ACEC Annual Report - ACEC


ACEC Annual Report - ACEC
Annual Report
Rapport annuel
Chair’s Report – Join the Movement
Rapport du président du conseil –
Joignez-vous au mouvement
President’s Report
Rapport du président
The Year in Review
Auditors’ Report on Summarized
Financial Statements
2001-2002 Condensed Audited
Financial Statements
Board of Directors 2001-2002
Past Chairs’ / Presidents Council
ACEC Committees
ACEC Staff
Member Organizations
ACEC Membership 2001-2002
C h a i r ’s R e p o r t – J o i n t h e M o v e m e n t
There comes a time when an individual is compelled to act. No longer can that person
simply observe deterioration, they must reverse it; no longer can that person quietly seethe
about waste, they must arrest it; no longer can that person listen to bad information, they
must proclaim the facts.
This country was conceived by vision-
engineers in the United States and overseas. Their
aries and built by engineers, architects,
concerns, your concerns, and my concerns are the
surveyors, and technicians. Visionaries
same. The need for good engineering is great, but
saw the promise of this country and
our national leaders are ignoring the warning signs.
the engineers delivered on the promise.
The advice and leadership of engineers should be
The canals, the railways, the roads,
sought, but we are ignored. The best and brightest
the communications networks, the
of our young people should be competing for spots
electrical utilities, the factories, the
in our engineering schools, but instead enrollment
clean water and environmental
is falling. Salaries are low relative to other profes-
protection networks, were built as part of the promise
sionals. Our business needs help.
to our citizens that Canada would be a land of freedom, equality, peace, order and good government.
Here is the good news: through ACEC, you and
I can re-energize our industry. As the association
Now, the promise of Canada is at risk. Ask yourself
is responsible for design business in the built and
these questions about your home community. Is it
natural environment, ACEC is intended to make us
easier to travel to and from work, or has commuting
more successful. ACEC and its Member Organizations
time increased? Has the quality of construction
are the means to our ends.
improved or deteriorated? Is the quality of your
community’s environment better or worse? Are you
drinking tap water or bottled water? Is there a vision
of your community and a plan of public works to
deliver that vision? In too many communities, the
answers to these questions are not positive ones.
The vision of ACEC is for a better Canada, a better
world. In ACEC’s vision, “the silent profession” will
be heard. We will be leaders in the re-building and
re-energizing of Canada. Our advice will be sought
and appreciated. Consulting engineering will be an
employer of choice for young engineers, scientists,
As engineers we are obligated by our training and
architects, and technicians. Our business will be
our ethics to protect the health, safety, and well
better run, more efficient, and more profitable.
being of our fellow Canadians. We are obligated
Through our relationships with FIDIC, ACEC (US),
to speak out about infrastructure deterioration,
and other organizations, we will actively promote
the waste of poor planning and construction and
our industry and monitor developments affecting
the root causes of environmental degradation.
our industry.
Being on the ACEC Board, I have met Canadian
From this Vision come the five Priority Objectives of
consulting engineers across Canada as well as
image, remuneration, business practices, lobbying
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
and future trends. This Vision and these Objectives
Directors of the MO’s are hard working, intelligent
have been developed by representatives from across
leaders who support their Boards and the ACEC plan.
Canada and reflect our needs and aspirations.
Together, the Vision and Objectives are part of a
Strategic Plan endorsed by our Member Organizations
from Newfoundland to British Columbia to the Yukon.
Our new system of national committees is working
well. To date, Communications and Business
Practices have been the first to follow the integrated
ACEC + MO committee system and, as Chair of
We have the need, the obligation, and the plan. Do
the Communications Committee, I can report
we have resources to implement the plan? I think
good results.
that we do. ACEC has been blessed with a series of
strong Boards and committed Chairs. For 2002-2003,
our new Chair, Pierre Shoiry, will have a very capable
team working with him at the Board and in our
ACEC offices. Pierre will provide strong leadership
with sound business knowledge.
The pieces are now in place for a great effort. The
next steps are as follows: 1) we need to raise a war
chest through a dues increase in 2003 and beyond
2) we need to involve more leaders from our member
firms at the MO and national level and 3) we need
to implement our plan.
Our new President, Claude Paul Boivin, has arrived
asking the right questions and testing our assumptions. He is an enthusiastic supporter of our Plan
and with his team will keep us on track. To quote
Claude Paul: “priorities exist so that we can say ‘no’
to other good ideas.”
The need is great and the obligation is manifest.
The Vision is clear and the objectives are estimable.
The Plan is in place and now we need your time,
your money and your moral support. There comes
a time........ and that time is now.
There is a strong team in place, as well, in the
Member Organizations (MO). Since I joined the
ACEC Board, I have traveled from Whitehorse
to Vancouver to St. John’s, and as Chair, I have
been invited to MO events as varied as Awards
Ceremonies, Premier’s Receptions, Annual Meetings,
and breakfasts with Provincial Cabinets. We are
strong. We have good people working on our
behalf in every region.
Our MO’s are working with ACEC as a team.
In some cases, leadership is being provided by a
MO (publicity for example) in others by the ACEC
(federal lobbying). We are working hard to build
upon the strengths and experience of each organization. Together, we are working towards a goal of
zero duplication and no wasted effort. The Executive
Andrew Steeves. P.Eng.
Rapport du président du conseil –
Joignez-vous au mouvement
Il vient un temps où on doit agir. On ne peut plus simplement observer la détérioration, on
doit l’enrayer. On ne peut plus rager en silence contre le gaspillage, on doit le stopper. On
ne peut plus écouter des informations inexactes, on doit proclamer les faits.
Notre pays a été imaginé par des
mentales de la dégradation de l’environnement.
visionnaires et construit par des
ingénieurs, des architectes, des arpenteurs et des techniciens. Les visionnaires
ont saisi le potentiel de ce pays; les
ingénieurs l’ont réalisé. Les canaux,
les chemins de fer, les réseaux
de communication, les systèmes
d’alimentation électrique, les usines,
les réseaux d’approvisionnement en eau potable et
En tant que membre du Conseil de l’AICC, j’ai
rencontré de nombreux ingénieurs-conseils à travers
le Canada, de même qu’aux États-Unis et à l’étranger.
Nous partageons tous les mêmes préoccupations.
Tout indique un besoin d’intervention pressant,
mais nos gouvernements ferment les yeux. Les
conseils et le leadership des ingénieurs devraient
être recherchés, mais il sont ignorés.
les systèmes de protection de l’environnement ont
Les meilleurs et les plus prometteurs de nos jeunes
été réalisés dans le cadre de la promesse faite à
devraient aspirer à une carrière d’ingénieur, mais les
nos citoyens: le Canada serait un pays de liberté,
inscriptions dans nos facultés de génie ne cessent de
d’égalité, de paix, d’ordre et de bon gouvernement.
baisser. Les salaires sont faibles par rapport à ceux
Aujourd’hui, la promesse du Canada est compromise.
d’autres professions. Notre industrie a besoin d’aide.
Posez-vous quelques questions sur votre communauté.
Voici maintenant les bonnes nouvelles: nous pouvons,
Est-il plus facile de vous rendre au travail, ou le temps
par l’intermédiaire de l’AICC, donner un nouvel élan
du trajet s’est-il accru? La qualité des constructions
à notre industrie. En tant qu’association mandatée
s’est-elle améliorée ou détériorée? La qualité de
pour veiller aux intérêts de ses membres, l’AICC
l’environnement de votre communauté s’est-elle
nous aidera à mieux réussir. L’AICC et ses organisa-
améliorée ou empirée? Buvez-vous l’eau du robinet
tions membres (OM) sont le moyen de cette réussite.
ou de l’eau embouteillée? Votre communauté s’est-elle
dotée d’une vision et d’un plan de travaux publics
La vision de l’AICC vise un Canada meilleur,
pour réaliser cette vision? Dans trop de communautés,
un monde meilleur. Dans la vision de l’AICC, la
les réponses à ces questions ne sont pas positives.
«profession silencieuse» se fera entendre. Nous serons
des leaders dans la reconstruction et le renouveau du
En tant qu’ingénieurs, nous avons l’obligation,
Canada. Nos conseils seront recherchés et appréciés.
par notre formation et notre code de déontologie,
Les ingénieurs-conseils seront des employeurs de
de protéger la santé, la sécurité et le bien-être de
choix pour les jeunes ingénieurs, scientifiques,
nos concitoyens. Nous devons nous prononcer sur
architectes et techniciens. Nos entreprises seront
la détérioration de l’infrastructure, sur le gaspillage
mieux gérées, plus efficaces et plus rentables. Par
découlant d’une mauvaise planification et à des
nos relations avec la FIDIC, l’ACEC (États-Unis) et
constructions inadéquates, et sur les causes fonda-
d’autres organisations, nous ferons la promotion
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
active de notre industrie et nous suivrons de près
calibre qui travaillent pour nous dans toutes le régions.
tous les développements qui nous concernent.
Nos organisations membres travaillent en équipe
Cette vision est articulée autour de cinq objectifs
avec l’AICC. Dans certains cas, l’initiative appartient
prioritaires: l’image, la rémunération, les pratiques
aux organisations (publicité, par exemple). Dans
commerciales, le lobbying et les tendances futures.
d’autres cas, c’est l’AICC qui prend les devants
Cette vision et ces objectifs, qui ont été développés
(lobbying auprès du gouvernement fédéral). Nous
par des représentants de l’industrie à travers le
tirons parti des forces et de l’expérience de chaque
Canada, reflètent nos besoins et nos aspirations.
organisation. Ensemble, nous cherchons à éviter tout
Cette vision et ces objectifs s’inscrivent d’ailleurs
dédoublement d’effort et à maximiser notre travail.
dans le plan stratégique approuvé par nos
Les organisations membres sont dirigées par des
organisations membres depuis Terre-Neuve
leaders diligents et intelligents qui appuient leurs
jusqu’à la Colombie-Britannique et au Yukon.
conseils d’administration et le plan de l’AICC.
Le besoin existe. Nous avons l’obligation de le
Notre nouveau système de comités nationaux est
combler et le plan pour y parvenir. Avons-nous les
bien rodé. Les comités des Communications et des
ressources requises pour mettre ce plan en oeuvre?
Pratiques commerciales sont les premiers à avoir
Je le crois. L’AICC a toujours bénéficié de conseils
adopté le système intégré des comités AICC/OM. En
d’administration compétents dirigés par des présidents
tant que président du comité des Communications,
dévoués. Pour l’exercice 2002-2003, notre nouveau
il me fait plaisir de rapporter que nous parvenons à
président du Conseil, M. Pierre Shoiry, sera entouré
d’excellents résultats.
par une solide équipe au Conseil et à la permanence
de l’AICC. M. Shoiry assurera le leadership de
ces ressources.
Tout est maintenant en place pour un grand effort.
Nous avons prévu les prochaines étapes suivantes:
1) créer un fonds de réserve par une augmentation
Notre nouveau président, M. Claude Paul Boivin,
des frais d’adhésion en 2003 et au-delà, 2) assurer
s’est joint à l’association en posant les bonnes ques-
la participation d’un plus grand nombre de leaders
tions et avec une très bonne idée de sa destination.
de nos firmes au niveau des organisations membres
Un tenant enthousiaste de notre plan, il veillera,
et sur le plan national, 3) mettre notre plan en oeuvre.
avec son équipe, à ce que l’association maintienne
le cap sur ses objectifs. Pour citer Claude Paul:
«les priorités existent pour que nous puissions
dire “non” à d’autres bonnes idées.»
Le besoin est grand et l’obligation de le combler est
manifeste. La vision et claire et les objectifs sont
estimables. Le plan est en place et nous avons
maintenant besoin de votre temps, ainsi que de
Notre industrie est également très bien représentée
votre appui financier et moral. Il vient un temps...
par nos organisations membres. Depuis que je suis
et c’est maintenant.
membre du Conseil, j’ai voyagé de Whitehorse à
Vancouver à Saint John’s. À titre de président du
Conseil, j’ai été invité à des événements aussi variés
que des cérémonies de remise de prix, des réceptions
de premiers ministres, des assemblées annuelles et des
déjeuners avec les membres de cabinets provinciaux.
Nous sommes forts. Nous avons des gens de haut
Andrew Steeves, P.Eng.
Président du conseil
P r e s i d e n t ’s R e p o r t
In spite of the tragic events of September in the United States and their aftershock around
the world, the Canadian consulting engineering industry is doing well. The financial
performance of most firms has been good to very good and, on the whole, industry leaders
feel moderately positive about business conditions in Canada. These are the conclusions of
the 2001 ACEC National Business Survey of Members, reflecting the general resilience of the
industry and the strength of Canada’s economy. There certainly seems to be a level of
confidence that allows us to be positive about the present, and optimistic about the future.
As I take over the responsibilities of
practices initiatives. In moving ahead with its agenda,
ACEC President, I am also optimistic
ACEC will continue to count on the continuing collab-
about the future of the association.
oration of Member Organizations, member firms, as
Without a doubt, ACEC plays an
well as that of the many consulting engineers who
important role in supporting consulting
volunteer their time on the different committees,
engineering firms in becoming more successful. In
and who are willing to share their wisdom and
addition to conducting comprehensive economic
knowledge to advance the industry.
surveys and other business initiatives which allow
firms to benchmark themselves, ACEC serves as the
voice, as well as the eyes and ears of the industry
nationally and internationally. In the short period
that I have been in my position, I have been struck by
the solid reputation of ACEC among decision-makers
who look to ACEC for the industry’s perspective on
key national issues related to construction.
As is evident in this Annual Report, ACEC has been
very active over the past year. As a result of extensive
consultations within the industry and with the
provincial Member Organizations, the leadership
has clearly identified the association’s five priorities,
A major change in 2001 was the phasing out of
the Export Division and the integration of the trade
support services into the core activities of ACEC. The
resulting loss of the $60,000 of revenues generated
by the Export Division has put pressures on the
Association’s budget, but the executive has taken
measures to address this challenge.
In closing, I want to express my sincere appreciation
to our Chair, Andrew Steeves, for his guidance in
my first months in the position, as well as to the
ACEC office staff for their support. Special thanks
go to my predecessor, Tim Page, for being available
with advice and information, and for his ongoing
which are:
involvement as a volunteer on the Steering Committee
Image • Remuneration • Business Practices
of the HRDC Career Awareness project.
Lobbying • Trends
National committees involving provincial associations
have been established to implement the priorities.
Strategic plans are being developed for the associations
Claude Paul Boivin
image activities, international programs and business
President and Chief Operating Officer
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
Rapport du président
Malgré les événements tragiques du mois de septembre aux États-Unis et leur contrecoup à travers le
monde, l’industrie canadienne du génie-conseil se porte bien. La plupart des firmes affichent de bons résultats
financiers et, dans l’ensemble, les leaders de l’industrie voient les conditions commerciales au Canada d’un
oeil positif. Ce sont les conclusions de l’enquête nationale 2001 de l’AICC auprès de ses membres, reflétant
la volonté de l’industrie et la robustesse de l’économie canadienne. Il semble certainement exister un niveau
de confiance qui nous permet d’avoir une attitude positive quant au présent et optimiste face à l’avenir.
En entrant dans mes fonctions à titre de président
internationaux et aux pratiques de commerciales.
de l’AICC, je vois aussi l’avenir de l’association avec
Dans ses initiatives, l’AICC continuera à compter
optimisme. Il n’y a aucun doute que l’AICC joue un
sur la collaboration des organisations et firmes
rôle important de soutien à la croissance des firmes
membres, ainsi que sur les nombreux ingénieurs-
de génie-conseil. Outre ses études économiques
conseils qui consacrent de leur temps aux divers
approfondies et autres initiatives permettant aux
comités de l’association et qui partagent leur sagesse
firmes de se mesurer par rapport à l’industrie, l’AICC
et leur savoir pour l’avancement de l’industrie.
est aussi la voix, les yeux et les oreilles de l’industrie
aux niveaux national et international. Bien que mon
mandat au sein de l’AICC soit encore récent, j’ai
vite été saisi par la solide réputation dont jouit l’AICC
auprès des décideurs qui consultent l’association
pour le point de vue de l’industrie sur les grandes
questions nationales qui touchent à la construction.
Comme on peut le constater à la lecture de ce rapport
annuel, l’AICC a été très active au cours de la dernière
année. À l’issue de consultations exhaustives au
sein de l’industrie et avec les organisations membres
provinciales, l’AICC a clairement identifié les cinq
priorités de l’industrie, soit:
L’un des importants changements apportés à
l’association en 2001 fut l’abandon de la division
Exportation suivi de l’intégration de services de soutien
au commerce dans les activités clés de l’AICC. La
perte résultante de revenus de 60 000 $ qui étaient
générés par la division Exportation.
Pour conclure, je tiens à remercier notre président du
Conseil, M. Andrew Steeves, pour son appui pendant
mes premiers mois à l’AICC, ainsi que l’équipe de
l’AICC pour son soutien. Je remercie également mon
prédécesseur, M. Tim Page, qui s’est rendu
disponible pour m’offrir des conseils et des informations et qui continue à siéger bénévolement au
L’image • La rémunération
Les pratiques commerciales • Le lobbying
comité d’orientation du projet Information sur
les carrières de DRHC.
Les tendances
Des comités nationaux regroupant des représentants
des associations provinciales ont été établis pour
mettre en oeuvre ces priorités. Le développement de
plans stratégiques a déjà été entrepris pour les activités
Claude Paul Boivin
liées à l’image de l’association, aux programmes
Président et chef de la direction
T h e Ye a r i n R e v i e w
A coordinated approach to meeting
the collective goals of the industry
Implementing the five priorities
Over the past year, ACEC has been very active in implementing its five new priorities and the
related strategies. The priorities were identified as a result of extensive consultations within
the industry and with the provincial Member Organizations. The five priorities are:
b u s i n e s s
p r a c t i c e s
i m a g e
r e m u n e r a t i o n
t r e n d s
l o b b y i n g
2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 2
National Committees to maximize effectiveness
image and promoting itself to its various audiences.
The ACEC is committed to working closely with the
The strategy has identified the priority target
Provincial Member Organizations in developing
audiences which are the engineering community
plans to implement the priorities and, ultimately,
itself, decision-makers and opinion-leaders. In other
to work towards the common goal of helping
words, those who have influence on purchasing
member firms be more successful. Consequently,
decisions. ACEC will continue to work with the
national committees were established with broad
Provincial Member Organizations to develop
representation from across Canada. One of the
messages and activities to promote the industry
objectives of these committees is to ensure that
and member firms as a whole.
there is a harmonization of efforts among ACEC
and the Provincial Member Organizations in
order to maximize output, ensure complementarity
of action and avoid duplication. The National
Communications Committee is chaired by Andrew
Steeves, P.Eng., and the National Business Practices
Committee is chaired by Scott Philips P.Eng.
With the phasing out of the Export Division last year,
the association’s trade support services have been
incorporated into the core activities of ACEC. A discussion paper was developed to outline the strategies
that will guide the future of ACEC international
programs, including the promotion of export trade.
The Board will be adopting a final strategy for its
In the past months, work has begun on the development of strategic plans for the association’s image
activities, international programs and business
practices initiatives. The image strategy will guide
the consulting engineering industry in enhancing its
international activities based on the discussion paper.
In addition to the National Committees, the ACEC has
twelve different committees and taskforces to deal with
a host of issues that face the consulting engineering
industry. The committees are composed of representatives of member firms from across the country.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
National Business Survey
ACEC conducted its third national opinion survey
Kelowna Convention on sustainable
of member firms in an attempt to redefine the issues
Sustainable development was the theme of the ACEC
concerning the consulting engineering industry.
2001 National Convention in Kelowna. Delegates
This survey, which complements the previous year’s
addressed topics related to preserving and advancing
ACEC client survey, was conducted by COMPAS.
the sustainability of the built and natural environments.
The survey collects data on economic trends,
A new successful feature at the convention was
revenues, e-commerce, design build, training and
the CEO Roundtables organised for small, medium
other key indicators. The results of the survey will
and large firms. These Roundtables proved to be a
be made available to members prior to ACEC’s
unique opportunity for the leaders of our industry to
2002 National Convention.
exchange vital business information that can assist
in benchmarking the performance of their firms.
Relationships with Clients
Having good client relations is important for all successful firms. ACEC’s mission is to support the marketing
of the industry as a whole to facilitate the business relationships firms have with their clients, be they in
the private or public sector. In the past year, ACEC was involved in the following initiatives:
Principles of Design Build
Construct Canada
ACEC developed an industry-wide paper on the prin-
ACEC presented the business of consulting
ciples of Design-Build. The paper describes the ideal
engineering to an audience of 80 Canadian Trade
process for delivering a project through design-build
Commissioners and other representatives of Trade
including the roles and responsibilities of the various
Team Canada during Construct Canada held in
parties. The document can form the basis for discussions
Toronto. The objective of the seminar was to educate
with the architectural and construction industries as
our trade commissioners and trade officers serving
well as with government and other clients. The goal
overseas as to the role played by consulting
is to replace the much maligned Document 14.
engineers and the services we offer across six
separate business sectors: water and waste water,
Liability Clause in Contracts
transportation, environment, buildings, energy
ACEC made successful representations to Infrastructure
and industrial. ACEC provided a general overview
Canada to resolve liability clause issues in contracts
of the industry including the key challenges facing
at the provincial and municipal levels. These contract
our membership in the international arena where
clauses placed far too much legal responsibility and
trade officers could be of assistance. The challenges
liability on the consulting engineers. Infrastructure
included: pre-pipeline intelligence; helping to identify
Canada supported the ACEC position and, at the
credible partners; sources for private sector financing;
request of the association, communicated its opinion
and, the promotion of transparent trade and
to its provincial counterparts.
procurement rules.
EDC Disclosure Policies
on its new website. The update system for the
ACEC made representations to federal Trade Minister
directory allows member firms to change the
Pettigrew expressing the industry’s concerns over
information related to their services at any time.
the government’s plans to change the disclosure
requirements of firms applying for EDC financial
Licensure Summit
and/or insurance assistance. ACEC noted that the
ACEC is a part of an American and Canadian
mandate of EDC to support Canadian exporters
group that is dedicated to increasing the mobility
will be compromised if the proposed new disclosure
of engineers within the United States and across
requirements weaken the competitive position of
the Canadian border. Although much has yet to
those same Canadian exporters.
be done to achieve this goal, ACEC is collaborating
with its counterparts in the United States to help in
New On-line Member Directory
moving the issues forward. The ultimate goal for
To assist clients and potential clients to make the
ACEC is to give Canadian firms easier access to
right connection with consulting engineering firms,
American markets.
ACEC implemented a more efficient on-line directory
Relationships with Government
One of the key roles of ACEC is to represent, promote and defend the interests of the consulting engineering
industry to the federal government. Below is a list of key initiatives undertaken by the ACEC on behalf of
its member firms:
Government Relations Day
Lobbying for investment in infrastructure
In November, ACEC members spent the day in
ACEC has long campaigned for greater public
private meetings with government and opposition
investments to redress serious deterioration in
Members of Parliament, their political staff and
Canada’s public infrastructure. The focus of our
senior federal officials to brief them on the issues
attention is on municipal infrastructure and on the
of interest to our membership. An evening
national highway system. We continue to believe that
reception was subsequently held for Members
inadequate federal resources are being committed to
of Parliament, jointly organized by ACEC, RAIC,
address public concerns, as well as our professional
CCA and BOMA. The individual meetings and the
concerns, related to the quality of our air and water
reception provided ACEC with a unique opportunity
resources, and the safety and competitiveness of our
to be visible on Parliament Hill and to reiterate the
transportation systems, particularly the national
current ACEC positions.
highway system. We called on Ottawa to amend the
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
Canadian Transportation Act to include a direct role
expertise and experience to carry out those projects.
for the federal government in the national highway
ACEC had the opportunity to make that case again
system and for the development of national technical
at a CIDA-hosted conference in Montreal, entitled
and safety standards. We called for $3 billion in
Canada and Africa: A New Partnership. This confer-
federal funding of the national highway system
ence was a formal consultation by the Canadian
through a partial remittance of the $4.7 billion
government in advance of the G8 Summit meeting
collected annually by the federal government in excise
in Kananaskis which will focus on Africa. ACEC
tax from the sale of gasoline. Since September 11,
organized a Roundtable that looked at regional
we encouraged the federal government to support
infrastructure projects as sources of sustainable
initiatives that seek to ensure the protection and
development. Participants explored the success factors,
security of public utilities, buildings and government
from the undertaking of strategic environmental
properties, dams, electrical and nuclear power plants,
assessments to technology transfer and proper
water treatment facilities, industrial plants, building
operation and maintenance. The development of
ventilation systems, bridges, schools, hospitals and
the Niger River basin was used as an example. The
transit systems. We have told the federal government
final conference report will be used as a reference by
that we stand ready to assist in these efforts.
the government in formulating its Africa strategy.
Round Table on Africa
Support for Canadian
While the ACEC has long campaigned for greater
Development Finance Institution
investments in infrastructure at home, it also has
At every opportunity the association supports
been pressing for increased funding of such projects
the proposal for the establishment of a Canadian
under the foreign aid program. Over the past two
development finance institution. This organization
decades, there has been declining investments
would mobilise private investment in private sector
in infrastructure by the Canadian International
projects in developing countries. Canada is the only
Development Agency (CIDA). We certainly believe
member of the G-7 group of countries that does not
that there is a need for infrastructure development
have such an institution in place and this places
in the Third World, and we believe Canada has the
Canadian companies at a disadvantage.
Relationships with the Public
Promoting the image of the consulting engineering industry with the public is essential for both individual
firms and the industry as a whole. The following initiatives were undertaken as part of ACEC’s strategy for
its image priority:
Career Awareness Project
The Student Outreach Program was created to attract
RedR Canada is in the process of being established
a broader cross-section of high school students to
and to date commitments for $150,000 have been
the engineering profession, and to assist university
made by donors which include member firms.
engineering students in making the transition from
Canadian humanitarian assistance has long
school to work. All materials for the high school
focused on the provision of medical supplies,
component are being developed to meet the standards
foodstuff and clothing. As of 2001, Canadian
of the Pan Canadian Science curriculum thus making
professional engineers are ready to join the cause
it more likely that the materials will be used in
by offering technical, planning and management
schools. A name and logo for the high school
assistance to the federal government and to interna-
component have been created: Generation-E – A
tional humanitarian agencies in times of man-made
New Brand of Engineer and in French, Génération-I
and natural disasters. RedR Canada is involved
– Une nouvelle ère d’ingénieurs. The names and the
in maintaining an accurate database of qualified
logos were focus tested with students, ages 14-18,
individuals for short-term assignments to government
in both French and English. The address for the
of international front line agencies. RedR Canada
website, currently under development, corresponds
is directly involved in recruiting people to become
with the campaign name: and
qualified and registered as a RedR member ready The university component
for assignment. RedR Canada is involved in the
of the project – an online “Career Starter” kit will
provision of emergency training courses to ensure
contain profiles of engineers representing a broad
that those deployed are ready for the difficulties
range of disciplines including consulting engineering,
many assignments present.
information on the types of firms that hire engineers,
and sample job descriptions. The Steering Committee,
which is chaired by John Boyd, P. Eng., is composed
of a cross section of representatives of different
stakeholder groups.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
Elements 2001
The 2001 Canadian Consulting Engineering Award
ceremony entitled “ELEMENTS” was held in Calgary.
Out of 47 entries from across Canada, 11 awards
were presented, as either awards of Merit, Excellence,
Honorable Mention or the prestigious Schreyer
Award. Also awarded was the 2001 Beaubien award
of distinction to Mr. Benjamin B. Torchinsky. 2001
Public recognition of
marked the 33rd year of the Canadian Consulting
Beaubien Award Recipients
Engineering Awards. This is an exceptional occasion
In order to draw more public attention to the recipients
to celebrate publicly excellence in engineering
of the prestigious ACEC Beaubien Award and to
reinforce the image of the consulting engineering
New ACEC Website
industry, the association will take measures to
ACEC launched a brand new web-site, providing an
publicise the Award and its recipients. Specifically,
effective tool to promote member firms and to give
the Board has agreed that ACEC will assist in the
access to industry, as well as ACEC information and
nomination process of Beaubien Award recipients to
documentation to the general public and clients.
the Order of Canada which recognises exceptional
contributions to the nation. The presence of more
National Engineering Week
consulting engineers among the ranks of the
ACEC co-operated, again this year with the CCPE in
Members, Officers and Companions of the Order
the organization of national engineering week. This
of Canada will give the industry and the profession
year’s theme was “Engineering: Anything’s possible”.
greater positive visibility.
Relationships with Members
The ACEC Business is ‘Business’. This means creating a better environment for member firms and
providing services that will help them conduct their business.
Membership Kit
information. This kit provides an opportunity to
In order to assist member organizations in their
harmonize recruitment effort and avoided duplication.
recruitment efforts, ACEC has prepared a new
commoned membership information kit which
Chairman and President’s Cross Canada Tour
describes the work of the association and the services
To ensure direct and in person communication with
and benefit to member firms. The kit is available
member firms, the ACEC Chairman of the Board,
to all provincial member organizations which can
Mr. Andrew Steeves, P.Eng. and the new President,
complement the kit with their own association’s
Mr. Claude Paul Boivin, visited Member Organizations
in different provinces. In Saskatchewan, the
and developments while membership in FEPAC
Chair and the President participated in an annual
insures that the Canadian industry is aware of
meeting organized by the Consulting Engineers
emerging markets in Latin America.
of Saskatchewan, with the Premier and the entire
provincial Cabinet. In Ontario, both attended a
special event with the Premier and Members of
In order to insure the ongoing financial stability
the Legislative Assembly. In other provinces they
of the association and to solidify the medium-term
attended the Award ceremonies and the provincial
planning process, the ACEC Board has adopted a
association board meetings.
pragmatic approach to establish membership dues.
Starting in 2003-2004 a system of annual dues
increases will be introduced and beginning in the
Today, with more changes taking place in the
year 2005-2006, annual dues increases will be based
insurance industry the ACEC/CCP Joint Insurance
on the cost of living index, unless there are unusual
Committee (JIC) selected the services of an inde-
circumstances. This measure will also allow member
pendent actuarial firm to review the performance
firms to plan their dues contribution to the work of
of the ENCON program and assess the rates
required to ensure its future viability. From the
analysis completed by the consultant, it is clear to
Change of Presidents
the JIC that the program has sustained severe losses
In December 2001, Mr. Tim Page left his position of
during the last 10 years and has not been profitable.
ACEC President after 5 years of dedicated service to
In order to bring the program back to a sustainable
the industry. The ACEC Board expressed its thanks
position, it was recognized that rates need to increase
to him for his commitment to the association. To
further over the next few years. Notwithstanding,
replace Mr. Tim Page as president, the services of
the JIC will continue to monitor results on an annual
a professional recruitment firm were attained to
basis to ensure that the rates and premiums being
assist the Board in the selection process. The new
charged to engineers in Canada reflect the program
President is Mr. Claude Paul Boivin who has
experience. ACEC and CCPE will maintain the
extensive experience in professional association,
sponsorship of the ENCON program, which has
international work and government relations.
been a strong, steady and reliable provider of a
vital service to engineers.
ACEC maintains a selection of standard contracts,
International Connections
which are available to member firms. There are
Recognizing the importance of the global economy
International, Professional Services contracts and
and international trade, ACEC is an active member
Construction contracts available.
of both the International Federation of Consulting
Engineers (FIDIC) and The Pan America Federation
of Consulting Engineers (FEPAC). The ACEC membership in FIDIC provides a unique means for the
association to stay in tune with international trends
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
Auditors’ Report on Summarized
Financial Statements
To the members
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
The accompanying summarized balance sheet and statements of revenue and expenses and changes in
net assets are derived from the complete financial statements of The Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada as at March 31, 2002 and for the year then ended o which we expressed an opinion without
reservation in our report dated May 17, 2002. The fair summarization of the complete financial statements is
the responsibility of management. Our responsibility, in accordance with the applicable Assurance Guideline
of The Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants, is to report on the summarized financial statements.
In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements fairly summarize, in all material respects, the related
complete financial statements in accordance with the criteria described in the Guideline referred to above.
These summarized financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian generally
accepted accounting principles. Readers are cautioned that these statements may not be appropriate for
their purposes. For more information on the entity’s financial position, results of operations and cash flow,
reference should be made to the related complete financial statements.
Chartered Accountants
Ottawa, Ontario
May 17, 2002
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
Revenue and Expenses
for the year ended March 31, 2002
Association programs
Association events
Merchandise sales
Association programs
Association events
Cost of merchandise
Operating expenses
Membership dues
Export Division
Changes in Net Assets
for the year ended March 31, 2002
Invested in
Capital Assets
Excess of expenses over revenue
Investment in capital assets
Interfunds transfer
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
as General
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
The Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada
Balance Sheet
as at March 31, 2002
Prepaid expenses
Fixed Assets
Current Assets
Accounts receivable
Current Liabilities
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities
Deferred revenue
Invested in capital assets
Internally restricted as General Reserve
Notes to the Condensed Financial
as at March 31, 2002
The attached condensed financial statements contain information taken from the financial statements of The
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada. They do not, however, contain all the information included
in the financial statements and as such are incomplete. Complete audited financial statements are available
upon request from the Association.
Board of Directors 2001 – 2002
Executive Committee
Andrew Steeves
ADI Limited
President & Chief Operating Officer
Claude Paul Boivin
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Vice-Chair, Member Services
Ron Wilson
Morrison Hershfield Limited
Vice-Chair, International
Michael Okun
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd.
Vice-Chair, Government Relations,
Pierre Shoiry
Groupe-conseil Genivar Inc.
Vice-Chair, Business Practices
Scott Phillips
Stantec Consulting Inc.
Paul Lafleur
Past Chair
Dave Chalcroft
UMA Engineering
Garry Bolton
SMS Engineering
Kerry Rudd
Associated Engineering of Vancouver
Luc Benoit
Tecsult Inc.
Michael Hogan
The SGE Group
Norman Morin
Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Allen Williams
AD Williams Engineering inc.
Robert Martin
Robert M. Martin Engineering
Aubrey Palmeter
Robert (Bob) Lorimer
Dale Craig
J.L. Richards and Associates Limited
Stefan Simek
Lorimer & Associates
Ferguson, Simek Clark
Eric MacDonald
MacViro Consultants
Past Chairs’/Presidents Council
Dave Chalcroft (2000-2001)
UMA Engineering
John Boyd (1999-2000)
Golder Associates Corp.
Bob Lorimer (1998-1999)
Lorimer & Associates
R. Wayne Bowes (1991-1992)
Jacques Tremblay (1982-1983)
Robert R. Smith (1990-1991)
Paul T. Beauchemin (1976-1977)
Nash A. Sidky (1989-1990)
P. Michael Gillham (1975-1976)
Le Groupe INC Stratégie et
AGRA Whitman Benn
Don R. Ferrier (1988-1989)
Philippe Lefebvre (1997-1998)
Don Ferrier Consulting
Don McG Elder (1996-1997)
R.P. Triffo (1987-1988)
Kenneth Hyde (1995-1996)
Keith Robinson (1994-1995)
Jacques Whitford Environment
Jean-Pierre Sauriol (1993-1994)
Dessau-Soprin Inc.
Ben E. Novak (1992-1993)
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Robert A. Brocklebank (1986-1987)
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
Dave B. Sampson (1985-1986)
David A. Farlinger (1984-1985)
Energy Consultants International Inc.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
James W. MacLaren (1974-1975)
Jean-Paul Gourdeau (1973-1974)
École Polytechnique
Pierre Demers (1970-1971)
Camille A. Dagenais (1967-1968)
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
ACEC Committees
Budget Task Force Committee
Pierre Shoiry
Groupe-conseil Genivar Inc.
Claude Paul Boivin
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Jean-Marc Carrière
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Ron Wilson
Morrison Hershfield Limited
Paul Lafleur
Business Practices Committee
Richard Roulx
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Alan Roberts
SNC Lavalin
Allan Rusell
Terra Macleod Engineering Ltd.
Eric Willms
KGF Group
Garry Bolton
SMS Engineering
Michele Hecke
Blaney McMurtry LLP
Jim Warren
Morrison Hershfield Limited
Rejean Boudreau
Groupe Roy
Johns Art
Morrison Hershfield Limited
Richard Trimble
Consulting Engineers of Yukon
Maurice Tremblay
CIDA Standing Committee
David A. Duggan
Marshall Macklin Monaghan
Greg Rideout
Jacques Whitford
Monique Landry
Dessau-Soprin International Inc.
Allan Green
The SGE Group Inc.
Jack Baker
Agrodev Canada Inc.
Peter Boyd
Delcan Corporation
André Brais
SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Janet Glass
Acres International Limited
Peter Ventin
Cansult Limited
Bahadir Eke
Morrison Hershfield Ltd.
Marc Parent
Tecsult International Limitée
Rod Bower
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Efrain Armijos
Earth Tech Canada
Michael Jolliffe
Amec Inc.
François Tupula Yamba
Micheal Okun
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd.
Contracts Committee
Richard Roulx
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Ali Ettehadieh
Genivar Inc.
Anthony Karatatsanis
Morrison Hersfield Limited
Bob Kavanagh
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
David Thompson
Campbell Woodall & Associates Ltd.
Frank LeBlanc
The SGE Group
Denis Tremblay
Raymond Favreau
Groupe SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Dennis Callan
McCormick Rankin Corporation
Derek Holloway
Encon Insurance Managers Inc.
HR Steering Committee
John Boyd P.Eng.
Golder Associates Corporation
Heather Mace
Faculty of Education, University of
Susanne Boyd
SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.
Helena Daly
Ontario School Councillors Association
Jeremy Hopkins
Canadian Federation of Engineering
Andrea Cassano
Canadian Federation of Engineering
Hiromi Matsui
Canadian Coalition of Women in
Engineering, Science and Technology
Deborah Wolfe
Canadian Council of Professional
Glenna Benson
Canadian Council of Professional
Timothy I. Page
ACEC, Past President
Michael Ketchum
Fredericton High School
Jacques Pelletier
Canada Career Consortium
Robyn Osgood
Blueprint Public Relations
John MacDonald
Giffels Associates Limited
Wendy Cooper
Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Claude Paul Boivin
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Danuszia Mordasiewicz
Industry - Government Task Force on Design/Build Committee
Richard Roulx
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Ali Ettehadieh
Genivar Inc.
Frank Anrep
Frank Anrep & Associates Ltd.
International Committee
Robert Blackburn
SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Earle Hickey
Jacques Whitford
Michael Jolliffe
Amec Inc.
Anthony Russell
Acres International Inc.
Gillian Ward
UMA Group Ltd.
Michael Okun
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd.
Bahadir Eke
Morrison Hershfield Ltd.
Leon Seyranian
Cansult Limited
Peter Boyd
Delcan Corporation
David A. Duggan
Marshall Macklin Monaghan
Marc Parent
Tecsult International Limitée
National Communications Committee
Andrew Steeves
ADI Limited
Josée Lalonde
Paul Ruffell
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Claude Paul Boivin
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Kelly Yuzdepski
UMA Engineerin Ltd.
Rod Savoie
Ferguson Simek Clark
Brian Sirbovan
RPA Group
Kerrie Reid
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Roger Rempel
Tetres Consultants Inc.
Chris Newcomb
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
Michael Hogan
The SGE Group
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Sean Cashin
The SGE Group
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
National Defence Liaison Committee
A.S. (Art) Washuta
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Carl Vervoot
Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
René Frechet
Richard Roulx
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
David Nantes
Jacques Whitford
Ted Hergel
Jacques Whitford "Environmental
Allan Green
The SGE Group Inc.
Aubrey Palmeter
Jim Miller
TSH Associates
Pierre Galiungi
Wally Wells
Dillon Consulting Limited
Procurement Task Force
Richard Roulx
Association of Consulting Engineers
of Canada
Andy Robinson
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Dale Craig
J.L. Richards and Associates Limited
John Krug
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Taskforce on CIDA Contracting
Jack Baker
Agrodev Canada Inc.
Marc Baron
Cowater International Inc.
André Brais
SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Michael Jolliffe
Amec Inc.
Bahadir Eke
Morrison Hershfield Ltd.
Peter Houliston
Cowater International Inc.
William J. Cowie
Canadian Association of Int’l Dev.
Working Group on Access to the US Market
Michael Jolliffe
Amec Inc.
David Nantes
Jacques Whitford
W. (Bill) Taylor
Morrison Hershfield Ltd.
André Brais
SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
Luc Benoit
Tecsult Inc.
Wendy Ryan-Bacon
Canadian Council of Professional
ACEC Staff
Claude Paul Boivin
Kerrie Reid
Richard Roulx
President and Chief Operating Officer
Manager, Communications and
Manager, Government Relations and
Special Events
Business Practices
Sylvie Rioux
Hélène Schneider
Receptionist & Administrative
Manager, International Division
Jean Marc Carrière
Manager, Finance & Administration
Adam Desrosiers
Member Services & Systems
Coordinator – Webmaster
Member Organizations
Association of Consulting
Consulting Engineers of
Consulting Engineers of
Engineers of Canada
Nova Scotia
Claude Paul Boivin
Gordon Beck
P.S. (Skit) Ferguson
Consulting Engineers of
Association des Ingénieurs-conseils
Consulting Engineers of Yukon
Northwest Territories
du Québec
Richard Trimble
Brian George
Johanne Desrochers
Consulting Engineers of
Consulting Engineers of Ontario
Newfoundland & Labrador
New Brunswick
John Gamble
Sean Kavanagh
Daniel Estabrooks
Consulting Engineers of
Consulting Engineers of
Consulting Engineers of Alberta
Consulting Engineers of Manitoba
British Columbia
Wendy Cooper
Elaine Madison
Kate Cockerill
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
ACEC Membership 2001 – 2002
Member firms listed from west to east, based on head or branch offices operating in each province and territory.
Central Valley Engineering Services Ltd.
Knight Piesold Ltd.
Dorward Engineering Services Ltd.
CH2M Hill Canada Limited
Koers & Associates Engineering Ltd.
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Chatwin Engineering Ltd.
Lapointe Engineering Ltd.
Ferguson Simek Clark
CitiWest Consulting Ltd.
LEA International Ltd.
Gartner Lee Limited
Cochrane Engineering Ltd.
Levelton Engineering Ltd.
J.R. Paine & Associates Ltd.
Collings Johnston Inc.
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
Lorimer & Associates
Commonwealth International
McGill & Associates Engineering Ltd.
N.A. Jacobsen P.Eng. - Civil Engineering
Consultants Ltd.
MCW Consultants Ltd.
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Morrison Hershfield Limited
Northern Climate Engineering Ltd.
Cook Pickering & Doyle Ltd.
ND LEA Consultants Ltd.
Quest Engineering Group
CWMM Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd.
Underhill Geomatics Ltd.
David Nairne & Associates Ltd.
Paragon Engineering Ltd.
Wood & Associates Engineering
Dayton & Knight Ltd.
Piteau Associates Engineering Ltd.
Consultants Ltd.
Delcan Corporation
Pomeroy Engineering Ltd.
Yukon Engineering Services
Dillon Consulting Limited
R.F. Binnie & Associates Ltd.
DMD & Associates Electrical
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
North West Territories
A.D. Williams Engineering Inc.
Dillon Consulting Limited
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Ferguson Simek Clark
Ferguson Simek Clark Engineers and
Golder Associates Ltd.
Jacques Whitford
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Vista Engineering Ltd.
Consultants Ltd.
RKTG Associates Ltd.
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
Robert Freundlich & Associates Ltd.
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Roy Campbell Ltd.
EBA Waberski Darrow Consulting Ltd.
Sacré-Davey Engineering
Emco Engineering Ltd.
Sandwell Engineering Services Limited
Sandwell International Inc.
Focus Intec
Sargent & Vaughan Engineering Ltd.
Fransen Engineering Ltd.
SCS Materials Engineers Ltd.
G. Ovstaas & Associates
Shaflik Engineering Ltd.
Glotman Simpson Consulting Engineers
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
/ GS-Sayers Engineering
GMK 2000 Transportation Planning
and Engineering
Golder Associates Ltd.
SRC Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Steffen, Robertson and Kirsten
(Canada) Inc.
Graeme & Murray Consultants Ltd.
The RADA Group
Hay & Company Consultants Inc.
Thurber Engineering Ltd.
Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Horizon Engineering Inc.
Trow Consulting Engineering Ltd.
Hunter Laird Engineering Ltd.
Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd.
IBI Group
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Infrastructure Systems Ltd.
UMA Group Ltd.
InterCAD Services Ltd.
Urban Systems Ltd.
J.M. Bean & Co. Ltd.
Villholth Jensen & Associates Ltd.
Jacques Whitford Environment
Wakefield Acoustics Ltd.
Jones Kwong Kishi
Water Management Consultants
Keen Engineering Co. Ltd.
Weir-Jones Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Kerr Wood Leidal Associates Limited
Westmar Consultants Inc.
Keyes Engineering Ltd.
Woodhead Consultants Inc.
1st Team Engineering Ltd.
Acres International Limited
Anderson Civil Engineering
Aplin & Martin Consultants Ltd.
Associated Engineering (B.C.) Ltd.
Associated Engineering Group Ltd.
Associated Engineering International Ltd.
BC Building Science & Engineering Ltd
Brown Strachan Associates
Buckland and Taylor Ltd.
Bush, Bohlman & Partners
Kilborn SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Klohn Crippen Consultants Ltd.
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd.
(Power Group)
GPEC Consulting Ltd.
A.D. Williams Engineering Inc.
Group 2 Architecture Engineering
Alfa Engineering Ltd.
Al-Terra Engineering Ltd.
Interior Design
Alliant Engineering & Consulting Ltd.
Hemisphere Engineering Inc.
AMEC Earth & Environmental Limited
Almor Engineering Associates Ltd.
HMS Engineering
Angus, Butler Engineering Ltd.
Hoogensen Metallurgical Engineering Ltd.
Associated Engineering (Sask.) Ltd.
AMEC Infrastructure Limited
Hydroconsult En3 Services Ltd.
Beckie Hydrogeologists (1990) Ltd.
AN-GEO Environmental Consultants Ltd.
IBI Group
Bosgoed Project Consultants Ltd.
APSCO Engineering Ltd.
Infrastructure Systems Ltd.
Brownlee Beaton Kreke Consulting
ARA Engineering Ltd.
J.R. Paine & Associates Ltd.
Associated Engineering Alberta Ltd.
J.R. Spronken & Associates Ltd.
Bullee Consulting Ltd.
Associated Engineering Group Ltd.
Jacques Whitford
Clifton Associates Ltd.
Associated Engineering Industrial Ltd.
Kattner/FVB District Energy Inc.
Clunie Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Associated Engineering International Ltd.
Keen Engineering Co. Ltd.
Cochrane Engineering Ltd.
Bel-MK Engineering Ltd.
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd.
Daniels-Wingerak Engineering Ltd.
BP-TEC Engineering Group Ltd.
Komex International Ltd.
Donovan Engineering Ltd.
CH2M Hill Canada Limited
Levelton Engineering Ltd.
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
Challenger Engineering (A Division of
Manray Consulting Ltd.
EMC Engineering Inc.
Maxim Morrison Hershfield Limited
Envista Technologies
Chapman Petroleum Engineering Ltd.
McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
EPEC Consulting (Sask.) Ltd.
Clifton Associates Ltd.
McIntosh-Lalani Engineering Ltd.
GE Ground Engineering Ltd.
Clifton ND Lea Consulting Inc.
Millennium EMS Solutions Ltd.
Golder Associates Ltd.
Cochrane Engineering Ltd.
MPA Engineering
Greg Daum Consulting Ltd.
Cochrane Group Inc.
MPE Engineering Ltd.
Hooker Dawson & Associates Ltd.
Commsult Engineering Ltd.
Nordic Acres Engineering
International Water Consultants Ltd.
CTM Design Services Ltd.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants Ltd.
J.C. Kenyon Engineering Inc.
Culham Pedersen Valentine Architects
P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd.
J.D. Mollard and Associates Limited
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
Jacques Whitford
Cushman-Ball Environmental
Ready Engineering Corporation
LML Engineering Ltd.
CWA Structural Engineers Ltd.
Samalta Engineering Ltd.
Loken Engineering Services
D.A. Watt Consulting Group Ltd.
Serv-Alta Engineering Ltd.
M.R.2 - McDonald & Associates
DCL Siemens Engineering Ltd.
SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors Inc.
McCartan, Gaudet & Associates
Dillon Consulting Limited
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Down to Earth Consulting Inc.
Stebnicki Robertson & Associates Ltd.
Metallurgical Consulting Services Ltd.
Duthie, Newby, Weber & Associates Ltd.
Stewart, Weir & Co. Ltd.
Mickleborough Consulting Limited
Eagle Engineering Corp.
Techna-West Engineering Ltd.
P. Machibroda Engineering Ltd.
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
Terracon Geotechnique Ltd.
Prakash Engineering Ltd.
EBA Engineering Consultants Ltd.
The Cohos Evamy Partners
Ritenburg & Associates Ltd.
Emans, Smith, Andersen Engineering Ltd.
Thurber Engineering Ltd.
Robb-Kullman Engineering Ltd.
ESE Engineering Group
TMP Consulting Engineers (AB) Ltd.
SAL Engineering Ltd.
EXH Engineering Services Ltd.
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Schappert Associates Ltd.
Ferguson Simek Clark (Alberta) Ltd.
Urban Systems Ltd.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Focus Intec, a division of The Focus
Walker Projects Inc.
Trialpha Consulting Limited
Corporation Ltd.
Walters Chambers Associates Ltd.
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Fransen Engineering Ltd.
Woods Parker Morgan Ltd.
Walker Projects Inc.
Challenger Geomatics Ltd.)
& Engineers
Geo-Engineering (M.S.T.) Ltd.
Wardrop Engineering Inc.
Giffels Enterprises Inc.
Water Resource Consultants Ltd.
Golder Associates Ltd.
Yoneda & Associates Partnership
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
A.F. Eshmade & Associates Ltd.
Acres International Limited
Almitra Consulting Inc.
Appin Associates
Boge & Boge (1980) Ltd.
Cochrane Engineering Ltd.
Crosier Kilgour & Partners Ltd.
D. Oleksiuk & Associates Inc.
D.E.M. Allen & Associates Ltd.
Dillon Consulting Limited
Dyregrov Consultants
E B Systems Limited
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
G.H. Currie & Associates Ltd.
J.R. Cousin Consultants Ltd.
John D. Denoon
KGS Group
MCW/AGE Consulting
ND Lea Engineers & Planners Inc.
Neegan Burnside Engineering &
Environmental Ltd.
Purdy Project Management
Roberts, Sloane & Associates
SEG Engineering Inc.
SMS Engineering Ltd.
SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors Inc.
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Teshmont Consultants Inc.
TetrES Consultants Inc.
Tower Engineering Group Inc.
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Wardrop Engineering Inc.
Zandstra Consultants Ltd.
Alston Associates Inc.
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates Limited
Conlin Associates Limited
Consultec Ltd.
Anrep Krieg Desilets Gravelle Ltd.
Cook Engineering (V.B. Cook Co. Ltd.)
Anrep Krieg Desilets Gravelle Ltd.
Coupled Systems Ltd.
Anton Kikas Limited
Crossey Engineering Ltd.
Arcon Engineering Consultants
Cumming-Cockburn Limited
Cyril J. Demeyere Limited
Arup Canada Incorporated
D. Miklas & Associates Ltd.
Atkinson Engineering Inc.
D.F. Elliott Consulting Engineers Ltd.
AWS Engineers and Planners Corp.
D.G. Biddle & Associates Limited
B & R Engineering Co. Ltd.
D.M. Wills Associates Limited
B.H. Martin Consultants Limited
David McManus Engineering Ltd.
B.J. Tworzyanski Limited
Davroc & Associates Ltd.
B.M. Ross and Associates Limited
Dearden and Stanton Limited
B.R.I.C. Enterprises Inc.
Delcan Corporation
BA Consulting Group Ltd.
Demaiter Engineering Inc.
Banerjee & Associates Ltd.
Dennis Consultants
Barker Terp Gibson Limited
Development Engineering (London)
Bosyl Associates Limited
Bryan Thomas & Associates Inc.
Dillon Consulting Limited
BTE Services
DST Consulting Engineers Inc.
Buchan, Lawton, Parent Ltd.
E. Fearnley Limited
Burnside Development Services
E.R. Broughton Associates Ltd.
Burnside Environmental
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
C & V Engineering Ltd.
Egberts Engineering Limited
C. C. Tatham & Associates
Egmond Associates Ltd
C. C. Tatham & Associates Ltd.
Elder Engineering Inc.
C.D. Sonter Management Inc.
Ellis Engineering Inc.
Canatom NPM Inc.
Engineering Northwest Limited
Canrede Inc.
EPCM Services Ltd.
Cansult Hanscomb Project Inc.
Eramosa Engineering Inc.
Cansult Limited
ERES Consultants
Carinci Burt Rogers Engineering Inc.
F.T. Gerson Limited
Carruthers & Wallace Ltd.
Feherty and Associates Ltd.
CDA Engineering Ltd.
Filer Consultants Ltd.
Cemcorp Ltd.
Filer Engineering Ltd.
Central Projects Group Inc.
Fletcher Associates Consulting Engs. &
CH2M Hill Canada Limited
A & A Environmental Services Ltd.
Chih S. Huang & Associates Inc.
Forensic Engineering Inc.
A & G Engineering Ltd.
Chisholm, Fleming and Associates
Frank Anrep & Associates Ltd.
A.A. Boscariol & Associates
Chorley & Bisset Ltd.
G.D. Xiggoros & Associates Ltd.
Acres & Associated Environmental
Clemann Large Patterson Consulting
G.I. Russell & Company Ltd.
Gamsby and Mannerow Limited
Acres International Limited
Clipsham Limited
Gartner Lee Limited
Adjeleian Allen Rubeli Limited
Cochrane Engineering Ltd.
Geo-Canada Ltd., Consulting
Albert Schepers Engineering Limited
Cole, Sherman & Associates Limited
Geotechnical Engineers
Aldworth Engineering Inc.
Conengr Inc.
Alex Tobias Associates Limited
Conestoga-Rovers & Associates
Giffels Associates Limited
Glos Engineering Ltd.
K. Smart Associates Limited
PPA Engineering Technologies Inc.
Golder Associates Ltd.
Kazmar Associates Ltd.
Prosum Engineering Ltd.
Goodkey Weedmark & Associates
Keen Engineering Co. Ltd.
PwD Engineering Corp.
Keller Engineering Associates Inc.
Quaile Engineering Ltd.
Group Eight Engineering Limited
Kerry T. Howe Engineering Limited
R. E. Poisson Engineering
GRS Comcor Environmental Limited
Klohn-Crippen Consultants Ltd.
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited
Gryphon International Engineering
KMK Consultants Limited
R.V. Anderson Associates Limited
KST (Joint Venture)
Rady-Pentek & Associates Inc.
Gulesserian Associates Inc.
L.H. Schwindt & Company Inc.
RAND Engineering Corporation
H.G. Engineering Ltd.
L.W. Ward Limited
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
H.H. Angus & Associates Ltd.
Lassing Dibben Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Read, Voorhees & Associates Limited
Haddad, Morgan and Associates Ltd.
LEA Consulting Ltd.
Reinders Consultants Limited
Halsall Associates Limited
Liberty Engineering
Retrach Engineering Limited
Hanna, Ghobrial & Spencer Ltd.
M.F. Tulloch Inc.
Riaboy Engineering Ltd.
Hannigan Engineering Limited
M.J. Davenport & Associates Ltd.
Richardson Engineering Ltd.
Hargrave & Burdick, Environmental Inc.
M.R. Byrne & Associates Limited
Robert E. Brown and Associates Limited
Hatch Mott MacDonald ltd
M.R. Wright and Associates Co. Ltd.
Robert G. McEwen & Associates Ltd.
Henderson, Paddon & Associates
MacViro Consultants Inc.
Robert M. Martin Engineering &
Services Inc.
Project Management Inc.
HGC Engineering
Maitland Engineering
Robinson Consultants Inc.
Higgins Engineering Limited
Marshall Macklin Monaghan Limited
Roerig & Hsu Limited
Highway Construction Inspection
McCormick Rankin Corporation
Ronald T. Gayowsky Ltd.
McIntosh Engineering Limited
Rottmann Associates Ltd.
HMO Limited
McIntosh Perry Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Rowan Williams Davies & Irwin Inc.
Howard C.L. Joe Limited
MCW Consultants Ltd.
RPA Consultants Limited
HurterConsult Incorporated
Mechanical Dynamics Ltd.
Sandwell Consulting Engineering Inc.
IBI Group
Meo & Associates Inc.
Sarafinchin Associates Ltd.
Imagineering Limited
MIG Engineering Ltd.
Schaeffer & Associates Ltd.
Imasar Engineering Inc.
Mitchell & Associates Consulting
SHAL Consulting Engineers Limited
International Water Consultants Ltd.
Engineering Inc.
Sigmund Soudack & Associates Inc.
Interplan Limited
Mitchell, Pound & Braddock Ltd.
Simcoe Engineering Group Limited
iTRANS Consulting Inc.
Morency Haynes
Skelton, Brumwell & Associates Inc.
J.H. Cohoon Engineering Limited
Morrison Hershfield Limited
Skira & Associates Ltd.
J.L. Richards & Associates Limited
MPC Consulting Engineering
Smith and Andersen Consulting
J.P. Conforzi & Associates Limited
MTE Consultants Inc.
J.T. Donald Consultants Ltd.
Mulvey & Banani International Inc.
Smylie & Crow Associates Inc.
Jacques Whitford
Nadine International Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Engineers & Constructors Inc.
Jagger Hims Limited
National Capital Engineering Limited
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Jagger Hims Limited Consulting
Norr Limited
SNC-Lavalin Pharma
Northland Engineering (1987) Limited
Southward Consultants Limited
John D. Paterson and Associates Ltd.
Ogilvie Consultants Limited
Spriet Associates
John Emery Geotechnical Engineering
Oliver Mangione & McCalla a Division
Stantec Consulting Ltd.
Ontario Inc.
MacViro Investigative Engineering Inc.
of Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Stephenson Engineering Ltd.
John G. Cooke & Associates Ltd.
P.T. Engineering
Stevenson Engineering Limited
John R. Hamalainen Engineering Ltd.
Patriot Engineering Ltd.
Sutcliffe Rody Quesnel Inc.
John Swallow Associates Limited
Peto MacCallum Ltd.
T.L. Mak Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Joseph E. Pohorly Professional
Philips Engineering Ltd.
T.S. Wong Consultants Limited
Engineering Services Ltd.
Piotrowski Consultants Ltd.
Tabcon Engineering
K-TEK Electro-Services Limited
Planmac Inc.
Tacoma Cooper Structural Engineers
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Annual Report • Rapport annuel • 2001-2002
Tecsar Engineering Inc.
Terraprobe Limited
BPR Groupe- Conseil
Thames Valley Engineering Inc.
Breton, Banville & Associés
Groupe-conseil Génivar inc.
The Ainley Group
Bureau d’Etudes Estrie Consultants Ltée
Groupe-conseil Saguenay
The Canadian Engineers
Calculatec Inc.
Groupe-conseil TDA
The ECE Group Ltd.
Caron Beaudoin et Associés Experts-
Hatch & Associés Inc.
The Greer Galloway Group Inc.
Conseils Inc.
Groupe-conseil Génivar / Naturam
Herbert L. Wax & Associates Ltd.
The Mitchell Partnership Inc.
Cegertec Inc.
IMS Experts-Conseils
The Sernas Group
Ingétec Inc.
The SPG Engineering Group Ltd.
Cima+, société Multidisciplinaire
International Water Consultants Ltd.
The Walter Fedy Partnership
CLA Experts-Conseils Inc.
J.L. Richards et Associés Ltée
Thunder Bay Testing & Engineering Ltd.
Cloutier Cloutier & Associés.
Jacques F. Brunelle et Associés Inc.
Thurber Engineering Ltd.
CMA/DukeSolutions Canada Inc.
Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd.
TMP Hiagara Consulting Engineers
Comtois Poupart St-Louis
Johnston-Vermette Groupe Conseil Inc.
Todgham and Case Associates Inc.
Consultants Genium Inc.
Labelle Ryan Genipro Inc.
Totten Sims Hubicki Associates
Consultants René Gervais Inc.
Labelle Genipro Inc.
Transenco Limited
Consultants VFP Inc.
Le Groupe Conseil Berman inc.
Triathlon Ltd.
Courtemanche, Rivest et Associés
Le Groupe Conseil SAE Inc.
Triton Engineering Services Limited
D’Aragon, Desbiens, Halde Associés ltée
Le Groupe Conseil T.T. Katz Inc.
Trow Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Delfar, Experts-conseils
Le Groupe Génitique Inc.
Trow/OMM Consulting Engineers Ltd.
Dessau-Soprin Inc.
Le Groupe Icogec (1991) Inc.
UMA Engineering Ltd.
Devonyx Technologies inc.
Le groupe INC stratégie et
Urban Engineering Consultants
Doucet & Associés Conseils (Québec) Ltée
V.A. Wood Associates Limited
DTI Télécom Inc.
Le Groupe LMB Experts-Conseils Inc.
VA Geotech Ltd.
Dumelec Experts-Conseils inc.
Le Groupe S.M. Inc.
Valcoustics Canada Ltd.
Dupras Ledoux Inc.
Le Groupe Séguin Experts-Conseils Inc.
Vista Engineering Corporation
Earth Tech Canada Inc.
Le Groupe Teknika
Walters Forensic Engineering
Le Groupe-conseil LaSalle Inc.
Wardrop Engineering Ltd.
Enviroservices Inc.
Les Consultants Aedifica Inc.
Watts, Griffis and McOuat Limited
Filiatrault, McNeil & Associés Inc.
Les Consultants CEM inc.
WH Engineerint Inc.
Francis Boulva & Associés Ltée
Les Consultants Coulombe, Juneau &
Wiebe Engineering Group Inc.
Gascon, Vigneault, Dumais & Ass. Inc.
Willings & Associates Ltd.
Génivel-BPR Inc
Les Consultants F.B.G. Inc.
Wilson, Dario & Associates
Géophysique G.P.R. International Inc.
Les Consultants GENIPLUS Inc.
Winter Associates Ltd.
Gilles Verreault
Les Consultants iTRANS Inc.
Wm. R. Walker Engineering Inc.
Golder Associates Ltd.
Les Consultants LBCD Inc.
Wood, Banani and Associates Ltd.
Golder Associes Ltee
LMB Technologies Inc.
Groupe AXOR Inc.
Luc Laperrière Experts Conseils inc.
Zaretsky Consulting Engineers Inc.
Groupe Conseil Saguenay
Macogep Experts-Conseils
Groupe GLD Inc., Experts-Conseils
Maloney, Desmeules & Associés
Groupe GLD, Experts-Conseils
Groupe HBA experts-conseils S.E.N.C.
Martoni, Cyr & Associés Inc.
Groupe HBA, Experts-conseils s.e.n.s.
McDougall & Friedman Ltd.
Groupe RSW Inc.
Michel D. Rousseau, ingénieur-conseil
Groupe SNC-LAVALIN inc.
MLC Associes Inc.
Groupe Stavibel Inc.
Nicolet, Chartrand, Knoll Ltée
Groupe-Conseil E.M.E.
Normex Telecom
Groupe-Conseil EcoSystem Inc.
OPTEC Énergie-Services Inc.
Groupe-conseil Génivar
Pageau, Morel & Associés Inc.
Audy Farley Lalande La Berge Inc.
Axium Solutions Industrielles
Bechtel Quebec Limitée
BMST Richelieu Experts-Conseils Inc.
Bouthillette, Parizeau & Associés Inc.
Bowles Consultants Inc.
développement inc.
Associés Inc.
Pasquin St-Jean et Associés Inc.
Prince Edward Island
Nova Scotia
Pellemon Inc.
ADI Limited
Acres International Limited
Performax inc.
Coles Associates Ltd.
ADI Limited
Pluritec Ltée
Jacques Whitford
Poly-Énergie Inc.
Kilborn Peru S.A.
BMR Structural Engineering
R & O Consultants
RBI Experts-Conseils inc.
Roche ltee, Groupe-conseil
Roche Ltee, Groupe-conseil
Roche Maloney Desmeules
Saia, Deslauriers Kadanoff, Leconte,
Brisebois Blais
Sandwell EPC Inc.
Scomatech Experts-Conseils Inc.
Service de Consultants en Bâtiments Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Audet
SNC-Lavalin Cowan Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Environnement Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
SNC-Lavalin International Inc.
SNC-Shawinigan Inc.
SPN Consultants inc.
Stantec Experts-conseils Ltée
Synerco Experts-Conseil Inc.
Synergétik Experts-Conseils inc.
T.D.R. Experts-conseils Associés Inc.
Tecsult inc.
Triax Société d’ingénierie
C.J. MacLellan & Associates Inc.
New Brunswick
Acadia Consultants & Inspectors
Limited (ACI)
ADI Group Inc.
ADI Limited
AMEC E&C Services
Atlantic Nuclear Services Ltd.
Biron Engineering Ltd.
Boissonnault McGraw & Associates Ltd.
Brunswick Engineering Group Ltd.
Crandall Engineering Ltd.
Cyr Engineering Ltd.
Desjardins Desjardins Consultants Inc.
Dillon Consulting Limited
Eastcan Consultants Inc.
Eastern Designers & Company Limited
Estabrooks Consultants Inc.
Fenco Shawinigan Engineering Limited
Fundy Engineering and Consulting Ltd.
GEMTEC Limited
Geoplan Consultants Inc.
Godfrey Associates Ltd.
Hillside Consulting Engineers Limited
Acres International Limited
Hoadley Engineering Inc.
ADI Nolan Davis
Jacques Whitford
AE Consultants Ltd.
John P. Mooney, P.Eng. & Associates
Key Surveys & Engineering Limited
Atlantic Engineering Consultants Ltd.
MSC Multi-Service Consultants
BAE-Newplan Group Limited
Neill and Gunter Limited
Cecon Ltd.
Paradigm Engineering Inc.
Crosbie Engineering Ltd.
Project Engineering Limited
Davis Engineering & Associates Ltd.
R.J. Bartlett Engineering Ltd.
Design Services Ltd.
Roche Atlantique
Jacques Whitford Environment Ltd.
Rogers Engineering Ltd
Kavanagh & Associates Limited
Roy Consultants
Newfoundland Design Associates Ltd.
Roy Consultants Group
Newfoundland Geosciences Limited
Tek Consultants Limited
Newlab Engineering Limited
The SGE Group Inc.
Newton Engineering Ltd.
Touchie Engineering Ltd.
Nova Consultants Inc.
Quadratec Inc.
The SGE Group Inc.
Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada • Association des ingénieurs-conseils du Canada
Campbell Comeau Engineering Limited
Canadian Fishery Consultants Limited
CBCL Limited
Dillon Consulting Limited
Eastcan Geomatics Limited
Geotechnology Limited
Horner & Associates Limited
J.W. Cowie Engineering Limited
Jacques Whitford
Jacques Whitford o/s Magee, Anderson
MacDonnell Group Limited
Neill and Gunter (Nova Scotia) Limited
NL Sobey & Associates Limited
Nova Dynamics Limited
O’Halloran Campbell Consultants Ltd.
Oldham Engineers Inc.
SNC-Lavalin Inc.
Strait Engineering Limited
The SGE Group Inc.
Thompson Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Vaughan Engineering Associates Ltd.
W. Roberts & Associates Limited
Wallace Macdonald & Lively Ltd.
Walters Forensic Engineering
Design: Pivot Point Solutions
Fax/Téléc. : 613-236-6193
[email protected]
616–130 rue Albert Street, Ottawa (Ontario) Canada
K1P 5G4