suez wins the public service concession for the collection and


suez wins the public service concession for the collection and
France Recycling and Recovery
Paris, 14 December 2015
SUEZ has successfully renegotiated the renewal and extension of its activities
under the Public Service Delegation concession for the collection and treatment of
waste from the Covaldem111 area. The contract is worth 459 million Euro over 19
years and represents an innovative partnership involving the local authority and
civil representatives for a unique collaborative governance system.
The contract will enter into effect on January 1st 2016. It covers all services, from containerisation
through to collection, sorting, management of collection centres and final processing. It enables the
local authority to have a single operator responsible for the organisation, consistency and quality of
the whole service, paid according to a performance obligation in terms of objectives defined by
Covaldem11 and not a best-effort basis. Furthermore, SUEZ has innovated in terms of
governance, by creating a dedicated company, the Board of Directors of which will include elected
representatives from the local authority and civil representatives, to jointly manage the contract.
SUEZ will boost the recovery of organic materials and energy, notably by reducing the portion of
waste intended for elimination in order to reach a global recovery rate of 75% starting in 2020.
Philippe Maillard, SUEZ's CEO of Recycling & Recovery in France, added: "I am proud that
Covaldem11 has chosen SUEZ through this unique contract in France. The strategy we proposed
is ambitious and evolutionary. It enables the local authority to participate in the energy transition,
which requires new operational methods with a collaborative, circular economy.
Furthermore, the new, more modern governance of the contract will enable us to drawn benefits
from collective intelligence by pooling the contributions of all stakeholders while affirming the role
of the Syndicate in the decision-making process. We wish to implement confidence engineering
with our customer. "
The contract also foresees the extension of the activities starting in 2017, including new production
facilities to be built on two major sites.
The Covaldem 11 is a joint association located in Aude, composed of seven local authorities (Carcassonne Agglo, the Community of Municipalities
of Black Mountain, The Community of municipalities of Pays de Couiza, the Community of Municipalities of Pyrenees Audoises, the Community of
Municipalities of Limouxin, the SMICTOM of Western Aude Corbières and the Minervois SMICTOM)
The Salvaza Environment complex2 will host a collection centre, a transfer dock and a new
waste collection concept called Recydrive. This concept consists in transforming a conventional
recycling centre into a connected service using the app, which
provides advice and assistance in sorting under optimum conditions of safety. Waste flows that
are appropriate for reconditioning will be forwarded to non-profit social insertion associations.
A "recycling-resource" store will also be built across from the Recydrive unit. This store will be a
genuine forum for social life and the exchange of goods and services through the repair and reuse of objects, which are then re-sold at fair prices, thereby making a valuable contribution to the
circular economy.
The Alzonne Environmental centre3 will host a garden waste composting platform and a Materials
Recovery Unit where secondary raw materials will be recovered from waste for refinement and reuse in industry.
Images available in the press newsroom:
SUEZ press:
Isabelle Herrier Naufle
[email protected]
Tel: +33 1 58 81 55 62
Tel: +33 1 58 81 24 05
Nous sommes à l’aube de la révolution de la ressource. Face à l ’augmentation de la population mondiale,
l’urbanisation croissante et la raréfaction des ressources naturelles, sécuriser, optimiser et valoriser les
ressources est indispensable pour notre avenir. SUEZ (Paris : SEV, Bruxelles : SEVB) alimente 92 millions
de personnes en eau potable, 65 millions en services d’assainissement, assure la collecte des déchets de
près de 50 millions de personnes, valorise 14 millions de tonnes de déchets par an et produit 5 138 GWh
d’énergie locale et renouvelable. Avec 80 990 collaborateurs, SUEZ présent sur les cinq continents est un
acteur clé de l’économie circulaire pour la gestion durable des ressources. En 2014, SUEZ a réalisé un
chiffre d’affaires de 14,3 milliards d’euros.