In Memory of Freud


In Memory of Freud
Mario Soares
Marc Eyskens
Eliette Abécassis
Philippe Adrien
Marilia Aisenstein
Jean-François Allilaire
Lewis Aron
Jean Audouze
Christian Bataille
Maria Belo
Constance Benqué
Jeffrey Bloechl
Charles Bonaparte
Odile Bourguignon
Michel Cantal-Dupart
Jean Clair
Hubert Coudurier
Simon Critchley
Marcel Czermak
Christine Diercks
Philippe Douste-Blazy
Roland Dumas
Caroline Eliacheff
Mark Freeman
Gérald Garutti
David Goodman
Roland Gori
Patrick Guyomard
Didier Hamon
Michel Hannoun
Susannah Heschel
George Ikkos
Paul Israel
Angela Jesuino Ferretto
Richard Kearney
Julia Kristeva
Claude Landman
Patrick Landman
Hervé Le Bras
Martine Lombard
Paul Lombard
Marie Josée Lovérini
Emile H. Malet
Florence Malraux
Charles Melman
Francis Michot
Alain de Mijolla
Jacques Milliez
Catherine Millot
Jeanne Moreau
Catherine Muller
Michel Piccoli
Gérard Pommier
Marta Reineke
Jean Léopold Renard
Yves Saint-Geours
Michel Schneider
Jacques Sédat
Youssef Seddik
Hourya Benis Sinaceur
Colette Soler
Zeev Sternhell
Alfred Tauber
Caroline Thompson
In Memory of Freud
Comity In Memory of Freud for a larger and a better
gratitude towards the work of the father of psychoanalysis.
Registering Freud’s works in the “Memory of the World”
program of the UNESCO matches with at least two Freudian
lessons: a structural one and a contextual one.
The first one establishes that the subject is responsible
for her desires and for her behaviour. She gets to
choose. In consequence, uniting the singular and the
universal is possible, but not to recognize a general
feature. This union shows the most shared human fault,
for which Œdipe is a famous illustration. The one and
only unquestionable equality between humans is the
one of the fundamentally incestuous tendency to
The desire is able to separate from the religions and the
ideologies. Our current societies are directly concerned.
Freud’s theory has been misunderstood and has served
for the satisfaction of private and selfish goals. But
incorporating his work within the UNESCO patrimony
might preserve and offer it the opportunity to deliver
better effects.
In Memory of Freud ♦ 10 rue Clément - 75006 Paris - FRANCE
♦ [email protected] or [email protected] ♦
♦ Marie-José Loverini : 06 86 68 56 96 or Armêl Balogog : 01 43 25 23 57 ♦
Denis Tillinac
Denis Trierweiller
Alain Vanier
Anne Videau
Daniel Widlöcher
In Memory of Freud ♦ 10 rue Clément - 75006 Paris - FRANCE
♦ [email protected] or [email protected] ♦
♦ Marie-José Loverini : 06 86 68 56 96 or Armêl Balogog : 01 43 25 23 57 ♦

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