union bank reduces home and education loan rates


union bank reduces home and education loan rates
Mumbai, 30th November 2012: Union Bank of India has reduced Interest rates
on Home Loans above `.30.00 lakhs by 25 bps w.e.f. 29th November 2012. The
revised rates are as under:
Loan Slab
For Loans upto ` 75 lakhs
Base Rate i.e. 10.50%
For Loans above ` 75 lakhs to ` 500 lakhs
Base Rate + 0.25 i.e. 10.75%
These rates are applicable to both existing & new customers under floating
rates. Fixed rate customers can also avail the new rates by switching over to
floating rate.
Also under the Bank’s festive offer processing charges are waived.
The bank also reduced rates for education loans by 150-200 bps
Loan Slab
For Loans upto ` 7.5 lakhs
For Loans above ` 7.5 lakhs
Female Students are eligible for a concession of 0.5 % over the above rates.
While announcing the rate cut Shri Sarkar, CMD said that the reduction in
interest rate will help more people realise their dream as per the Banks
Corporate byline “Your dreams are not yours alone”.
Released on behalf of Union Bank of India by:
S. Aftab,, Corporate Communications Tel: 2202 2500 E-mail: [email protected]
Corporate Communications Division, Union Bank Bhavan, 239, Vidhan Bhavan Marg, Nariman Point, Mumbai – 400 021.
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