Curriculum Vitae - Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences


Curriculum Vitae - Computing in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Curriculum Vitae
Dominique Scheffel-Dunand
A. Biographical information
1. Personal
Name :
University address :
Telephone :
Telephone :
Fax :
Fax :
E-mail :
Web site :
Dominique Scheffel-Dunand
French Studies, 50 St. Joseph street Toronto, Ontario, M5S 1J4, Canada
1 416-926-1300, Ext.3441 (St.George campus)
1 905 828-3777 (Erindale campus)
1 416 926-2328 (St.George campus)
1 905 828-5202 (Erindale campus)
[email protected]
2. Degrees
Doctorat en linguistique (Ph.D. in psycholinguistics), July 2003, Université Lyon III, France
D.E.A. [Diplôme d’études approfondies] en linguistique, 1992, Lyon III, France
Maîtrise en linguistique et didactique (M.A. in Linguistics and didactics), 1985, Lyon III, France
Licence en anglais (B.A. in English), “ Langues et Civilisations ”, 1983, Lyon III, France
D.E.U.G. (Diplôme d'Études Universitaires Générales), “ Langues et Civilisations ”, 1982, Lyon III,
Faculty of medicine, 1979, Lyon I, France
Baccalauréat D (Sciences), 1978, France
Title of doctoral thesis : Étude psycholinguistique et phonostylistique de la voix de la certitude
dans le discours spontané oral et de la perception du phénomène par des natifs francophones et des
non natifs. Perspectives didactiques de l’utilisation d’outils multimédias. / Psycholinguistic and
phonostylistic study of the voice of certitude in oral discourse and of the perception of the
phenomenon by francophones and non francophones. Pedagogical perspectives with use of
Title of D.E.A. thesis : De la grammaire sémantique à la grammaire pédagogique : étude de l’acte
de requête./ From semantic to pedagogical grammar : study of “ the request ” as a speech act.
3. Employment
2000 – 2002 :
Director, Programme on Connective Communities for the Canada Millennium
Scholarship Foundation, Canada,
Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arts and Science, University College, University of
Toronto, Canada
1996 – 1999 :
Co-ordinator, Multimedia Language Learning Centers, Faculty of Arts and Science,
University of Toronto, Canada
1994 – 2000 :
Director of the Language Resource Centre, French Studies, University of Toronto,
1993 – present : Lecturer, French Studies, University of Toronto, Canada
1988 – 1992 :
Lecturer, Faculté des lettres, (Graduate studies), Université de Savoie, France
1988 – 1992 :
Lecturer, Dept. of English (Graduate studies), Université de Savoie (Institut
Universitaire des Technologies), Annecy, France
1987 – 1988 :
Lecturer, French Studies, Glendon College, York University, Canada
1986 – 1987 :
Instructor, French Studies, University of Waterloo, Canada
Other appointments
1988-1989 :
1985-1986 :
1983-1984 :
1981-1982 :
English teacher, (Senior High School), Lycée professionnel, Annecy, France
Lectrice de français, Dept. of French, University of Western Ontario, Canada
English teacher (Junior and Senior High School), Lycée Lamartine, Belley, France
Lectrice de français, Beardwood High School, Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School,
Blackburn, England
4. Professional Affiliations and Activities
Associate Editor, Entreliens, Le Net des Études françaises,, French Studies, University of Toronto
Member, CIRASI (Collectif interdisciplinaire de recherche sur les aspects sociaux
d'Internet), Université du Québec à Montréal.
Member, Réseaux, Savoirs et Territoires, École normale supérieure de Paris (Ulm)
and INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique Appliquée), University
of Sophia-Antipolis, France.
Member, Board of Directors, McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology,
University of Toronto.
Associate Editor, PC3 Village. Programme on Connective Communities in Canada,
Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation and Faculty of Arts and Science,
University of Toronto, Canada.
Member, CALICO, (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium),
Headquarters currently at Southwest Texas State University.
B. Research Endeavours
1. Projects
Literacies in Web education. Leading LANG, a research group composed of
Language departments’ representatives at the University of Toronto. The research
team is currently investigating web environments that will generate new teaching
paradigms in languages, literatures and cultures programs. The research aims at
developing surveys and tools to conduct critical analysis and evaluation of on-line
research and pedagogical resources and tools available to programs in Mediated
communication, Intercultural Communication, Language Studies and Didactics.
Collaborated with colleagues from French Studies at the University of Toronto and
in France on “ Le Net des Études françaises ”. The research network are people who
work in the field of French Studies. The web research tools developed aim to help
everyone - author, distributor, reader – to measure the various parcels of the field
of French Studies.
Research on on-line evaluation. Chairing LANG, a research group composed of
Language departments’ representatives at the University of Toronto. The research
group launched a two-year study that aims at exploring how multimedia interfaces
and databases can be applied to re-interpret on-line testing. The project’s main
objective is to evaluate students’ perception of on-line tools designed to evaluate
the four language skills. The research team is currently investigating as well how
relational databases and tracking tools can help administrators and teachers gain
knowledge on students learning profile.
Research on hypertext language and knowledge networks. Collaborating on a team
composed of researchers from various Canadian universities : Glendon College,
Université du Québec à Montréal and University of Ottawa. The study investigates
how theories on hypertext and knowledge networks can inform our understanding
of oral and written language development. It explores pedagogical applications to
illustrate how media are used to disseminate knowledge in various francophone
cultures. The study objective is to develop Web-based courseware on Intercultural
Research on spoken French in France and Canada. The research aims at studying
learners’ recognition of variations in spoken French as well as of varied type of oral
discourse. A multimedia database was implemented as well to support gathering of
corpora on spoken French in France and Canada. The courseware and CD-ROM
“ Paroles francophones ” illustrate applications to the research. It was co-developed
with Françoise Mougeon (Glendon Collège) as a multimedia tool to accompany the
teaching manual “ Quel français parler ? ”.
Research on multilingual multimedia database. Collaborating with Chass
(Computing in the Humanities and Social Science) and LANG at the university of
Toronto. The study aims at analyzing language instructors and learners’ searching
behaviours when accessing multidisciplinary collections of objects that refer to a
multitude of topics and are stored in a variety of digital formats. This project
investigates also how relational databases can increase the delivery of pedagogical
resources in a classroom or desktop environment.
Research on visual interfaces that foster acquisition of skills in Knowledge Media
and IT in networked classrooms. The research was interdisciplinary in its scope.
The courseware, “ Réseaux, multimédia and Communication ”, illustrates the first
findings of the study. It was jointly developed by Louise Poissant (Programme de
recherches en arts médiatique, Université du Québec à Montréal), Pierre Bélanger
(Département de communication, University of Ottawa) Michel Sénécal (Téluq)
and Dominique Scheffel-Dunand (University of Toronto).
Research on pedagogical courseware to study how hypertex and multimedia can
enhance language learners’ perception of oral narratives and help them develop
fluency in aural production. The courseware, “ Situations d'oral ”, developed for this
study was a first attempt at developing visual interfaces that could answer the needs
of various learning patterns in oral language acquisition.
2. Awards and Research Funding :
Information Technology Courseware Development Fund, Faculty of Arts and
Science, University of Toronto. Funding granted to implement CELL
(Collaborative Environment for Language Learning and Teaching) (35K)
Information Technology Courseware Development Fund, Faculty of Arts and
Science, University of Toronto. Funding granted to implement LEAP (Language
Evaluation and Assessment Project) (15K)
Canadian Millennium Scholarship Foundation. Funding to implement a Connective
Research Programme for the National and Provincial/Territorial Merit Award
Winners (185K)
Information Technology Courseware Development Fund, Faculty of Arts and
Science, University of Toronto. Funding granted to implement a multilingual
multimedia database (35K)
Funding granted by the RUFHQ (Réseau des universités francophones hors
Québec) and shared between the University of Toronto and York University to
develop courseware and curriculum for courseware on Intercultural
Communication (65K)
Funding awarded by Heritage Canada to develop a web-based multimedia database
on spoken French (25K)
Funding granted by RUFHQ (Réseau des universités francophones hors Québec)
and shared between the University of Toronto and York University to develop
“ Paroles francophones ”, web-based courseware and CD-Rom on spoken French
Funding granted by Industry Canada (Schoolnet) to implement courseware on
“ Multimedia, Networks and Communication ”. Funding was shared with affiliated
Canadian universities involved in the research project (100K)
Doctoral scholarship by the Région Rhône-Alpes. Funding granted to encourage
mobility among Ph.D. candidates between Ontario and the Rhône-Alpes region
Book Award, Édition Hatier, “ Just for Fun ”. ESL learning material (grade 1 to 5).
C. Publications
The indication "[R]" at the end of an item signifies "refereed" in the North-American sense.
1. Chapters, articles and conference proceedings :
2003. « Validation perceptive et réalisations acoustiques du phonostyle de la voix de la certitude dans
le discours oral spontané », [in print]
2002. (with Philippe Martin & Françoise Mougeon) « Accessibilité et intelligibilité des corpus
linguistiques sur les réseaux : Analyse et perspectives », in Actes du XXIIe Colloque international de
linguistique fonctionnelle sur Les langues à l'aube du XXIème siècle, (Claude Tatillon ed.), Paris. [R]
2000. (with Alexandre Sévigny) Réflexion / Édition / Action / Interaction dans la correspondance
Vizetelly-Zola, Colloque virtuel, First International Conference on « les Études françaises valorisées par les
nouvelles technologies d'information et de communication », (Russon Wooldridge ed.), Toronto, May.
2000. Les bases de données au service de l'enseignement et de la recherche, Colloque virtuel, First
International Conference on « les Études françaises valorisées par les nouvelles technologies d'information et de
communication », (Russon Wooldridge ed.), Toronto, May.
1998. Paroles francophones, CD-ROM for « Quel français parler ? Initiation au français parlé au
Canada et en France », in Les cahiers de la Collection TEL, vol 3, (Alain Baudot ed.), Éditions du GREF,
Cahier universitaire Glendon, Toronto, July.
1998. « Médiathèque virtuelle au service de l'enseignement et de la recherche » in Études de Linguistique
Appliquée, 112, (Marie José Barbot ed.), Paris, pp. 495-503. [R]
1998. (with Danièle Issa-Sayegh) « Le français sur les inforoutes : enjeux et perspectives pour
l'apprenant / l'enseignant », in Actes des XXe rencontres de l'ASDIFLE ( Association de didactique du
français langue étrangère ), in Les Cahiers de l'Asdifle, 9, (Elisabeth Guimbretière ed.), Paris, September
pp. 162-176. [R]
1995.« L'Approche communicative : d'autres voies à ouvrir » in La Didactique à l'Oeuvre; Perspectives
théoriques et pratiques, (J. Cotnam & J. Paterson eds), Canadian Scholars' Press, Toronto, pp. 10-29. [R]
2. Conference papers
2003. “ New literacies : re-interpreting the current paradigms and tools to evaluate language learning
skills ”, Eurocall Conference on New Literacies in Language Learning and Teaching, Limerick, Ireland,
September. [R]
2003. « Quand l’oeil écoute : continuum multimédia pour l’apprentissage d’une compétence
conversationnelle en langue seconde », The Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics, Congress
of the Social Sciences and Humanities, Halifax, May-June. [R]
2002. “ Technologies for Bilingual/Multilingual Networked Communities of Interest : Lessons
learned ”, in Lecture Seminar in Knowledge Media Design, Collaborative Program in Knowledge Media
Design, KMDI, Toronto, October. [invited]
2002. « Vers une cartographie de l'écriture hypertextuelle », Second International Conference on les
Études françaises valorisées par les nouvelles technologies d'information et de communication, Lisieux, May. [invited]
2002. « Penser les usages de l'écriture réticulaire », Graduation ceremony, Diplôme de rédaction
professionnelle du Département d'Études françaises, Glendon, Toronto, April. [invited]
2001. (with Françoise Mougeon & Michaela Pirvulescu) « Intégration culturelle des technologies dans
les nouveaux outils pédagogiques au niveau post-secondaire : étude comparative pan-canadienne »,
Aupelf-Uref Conference on Éthique et Nouvelles Technologies, l'appropriation des savoirs en question,
Beyrouth, September.
2000. (with Derrick de Kerckhove) « Les réseaux du savoir : un nouvel espace sémiotique à
explorer », First International Conference on les Études françaises valorisées par les nouvelles technologies
d'information et de communication, Toronto, May.
2000. « Nouvelles frontières : les collaborations institutionnelles et inter-individuelles » International
Conference on Nouvelles écritures pour une rhétorique du multimédia en réseaux interactifs, UQÀM, Montreal,
April. [R]
2000. “ Language is the message : the Electronic Age of Teaching ”, in Teaching, Learning and Research
in Today's University, University of Toronto, April.
1999. (with Françoise Mougeon) « Enjeux technologiques et humains de la collaboration interuniversitaire : Élaboration de nouveaux outils interactifs ». Journées d'Études Internationales on Les
Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication au service des Relations Internationales des Établissements
d'Enseignement Supérieur et de Recherche, Nice.
1999. (with Françoise Mougeon) « La médiathèque virtuelle : un nouvel outil interactif pour les
nouveaux réseaux du savoir », 19th World Conference on Open Learning and Distance Education,
Vienna, June. [R]
1999. « Incidence d'Internet sur l'intelligibilité et l'accessibilité des ressources pour l'apprentissage des
langues : Champs d'expérimentation et perspectives didactiques », Forum multimédia on Nouvelles
technologies et leurs répercussions sur l'enseignement et l'apprentissage de la langue seconde, 67e Congrès de
l'ACFAS, Ottawa, May. [invited]
1998. (with Françoise Mougeon and Philippe Martin) « Accessibilité et intelligibilité des corpus
linguistiques sur les réseaux : Analyse et perspectives », XXIIe Colloque international de Linguistique
fonctionnelle on Les langues à l'aube du XXIème siècle : quelle dynamique ?, Evora, Portugal, May. [invited]
1997. (with Danièle Issa-Sayegh) « Le français sur les inforoutes : enjeux et perspectives pour
l'apprenant/l'enseignant », XXe rencontres de l'ASDIFLE ( Association de didactique du français
langue étrangère ), Poitiers, France, September.
1997. (with Christopher Jones) “Developing Courseware using the Oral Language Archive”,
CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) 97 Annual Symposium, New York,
June. [R]
1997. (with Danièle Issa-Sayegh and Henriette Gezundhajt) « Présentation d'un cours de langue à
distance analysant l'impact des technologies informationnelles et leur influence sur l'apprentissage
autonome d'une langue étrangère », 18e Congrès de l'AQEFLS, Montreal, Mars.
1996. “Distance Learning and Oral Language Acquisition; Situations d' Oral : A new Model”,
CALICO (Computer Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) 96 Annual Symposium,
Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, May. [R]
1995. « Repères et recommandations pour la conception, la mise en place et l'évaluation d'un système
flexible de formation », Congrès mondial CIEF, Charleston, South Carolina, USA, June.
3. Databases and Websites :
Language Advisory Networking Group, University of Toronto (LANG) :
Programme on Connective Communities in Canada. PC3 Village :
Multimedia Multilingual Database, University of Toronto.
Multimedia database on spoken French, University of Toronto and Glendon
College (York University). Français parlé :
Courseware on spoken French, University of Toronto and Glendon College (York
University). Paroles francophones :
D. Course Teaching and Research supervision
1. Undergraduate teaching
At the university of Toronto
Francophone Culture and Technology Seminars. Students specializing in Culture and Media Studies.
Language Practice IV : Oral French. Students specializing in French Language or French
Linguistics. Acquisition of cognitive and social strategies to enhance listening and speaking
Independent research. Study on web design and instructional design for language learning and
language teaching.
Teaching and Learning French in Canada since the 1970’s. Study of immersion programs in Canada.
Focus on reading and listening cognitive strategies to enhance language learning in the
Orthoepy. Students specializing in Second Language Learning and French linguistics. Study of
the relationship between spelling and pronunciation ; general overview of the French
phonetic system and intonational phonology.
Language of International Relations. Study of written and spoken material treating contemporary
issues in international relations.
Business French. Emphasis on discourse analysis of business correspondence (written or oral).
Focus on inter-cultural communication in business environments.
Language Practice III : Written and Oral French. Students specializing in French Language, French
Linguistics or in Second Language Learning. Focus on mastering the four language skills.
Language Practice III : Oral French. Students specializing in French Language and/or French
Linguistics. Development of oral and aural skills.
Language Practice II : Written and Oral French. Students specializing in French Language, French
Linguistics or in Second Language Learning. Improvement of written expression and
development of oral and aural skills.
Other universities
Written French II. Preparatory course for specialists wishing to enter bilingual programs,
Glendon College
Pratiques phonétiques, auditives et orales. General overview of the French phonetic system and
intonational phonology, Glendon College
Panorama historique de la littérature française I. An introduction to literary analysis, Glendon
Intermediate Spoken French. A course intended to develop oral and aural skills, University of
Langue, niveau avancé. Focus on mastering the four language skills, University of Western
2. Graduate teaching
Faculté des lettres et Institut Universitaire des Technologies, Université de Savoie, France
Methods and Methodologies in Didactics. M.A. Seminars in applied linguistics (Français Langue
Étrangère), Faculté des lettres, Université de Savoie.
History of Language Didactics. M.A. Seminars in applied linguistics (Français Langue Étrangère),
Faculté des lettres, Université de Savoie.
History of CALL.. M.A. Seminars in applied linguistics (Français Langue Étrangère), Faculté
des lettres, Université de Savoie.
Business and Scientific Discourse. M.A. Seminars (Engineering Department), Institut Universitaire
des Technologies, Université de Savoie.
Special Topics in Advanced Linguistics : Translation and Scientific Discourse. M.A. Seminars
(Engineering Department), Institut Universitaire des Technologies, Université de Savoie.
3. Research supervision
Research Seminars on Web Education in Culture and Language Studies, LANG, University
of Toronto
Supervision of students to obtain a M.A. in applied linguistic (FLE), Faculté des lettres,
Université de Savoie
[N. B. For details on pedagogical resource creation see section B.1.]
E. Administrative Positions
University of Toronto
1999 - present
1998 - present
1995 - present
2002 - 2003.
2001 – 2002.
Chair, Language Advisory Networking Group (LANG), Language Departments,
Faculty of Arts and Science.
Member, Steering committee, Knowledge Media Design Institute :
Member, Language Program Committee (LPC), French Studies
Chair, Technology Coordinating Committee (TCC), French Studies (member :
Member, Comité de langue sur l'enseignement du français (CLEF), French Studies
F. Other
1. Organization of colloquia and other similar meetings
2002. University of Toronto, special event “ From the Real to the Virtual : boundaries, meeting and
broadening of knowledge networks ”, Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, University of
Toronto (May 30-31). [Eng] and [fr]
2002. University of Toronto / École Normale Supérieure de Paris (Ulm), France-Canada Conference
on “Le médium, l'art, la littérature : autour de Hugo”, video-conference on « Ceci tuera cela ou ceci ne
tuera pas cela? Est-ce qu'un médium en détrône un autre? Ou une interaction se forme-t-elle? », (May 23-25) [fr]
2000. University of Toronto, Co-coordination of the International Conference on « Les Études
françaises valorisées par les nouvelles technologies d'information et de communication », (May 12-13). [fr]
2000. University of Toronto, Workshop on “ Language is the message : The Electronic Age of
Teaching ”(April 11-12).
1997. University of Toronto / Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris, Workshops on “ The Connective
University ”, (March 16-17).
2. Toronto director of collaborative research projects
Director, Programme on Connective Communities in Canada (PC3) implemented for the national
and provincial/territorial laureates of the Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation's excellence
awards. Universities involved : Université du Québec à Montréal (J. Lajoie, Psychology), Université
Sainte-Anne, (James Crombie, Philosophy), Faculté St. Jean (C. Denis, Sociology).
Principal investigator, research project on critical evaluation of visual interfaces for on-line learning.
Universities involved : Université du Québec à Montréal (Louise Poissant : Director of the
programme de recherches en arts médiatiques, University of Ottawa (Pierre Bélanger,
Communication) and Télé Université - Université du Québec (Michel Sénécal).
3. Consultant
Consultant in Business French and Cross-Cultural Management, Vice Versa
(France) and York Consultants (England)
Consultant in instructional design, mSPEC Group, Canada and US
Consultant in Teacher Training, I. F. D. (Institut de Formation et de
Développement), Grenoble, France
Consultant in Translation, LLP (Laboratoire de logiciels pour la productique),
Centre des Sciences Appliquées à la Productique (CESALP), École supérieure
d’ingénieurs d’Annecy (ESIA)