email-SAAC responds to CPRs comment


email-SAAC responds to CPRs comment
Document Separator
Document ID Number
Aimee Zack
LeeAnn Thomas
Wednesday, April 3.7, 2013 7:50 AM
SH US Environmental Accrual
FW: Question on Cedar Service Infiltration Basin
From: Barbara Sullivan [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tuesday, April 16, 2013 4:29 PM
To: LeeAnn Thomas
Subject: Re: Question on Cedar Service Infiltration Basin
Thank you for your response, LeeAnn
----Original Message---From: LeeAnn Thomas <LeeAnn Thomas~,>
To: Sullyjb <Sullyib~,>
Cc: Anderson, Robert (MDA) (MDA) <robert.anderson~,,>; Brenda Rivera <Brenda Rivera~,,cpr,ca>; Kristine
Williams <Kristine Williams@cpr,ca>
Sent: Mon, Apr 15, 2013 12:45 pm
Subject: Question on Cedar Service Infiltration Basin
Hello Barbara,
I wanted to follow up on the question you asked regarding a site visit to see the Cedar Service infiltration basin. I checked
with our police service, and as noted during our discussion, the basin is in an area of the yard that is between several
tracks and access is difficult. There are concerns regarding safety and operations. Because of this, we will not be able to
have a site visit. I also indicated at the meeting that you can get a good view of the basin from the pedestrian sidewalk
along the University Avenue bridge over the tracks. This could provide you with an overview of the area from a public
Thank you,
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