en2869 french 2 - Department of English


en2869 french 2 - Department of English
City University of Hong Kong
Department of English
Aims and Objectives
This course aims at consolidating and improving what you have acquired in
“French 1” with the method “Campus 1”
Your bases of French will be reinforced and we will particularly focus on
communication in real situation.
Please fell free to ask as much as you need as this is an essential part of the learning
process. You may even want to give me your suggestions regarding the course
You can contact me by mail (mail box: Bertrand Bouvard, Department of English and
Communication) or by e-mail ([email protected])
I hope you will enjoy French this summer!
Course content
French language:
You will receive more basics French language through listening, grammar and
reading exercises. We will practice oral in French as much as we can supported by
English when needed. By the end of the course you should be able to have simple
conversation in French and understand more basics grammatical features of the
As the end of the course you should be able to:
- to count from 100 to 100,000
- know the difference between cardinal and ordinal numbers
- tell the date (days, months, seasons), the time and some words of time (today,
- ask question and answer about place/directions
- handle your way in the metro (especially in Paris)
- know some vocabulary about the different places in a city, food, family and body
- talk about your family
- talk about your health (how you feel)
- describe someone (appearance)
- know the possessives adjectives/pronouns and the disjunctive
- know some quantities (a lot of, some, a few…)
- know the partitif articles and be able to make the difference between the three
categories of French articles
- know how to use the past tense with “avoir”
- know the basics question words (what, when, how much/many, where, who, which)
Teaching materials
No book is required. Documents (on grammar and vocabulary as well as exercises)
will be given to you during the semester.
Some teaching materials (mainly links to web sites) will also be available on
Reading List
Massia Kaneman-Pougatch, Marcella Beacco di Giura, Sandra Trevisi,
Dominique Jennepin (1997). Café Crème 1. Méthode de Français. Paris :
Hachette Livre
Jacky Girardet, Jacques Pécheur (2002). Campus 1. Méthode de Français.
Cahier d’exercices. Paris : Clé International
Evelyne Bérard, Yves Canier, Christian Lavenne (1996). Tempo 1. Méthode
de Français. Paris : Didier/Hatier
Maia Grégoire (1998). Grammaire Progressive du Français. Niveau
Débutants. Paris : Clé International
Maia Gregoire, Odile Thievenaz (2003). Grammaire Progressive du Français.
Niveau Intermédiaire. Paris : Clé International
Michèle Boulares, Jean-Louis Frerot (1997). Grammaire Progressive du
Français. Niveau Avancé. Paris : Clé International
Lucile Charliac, Jean-Thierry Le Bougnec, Bernard Loreil, AnnieClaude Motron (2003). Phonétique Progressive du Français. Paris : Clé
International + CD
Claire Miquel (2001). Vocabulaire Progressif du Français. Niveau Débutant.
Paris : Clé International
Anne Lete, Claire Miquel (1997). Vocabulaire Progressif du Français. Niveau
Intermédiaire. Paris : Clé International
Claire Miquel (1999). Vocabulaire Progressif du Français. Niveau Avancé.
Paris : Clé International
A French Bookstore in Hong Kong called “Parenthèses” is located on 2/F, Duke of
Wellington House, 14 Wellington Street, Central. You can find a lot of materials there,
especially methods for learning French and dictionaries but also novels, tourists guide,
comics, books for children, magazines as well as video tape, DVD, CD, etc.
Teaching Pattern
Duration of course: 13 weeks
Current tutorial: 3 hours tutorial
Assessment Pattern
Examination duration: Nil
Percentage distribution of marks for coursework, examination, other: 100%
1. End-of –course ORAL TEST (listening and speaking comprehension) : 50 %
2. End-of-course WRITTEN TEST (grammar, vocabulary, listening and writing
comprehension) : 50%
Grading pattern: Standard (A+AA-...F)
Schedule for Tutorials
- revisions: talking about yourselves, know each other, like/dislike,
asking information about someone, counting and telephone numbers
- date (days, months, seasons)
- numbers from 100 to 100,000
- time
- asking questions about time: when/what time does…open/close?
- personal belongings: whose is this ? It is my…it is mine…
- demonstrative adjectives: this, that, these, those
- possessives adjectives (mon, ton, votre…), possessives pronouns (le
mien, le tien, le sien…) and disjunctives (moi, toi, lui…)
- prepositions of place: on, under, next to…
- asking the way: questions, answers and directions
- asking the way: questions, answers and directions (2)
- ordinal numbers (1st, 2nd, 3rd…)
- food: vocabulary and quantities (a kilo of…, a slice of…), shopping
for food (in an outdoor market)
- verbs to eat, to drink, to take, to buy, and would like
- Partitifs articles: du, de la, de l’, des
- food (2) : what do you like/dislike to eat/drink... what do you
- more about the negative sentence : anymore, never…
- quantities for food
- order in restaurant / shopping in outdoor market
- family and relatives
- describing someone: physical appearance
- vocabulary of the body
- describing someone (2)
- feeling ill: my arm hurt, I have got headache…
- body and health
- body and health (2)
- giving advice: you should…
- telling what you did in the past
- first approach of the past tense: le passé composé (with “avoir”)
End-of-term Oral test
End-of-term Written Test
Note: the schedules proposed above are tentative. It may be modified according to student
progress and time available. Suggestions for the French tutorials are welcome!
Bertrand Bouvard