How to Improve Your Gas Mileage


How to Improve Your Gas Mileage
How to Improve Your Gas Mileage
(Youtube / )
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How to improve your gas mileage. You know that you should car pool and take public transportation, it’s not
always practical. But if you have to drive, there are ways you can save gas, money and the environment. You
will need self-discipline and regular maintenance for your car.
Step one: slow down! Travelling at 55 miles per hour (88 km/heure)give you up to 21% better gas mileage
as compared to driving at 65 miles per hour (105 km/heure). Plus, since traffic lights are timed for the lower
speed, you’ll decrease your odds at having to stop – another gas-waster.
Step two: get regular tune-ups. And pay special attention to your air filters. Dirty ones diminish air flow,
which wastes gas.
Step three: avoid idling, which takes up more gas than stopping and restarting the engine. Turn your car off
when you’re waiting for someone and go into fast food places instead of using the drive-thru. Don’t
bother warming your car up in the winter; it’s not necessary with today’s vehicules.
Step four: go easy on both gas and breaks. Any time you do a jack-rabbit start, or a quick stop, it decreases
your gas mileage.
Step five: weight also decreases gas mileage, so clean out your car of any unnecessary items. Instead of
transporting things on a roof-rack, put them in the trunk or car to reduce drag.
Step six: stick to paved roads. Dirt and gravel can reduce gas mileage by as much as thirty percent.
Step seven: invest in a hybrid. Not only do they give you immediate savings at the pump, they may
even earn you a tax break.
Did you know, statistically, gas prices tend to be cheapest on Wednesdays?
00. Gas mileage
01. to car pool
02. to save gas
03. slow down
04. up to 21%
05. are timed
06. decrease your odds at having to stop
07. another gas-waster
08. get regular tune-ups
09. avoid idling
10. turn your car off
11. fast food places
12. the drive-thru
13. don’t bother warming your car up
14. go easy on both gas and breaks
15. any time you do a jack-rabbit start
16. clean out your car of any unnecessary items
17. A roof-rack
18. the trunk (US) / the boot (UK)
consommation d’essence
faire du covoiturage
consommer moins d’essence, économiser de l’essence
sont programmés
réduisez les chances de devoir vous arrêtez
une autre façon de « gaspiller » (trop consommer)
de l’essence
faites faire des revisions régulièrement
évitez de laisser tourner le moteur au ralenti
arrêtez votre moteur
des restos fast food
le “drive-in”
ce n’est pas la peine de réchauffer votre moteur
allez-y “doucement” sur l’accélérateur et les freins
chaque fois que vous démarrez rapidement (comme un
enlevez toutes choses inutiles de votre voiture
un porte-bagages
le coffre
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19. to reduce drag
20. stick to paved roads
21. dirt and gravel
22. savings
23. to earn a tax break
pour réduire la résistance au vent
restez sur des routes bitumées
de la terre et des graviers
pour bénéficier d’une réduction d’impôts