
La Fédération Demenÿ-Vaucanson
des sciences du mouvement
Préambule Les unités de recherche listées page suivante, impliquées dans le projet « Demenÿ-­‐Vaucanson Institute of Movement Sciences » (DVIMS, porté par M-­‐A Amorim) qui avait été soumis en réponse à l’AAP Recherche 2014 de la FCS Campus Paris-­‐Saclay, ont décidé de prolonger le travail, même si le projet n’a pas été retenu. Elles ont désiré poursuivre la dynamique créée en formant une Structure Fédérative de Recherche (SFR), pour laquelle nous souhaiterions une contribution de l'Université Paris-­‐Sud.
[…] La plupart des membres de FeDeV envisagent avant tout d’étendre des collaborations scientifiques existantes (cf. Annexe 1) entre membres de FeDeV, et de mutualiser des moyens technologiques (cf. Annexe 2) et des compétences scientifiques dans le cadre du projet scientifique de FeDeV, ce qui ferait plutôt l’objet d’une quantification en termes d’hommes/mois dédiés au projet FeDeV, plutôt qu’en termes de budget. Le projet scientifique de FeDeV est détaillé plus loin.
M-­‐A Amorim
Porteur du Projet FeDeV
Unités de recherche membres de la structure fédérative au 1 janvier 2015
et n°
Intitulé de l’unité
Établissement de
scientifique AERES
(cf. nomenclature)
Unité porteuse
/ Unité
associée (*)
M-A. Amorim
Équipe 2 : Thérapeutiques
Innovantes et Technologies
Appliquées aux Troubles
(précédemment EA 4497 GRCTH)
(précédemment EA 4047 ECIPSY)
(M.C. Do
CQ 2010-2014)
Univ Paris-Sud
SVE1 & SHS4_4
Unité porteuse
L. Chassagne
ST6 (sec. ST5 et
Unité Porteuse
L. Garcia
Unité associée
(C. Passerieux
CQ 2010-2014)
Unité associée
F. Yvon
Unité associée
(F. Lofaso,
CQ 2010-2014)
M. Speranza
B. Dorizzi
Telecom SudParis
Unité associée
S. Niculescu
CNRS, Univ. ParisSud, Supélec
Unité associée
Equipe IRA2
S. Mammar
Département DIASI
4 unités :
(cf. Annexe 3)
F. Gaspard
(Resp. DIASI)
Institut Carnot
ST5 et ST6
Unité associée
C. Tournier
ENS Cachan, Univ
Unité associée
V. Gyselinck
Unité associée
Unité associée
(*) Unité porteuse : plus du tiers des ETP de l’unité intervient dans la structure fédérative (critère AERES)
Partenaires “end-users”:
Service ORL, Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris Sud (Pr. Serge BOBIN)
HandiMedEx, UVSQ (Pr. Frédéric LOFASO).
Moins d'un siècle séparait ces deux hommes. L'un, Georges
Demenÿ (1850 -1917), consacra une partie de sa vie à l’étude du
mouvement, co-signant souvent avec Marey des
scientifiques sur l’anatomie, la physiologie, la mécanique,
l’épistémologie en relation avec une méthodologie de la
recherche et d’expérimentation sur l’étude du mouvement
humain, en vue de constituer une éducation physique
scientifique. "La chimie a remplacé l’alchimie, la médecine le
reboutage ; l’éducation physique scientifique doit remplacer
les folles incohérences de l’acrobatie et de athlétisme", écrirat-il en 1902 (dans "Les bases scientifiques de l’éducation
L'autre, Jacques Vaucanson (1709-1782), passionné par la mécanique, puis par la physique, la médecine et la musique, fut
un précurseur de la cybernétique, et reste aujourd’hui encore une figure tutélaire en robotique. Ingénieur avant l'heure,
rendu célèbre de l’Angleterre à la Russie pour avoir créé des automates sophistiqués, il entra en 1746 à l’Académie des
Sciences où il avait présenté le mécanisme de son fluteur automate, huit ans plus tôt. "Le hardi Vaucanson, rival de
Prométhée, / Semblait, de la nature imitant les ressorts, / Prendre le feu des cieux pour animer les corps." écrivit
Voltaire (extrait de "Poèmes et Discours en vers de Voltaire", Eds. Gide Fils et H. Nicolle, Paris, 1813).
De nos jours, ces deux hommes auraient très certainement été collègues au sein d'une Fédération des Sciences du
Mouvement dont l’ambition serait de favoriser des actions de coopération scientifique et des programmes de recherche
multipartenaires, en couvrant toute la distribution des comportements moteurs, du mouvement lié à une pathologie
(infirmité motrice ou sensorielle à la naissance ou acquise au cours de la vie) au mouvement expert (sportif, métiers
manuels, artistes, Langue des Signes), en passant par la motricité du quotidien chez l'individu normal, et la robotique bioinspirée. Les compétences multidisciplinaires (ingénierie, STAPS, physiologie, sciences cognitives, ergonomie,
mathématiques, etc.) du périmètre de Paris-Saclay offrent des perspectives indéniables d'innovation dans les diverses
déclinaisons des sciences du mouvement: analyse et modélisation (des mouvements des êtres vivants ou artificiels en
interaction avec leur environnement physique et/ou interpersonnel) ; contrôle des déplacements finalisés (boucles
perception-action) de type préhension ou locomotion ; mise au point de systèmes d'assistances à la mobilité (e.g.,
capteurs intelligents pour la suppléance sensorielle ou sensori-motrice ; biofeedback pour améliorer les performances
motrices ; réalité augmentée) ; reconnaissance des intentions d'autrui et communication sociale ; ergonomie de
l'interaction homme-homme, ou homme-machine/robot ; etc.
Projet scientifique pour la période 2015-2019
La mission de FeDeV est double :
• animer et structurer la communauté scientifique du domaine des sciences du mouvement (humain/naturel et
humanoïde/artificiel/assisté) d’une part,
• promouvoir, faciliter et dynamiser les échanges entre recherche et applications industrielles/médicales d'autre part.
A ce titre, FedDeV développera un certain nombre d'actions comme :
• des journées thématiques consacrées aux avancées dans différents domaines ;
• un colloque national annuel sur plusieurs jours destiné à l'information scientifique et technique ;
• le développement de contenus pédagogiques pour les formations où interviennent les sciences du mouvement dans le
cadre de l’Université Paris-Saclay ;
• le soutien aux jeunes chercheurs à travers l'organisation de journées d'échanges, un prix de thèse...
• la centralisation et la diffusion d'informations à l'aide de son site internet (annonces de conférences et de
manifestations techniques, offres de thèses, postdoc, postes, etc. ) ;
• un travail de prospective dans le domaine des sciences du mouvement (humain/naturel et humanoïde/artificiel) dans
une approche interdisciplinaire ;
• le développement de coopérations internationales au niveau européen.
Le présent projet porte en germe la création d’un grand Institut en Sciences du mouvement dans le périmètre de la
future Université Paris-Saclay, avec un niveau international de granularité, compte tenu de l'excellence et la visibilité
internationale de ses équipes de recherche, et de ses partenaires. Parmi les objectifs scientifiques de FeDeV : Promouvoir
l'activité physique : des outils de coaching à mesure ambulatoire ; les humanoïdes artificiels bio-inspirés, la cobotique
d’assistance ; la communication et l’interaction corporelle et gestuelle ; la réalité augmentée et virtuelle au service de la
mobilité humaine.
Fonctionnement et la composition de l’instance de pilotage
Le fonctionnement de FeDeV sera inspiré de celui des GdR.
Le comité de pilotage sera composé de représentants des unités/établissements membres, et de partenaires sociétaux et
industriels. Parmi les partenaires principaux de FeDeV, il y a : le CIC-IT 805, Centre d’Investigation Clinique Innovation
Technologique, APHP, UVSQ, INSERM, http://www.cicitgarches.fr ; l’IHU HandiMedEx “Handicap Medical Excellence”,
Hôpitaux Universitaires Paris IdF Ouest, Hôpital Raymond Poincaré ; et le CEREMH, Centre de Ressources & d’Innovation
Mobilité Handicap, http://ceremh.org/.
Principaux éléments de la convention de fonctionnement entre les unités de recherche fédérées
Mutualisation de moyens (cf. Annexe 2) dans le cadre de collaborations scientifiques conjointes entre membres
de FeDeV.
Formation continue par l‘organisation de séminaires croisés, partage des savoirs et savoir-faire, etc.
Affichage commun au travers d’un portail web FeDeV, de publications conjointes, etc.
Favoriser les co-directions de thèse, Master, etc., ainsi que privilégier les réponses conjointes à des AAP.
Budget de fonctionnement pour l’organisation de workshop, etc.
Un nombre approximatif d’hommes/mois d’enseignants-chercheurs ou chercheurs ou ingénieurs dédiés à FeDeV
pourra être indiqués à titre indicatif, par les unités/établissements, à défaut de soutien financier particulier.
Nomenclatures AERES concernées
Domaine(s) scientifique(s)
Sciences humaines et sociales (SHS)
Sciences et technologies (ST)
Sciences de la vie et de l’environnement (SVE)
Sous-domaine(s) AERES
ST Sciences et technologies
ST5 Sciences pour l'ingénieur
ST6 Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication
SVE Sciences de la vie et de l’environnement
SVE1 Biologie, santé
SHS Sciences humaines et sociales
SHS4 Esprit humain, langage, éducation
SHS4_2 Psychologie
SHS4_4 Sciences et techniques des activités physiques et sportives
Activités de recherche conjointes parmi les partenaires FeDeV
1. Collaborations conjointes financées durant les 5 dernières années
ANR COMPARSE project 2012-­‐2014 : CIAMS + LIMSI/CPU + ECIPSY
PhD grant from Région Ile-­‐de-­‐France "call 2013 HANDICAP" : CIAMS + LIMSI/CPU (+ ENSTA)
Fondation Sécurité Routière SENSORIMOTO Project (2010-­‐2013) : Ifsttar -­‐ CNRS -­‐ CIAMS
ANR project « SPALIFE Spatial representations in a life-­‐span perspective : Cognitive and developmental factors in the construction of real and virtual itineraries » : LIMSI/CPU + Ifsttar-­‐LPC
PREDIT-­‐funded project called APIED (2013-­‐2015): IFSTTAR + CEA-­‐LIST
ERM 2012 (research grant) from Université Paris-­‐Sud : ORL-­‐Bicêtre + CIAMS (+ ENT Department)
ANR QuoVADis Project 2009-­‐2012: UEVE (IRA2) + Télécom SudParis (Intermedia)
IP FP7 Companionable Project (2009-­‐2013): UEVE (IRA2) + Télécom SudParis (Intermedia)
ANR TecSan, (2006/2009) : LISV + CEA LIST + AP HP R. Poincaré
AAL Mobility Motivation (2012-­‐2015) : LISV + CEREMH
2. Réponses conjointes à des AAP récents
AAP Recherche 2014 de l’Idex Paris-­‐Saclay (The Demenÿ-­‐Vaucanson Institute of Movement Sciences, DVIMS)
AAP ANR (2014)
RobotTouch (Affective Haptics in humans and robots) : LIMSI-­‐AMI-­‐CPU, CIAMS, ENSTA
LearningWell : CEA List-­‐LVIC, LIMSI-­‐AA, Telecom Sud Paris Intermedia
SmartAgeing@Home : Telecom Sud Paris Intermedia, CEA List-­‐LVIC
H2020 (2014)
SafeCare: Telecom Sud Paris Intermedia, UEVE
3. Co-­‐direction de thèses les 5 dernières années
S. Nazeer (2012), UPSud (JP Gilles, E. Martincic)/CEA-­‐LIST (JP Nikolovski)
T. Giraud (2011-­‐2014) : LIMSI-­‐CPU (JC Martin), CIAMS (B Isableu)
F. Focone (2012-­‐2015) : LIMSI-­‐CPU (JC Martin), CIAMS (B Isableu)
P. Chevallier (2013-­‐2016) : LIMSI-­‐CPU (JC Martin), CIAMS (B Isableu), ENSTA (A. Tapus)
M. Benchiheub (2013-­‐2016) : LIMSI (A. Braffort) et CIAMS (B. Berret)
M.Maison (2014): MD thesis, Medical school UPSud (Dr Le Pajolec), CIAMS(Pr Do)
B. Liacu (2009-­‐2012) : CEA LIST / CNRS L2S / SUPELEC E3S Automatic control department
M. Makarov (2010-­‐2013) : CEA LIST LRI / SUPELEC E3S Automatic control department
A. Caldas (2013-­‐2016) : CEA LIST / SUPELEC E3S Automatic control department
S. Demmel (2009-­‐2012) : IFSTTAR -­‐ LISV (E. Monacelli)
O. Galarraga (2013-­‐) : UEVE (V. Vigneron), -­‐ Telecom Sud Paris Intermedia (B. Dorizzi)
4. Publications conjointes durant les 5 dernières années (2009-­‐2014)
Publications impliquant les partenaires ECIPSY, LIMSI-­‐CPU, CIAMS Topic in Frontiers in Neurosciences (in progress) : Advances in Virtual Agents and Affective Computing for the Understanding and Remediation of Social Cognitive Disorders ; Editors : Brunet, Martin, Grynszpan, Jackson, Oker
Oker, Prigent, Courgeon, Eyharabide, Urbach, Bazin, Amorim, Passerieux, Martin & Brunet-­‐Gouet, Affective and reactive virtual agents for investigating naturalistic social cognition in schizophrenia (submitted)
Oker, Courgeon, Eyharabide, Prigent, Bazin, Urbach, Passerieux, Martin, Amorim & Brunet-­‐Gouet, When negative emotions are helpful: A pilot study with an interactive virtual agent (submitted)
Publications impliquant CIAMS & LIMSI-­‐CPU Giraud, T., Soury, M., Hua, J., Delaborde, A., Tahon, M., Gomez D.A., Eyharabide, V., Filaire, E., Le Scanff, C., Devillers, L., Isableu, B., and Martin, JC. Multimodal Expressions of Stress during a Public Speaking Task. 5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013). Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-­‐5, 2013. Published by IEEE Computer Society. (acceptance rate = 31% for oral presentations)
Giraud, T., Gomez D.A., Hua, J., Isableu, B., Filaire, E., Le Scanff, C., and Martin, JC. Assessing Postural Control for Affect Recognition using Video and Force Plates. ACII’13. 5th biannual Humaine Association Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII 2013). Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-­‐5, 2013. Published by IEEE Computer Society. (acceptance rate = 62% for poster presentations)
M. Courgeon, M-­‐A. Amorim, C. Giroux, J-­‐C. Martin (2010) Do Users Anticipate Emotion Dynamics in Facial Expressions of a Virtual Character?, in: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Computer Animation and Social Agents
Publications impliquant CIAMS & IFSTTAR
Lobjois, R., Mars, F., & Siegler, I. (2013). Simulation de conduite moto : Effets du roulis visuel sur les stratégies visuelles et le contrôle de trajectoire lors de la prise de virage. Journées Scientifiques « Deux-­‐roues motorisés », IFSTTAR, Lyon-­‐Bron, 15-­‐16 Octobre. [IFSTTAR -­‐ LEPSIS + CIAMS]
Publications impliquant LIMSI & IFSTTAR
Abbasi, S., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M. & Denis, M. (2009). Spatial problem solving: assembling three-­‐dimensional puzzles in real and virtual environments. Cognitive Processing -­‐ International Quarterly of Cognitive Science, 10, 179-­‐181. [a]
Abbasi, S., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M., & Denis, M. (2009). Assister le montage d'objets en réalité virtuelle : étude préliminaire de la résolution de problèmes tri-­‐dimensionnels en environnement réel. In actes du 5eme Colloque de Psychologie Ergonomique EPIQUE, Nice, France 28-­‐30 septembre 2009.
Boccara, V., Delhomme, P., Vidal-­‐Gomel, C., & Rogalski, J. (2011). Time course of driving-­‐skill self-­‐assessments during French driver training. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(1), 241-­‐246.
Boccara, V., Delhomme, P., Vidal-­‐Gomel, C., & Rogalski, J. (2011). Development of student drivers’ self-­‐assessment accuracy during French driver training: Self-­‐assessments compared to instructors’ assessments in three risky driving situations. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(4), 1488-­‐1496.
Boccara, V., Delhomme, P., Vidal-­‐Gomel, C., Dommès, A., & Rogalski, J. (2010). Seniors’ perceived driving skill in a postlicence train,ing program : comparison of instructors’ assesment and self assessment by seniors’age and sex. Perceptual and motor skills, 110(1), 117-­‐128.
Vezien, J.-­‐M., Ménélas, B., Nelson, J., Picinali, L., Bourdot, P., Ammi, M., Katz, B. F., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M., Pastur, L. & Lusseyran, F. (2009). Multisensory VR exploration for Computer Fluid Dynamics in the CoRSAIRe project. Virtual Reality, 13(4), 257-­‐271.
Vidal-­‐Gomel, C., Boccara, V., Rogalski, J., & Delhomme, P. (2012). What are the consequences of sharing a trainee's driving course between different trainers?. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation, 41(2), 205-­‐215.
Férey, N., Nelson, J., Martin, C., Picinali, L., Bouyer, G., Tek, A., Bourdot, P., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M., Katz, B.F.G., Ammi, M., Etchebest, C., & Autin, L. (2009). Multisensory VR interaction for Protein-­‐Docking: The CoRSAIRe project. Virtual Reality, 13(4), 273-­‐293.
Férey, N., Bouyer, G., Martin, C., Drif, A., Bourdot, P., Ammi, M., Nelson, J., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M. & Autin, L. (2009). Docking de proté́ines en Ré́alité Virtuelle : une approche hybride et multimodale. Technique et Science Informatique, 28(8), 983-­‐1015.
Publications impliquant CEA-­‐LIST & IFSTTAR
Anastassova, M., & Burkhardt, J.-­‐M. (2009). Automotive technicians’ training as a community-­‐of-­‐practice: implications for the design of an augmented reality teaching aid. Applied Ergonomics, 40, 713-­‐721 [a,b]
Zhaopeng Qiu, Adrien Escande, Alain Micaelli, Thomas Robert: A hierarchical framework for realizing dynamically-­‐stable motions of humanoid robot in obstacle-­‐cluttered environments. Humanoids 2012: 867-­‐874.
Publications impliquant LIMSI-­‐CPU & CEA LIST
Brunet, L., Megard, C., Paneels, S., Changeon, G, Lozada,J., Daniel, M.P., & Darses,.F (2013). Invitation To the Voyage: The Design of Tactile Metaphors to Fulfill Occasional Travelers’ Needs in Transportation Networks. IEEE WorldHaptics Conference 2013.
Brunet, L., Nelson, J., Megard, C., Daniel, M.P., & Darses, F. (2013). Apports de la théorie C-­‐K à l’ergonomie prospective : le cas de l’innovation dans l’assistance au déplacement piéton urbain. Congrès de la SELF 2013.
Publications involving partners CEA-­‐LIST & L2S
Makarov M., Grossard M. (2013) Modeling and Motion Control of Serial Robots with Flexible Joints, In Flexible Robotics: Applications to Multiscale Manipulations, M. Grossard, S. Régnier et N. Chaillet (Ed.), 275-­‐320.
Caldas A., Makarov M., Grossard M., Rodriguez-­‐Ayerbe P., Dumur D. (2013) Adaptive Residual Filtering for Safe Human-­‐Robot Collision Detection under Modeling Uncertainties. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM2013). Wollongong, Australia, 9-­‐12 July 2013.
Makarov M., Grossard M., Rodriguez-­‐Ayerbe P., Dumur D. (2012) Active Damping Strategy for Robust Control of a Flexible-­‐Joint Lightweight Robot. IEEE Multi-­‐Conference on Systems and Control (MSC 2012). Dubrovnik, Croatia, 3-­‐5 October 2012.
Makarov M., Grossard M., Rodriguez-­‐Ayerbe P., Dumur D. (2012) A Frequency-­‐Domain Approach for Flexible-­‐Joint Robot Modeling and Identification. 16th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID 2012). Bruxelles, Belgium, 11-­‐13 July 2012.
Makarov M., Grossard M., Rodriguez-­‐Ayerbe P., Dumur D. (2011) Generalized Predictive Control of an Anthropomorphic Robot Arm for Trajectory Tracking. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2011). Budapest, Hungary, 3-­‐7 July 2011.
Publications impliquant CIAMS & GRCTH
Prigent E, Amorim MA, Leconte P, Pradon D. (2014) Perceptual weighting of pain behaviours of others, not information integration, varies with expertise. European Journal of Pain, 18, 110-­‐119. Publications impliquant LISV & IFSTTAR
E. Monacelli, F. Dupin, C. Dumas, P. Wagstaff, “A review of the current situation and some future developments to aid disabled and senior drivers in France“, Elsevier Masson BioMedical Engineering and Research, IRBM, pp 234–239, 2009
S. Demmel, D. Gruyer, A. Lambert, A. Rakotonirainy, E. Monacelli, Empirical IEEE 802.11p Performances Evaluation on Test Tracks, IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium IV, Spain, june 2012
Publications impliquant LIMSI-­‐IBISC(IRA2)
Férey, N., Nelson, J., Martin, C., Picinali, L., Bouyer, G., Tek, A., Bourdot, P., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M., Katz, B.F.G., Ammi, M., Etchebest, C., & Autin, L. (2009). Multisensory VR interaction for Protein-­‐Docking: The CoRSAIRe project. Virtual Reality, 13(4), 273-­‐293.
Férey, N., Bouyer, G., Martin, C., Drif, A., Bourdot, P., Ammi, M., Nelson, J., Burkhardt, J.-­‐M. & Autin, L. (2009). Docking de proté́ines en Ré́alité Virtuelle : une approche hybride et multimodale. Technique et Science Informatique, 28(8), 983-­‐1015.
Malik, Q., Bouyer, G., Férey, N., "Using Conceptual Graph to embed expert knowledge in VR Interactions: Application to Structural Biology", 5th Joint Virtual Reality Conference (JVRC 2013), Campus Paris Saclay, 11-­‐13 December 2013.
Plateformes méthodologiques mutualisables par les partenaires FeDeV
2 opto-­‐electronic motion-­‐capture systems (8-­‐camera Vicon system V8i Biometrix; 10-­‐camera Optitrack S250e, Natural Point)
4 force platforms (one 90 x 180 cm, one 60 x 120 cm, two 60 x60 cm)
2 wireless ElectroMyoGraphic (EMG) devices (Aurion)
Several EMG chains
1 32-­‐electrode EEG system (Bionic, France)
3 electromagnetic 6 DOF tracking devices (2 FOB + 1 TrackStar, Ascension Technologies)
1 Haptic Device (Phantom Omni)
1 Portable Gas Analyzer (Cortex MétaMax 3B, Germany)
1 Motorized Treadmill (Lode-­‐Vaillant)
1 Motorized Treadmill with perturbations (Gymrol)
1 set of goniometers (Penny & Giles) to measure joint angles
Several 3D accelerometers (Entran)
1 system of oximetry by spectroscopy in the near infra-­‐red.
1 speed camera (ATS) (to measure and record velocity on track field).
1 locometer (TechnoConcept)
Heart-­‐rate monitor (Polar, Finland)
Three Virtools software licences (Dassault Systems)
Several E-­‐prime and ERTS Lab software licences (to generate visual stimuli, to measure reaction times, etc.)
CIAMS / LIMSI-­‐CPU 2 shared eyetrackers (desktop: EyeLink1000, SR Research ; Mobile: Tobii Glasses, Tobii)
Motion capture room with 16 Optitrack cameras, Kinect
Platform for recording avatars of real persons (face and body)
Wide screen for full body interaction with avatars
Video processing: software for video detection of approach/avoidance behaviors ; Noldus FaceReader
QSensor measuring physiological data
1 NAO humanoid robot
KAZOO, a software platform for Sign Language (SL) generation by animation of a virtual signer (3d character performing SL)
AccesSim, Wheelchair VR Simulator
3DVia Software (Dassault Systems)
Vicon Platform
Wheelchair Skill Test (WST) Plaform (with CEREMH)
Kia Carnival Instrumented (Equipped by Paravan, joystick driving solution)
Ambulatory Embedded sensors
Simulation and Modelling Tools
END ICAP, Equipe 2 (ex-­‐GRCTH)
Motion Capture Systems : active or passive system Embedded systems : inertial central, force sensors, …
Several physiological systems acquisition : respiratory (pneumotachograph …), electrophysioly (signal acquisition), EMG (wifi, …), RTMS, TDCS …
Bicêtre Hospital, ENT department team
Vestibulo-­‐Ocular Reflex analysis system: rotatory chair, high frequency vibrator, VHIT
Vestibulo-­‐Spinal Reflex analysis system: Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and subjective visual vertical
Embedded systems: VNG
Force platform shared with CIAMS
Automated test bench for sensor and actuator characterisation
CAD and electronics design tools
Rapid prototyping equipment
XDE Physics Simulation FrameWork handling:
rigid and deformable bodies, in particular cables,
multibody systems (e.g. Digital Humans) with kinematic constraints and intermittent contacts,
fluids : liquid, gas or smoke
Upper limb exoskeleton
Lower body exoskeleton
Robotic arms
EVRA Platform ("Environnement Virtuel et Réalité Augmentée”)
Two virtual reality platforms
-­‐ A semi-­‐large-­‐scale platform for user semi-­‐ immersion:
Visualization system
-­‐ 3D visualization screen (3.2 m x 2.4 m).
-­‐ 3-­‐DLP projector for active stereoscopy with high ambient light levels.
-­‐ High-­‐performance graphics and video server.
-­‐ A lightweight, portable platform:
Visualization system
-­‐ 3D visualization screen (1.5 m x 1.5 m).
-­‐ Projector for active stereoscopy.
-­‐ High-­‐performance graphics and video server.
System permitting interactivity between the two platforms
-­‐ Front-­‐positioned user motion tracking (infrared cameras, Flystick, markers).
-­‐ Spidar-­‐type force feedback systems.
Augmented reality equipment
Visualization system
-­‐ Ultralight augmented reality monocle with minicamera, VR/AR headpiece.
Localization sensors
-­‐ High precision cameras, GPS, inertial unit.
A robotic platform
-­‐ Two 6-­‐axis industrial robots, 1 ROV (underwater robot) with 2 cameras, 1 25 axis humanoïd robot.
The three robots can be maneuvered via the Internet.
Kuka KR 150 6-­‐axis industrial robot 5-­‐axis machining center 3-­‐axis Coordinate Measuring Machine Kreon 3D laser scanner Zephyr Creaform C-­‐Track dual-­‐camera sensor for dynamic tracking CAD software : Catia, Delmia, GeoMagic IFSTTAR
4 DoF motorcycle simulator
3 DoF car simulator (¼ vehicle mockup, dedicated to driving in platooning situations studies)
fixed base car simulator / pedestrian simulator (up to 10 large flat screens, motion capture, 3D rendering for frontal screen)
Récapitulatif des unités et équipes du projet FeDeV
(the team size numbers refer to permanent researchers)
Equipes de recherche en « Sciences de la Vie » Research team Principal Investigators first and (Director’s first and last last name (Position),
name), web site, team [last name alphabetic order]
Institutional partners
(2010-­‐2014 : Pr. Manh-­‐
Cuong Do ; 2015-­‐2019 : Pr. Michel-­‐Ange Amorim)
38 members
Michel-­‐Ange Amorim (Pr.)
Bastien Berret (Ass. Pr.)
François Cottin (Ass. Pr.)
Manh-­‐Cuong Do (Pr.)
Brice Isableu (Ass. Pr.)
Christine Le Scanff (Pr.)
Alexandra Perrot (Ass. Pr.)
Isabelle Siegler (Ass. Pr.)
[email protected]
CIAMS (Complexité, Innovation, Activités Motrices et Sportives = Complexity, Innovation, Motoric and Sports Activities) is a research lab investigating sports activities and human movement in a multidisciplinary perspective, in the light of the following main disciplines: neuroscience, biomechanics, physiology, psychology, and social sciences. MHAPS team (Mouvement Humain, Adaptation, Performance Motrice = Human Movement, Adaptation, Sporting Performance) will mainly contribute to FeDeV while studying the adaptations involved in human movement: whether hesitant gestures in early childhood, in healthy aged person or in the disabled individual, or mastered gesture of adults or high-­‐level sports performance.
MHAPS team, Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
neurocognitive processes of human spatial orientation; multisensory information integration ; human perception-­‐action control laws ; assessing movement efficiency (metabolic energy expenditure, fatigue, etc) ; perception and cognition of human movements (face and body) ; psychology and psychophysiology of stress ; psychosociological processes of human interactions ; predictive models of human performance ; human motor control ; biomechanics and neurophysiology of human movement ; biomechanical modeling and simulation
Versailles-­‐Saint-­‐ Quentin-­‐en-­‐Yvelines INSERM UMR END ICAP (Handicap Neuromusculaire : Physiopathologie, Biothérapie et Pharmacologie appliquées) (Pr. Luis Garcia)
Pierre Blazevic (Pr.)
Nicolas Roche (MCU-­‐PH)
[email protected]
[email protected]­‐hop-­‐paris.fr
Équipe 2
Innovantes et
Appliquées aux
EA GRCTH (au CQ 2010-­‐
(Pr. Frédéric Lofaso)
19 members
GRCTH (Handicap Technological and Clinical Research Group) is a research lab investigating to assess and improve the treatment of motor dysfunctions affecting the upper and lower limbs and the respiratory system, in patients with inappropriate muscle activity. It holds the only platform in France with appropriate equipment and trained personnel to carry out electrophysiological, 3D, biomechanical, isokinetic, and postural assessments for these patients : Biomechanical evaluation of musculoskeletal injury in patients with central nervous system (CNS) lesion, of motion and locomotion abilities : gait, wheelchair, upper limb function (grasping, reaching) ; Quantifying motor skills abilities and favor self rehabilitation program ; motor cortex and neuronal spinal circuits excitability assessment; Optoelectronic assessment of respiratory function ; Language, cognitive, visuo-­‐spatial dysfunction evaluation in patients with CNS lesion ; Computer access, augmentative communications and environmental control systems for disabled persons .
Summary table (GRCTH)
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Respiratory and Locomotor activity, CNS lesion
HANDIReSP Université
Versailles-­‐Saint-­‐ Quentin-­‐en-­‐Yvelines
(Recherches cliniques et en santé publique sur les handicaps cognitifs, Eric Brunet-­‐Gouet (M.D. PhD)
psychique et moteur) Christine Passerieux (Prof. in (Pr. Mario Speranza) Psychiatry)
(Pr. Christine Passerieux au CQ 2010-­‐2014) 16 members
Among its different themes, the ECIPSY is investigating social cognitive disorders in chronic mental illnesses. It has a long history of neurocognitive investigations in schizophrenia with neuroimaging techniques. Now, this team works on the assessment of psychological handicap, and develops new cognitive remediation programs focusing on social cognitive skills. In the future, the reorganization of the team under the direction of Prof. Mario Speranza will extend the scope of our research with the investigation of child populations with autistic and attention disorders.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Remediation and evaluation of mental disabilities (psychiatric disorders) with social cognitive impairments ;
Assessment of cognitive processes for understanding other’s actions and emotions ;
Impairment of inter-­‐individual interaction
Equipes de recherche en « Sciences pour l’Ingénieur » et « Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication » Institutional partners
Versailles-­‐Saint-­‐ Quentin-­‐en-­‐Yvelines
Research team (Director’s first and last name), web site, team size
Principal Investigators first and last name (Position),
[last name alphabetic order]
Samer Alfayad (Ass. Pr.)
Laboratoire d'Ingénierie Féthi Ben Ouezdou (Pr.)
des Systèmes de Versailles Luc Chassagne (Pr.)
(Pr. Luc Chassagne)
Sylvain Chevallier (Ass. Pr.)
Eric Monacelli (Ass. Pr.)
32 members
Amar Ramdane-­‐Cherif (Pr.)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected],
amar.ramdane-­‐[email protected]
The LISV is a laboratory of the University of Versailles (EA4048). It is composed of two teams. The first team develops researches in the field of robotics, human modelling and assistance, and healthcare problematic. The behaviour of human being, the mechanical interaction with its environment and the body models are at the heart of the concerns of the team, coupled with realization of human robot prototypes and test platforms for assisted human being, principally for mobility concerns. The second team has great experiences in the field of state-­‐of-­‐the-­‐arts sensors, instrumentation, metrology and control. It has developed a lot of sensors for physics world, but also prototype and integrated systems for moving mechanisms. For both teams, embedded solutions are priority and comparison between modelling and experimental results is fundamental.
The researchers involved in the FeDeV project are specialists mainly in robotics (modeling and prototype realization), assistive fields (design and adaptation for mobility), sensors and instrumentation.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV Simulation of the dynamic behavior and design of anthropomorphic systems (lower and upper limbs) and humanoids ; Locomotion of humanoïds, robustness of walking systems ; Modeling of external prosthesis and orthosis ;
Assistive technologies, Design /Adaptation of mobility aids ; Accessibility evaluation (VR, robotics)
Design of assessment Platform, Evaluation methods, guidance, Ambient assistance ; MultiModality interaction models ;
Development of sensors and instrumentation for robotics and physics.
L2S Univ Paris-­‐Sud, Laboratoire des signaux et Supélec
(Pr. Silviu Nicolescu)
www.lss.supelec.fr 134 members
Yacine Chitour (Pr.)
Didier Dumur (Pr.)
Maria Makarov (Ass. Pr.)
Pedro Rodriguez-­‐Ayerbe (Ass. Pr.)
Sami Tliba (Ass. Pr.)
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Among the fields of expertise of the Laboratoire des signaux et systèmes L2S are modeling, optimization and control of uncertain dynamic systems. The key research topics of the team are robustification or retuning of controllers, as a response to a strong industrial demand, as well as taking into account constraints at an early stage during the design phase of the control structure, a problem for which the team is considered to be among the leaders. More precisely, the researchers involved in the FeDeV project are specialists in predictive control and robust control theory, and control of electromechanical systems, including robotic manipulators.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Identification, control oriented models.
Soft sensors for state reconstruction (Kalman filter, observers). Control of robotic systems : trajectory tracking; collision avoidance; predictive control; optimisation; fault tolerant control; fault detection, robust control.
AA team (François Yvon) www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/aa/
www.limsi.fr 7 permanent members
AMI team
Christophe d'Alessandro
Brian Katz
[email protected]
Mehdi Ammi
Yacine Bellik
[email protected]
[email protected]
Vincent Boccara
Jean-­‐Claude Martin
[email protected]
[email protected]
Annelies Braffort
[email protected]
Christian Jacquemin
[email protected]
10 permanent members
CPU team www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/cpu/
9 permanent members
ILES team www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/iles/
13 permanent members
VIDA Action
no permanent members, 13 permanent people (mostly members of AA & AMI teams) have occasional or regular projects in the domain of VIDA
LIMSI: The Computer Science Laboratory for Mechanics and Engineering Sciences (LIMSI) is a CNRS laboratory (UPR 3251) associated with UPMC and Paris-­‐Sud Universities. The laboratory accommodates approximately 120 permanent personnel (researchers, professors and assistant professors, engineers, technicians) and about sixty PhD candidates. It undertakes multidisciplinary research in Mechanical and Chemical Engineering and in Sciences and Technologies for Information and Communication. Several research groups are involved in the FeDeV project:
The AA group (Audio and Acoustics) investigates sound from multiple perspectives : ICT, acoustics and perception.
The AMI group (Architectures and Models for Interaction) studies interaction in terms of image processing, ambient interaction, haptic communication and tactile surfaces.
The CPU group (Cognition Perception and Use) aims at exploring cognitive, perceptual and emotional processes in human agents and in computer agents.
The ILES group (Information, Written and Signed Language) addresses the analysis, understanding and production of written language, and the modelling and production of signed language.
VIDA (Virtuality, Interaction, Design and Art) is a transversal action for the promotion of research in collaboration between researchers, artists, designers and industrials.
LIMSI teams
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
analysis (movements of sound) and synthesis (movement that produces the sound) www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/ perception (perception of sound movement) of the sound dimension of movement ; aa/?set_user_lang=en
hearing and locomotion, localization of sound sources in motion, tracking and searching for objects in the space by sound, movement of sources; expressive prosody: prosody and 15
emotion, innovative movements and visual expression ; performative, instrumental or prosodic gesture ; Audio analysis-­‐synthesis : gestures of writing and oral control, synthesis voice performative (gestural control of synthesis), dynamics of the game of keyboard instruments. AMI
Mobile interaction ; ambient intelligence, locomotion assistance for the blind ; www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/ image movement analysis and tracking ; interactive visualization of temporal and ami/index.en.html
multidimensional data ; Haptic interaction, tactile interaction ; image analysis for interaction.
Computational models of personality and emotions. Virtual characters : models and tools www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/ for animation and facial / bodily expressions of emotion (MARC) ; coding schemes for the cpu/index_english.html
manual annotation of gesture phases, categories and expressivity. Automatic estimation of movement quantity, spatial expansion and approach-­‐avoidance behaviors (full body / upper body). Affective haptics. Ergonomics and professional learning tools.
Sign Language (SL) Modelling and Processing ;
www.limsi.fr/Scientifique/i Constitution, annotation and analysis of SL corpora ;
3d animation of virtual signers (virtual characters that produce SL).
Télécom SudParis
Image processing for gesture analysis ; statistical gesture analysis ;
movement qualities recognition ; design of interactive environments for collaborative and social artworks ; image synthesis for movement qualities visualizations ;
mapping between gesture parameters and visual feedback ; gestural interaction in augmented reality ; image processing based on gesture tracking ;
artistic expression based on gesture analysis (visual or musical expression).
(Bernadette Dorizzi)
« Intermedia »
7 members
Mounîm A. El Yacoubi
The “Intermedia” research team (web site: http://eph.telecom-­‐sudparis.eu/projets-­‐de-­‐recherche/intermedia/) involved in the FeDeV project has a rich expertise in human machine interaction using difference interfaces such as gesture, pen, biometric and biomedical sensors. The team addresses the stages of data acquisition, signal and image processing, classification and data fusion. The team has developed original statistical estimation and learning techniques based on Particle Filters, Neural Networks, Hidden Markov Models, Bayesian Networks or Conditional Random Fields.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Avatars personalisation ; Action and Activity recognition.
Home healthcare activity ; Gesture-­‐based communication in networked virtual environments.
Person re-­‐identification in videos ; Video indexing and retrieval through face and silhouette.
Informatique, Biologie Intégrative et Systèmes Complexes
(Saïd Mammar)
«IRA2 » team
15 members
Etienne Colle (Pr.)
Malik Mallem (Pr)
Nadia Abchiche(Ass. Pr.)
Guillaume Bouyer (Ass. Pr.)
Fakhr-­‐Eddine [email protected]­‐evry.fr
[email protected]­‐evry.fr
[email protected]­‐evry.fr
[email protected]­‐evry.fr
fakhr-­‐[email protected]­‐evry.fr
Ababsa(Ass. Pr.)
IBISC is a multidisciplinary laboratory involved in all aspects of information communications technologies (ICT) including computer science, control, mechanics and biology. Research aims at the development of computational tools to model, identify, simulate, design and validate complex systems, both natural and artificial, in the following scientific frameworks: biology, surrounding assistance to people, and independent or cooperative terrestrial and aerial systems. The IRA2 team (https://www.ibisc.univ-­‐evry.fr/en/ira2) will contribute in the DVIMS project to human robot interaction within an ambient environment and augmented and virtual reality for mobility.
The research deals with the design, realization and evaluation of assistance systems for a person in its environment (indoor or outdoor). The diversity, the complexity and the unpredictability of the environment require the use and the knowledge of artificial complex systems (sensors and heterogeneous robots) in order to provide assistance.
Main technological and scientific treated challenges contribute to improve perception, interaction and decision support for both an individual and a “robot” assistant interacting with the intelligent environment (ambient robotics). The objective is to offer multi-­‐sensory aids to the control and decision making of the person who is in immersion or semi-­‐
immersion in a virtual world (virtual reality) or in direct interaction with the real environment (augmented reality), assisted or not by one robot or more. IBISC-­‐IRA2 collaborate during last five years with LIMSI in biology field assisted by virtual reality interaction techniques. Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Ambient assistive robotics, Human robot Interaction, context adaptation, visual servoing
Augmented reality, multisensor tracking, virtual reality, multimodal and collaborative interaction
Département DIASI
(F. Gaspard)
Margarita Anastassova
Laboratoire Interfaces Sensorielles et Hanna Yousef
Jose Lozada
(Moustapha Hafez)
16 members
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Laboratoire de Robotique Interactive
(Yann Perrot)
29 members
Catherine Bidard
Franck Geffard
[email protected]
[email protected]
Alain Micaelli
[email protected]
Laurent Lucat
Régis Vinciguerra
[email protected]
[email protected]
Laboratoire Simulation Interactive
(Laurent Chodorge)
www.kalisteo.com/lsi/en 16 members
Laboratoire Vision et Ingénierie des Contenus
(Patrick Sayd)
34 members
The CEA is the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission. It is a public body established in October 1945 by General de Gaulle.
The LIST Institute of CEA (around 670 people: http://www-­‐list.cea.fr/) is a key software systems and technology research centre, working on software intensive systems areas with vital societal and economic implications. Its vocation is to help companies increase their competitiveness through technological innovation. Its activities include Robotics (LRI Lab), Virtual Reality (LSI Lab), HCI, haptics and tactile sensing technologies (LISA Lab), Knowledge Engineering, and Computer technologies (LVIC Lab). These 4 Laboratories will be involved in the FeDeV project.
CEA-­‐LIST teams
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Dedicated wireless and wearable solutions and for pedestrians indoor and outdoor localization. Haptic stimulation and measurement of physiological indicators during sports activity or in stressful situations. Designated actuator systems for stimulation of hands and skin for rehabilitation of stroke patients. Design and fabrication of flexible distributed tactile sensor systems (artificial skins) for advanced manipulation tasks for robotic hands and grippers. Design and implementation of 2D and 3D gesture recognition systems using both vision-­‐based and inertial-­‐based capture technologies combined with various classification solutions.
walking exoskeleton ; mobile robots ; dynamics interactive simulation ; haptic interaction ; force-­‐controlled actuators ; compliant and shared control of rehabilitation robotics systems; interactive dynamics simulation ; collaborative robots design (system, architecture, mechanical architecture, actuators, sensors, control, simulation).
design of anthropomorphic robotics hand and arm ; shared mode of control in assistive robotics; intention detection based on haptics.
Interactive simulation of physical phenomena (interactions with the digital mockup)
Realistic, interactive or autonomous virtual human, interacting in real time with a complex environment
Interactions (multimodal interaction, natural and contextual interaction)
3D -­‐ Localization in known environment ; 3D – Re-­‐localization in unknown environment
Augmented reality for providing environment information ; complex gesture recognition
physical behavior classification ; 3D localization for mobile robots ; Scene understanding for mobile robots (3D environment modeling, object classification) ; complex gesture recognition.
Nabil Anwer (MCF) Olivier Bruneau (Pr.) Claire Lartigue (Pr.) Sylvain Lavernhe (MCF) ENS Cachan, (Christophe Tournier) Charyar Mehdi-­‐Souzani (MCF) Univ Paris-­‐Sud Yann Quinsat (MCF) Equipe Géo3D www.lurpa.ens-­‐ Géométrie tridimensionnelle des François Thiebaut (MCF) Christophe Tournier (Pr.)
cachan.fr pièces et des mécanismes Laboratoire Universitaire de Recherche en Production Automatisée [email protected]­‐cachan.fr olivier.bruneau@u-­‐psud.fr [email protected]­‐cachan.fr [email protected]­‐cachan.fr charyar.mehdi-­‐[email protected]­‐
cachan.fr [email protected]­‐cachan.fr franç[email protected]­‐cachan.fr christophe.tournier@ lurpa.ens-­‐cachan.fr
(Yann QUINSAT) 11 members
LURPA (Laboratoire Universitaire de Recherche en Production Automatisée) was created in 1981 and was the first production research lab in the Paris Area.
The key research topic of the Geo3D team is the geometrical quality of parts and mechanisms. The research activities of the team aim at optimizing the service functions of polyarticulated systems (robots, machine tools) and parts or assemblies (aircraft structures, automobiles, molds and dies, prosthesis). In this context, the work focuses on the generation of design process, production process and manufacturing technologies, characterization of components and their interfaces, multi-­‐physical behavior of assemblies and polyarticulated systems, and qualification of 3D measurement systems. Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Shape engineering for geometrical product specification, Reverse engineering 3D measurement technologies, scanning, probing, non-­‐contact and conventional metrology Control of robotic systems: trajectory computation; collision avoidance; predictive control; optimization Prosthesis machining and polishing, additive manufacturing Equipes « Life Sciences/Engineering » research teams
Institutional partner
Research team
Principal Investigators first and last name (Position),
[last name alphabetic order]
LPC (Valérie Gyselinck)
« Laboratoire de Psychologie Jean-­‐Marie Burkhardt (Res. Dir.)
des Comportements et des Valérie Gyselinck (Ass. Pr.)
Mobilités »
jean-­‐[email protected]
[email protected]
9 members
Simulation de conduite
Stéphane Espié (Res. Dir.)
[email protected]
Régis Lobjois
[email protected]
LEPSIS (Didier Aubert)
« Laboratoire Exploitation, Perception, Simulateurs et Simulations »
27 members
IFSTTAR (The French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks) was created in 2011 19
with the merging of INRETS and LCPC. It is a state-­‐financed scientific and technological body under the dual administrative supervision of the Research and Transport Ministries. One of its missions concerns the improvement of road safety.
Improvement of road safety requires the design and tuning of validated tools for the study of the behaviour of various road users, and for the training and retraining of their abilities to achieve their displacements. For more than 20 years, this thematics has been at the core of the simulation group research activities.
IFSTTAR has designed and operated its own driving simulators since the end of the 1980s, and its expertise in this domain is internationally renowned. Car fixed base simulators are in operation in the various IFSTTAR premisses, while an innovative pedestrian simulator is in operation in the Versailles/Satory IFSTTAR premisses. These simulators are used by various researchers to conduct their own research, for instance on speed perception or driving aid devices.
At IFSTTAR, simulators are also topics of research (motion and visual rendering noticeably) and IFSTTAR designed some prototypes with motion base to investigate the interest of a motion rendering to improve simulators’ behavioural validity and/or mitigate simulator sickness syndrome. IFSTTAR collaborate for years on these topics with CIAMS. IFSTTAR teams
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Ergonomics and human factors. Cognitive and socio-­‐cognitive processes in route decision making and planning. Mental models and spatial navigation in complex environment in complex environments (various population in terms of cognitive abilities and expertise). User-­‐centered design of technology for mobility ; car driving simulator; bike simulator. Psychological processes of travel and risk behaviours. Learning and development of (eco)driving and safety competencies. Factors associated to the adoption of active transport modes (walking, cycling); Study of driving competencies after brain injury. Human factors associated with the use of self driving cars. Perception and cognition of emotion based on face movement; behavioral cues & anticipation of road users’ behavior.
Simulation de conduite
Simulators, considered as topics of research: 4 wheeled, 2 wheeled, pedestrians driving simulation architecture and techniques, low cost simulator design, motion platform. Instrumented vehicles design (2 wheeled vehicles, towards pedestrians). Road user behavior modeling and simulation. Simplified functional models for motion platforms. Dedicated low cost simulator (car, motorbike) for the measure of sleep deprivation impact. Assistive robotics in the field of automotive.
Driving/riding/pedestrian simulator validity; Behavioral validity; Psychological validity; Immersion & presence; Visual perception and motor control; Visual strategies; Mental workload; Eye-­‐related measures; Eye-­‐tracking; Joint analysis of driving behavior/performance and eye measures.
Partenaires institutionnels « Médecine » (end-­‐users) Université
Service ORL, Hôpital Bicêtre
(Pr Serge Bobin)
9 members
Christine Le Pajolec (Hosp. Practionner)
Jérôme Nevoux (Ass. Pr. & Hosp. Practionner)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Service ORL (ENT department) is a clinical research group investigating movement disorder in patient with inner ear disease and in elderly patient with normal aging. The national and international expertise on inner ear disease gives opportunity to explore and to improve with rehabilitation a great number of patients with a wild type of pathology implicate movement. The group explore visio-­‐vestibular reflex that control balance during stance and gait. The 20
explorations are performed on complex tools like rotatory chair, VEMPs and VHIT. Part of them has been obtained with grant in collaboration with FeDeV-­‐CIAMS partner. We work on fall prevention in elderly, which is a major societal problem in France and European country.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
vestibular implication in posture and movement control ; multisensory information integration ;
proprioceptive compensation ; human compensation in fall without vestibular function ; development of physiotherapist protocol in vestibular rehabilitation ; using simulation to improve movement in vestibular deficient people
CIC-­‐IT 805
Centre d’Investigation Clinique Innovation Technologique, (Pr. David ORLIKOWSKI) http://www.cic-­‐it.uvsq.fr/
6 members
Didier Pradon
[email protected]
Center for Clinical Investigation and Technological Innovation (CIC-­‐IT), is the headquarters of clinical research within the Univresity Hospital Raymond Poincaré -­‐ Garches. It is overseen of the Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-­‐HP), University of Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines and INSERM, which awarded him the label CIC-­‐IT 805 in June 2008. The CIC-­‐IT develops and conducts research in the technologies to compensate neurological and motor disabilities. The CIC-­‐IT develops translational research related to academic teams, INSERM, or any other EPST (institution public scientific and technological) involved in research on neurological disability. The CIC-­‐IT aims to provide logistical and technical support to design and implement these projects in the field of neurological disability.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
neurological disability, clinical research
Versailles-­‐Saint-­‐ Quentin-­‐en-­‐Yvelines
(Pr. Frédéric Lofaso)
Frédéric LOFASO
[email protected]
The HandiMedEx project is designed to advance the standard of care and to develop new treatments for patients with severe neurological and muscular disabilities, by federating the clinical and basic-­‐research activities of (RPCUH), Faculty of Health Sciences of Université Versailles Saint-­‐Quentin en Yvelines (UVSQ Health Science Centre ), and companion institutions.
Relevant fields of expertise for FeDeV (keywords)
Develop innovative therapeutic strategies based on the knowledge of the underlying pathophysiology of spinal cord injuries (SCI), traumatic and vascular brain injuries (BI), and acute and chronic neuromuscular diseases (NMD). Carry out clinical trials in partnership with pharmaceutical/technological industries in an international setting. Provide higher education of clinicians and researchers, as well as medical and paramedical professionals, to disseminate skills and knowhow.