Website Translations


Website Translations
Musical Selections:
Ruth Kennedy - Soprano
James Lesniak - Pianist
The Ballad of Baby Doe, The silver Aria
Music by Douglas Moore, Libretto by John Latouche
Les pêcheurs de perles, Comme autre fois
music by Georges Bizet, Libretto by Eugène Cormon and
Michel Carré
Me voilà seule dans la nuit,
Seule en ce lieu désert où regne le silence!
Je frissonne, j'ai peur! et le sommeil me fuit!
Mais il est là! Mon cœur devine sa présence!
Comme autrefois dans la nuit sombre,
Caché sous le feuillage épais,
Il veille près de moi dans l'ombre,
Je puis dormir, rêver en paix!
Il veille près de moi,
Comme autrefois, comme autrefois
C'est lui! mes yeux l'ont reconnu!
C'est lui! mon âme est rassurée!
O bonheur! Il est venu,
Il est là près de moi, ah!
Eugène Cormon and Michel Carré
Here I am alone in the night,
alone in this deserted place where silence reigns!
I am shivering! I am afraid! and slumber flees from me!
But he is there! My heart senses his presence!
As before in the dark night,
hidden under the thick leaves,
he watches close by me in the shadows,
I can sleep, dream in peace!
He watches close to me,
As before, as before
It is he! my eyes recognised him!
It is he! my soul is assured!
O happiness! He has come,
He is there near to me, ah!
Evelyn Woolston
Guilio cesare, piangero la sorte mia
Music by George F. Handel, Libretto by Nicola Fransesco Haym
E pur così in un giorno
perdo fasti e grandezze?
Ahi fato rio!
Cesare, il mio bel nume, è forse estinto;
Cornelia e Sesto inermi son,
né sanno darmi soccorso.
O dio! Non resta alcuna speme
al viver mio.
Thus, in a single day,
Must I lose ceremony and greatness?
Alas, wicked fate!
Caesar, my godlike beloved, is probably
dead, Cornelia and Sextus are defenseless
And cannot come to my aid.
O gods! There is no hope left to my life.
Piangerò la sorte mia,
sì crudele e tanto ria,
finché vita in petto avrò.
Ma poi morta d'ogn'intorno
il tiranno e notte e giorno
fatta spettro agiterò.
I shall lament my fate,
So cruel and so pitiless,
As long as I have breath in my breast. But
when I am dead My ghost will, wherever he
may be, Torment the tyrant by night and by
Nicola Fransesco Haym
Translation: James O. Wooton