REMARKS BY Mrs. Jacqueline BASSA


REMARKS BY Mrs. Jacqueline BASSA
Mrs. Jacqueline BASSA-MAZZONI
Ambassador of France in Namibia
On the occasion of the 14th of July 2015
14th of July 2015
Residence of France, Windhoek
Honourable Ministers and Deputy Ministers,
Members of the Parliament,
Dear colleagues, members of the diplomatic corps,
Permanent Secretaries and senior officials of Namibian
All distinguished Namibian guests,
Dear fellow citizens present,
Representatives of the media,
Dear friends, ladies and gentlemen,
Chers Compatriotes, chers amis,
I wish you, alongside the whole team of the Embassy, a
warm welcome to the Residence of France, for the
celebration of the 14th of July. The commemoration of the
Bastille Day is an opportunity for the French people to
celebrate the Republic and a pivotal moment in our history:
the French Revolution, two hundred and twenty six years
ago! Celebrating this special Day here and elsewhere is
carrying a universal message of Freedom, Equality and
Fraternity, of which many recent tragic events have reminded
us of the importance.
Remember the attacks against Charlie Hebdo and a
Jewish Supermarket in Paris in January where 17 of our
compatriots died, endangering freedom of expression and
living together. Remember attacks from Boko Haram in
Nigeria, from the Shebab in Somalia or from Daech around
the world. These facts remind us that freedom is under threat
everywhere and is a valuable asset to be protected. France is
committed to fight terrorism, for peace and security in many
regions of the world, to defend and to promote the values of
Freedom, Equality and Fraternity we are commemorating
We do share these values with Namibia and I wish to
salute the democratic transition, exemplary for Africa, to
which the Namibian voters, the former President Pohamba
and the new President Geingob allowed us to attend. The
young Republic of Namibia, already known for the freedom
enjoyed by the press and the democratic functioning of its
institutions has, once again, offered a model of stability and
peace in the continent.
Dear guests et Chers compatriots,
Saving our planet is another common value. We are
determined to pursue together the fight against Climate
Change. While Namibia is chairing the COP 11 on the fight
against Desertification, France will host the 21st United
Nations Conference on Climate Change in Paris next
December, with the ambition to getting an agreement from
196 countries on containing the planet global warming under
2° C. The COP 21 will be a crucial date for our common future.
Namibia is a country especially vulnerable to climate
change, mostly through the drought in many years. Solutions
do exist to face these challenges and the country is ideally
benefitting from natural resources (sun and wind) enabling an
easy energy transition; I saw it personally while launching 2
months ago the production of the first Solar Power Plant,
built by a Franco-Namibian Company, Innosun, alongside the
Founding President and Father of the Nation, Sam Nujoma.
It’s a first step, but Namibia could be the first country in the
continent to become self-sufficient in renewable energy!
Developing Solar, Wind and Hydropower, is to get quickly
energy at low cost and to cover widely the needs of the
country without reverting the State Budget.
Dear Friends,
At a political level, I would like to remind the excellent
relationships our two countries are enjoying, and this since
1981 when France promoted the unconditional right of
Namibia to independence, supporting SWAPO to open a
representative office in Paris. The next visit to France of the
National Council Chairperson, Hon. Asser Kapere, to the
French Senate, demonstrates the excellent and loyal political
relationship. I can officially announce that in August we will
welcome in Namibia the French Minister of Environment,
Mrs. Ségolène Royal.
Since independence, France was particularly involved in
many areas of cooperation with Namibia, mainly in the
educational and cultural fields. The Franco-Namibian Cultural
Centre is thus a unique institution of its kind, which plays an
essential role in the Namibian art scene and the debate of
ideas. While French speaking is progressing in the world and
that 85% of its speakers are Africans, we can commend
ourselves that more and more Namibians are turning to FNCC
to learn French.
A new field of cooperation in our bilateral ties is the
development of our economic relationship. As part of the
strategy of the new government to accelerate economic
development in the fight against poverty, several French
companies are more and more investing in Namibia. The
many advantages of Namibia constitute opportunities for our
private sector in particular in the renewable energy,
infrastructure, agribusiness and tourism areas where French
companies have expertise to share. It is this spirit that
motivates the regular meetings of the French Business Club
within the Embassy.
En français
Mes chers compatriotes,
Vous le comprenez, l’ambassade continuera donc à
accompagner étroitement la présence française en Namibie.
Elle sera d’ailleurs bientôt renforcée de la présence d’un
chargé de mission économique, pour accompagner les
entreprises françaises dans le développement de leurs
relations avec des partenaires namibiens. Le transfert des
activités consulaires intervenu le 1er juillet a répondu à la
nécessaire adaptation de notre réseau diplomatique et
consulaire - qui, je le rappelle, est l’un des rares réseaux
universels – adaptation donc aux nouveaux enjeux mondiaux
et au développement très rapide de communautés françaises
dans d’autres parties du monde. Les résidents français en
Namibie continueront de bénéficier de services de qualité à
travers les visites régulières de notre consul général et de son
équipe. Notre Consul honoraire à Walvis Bay, M. Michel
DJOULIZIBARITCH, continuera également d’assurer un relais
efficace pour la communauté française dans cette ville
portuaire en pleine expansion, ainsi qu’à Swakopmund.
Chers compatriotes, je vous remercie toutes et tous de
votre présence aujourd’hui, qui témoigne du dynamisme de
notre communauté française en Namibie, moteur de nos
échanges économiques, touristiques et culturels.
Je tiens également aujourd’hui à remercier l’équipe de
l’ambassade qui œuvre au développement de notre relation
bilatérale, et en particulier aux 3 agents qui nous quittent
dans quelques semaines : Véronique Gin, Alix et Philippe
Guinot. Je souhaite aussi la bienvenue à notre nouveau chef
de détachement de sécurité, Olivier Raboisson, et à sa famille.
Lastly, I would like to express a warm “thank you” to all
the sponsors1 who made this special event possible, enabling
us to welcome and host you, our valued guests, at the French
Residence. All those companies, both French and Namibian,
with their support in the organization of our National Day,
testify to the spirit, the bond and cooperation existing
between our two countries.
I propose a toast to the health and success of our
Presidents: François Hollande, President of the Republic of
France, and His Excellency Dr Hage Geingob, President of the
Republic of Namibia.
Long live Namibia, long live the Franco-Namibian
friendship and long live France.
Airbus Helicopter, Aqua Services/Veolia, Areva, Bollore Africa, CMA-CGM, Colas, EDF, InnoSun, Maurel&Prom,
NAMSCO, Pernod Ricard, Saint Gobin, Total Namibia, Tristone Africa

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