Minisymposium News in the management of the Tuberous Sclerosis


Minisymposium News in the management of the Tuberous Sclerosis
News in the management of the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex
Organized by the CHUV-TSC network
Wednesday March 26 2014, Auditoire de la Maternité, CHUV, Lausanne
14:00 : Welcome. O. Bonny
1. Treatment of the Tuberous Sclerosis Complex (in English)
Chair : Dr. S. Lebon and Dr. H. Chehade
14:10 : Pr. K. Kotulska, Warsaw : EXIST1 and EXIST2 trials: efficacy and safety of everolimus in TSC
14:50 : Dr. A. Serra, Zurich : Risk/benefit of long term rapamicine treatment in chronic diseases
15:30 : Pause
2. CHUV TSC-network – Le réseau « Sclérose tubéreuse de Bourneville » à Lausanne.
(in French and/or English)
Chair : Dr. F. Barbey and Dr. F. Fellmann
16:00 : Skin-La peau : Dr. S. Christen, CHUV, Lausanne
16:20 : Brain-Le cerveau: Dr. C. Wider, CHUV, Lausanne
16:40 : Lungs-Les poumons : Dr. R. Lazor, CHUV, Lausanne
17:00 : Kidneys-Les reins: Pr. O. Bonny, CHUV, Lausanne
17:20 : Genetics-La génétique: Dr. F. Fellmann, CHUV, Lausanne
17:40 : Les initiatives: 1. Swiss TSC network and registry / 2. L’association de patients STB-Suisse
18:00 : Fin du meeting
The meeting is endorsed by the Working Group on Inherited Kidney Disorders of the Swiss Society of Nephrology.
CME credits: Swiss Society of Nephrology: 3.5h; Swiss Society of Medical Genetics: 3h.
Pr Franz and Dr Serra lectures and travel expenses are supported by Novartis and the Association STB Suisse.