November 25, 2014


November 25, 2014
Journal des étudiant-e-s
en droit de l’université McGill
Published by the McGill Law
Students’ Association
Volume 36, no 9
25 novembre 2014 | November 25, 2014
QN •
25 NOV 2014
3644 Peel Street
Montréal, Québec H2A 1X1
[email protected]
Melissa Cederqvist
Ying Cheng
Nathan Cudicio
Charlie Feldman
Fortunat Nadima
Sunny Yang
Pouneh Davar-Ardakani
Kaishan He
Lindsay Little
Elspeth McMurray
Samantha Rudolph
David Searle
Andrew Stuart
Journal des étudiant-e-s
en droit de l’université McGill
McGill Law’s Weekly Student Newspaper
Volume 36, no 9
25 novembre 2014 | November 25, 2014
What’s inside ?
Quel est le contenu ?
balance and mental health at the faculty
brainstorming session on mental health
next steps for the student mental health fund
Linda Agaby
Allison Render
Samantha Rudolph
Suzanne Zaccour
Want to talk ?
Tu veux t’exprimer ?
Envoyez vos commentaires ou articles avant
jeudi 17h à l’adresse : [email protected]
Toute contribution doit indiquer le nom de
l’auteur, son année d’étude ainsi qu’un titre
pour l’article. L’article ne sera publié qu’à la
discrétion du comité de rédaction, qui
basera sa décision sur la politique de
Quid Novi is published by the McGill Law
Students' Association, a student society
of McGill University. The content of this
publication is the sole responsibility of
the McGill Law Students' Association
and does not necessarily represent the
views of McGill University.
Contributions should preferably be submitted
as a .doc attachment (and not, for instance,
a “.docx.”).
The Quid Novi is published weekly by the students of the Faculty of Law at McGill University. Production is made possible through the direct support of students. All contents copyright 2014 Quid Novi. Les opinions exprimées sont propres aux auteurs et ne réflètent pas nécessairement celles de l’équipe du Quid Novi. The content of this publication does not
necessarily reflect the views of the McGill Law Students’ Association or of McGill University.
edito, tout simplement
Déjà neuf publications du Quid Novi et la session d’automne tire à sa fin. Les tympans encore bourdonnant de tous ces cours magistraux et les yeux encore fatigués d’avoir assisté à ce grand ballet orchestré qu’est la vie facultaire, les étudiants
n’osent cependant lorgner aux congés hivernaux qui approchent à grands pas.
Nine publications of the Quid and as many coffeehouses which ended up sharing a
Ben&Jerry’s ice cream or sitting outside the Beaux-Arts. Nine challenging weeks that only
the expression of Nothomb – Stupeur et Tremblements – seems to grasp the intensity.
Pour certains, ce fut cette première neige, ou encore cette facture d’Hydro plus dispendieuse que ses précédentes qui les fit émerger de la torpeur du quotidien. L’hiver
est à nos portes disait-on, et il semble bien que les examens se soient invités à la fête.
Some of us are going to experience our first two-feet-in-the-snow winter. Please allow me to
offer you this advice: never believe a Montrealer if they tell you they hate everything about
winter. Besides all this talking, we all secretly know the cold weather is simply an excuse to
stop by a friend’s house on our way home and hang out in those Italian cafés of the Mile End.
La présente publication du Quid vous propose, entre autres choses, des articles rédigés dans la
foulée de la discussion entamée par le Well-Beeing Commitee et entourant l’allocation d’une
somme considérable à la lutte contre les agents pathogènes à la santé mentale au sein de la
Faculté. Des articles qui, comprenons-nous au fil de leur lecture, arrivent à point nommé : au
moment où les étudiants sont le plus vulnérables à sombrer dans les méandres des idées noires.
Ainsi donc l’activité facultaire s’est éteinte. Les uns et les autres se regardent finalement
dans cette période latente, constatant brusquement le chemin parcouru. Jeter un coup
d’œil par dessus son épaule ne semble, en effet, pas une mauvaise idée. Des regards complices, des sourires en coin qui disent « alors comme ça on se revoit … l’année prochaine ! »
Entre temps, comme disait quelqu’un d’autre à propos d’autres choses, « Le rêve c’est
demain. Tu sais, tout va arriver demain. On verra, je suis curieux de voir ce qui va arriver. »
Happy Holidays,
Nathan Cudicio
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25 NOV 2014
Law IV
This past Monday, the SAO hosted a workshop dedicated to exploring the issue of “life balance” at law
school. The panelists were invited to discuss the following:
- How do you define ‘balance’?
- What do you do in your daily life to maintain ‘balance’?
- How do you identify your stressors, and conquer them?
I was invited to participate as an undergraduate student, along with Professors Hoi Kong, Angela Campbell, Bethany Hastie (PhD student), and a counsellor from Counselling Services.
Below is the text which I prepared for my part of the panel:
I was asked to speak to you today about how I would define
“balance” and about what I have done to maintain “balance” at
law school. I’m not sure I’m qualified to give anyone advice on
this because I have not quite figured it out. The best that I can
do is to speak to you about my struggles and hope some of you
struggling with the same problem will take some solace in the
fact that you are not alone!
Basically, law school has been an extremely difficult apprenticeship in learning how to balance seemingly impossible demands.
I think the best way to demonstrate this is a small anecdote from
my first week of law school. I’m sure you can all remember your
first week – some maybe better than others. My first week was a
rush of emotion. Excitement about BEING HERE! Anxiety, because
I knew practically no one. Discomfort at not quite knowing how I
“fit” in.
chalet wasting my time when I could be studying?!”
Despite my desire to go relax and be a normal human being, I
turned back for Montreal and set course for my books. Of course,
once I got home, I was beset with remorse at the sacrifice that I
felt I had to make in order to succeed at law school (I believe the
kids today call it “FOMO”). So, instead of studying, my remorse
led me to procrastinate the rest of the day and I accomplished
So, my efforts at finding “balance” during that first week of law
school were not successful. This would come to be a pattern that
repeated itself many times and this pattern would define the
majority of my time at law school.
During that first year, I stopped volunteering at my favourite
community bike shop on a regular basis. I stopped seeing good
friends. I stopped playing hockey during the winter. I didn’t go on
However, during that first week, I heard about the Christie Com- bike rides during the spring. I didn’t go to a single concert that
munity Bike Ride – which, I would highly encourage everyone to year. Basically, I stopped doing all the things that used to make
do! This was a dream come true for me, because cycling is one of me a happy person and which allowed me to succeed during my
the great passions in my life. It has been at the root of my identity previous degree.
for almost a decade now. The thought of attending a cycling
event at the Faculty was really exciting for me.
I retreated within myself and allowed the stress of law school to
consume my entire life. My support network, which I had careSaturday, the day of the ride, was a beautiful day. Bright and
fully crafted over the years, went largely unused and neglected.
sunny. We left at 10 am and cycled over 50 km to the north of
My retreat inwards created a vicious cycle marked by unhealLaval. Participants in the Christie Ride were given two options
thy study habits and emotional turmoil. Procrastination led to
at the end of the ride. The first was to continue the bike ride for self-recrimination. Self-recrimination led to self-denial of the
another 30km to the McGill Outdoors Club Chalet. The plan was simple pleasures of life until I was “caught up”. Of course, once I
to stay at the Chalet overnight bonding with fellow participants at did “catch up”, I felt terrible for what I had missed out on: a good
a campfire over spiked hot cocoa.
friend’s birthday party, a concert I was looking forward to, etc.
This of course led to more procrastination… they don’t call it a
The second option was to head home. I’m sure you can guess
vicious cycle for nothing!
which one I wanted to do! However, the anxiety of law school
had already begun to worm its way into my psyche. I thought
Of course, if I had the chance now to go back and make that first
to myself: “I have not read a single word of law all day! It’s 3pm, decision over again, I would chose to continue my bike ride to
what am I doing? I’m going to fail if I don’t go home RIGHT NOW the Chalet without hesitation. I would do it with a big smile and
and study! How could I possibly afford to spend an evening at a
without the faintest amount of guilt.
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25 NOV 2014
If there was one thing that I would love for people to walk away
from this talk with, it would be the courage to make that choice
for themselves. If I could imbed one message in your brains, it
would be to not let guilt and anxiety take over your life during
law school.
It took me a lot of time to accept the basic truth that I am fundamentally what I am and that it is probably too late to change it.
With that acceptance came the ability to start changing the way
that I approached school. I slowly began to achieve a healthier
balance between school and my personal life.
For instance, I used to tell myself that I would “start” an essay
Of course, this isn’t to say that you shouldn’t work hard and study three to four weeks before it is due. I hoped that in giving myself
(don’t worry SAO, I’m not trying to corrupt the youth… much).
a deadline far in advance, I would become motivated to get the
I’m just trying to say that you should be vigilant about protecting work done before it was “crunch time”.
In reality, I was only setting myself up to fail. For the first two
I’ve learned that it is important to give yourself the time and
weeks, I would look at my “to-do” list and my eyes would gloss
space to be “you”, and to do the things that you love. More
over that item, feeling slightly guiltier with each passing day.
importantly, to trust that doing these things will not undermine
That guilt would make me deprive myself in an effort to motivate
your chances of success in law school. Being happy is probably
myself. By the time “crunch time” came, I would have done no
much better for your GPA than spending too many closeted
work and I would feel terrible about myself.
evenings struggling to read because that is what your anxiety says
you “should” be doing.
Overcoming this tendency to self-sabotage was probably the
hardest part of law school. I’m far from perfect, but I try remind
On that note, if you’re someone who functions with a schedule, myself that I won’t work until my mind magically decides it is
pencil in some “me” time the same way you would for Constitu- “time” to work.
tional Law. Pretend that “You” are a 6 credit course, and invest
your time accordingly.
For instance, accepting that I wouldn’t work on my factum until
the week before it was due, I gave myself permission this fall to
Or, if you’re more like me, and think that agendas are some
take a weekend off to go on a bike trip and see the leaves change
magical totem that only the chosen few can use successfully, give colour. An added benefit of this approach is that when crunch
in to your impulses sometimes. Go for that run, beer, or concert. time hits, I find that I have way better mental stamina needed to
Go energize your mental batteries with whatever gives you that
get through it without going a little bit crazy.
“charge”. Go, even if you think that Lord Denning will be horribly
upset that you stood him up for that coffee date…
At the risk of repeating myself, I just want to emphasize that
taking time off to do the things that you love will only help you
I don’t mean to pretend that I have some sort of magic formula. get through law school. Thinking back to my first year, I wish that
The answer is going to be different for each one of you. However, I had held more tightly onto the things outside of law school. I
I suspect that developing healthy habits begins with that most
regret letting the stress of law school push those things out of my
clichéd of sayings – “know thyself”.
life. These were the things that gave me my identity, my purpose,
and my motivation. Pushing the anxiety away helped bring them
I know that I study better with others and that study groups are
back into my life, and as a result, has made law school a much
my best friend. I know that the Nahum Gelber Library is the worst more fulfilling experience.
place in the world for me around exam time – there are far too
many stressed out, sometimes crying people, for me to enjoy
If you will pardon me another brief foray into clichés expressions,
being there. I also know that 85% of my work gets done in cafés, I think one of the major challenges of being human is that we
and that I am fooling myself when I stay home, saying that I will
can’t really know something until we experience it for ourselves.
get work done.
The simple fact is this place is stressful. We all know it. Our peers
stress us out, our professors stress us out, and we stress ourKnowing these things is important. However, I think the real key selves out. I know that saying “be good to yourself” is not likely
to success is to also “accept thyself”. For me, it began with accep- to change that. You are going to have to go through it, and it will
ting the following:
probably get worse before it gets better.
“Hello. My name is Alain, and I am a procrastinator.”
So, I don’t expect my story to have a life changing impact on
anyone. However, I would ask you for a favour. The next time you
I have berated myself endlessly throughout my life wondering
struggle with balancing law school anxiety and the desire to do
why I couldn’t be like other “successful” people and get my things something you love, give yourselves permission to let go of the
done on time. Of course, what I didn’t realize for the longest
stress just one time. Sit back, smile, and peddle away! I think you
time, was that “other people” are probably very much like myself will be amazed at how little you are “giving up”, and at how much
and suffer from the same problems.
you will gain. Who knows, it might become a habit.
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25 NOV 2014
Chères et chers collègues,
On Wednesday November 12th, the Student Wellbeing Committee held a consultation session on the $50,000 you voted to
spend on mental health in last year’s LSA referendum.
Une trentaine d’étudiants de tous les niveaux étaient présents,
ainsi que des représentants des Services aux étudiants (Counselling Services et MyAccess). La prémisse de base de cette discussion était que tous les étudiants ont le droit d’étudier dans un
environnement sain, qui préserve leur santé physique et mentale.
Pour un sujet aussi complexe, une petite mise en contexte
s’impose :
- We therefore need to engage two parallel processes:
one is the decision-making process regarding the best use of
the $50,000. A second, broader process will relate to making
sustainable positive changes in the Faculty for future generations of students, and for the future of our profession. It has
been very clear that discussing how the money will be spent
shall not prevent the whole McGill Law community from
discussing the key mental health issues that are systemic
and that won’t be solved with money, but with dedication
towards positive change.
With respect to spending the $50,000 budget, students offered
many suggestions that helped us sort out what we do and don’t
- Les enquêtes internes à la faculté de droit de McGill et
dans les autres facultés de droit en Amérique du Nord confir- What we don’t want (at least for the $50k)
ment une détérioration progressive de la santé mentale des
- We received an outpouring of suggestions regarding
étudiants du début à la fin du parcours scolaire. Bien que les
how the money could be used to reduce what we think of
étudiants admis entrent en moyenne avec un état de santé
as the symptoms of stress (e.g.: bringing puppies, massages,
mentale égale ou supérieure à la moyenne de la population,
etc.). The group seemed to agree that these types of actions
ils en ressortent avec un état inférieur.
can be classified as “well-being” actions. While we think
these efforts are important, the group also seemed to think
- The deterioration of mental health continues after
that spending the $50k on smaller actions would be inapprograduation in the legal profession, and the level of mental
priate in this context. That said, the Well-Being Committee is
health disorders is significantly higher among jurists than
thrilled to have so many suggestions and is excited to put our
other professionals.
energy and existing budget to making some of these projects
- Mental health is a hot topic not only in our Faculty,
but for the university in general, and more broadly across
- Another popular category of suggestions related to
Canada. Given the many facets of mental health, solutions
spending on building improvements (lightning, equipment,
will have to come from all levels. Our discussion focused on
etc.). The consensus seems to be that such capital improvewhat we can do here at the faculty.
ments are the responsibility of the Faculty, for which it would
be inappropriate to use student funds.
We want to share with you here the key ideas that emerged from
the discussion. While not an exhaustive summary of that inspiring
session, here are some of the take-aways that we as a committee
found most memorable:
- Finally, we noted that we need to better coordinate our
actions with what is already being done by the Faculty and
by McGill Student Services, so that we do not use our budget
on projects that are already funded or fundable by other
- Through the referendum, students have expressed that
mental health is a top priority for them. Addressing mental
What we DO want
health might require money, but above all requires a cultural
- Having established a consensus that we want the $50k
shift within our community. This requires conversations at
to have a deep and long-term effect, we turned to sugseveral levels: students need to discuss amongst themselves
gestions that had that focus. These included doing deeper
and we also need to engage with the professors and admistudies or institutional audits that would help us face more
nistration. The ball is already moving for both students and
systemic issues at the Faculty. We agreed that the money
faculty, and we want to capitalize on this momentum.
should be spent on actions that are long-term focused, or
QN •
25 NOV 2014
function as renewable/seed-money that will contribute to
longevity in addressing mental health at the Faculty.
more attention from a more focused group. As such, we plan to
propose to the LSA Council that a taskforce dedicated to mental
health be created to further develop the decision-making process
- We want the decision-making process to be inclusive.
and to advocate for appropriate solutions. We will keep you
Some students expressed concern that there are certain
informed as to the next steps of that process as soon as we have
groups who may be marginalized in decision-making process, a clearer picture of it.
and that some of these may be the groups who could most
benefit from extra attention/funding. If feeling of exclusion
In the meantime, we encourage everyone to contribute to this
can negatively affect mental health, feeling of inclusiveness conversation, with your peers in the corridors of the faculty as
and acceptance can only create a safer environment. We
well as in the columns of the Quid, and we are always happy to
want this to be not only a part of the outcome of spending
receive contributions by email to studentwellbeing.mcgill@gmail.
the $50K, but also a part of the decision-making process.
After discussion within the Student Wellbeing Committee, we
think that the decision regarding what happens with this money
does not belong to this Committee. Given our focus on wellbeing, we feel we have neither the expertise nor the mandate
to make such decisions on our own. We think the issue deserves
Law IV
The Student Well-Being Committee
Benjamin Brunot, Xin Ci, Hersi Hujaleh, Elizabeth Mountford,
Maxime Pouliot, Katica Spillane, Naiara Toker.
As I discussed in this space two weeks ago, issues of student
mental health and well-being are high on the minds of many
students here in the Law Faculty, particularly as we drift toward
the cold, dark days of winter.
Not surprisingly, a recent survey found that alarming numbers
of law students suffer from mental health concerns ranging from
anxiety and exhaustion, to sadness and depression, to anger and
forward with plans to improve student mental wellness here in
the Faculty.
The Director of McGill’s Office for Students with Disabilities, Frédéric Fovet, was also in attendance, listening to student ideas and
concerns and making suggestions for how the OSD can work with
the Committee to address student mental health concerns.
A wide range of ideas and proposals were discussed at the
meeting. Some of these were more elaborate versions of input
previously received in writing from students; a summary of those
suggestions was presented to those on hand.
A quick perusal of various legal blogs and websites reminds us
that these afflictions are also prevalent within the legal profession itself. Law school should be a time to combat mental illness,
rather than allowing it to act as a “gateway” to more debilitating Broadly speaking, the conversation fell into three categories:
– and sometimes fatal – health problems in our later professional low-cost measures that could be implemented in the short term;
more expensive ideas that represent a longer-term cost commitment; and costless actions such as lobbying and policy proposals
To that end, a referendum was held last year in which law
that could be presented to the Faculty and University for considestudents voted to allocate $50,000 of LSA funds to a new student ration and, hopefully, eventual implementation.
mental health fund.
The underlying theme throughout the discussion was that the FaOn Nov. 12, the Student Well-Being Committee held a meeting
culty is in need of long-term, durable solutions that will address
with students to brainstorm potential uses for this fund in the
not only the myriad symptoms of mental illness, but also their
months and years ahead.
underlying causes. Implicit in the conversation was the importance of providing greater access to mental health training and
The meeting was well attended, with nearly 30 students on hand care opportunities, not only for at-risk students, but for faculty
to provide thoughts and ideas on how the Committee can go
members and administrators.
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25 NOV 2014
Mr. Fovet of the OSD pointed out that some progress has been
made in persuading the Faculty of the importance of dialogue
and discussion on these important issues. He pointed out that
in the past, the OSD was prohibited from discussing curriculum
and teaching-related issues with professors, some of which have
a profound impact on students’ ability to cope with stress and
anxiety as they seek to navigate the road toward eventual graduation from this place.
However, following a recent meeting with the Faculty’s new Associate Dean (Academic), Hoi Kong, Mr. Fovet was pleased to report
to the group that the OSD has now been empowered to speak
and consult directly with professors, as a means to encourage
change going forward. This represents a positive step forward;
one that I hope will bear fruit in the near future.
Still, as many students at the table indicated, much work remains
to be done on the lobbying and communication front. Many deeply-entrenched policies and practices (or lack thereof) continue
to hinder students’ progress toward personal well-being and
adequate work-life balance.
health-related questions in its application process. These initiatives, though merely the tip of a much larger iceberg, all represent positive moves forward.
They are a direct reflection of the very strong statement that
McGill law students made in 2013, when they approved the referendum question on mental health funding by an overwhelming
margin. That referendum represented a democratic call to action
for students, faculty and the wider university community alike on
pressing issues of mental health and well-being.
It is therefore important that we maintain our momentum going
forward, and remain vigilant in ensuring that student mental
health is not treated as a mere afterthought (or worse yet, not
considered at all) in the Faculty’s and University’s decision-making processes.
Above all, the students on hand at the Nov. 12 meeting indicated
it was vital that the $50,000 mental health fund not be exhausted
by one-off or short-term Band-Aid measures.
$50,000 may sound like a great deal of money, but given the
magnitude of the problem(s) we are facing on the mental health
These include (but are by no means limited to) inadequate
front, it would be very easy to spend that entire sum over one or
support systems for students with children; the Faculty’s ongoing two years, with few long-term, durable improvements to show
refusal to allow for part-time law studies; the Faculty’s dysfuncfor our efforts at the end of that process.
tional and stress-inducing grading system (so peculiar that the
SAO has felt it necessary to produce an explanatory form letter
Yes, the funds will be used (in part) for badly-needed project and
for potential employers); and a career development service that research spending. But we all know that mental health issues will
some feel is excessively geared toward top-10% students seeking be with us not only in the present, but in the years and decades
to practice law within a narrow geographic catchment area. Many going forward too. Students will use the funds to fight the good
other such concerns exist.
fight, as we seek to ensure that no one is left to fall through the
cracks as they seek to obtain a quality educational experience
As an added complication, some of these student wellness issues here at the Law Faculty.
are subject not only to Faculty policy, but also to wider university
rules and procedures that make it difficult (if not impossible) to
But that fight is only beginning. As such, it is my hope that the
effectively lobby for positive change.
Student Well-Being Committee, in conjunction with the LSA,
Faculty, University, outside benefactors, and the larger student
As one example, many law students will be familiar with the often community, will undertake fundraising efforts to replenish whaterrible wait times for physical and mental health services in the tever monies are removed from the Fund, as a natural result of
Brown Building. For a student grappling with serious short-term
program and research spending.
physical illness or depression, the complex and archaic bureaucratic maze that must be navigated to secure the help of a health Additional new monies will send a strong message that our
professional can be daunting – sometimes to the point of despair. concerns about student mental health are not just a flash in the
Yet such matters go beyond the jurisdiction of the Faculty, and to pan. Instead, they represent a long-term devotion to helping our
some extent, even McGill itself.
fellow students not only to survive, but to thrive here in the halls
of Chancellor Day Hall.
Still, as members of the Student Well-Being Committee pointed
out, there are reasons for optimism. Some progress on mental
Should you have any comments, ideas, suggestions or questions
wellness issues has been made in the Faculty over the past four
regarding the mental health fund, or the broader activities of
years. Limited policy changes have occurred, and the longthe Student Well-Being Committee, please send them to studenawaited peer-to-peer support program is finally in place.
[email protected].
Faculty members were also of assistance in students’ efforts
to lobby the Barreau du Québec to refrain from asking mental
QN •
25 NOV 2014
Research Group on Health and Law
Seminar Series
Quelques défis de
l’intégration des
médecines non
dans un système de
soins cartésien
Professeur Olivier Guillod
Directeur de l’Institut de droit de la santé
Université de Neuchâtel, Suisse
Jeudi, le 27 novembre 2014
Local 316, New Chancellor Day Hall, 3644 Rue Peel
(Lunch will be served at 12h)
Les places sont limitées.
Merci de confirmer votre présence : [email protected].
Une demande de reconnaissance comme activité de formation continue a été déposée auprès du Barreau du Québec.
Law I
Recent conversations at the faculty have left me feeling both
uncomfortable and annoyed. Minor, insidious comments and
assumptions are more harmful than you might expect. Your
jokes may sound funny, your comments may be witty, but the
underlying reality that they expose should be remembered even
if they are not always obvious to you.
« Entre ce que je pense, ce que je veux dire, ce que je crois dire,
ce que je dis, ce que vous voulez entendre, ce que vous entendez,
ce que vous croyez comprendre, ce que vous voulez comprendre,
et ce que vous comprenez, Il y a au moins dix possibilités de ne
pas se comprendre. Mais, essayons quand même. » - Bernard
I take offence to your surprise that my accent isn’t the one you
I take offence to your conviction that we all have smartphones.
I take offence to your expectation that we can all easily access
school premises.
I take offence to your assumption that my religion dictates my
sociopolitical views.
I take offence to your belief that my atheism undermines my
moral values.
I take offence to your comment about me “teasing your parts.”
I take offence to your claim that “I should just get over it.”
I take offence to your joke about a woman’s place in the kitchen.
I take offence to your presumption that your perspective on the
world is the objective reality.
I take offence to your observation that something is “so gay.”
I take offence to your inquiry about where I’m really from.
occupy central
On Wednesday October 29th, the Asia-Pacific Law Association
of McGill held an event called «Occupy Central and Hong Kong’s
Democratic Crisis». Six speakers were featured and gave different perspectives on the developments of the Occupy Central
movement over the past few months: Professors Jakub Adamski
and Nandini Ramanujam from McGill’s Faculty of Law, Professor
Marie-Eve Reny from the Political Science Department of Université de Montréal, and Professors Leo K. Shin, Timothy Cheek
and Yves Tiberghien from University of British Columbia. Topics
QN •
25 NOV 2014
I take offence to many more things. I’m not sure if that says
more about me, or about you.
• 10
addressed include the rule of law, the economic perspective,
social and cultural identity, legitimacy, and potential political
impact (to name a few).
Attendance was at about fifty people, which made for a very interesting question period with answers from both Montreal and
Vancouver. The event was live-tweeted, so don’t forget to follow
us on @APLAMcGill and like us on Facebook to find out more
about our next events!
Les développements politiques récents en Thaïlande et son voisin, Myanmar, ont suscité de nombreuses
discussions dans les journaux. Le coup d’État de Thaïlande qui a eu lieu en été 2014 ne vient sans doute
accentuer ses conflits avec son voisin. Une fois de plus, ces pays attirent nos regards et dirigent nos intérêts
sur eux. L’APLAM a organisé le 10 novembre dernier un événement sur les questions politiques. We welcomed distinguished speakers Dr. Erik Kuhonta and Jean-François Rancourt to discuss these issues and engage
in a thoughtful discussion about military regimes. Les deux panelists ont parlé du sujet tel les Yellow Shirts,
la protestation, la corruption and the role of judiciary courts. Vu le nombre assez élévé de personnes qui ont
attendu cet événement, l’échange a été fructueux entre les panelists et le public. Nous avons également livetweeté l’événement, et voici un aperçu des tweets par Katarina!
Tous les tweets sont disponibles en ligne! Visitez la page!
Follow us on Twitter @APLAMcGill et aimez-nous sur Facebook!
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 11
Law II
Quid Note: Since the incident described, Security Services has been in touch with the author.
On Monday, November 17, as heavy snow came down, I was diligently studying at home when my building’s fire alarm went off. I
grabbed my computer (all my precious notes!), my wallet, my jacket, and, most importantly, my small dog Lilly. We took shelter at
a covered bus stop nearby, but the fumes from the five fire trucks
were quite strong. Given the startling number of trucks attending,
and with no one around to clarify the situation, I concluded that
this might take a while.
Since I live right by the law school, I decided to go to the law
library and study there until things cleared up. The idea of bringing an animal through those sacred doors gave me paws, but I
carried on due to my desperation for shelter, my compulsion to
continue studying, and my naïve belief that common sense and
compassion would overcome the strict application of building
rules. I was wrong.
I gave Lilly ample time to “do her business” first, just in case, and
then carried her into the building; her tiny paws never sullied
the hallowed floors of our law building. I explained the situation
to the security guard and he allowed me to sign in, provided
I agreed to stay in the lobby area; but a few seconds later, he
began to have second thoughts. I sat down right by the door in
full view, so he could monitor the situation and keep an eye out
for paw-ssible issues. Lilly curled up on my lap and never made
a peep—she understands the rules of the library better than
most! Unfortunately, before I had gotten my computer out of
my bag, the guard’s concerns got the better of him and he asked
me to leave. I asked him where I could go, and he suggested I
try another building. As to whether any other building would let
us in when this one would not, ‘ruff luck, not my problem’ was
essentially the response.
exception to the no-dog rule since my displacement was only
In short, these security services employees forced me to leave
a building of my faculty despite not causing any disturbance
whatsoever (had there been an allergy issue, or had Lilly made
noise, eaten something, humped someone, or peed somewhere
she shouldn’t have, that would be different—these are rights
reserved for students, and I respect that!). They forced me to go
outside, in the cold and at night, for an indeterminate period of
time, without offering me any alternative as to where I could go.
And I was alone (because really, how much protection do you
think a 9-pound fluffy dog who’s afraid of snow will provide?).
One night last year, when I pointed out a creepy older man loitering by the library doors who slurred inappropriate comments
at me as I entered, the library security guard merely shrugged
his shoulders and waved me away in annoyance. Students, the
security guards will keep you safe from tiny fluffy dogs inside the
library doors, but potential predators lurking outside are outside
jurisdiction. What would Denning have ruled about this sad tail?
Don’t tell me to get rover this; I’m barking mad.
I calmly told him I didn’t think I had any other option, but he
doggedly repeated his request and even threatened to call a pack
of guards to see me out. Apparently, if his supervisor came in and
saw Lilly sleeping on my lap in the library, he’d really be in the
doghouse. He wouldn’t stop hounding me, so I asked to call his
supervisor in order to plead my bone-ified excuse. He gave me
the security services’ number.
I explained the situation to the man who answered and, when
asked if I would be out of my place overnight, responded that I
didn’t think I would have to stay too long. The security services
employee told me that if I were displaced overnight, security
services would provide me with shelter (and hopefully Lilly as
well, though this was not clear), but that he could not make an
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25 NOV 2014
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Lilly has spent more time staring at law readings than many patrons of the law
library. Seriously: allowing snails but not dogs? Equal rights, I say!
24/7 Access to the Law Library
As of Monday November 30th and to December 18th, the Law
Library is open for study 24 hours. Our service desk hours will
stay the same: Monday – Friday 09:00-18:00 and 10:00-18:00
on Sunday. Our full opening and service hours for the Fall term
are posted on the Law Library’s webpage:
Reminder: Legal Research Help
This is a reminder that we have a reference/ research librarian
available to help you Monday – Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. and on
Sundays 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. Please do not hesitate and do not to
wait too long to ask for help if you need any assistance in locating
sources for your paper, structuring your search in any database,
or untangling the mysteries of the Red Book. We will not do
your research or footnotes instead of you but we will help you
to understand how to do it properly and efficiently. Just come to
the service desk and ask for a librarian or send us an e-mail at
[email protected] to schedule a consultation.
Oceana’s Consolidated Treaty Series, U.S. Treaty Index, Rohn’s
World Treaty Index, Dumont, Wiktor, Martens, the League of
Nations, and the United Nations Treaty Series, creating the
richest collection of world treaties ever available, covering the
time period from 1648 to the present that includes more than
160,000 treaty records. Also included are hundreds of treaty related publications, a bibliography of select titles of importance to
world treaty research, and hundreds of the best, and most-cited
law review articles related to treaty research.
UN Law Collection: vast collection of full text documents that
includes United Nations Treaty Series (UNTS), and the League of
Nations Treaty Series, publications from the International Court
of Justice (ICJ), United Nations Commission of International Trade
Law (UNCITRAL), International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
(ITLOS), United Nations Yearbooks, United Nations Serials, law
review articles that cite a specific UN Treaty, and more.
Law Library blog, Facebook & Twitter
The Law Library is on social media:
New Databases: World Treaties Library & UN Law Collection
• Read Law Library’s blog
Since last Tuesday, the Law Library provides the access to two
newly released HeinOnline collections: World Treaties Library and
• Like our Facebook page
UN Law Collection.
• Follow us on Twitter
World Treaties Library collection brings together works from
Tired of struggling to find the perfect English term for the things
you’re learning in Droit des biens or the stuff those Quebec
judges discuss when writing in French? Énervé(e) par l’effort
d’appliquer les merveilles que vous avez apprises dans les cours
de Contractual Obligations ou de Extra-Contractual Obligations
lorsque vous rédigez dans la langue de Molière? Unsure just
exactly what the heck is meant by accession artificielle?
The Crépeau Centre is here to help you. Our superb private law
dictionaries and bilingual lexicons, lovingly crafted over many
years, to the highest scholarly standards, are all now available
Click near the bottom to select the dictionary you want (Obligations, Family Law, Property).
Just in time for this year’s exam/holiday season.
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 13
offre d’emploi
Créée en 1981, Année internationale des personnes handicapées,
l’Association multiethnique pour l’intégration des personnes
handicapées (AMEIPH) est un organisme à but non lucratif visant
l’intégration sociale des personnes handicapées issues de l’immigration ou des communautés ethnoculturelles et des membres
de leurs familles. Sans doubler les services existants, l’Association s’assure que leurs barrières linguistiques et/ou culturelles
n’empêchent pas ces personnes d’obtenir les services existants
dont ils/elles ont besoin pour faciliter leur intégration dans la
société d’accueil.
rapport annuel etc.
• Veille à ce que la liste d’envoi des partenaires soit à jour
• Veille à la traduction en anglais et/ou d’autres langues
des documents, bulletins, etc.
• Tient à jour ou supervise la mise à jour du site web,
Facebook, etc.
• Exécute ou supervise la comptabilité (tenue des livres,
chèques, payements, gestion des dossiers de comptabilité
(opérations courantes, écritures de journal, états financiers,
rapports trimestriels, prévisions budgétaires, etc.)
• En concertation avec la directrice des services, s’assure
de la qualité des documents produits, maintien les liens avec
le C.A., organise les rencontres des administrateurs et participe aux rencontre du C.A.
• Autres tâches connexes
Direction Administrative
Sommaire du poste
Sous la responsabilité du Conseil d’administration et en concertation avec la directrice des services (direction partagée), la
personne assure une image de marque de l’organisme dans les
relations avec les membres et les partenaires, assure la gesExigences
tion des ressources humaines, matérielles et financières et est
• Minimum un BAC en administration ou dans une disciresponsable du suivi rigoureux des différents dossiers tels que la
pline pertinente ou avec expériences pertinentes
concertation avec les partenaires. Elle prépare les plans d’action
• Expérience d’au moins trois ans en présentation et cooret supervise l’organisation des activités pour faire connaître les
dination de projets et en communication, de préférence en
enjeux de la problématique visée par l’Association, la préparation
milieu communautaire
des documents de communication ainsi que les programmes de
• Bonne connaissance du domaine des personnes handidéveloppement afin de permettre l’atteinte des objectifs.
capées et/ou des communautés ethnoculturelles
• Expérience avec des activités d’autofinancement
Tâches Direction administrative
• Expériences en comptabilité ou en tenue des livres
• Assure la gestion des ressources humaines, financières
• Bonne communication et excellente maîtrise du français
et mobilières
parlé et écrit
• Organise, prépare et supervise les activités de sensibili• Connaissance de l’anglais un atout
sation et de promotion de la direction
• Assure le lien avec les partenaires et les bailleurs de
• Sens de l’organisation, de la planification et de l’opéra• Assure la qualité des documents émanant de la direction
Assiste à diverses réunions (comités etc.)
• Capacité d’adaptation et du travail d’équipe dans un
• Conçoit et présente des projets et s’assure des suivis
contexte interculturel
• Supervise la recherche de financement (ex. demandes
• Sensibilité aux relations interculturelles et aux droits
de dons ou de projets, demandes de subventions et les rapdes personnes handicapées
ports des suivis)
• Aptitude pour les relations publiques
• Collabore avec la directrice des services pour la réali• Capacité d’analyse, de jugement et discernement
sation des activités pour les membres de l’AMEIPH (ex.
• Exécution des travaux très soignée
invitations, communiqués de presse…)
• Capacité de travailler sous pression
• Assure l’organisation et coordination et le suivi des réunions de travail de l’équipe
Conditions de travail
• Rédige et/ou supervise la production des divers docu32 hrs / semaine - Contrat d’un an, renouvelable – salaire selon
ments ou outils de sensibilisation (promotion) et de coml’expérience et l’échelle salariale en vigueur
munication tels le Bulletin d’information électronique pour
Entrée en fonction au plus tard le 8 décembre 2014
les partenaires, le bulletin de liaison pour les membres, le
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 14
Envoyer votre CV et une lettre de motivation avant le 27 novembre 2014
AMEIPH, a/s Comité de sélection
6462, Boul. St-Laurent, Montréal (Québec) H2S 3C4
Télécopieur (fax) : (514) 272-8530 ; Courriel : secretariat@;
At the end of the day, keeping your sex skills polished
can always be a good plan B
Don’t worry, if you tank your exams this semester but your sex
skills are stellar there are always going to be a plethora of other
opportunities available, especially in the bustling sex industry
here in Montreal! At the end of the day, sex might be the thing
that saves you, so practice, practice, practice y’all!
Sonya Sexomayor is the resident sexpert at the McGill Faculty of
Law. She can be reached at: [email protected].
Sex can be a healthy distraction…to a point.
We’re all human, which means we think about sex…a lot. Sometimes when you’re having circular thoughts about that paper
conclusion, or incessantly worrying about losing that scholarship
because you party too much, psychology suggests that we need
an activity or thought that will help us “break the cycle” of neurotic thought. (2) What better thing than sex to get you out of
your psychotic self-destructive tailspin?
intended) it or elicit feelings of guilt and shame (“I shouldn’t be
doing this right now, I should be studying!”). But that’s exactly
the wrong way to look at it. Sex is a normal, healthy activity, why
should studying for exams make that any less true?
Sex is Good for you.
Contrary to common folklore of days past, masturbation and sex
won’t make the hair on your palms grow, or condemn you to a
life of hedonism and meaninglessness. In fact, sex relaxes you,
boosts your immunity and makes you happy. (1) What better
advantages can you think of during a time of relentless stress,
winter germs and academically induced despair?
Seules les personnes sélectionnées pour une entrevue seront
Usually during exam time sex is the furthest thing from your
mind. In fact, some people might attest that having sex, let
alone good sex during this time is next near to impossible. But
I’m here to tell you exactly why sex during exam time is not only
a good idea, but also essential to your health and wellbeing
during this awful, hellish time.
À qualifications comparables, la préférence sera donnée à une
personne handicapée
ou un parent d’origine ethnoculturelle
You need exercise, and sex counts.
Sex can burn up to 250 calories per encounter. (3) So no more
guilt-tripping after eating poutine or going to Timmies three
times a day while putting that outline together! You got this.
Because you’re going to think about it anyways, might
as well embrace it.
1 WebMD, “10 Surprising Health Benefits to Sex” online: <>; Best Health, “7 Reasons Why Sex is Good for
You” online: <
relationships/7-reasons-why-sex-is-good-for-you>; DailyMailUK,
“Why sex is good for your brain and also staves off everything
from hearth disease to cancer and headachesif you keep at it!”
(3 February 2014), online: <
2 Ben Oofana, “Getting Beyond the Vicious Cycle of Obsessive
Thought” online: <
3 DailyMailUK, “Forget the gym, SEXERCISE is the best way to
slim: Making love burns almost as many calories as a 30-minute
job” (6 January 2014), online: <
Let’s face it; sex is always on our mindseither figuratively,
or metaphorically. Exams can either exacerbate (homonym
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 15
In-House Diva
Like most Jews, I love Christmas. Okay, so I hate waking up on
Christmas morning to see a Facebook feed full of present pictures only to wonder why AGAIN Santa decided not to visit … but
I don’t have to deal with extended family and pretending to like
cousins I’ve never met, so I say it all works out in the wash (that
is, of course, after going for customary Chinese food and then to
the movies. Such is the life of Jews on Christmas).[1]
But, I have an annual tradition of writing Christmas cards. It’s
my way of telling my friends “Y’all are great, but I’m too cheap
to buy you something, so enjoy deciphering my illegible chicken
scratch!” They seem to like it, and heck, I enjoy writing them – I
even have a whole playlist with TWO DAYS worth of Christmas
music to provide the perfect card-writing soundtrack. And, fun
fact, Jews write the best Christmas songs.[2]
I can no longer sit relaxed with a cup of hot chocolate drafting “Hope you stay warm!” and “Best in the New Year!” notes
without THE LAW ruining everything. Santa coming down the
chimney? TRESPASSING. Santa’s elves? Mass violations of labour
and employment standards. Rudolph? Judged by the color of
nose and not the content of his character – that is some serious
Every last Christmas song puts my brain in issue-spotting mode.
It’s the absolute worst! “Santa Baby, slip a sable under the tree…
for me” – unilateral contract? Invitation to treat? Yeah, that song
is an invitation to treat anthem. I can almost hear it now.., *sings
with a sultry voice* “Santa Baby, invitatio ad offerendum”. Why
didn’t that version become a hit?
Another bad legal offender? “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa
Claus”. It sounds like alienation of affection. Probably adultery. I
would say that’s grounds for divorce but in the back of my head
Prof. Leckey is reminding class for the 90th time that the Divorce
Act only has one ground for divorce and that’s breakdown of
the marriage.[3] But wait, maybe mommy and Santa weren’t
married and are just conjoints de fait in Quebec. Oh crap, what
about that civil union thing? Too much thinking. Note to self:
Google legal relationship between Mommy and Santa Claus. Is
that on Azimut?
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Maybe there’s a non-thinking Christmas song out there… Oh!
*sings* “It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmasssss everywhere you goooooo. Take a look in the five and ten, glistening
once again, with candy canes and silver lanes aglow.” DANG IT
CONSUMER PROTECTION. Price fixing? Gouging? Do the candy
canes meet Health Canada standards? Were they imports? Oh
right, trade law. DANG IT, BRAIN STOP THINKING. Back to the
song… ” It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Toys in every
store. But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be on
your own front door.” OKAY THEN, AMSELEM!
No, for real, I hear “Holly on your own front door” and think
Syndicat Northcrest v. Amselem [2004] 2 S.C.R. 551 – it’s a big
problem. I would go further with the song but the next line is
“A pair of hopalong boots and a pistol that shoots is the wish of
Barney and Ben” – and you don’t even want to know how I feel
about gun control.
None of this was a problem before law school. I wouldn’t hear
“Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer” prior to torts and wonder if we’re suing the sleigh manufacturer, if grandma had some
contributory negligence, or if somehow she had a thin skull that
factors in to the equation. I certainly wouldn’t be wondering
about grandma’s insurance situation and whether Santa’s sled
counts as an automobile for the purposes of the SAAQ and if
thus this isn’t actually a car crash tort waiting to happen but
instead just a boring administrative tribunal decision.[4]
What else did law school ruin about Christmas? Frosty the
Snowman. “With his corncob pipe and button nose and two eyes
made out of coal.” That dude. What is his relationship with those
items? Are they in his patrimony? (YES, YOU SHOULD GROAN
AT THAT QUESTION). Does he get personality rights? Was he
read his Charter rights when the policeman in the song yells
“Stop?” I’m not even going to get into a discussion of R v. Grant
and physiological detention, but I never got a sense from the
lyrics that Frosty was ever informed of his right to speak to duty
counsel, let alone be provided service in the official language of
his choice.
Like I said. Law school RUINED Christmas. Ever wonder why
all those songs about buying gifts never mention paying taxes
on them? This year when I see Christmas trees all I’ll be able
to think about is the Forestry Act and the Court’s decision in
Tsilhqot’in Nation v. British Columbia, 2014 SCC 44. Even “Tiny
tots with their eyes all aglow, will find it hard to sleep tonight”
reminds me that “night” is a defined term in the Criminal Code
wherein ““night” means the period between nine o’clock in the
afternoon and six o’clock in the forenoon of the following day”,
and then I wonder who the heck considers 9pm as still being
“afternoon” let alone what it means for someone’s eyes to be
all aglow – sounds like jaundice. Thank goodness for the Canada
Health Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. C-6)!
“Do you hear what I hear?” - way to be presumptive and assume
everyone has equal hearing ability. “I’m dreaming of a white
Christmas” - racist. Section 15 questions abound! “Last Christmas
I gave you my heart, but the very next day… you gave it away” –
What are those exchanges? Gifts? Leases? Sales? Usus? Fructus?
Abusus? Being transystemic is the WORST at the holidays!
[1] It’s totally true. If you missed Elena Kagan’s nomination hearing for the US Supreme Court (and HOW COULD YOU?) this was
an exchange between her and Sen. Graham (R-Sc.) on June 29th,
2010. GRAHAM: Now, as we move forward and deal with law of
war issues, Christmas Day bomber, where were you at on Christmas Day? KAGAN: Senator Graham, that is an undecided legal
issue, which -- the -- well, I suppose I should ask exactly what
you mean by that. I’m assuming that the question you mean is
whether a person who is apprehended in the United States is...
GRAHAM: No, I just asked you where you were at on Christmas.
(LAUGHTER) KAGAN: You know, like all Jews, I was probably at a
Chinese restaurant.
[2] «The Christmas Song (Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire)»,
“Let it Snow”, “(I’m Dreaming of a) White Christmas”, “Rudolph
the Red-nosed Reindeer”, “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” but to
name a few.
From “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” raising questions of immigration law and open borders to “Little Drummer Boy” asking
us to consider how loud the drum was and whether there may
have been an art. 976 CCQ issue happening in the manger,[5] law
school ruined Christmas for me… let alone the exam grades that
were giant lumps of coal :-P
[3] S. 8(1), Divorce Act (R.S.C., 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.)) “A court
of competent jurisdiction may, on application by either or both
spouses, grant a divorce to the spouse or spouses on the ground
that there has been a breakdown of their marriage.”
And with that, Happy Holidays, everyone! AND GOOD LUCK ON
[4] Automobile Insurance Act (R.S.Q., chapter A-25): “Automobile” means any vehicle propelled by any power other than muscular force and adapted for transportation on public highways
but not on rails”.
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 17
In-House Diva
Welp, it’s been a fun Overheards ride this semester…. Thank you CCQ) vs. in contract)
to all my spies – and please pretty please consider sending things
my way next semester: [email protected]
1L: Hey guys! I finally understand promissory estoppel! It came
to me in a dream... I was weeping, but then, just as all hope was
lost, Gelinas came down in a flash of light, wiped my tears away
Prof. (Redacted): You know, there really isn’t enough discussion of with his pocket square and spoke unto was profound,
anal sex in law school.
beautiful, ecstasy...I awoke, enlightened.
Quid: You’re not getting context or any clues on this one, people.
And no, I didn’t even run it by the Prof to ask for attribution :-)
1L (A): I’m from Newfoundland and we enjoy margarine…
1L (B): If you’re from Newfoundland you have a Constitutional
Right to enjoy margarine
Prof. Jukier! No surprise here, Prof. Jukier has been supplying the
Quid with quotable excellence since the Overheards began. We’re 2L (A): So, how you holding up?
not going to re-print all our favourites, but we personally loved
2L (B): I just finished writing the introduction to my paper. I feel
(from the January 19th, 2010 Quid Novi – Volume 31 Number
so accomplished!
10): Prof. Jukier: “When you book a cruise you think about what
you’re going to pack, the food on board, the ports of call, the
Since it was a light week – uhh, let’s fill some space with other
great time you’re going to have... not ‘Where am I going to sue if things.
something happens on this boat!?!’”
Runner-up Most Quotable Fall 2014:
Readers, I made some promises I was unable to keep. Luckily,
Prof. Adamski. I’ve never met Prof. Adamski, but I’m happy to
nobody reads this. Earlier in the semester I wrote that I wanted
have spies faithfully reporting the nuggets of Quid-goodness.
to do a feature on the transsystemic program at 15 (it started Fall
(Note: The Quid cringes at the word nugget, and the word ‘moist’. 1999). I interviewed two former Deans and have yet to type up
the tapes. Similarly, I wanted to keep going with staff interviews
for “Lifting the New Chancellor Veil”. There just wasn’t time. I’d
Submissions this Week
really like for more people to be involved with the Quid, especialA very light week. I don’t know if everyone is just less inclined to ly as features such as “The Learning Curve” end this semester.
Humans of the Faculty – Fun profiles of classmates – who doesn’t
love a human interest story?
Prof. Jukier: Your mind is working in a complex webby kind of way, Exchange Report! – Write to people on exchange with a few
which goes against my penchant for the linear yellow brick road. questions and have them send in pictures. We love to see what
folks are up to abroad!
Professor Adamski: We don’t call it tax evasion, we call it tax plan- Best Bathrooms – A travel guide review of NCDH washrooms.
ning. We’re not hit men, we resolve disputes.
This NEEDS to happen.
Sex advice – Wait, I think we have someone on that this week…
Prof. Jukier: So ladies and gentlemen, it’s a good way to get out of PROFILES IN RESEARCH AND ABSTRACTS. I’m serious on this one
alimony-- to die.
for both Profs and students. Working on an article? Send a few
lines about it. DID YOU DO A TERM PAPER? Send us an abstract.
Prof. (Redacted): I have a tug of war with my ECO friends, who
There’s a lot of knowledge in this building and it’s not always
I love very much. *Pause* Some of them are my best friends!
shared simply because people don’t know what others are up to.
But...» (referring to the epic battle of wits deciding when an
For all you know your classmate has been toiling away on a paper
action should be brought in extra-contractual liability (under 1457 that is something you’re super curious about but just haven’t got-
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 18
ten around to researching. OR, someone is working on something in you!
that you happen to have expertise in or know contacts that might (Legal Meth) Point first - I want to Moot in your Court…
be of use. Let’s spread the info and love, y’all!
(CML prop) You know what I was thinking? You + me … + vertical
And now, a reprint. I regret terribly I can’t find an old Quid article (CVL Obs) When I promise to make you feel like the most special
entitled something like “Exam-studying inspired pornography
person in the world it’s not an obligation de moyen - it’s an oblititles” (I didn’t write it). All I can remember from it was “SLAPP
gation de résultat!
Fight Gets Harder” and something like “La pleine jouissance
(ECO/CML Obs) I don’t know what you see in Lord Atkin – he just
fait du bien”. It was basically a list of word-for-word lines from
wants to be your neighbor, I’m saying you can move in anytime
readings that would be good porn titles. But, in looking for that I you’d like and we can take this whole ‘proximity’ thing to the next
came across this old list of Terrible Law Pick-Up Lines. THEY ARE
(JICP) You down for a little … pre-trial discovery!?
(Criminal) Let’s have a little fun beyond the de minimis range.
(Droit des biens) Je pense que t’es un immeuble par attache
parce que sans toi je me sentirais incomplète.
The point is – you can and SHOULD submit ridiculous things to
(Constitutional) Are you a Charter? ‘Cause all I can think about is the Quid. And, with that out of the way: GOOD LUCK ON EXAMS
how I want to repatriate you – you know, bring you home…
(Contracts) Are you the mirror image rule? Cause I can see myself -Charlie
The Quid, as the Faculty Newspaper of Record, takes pride in our photojournalism, especially the detailed captions describing perfectly and thoroughly each photo, like the ones above. Clockwise from upper left: Prof DIVAS, something in the atrium, something in
a classroom, something outside the Library, something else in the atrium. Stuff things people. Photos. Smiles. Unicorns. Rainbows.
Beyonce. Dust storm. GDP. Belarus. Cardboard boxes. Did I turn off the stove? DOES ANYONE EVEN READ THIS? If you do, holler :-P
QN •
25 NOV 2014
• 19