine
› 26 ,00 € ‹
Leitão ~ Suckling Pig ~ Cochon de lait
ruibarbo, foie gras, pimenta preta, cabernet sauvignon, coentros, chalota
rhubarb, foie gras, black pepper, cabernet sauvignon, coriander, shallot
rhubarbe, foie gras, poivre noir, cabernet sauvignon, coriandre, échalote
› 23 ,00 € ‹
Arroz Carolino ~ ‘Carolino’ Rice ~ Riz ‘Carolino’
porco, chlorella, lagostim, amêndoa, alho, salsa
pork, chlorella, crayfish, almond, garlic, parsley
porc, chlorella, écrevisses, amande, ail, persil
› 20 ,00 € ‹
Chocolate 70% ~ 70% Chocolate ~ Chocolat 70%
avelã, cereais, amendoím, rúcula
hazelnut, cereals, peanut, rocket salad
noisette, céréales, arachide, roquette
› 7 ,50 € ‹
a nossa sugestão ~ our suggestion ~ notre suggestion
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› 5 ,50 € ‹
Morango ~ Strawberry ~ Fraise
baunilha de bourbon, chocolate, sésamo, gema de ovo
Bourbon vanilla, chocolate, sesame, egg yolk
vanille de Bourbon, chocolat, sésame, jaune d'œuf
› 8 ,00 € ‹
a nossa sugestão ~ our suggestion ~ notre suggestion
› 9 ,00 € ‹
Mel ~ Honey ~ Miel
queijo, moscatel, laranja, leite
cheese, moscatel wine, orange, milk
fromage, vin de moscatel, orange, lait
› 8 ,00 € ‹
a nossa sugestão ~ our suggestion ~ notre suggestion
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› 6 ,50 € ‹
Queijos ~ Cheeses ~ Fromages
nisa, amarelo da beira-baixa, ilha, marmelada
“nisa”, “ilha”, yellow cheese from “beira-baixa”, quince marmalade
"nisa", "ilha", fromage jaune de "beira-baixa", coing marmelade
› 9 ,00 € ‹
a nossa sugestão ~ our suggestion ~ notre suggestion
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› 9 ,00 € ‹

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