paris 1963... - FlightGlobal


paris 1963... - FlightGlobal
d'engins teliguides au sol ou a partir d'avions;
syst&me integre de commande et observation
d'engins; lunettes gyro-stabilisees;
pour entrainement au pilotage d'un chasseur
Dornier-Werke GmbH, Brunhamstrasse 21,
Neuaubing, near Munich, Germany. External.
In addition to the recently announced Do32
helicopter Dornier show a mock-up of a highaltitude research rocket, an improved version
of the Do28 and a Do27.
The Do32 is a collapsible, tip-driven, onem a n helicopter, for which the company have
received an airworthiness certificate. It has
been developed entirely as a private venture
and is offered for civil and military applications
in all forms of surveillance, communications
and rescue work. It is simple to fly, has
excellent autorotational characteristics and can
be folded into a container 12ft 6in long, which
could be built as a car trailer.
Powerplant is the B M W 6012L small
turbine, using any of a wide variety of fuels,
and driving a centrifugal air generator. This
supplies compressed air by flexible tubing to
a rotary seal beneath the rotor hub and thence
by further flexible pipes to the blades. There
is no anti-torque system and no mechanical
transmission as such. Blade attachment is by
swivel shafts and flexible metal straps which
provide flapping and pitch-change freedom,
without drag hinges or snubbers. The compressed air de-ices the blades.
T h e Do28 is a twin-engined development
of the Do27. Both types are remarkable for
their short-field performance and are generally
arranged as six-seaters.
The Dornier high-altitude research rocket
is something quite new and should create much
Dornier presente ses deux dernieres realisations, le petit helicoptere monoplace Do32 et
une fusee sonde. V'helicoptere
est equipe
d'une petite turbine BMW 6012L qui entraine un
compresseur assurant la propulsion a reaction
en bout des pales de rotor. II est d'un pilotage
facile et se prete a des utilisations multiples.
Dornier presente aussi une nouvelle version
du bimoteur STOL Do28 et le monomoteur
Douglas Aircraft Co Inc, 3000 Ocean Park
Boulevard, Santa Monica, California, USA.
Stand A.26.
Normal Earth gravity is replaced by " M o o n
weight" at the Douglas exhibit. Subjects in
the experiment don a harness suspended from
helium-filled balloons, thus simulating lunar
gravity conditions by dividing man's weight by
six. They are then asked to perform pushing,
pulling and agility tasks. The Moon-gravity
experiments are conducted daily. Results of
the tests will be recorded and correlated by
Douglas scientists with data collected in other
weightlessness experiments conducted by the
Douglas Missile and Space Systems Division.
The aircraft portion of the display includes
details on the new DC-9, DC-8 Jetliner,
DC-8F Jet Trader, Vespa-Jet executive transport and A-4E Skyhawk.
Other features include information on a
compact electronic device which "sees" and
identifies three-dimensional objects. Operating
on principles similar to man's neural network,
the machine, called an optical decision filter,
automatically classifies four shapes—cube,
ellipsoid, sphere and pyramid.
Models and films of space systems include
the S-IV stage of the Saturn rocket and the
Delta rocket which recently lifted its 16th
consecutive payload into Earth orbit. Douglas
is prime contractor for both of these National
Aeronautics and Space Administration rockets.
Among the diversified products on display
are a Watermaster salt water conversion unit,
an electronic stethoscope and Aircomb, a
lightweight, high-strength building material.
6 June
Sur son stand la societe ojfre une demonstration des conditions de gravite sur la lune en
reduisant au sixieme le poids d'une personne par
moyen de ballons remplis de helium.
visiteurs sont invites a participer a ces demonstrations en accomplissant des manoeuvres de
travail et les resultats sont enregistres au profit
de la division Missile and Space Systems de la
societe. Une autre realisation de la societi est
un appareil electronique capable d'identifier "a
vue" quatre formes tri-dimensionnelles: un cube,
une ellipse, une sphire et une pyramide.
films et des maquettes representent les fusees
Saturn S-IV et Delta, realises par Douglas
Aircraft pour la NASA.
comprennent: purificateurs d'eau,
electroniques et un materiel de construction a
haute resistance. Douglas des expose maquettes
des avions DC-8, DC-8F, DC-9, Vespa-Jet et
Dowty Equipment of Canada Ltd, Ajax,
Ontario, Canada. Stand C.12/8.
This company has constructed landing gear
and hydraulic equipment for such well-known
types as the Canadair CF-104 strike-reconnaissance aircraft, the K a m a n U H - 2 A helicopter, the Avro CF-100 intercepter and the
de Havilland Caribou. Equipment has included
nose gear for the CF-104, plus Dowty's
"Liquid Spring" shock absorber for the aircraft's main gear. For the CF-100 intercepter,
Dowty constructed the main landing gear and
nose landing gear, both with the "Liquid
Spring" shock absorber. In addition, the nose
landing gear features a self-contained hydraulic shimmy damping system, which can
castor through 360° and be adapted to power
steering. The K a m a n UH-2A helicopter is
fitted with fully retractable landing gear,
attached to the helicopter at the fork end bearings and by a swivelling bolt at the drag strut
end. For extending and retracting the landing
gear a hydraulically operated actuator with an
inside lock is enclosed in the main member.
Societe specialisee dans Vetude et la fabrication des equipements
d'atterrissage et amortisseurs air/liquide "Liquid
Spring" pour plusieurs types d'avions, y compris
le CF-100, le CF-104, le Caribou et I'helicopetre
Kaman UH-2A.
Replacing normal Earth-gravity by "Moon weight" (Douglas Aircraft)
Dowty Group Ltd, Arle Court, Cheltenham,
Glos, England. Stand B.4.
A selection of powered flying controls made
by Boulton Paul Aircraft Ltd is displayed, and
Dowty Rotol Ltd and Dowty G m b H are
showing the following: Vulcan 1 undercarriage; YS-11 propeller; flying control; 20ton fatigue test machine and console; steerable
nosewheel with built-in actuator; specialpurpose aircraft winch; miniature hydraulic
components; Dowty-Moog servo valves; ram
air turbine for VC10; fuel flow proportioner
for Mirage IIIV; 9in stroke automotive-type
vibrator; range of hydraulic p u m p s ; front
main undercarriage for Hawker P.l 127.
Dowty Fuel Systems show a BS.53 sectional
fuel p u m p ; Artouste fuel system; vapour core
p u m p ; guide vane control panel; selection of
burners; fuel p u m p 300; animated fuel system
diagram; two-speed mechanical governor;
BS.75 inlet guide vane controller; BS.25 pump
and governor.
Dowty Electrics Ltd show a display panel of
aircraft electrical equipment.
Une serie de servo-commandes
de vol,
fabriquee par la Boulton Paul Aircraft Ltd, est
exposee. La Dowty Group Ltd et la Dowty
GmbH exposent une large gamme de productions, y compris le train d'atterrissage
Vulcan; Vhelice du YS-11; une machine pour
essais en fatigue a 20 tonnes; un train avant
avec actionneur de direction integri; un treuil de
hissage special; des composants